Project Configuration


ESP-IDF uses kconfiglib which is a Python-based extension to the Kconfig system which provides a compile-time project configuration mechanism. Kconfig is based around options of several types: integer, string, boolean. Kconfig files specify dependencies between options, default values of the options, the way the options are grouped together, etc.

For the complete list of available features please see Kconfig and kconfiglib extentions.

Project Configuration Menu

Application developers can open a terminal-based project configuration menu with the menuconfig build target.

After being updated, this configuration is saved inside sdkconfig file in the project root directory. Based on sdkconfig, application build targets will generate sdkconfig.h file in the build directory, and will make sdkconfig options available to the project build system and source files.

(For the legacy GNU Make build system, the project configuration menu is opened with make menuconfig.)

Using sdkconfig.defaults

In some cases, such as when sdkconfig file is under revision control, the fact that sdkconfig file gets changed by the build system may be inconvenient. The build system offers a way to avoid this, in the form of sdkconfig.defaults file. This file is never touched by the build system, and must be created manually. It can contain all the options which matter for the given application. The format is the same as that of the sdkconfig file. Once sdkconfig.defaults is created, sdkconfig can be deleted and added to the ignore list of the revision control system (e.g. .gitignore file for git). Project build targets will automatically create sdkconfig file, populated with the settings from sdkconfig.defaults file, and the rest of the settings will be set to their default values. Note that the build process will not override settings that are already in sdkconfig by ones from sdkconfig.defaults. For more information, see Custom sdkconfig defaults.

Kconfig Formatting Rules

The following attributes of Kconfig files are standardized:

  • Within any menu, option names should have a consistent prefix. The prefix length is currently set to at least 3 characters.

  • The indentation style is 4 characters created by spaces. All sub-items belonging to a parent item are indented by one level deeper. For example, menu is indented by 0 characters, the config inside of the menu by 4 characters, the help of the config by 8 characters and the text of the help by 12 characters.

  • No trailing spaces are allowed at the end of the lines.

  • The maximum length of options is set to 40 characters.

  • The maximum length of lines is set to 120 characters.

  • Lines cannot be wrapped by backslash (because there is a bug in earlier versions of conf-idf which causes that Windows line endings are not recognized after a backslash).

Format checker

tools/ is provided for checking the Kconfig formatting rules. The checker checks all Kconfig and Kconfig.projbuild files in the ESP-IDF directory and generates a new file with suffix .new with some recommendations how to fix issues (if there are any). Please note that the checker cannot correct all rules and the responsibility of the developer is to check and make final corrections in order to pass the tests. For example, indentations will be corrected if there isn’t some misleading previous formatting but it cannot come up with a common prefix for options inside a menu.

Backward Compatibility of Kconfig Options

The standard Kconfig tools ignore unknown options in sdkconfig. So if a developer has custom settings for options which are renamed in newer ESP-IDF releases then the given setting for the option would be silently ignored. Therefore, several features have been adopted to avoid this:

  1. is used by the tool chain to pre-process sdkconfig files before anything else, for example menuconfig, would read them. As the consequence, the settings for old options will be kept and not ignored.

  2. recursively finds all sdkconfig.rename files in ESP-IDF directory which contain old and new Kconfig option names. Old options are replaced by new ones in the sdkconfig file.

  3. post-processes sdkconfig files and generates all build outputs (sdkconfig.h, sdkconfig.cmake, auto.conf) by adding a list of compatibility statements, i.e. value of the old option is set the value of the new option (after modification). This is done in order to not break customer codes where old option might still be used.

  4. Deprecated options and their replacements are automatically generated by

Configuration Options Reference

Subsequent sections contain the list of available ESP-IDF options, automatically generated from Kconfig files. Note that depending on the options selected, some options listed here may not be visible by default in the interface of menuconfig.

By convention, all option names are upper case with underscores. When Kconfig generates sdkconfig and sdkconfig.h files, option names are prefixed with CONFIG_. So if an option ENABLE_FOO is defined in a Kconfig file and selected in menuconfig, then sdkconfig and sdkconfig.h files will have CONFIG_ENABLE_FOO defined. In this reference, option names are also prefixed with CONFIG_, same as in the source code.

SDK tool configuration



Compiler toolchain path/prefix

Found in: SDK tool configuration

The prefix/path that is used to call the toolchain. The default setting assumes a crosstool-ng gcc setup that is in your PATH.

Default value:
  • “xtensa-esp32s2-elf-“


Python interpreter

Found in: SDK tool configuration

The executable name/path that is used to run python.

(Note: This option is used with the legacy GNU Make build system only.)

Default value:
  • “python”


‘make’ warns on undefined variables

Found in: SDK tool configuration

Adds –warn-undefined-variables to MAKEFLAGS. This causes make to print a warning any time an undefined variable is referenced.

This option helps find places where a variable reference is misspelled or otherwise missing, but it can be unwanted if you have Makefiles which depend on undefined variables expanding to an empty string.

(Note: this option is used with the legacy GNU Make build system only.)

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Toolchain supports time_t wide 64-bits

Found in: SDK tool configuration

Enable this option in case you have a custom toolchain which supports time_t wide 64-bits. This option checks time_t is 64-bits and disables ROM time functions to use the time functions from the toolchain instead. This option allows resolving the Y2K38 problem. See “Setup Linux Toolchain from Scratch” to build a custom toolchain which supports 64-bits time_t.

Note: ESP-IDF does not currently come with any pre-compiled toolchain that supports 64-bit wide time_t. This will change in a future major release, but currently 64-bit time_t requires a custom built toolchain.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)

Build type



Application build type

Found in: Build type

Select the way the application is built.

By default, the application is built as a binary file in a format compatible with the ESP-IDF bootloader. In addition to this application, 2nd stage bootloader is also built. Application and bootloader binaries can be written into flash and loaded/executed from there.

