ESP-IDF provides a set of consistent and flexible APIs to support external SPI-Ethernet modules.
This programming guide is split into the following sections:
Basic Ethernet Concepts
Ethernet is an asynchronous Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detect (CSMA/CD) protocol/interface. It is generally not well suited for low-power applications. However, with ubiquitous deployment, internet connectivity, high data rates, and limitless-range expandability, Ethernet can accommodate nearly all wired communications.
Normal IEEE 802.3 compliant Ethernet frames are between 64 and 1518 bytes in length. They are made up of five or six different fields: a destination MAC address (DA), a source MAC address (SA), a type/length field, a data payload, an optional padding field and a Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC). Additionally, when transmitted on the Ethernet medium, a 7-byte preamble field and Start-of-Frame (SOF) delimiter byte are appended to the beginning of the Ethernet packet.
Thus the traffic on the twist-pair cabling appears as shown below:

Ethernet Data Frame Format
Preamble and Start-of-Frame Delimiter
The preamble contains seven bytes of 55H
. It allows the receiver to lock onto the stream of data before the actual frame arrives.
The Start-of-Frame Delimiter (SFD) is a binary sequence 10101011
(as seen on the physical medium). It is sometimes considered to be part of the preamble.
When transmitting and receiving data, the preamble and SFD bytes will be automatically generated or stripped from the packets.
Destination Address
The destination address field contains a 6-byte length MAC address of the device that the packet is directed to. If the Least Significant bit in the first byte of the MAC address is set, the address is a multicast destination. For example, 01-00-00-00-F0-00 and 33-45-67-89-AB-CD are multi-cast addresses, while 00-00-00-00-F0-00 and 32-45-67-89-AB-CD are not.
Packets with multi-cast destination addresses are designed to arrive and be important to a selected group of Ethernet nodes. If the destination address field is the reserved multicast address, i.e., FF-FF-FF-FF-FF-FF, the packet is a broadcast packet and it will be directed to everyone sharing the network. If the Least Significant bit in the first byte of the MAC address is clear, the address is a unicast address and will be designed for usage by only the addressed node.
Normally the EMAC controller incorporates receive filters which can be used to discard or accept packets with multi-cast, broadcast and/or unicast destination addresses. When transmitting packets, the host controller is responsible for writing the desired destination address into the transmit buffer.
Source Address
The source address field contains a 6-byte length MAC address of the node which created the Ethernet packet. Users of Ethernet must generate a unique MAC address for each controller used. MAC addresses consist of two portions. The first three bytes are known as the Organizationally Unique Identifier (OUI). OUIs are distributed by the IEEE. The last three bytes are address bytes at the discretion of the company that purchased the OUI. For more information about MAC Address used in ESP-IDF, please see MAC Address Allocation.
When transmitting packets, the assigned source MAC address must be written into the transmit buffer by the host controller.
The type/length field is a 2-byte field. If the value in this field is <= 1500 (decimal), it is considered a length field and it specifies the amount of non-padding data which follows in the data field. If the value is >= 1536, it represents the protocol the following packet data belongs to. The following are the most common type values:
IPv4 = 0800H
IPv6 = 86DDH
ARP = 0806H
Users implementing proprietary networks may choose to treat this field as a length field, while applications implementing protocols such as the Internet Protocol (IP) or Address Resolution Protocol (ARP), should program this field with the appropriate type defined by the protocol's specification when transmitting packets.
The payload field is a variable length field, anywhere from 0 to 1500 bytes. Larger data packets violates Ethernet standards and will be dropped by most Ethernet nodes.
This field contains the client data, such as an IP datagram.
Padding and FCS
The padding field is a variable length field added to meet the IEEE 802.3 specification requirements when small data payloads are used.
The DA, SA, type, payload, and padding of an Ethernet packet must be no smaller than 60 bytes in total. If the required 4-byte FCS field is added, packets must be no smaller than 64 bytes. If the payload field is less than 46-byte long, a padding field is required.
The FCS field is a 4-byte field that contains an industry-standard 32-bit CRC calculated with the data from the DA, SA, type, payload, and padding fields. Given the complexity of calculating a CRC, the hardware normally automatically generates a valid CRC and transmit it. Otherwise, the host controller must generate the CRC and place it in the transmit buffer.
Normally, the host controller does not need to concern itself with padding and the CRC which the hardware EMAC will also be able to automatically generate when transmitting and verify when receiving. However, the padding and CRC fields will be written into the receive buffer when packets arrive, so they may be evaluated by the host controller if needed.
Besides the basic data frame described above, there are two other common frame types in 10/100 Mbps Ethernet: control frames and VLAN-tagged frames. They are not supported in ESP-IDF.
Configure MAC and PHY
The Ethernet driver is composed of two parts: MAC and PHY.
You need to set up the necessary parameters for MAC and PHY respectively based on your Ethernet board design, and then combine the two together to complete the driver installation.
Basic common configuration for MAC layer is described in eth_mac_config_t
, including:
: software reset timeout value, in milliseconds. Typically, MAC reset should be finished within 100 ms.eth_mac_config_t::rx_task_stack_size
: the MAC driver creates a dedicated task to process incoming packets. These two parameters are used to set the stack size and priority of the task.eth_mac_config_t::flags
: specifying extra features that the MAC driver should have, it could be useful in some special situations. The value of this field can be OR'd with macros prefixed withETH_MAC_FLAG_
. For example, if the MAC driver should work when the cache is disabled, then you should configure this field withETH_MAC_FLAG_WORK_WITH_CACHE_DISABLE
Configuration for PHY is described in eth_phy_config_t
, including:
: multiple PHY devices can share the same SMI bus, so each PHY needs a unique address. Usually, this address is configured during hardware design by pulling up/down some PHY strapping pins. You can set the value from0
based on your Ethernet board. Especially, if the SMI bus is shared by only one PHY device, setting this value to-1
can enable the driver to detect the PHY address automatically.eth_phy_config_t::reset_timeout_ms
: reset timeout value, in milliseconds. Typically, PHY reset should be finished within 100 ms.eth_phy_config_t::autonego_timeout_ms
: auto-negotiation timeout value, in milliseconds. The Ethernet driver starts negotiation with the peer Ethernet node automatically, to determine to duplex and speed mode. This value usually depends on the ability of the PHY device on your board.eth_phy_config_t::reset_gpio_num
: if your board also connects the PHY reset pin to one of the GPIO, then set it here. Otherwise, set this field to-1
ESP-IDF provides a default configuration for MAC and PHY in macro ETH_MAC_DEFAULT_CONFIG
Create MAC and PHY Instance
The Ethernet driver is implemented in an Object-Oriented style. Any operation on MAC and PHY should be based on the instance of the two.
SPI-Ethernet Module
eth_mac_config_t mac_config = ETH_MAC_DEFAULT_CONFIG(); // apply default common MAC configuration
eth_phy_config_t phy_config = ETH_PHY_DEFAULT_CONFIG(); // apply default PHY configuration
phy_config.phy_addr = CONFIG_EXAMPLE_ETH_PHY_ADDR; // alter the PHY address according to your board design
phy_config.reset_gpio_num = CONFIG_EXAMPLE_ETH_PHY_RST_GPIO; // alter the GPIO used for PHY reset
// Install GPIO interrupt service (as the SPI-Ethernet module is interrupt-driven)
// SPI bus configuration
spi_device_handle_t spi_handle = NULL;
spi_bus_config_t buscfg = {
.quadwp_io_num = -1,
.quadhd_io_num = -1,
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(spi_bus_initialize(CONFIG_EXAMPLE_ETH_SPI_HOST, &buscfg, 1));
// Configure SPI device
spi_device_interface_config_t spi_devcfg = {
.mode = 0,
.clock_speed_hz = CONFIG_EXAMPLE_ETH_SPI_CLOCK_MHZ * 1000 * 1000,
.queue_size = 20
/* dm9051 ethernet driver is based on spi driver */
eth_dm9051_config_t dm9051_config = ETH_DM9051_DEFAULT_CONFIG(CONFIG_EXAMPLE_ETH_SPI_HOST, &spi_devcfg);
dm9051_config.int_gpio_num = CONFIG_EXAMPLE_ETH_SPI_INT_GPIO;
esp_eth_mac_t *mac = esp_eth_mac_new_dm9051(&dm9051_config, &mac_config);
esp_eth_phy_t *phy = esp_eth_phy_new_dm9051(&phy_config);
When creating MAC and PHY instances for SPI-Ethernet modules (e.g., DM9051), the constructor function must have the same suffix (e.g., esp_eth_mac_new_dm9051 and esp_eth_phy_new_dm9051). This is because we don not have other choices but the integrated PHY.
The SPI device configuration (i.e., spi_device_interface_config_t) may slightly differ for other Ethernet modules or to meet SPI timing on specific PCB. Please check out your module's specs and the examples in ESP-IDF.
