
You are reading the documentation for a pre-release version. The latest stable version is v5.4



Inter-Processor Call

IPC (Inter-Processor Call) feature is no longer a stand-alone component and has been integrated into the esp_system component.

Thus, any project presenting a CMakeLists.txt file with the parameters PRIV_REQUIRES esp_ipc or REQUIRES esp_ipc should be modified to simply remove these options as the esp_system component is included by default.

ESP Clock

The ESP Clock API (functions/types/macros prefixed with esp_clk) has been made into a private API. Thus, the previous include paths #include "ESP32-C3/clk.h" and #include "esp_clk.h" have been removed. If users still require usage of the ESP Clock API (though this is not recommended), it can be included via #include "esp_private/esp_clk.h".


Private APIs are not stable and no are longer subject to the ESP-IDF versioning scheme's breaking change rules. Thus, it is not recommended for users to continue calling private APIs in their applications.

Cache Error Interrupt

The Cache Error Interrupt API (functions/types/macros prefixed with esp_cache_err) has been made into a private API. Thus, the previous include path #include "ESP32-C3/cache_err_int.h" has been removed. If users still require usage of the Cache Error Interrupt API (though this is not recommended), it can be included via #include "esp_private/cache_err_int.h".


  • The function bootloader_common_get_reset_reason() has been removed. Please use the function esp_rom_get_reset_reason() in the ROM component.

  • The functions esp_secure_boot_verify_sbv2_signature_block() and esp_secure_boot_verify_rsa_signature_block() have been removed without replacement. We do not expect users to use these directly. If they are indeed still necessary, please open a feature request on GitHub explaining why these functions are necessary to you.


The Brownout API (functions/types/macros prefixed with esp_brownout) has been made into a private API. Thus, the previous include path #include "brownout.h" has been removed. If users still require usage of the Brownout API (though this is not recommended), it can be included via #include "esp_private/brownout.h".


The Trax API (functions/types/macros prefixed with trax_) has been made into a private API. Thus, the previous include path #include "trax.h" has been removed. If users still require usage of the Trax API (though this is not recommended), it can be included via #include "esp_private/trax.h".


The previously deprecated ROM-related header files located in components/esp32/rom/ (old include path: rom/*.h) have been moved. Please use the new target-specific path from components/esp_rom/include/ESP32-C3/ (new include path: ESP32-C3/rom/*.h).


  • The header files soc/cpu.h have been deleted and deprecated CPU util functions have been removed. ESP-IDF developers should include esp_cpu.h instead for equivalent functions.

  • The header files hal/cpu_ll.h, hal/cpu_hal.h, hal/soc_ll.h, hal/soc_hal.h and interrupt_controller_hal.h CPU API functions have been deprecated. ESP-IDF developers should include esp_cpu.h instead for equivalent functions.

  • The header file compare_set.h have been deleted. ESP-IDF developers should use esp_cpu_compare_and_set() function provided in esp_cpu.h instead.

  • esp_cpu_get_ccount(), esp_cpu_set_ccount() and esp_cpu_in_ocd_debug_mode() were removed from esp_cpu.h. ESP-IDF developers should use respectively esp_cpu_get_cycle_count(), esp_cpu_set_cycle_count() and esp_cpu_dbgr_is_attached() instead.

  • The header file esp_intr.h has been deleted. Please include esp_intr_alloc.h to allocate and manipulate interrupts.

  • The Panic API (functions/types/macros prefixed with esp_panic) has been made into a private API. Thus, the previous include path #include "esp_panic.h" has been removed. If users still require usage of the Trax API (though this is not recommended), it can be included via #include "esp_private/panic_reason.h". Besides, developers should include esp_debug_helpers.h instead to use any debug-related helper functions, e.g., print backtrace.

  • The header file soc_log.h is now renamed to esp_hw_log.h and has been made private. Users are encouraged to use logging APIs provided under esp_log.h instead.

  • The header files spinlock.h, clk_ctrl_os.h, and rtc_wdt.h must now be included without the soc prefix. For example, #include "spinlock.h".

  • esp_chip_info() returns the chip version in the format = 100 * major eFuse version + minor eFuse version. Thus, the revision in the esp_chip_info_t structure is expanded to uint16_t to fit the new format.


  • The target-specific header file spiram.h and the header file esp_spiram.h have been removed. A new component esp_psram is created instead. For PSRAM/SPIRAM-related functions, users now include esp_psram.h and set the esp_psram component as a component requirement in their CMakeLists.txt project files.

  • esp_spiram_get_chip_size and esp_spiram_get_size have been deleted. You should use esp_psram_get_size instead.


  • The parameter type of function esp_secure_boot_read_key_digests() changed from ets_secure_boot_key_digests_t* to esp_secure_boot_key_digests_t*. The new type is the same as the old one, except that the allow_key_revoke flag has been removed. The latter was always set to true in current code, not providing additional information.

  • Added eFuse wafer revisions: major and minor. The esp_efuse_get_chip_ver() API is not compatible with these changes, so it was removed. Instead, please use the following APIs: efuse_hal_get_major_chip_version(), efuse_hal_get_minor_chip_version() or efuse_hal_chip_revision().


EXT_RAM_ATTR is deprecated. Use the new macro EXT_RAM_BSS_ATTR to put .bss on PSRAM.