Another option, useful for only very small and limited applications, is to only link the .elf file of the application, such that it can be loaded directly into RAM over JTAG. Note that since IRAM and DRAM sizes are very limited, it is not possible to build any complex application this way. However for kinds of testing and debugging, this option may provide faster iterations, since the application does not need to be written into flash. Note that at the moment, ESP-IDF does not contain all the startup code required to initialize the CPUs and ROM memory (data/bss). Therefore it is necessary to execute a bit of ROM code prior to executing the application. A gdbinit file may look as follows (for ESP32):

# Connect to a running instance of OpenOCD target remote :3333 # Reset and halt the target mon reset halt # Run to a specific point in ROM code, # where most of initialization is complete. thb *0x40007d54 c # Load the application into RAM load # Run till app_main tb app_main c

Execute this gdbinit file as follows:

xtensa-esp32-elf-gdb build/app-name.elf -x gdbinit

Example gdbinit files for other targets can be found in tools/test_apps/system/gdb_loadable_elf/

Recommended sdkconfig.defaults for building loadable ELF files is as follows. CONFIG_APP_BUILD_TYPE_ELF_RAM is required, other options help reduce application memory footprint.


Available options:
  • Default (binary application + 2nd stage bootloader) (APP_BUILD_TYPE_APP_2NDBOOT)

  • ELF file, loadable into RAM (EXPERIMENTAL)) (APP_BUILD_TYPE_ELF_RAM)

Application manager



Use time/date stamp for app

Found in: Application manager

If set, then the app will be built with the current time/date stamp. It is stored in the app description structure. If not set, time/date stamp will be excluded from app image. This can be useful for getting the same binary image files made from the same source, but at different times.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Exclude PROJECT_VER from firmware image

Found in: Application manager

The PROJECT_VER variable from the build system will not affect the firmware image. This value will not be contained in the esp_app_desc structure.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Exclude PROJECT_NAME from firmware image

Found in: Application manager

The PROJECT_NAME variable from the build system will not affect the firmware image. This value will not be contained in the esp_app_desc structure.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Get the project version from Kconfig

Found in: Application manager

If this is enabled, then config item APP_PROJECT_VER will be used for the variable PROJECT_VER. Other ways to set PROJECT_VER will be ignored.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Project version

Found in: Application manager > CONFIG_APP_PROJECT_VER_FROM_CONFIG

Project version

Default value:


The length of APP ELF SHA is stored in RAM(chars)

Found in: Application manager

At startup, the app will read this many hex characters from the embedded APP ELF SHA-256 hash value and store it in static RAM. This ensures the app ELF SHA-256 value is always available if it needs to be printed by the panic handler code. Changing this value will change the size of a static buffer, in bytes.

  • from 8 to 64

Default value:
  • 16

Bootloader config



Bootloader optimization Level

Found in: Bootloader config

This option sets compiler optimization level (gcc -O argument) for the bootloader.

  • The default “Size” setting will add the -0s flag to CFLAGS.

  • The “Debug” setting will add the -Og flag to CFLAGS.

  • The “Performance” setting will add the -O2 flag to CFLAGS.

  • The “None” setting will add the -O0 flag to CFLAGS.

Note that custom optimization levels may be unsupported.

Available options:


  • Optimize for performance (-O2) (BOOTLOADER_COMPILER_OPTIMIZATION_PERF)

  • Debug without optimization (-O0) (BOOTLOADER_COMPILER_OPTIMIZATION_NONE)


Bootloader log verbosity

Found in: Bootloader config

Specify how much output to see in bootloader logs.

Available options:








Found in: Bootloader config

If this option is enabled, and VDDSDIO LDO is set to 1.8V (using eFuse or MTDI bootstrapping pin), bootloader will change LDO settings to output 1.9V instead. This helps prevent flash chip from browning out during flash programming operations.

This option has no effect if VDDSDIO is set to 3.3V, or if the internal VDDSDIO regulator is disabled via eFuse.

Available options:



GPIO triggers factory reset

Found in: Bootloader config

Allows to reset the device to factory settings: - clear one or more data partitions; - boot from “factory” partition. The factory reset will occur if there is a GPIO input held at the configured level while device starts up. See settings below.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Number of the GPIO input for factory reset

Found in: Bootloader config > CONFIG_BOOTLOADER_FACTORY_RESET

The selected GPIO will be configured as an input with internal pull-up enabled (note that on some SoCs. not all pins have an internal pull-up, consult the hardware datasheet for details.) To trigger a factory reset, this GPIO must be held high or low (as configured) on startup.

Default value:

Factory reset GPIO level

Found in: Bootloader config > CONFIG_BOOTLOADER_FACTORY_RESET

Pin level for factory reset, can be triggered on low or high.

Available options:



Clear OTA data on factory reset (select factory partition)

Found in: Bootloader config > CONFIG_BOOTLOADER_FACTORY_RESET

The device will boot from “factory” partition (or OTA slot 0 if no factory partition is present) after a factory reset.


Comma-separated names of partitions to clear on factory reset

Found in: Bootloader config > CONFIG_BOOTLOADER_FACTORY_RESET

Allows customers to select which data partitions will be erased while factory reset.

Specify the names of partitions as a comma-delimited with optional spaces for readability. (Like this: “nvs, phy_init, …”) Make sure that the name specified in the partition table and here are the same. Partitions of type “app” cannot be specified here.

Default value:


GPIO triggers boot from test app partition

Found in: Bootloader config

Allows to run the test app from “TEST” partition. A boot from “test” partition will occur if there is a GPIO input pulled low while device starts up. See settings below.

Default value:

Number of the GPIO input to boot TEST partition

Found in: Bootloader config > CONFIG_BOOTLOADER_APP_TEST

The selected GPIO will be configured as an input with internal pull-up enabled. To trigger a test app, this GPIO must be pulled low on reset. After the GPIO input is deactivated and the device reboots, the old application will boot. (factory or OTA[x]). Note that GPIO34-39 do not have an internal pullup and an external one must be provided.

Default value:


Hold time of GPIO for reset/test mode (seconds)

Found in: Bootloader config

The GPIO must be held low continuously for this period of time after reset before a factory reset or test partition boot (as applicable) is performed.