Install Driver
To install the Ethernet driver, we need to combine the instance of MAC and PHY and set some additional high-level configurations (i.e., not specific to either MAC or PHY) in esp_eth_config_t
: instance that created from MAC generator (e.g.,esp_eth_mac_new_esp32()
: instance that created from PHY generator (e.g.,esp_eth_phy_new_ip101()
: Ethernet driver starts an OS timer to check the link status periodically, this field is used to set the interval, in milliseconds.esp_eth_config_t::stack_input
: In most Ethernet IoT applications, any Ethernet frame received by a driver should be passed to the upper layer (e.g., TCP/IP stack). This field is set to a function that is responsible to deal with the incoming frames. You can even update this field at runtime via functionesp_eth_update_input_path()
after driver installation.esp_eth_config_t::on_lowlevel_init_done
: These two fields are used to specify the hooks which get invoked when low-level hardware has been initialized or de-initialized.
ESP-IDF provides a default configuration for driver installation in macro ETH_DEFAULT_CONFIG
esp_eth_config_t config = ETH_DEFAULT_CONFIG(mac, phy); // apply default driver configuration
esp_eth_handle_t eth_handle = NULL; // after the driver is installed, we will get the handle of the driver
esp_eth_driver_install(&config, ð_handle); // install driver
The Ethernet driver also includes an event-driven model, which sends useful and important events to user space. We need to initialize the event loop before installing the Ethernet driver. For more information about event-driven programming, please refer to ESP Event.
/** Event handler for Ethernet events */
static void eth_event_handler(void *arg, esp_event_base_t event_base,
int32_t event_id, void *event_data)
uint8_t mac_addr[6] = {0};
/* we can get the ethernet driver handle from event data */
esp_eth_handle_t eth_handle = *(esp_eth_handle_t *)event_data;
switch (event_id) {
esp_eth_ioctl(eth_handle, ETH_CMD_G_MAC_ADDR, mac_addr);
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Ethernet Link Up");
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Ethernet HW Addr %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x",
mac_addr[0], mac_addr[1], mac_addr[2], mac_addr[3], mac_addr[4], mac_addr[5]);
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Ethernet Link Down");
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Ethernet Started");
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Ethernet Stopped");
esp_event_loop_create_default(); // create a default event loop that runs in the background
esp_event_handler_register(ETH_EVENT, ESP_EVENT_ANY_ID, ð_event_handler, NULL); // register Ethernet event handler (to deal with user-specific stuff when events like link up/down happened)
Start Ethernet Driver
After driver installation, we can start Ethernet immediately.
esp_eth_start(eth_handle); // start Ethernet driver state machine
Connect Driver to TCP/IP Stack
Up until now, we have installed the Ethernet driver. From the view of OSI (Open System Interconnection), we are still on level 2 (i.e., Data Link Layer). While we can detect link up and down events and gain MAC address in user space, it is infeasible to obtain the IP address, let alone send an HTTP request. The TCP/IP stack used in ESP-IDF is called LwIP. For more information about it, please refer to LwIP.
To connect the Ethernet driver to TCP/IP stack, follow these three steps:
Create a network interface for the Ethernet driver
Attach the network interface to the Ethernet driver
Register IP event handlers
For more information about the network interface, please refer to Network Interface.
/** Event handler for IP_EVENT_ETH_GOT_IP */
static void got_ip_event_handler(void *arg, esp_event_base_t event_base,
int32_t event_id, void *event_data)
ip_event_got_ip_t *event = (ip_event_got_ip_t *) event_data;
const esp_netif_ip_info_t *ip_info = &event->ip_info;
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Ethernet Got IP Address");
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "~~~~~~~~~~~");
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "ETHIP:" IPSTR, IP2STR(&ip_info->ip));
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "ETHMASK:" IPSTR, IP2STR(&ip_info->netmask));
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "ETHGW:" IPSTR, IP2STR(&ip_info->gw));
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "~~~~~~~~~~~");
esp_netif_init()); // Initialize TCP/IP network interface (should be called only once in application)
esp_netif_config_t cfg = ESP_NETIF_DEFAULT_ETH(); // apply default network interface configuration for Ethernet
esp_netif_t *eth_netif = esp_netif_new(&cfg); // create network interface for Ethernet driver
esp_netif_attach(eth_netif, esp_eth_new_netif_glue(eth_handle)); // attach Ethernet driver to TCP/IP stack
esp_event_handler_register(IP_EVENT, IP_EVENT_ETH_GOT_IP, &got_ip_event_handler, NULL); // register user defined IP event handlers
esp_eth_start(eth_handle); // start Ethernet driver state machine
It is recommended to fully initialize the Ethernet driver and network interface before registering the user's Ethernet/IP event handlers, i.e., register the event handlers as the last thing prior to starting the Ethernet driver. Such an approach ensures that Ethernet/IP events get executed first by the Ethernet driver or network interface so the system is in the expected state when executing the user's handlers.
Misc Control of Ethernet Driver
The following functions should only be invoked after the Ethernet driver has been installed.
Stop Ethernet driver:
Update Ethernet data input path:
Misc get/set of Ethernet driver attributes:
/* get MAC address */
uint8_t mac_addr[6];
memset(mac_addr, 0, sizeof(mac_addr));
esp_eth_ioctl(eth_handle, ETH_CMD_G_MAC_ADDR, mac_addr);
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Ethernet MAC Address: %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x",
mac_addr[0], mac_addr[1], mac_addr[2], mac_addr[3], mac_addr[4], mac_addr[5]);
/* get PHY address */
int phy_addr = -1;
esp_eth_ioctl(eth_handle, ETH_CMD_G_PHY_ADDR, &phy_addr);
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Ethernet PHY Address: %d", phy_addr);
Flow Control
Ethernet on MCU usually has a limitation in the number of frames it can handle during network congestion, because of the limitation in RAM size. A sending station might be transmitting data faster than the peer end can accept it. The ethernet flow control mechanism allows the receiving node to signal the sender requesting the suspension of transmissions until the receiver catches up. The magic behind that is the pause frame, which was defined in IEEE 802.3x.
Pause frame is a special Ethernet frame used to carry the pause command, whose EtherType field is 0x8808
, with the Control opcode set to 0x0001
. Only stations configured for full-duplex operation may send pause frames. When a station wishes to pause the other end of a link, it sends a pause frame to the 48-bit reserved multicast address of 01-80-C2-00-00-01
. The pause frame also includes the period of pause time being requested, in the form of a two-byte integer, ranging from 0
to 65535
After the Ethernet driver installation, the flow control feature is disabled by default. You can enable it by:
bool flow_ctrl_enable = true;
esp_eth_ioctl(eth_handle, ETH_CMD_S_FLOW_CTRL, &flow_ctrl_enable);
One thing that should be kept in mind is that the pause frame ability is advertised to the peer end by PHY during auto-negotiation. The Ethernet driver sends a pause frame only when both sides of the link support it.
Application Examples
Ethernet basic example: ethernet/basic
Ethernet iperf example: ethernet/iperf
Ethernet to Wi-Fi AP "router": network/eth2ap
Wi-Fi station to Ethernet "bridge": network/sta2eth
Most protocol examples should also work for Ethernet: protocols
Advanced Topics
Custom PHY Driver
There are multiple PHY manufacturers with wide portfolios of chips available. The ESP-IDF already supports several PHY chips however one can easily get to a point where none of them satisfies the user's actual needs due to price, features, stock availability, etc.
Luckily, a management interface between EMAC and PHY is standardized by IEEE 802.3 in Section 22.2.4 Management Functions. It defines provisions of the so-called "MII Management Interface" to control the PHY and gather status from the PHY. A set of management registers is defined to control chip behavior, link properties, auto-negotiation configuration, etc. This basic management functionality is addressed by esp_eth/src/phy/esp_eth_phy_802_3.c in ESP-IDF and so it makes the creation of a new custom PHY chip driver quite a simple task.
Always consult with PHY datasheet since some PHY chips may not comply with IEEE 802.3, Section 22.2.4. It does not mean you are not able to create a custom PHY driver, but it just requires more effort. You will have to define all PHY management functions.
The majority of PHY management functionality required by the ESP-IDF Ethernet driver is covered by the esp_eth/src/phy/esp_eth_phy_802_3.c. However, the following may require developing chip-specific management functions:
Link status which is almost always chip-specific
Chip initialization, even though not strictly required, should be customized to at least ensure that the expected chip is used
Chip-specific features configuration
Steps to create a custom PHY driver:
Define vendor-specific registry layout based on the PHY datasheet. See esp_eth/src/phy/esp_eth_phy_ip101.c as an example.
Prepare derived PHY management object info structure which:
must contain at least parent IEEE 802.3
objectoptionally contain additional variables needed to support non-IEEE 802.3 or customized functionality. See esp_eth/src/phy/esp_eth_phy_ksz80xx.c as an example.
