How to run model


In this tutorial, we will introduce the most basic model inference process. example


Install ESP_IDF

Load model

How to load model

Get model input/output.

std::map<std::string, dl::TensorBase *> model_inputs = model->get_inputs();
dl::TensorBase *model_input = model_inputs.begin()->second;
std::map<std::string, dl::TensorBase *> model_outputs = model->get_outputs();
dl::TensorBase *model_output = model_outputs.begin()->second;

You can get the input/output names and the corresponding dl::TensorBase with get_inputs() and get_outputs() api. For more information, see dl::TensorBase documentation.


ESP-DL’s memory manager allocates a whole block of memory for each model’s input/intermediate result/output. Since they share this memory, when the model is inferencing, the later results will overwrite the previous results. In other words, the data in model_input may be overwritten by model_output or other intermediate results after the model inference is completed.

Quantize Input

8-bit and 16-bit quantized models accept inputs of type int8_t and int16_t respectively. float inputs must be quantized to the one of them according to exponent before being fed into the model. Calculation formula:



  • R is the floating point number to be quantized.

  • Q is the integer value after quantization, which needs to be clipped within the range [MIN, MAX].

  • MIN is the minimum integer value, when 8bit, MIN = -128, when 16bit, MIN = -32768.

  • MAX is the maximum integer value, when 8bit, MAX = 127, when 16bit, MAX = 32767.

Quantize a single value

float input_v = VALUE;
// Note that dl::quantize accepts inverse of scale as the second input, so we use DL_RESCALE here.
int8_t quant_input_v = dl::quantize<int8_t>(input_v, DL_RESCALE(model_input->exponent));

Quantize dl::TensorBase

// assume that input_tensor already contains the float input data.
dl::TensorBase *input_tensor;

Dequantize output

8bit and 16bit quantized model, get int8_t and int16_t type output respectively. Must be dequantized according to exponent to get floating point output. Calculation formula:



  • R’ is the approximate floating point value recovered after dequantization.

  • Q is the integer value after quantization.

Dequantize a single value

int8_t quant_output_v = VALUE;
float output_v = dl::dequantize(quant_output_v, DL_SCALE(model_output->exponent));

Dequantize dl::TensorBase

// create a TensorBase filled with 0 of shape [1, 1]
dl::TensorBase *output_tensor = new dl::TensorBase({1, 1}, nullptr, 0, dl::DATA_TYPE_FLOAT);

Model Inference