Default value:


Enable protection for unmapped memory regions

Found in: Bootloader config

Protects the unmapped memory regions of the entire address space from unintended accesses. This will ensure that an exception will be triggered whenever the CPU performs a memory operation on unmapped regions of the address space.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Use RTC watchdog in start code

Found in: Bootloader config

Tracks the execution time of startup code. If the execution time is exceeded, the RTC_WDT will restart system. It is also useful to prevent a lock up in start code caused by an unstable power source. NOTE: Tracks the execution time starts from the bootloader code - re-set timeout, while selecting the source for slow_clk - and ends calling app_main. Re-set timeout is needed due to WDT uses a SLOW_CLK clock source. After changing a frequency slow_clk a time of WDT needs to re-set for new frequency. slow_clk depends on ESP32_RTC_CLK_SRC (INTERNAL_RC or EXTERNAL_CRYSTAL).

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Allows RTC watchdog disable in user code

Found in: Bootloader config > CONFIG_BOOTLOADER_WDT_ENABLE

If this option is set, the ESP-IDF app must explicitly reset, feed, or disable the rtc_wdt in the app’s own code. If this option is not set (default), then rtc_wdt will be disabled by ESP-IDF before calling the app_main() function.

Use function rtc_wdt_feed() for resetting counter of rtc_wdt. Use function rtc_wdt_disable() for disabling rtc_wdt.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Timeout for RTC watchdog (ms)

Found in: Bootloader config > CONFIG_BOOTLOADER_WDT_ENABLE

Verify that this parameter is correct and more then the execution time. Pay attention to options such as reset to factory, trigger test partition and encryption on boot - these options can increase the execution time. Note: RTC_WDT will reset while encryption operations will be performed.

  • from 0 to 120000

Default value:
  • 9000


Enable app rollback support

Found in: Bootloader config

After updating the app, the bootloader runs a new app with the “ESP_OTA_IMG_PENDING_VERIFY” state set. This state prevents the re-run of this app. After the first boot of the new app in the user code, the function should be called to confirm the operability of the app or vice versa about its non-operability. If the app is working, then it is marked as valid. Otherwise, it is marked as not valid and rolls back to the previous working app. A reboot is performed, and the app is booted before the software update. Note: If during the first boot a new app the power goes out or the WDT works, then roll back will happen. Rollback is possible only between the apps with the same security versions.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Enable app anti-rollback support


This option prevents rollback to previous firmware/application image with lower security version.

Default value:

eFuse secure version of app


The secure version is the sequence number stored in the header of each firmware. The security version is set in the bootloader, version is recorded in the eFuse field as the number of set ones. The allocated number of bits in the efuse field for storing the security version is limited (see BOOTLOADER_APP_SEC_VER_SIZE_EFUSE_FIELD option).

Bootloader: When bootloader selects an app to boot, an app is selected that has a security version greater or equal that recorded in eFuse field. The app is booted with a higher (or equal) secure version.

The security version is worth increasing if in previous versions there is a significant vulnerability and their use is not acceptable.

Your partition table should has a scheme with ota_0 + ota_1 (without factory).

Default value:

Size of the efuse secure version field


The size of the efuse secure version field. Its length is limited to 32 bits for ESP32 and 16 bits for ESP32-S2. This determines how many times the security version can be increased.

Default value:

Emulate operations with efuse secure version(only test)


This option allows to emulate read/write operations with all eFuses and efuse secure version. It allows to test anti-rollback implemention without permanent write eFuse bits. There should be an entry in partition table with following details: emul_efuse, data, efuse, , 0x2000.


Default value:


Skip image validation when exiting deep sleep

Found in: Bootloader config

This option disables the normal validation of an image coming out of deep sleep (checksums, SHA256, and signature). This is a trade-off between wakeup performance from deep sleep, and image integrity checks.

Only enable this if you know what you are doing. It should not be used in conjunction with using deep_sleep() entry and changing the active OTA partition as this would skip the validation upon first load of the new OTA partition.

It is possible to enable this option with Secure Boot if “allow insecure options” is enabled, however it’s strongly recommended to NOT enable it as it may allow a Secure Boot bypass.

Default value:


Skip image validation from power on reset (READ HELP FIRST)

Found in: Bootloader config

Some applications need to boot very quickly from power on. By default, the entire app binary is read from flash and verified which takes up a significant portion of the boot time.

Enabling this option will skip validation of the app when the SoC boots from power on. Note that in this case it’s not possible for the bootloader to detect if an app image is corrupted in the flash, therefore it’s not possible to safely fall back to a different app partition. Flash corruption of this kind is unlikely but can happen if there is a serious firmware bug or physical damage.

Following other reset types, the bootloader will still validate the app image. This increases the chances that flash corruption resulting in a crash can be detected following soft reset, and the bootloader will fall back to a valid app image. To increase the chances of successfully recovering from a flash corruption event, keep the option BOOTLOADER_WDT_ENABLE enabled and consider also enabling BOOTLOADER_WDT_DISABLE_IN_USER_CODE - then manually disable the RTC Watchdog once the app is running. In addition, enable both the Task and Interrupt watchdog timers with reset options set.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Skip image validation always (READ HELP FIRST)

Found in: Bootloader config

Selecting this option prevents the bootloader from ever validating the app image before booting it. Any flash corruption of the selected app partition will make the entire SoC unbootable.

Although flash corruption is a very rare case, it is not recommended to select this option. Consider selecting “Skip image validation from power on reset” instead. However, if boot time is the only important factor then it can be enabled.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Reserve RTC FAST memory for custom purposes

Found in: Bootloader config

This option allows the customer to place data in the RTC FAST memory, this area remains valid when rebooted, except for power loss. This memory is located at a fixed address and is available for both the bootloader and the application. (The application and bootoloader must be compiled with the same option). The RTC FAST memory has access only through PRO_CPU.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Size in bytes for custom purposes


This option reserves in RTC FAST memory the area for custom purposes. If you want to create your own bootloader and save more information in this area of memory, you can increase it. It must be a multiple of 4 bytes. This area (rtc_retain_mem_t) is reserved and has access from the bootloader and an application.

Default value:


Enable the support for flash chips of XMC (READ HELP FIRST)

Found in: Bootloader config

Perform the startup flow recommended by XMC. Please consult XMC for the details of this flow. XMC chips will be forbidden to be used, when this option is disabled.


Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)

Security features



Require signed app images

Found in: Security features

Require apps to be signed to verify their integrity.