Define chip-specific management call-back functions.
Initialize parent IEEE 802.3 object and re-assign chip-specific management call-back functions.
Once you finish the new custom PHY driver implementation, consider sharing it among other users via IDF Component Registry.
API Reference
Header File
This header file can be included with:
#include "hal/eth_types.h"
enum eth_data_interface_t
Ethernet interface.
Reduced Media Independent Interface
Media Independent Interface
enum eth_link_t
Ethernet link status.
enumerator ETH_LINK_UP
Ethernet link is up
enumerator ETH_LINK_DOWN
Ethernet link is down
enumerator ETH_LINK_UP
enum eth_speed_t
Ethernet speed.
enumerator ETH_SPEED_10M
Ethernet speed is 10Mbps
enumerator ETH_SPEED_100M
Ethernet speed is 100Mbps
enumerator ETH_SPEED_MAX
Max speed mode (for checking purpose)
enumerator ETH_SPEED_10M
enum eth_duplex_t
Ethernet duplex mode.
enumerator ETH_DUPLEX_HALF
Ethernet is in half duplex
enumerator ETH_DUPLEX_FULL
Ethernet is in full duplex
enumerator ETH_DUPLEX_HALF
Header File
This header file can be included with:
#include "esp_eth.h"
This header file is a part of the API provided by the
component. To declare that your component depends onesp_eth
, add the following to your CMakeLists.txt:REQUIRES esp_eth
Header File
This header file can be included with:
#include "esp_eth_driver.h"
This header file is a part of the API provided by the
component. To declare that your component depends onesp_eth
, add the following to your CMakeLists.txt:REQUIRES esp_eth
esp_err_t esp_eth_driver_install(const esp_eth_config_t *config, esp_eth_handle_t *out_hdl)
Install Ethernet driver.
- Parameters:
config -- [in] configuration of the Ethernet driver
out_hdl -- [out] handle of Ethernet driver
- Returns:
ESP_OK: install esp_eth driver successfully
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: install esp_eth driver failed because of some invalid argument
ESP_ERR_NO_MEM: install esp_eth driver failed because there's no memory for driver
ESP_FAIL: install esp_eth driver failed because some other error occurred
esp_err_t esp_eth_driver_uninstall(esp_eth_handle_t hdl)
Uninstall Ethernet driver.
It's not recommended to uninstall Ethernet driver unless it won't get used any more in application code. To uninstall Ethernet driver, you have to make sure, all references to the driver are released. Ethernet driver can only be uninstalled successfully when reference counter equals to one.
- Parameters:
hdl -- [in] handle of Ethernet driver
- Returns:
ESP_OK: uninstall esp_eth driver successfully
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: uninstall esp_eth driver failed because of some invalid argument
ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE: uninstall esp_eth driver failed because it has more than one reference
ESP_FAIL: uninstall esp_eth driver failed because some other error occurred
esp_err_t esp_eth_start(esp_eth_handle_t hdl)
Start Ethernet driver ONLY in standalone mode (i.e. without TCP/IP stack)
This API will start driver state machine and internal software timer (for checking link status).
- Parameters:
hdl -- [in] handle of Ethernet driver
- Returns:
ESP_OK: start esp_eth driver successfully
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: start esp_eth driver failed because of some invalid argument
ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE: start esp_eth driver failed because driver has started already
ESP_FAIL: start esp_eth driver failed because some other error occurred
esp_err_t esp_eth_stop(esp_eth_handle_t hdl)
Stop Ethernet driver.
This function does the oppsite operation of
.- Parameters:
hdl -- [in] handle of Ethernet driver
- Returns:
ESP_OK: stop esp_eth driver successfully
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: stop esp_eth driver failed because of some invalid argument
ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE: stop esp_eth driver failed because driver has not started yet
ESP_FAIL: stop esp_eth driver failed because some other error occurred
esp_err_t esp_eth_update_input_path(esp_eth_handle_t hdl, esp_err_t (*stack_input)(esp_eth_handle_t hdl, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t length, void *priv), void *priv)
Update Ethernet data input path (i.e. specify where to pass the input buffer)
After install driver, Ethernet still don't know where to deliver the input buffer. In fact, this API registers a callback function which get invoked when Ethernet received new packets.
- Parameters:
hdl -- [in] handle of Ethernet driver
stack_input -- [in] function pointer, which does the actual process on incoming packets
priv -- [in] private resource, which gets passed to
callback without any modification
- Returns:
ESP_OK: update input path successfully
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: update input path failed because of some invalid argument
ESP_FAIL: update input path failed because some other error occurred
esp_err_t esp_eth_transmit(esp_eth_handle_t hdl, void *buf, size_t length)
General Transmit.
- Parameters:
hdl -- [in] handle of Ethernet driver
buf -- [in] buffer of the packet to transfer
length -- [in] length of the buffer to transfer
- Returns:
ESP_OK: transmit frame buffer successfully
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: transmit frame buffer failed because of some invalid argument
ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE: invalid driver state (e.i. driver is not started)
ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT: transmit frame buffer failed because HW was not get available in predefined period
ESP_FAIL: transmit frame buffer failed because some other error occurred
esp_err_t esp_eth_transmit_vargs(esp_eth_handle_t hdl, uint32_t argc, ...)
Special Transmit with variable number of arguments.
- Parameters:
hdl -- [in] handle of Ethernet driver
argc -- [in] number variable arguments
... -- variable arguments
- Returns:
ESP_OK: transmit successful
ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE: invalid driver state (e.i. driver is not started)
ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT: transmit frame buffer failed because HW was not get available in predefined period
ESP_FAIL: transmit frame buffer failed because some other error occurred
esp_err_t esp_eth_ioctl(esp_eth_handle_t hdl, esp_eth_io_cmd_t cmd, void *data)
Misc IO function of Ethernet driver.
The following common IO control commands are supported:
sets Ethernet interface MAC
argument is pointer to MAC address buffer with expected size of 6 bytes.ETH_CMD_G_MAC_ADDR
gets Ethernet interface MAC
argument is pointer to a buffer to which MAC address is to be copied. The buffer size must be at least 6 bytes.ETH_CMD_S_PHY_ADDR
sets PHY address in range of <0-31>.data
argument is pointer to memory of uint32_t datatype from where the configuration option is read.ETH_CMD_G_PHY_ADDR
gets PHY
argument is pointer to memory of uint32_t datatype to which the PHY address is to be stored.ETH_CMD_S_AUTONEGO
enables or disables Ethernet link speed and duplex mode
argument is pointer to memory of bool datatype from which the configuration option is read. Preconditions: Ethernet driver needs to be stopped.ETH_CMD_G_AUTONEGO
gets current configuration of the Ethernet link speed and duplex mode
argument is pointer to memory of bool datatype to which the current configuration is to be stored.ETH_CMD_S_SPEED
sets the Ethernet link
argument is pointer to memory of eth_speed_t datatype from which the configuration option is read. Preconditions: Ethernet driver needs to be stopped and auto-negotiation disabled.ETH_CMD_G_SPEED
gets current Ethernet link
argument is pointer to memory of eth_speed_t datatype to which the speed is to be stored.ETH_CMD_S_PROMISCUOUS
sets/resets Ethernet interface promiscuous
argument is pointer to memory of bool datatype from which the configuration option is read.ETH_CMD_S_FLOW_CTRL
sets/resets Ethernet interface flow
argument is pointer to memory of bool datatype from which the configuration option is read.ETH_CMD_S_DUPLEX_MODE
sets the Ethernet duplex
argument is pointer to memory of eth_duplex_t datatype from which the configuration option is read. Preconditions: Ethernet driver needs to be stopped and auto-negotiation disabled.ETH_CMD_G_DUPLEX_MODE
gets current Ethernet link duplex
argument is pointer to memory of eth_duplex_t datatype to which the duplex mode is to be stored.ETH_CMD_S_PHY_LOOPBACK
sets/resets PHY to/from loopback
argument is pointer to memory of bool datatype from which the configuration option is read.
Note that additional control commands may be available for specific MAC or PHY chips. Please consult specific MAC or PHY documentation or driver code.
- Parameters:
hdl -- [in] handle of Ethernet driver
cmd -- [in] IO control command
data -- [inout] address of data for
command or address where to store the data when used withget
- Returns:
ESP_OK: process io command successfully
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: process io command failed because of some invalid argument
ESP_FAIL: process io command failed because some other error occurred
ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED: requested feature is not supported
esp_err_t esp_eth_get_phy_instance(esp_eth_handle_t hdl, esp_eth_phy_t **phy)
Get PHY instance memory address.
- Parameters:
hdl -- [in] handle of Ethernet driver
phy -- [out] pointer to memory to store the instance
- Returns:
ESP_OK: success
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: failed because of some invalid argument
esp_err_t esp_eth_get_mac_instance(esp_eth_handle_t hdl, esp_eth_mac_t **mac)
Get MAC instance memory address.
