
You are reading the documentation for a pre-release version. The latest stable version is v5.4

NVS Bootloader



This guide provides an overview of the NVS functionality available for custom bootloader code, along with its limitations.

Due to the constraints of the bootloader runtime environment, custom bootloader code cannot use the full NVS API directly. Instead, NVS provides a simplified API that offers read-only access to NVS data.

The API supports reading all NVS datatypes except for blobs. One call to the API can read multiple NVS entries at once. Values can be read from different namespaces within the same NVS partition. The array of input-output structures serves as placeholders for the data read from NVS, with a fixed size of up to 8 bytes.

To read string entries, the API requires the caller to provide a buffer and its size, due to the heap memory allocation restriction in the bootloader.

Application Example

You can find code examples in the storage directory of ESP-IDF examples:


This section demonstrates how to prepare data in the input-output structure for various data types, namespaces, and keys. It includes an example of reading string data from NVS.

The example also shows how to check if a read operation was successful, or if there were inconsistencies in the data or if certain values were not found in NVS. The example prints the values (or error codes) returned by the API to the console.

API Reference

Header File

  • components/nvs_flash/include/nvs_bootloader.h

  • This header file can be included with:

    #include "nvs_bootloader.h"
  • This header file is a part of the API provided by the nvs_flash component. To declare that your component depends on nvs_flash, add the following to your CMakeLists.txt:

    REQUIRES nvs_flash


    PRIV_REQUIRES nvs_flash


esp_err_t nvs_bootloader_read(const char *partition_name, const size_t read_list_count, nvs_bootloader_read_list_t read_list[])

Reads data specified from the specified NVS partition.

This function reads data from the NVS partition specified by partition_name. Multiple NVS entries can be read in a single call. The list of entries to read is specified in the read_list array. Function indicates overall success or failure by its return value. In case it is ESP_OK or ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, result of validation / reading of individual entry is returned in the result_code member of each element of the read_list array.

  • partition_name -- The name of the NVS partition to read from.

  • read_list_count -- The number of elements in the read_list array.

  • read_list -- An array of nvs_bootloader_read_list_t structures specifying the keys and buffers for reading data.


The return value of the function in this file can be one of the following:

  • ESP_OK: The function successfully checked all input parameters and executed successfully. The individual result_code in read_list indicates the result of the lookup for a particular requested key.

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: The validity of all read_list input parameters was checked and failed for at least one of the parameters. The individual result_code in read_list provides the detailed reason. This error code is also returned when read_list is null or read_list_count is 0.

  • ESP_ERR_NVS_INVALID_NAME: The partition name specified is too long or is null.

  • ESP_ERR_NVS_PART_NOT_FOUND: The partition was not found in the partition table.

  • ESP_ERR_NVS_CORRUPT_KEY_PART: Encryption-related problems.

  • ESP_ERR_NVS_WRONG_ENCRYPTION: Encryption-related problems.

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE: NVS partition or pages related errors - wrong size of partition, header inconsistent / entries inconsistencies, multiple active pages, page in state INVALID.

  • ESP_ERR_NO_MEM: Cannot allocate memory required to perform the function.

  • Technical errors in underlying storage.


union nvs_bootloader_value_placeholder_t
#include <nvs_bootloader.h>

Union of value placeholders for all nvs_type_t supported by bootloader code.

Public Members

uint8_t u8_val

Placeholder for unsigned 8 bit integer variable

int8_t i8_val

Placeholder for signed 8 bit integer variable

uint16_t u16_val

Placeholder for unsigned 16 bit integer variable

int16_t i16_val

Placeholder for signed 16 bit integer variable

uint32_t u32_val

Placeholder for unsigned 32 bit integer variable

int32_t i32_val

Placeholder for signed 32 bit integer variable

uint64_t u64_val

Placeholder for unsigned 64 bit integer variable

int64_t i64_val

Placeholder for signed 64 bit integer variable

nvs_bootloader_str_value_placeholder_t str_val

Placeholder for string buffer information


struct nvs_bootloader_str_value_placeholder_t

Placeholders for buffer pointer and length of string type.

Public Members

char *buff_ptr

Pointer to the buffer where string and terminating zero character will be read

size_t buff_len

Buffer length in bytes

struct nvs_bootloader_read_list_t

Structure representing one NVS bootloader entry.

This structure serves as read operation input parameters and result value and status placeholder. Before calling the nvs_bootloader_read function, populate the namespace_name, key_name and value_type members. If string value has to be read, provide also buffer and its length in the value.str_val member.

The result_code member will be populated by the function with the result of the read operation. There are 2 possible situations and interpretations of the result_code: If the return value of the nvs_bootloader_read was ESP_OK, the result_code will be one of the following:

  • ESP_OK: Entry found, value member contains the data. This is the only case when the value member is populated.

  • ESP_ERR_NVS_TYPE_MISMATCH: Entry was found, but requested datatype doesn't match datatype found in NVS

  • ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND: Data was not found.

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_SIZE: the value found for string is longer than the space provided in placeholder (str_val.buff_len) If the return value of the function was ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG, the result_code will be one of the following:

  • ESP_ERR_NVS_NOT_FOUND: Check of this parameters was successful.

  • ESP_ERR_NVS_INVALID_NAME: namespace_name is NULL or too long

  • ESP_ERR_NVS_KEY_TOO_LONG: key_name NULL or too long

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_SIZE: the size of the buffer provided for NVS_TYPE_STR in placeholder (str_val.buff_len) is zero or exceeds maximum value NVS_CONST_STR_LEN_MAX_SIZE

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: Invalid datatype requested

Public Members

const char *namespace_name

Namespace of the entry

const char *key_name

Key of the entry

nvs_type_t value_type

Expected datatype to be read, can be any of NVS_TYPE_U*, NVS_TYPE_I* or NVS_TYPE_STR

esp_err_t result_code

Result code of this entry. Explanation is in general description of the struct nvs_bootloader_read_list_t

nvs_bootloader_value_placeholder_t value

Placeholder for value read

uint8_t namespace_index

Index of the namespace (internal variable, do not use)

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