This option uses the same app signature scheme as hardware secure boot, but unlike hardware secure boot it does not prevent the bootloader from being physically updated. This means that the device can be secured against remote network access, but not physical access. Compared to using hardware Secure Boot this option is much simpler to implement.


App Signing Scheme

Found in: Security features

Select the Secure App signing scheme. Depends on the Chip Revision. There are two options: 1. ECDSA based secure boot scheme. (Only choice for Secure Boot V1) Supported in ESP32 and ESP32-ECO3. 2. The RSA based secure boot scheme. (Only choice for Secure Boot V2) Supported in ESP32-ECO3 (ESP32 Chip Revision 3 onwards), ESP32-S2, ESP32-C3, ESP32-S3.

Available options:

    Embeds the ECDSA public key in the bootloader and signs the application with an ECDSA key.

    Refer to the documentation before enabling.


    Appends the RSA-3072 based Signature block to the application. Refer to <Secure Boot Version 2 documentation link> before enabling.


Verify app signature on update

Found in: Security features

If this option is set, any OTA updated apps will have the signature verified before being considered valid.

When enabled, the signature is automatically checked whenever the esp_ota_ops.h APIs are used for OTA updates, or esp_image_format.h APIs are used to verify apps.

If hardware secure boot is enabled, this option is always enabled and cannot be disabled. If hardware secure boot is not enabled, this option still adds significant security against network-based attackers by preventing spoofing of OTA updates.

Default value:


Enable hardware Secure Boot in bootloader (READ DOCS FIRST)

Found in: Security features

Build a bootloader which enables Secure Boot on first boot.

Once enabled, Secure Boot will not boot a modified bootloader. The bootloader will only load a partition table or boot an app if the data has a verified digital signature. There are implications for reflashing updated apps once secure boot is enabled.

When enabling secure boot, JTAG and ROM BASIC Interpreter are permanently disabled by default.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Select secure boot version

Found in: Security features > CONFIG_SECURE_BOOT

Select the Secure Boot Version. Depends on the Chip Revision. Secure Boot V2 is the new RSA based secure boot scheme. Supported in ESP32-ECO3 (ESP32 Chip Revision 3 onwards), ESP32-S2, ESP32-C3 ECO3. Secure Boot V1 is the AES based secure boot scheme. Supported in ESP32 and ESP32-ECO3.

Available options:
  • Enable Secure Boot version 1 (SECURE_BOOT_V1_ENABLED)

    Build a bootloader which enables secure boot version 1 on first boot. Refer to the Secure Boot section of the ESP-IDF Programmer’s Guide for this version before enabling.

  • Enable Secure Boot version 2 (SECURE_BOOT_V2_ENABLED)

    Build a bootloader which enables Secure Boot version 2 on first boot. Refer to Secure Boot V2 section of the ESP-IDF Programmer’s Guide for this version before enabling.


Sign binaries during build

Found in: Security features

Once secure boot or signed app requirement is enabled, app images are required to be signed.

If enabled (default), these binary files are signed as part of the build process. The file named in “Secure boot private signing key” will be used to sign the image.

If disabled, unsigned app/partition data will be built. They must be signed manually using Version 1 to enable ECDSA Based Secure Boot and Version 2 to enable RSA based Secure Boot. (for example, on a remote signing server.)


Secure boot private signing key


Path to the key file used to sign app images.

Key file is an ECDSA private key (NIST256p curve) in PEM format for Secure Boot V1. Key file is an RSA private key in PEM format for Secure Boot V2.

Path is evaluated relative to the project directory.

You can generate a new signing key by running the following command: generate_signing_key secure_boot_signing_key.pem

See the Secure Boot section of the ESP-IDF Programmer’s Guide for this version for details.

Default value:


Secure boot public signature verification key

Found in: Security features

Path to a public key file used to verify signed images. Secure Boot V1: This ECDSA public key is compiled into the bootloader and/or app, to verify app images. Secure Boot V2: This RSA public key is compiled into the signature block at the end of the bootloader/app.

Key file is in raw binary format, and can be extracted from a PEM formatted private key using the extract_public_key command.

Refer to the Secure Boot section of the ESP-IDF Programmer’s Guide for this version before enabling.


Enable Aggressive key revoke strategy

Found in: Security features

If this option is set, ROM bootloader will revoke the public key digest burned in efuse block if it fails to verify the signature of software bootloader with it. Revocation of keys does not happen when enabling secure boot. Once secure boot is enabled, key revocation checks will be done on subsequent boot-up, while verifying the software bootloader

This feature provides a strong resistance against physical attacks on the device.

NOTE: Once a digest slot is revoked, it can never be used again to verify an image This can lead to permanent bricking of the device, in case all keys are revoked because of signature verification failure.

Default value:


Allow potentially insecure options

Found in: Security features

You can disable some of the default protections offered by secure boot, in order to enable testing or a custom combination of security features.

Only enable these options if you are very sure.

Refer to the Secure Boot section of the ESP-IDF Programmer’s Guide for this version before enabling.

Default value:


Enable flash encryption on boot (READ DOCS FIRST)

Found in: Security features

If this option is set, flash contents will be encrypted by the bootloader on first boot.

Note: After first boot, the system will be permanently encrypted. Re-flashing an encrypted system is complicated and not always possible.

Read Flash Encryption before enabling.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Size of generated AES-XTS key

Found in: Security features > CONFIG_SECURE_FLASH_ENC_ENABLED

Size of generated AES-XTS key.

AES-128 uses a 256-bit key (32 bytes) which occupies one Efuse key block. AES-256 uses a 512-bit key (64 bytes) which occupies two Efuse key blocks.

This setting is ignored if either type of key is already burned to Efuse before the first boot. In this case, the pre-burned key is used and no new key is generated.

Available options:
  • AES-128 (256-bit key) (SECURE_FLASH_ENCRYPTION_AES128)

  • AES-256 (512-bit key) (SECURE_FLASH_ENCRYPTION_AES256)


Enable usage mode

Found in: Security features > CONFIG_SECURE_FLASH_ENC_ENABLED

By default Development mode is enabled which allows ROM download mode to perform flash encryption operations (plaintext is sent to the device, and it encrypts it internally and writes ciphertext to flash.) This mode is not secure, it’s possible for an attacker to write their own chosen plaintext to flash.