- Parameters:
hdl -- [in] handle of Ethernet driver
mac -- [out] pointer to memory to store the instance
- Returns:
ESP_OK: success
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: failed because of some invalid argument
esp_err_t esp_eth_increase_reference(esp_eth_handle_t hdl)
Increase Ethernet driver reference.
Ethernet driver handle can be obtained by os timer, netif, etc. It's dangerous when thread A is using Ethernet but thread B uninstall the driver. Using reference counter can prevent such risk, but care should be taken, when you obtain Ethernet driver, this API must be invoked so that the driver won't be uninstalled during your using time.
- Parameters:
hdl -- [in] handle of Ethernet driver
- Returns:
ESP_OK: increase reference successfully
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: increase reference failed because of some invalid argument
esp_err_t esp_eth_decrease_reference(esp_eth_handle_t hdl)
Decrease Ethernet driver reference.
- Parameters:
hdl -- [in] handle of Ethernet driver
- Returns:
ESP_OK: increase reference successfully
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: increase reference failed because of some invalid argument
struct esp_eth_config_t
Configuration of Ethernet driver.
Public Members
esp_eth_mac_t *mac
Ethernet MAC object.
esp_eth_phy_t *phy
Ethernet PHY object.
uint32_t check_link_period_ms
Period time of checking Ethernet link status.
esp_err_t (*stack_input)(esp_eth_handle_t eth_handle, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t length, void *priv)
Input frame buffer to user's stack.
- Param eth_handle:
[in] handle of Ethernet driver
- Param buffer:
[in] frame buffer that will get input to upper stack
- Param length:
[in] length of the frame buffer
- Return:
ESP_OK: input frame buffer to upper stack successfully
ESP_FAIL: error occurred when inputting buffer to upper stack
esp_err_t (*on_lowlevel_init_done)(esp_eth_handle_t eth_handle)
Callback function invoked when lowlevel initialization is finished.
- Param eth_handle:
[in] handle of Ethernet driver
- Return:
ESP_OK: process extra lowlevel initialization successfully
ESP_FAIL: error occurred when processing extra lowlevel initialization
esp_err_t (*on_lowlevel_deinit_done)(esp_eth_handle_t eth_handle)
Callback function invoked when lowlevel deinitialization is finished.
- Param eth_handle:
[in] handle of Ethernet driver
- Return:
ESP_OK: process extra lowlevel deinitialization successfully
ESP_FAIL: error occurred when processing extra lowlevel deinitialization
esp_err_t (*read_phy_reg)(esp_eth_handle_t eth_handle, uint32_t phy_addr, uint32_t phy_reg, uint32_t *reg_value)
Read PHY register.
Usually the PHY register read/write function is provided by MAC (SMI interface), but if the PHY device is managed by other interface (e.g. I2C), then user needs to implement the corresponding read/write. Setting this to NULL means your PHY device is managed by MAC's SMI interface.
- Param eth_handle:
[in] handle of Ethernet driver
- Param phy_addr:
[in] PHY chip address (0~31)
- Param phy_reg:
[in] PHY register index code
- Param reg_value:
[out] PHY register value
- Return:
ESP_OK: read PHY register successfully
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: read PHY register failed because of invalid argument
ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT: read PHY register failed because of timeout
ESP_FAIL: read PHY register failed because some other error occurred
esp_err_t (*write_phy_reg)(esp_eth_handle_t eth_handle, uint32_t phy_addr, uint32_t phy_reg, uint32_t reg_value)
Write PHY register.
Usually the PHY register read/write function is provided by MAC (SMI interface), but if the PHY device is managed by other interface (e.g. I2C), then user needs to implement the corresponding read/write. Setting this to NULL means your PHY device is managed by MAC's SMI interface.
- Param eth_handle:
[in] handle of Ethernet driver
- Param phy_addr:
[in] PHY chip address (0~31)
- Param phy_reg:
[in] PHY register index code
- Param reg_value:
[in] PHY register value
- Return:
ESP_OK: write PHY register successfully
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: read PHY register failed because of invalid argument
ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT: write PHY register failed because of timeout
ESP_FAIL: write PHY register failed because some other error occurred
esp_eth_mac_t *mac
struct esp_eth_phy_reg_rw_data_t
Data structure to Read/Write PHY register via ioctl API.
Default configuration for Ethernet driver.
Type Definitions
typedef void *esp_eth_handle_t
Handle of Ethernet driver.
enum esp_eth_io_cmd_t
Command list for ioctl API.
enumerator ETH_CMD_G_MAC_ADDR
Get MAC address
enumerator ETH_CMD_S_MAC_ADDR
Set MAC address
enumerator ETH_CMD_G_PHY_ADDR
Get PHY address
enumerator ETH_CMD_S_PHY_ADDR
Set PHY address
Get PHY Auto Negotiation
Set PHY Auto Negotiation
enumerator ETH_CMD_G_SPEED
Get Speed
enumerator ETH_CMD_S_SPEED
Set Speed
Set promiscuous mode
enumerator ETH_CMD_S_FLOW_CTRL
Set flow control
Get Duplex mode
Set Duplex mode
Set PHY loopback
Read PHY register
Write PHY register
enumerator ETH_CMD_G_MAC_ADDR
Header File
This header file can be included with:
#include "esp_eth_com.h"
This header file is a part of the API provided by the
component. To declare that your component depends onesp_eth
, add the following to your CMakeLists.txt:REQUIRES esp_eth
struct esp_eth_mediator_s
Ethernet mediator.
Public Members
esp_err_t (*phy_reg_read)(esp_eth_mediator_t *eth, uint32_t phy_addr, uint32_t phy_reg, uint32_t *reg_value)
Read PHY register.
- Param eth:
[in] mediator of Ethernet driver
- Param phy_addr:
[in] PHY Chip address (0~31)
- Param phy_reg:
[in] PHY register index code
- Param reg_value:
[out] PHY register value
- Return:
ESP_OK: read PHY register successfully
ESP_FAIL: read PHY register failed because some error occurred
esp_err_t (*phy_reg_write)(esp_eth_mediator_t *eth, uint32_t phy_addr, uint32_t phy_reg, uint32_t reg_value)
Write PHY register.
- Param eth:
[in] mediator of Ethernet driver
- Param phy_addr:
[in] PHY Chip address (0~31)
- Param phy_reg:
[in] PHY register index code
- Param reg_value:
[in] PHY register value
- Return:
ESP_OK: write PHY register successfully
ESP_FAIL: write PHY register failed because some error occurred
esp_err_t (*stack_input)(esp_eth_mediator_t *eth, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t length)
Deliver packet to upper stack.
- Param eth:
[in] mediator of Ethernet driver
- Param buffer:
[in] packet buffer
- Param length:
[in] length of the packet
- Return:
ESP_OK: deliver packet to upper stack successfully
ESP_FAIL: deliver packet failed because some error occurred
esp_err_t (*on_state_changed)(esp_eth_mediator_t *eth, esp_eth_state_t state, void *args)
Callback on Ethernet state changed.
- Param eth:
[in] mediator of Ethernet driver
- Param state:
[in] new state
- Param args:
[in] optional argument for the new state
- Return:
ESP_OK: process the new state successfully
ESP_FAIL: process the new state failed because some error occurred
esp_err_t (*phy_reg_read)(esp_eth_mediator_t *eth, uint32_t phy_addr, uint32_t phy_reg, uint32_t *reg_value)
Offset for start of MAC custom ioctl commands.
Offset for start of PHY custom ioctl commands.
Type Definitions
typedef struct esp_eth_mediator_s esp_eth_mediator_t
Ethernet mediator.
enum esp_eth_state_t
Ethernet driver state.
Lowlevel init done
Deinit done
enumerator ETH_STATE_LINK
Link status changed
enumerator ETH_STATE_SPEED
Speed updated
Duplex updated
enumerator ETH_STATE_PAUSE
Pause ability updated
Header File
This header file can be included with:
#include "esp_eth_mac.h"
This header file is a part of the API provided by the
component. To declare that your component depends onesp_eth
, add the following to your CMakeLists.txt:REQUIRES esp_eth
struct esp_eth_mac_s
Ethernet MAC.
Public Members
esp_err_t (*set_mediator)(esp_eth_mac_t *mac, esp_eth_mediator_t *eth)
Set mediator for Ethernet MAC.
- Param mac:
[in] Ethernet MAC instance
- Param eth:
[in] Ethernet mediator
- Return:
ESP_OK: set mediator for Ethernet MAC successfully
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: set mediator for Ethernet MAC failed because of invalid argument
esp_err_t (*init)(esp_eth_mac_t *mac)
Initialize Ethernet MAC.
