Tensor API Reference
Tensor is the fundamental data type in esp-dl, used for storing multi-type data such as int8, int16, float, etc., similar to the tensor in PyTorch. We have implemented some common tensor operations. Please refer to the following APIs for details.
Header File
class TensorBase
This class is designed according to PyTorch Tensor. TensorBase is required to ensure that the first address are aligned to 16 bytes and the memory size should be a multiple of 16 bytes.
TODO:: Implement more functions
Public Functions
TensorBase(std::vector<int> shape, const void *element, int exponent = 0, dtype_t dtype = DATA_TYPE_FLOAT, bool deep = true, uint32_t caps = MALLOC_CAP_DEFAULT)
Construct a TensorBase object.
- 参数
shape – Shape of tensor
element – Pointer of data
exponent – Exponent of tensor, default is 0
dtype – Data type of element, default is float
deep – True: malloc memory and copy data, false: use the pointer directly
caps – Bitwise OR of MALLOC_CAP_* flags indicating the type of memory to be returned
inline virtual ~TensorBase()
Destroy the TensorBase object.
bool assign(TensorBase *tensor)
Assign tensor to this tensor.
- 参数
tensor –
- 返回
ture if assign successfully, otherwise false.
bool assign(std::vector<int> shape, const void *element, int exponent, dtype_t dtype)
Assign data to this tensor.
- 参数
shape –
element –
exponent –
dtype –
- 返回
ture if assign successfully, otherwise false.
inline int get_size()
Get the size of Tensor.
- 返回
the size of Tensor.
inline int get_aligned_size()
Get the aligned size of Tensor.
- 返回
the aligned size of Tensor.
inline size_t get_dtype_bytes()
Get the dtype size, in bytes.
- 返回
the size of dtype.
inline const char *get_dtype_string()
Get the dtype string of Tensor.
- 返回
the string of Tensor’s dtype.
inline int get_bytes()
Get the bytes of Tensor.
- 返回
the bytes of Tensor.
inline int get_aligned_bytes()
Get the bytes of Tensor.
- 返回
the bytes of Tensor.
inline virtual void *get_element_ptr()
Get data pointer. If cache(preload data pointer) is not null, return cache pointer, otherwise return data pointer.
- 返回
the pointer of Tensor’s data
template<typename T>
inline T *get_element_ptr() Get data pointer by the specified template. If cache(preload data pointer) is not null, return cache pointer, otherwise return data pointer.
- 返回
the pointer of Tensor’s data
TensorBase &set_element_ptr(void *data)
Set the data pointer of Tensor.
- 参数
data – point to data memory
- 返回
TensorBase& self
inline std::vector<int> get_shape()
Get the shape of Tensor.
- 返回
std::vector<int> the shape of Tensor
TensorBase &set_shape(const std::vector<int> shape)
Set the shape of Tensor.
- 参数
shape – the shape of Tensor.
- 返回
inline int get_exponent()
Get the exponent of Tensor.
- 返回
int the exponent of Tensor
inline dtype_t get_dtype()
Get the data type of Tensor.
- 返回
dtype_t the data type of Tensor
inline uint32_t get_caps()
Get the memory flags of Tensor.
- 返回
uint32_t the memory flags of Tensor
TensorBase *reshape(std::vector<int> shape)
Change a new shape to the Tensor without changing its data.
- 参数
shape – the target shape
- 返回
TensorBase *self
template<typename T>
TensorBase *flip(const std::vector<int> &axes) Flip the input Tensor along the specified axes.
- 参数
axes – the specified axes
- 返回
TensorBase& self
TensorBase *transpose(TensorBase *input, std::vector<int> perm = {})
Reverse or permute the axes of the input Tensor.
- 参数
input – the input Tensor
perm – the new arangement of the dims. if perm == {}, the dims arangement will be reversed.
- 返回
TensorBase *self
template<typename T>
TensorBase *transpose(T *input_element, std::vector<int> &input_shape, std::vector<int> &input_axis_offset, std::vector<int> &perm) Reverse or permute the axes of the input Tensor.
- 参数
input_element – the input data pointer
input_shape – the input data shape
input_axis_offset – the input data axis offset
perm – the new arangement of the dims. if perm == {}, the dims arangement will be reversed.
- 返回
TensorBase *self
bool is_same_shape(TensorBase *tensor)
Check the shape is the same as the shape of input.