Release mode should always be selected for production or manufacturing. Once enabled it’s no longer possible for the device in ROM Download Mode to use the flash encryption hardware.

Refer to the Flash Encryption section of the ESP-IDF Programmer’s Guide for details.

Available options:


Potentially insecure options



Allow JTAG Debugging

Found in: Security features > Potentially insecure options

If not set (default), the bootloader will permanently disable JTAG (across entire chip) on first boot when either secure boot or flash encryption is enabled.

Setting this option leaves JTAG on for debugging, which negates all protections of flash encryption and some of the protections of secure boot.

Only set this option in testing environments.

Default value:

Allow app partition length not 64KB aligned

Found in: Security features > Potentially insecure options

If not set (default), app partition size must be a multiple of 64KB. App images are padded to 64KB length, and the bootloader checks any trailing bytes after the signature (before the next 64KB boundary) have not been written. This is because flash cache maps entire 64KB pages into the address space. This prevents an attacker from appending unverified data after the app image in the flash, causing it to be mapped into the address space.

Setting this option allows the app partition length to be unaligned, and disables padding of the app image to this length. It is generally not recommended to set this option, unless you have a legacy partitioning scheme which doesn’t support 64KB aligned partition lengths.


Allow additional read protecting of efuses

Found in: Security features > Potentially insecure options

If not set (default, recommended), on first boot the bootloader will burn the WR_DIS_RD_DIS efuse when Secure Boot is enabled. This prevents any more efuses from being read protected.

If this option is set, it will remain possible to write the EFUSE_RD_DIS efuse field after Secure Boot is enabled. This may allow an attacker to read-protect the BLK2 efuse (for ESP32) and BLOCK4-BLOCK10 (i.e. BLOCK_KEY0-BLOCK_KEY5)(for other chips) holding the public key digest, causing an immediate denial of service and possibly allowing an additional fault injection attack to bypass the signature protection.

NOTE: Once a BLOCK is read-protected, the application will read all zeros from that block

NOTE: If “UART ROM download mode (Permanently disabled (recommended))” or “UART ROM download mode (Permanently switch to Secure mode (recommended))” is set, then it is __NOT__ possible to read/write efuses using utility. However, efuse can be read/written from the application


Leave unused digest slots available (not revoke)

Found in: Security features > Potentially insecure options

If not set (default), during startup in the app all unused digest slots will be revoked. To revoke unused slot will be called esp_efuse_set_digest_revoke(num_digest) for each digest. Revoking unused digest slots makes ensures that no trusted keys can be added later by an attacker. If set, it means that you have a plan to use unused digests slots later.

Default value:

Leave UART bootloader encryption enabled

Found in: Security features > Potentially insecure options

If not set (default), the bootloader will permanently disable UART bootloader encryption access on first boot. If set, the UART bootloader will still be able to access hardware encryption.

It is recommended to only set this option in testing environments.

Default value:


Leave UART bootloader flash cache enabled

Found in: Security features > Potentially insecure options

If not set (default), the bootloader will permanently disable UART bootloader flash cache access on first boot. If set, the UART bootloader will still be able to access the flash cache.

Only set this option in testing environments.

Default value:


Require flash encryption to be already enabled

Found in: Security features > Potentially insecure options

If not set (default), and flash encryption is not yet enabled in eFuses, the 2nd stage bootloader will enable flash encryption: generate the flash encryption key and program eFuses. If this option is set, and flash encryption is not yet enabled, the bootloader will error out and reboot. If flash encryption is enabled in eFuses, this option does not change the bootloader behavior.

Only use this option in testing environments, to avoid accidentally enabling flash encryption on the wrong device. The device needs to have flash encryption already enabled using

Default value:


Check Flash Encryption enabled on app startup

Found in: Security features

If set (default), in an app during startup code, there is a check of the flash encryption eFuse bit is on (as the bootloader should already have set it). The app requires this bit is on to continue work otherwise abort.

If not set, the app does not care if the flash encryption eFuse bit is set or not.

Default value:


UART ROM download mode

Found in: Security features

Available options:
  • UART ROM download mode (Permanently disabled (recommended)) (SECURE_DISABLE_ROM_DL_MODE)

    If set, during startup the app will burn an eFuse bit to permanently disable the UART ROM Download Mode. This prevents any future use of, and similar tools.

    Once disabled, if the SoC is booted with strapping pins set for ROM Download Mode then an error is printed instead.

    It is recommended to enable this option in any production application where Flash Encryption and/or Secure Boot is enabled and access to Download Mode is not required.

    It is also possible to permanently disable Download Mode by calling esp_efuse_disable_rom_download_mode() at runtime.

  • UART ROM download mode (Permanently switch to Secure mode (recommended)) (SECURE_ENABLE_SECURE_ROM_DL_MODE)

    If set, during startup the app will burn an eFuse bit to permanently switch the UART ROM Download Mode into a separate Secure Download mode. This option can only work if Download Mode is not already disabled by eFuse.

    Secure Download mode limits the use of Download Mode functions to update SPI config, changing baud rate, basic flash write and a command to return a summary of currently enabled security features (get_security_info).

    Secure Download mode is not compatible with the flasher stub feature,, read/writing memory or registers, encrypted download, or any other features that interact with unsupported Download Mode commands.

    Secure Download mode should be enabled in any application where Flash Encryption and/or Secure Boot is enabled. Disabling this option does not immediately cancel the benefits of the security features, but it increases the potential “attack surface” for an attacker to try and bypass them with a successful physical attack.

    It is also possible to enable secure download mode at runtime by calling esp_efuse_enable_rom_secure_download_mode()

    Note: Secure Download mode is not available for ESP32 (includes revisions till ECO3).

  • UART ROM download mode (Enabled (not recommended)) (SECURE_INSECURE_ALLOW_DL_MODE)

    This is a potentially insecure option. Enabling this option will allow the full UART download mode to stay enabled. This option SHOULD NOT BE ENABLED for production use cases.

Boot ROM Behavior



Permanently change Boot ROM output

Found in: Boot ROM Behavior

Controls the Boot ROM log behavior. The rom log behavior can only be changed for once, specific eFuse bit(s) will be burned at app boot stage.