- Param mac:
[in] Ethernet MAC instance
- Return:
ESP_OK: initialize Ethernet MAC successfully
ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT: initialize Ethernet MAC failed because of timeout
ESP_FAIL: initialize Ethernet MAC failed because some other error occurred
esp_err_t (*deinit)(esp_eth_mac_t *mac)
Deinitialize Ethernet MAC.
- Param mac:
[in] Ethernet MAC instance
- Return:
ESP_OK: deinitialize Ethernet MAC successfully
ESP_FAIL: deinitialize Ethernet MAC failed because some error occurred
esp_err_t (*start)(esp_eth_mac_t *mac)
Start Ethernet MAC.
- Param mac:
[in] Ethernet MAC instance
- Return:
ESP_OK: start Ethernet MAC successfully
ESP_FAIL: start Ethernet MAC failed because some other error occurred
esp_err_t (*stop)(esp_eth_mac_t *mac)
Stop Ethernet MAC.
- Param mac:
[in] Ethernet MAC instance
- Return:
ESP_OK: stop Ethernet MAC successfully
ESP_FAIL: stop Ethernet MAC failed because some error occurred
esp_err_t (*transmit)(esp_eth_mac_t *mac, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t length)
Transmit packet from Ethernet MAC.
Returned error codes may differ for each specific MAC chip.
- Param mac:
[in] Ethernet MAC instance
- Param buf:
[in] packet buffer to transmit
- Param length:
[in] length of packet
- Return:
ESP_OK: transmit packet successfully
ESP_ERR_INVALID_SIZE: number of actually sent bytes differs to expected
ESP_FAIL: transmit packet failed because some other error occurred
esp_err_t (*transmit_vargs)(esp_eth_mac_t *mac, uint32_t argc, va_list args)
Transmit packet from Ethernet MAC constructed with special parameters at Layer2.
Typical intended use case is to make possible to construct a frame from multiple higher layer buffers without a need of buffer reallocations. However, other use cases are not limited.
Returned error codes may differ for each specific MAC chip.
- Param mac:
[in] Ethernet MAC instance
- Param argc:
[in] number variable arguments
- Param args:
[in] variable arguments
- Return:
ESP_OK: transmit packet successfully
ESP_ERR_INVALID_SIZE: number of actually sent bytes differs to expected
ESP_FAIL: transmit packet failed because some other error occurred
esp_err_t (*receive)(esp_eth_mac_t *mac, uint8_t *buf, uint32_t *length)
Receive packet from Ethernet MAC.
Memory of buf is allocated in the Layer2, make sure it get free after process.
Before this function got invoked, the value of "length" should set by user, equals the size of buffer. After the function returned, the value of "length" means the real length of received data.
- Param mac:
[in] Ethernet MAC instance
- Param buf:
[out] packet buffer which will preserve the received frame
- Param length:
[out] length of the received packet
- Return:
ESP_OK: receive packet successfully
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: receive packet failed because of invalid argument
ESP_ERR_INVALID_SIZE: input buffer size is not enough to hold the incoming data. in this case, value of returned "length" indicates the real size of incoming data.
ESP_FAIL: receive packet failed because some other error occurred
esp_err_t (*read_phy_reg)(esp_eth_mac_t *mac, uint32_t phy_addr, uint32_t phy_reg, uint32_t *reg_value)
Read PHY register.
- Param mac:
[in] Ethernet MAC instance
- Param phy_addr:
[in] PHY chip address (0~31)
- Param phy_reg:
[in] PHY register index code
- Param reg_value:
[out] PHY register value
- Return:
ESP_OK: read PHY register successfully
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: read PHY register failed because of invalid argument
ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE: read PHY register failed because of wrong state of MAC
ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT: read PHY register failed because of timeout
ESP_FAIL: read PHY register failed because some other error occurred
esp_err_t (*write_phy_reg)(esp_eth_mac_t *mac, uint32_t phy_addr, uint32_t phy_reg, uint32_t reg_value)
Write PHY register.
- Param mac:
[in] Ethernet MAC instance
- Param phy_addr:
[in] PHY chip address (0~31)
- Param phy_reg:
[in] PHY register index code
- Param reg_value:
[in] PHY register value
- Return:
ESP_OK: write PHY register successfully
ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE: write PHY register failed because of wrong state of MAC
ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT: write PHY register failed because of timeout
ESP_FAIL: write PHY register failed because some other error occurred
esp_err_t (*set_addr)(esp_eth_mac_t *mac, uint8_t *addr)
Set MAC address.
- Param mac:
[in] Ethernet MAC instance
- Param addr:
[in] MAC address
- Return:
ESP_OK: set MAC address successfully
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: set MAC address failed because of invalid argument
ESP_FAIL: set MAC address failed because some other error occurred
esp_err_t (*get_addr)(esp_eth_mac_t *mac, uint8_t *addr)
Get MAC address.
- Param mac:
[in] Ethernet MAC instance
- Param addr:
[out] MAC address
- Return:
ESP_OK: get MAC address successfully
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: get MAC address failed because of invalid argument
ESP_FAIL: get MAC address failed because some other error occurred
esp_err_t (*set_speed)(esp_eth_mac_t *mac, eth_speed_t speed)
Set speed of MAC.
- Param ma:c:
[in] Ethernet MAC instance
- Param speed:
[in] MAC speed
- Return:
ESP_OK: set MAC speed successfully
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: set MAC speed failed because of invalid argument
ESP_FAIL: set MAC speed failed because some other error occurred
esp_err_t (*set_duplex)(esp_eth_mac_t *mac, eth_duplex_t duplex)
Set duplex mode of MAC.
- Param mac:
[in] Ethernet MAC instance
- Param duplex:
[in] MAC duplex
- Return:
ESP_OK: set MAC duplex mode successfully
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: set MAC duplex failed because of invalid argument
ESP_FAIL: set MAC duplex failed because some other error occurred
esp_err_t (*set_link)(esp_eth_mac_t *mac, eth_link_t link)
Set link status of MAC.
- Param mac:
[in] Ethernet MAC instance
- Param link:
[in] Link status
- Return:
ESP_OK: set link status successfully
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: set link status failed because of invalid argument
ESP_FAIL: set link status failed because some other error occurred
esp_err_t (*set_promiscuous)(esp_eth_mac_t *mac, bool enable)
Set promiscuous of MAC.
- Param mac:
[in] Ethernet MAC instance
- Param enable:
[in] set true to enable promiscuous mode; set false to disable promiscuous mode
- Return:
ESP_OK: set promiscuous mode successfully
ESP_FAIL: set promiscuous mode failed because some error occurred
esp_err_t (*enable_flow_ctrl)(esp_eth_mac_t *mac, bool enable)
Enable flow control on MAC layer or not.
- Param mac:
[in] Ethernet MAC instance
- Param enable:
[in] set true to enable flow control; set false to disable flow control
- Return:
ESP_OK: set flow control successfully
ESP_FAIL: set flow control failed because some error occurred
esp_err_t (*set_peer_pause_ability)(esp_eth_mac_t *mac, uint32_t ability)
Set the PAUSE ability of peer node.
- Param mac:
[in] Ethernet MAC instance
- Param ability:
[in] zero indicates that pause function is supported by link partner; non-zero indicates that pause function is not supported by link partner
- Return:
ESP_OK: set peer pause ability successfully
ESP_FAIL: set peer pause ability failed because some error occurred
esp_err_t (*custom_ioctl)(esp_eth_mac_t *mac, int cmd, void *data)
Custom IO function of MAC driver. This function is intended to extend common options of esp_eth_ioctl to cover specifics of MAC chip.
This function may not be assigned when the MAC chip supports only most common set of configuration options.
- Param mac:
[in] Ethernet MAC instance
- Param cmd:
[in] IO control command
- Param data:
[inout] address of data for
command or address where to store the data when used withget
command- Return:
ESP_OK: process io command successfully
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: process io command failed because of some invalid argument
ESP_FAIL: process io command failed because some other error occurred
ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED: requested feature is not supported
esp_err_t (*del)(esp_eth_mac_t *mac)
Free memory of Ethernet MAC.
- Param mac:
[in] Ethernet MAC instance
- Return:
ESP_OK: free Ethernet MAC instance successfully
ESP_FAIL: free Ethernet MAC instance failed because some error occurred
esp_err_t (*set_mediator)(esp_eth_mac_t *mac, esp_eth_mediator_t *eth)
struct eth_mac_config_t
Configuration of Ethernet MAC object.
MAC driver can work when cache is disabled
Pin MAC task to the CPU core where driver installation happened
Default configuration for Ethernet MAC object.
Type Definitions
typedef struct esp_eth_mac_s esp_eth_mac_t
Ethernet MAC.
