


A tensor is a generalization of matrices to N dimensions. In other words, it could be:

  • 0-dimensional, represented as a scalar

  • 1-dimensional, represented as a vector

  • 2-dimensional, represented as a matrix

  • a higher-dimensional structure that is harder to visualize

The number of dimensions and the size of each dimension is known as the shape of a tensor. In ESP-DL, a tensor is the primary data structure. Every input and output of a layer is a tensor.

In 2D operations, the input tensor and output tensor of a layer is 3D. Tensor dimensions are ordered in a fixed manner, namely [height, width, channel].

Suppose we have the following shape [5, 3, 4], and the elements of this tensor would be arranged as follows:

3D Tensor

3D Tensor

Filter, Bias and Activation

Unlike a tensor, the order of a filter, bias, and activation is flexible according to specific operations.

For more details, please refer to include/typedef/dl_constant.hpp or API documentation.