Available options:

    Always print ROM logs, this is the default behavior.

  • Permanently disable logging (BOOT_ROM_LOG_ALWAYS_OFF)

    Don’t print ROM logs.


    Print ROM logs when GPIO level is high during start up. The GPIO number is chip dependent, e.g. on ESP32-S2, the control GPIO is GPIO46.


    Print ROM logs when GPIO level is low during start up. The GPIO number is chip dependent, e.g. on ESP32-S2, the control GPIO is GPIO46.

Serial flasher config



Default serial port

Found in: Serial flasher config

The serial port that’s connected to the ESP chip. This can be overridden by setting the ESPPORT environment variable.

This value is ignored when using the CMake-based build system or

Default value:
  • “/dev/ttyUSB0”


Default baud rate

Found in: Serial flasher config

Default baud rate to use while communicating with the ESP chip. Can be overridden by setting the ESPBAUD variable.

This value is ignored when using the CMake-based build system or

Available options:
  • 115200 baud (ESPTOOLPY_BAUD_115200B)

  • 230400 baud (ESPTOOLPY_BAUD_230400B)

  • 921600 baud (ESPTOOLPY_BAUD_921600B)


  • Other baud rate (ESPTOOLPY_BAUD_OTHER)


Other baud rate value

Found in: Serial flasher config

Default value:
  • 115200


Use compressed upload

Found in: Serial flasher config

The flasher tool can send data compressed using zlib, letting the ROM on the ESP chip decompress it on the fly before flashing it. For most payloads, this should result in a speed increase.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Disable download stub

Found in: Serial flasher config

The flasher tool sends a precompiled download stub first by default. That stub allows things like compressed downloads and more. Usually you should not need to disable that feature

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Flash SPI mode

Found in: Serial flasher config

Mode the flash chip is flashed in, as well as the default mode for the binary to run in.

Available options:






Flash Sampling Mode

Found in: Serial flasher config

Available options:



Flash SPI speed

Found in: Serial flasher config

The SPI flash frequency to be used.

Available options:






Flash size

Found in: Serial flasher config

SPI flash size, in megabytes

Available options:









Detect flash size when flashing bootloader

Found in: Serial flasher config

If this option is set, flashing the project will automatically detect the flash size of the target chip and update the bootloader image before it is flashed.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Before flashing

Found in: Serial flasher config

Configure whether should reset the ESP32 before flashing.

Automatic resetting depends on the RTS & DTR signals being wired from the serial port to the ESP32. Most USB development boards do this internally.

Available options:
  • Reset to bootloader (ESPTOOLPY_BEFORE_RESET)



After flashing

Found in: Serial flasher config

Configure whether should reset the ESP32 after flashing.

Automatic resetting depends on the RTS & DTR signals being wired from the serial port to the ESP32. Most USB development boards do this internally.

Available options:
  • Reset after flashing (ESPTOOLPY_AFTER_RESET)

  • Stay in bootloader (ESPTOOLPY_AFTER_NORESET)


‘ monitor’ baud rate

Found in: Serial flasher config

Baud rate to use when running ‘ monitor’ or ‘make monitor’ to view serial output from a running chip.

If “Same as UART Console baud rate” is chosen then the value will follow the “UART Console baud rate” config item.

Can override by setting the MONITORBAUD environment variable.

Available options:
  • Same as UART console baud rate (ESPTOOLPY_MONITOR_BAUD_CONSOLE)

  • 9600 bps (ESPTOOLPY_MONITOR_BAUD_9600B)

  • 57600 bps (ESPTOOLPY_MONITOR_BAUD_57600B)

  • 115200 bps (ESPTOOLPY_MONITOR_BAUD_115200B)

  • 230400 bps (ESPTOOLPY_MONITOR_BAUD_230400B)

  • 921600 bps (ESPTOOLPY_MONITOR_BAUD_921600B)




Custom baud rate value

Found in: Serial flasher config

Default value:
  • 115200

Partition Table



Partition Table

Found in: Partition Table

The partition table to flash to the ESP32. The partition table determines where apps, data and other resources are expected to be found.

The predefined partition table CSV descriptions can be found in the components/partition_table directory. These are mostly intended for example and development use, it’s expect that for production use you will copy one of these CSV files and create a custom partition CSV for your application.

Available options:
  • Single factory app, no OTA (PARTITION_TABLE_SINGLE_APP)

    This is the default partition table, designed to fit into a 2MB or larger flash with a single 1MB app partition.

    The corresponding CSV file in the IDF directory is components/partition_table/partitions_singleapp.csv

    This partition table is not suitable for an app that needs OTA (over the air update) capability.

  • Single factory app (large), no OTA (PARTITION_TABLE_SINGLE_APP_LARGE)

    This is a variation of the default partition table, that expands the 1MB app partition size to 1.5MB to fit more code.

    The corresponding CSV file in the IDF directory is components/partition_table/partitions_singleapp_large.csv

    This partition table is not suitable for an app that needs OTA (over the air update) capability.

  • Factory app, two OTA definitions (PARTITION_TABLE_TWO_OTA)

    This is a basic OTA-enabled partition table with a factory app partition plus two OTA app partitions. All are 1MB, so this partition table requires 4MB or larger flash size.

    The corresponding CSV file in the IDF directory is components/partition_table/partitions_two_ota.csv

  • Custom partition table CSV (PARTITION_TABLE_CUSTOM)

    Specify the path to the partition table CSV to use for your project.

    Consult the Partition Table section in the ESP-IDF Programmers Guide for more information.

  • Single factory app, no OTA, encrypted NVS (PARTITION_TABLE_SINGLE_APP_ENCRYPTED_NVS)

    This is a variation of the default “Single factory app, no OTA” partition table that supports encrypted NVS when using flash encryption. See the Flash Encryption section in the ESP-IDF Programmers Guide for more information.

    The corresponding CSV file in the IDF directory is components/partition_table/partitions_singleapp_encr_nvs.csv

  • Single factory app (large), no OTA, encrypted NVS (PARTITION_TABLE_SINGLE_APP_LARGE_ENC_NVS)

    This is a variation of the “Single factory app (large), no OTA” partition table that supports encrypted NVS when using flash encryption. See the Flash Encryption section in the ESP-IDF Programmers Guide for more information.