- 参数
tensor – Input tensor pointer
- 返回
true: same shape
false: not
bool equal(TensorBase *tensor, float epsilon = 1e-6, bool verbose = false)
Compare the shape and data of two Tensor.
- 参数
tensor – Input tensor
epsilon – The max error of two element
verbose – If true, print the detail of results
- 返回
true if two tensor is equal otherwise false
TensorBase *slice(const std::vector<int> &start, const std::vector<int> &end, const std::vector<int> &axes = {}, const std::vector<int> &step = {})
Produces a slice of the this tensor along multiple axes.
The length of start, end and step must be same as the shape of input tensor
- 参数
start – Starting indicesd
end – Ending indices
axes – Axes that starts and ends apply to.
step – Slice step, step = 1 if step is not specified
- 返回
Output tensor pointer, created by this slice function
template<typename T>
TensorBase *pad(T *input_element, const std::vector<int> &input_shape, const std::vector<int> &pads, const padding_mode_t mode, TensorBase *const_value = nullptr) Pad input tensor.
- 参数
input_element – Data pointer of input tensor
input_shape – Shape of input tensor
pads – The number of padding elements to add, pads format should be: [x1_begin, x2_begin, …, x1_end, x2_end,…]
mode – Supported modes: constant(default), reflect, edge
const_value – (Optional) A scalar value to be used if the mode chosen is constant
- 返回
Output tensor pointer
TensorBase *pad(TensorBase *input, const std::vector<int> &pads, const padding_mode_t mode, TensorBase *const_value = nullptr)
Pad input tensor.
- 参数
input – Input tensor pointer
pads – Padding elements to add, pads format should be: [x1_begin, x2_begin, …, x1_end, x2_end,…]
mode – Supported modes: constant(default), reflect, edge
const_value – (Optional) A scalar value to be used if the mode chosen is constant
- 返回
Output tensor pointer
template<typename T>
bool compare_elements(const T *gt_elements, float epsilon = 1e-6, bool verbose = false) Compare the elements of two Tensor.
- 参数
gt_elements – The ground truth elements
epsilon – The max error of two element
verbose – If true, print the detail of results
- 返回
true if all elements are equal otherwise false
int get_element_index(const std::vector<int> &axis_index)
Get the index of element.
- 参数
axis_index – The coordinates of element
- 返回
int the index of element
std::vector<int> get_element_coordinates(int index)
Get the coordinates of element.
- 参数
index – The index of element
- 返回
The coordinates of element
template<typename T>
T get_element(int index) Get a element of Tensor by index.
- 参数
index – The index of element
- 返回
The element of tensor
template<typename T>
T get_element(const std::vector<int> &axis_index) Get a element of Tensor.
- 参数
axis_index – The index of element
- 返回
The element of tensor
size_t set_preload_addr(void *addr, size_t size)
Set preload address of Tensor.
- 参数
addr – The address of preload data
size – Size of preload data
- 返回
The size of preload data
inline virtual void preload()
Preload the data of Tensor.
void reset_bias_layout(quant_type_t op_quant_type, bool is_depthwise)
Reset the layout of Tensor.
Only available for Convolution. Don’t use it unless you know exactly what it does.
- 参数
op_quant_type – The quant type of operation
is_depthwise – Whether is depthwise convolution
virtual void print(bool print_data = false)
print the information of TensorBase
- 参数
print_data – Whether print the data
Public Members
int size
size of element including padding
std::vector<int> shape
shape of Tensor
dtype_t dtype
data type of element
int exponent
exponent of element
bool auto_free
free element when object destroy
std::vector<int> axis_offset
element offset of each axis
void *data
data pointer
void *cache
cache pointer, used for preload and do not need to free
uint32_t caps
flags indicating the type of memory
Public Static Functions
static void slice(TensorBase *input, TensorBase *output, const std::vector<int> &start, const std::vector<int> &end, const std::vector<int> &axes = {}, const std::vector<int> &step = {})
Produces a slice along multiple axes.
The length of start, end and step must be same as the shape of input tensor
- 参数
input – Input Tensor
output – Output Tensor
start – Starting indicesd
end – Ending indices
axes – Axes that starts and ends apply to.
step – Slice step, step = 1 if step is not specified
- 返回
TensorBase(std::vector<int> shape, const void *element, int exponent = 0, dtype_t dtype = DATA_TYPE_FLOAT, bool deep = true, uint32_t caps = MALLOC_CAP_DEFAULT)