Header File
This header file can be included with:
#include "esp_eth_mac_esp.h"
This header file is a part of the API provided by the
component. To declare that your component depends onesp_eth
, add the following to your CMakeLists.txt:REQUIRES esp_eth
Header File
This header file can be included with:
#include "esp_eth_mac_spi.h"
This header file is a part of the API provided by the
component. To declare that your component depends onesp_eth
, add the following to your CMakeLists.txt:REQUIRES esp_eth
struct eth_spi_custom_driver_config_t
Custom SPI Driver Configuration. This structure declares configuration and callback functions to access Ethernet SPI module via user's custom SPI driver.
Public Members
void *config
Custom driver specific configuration data used by
Type and its content is fully under user's control
void *(*init)(const void *spi_config)
Custom driver SPI Initialization.
return type and its content is fully under user's control
- Param spi_config:
[in] Custom driver specific configuration
- Return:
spi_ctx: when initialization is successful, a pointer to context structure holding all variables needed for subsequent SPI access operations (e.g. SPI bus identification, mutexes, etc.)
NULL: driver initialization failed
esp_err_t (*deinit)(void *spi_ctx)
Custom driver De-initialization.
- Param spi_ctx:
[in] a pointer to driver specific context structure
- Return:
ESP_OK: driver de-initialization was successful
ESP_FAIL: driver de-initialization failed
any other failure codes are allowed to be used to provide failure isolation
esp_err_t (*read)(void *spi_ctx, uint32_t cmd, uint32_t addr, void *data, uint32_t data_len)
Custom driver SPI read.
The read function is responsible to construct command, address and data fields of the SPI frame in format expected by particular SPI Ethernet module
- Param spi_ctx:
[in] a pointer to driver specific context structure
- Param cmd:
[in] command
- Param addr:
[in] register address
- Param data:
[out] read data
- Param data_len:
[in] read data length in bytes
- Return:
ESP_OK: read was successful
ESP_FAIL: read failed
any other failure codes are allowed to be used to provide failure isolation
esp_err_t (*write)(void *spi_ctx, uint32_t cmd, uint32_t addr, const void *data, uint32_t data_len)
Custom driver SPI write.
The write function is responsible to construct command, address and data fields of the SPI frame in format expected by particular SPI Ethernet module
- Param spi_ctx:
[in] a pointer to driver specific context structure
- Param cmd:
[in] command
- Param addr:
[in] register address
- Param data:
[in] data to write
- Param data_len:
[in] length of data to write in bytes
- Return:
ESP_OK: write was successful
ESP_FAIL: write failed
any other failure codes are allowed to be used to provide failure isolation
void *config
Default configuration of the custom SPI driver. Internal ESP-IDF SPI Master driver is used by default.
Header File
This header file can be included with:
#include "esp_eth_phy.h"
This header file is a part of the API provided by the
component. To declare that your component depends onesp_eth
, add the following to your CMakeLists.txt:REQUIRES esp_eth
esp_eth_phy_t *esp_eth_phy_new_ip101(const eth_phy_config_t *config)
Create a PHY instance of IP101.
- Parameters:
config -- [in] configuration of PHY
- Returns:
instance: create PHY instance successfully
NULL: create PHY instance failed because some error occurred
esp_eth_phy_t *esp_eth_phy_new_rtl8201(const eth_phy_config_t *config)
Create a PHY instance of RTL8201.
- Parameters:
config -- [in] configuration of PHY
- Returns:
instance: create PHY instance successfully
NULL: create PHY instance failed because some error occurred
esp_eth_phy_t *esp_eth_phy_new_lan87xx(const eth_phy_config_t *config)
Create a PHY instance of LAN87xx.
- Parameters:
config -- [in] configuration of PHY
- Returns:
instance: create PHY instance successfully
NULL: create PHY instance failed because some error occurred
esp_eth_phy_t *esp_eth_phy_new_dp83848(const eth_phy_config_t *config)
Create a PHY instance of DP83848.
- Parameters:
config -- [in] configuration of PHY
- Returns:
instance: create PHY instance successfully
NULL: create PHY instance failed because some error occurred
esp_eth_phy_t *esp_eth_phy_new_ksz80xx(const eth_phy_config_t *config)
Create a PHY instance of KSZ80xx.
The phy model from the KSZ80xx series is detected automatically. If the driver is unable to detect a supported model,
is returned.Currently, the following models are supported: KSZ8001, KSZ8021, KSZ8031, KSZ8041, KSZ8051, KSZ8061, KSZ8081, KSZ8091
- Parameters:
config -- [in] configuration of PHY
- Returns:
instance: create PHY instance successfully
NULL: create PHY instance failed because some error occurred
struct esp_eth_phy_s
Ethernet PHY.
Public Members
esp_err_t (*set_mediator)(esp_eth_phy_t *phy, esp_eth_mediator_t *mediator)
Set mediator for PHY.
- Param phy:
[in] Ethernet PHY instance
- Param mediator:
[in] mediator of Ethernet driver
- Return:
ESP_OK: set mediator for Ethernet PHY instance successfully
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: set mediator for Ethernet PHY instance failed because of some invalid arguments
esp_err_t (*reset)(esp_eth_phy_t *phy)
Software Reset Ethernet PHY.
- Param phy:
[in] Ethernet PHY instance
- Return:
ESP_OK: reset Ethernet PHY successfully
ESP_FAIL: reset Ethernet PHY failed because some error occurred
esp_err_t (*reset_hw)(esp_eth_phy_t *phy)
Hardware Reset Ethernet PHY.
Hardware reset is mostly done by pull down and up PHY's nRST pin
- Param phy:
[in] Ethernet PHY instance
- Return:
ESP_OK: reset Ethernet PHY successfully
ESP_FAIL: reset Ethernet PHY failed because some error occurred
esp_err_t (*init)(esp_eth_phy_t *phy)
Initialize Ethernet PHY.
- Param phy:
[in] Ethernet PHY instance
- Return:
ESP_OK: initialize Ethernet PHY successfully
ESP_FAIL: initialize Ethernet PHY failed because some error occurred
esp_err_t (*deinit)(esp_eth_phy_t *phy)
Deinitialize Ethernet PHY.
- Param phy:
[in] Ethernet PHY instance
- Return:
ESP_OK: deinitialize Ethernet PHY successfully
ESP_FAIL: deinitialize Ethernet PHY failed because some error occurred
esp_err_t (*autonego_ctrl)(esp_eth_phy_t *phy, eth_phy_autoneg_cmd_t cmd, bool *autonego_en_stat)
Configure auto negotiation.
- Param phy:
[in] Ethernet PHY instance
- Param cmd:
[in] Configuration command, it is possible to Enable (restart), Disable or get current status of PHY auto negotiation
- Param autonego_en_stat:
[out] Address where to store current status of auto negotiation configuration
- Return:
ESP_OK: restart auto negotiation successfully
ESP_FAIL: restart auto negotiation failed because some error occurred
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: invalid command
esp_err_t (*get_link)(esp_eth_phy_t *phy)
Get Ethernet PHY link status.
- Param phy:
[in] Ethernet PHY instance
- Return:
ESP_OK: get Ethernet PHY link status successfully
ESP_FAIL: get Ethernet PHY link status failed because some error occurred
esp_err_t (*set_link)(esp_eth_phy_t *phy, eth_link_t link)
Set Ethernet PHY link status.
- Param phy:
[in] Ethernet PHY instance
- Param link:
[in] new link status
- Return:
ESP_OK: set Ethernet PHY link status successfully
ESP_FAIL: set Ethernet PHY link status failed because some error occurred
esp_err_t (*pwrctl)(esp_eth_phy_t *phy, bool enable)
Power control of Ethernet PHY.
- Param phy:
[in] Ethernet PHY instance
- Param enable:
[in] set true to power on Ethernet PHY; ser false to power off Ethernet PHY
- Return:
ESP_OK: control Ethernet PHY power successfully
ESP_FAIL: control Ethernet PHY power failed because some error occurred
esp_err_t (*set_addr)(esp_eth_phy_t *phy, uint32_t addr)
Set PHY chip address.
- Param phy:
[in] Ethernet PHY instance
- Param addr:
[in] PHY chip address
- Return:
ESP_OK: set Ethernet PHY address successfully
ESP_FAIL: set Ethernet PHY address failed because some error occurred
esp_err_t (*get_addr)(esp_eth_phy_t *phy, uint32_t *addr)
Get PHY chip address.
- Param phy:
[in] Ethernet PHY instance
- Param addr:
[out] PHY chip address
- Return:
ESP_OK: get Ethernet PHY address successfully
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: get Ethernet PHY address failed because of invalid argument
esp_err_t (*advertise_pause_ability)(esp_eth_phy_t *phy, uint32_t ability)
Advertise pause function supported by MAC layer.
- Param phy:
[in] Ethernet PHY instance
- Param addr:
[out] Pause ability
- Return:
ESP_OK: Advertise pause ability successfully
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: Advertise pause ability failed because of invalid argument
esp_err_t (*loopback)(esp_eth_phy_t *phy, bool enable)
Sets the PHY to loopback mode.