    The corresponding CSV file in the IDF directory is components/partition_table/partitions_singleapp_large_encr_nvs.csv

  • Factory app, two OTA definitions, encrypted NVS (PARTITION_TABLE_TWO_OTA_ENCRYPTED_NVS)

    This is a variation of the “Factory app, two OTA definitions” partition table that supports encrypted NVS when using flash encryption. See the Flash Encryption section in the ESP-IDF Programmers Guide for more information.

    The corresponding CSV file in the IDF directory is components/partition_table/partitions_two_ota_encr_nvs.csv


Custom partition CSV file

Found in: Partition Table

Name of the custom partition CSV filename. This path is evaluated relative to the project root directory.

Default value:
  • “partitions.csv”


Offset of partition table

Found in: Partition Table

The address of partition table (by default 0x8000). Allows you to move the partition table, it gives more space for the bootloader. Note that the bootloader and app will both need to be compiled with the same PARTITION_TABLE_OFFSET value.

This number should be a multiple of 0x1000.

Note that partition offsets in the partition table CSV file may need to be changed if this value is set to a higher value. To have each partition offset adapt to the configured partition table offset, leave all partition offsets blank in the CSV file.

Default value:
  • “0x8000”


Generate an MD5 checksum for the partition table

Found in: Partition Table

Generate an MD5 checksum for the partition table for protecting the integrity of the table. The generation should be turned off for legacy bootloaders which cannot recognize the MD5 checksum in the partition table.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled) if ESP32_COMPATIBLE_PRE_V3_1_BOOTLOADERS

Compiler options



Optimization Level

Found in: Compiler options

This option sets compiler optimization level (gcc -O argument) for the app.

  • The “Default” setting will add the -0g flag to CFLAGS.

  • The “Size” setting will add the -0s flag to CFLAGS.

  • The “Performance” setting will add the -O2 flag to CFLAGS.

  • The “None” setting will add the -O0 flag to CFLAGS.

The “Size” setting cause the compiled code to be smaller and faster, but may lead to difficulties of correlating code addresses to source file lines when debugging.

The “Performance” setting causes the compiled code to be larger and faster, but will be easier to correlated code addresses to source file lines.

“None” with -O0 produces compiled code without optimization.

Note that custom optimization levels may be unsupported.

Compiler optimization for the IDF bootloader is set separately, see the BOOTLOADER_COMPILER_OPTIMIZATION setting.

Available options:

  • Optimize for size (-Os) (COMPILER_OPTIMIZATION_SIZE)

  • Optimize for performance (-O2) (COMPILER_OPTIMIZATION_PERF)

  • Debug without optimization (-O0) (COMPILER_OPTIMIZATION_NONE)


Assertion level

Found in: Compiler options

Assertions can be:

  • Enabled. Failure will print verbose assertion details. This is the default.

  • Set to “silent” to save code size (failed assertions will abort() but user needs to use the aborting address to find the line number with the failed assertion.)

  • Disabled entirely (not recommended for most configurations.) -DNDEBUG is added to CPPFLAGS in this case.

Available options:

    Enable assertions. Assertion content and line number will be printed on failure.


    Enable silent assertions. Failed assertions will abort(), user needs to use the aborting address to find the line number with the failed assertion.


    If assertions are disabled, -DNDEBUG is added to CPPFLAGS.


Disable messages in ESP_RETURN_ON_* and ESP_EXIT_ON_* macros

Found in: Compiler options

If enabled, the error messages will be discarded in following check macros: - ESP_RETURN_ON_ERROR - ESP_EXIT_ON_ERROR - ESP_RETURN_ON_FALSE - ESP_EXIT_ON_FALSE

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Replace ESP-IDF and project paths in binaries

Found in: Compiler options

When expanding the __FILE__ and __BASE_FILE__ macros, replace paths inside ESP-IDF with paths relative to the placeholder string “IDF”, and convert paths inside the project directory to relative paths.

This allows building the project with assertions or other code that embeds file paths, without the binary containing the exact path to the IDF or project directories.

This option passes -fmacro-prefix-map options to the GCC command line. To replace additional paths in your binaries, modify the project CMakeLists.txt file to pass custom -fmacro-prefix-map or -ffile-prefix-map arguments.


Enable C++ exceptions

Found in: Compiler options

Enabling this option compiles all IDF C++ files with exception support enabled.

Disabling this option disables C++ exception support in all compiled files, and any libstdc++ code which throws an exception will abort instead.

Enabling this option currently adds an additional ~500 bytes of heap overhead when an exception is thrown in user code for the first time.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)



Emergency Pool Size

Found in: Compiler options > CONFIG_COMPILER_CXX_EXCEPTIONS

Size (in bytes) of the emergency memory pool for C++ exceptions. This pool will be used to allocate memory for thrown exceptions when there is not enough memory on the heap.

Default value:


Enable C++ run-time type info (RTTI)

Found in: Compiler options

Enabling this option compiles all C++ files with RTTI support enabled. This increases binary size (typically by tens of kB) but allows using dynamic_cast conversion and typeid operator.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Stack smashing protection mode

Found in: Compiler options

Stack smashing protection mode. Emit extra code to check for buffer overflows, such as stack smashing attacks. This is done by adding a guard variable to functions with vulnerable objects. The guards are initialized when a function is entered and then checked when the function exits. If a guard check fails, program is halted. Protection has the following modes:

  • In NORMAL mode (GCC flag: -fstack-protector) only functions that call alloca, and functions with buffers larger than 8 bytes are protected.

  • STRONG mode (GCC flag: -fstack-protector-strong) is like NORMAL, but includes additional functions to be protected – those that have local array definitions, or have references to local frame addresses.

  • In OVERALL mode (GCC flag: -fstack-protector-all) all functions are protected.

Modes have the following impact on code performance and coverage:

  • performance: NORMAL > STRONG > OVERALL

  • coverage: NORMAL < STRONG < OVERALL

The performance impact includes increasing the amount of stack memory required for each task.

Available options:





Enable -Wwrite-strings warning flag

Found in: Compiler options

Adds -Wwrite-strings flag for the C/C++ compilers.

