
You are reading the documentation for an ESP-IDF release version that is end of life. The latest stable version is v5.4

IDF Windows Installer

Command-line parameters

Windows Installer esp-idf-tools-setup provides the following command-line parameters:

  • /GITRECURSIVE=[yes|no] - Clone recursively all git repository submodules. Default: yes``

  • /GITREPO=[URL|PATH] - URL of repository to clone ESP-IDF. Default:

  • /GITRESET=[yes|no] - Enable/Disable git reset of repository during installation. Default: yes.

  • /HELP - Display command line options provided by Inno Setup installer.

  • /IDFDIR=[PATH] - Path to directory where it will be installed. Default: {userdesktop}\esp-idf}

  • /IDFVERSION=[v4.3|v4.1|master] - Use specific IDF version. E.g. v4.1, v4.2, master. Default: empty, pick the first version in the list.

  • /IDFVERSIONSURL=[URL] - Use URL to download list of IDF versions. Default:

  • /LOG=[PATH] - Store installation log file in specific directory. Default: empty.

  • /OFFLINE=[yes|no] - Execute installation of Python packages by PIP in offline mode. The same result can be achieved by setting the environment variable PIP_NO_INDEX. Default: no.

  • /USEEMBEDDEDPYTHON=[yes|no] - Use Embedded Python version for the installation. Set to no to allow Python selection screen in the installer. Default: yes.

  • /PYTHONWHEELSURL=[URL] - Specify URLs to PyPi repositories for resolving binary Python Wheel dependencies. The same result can be achieved by setting the environment variable PIP_EXTRA_INDEX_URL. Default:

  • /SKIPSYSTEMCHECK=[yes|no] - Skip System Check page. Default: no.

  • /VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /SP- /NOCANCEL - Perform silent installation.

Unattended installation

The unattended installation of IDF can be achieved by following command-line parameters:

esp-idf-tools-setup-x.x.exe /VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /SP- /NOCANCEL
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The installer detaches its process from the command-line. Waiting for installation to finish could be achieved by following PowerShell script:

esp-idf-tools-setup-x.x.exe /VERYSILENT /SUPPRESSMSGBOXES /SP- /NOCANCEL
$InstallerProcess = Get-Process esp-idf-tools-setup
Wait-Process -Id $
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Custom Python and custom location of Python wheels

The IDF installer is using by default embedded Python with reference to Python Wheel mirror.

Following parameters allows to select custom Python and custom location of Python wheels:

esp-idf-tools-setup-x.x.exe /USEEMBEDDEDPYTHON=no /PYTHONWHEELSURL=
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