- Param phy:
[in] Ethernet PHY instance
- Param enable:
[in] enables or disables PHY loopback
- Return:
ESP_OK: PHY instance loopback mode has been configured successfully
ESP_FAIL: PHY instance loopback configuration failed because some error occurred
esp_err_t (*set_speed)(esp_eth_phy_t *phy, eth_speed_t speed)
Sets PHY speed mode.
Autonegotiation feature needs to be disabled prior to calling this function for the new setting to be applied
- Param phy:
[in] Ethernet PHY instance
- Param speed:
[in] Speed mode to be set
- Return:
ESP_OK: PHY instance speed mode has been configured successfully
ESP_FAIL: PHY instance speed mode configuration failed because some error occurred
esp_err_t (*set_duplex)(esp_eth_phy_t *phy, eth_duplex_t duplex)
Sets PHY duplex mode.
Autonegotiation feature needs to be disabled prior to calling this function for the new setting to be applied
- Param phy:
[in] Ethernet PHY instance
- Param duplex:
[in] Duplex mode to be set
- Return:
ESP_OK: PHY instance duplex mode has been configured successfully
ESP_FAIL: PHY instance duplex mode configuration failed because some error occurred
esp_err_t (*custom_ioctl)(esp_eth_phy_t *phy, int cmd, void *data)
Custom IO function of PHY driver. This function is intended to extend common options of esp_eth_ioctl to cover specifics of PHY chip.
This function may not be assigned when the PHY chip supports only most common set of configuration options.
- Param phy:
[in] Ethernet PHY instance
- Param cmd:
[in] IO control command
- Param data:
[inout] address of data for
command or address where to store the data when used withget
command- Return:
ESP_OK: process io command successfully
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: process io command failed because of some invalid argument
ESP_FAIL: process io command failed because some other error occurred
ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED: requested feature is not supported
esp_err_t (*del)(esp_eth_phy_t *phy)
Free memory of Ethernet PHY instance.
- Param phy:
[in] Ethernet PHY instance
- Return:
ESP_OK: free PHY instance successfully
ESP_FAIL: free PHY instance failed because some error occurred
esp_err_t (*set_mediator)(esp_eth_phy_t *phy, esp_eth_mediator_t *mediator)
struct eth_phy_config_t
Ethernet PHY configuration.
Public Members
int32_t phy_addr
PHY address, set -1 to enable PHY address detection at initialization stage
uint32_t reset_timeout_ms
Reset timeout value (Unit: ms)
uint32_t autonego_timeout_ms
Auto-negotiation timeout value (Unit: ms)
int reset_gpio_num
Reset GPIO number, -1 means no hardware reset
int32_t phy_addr
Default configuration for Ethernet PHY object.
Type Definitions
typedef struct esp_eth_phy_s esp_eth_phy_t
Ethernet PHY.
Header File
This header file can be included with:
#include "esp_eth_phy_802_3.h"
This header file is a part of the API provided by the
component. To declare that your component depends onesp_eth
, add the following to your CMakeLists.txt:REQUIRES esp_eth
esp_err_t esp_eth_phy_802_3_set_mediator(phy_802_3_t *phy_802_3, esp_eth_mediator_t *eth)
Set Ethernet mediator.
- Parameters:
phy_802_3 -- IEEE 802.3 PHY object infostructure
eth -- Ethernet mediator pointer
- Returns:
ESP_OK: Ethermet mediator set successfully
esp_err_t esp_eth_phy_802_3_reset(phy_802_3_t *phy_802_3)
Reset PHY.
- Parameters:
phy_802_3 -- IEEE 802.3 PHY object infostructure
- Returns:
ESP_OK: Ethernet PHY reset successfully
ESP_FAIL: reset Ethernet PHY failed because some error occurred
esp_err_t esp_eth_phy_802_3_autonego_ctrl(phy_802_3_t *phy_802_3, eth_phy_autoneg_cmd_t cmd, bool *autonego_en_stat)
Control autonegotiation mode of Ethernet PHY.
- Parameters:
phy_802_3 -- IEEE 802.3 PHY object infostructure
cmd -- autonegotiation command enumeration
autonego_en_stat -- [out] autonegotiation enabled flag
- Returns:
ESP_OK: Ethernet PHY autonegotiation configured successfully
ESP_FAIL: Ethernet PHY autonegotiation configuration fail because some error occurred
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: invalid value of
esp_err_t esp_eth_phy_802_3_pwrctl(phy_802_3_t *phy_802_3, bool enable)
Power control of Ethernet PHY.
- Parameters:
phy_802_3 -- IEEE 802.3 PHY object infostructure
enable -- set true to power ON Ethernet PHY; set false to power OFF Ethernet PHY
- Returns:
ESP_OK: Ethernet PHY power down mode set successfully
ESP_FAIL: Ethernet PHY power up or power down failed because some error occurred
esp_err_t esp_eth_phy_802_3_set_addr(phy_802_3_t *phy_802_3, uint32_t addr)
Set Ethernet PHY address.
- Parameters:
phy_802_3 -- IEEE 802.3 PHY object infostructure
addr -- new PHY address
- Returns:
ESP_OK: Ethernet PHY address set
esp_err_t esp_eth_phy_802_3_get_addr(phy_802_3_t *phy_802_3, uint32_t *addr)
Get Ethernet PHY address.
- Parameters:
phy_802_3 -- IEEE 802.3 PHY object infostructure
addr -- [out] Ethernet PHY address
- Returns:
ESP_OK: Ethernet PHY address read successfully
pointer isNULL
esp_err_t esp_eth_phy_802_3_advertise_pause_ability(phy_802_3_t *phy_802_3, uint32_t ability)
Advertise pause function ability.
- Parameters:
phy_802_3 -- IEEE 802.3 PHY object infostructure
ability -- enable or disable pause ability
- Returns:
ESP_OK: pause ability set successfully
ESP_FAIL: Advertise pause function ability failed because some error occurred
esp_err_t esp_eth_phy_802_3_loopback(phy_802_3_t *phy_802_3, bool enable)
Set Ethernet PHY loopback mode.
- Parameters:
phy_802_3 -- IEEE 802.3 PHY object infostructure
enable -- set true to enable loopback; set false to disable loopback
- Returns:
ESP_OK: Ethernet PHY loopback mode set successfully
ESP_FAIL: Ethernet PHY loopback configuration failed because some error occurred
esp_err_t esp_eth_phy_802_3_set_speed(phy_802_3_t *phy_802_3, eth_speed_t speed)
Set Ethernet PHY speed.
- Parameters:
phy_802_3 -- IEEE 802.3 PHY object infostructure
speed -- new speed of Ethernet PHY link
- Returns:
ESP_OK: Ethernet PHY speed set successfully
ESP_FAIL: Set Ethernet PHY speed failed because some error occurred
esp_err_t esp_eth_phy_802_3_set_duplex(phy_802_3_t *phy_802_3, eth_duplex_t duplex)
Set Ethernet PHY duplex mode.
- Parameters:
phy_802_3 -- IEEE 802.3 PHY object infostructure
duplex -- new duplex mode for Ethernet PHY link
- Returns:
ESP_OK: Ethernet PHY duplex mode set successfully
ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE: unable to set duplex mode to Half if loopback is enabled
ESP_FAIL: Set Ethernet PHY duplex mode failed because some error occurred
esp_err_t esp_eth_phy_802_3_set_link(phy_802_3_t *phy_802_3, eth_link_t link)
Set Ethernet PHY link status.
- Parameters:
phy_802_3 -- IEEE 802.3 PHY object infostructure
link -- new link status
- Returns:
ESP_OK: Ethernet PHY link set successfully
esp_err_t esp_eth_phy_802_3_init(phy_802_3_t *phy_802_3)
Initialize Ethernet PHY.
- Parameters:
phy_802_3 -- IEEE 802.3 PHY object infostructure
- Returns:
ESP_OK: Ethernet PHY initialized successfully
esp_err_t esp_eth_phy_802_3_deinit(phy_802_3_t *phy_802_3)
Power off Eternet PHY.
- Parameters:
phy_802_3 -- IEEE 802.3 PHY object infostructure
- Returns:
ESP_OK: Ethernet PHY powered off successfully
esp_err_t esp_eth_phy_802_3_del(phy_802_3_t *phy_802_3)
Delete Ethernet PHY infostructure.
- Parameters:
phy_802_3 -- IEEE 802.3 PHY object infostructure
- Returns:
ESP_OK: Ethrnet PHY infostructure deleted
esp_err_t esp_eth_phy_802_3_reset_hw(phy_802_3_t *phy_802_3, uint32_t reset_assert_us)
Performs hardware reset with specific reset pin assertion time.