  • The header files esp_random.h, esp_mac.h, and esp_chip_info.h, which were all previously indirectly included via the header file esp_system.h, must now be included directly. These indirect inclusions from esp_system.h have been removed.

  • The Backtrace Parser API (functions/types/macros prefixed with esp_eh_frame_) has been made into a private API. Thus, the previous include path #include "eh_frame_parser.h" has been removed. If users still require usage of the Backtrace Parser API (though this is not recommended), it can be included via #include "esp_private/eh_frame_parser.h".

  • The Interrupt Watchdog API (functions/types/macros prefixed with esp_int_wdt_) has been made into a private API. Thus, the previous include path #include "esp_int_wdt.h" has been removed. If users still require usage of the Interrupt Watchdog API (though this is not recommended), it can be included via #include "esp_private/esp_int_wdt.h".

SoC Dependency

  • Public API headers listed in the Doxyfiles will not expose unstable and unnecessary SoC header files, such as soc/soc.h and soc/rtc.h. That means the user has to explicitly include them in their code if these "missing" header files are still wanted.

  • Kconfig option LEGACY_INCLUDE_COMMON_HEADERS is also removed.

  • The header file soc/soc_memory_types.h has been deprecated. Users should use the esp_memory_utils.h instead. Including soc/soc_memory_types.h will bring a build warning like soc_memory_types.h is deprecated, please migrate to esp_memory_utils.h

APP Trace

One of the timestamp sources has changed from the legacy timer group driver to the new GPTimer. Kconfig choices like APPTRACE_SV_TS_SOURCE_TIMER00 has been changed to APPTRACE_SV_TS_SOURCE_GPTIMER. User no longer need to choose the group and timer ID.


The FRC2-based legacy implementation of esp_timer available on ESP32 has been removed. The simpler and more efficient implementation based on the LAC timer is now the only option.

ESP Image

The image SPI speed enum definitions have been renamed.

  • Enum ESP_IMAGE_SPI_SPEED_80M has been renamed to ESP_IMAGE_SPI_SPEED_DIV_1.

  • Enum ESP_IMAGE_SPI_SPEED_40M has been renamed to ESP_IMAGE_SPI_SPEED_DIV_2.

  • Enum ESP_IMAGE_SPI_SPEED_26M has been renamed to ESP_IMAGE_SPI_SPEED_DIV_3.

  • Enum ESP_IMAGE_SPI_SPEED_20M has been renamed to ESP_IMAGE_SPI_SPEED_DIV_4.

Task Watchdog Timers

  • The API for esp_task_wdt_init() has changed as follows:

    • Configuration is now passed as a configuration structure.

    • The function will now handle subscribing of the idle tasks if configured to do so.

  • The former CONFIG_ESP_TASK_WDT configuration option has been renamed to CONFIG_ESP_TASK_WDT_INIT and a new CONFIG_ESP_TASK_WDT_EN option has been introduced.


Legacy API and Data Types

Previously, the configENABLE_BACKWARD_COMPATIBILITY option was set by default, thus allowing pre FreeRTOS v8.0.0 function names and data types to be used. The configENABLE_BACKWARD_COMPATIBILITY is now disabled by default, thus legacy FreeRTOS names/types are no longer supported by default. Users should do one of the following:

Tasks Snapshot

The header task_snapshot.h has been removed from freertos/task.h. ESP-IDF developers should include freertos/task_snapshot.h if they need tasks snapshot API.

The function vTaskGetSnapshot() now returns BaseType_t. Return value shall be pdTRUE on success and pdFALSE otherwise.

FreeRTOS Asserts

Previously, FreeRTOS asserts were configured separately from the rest of the system using the FREERTOS_ASSERT kconfig option. This option has now been removed and the configuration is now done through COMPILER_OPTIMIZATION_ASSERTION_LEVEL.

Port Macro API

The file portmacro_deprecated.h which was added to maintain backward compatibility for deprecated APIs is removed. Users are advised to use the alternate functions for the deprecated APIs as listed below:

  • portENTER_CRITICAL_NESTED() is removed. Users should use the portSET_INTERRUPT_MASK_FROM_ISR() macro instead.

  • portEXIT_CRITICAL_NESTED() is removed. Users should use the portCLEAR_INTERRUPT_MASK_FROM_ISR() macro instead.

  • vPortCPUInitializeMutex() is removed. Users should use the spinlock_initialize() function instead.

  • vPortCPUAcquireMutex() is removed. Users should use the spinlock_acquire() function instead.

  • vPortCPUAcquireMutexTimeout() is removed. Users should use the spinlock_acquire() function instead.

  • vPortCPUReleaseMutex() is removed. Users should use the spinlock_release() function instead.

App Update

Bootloader Support

Chip Revision

The bootloader checks the chip revision at the beginning of the application loading. The application can only be loaded if the version is >= CONFIG_ESP32C3_REV_MIN and < CONFIG_ESP32C3_REV_MAX_FULL.

During the OTA upgrade, the version requirements and chip revision in the application header are checked for compatibility. The application can only be updated if the version is >= CONFIG_ESP32C3_REV_MIN and < CONFIG_ESP32C3_REV_MAX_FULL.

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