- Parameters:
phy_802_3 -- IEEE 802.3 PHY object infostructure
reset_assert_us -- Hardware reset pin assertion time
- Returns:
ESP_OK: reset Ethernet PHY successfully
esp_err_t esp_eth_phy_802_3_detect_phy_addr(esp_eth_mediator_t *eth, int *detected_addr)
Detect PHY address.
- Parameters:
eth -- Mediator of Ethernet driver
detected_addr -- [out] a valid address after detection
- Returns:
ESP_OK: detect phy address successfully
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: invalid parameter
ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND: can't detect any PHY device
ESP_FAIL: detect phy address failed because some error occurred
esp_err_t esp_eth_phy_802_3_basic_phy_init(phy_802_3_t *phy_802_3)
Performs basic PHY chip initialization.
It should be called as the first function in PHY specific driver instance
- Parameters:
phy_802_3 -- IEEE 802.3 PHY object infostructure
- Returns:
ESP_OK: initialized Ethernet PHY successfully
ESP_FAIL: initialization of Ethernet PHY failed because some error occurred
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: invalid argument
ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND: PHY device not detected
ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT: MII Management read/write operation timeout
ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE: PHY is in invalid state to perform requested operation
esp_err_t esp_eth_phy_802_3_basic_phy_deinit(phy_802_3_t *phy_802_3)
Performs basic PHY chip de-initialization.
It should be called as the last function in PHY specific driver instance
- Parameters:
phy_802_3 -- IEEE 802.3 PHY object infostructure
- Returns:
ESP_OK: de-initialized Ethernet PHY successfully
ESP_FAIL: de-initialization of Ethernet PHY failed because some error occurred
ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT: MII Management read/write operation timeout
ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE: PHY is in invalid state to perform requested operation
esp_err_t esp_eth_phy_802_3_read_oui(phy_802_3_t *phy_802_3, uint32_t *oui)
Reads raw content of OUI field.
- Parameters:
phy_802_3 -- IEEE 802.3 PHY object infostructure
oui -- [out] OUI value
- Returns:
ESP_OK: OUI field read successfully
ESP_FAIL: OUI field read failed because some error occurred
argumentESP_ERR_TIMEOUT: MII Management read/write operation timeout
ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE: PHY is in invalid state to perform requested operation
esp_err_t esp_eth_phy_802_3_read_manufac_info(phy_802_3_t *phy_802_3, uint8_t *model, uint8_t *rev)
Reads manufacturer’s model and revision number.
- Parameters:
phy_802_3 -- IEEE 802.3 PHY object infostructure
model -- [out] Manufacturer’s model number (can be NULL when not required)
rev -- [out] Manufacturer’s revision number (can be NULL when not required)
- Returns:
ESP_OK: Manufacturer’s info read successfully
ESP_FAIL: Manufacturer’s info read failed because some error occurred
ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT: MII Management read/write operation timeout
ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE: PHY is in invalid state to perform requested operation
esp_err_t esp_eth_phy_802_3_get_mmd_addr(phy_802_3_t *phy_802_3, uint8_t devaddr, uint16_t *mmd_addr)
Reads MDIO device's internal address register.
- Parameters:
phy_802_3 -- IEEE 802.3 PHY object infostructure
devaddr -- Address of MDIO device
mmd_addr -- [out] Current address stored in device's register
- Returns:
ESP_OK: Address register read successfully
ESP_FAIL: Address register read failed because of some error occurred
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: Device address provided is out of range (hardware limits device address to 5 bits)
esp_err_t esp_eth_phy_802_3_set_mmd_addr(phy_802_3_t *phy_802_3, uint8_t devaddr, uint16_t mmd_addr)
Write to DIO device's internal address register.
- Parameters:
phy_802_3 -- IEEE 802.3 PHY object infostructure
devaddr -- Address of MDIO device
mmd_addr -- [out] New value of MDIO device's address register value
- Returns:
ESP_OK: Address register written to successfully
ESP_FAIL: Address register write failed because of some error occurred
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: Device address provided is out of range (hardware limits device address to 5 bits)
esp_err_t esp_eth_phy_802_3_read_mmd_data(phy_802_3_t *phy_802_3, uint8_t devaddr, esp_eth_phy_802_3_mmd_func_t function, uint32_t *data)
Read data of MDIO device's memory at address register.
- Parameters:
phy_802_3 -- IEEE 802.3 PHY object infostructure
devaddr -- Address of MDIO device
function -- MMD function
data -- [out] Data read from the device's memory
- Returns:
ESP_OK: Memory read successfully
ESP_FAIL: Memory read failed because of some error occurred
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: Device address provided is out of range (hardware limits device address to 5 bits) or MMD access function is invalid
esp_err_t esp_eth_phy_802_3_write_mmd_data(phy_802_3_t *phy_802_3, uint8_t devaddr, esp_eth_phy_802_3_mmd_func_t function, uint32_t data)
Write data to MDIO device's memory at address register.
- Parameters:
phy_802_3 -- IEEE 802.3 PHY object infostructure
devaddr -- Address of MDIO device
function -- MMD function
data -- [out] Data to write to the device's memory
- Returns:
ESP_OK: Memory written successfully
ESP_FAIL: Memory write failed because of some error occurred
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: Device address provided is out of range (hardware limits device address to 5 bits) or MMD access function is invalid
esp_err_t esp_eth_phy_802_3_read_mmd_register(phy_802_3_t *phy_802_3, uint8_t devaddr, uint16_t mmd_addr, uint32_t *data)
Set MMD address to mmd_addr with function MMD_FUNC_NOINCR and read contents to *data.
- Parameters:
phy_802_3 -- IEEE 802.3 PHY object infostructure
devaddr -- Address of MDIO device
mmd_addr -- Address of MDIO device register
data -- [out] Data read from the device's memory
- Returns:
ESP_OK: Memory read successfully
ESP_FAIL: Memory read failed because of some error occurred
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: Device address provided is out of range (hardware limits device address to 5 bits)
esp_err_t esp_eth_phy_802_3_write_mmd_register(phy_802_3_t *phy_802_3, uint8_t devaddr, uint16_t mmd_addr, uint32_t data)
Set MMD address to mmd_addr with function MMD_FUNC_NOINCR and write data.
- Parameters:
phy_802_3 -- IEEE 802.3 PHY object infostructure
devaddr -- Address of MDIO device
mmd_addr -- Address of MDIO device register
data -- [out] Data to write to the device's memory
- Returns:
ESP_OK: Memory written to successfully
ESP_FAIL: Memory write failed because of some error occurred
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: Device address provided is out of range (hardware limits device address to 5 bits)
inline phy_802_3_t *esp_eth_phy_into_phy_802_3(esp_eth_phy_t *phy)
Returns address to parent IEEE 802.3 PHY object infostructure.
- Parameters:
phy -- Ethernet PHY instance
- Returns:
address to parent IEEE 802.3 PHY object infostructure
esp_err_t esp_eth_phy_802_3_obj_config_init(phy_802_3_t *phy_802_3, const eth_phy_config_t *config)
Initializes configuration of parent IEEE 802.3 PHY object infostructure.
- Parameters:
phy_802_3 -- Address to IEEE 802.3 PHY object infostructure
config -- Configuration of the IEEE 802.3 PHY object
- Returns:
ESP_OK: configuration initialized successfully
struct phy_802_3_t
IEEE 802.3 PHY object infostructure.
Public Members
esp_eth_phy_t parent
Parent Ethernet PHY instance
esp_eth_mediator_t *eth
Mediator of Ethernet driver
int addr
PHY address
uint32_t reset_timeout_ms
Reset timeout value (Unit: ms)
uint32_t autonego_timeout_ms
Auto-negotiation timeout value (Unit: ms)
eth_link_t link_status
Current Link status
int reset_gpio_num
Reset GPIO number, -1 means no hardware reset
esp_eth_phy_t parent
Header File
This header file can be included with:
#include "esp_eth_netif_glue.h"
This header file is a part of the API provided by the
component. To declare that your component depends onesp_eth
, add the following to your CMakeLists.txt:REQUIRES esp_eth
esp_eth_netif_glue_handle_t esp_eth_new_netif_glue(esp_eth_handle_t eth_hdl)
Create a netif glue for Ethernet driver.
netif glue is used to attach io driver to TCP/IP netif
- Parameters:
eth_hdl -- Ethernet driver handle
- Returns:
glue object, which inherits esp_netif_driver_base_t
esp_err_t esp_eth_del_netif_glue(esp_eth_netif_glue_handle_t eth_netif_glue)
Delete netif glue of Ethernet driver.
- Parameters:
eth_netif_glue -- netif glue
- Returns:
-ESP_OK: delete netif glue successfully
Type Definitions
typedef struct esp_eth_netif_glue_t *esp_eth_netif_glue_handle_t
Handle of netif glue - an intermediate layer between netif and Ethernet driver.