For C, this gives string constants the type const char[] so that copying the address of one into a non-const char \* pointer produces a warning. This warning helps to find at compile time code that tries to write into a string constant.

For C++, this warns about the deprecated conversion from string literals to char \*.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Disable new warnings introduced in GCC 6 - 8

Found in: Compiler options

Enable this option if using GCC 6 or newer, and wanting to disable warnings which don’t appear with GCC 5.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Dump RTL files during compilation

Found in: Compiler options

If enabled, RTL files will be produced during compilation. These files can be used by other tools, for example to calculate call graphs.

Component config


Application Level Tracing



Data Destination

Found in: Component config > Application Level Tracing

Select destination for application trace: JTAG or none (to disable).

Available options:



Timeout for flushing last trace data to host on panic

Found in: Component config > Application Level Tracing

Timeout for flushing last trace data to host in case of panic. In ms. Use -1 to disable timeout and wait forever.


Threshold for flushing last trace data to host on panic

Found in: Component config > Application Level Tracing

Threshold for flushing last trace data to host on panic in post-mortem mode. This is minimal amount of data needed to perform flush. In bytes.


Size of the apptrace buffer

Found in: Component config > Application Level Tracing

Size of the memory buffer for trace data in bytes.


Size of the pending data buffer

Found in: Component config > Application Level Tracing

Size of the buffer for events in bytes. It is useful for buffering events from the time critical code (scheduler, ISRs etc). If this parameter is 0 then events will be discarded when main HW buffer is full.

FreeRTOS SystemView Tracing



SystemView Tracing Enable

Found in: Component config > Application Level Tracing > FreeRTOS SystemView Tracing

Enables supporrt for SEGGER SystemView tracing functionality.


Timer to use as timestamp source

Found in: Component config > Application Level Tracing > FreeRTOS SystemView Tracing > CONFIG_APPTRACE_SV_ENABLE

SystemView needs to use a hardware timer as the source of timestamps when tracing. This option selects the timer for it.

Available options:

  • Timer 0, Group 0 (APPTRACE_SV_TS_SOURCE_TIMER_00)

  • Timer 1, Group 0 (APPTRACE_SV_TS_SOURCE_TIMER_01)

  • Timer 0, Group 1 (APPTRACE_SV_TS_SOURCE_TIMER_10)

  • Timer 1, Group 1 (APPTRACE_SV_TS_SOURCE_TIMER_11)

  • esp_timer high resolution timer (APPTRACE_SV_TS_SOURCE_ESP_TIMER)


Maximum supported tasks

Found in: Component config > Application Level Tracing > FreeRTOS SystemView Tracing > CONFIG_APPTRACE_SV_ENABLE

Configures maximum supported tasks in sysview debug


Trace buffer wait timeout

Found in: Component config > Application Level Tracing > FreeRTOS SystemView Tracing > CONFIG_APPTRACE_SV_ENABLE

Configures timeout (in us) to wait for free space in trace buffer. Set to -1 to wait forever and avoid lost events.


Trace Buffer Overflow Event

Found in: Component config > Application Level Tracing > FreeRTOS SystemView Tracing > CONFIG_APPTRACE_SV_ENABLE

Enables “Trace Buffer Overflow” event.


ISR Enter Event

Found in: Component config > Application Level Tracing > FreeRTOS SystemView Tracing > CONFIG_APPTRACE_SV_ENABLE

Enables “ISR Enter” event.


ISR Exit Event

Found in: Component config > Application Level Tracing > FreeRTOS SystemView Tracing > CONFIG_APPTRACE_SV_ENABLE

Enables “ISR Exit” event.


ISR Exit to Scheduler Event

Found in: Component config > Application Level Tracing > FreeRTOS SystemView Tracing > CONFIG_APPTRACE_SV_ENABLE

Enables “ISR to Scheduler” event.


Task Start Execution Event

Found in: Component config > Application Level Tracing > FreeRTOS SystemView Tracing > CONFIG_APPTRACE_SV_ENABLE

Enables “Task Start Execution” event.


Task Stop Execution Event

Found in: Component config > Application Level Tracing > FreeRTOS SystemView Tracing > CONFIG_APPTRACE_SV_ENABLE

Enables “Task Stop Execution” event.


Task Start Ready State Event

Found in: Component config > Application Level Tracing > FreeRTOS SystemView Tracing > CONFIG_APPTRACE_SV_ENABLE

Enables “Task Start Ready State” event.


Task Stop Ready State Event

Found in: Component config > Application Level Tracing > FreeRTOS SystemView Tracing > CONFIG_APPTRACE_SV_ENABLE

Enables “Task Stop Ready State” event.


Task Create Event

Found in: Component config > Application Level Tracing > FreeRTOS SystemView Tracing > CONFIG_APPTRACE_SV_ENABLE

Enables “Task Create” event.


Task Terminate Event

Found in: Component config > Application Level Tracing > FreeRTOS SystemView Tracing > CONFIG_APPTRACE_SV_ENABLE

Enables “Task Terminate” event.


System Idle Event

Found in: Component config > Application Level Tracing > FreeRTOS SystemView Tracing > CONFIG_APPTRACE_SV_ENABLE

Enables “System Idle” event.


Timer Enter Event

Found in: Component config > Application Level Tracing > FreeRTOS SystemView Tracing > CONFIG_APPTRACE_SV_ENABLE

Enables “Timer Enter” event.


Timer Exit Event

Found in: Component config > Application Level Tracing > FreeRTOS SystemView Tracing > CONFIG_APPTRACE_SV_ENABLE

Enables “Timer Exit” event.


GCOV to Host Enable

Found in: Component config > Application Level Tracing

Enables support for GCOV data transfer to host.




Enable SSL/TLS support of ASIO

Found in: Component config > ESP-ASIO

Enable support for basic SSL/TLS features, available for mbedTLS/OpenSSL as well as wolfSSL TLS library.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Choose SSL/TLS library for ESP-TLS (See help for more Info)

Found in: Component config > ESP-ASIO > CONFIG_ASIO_SSL_SUPPORT

The ASIO support multiple backend TLS libraries. Currently the mbedTLS with a thin ESP-OpenSSL port layer (default choice) and WolfSSL are supported. Different TLS libraries may support different features and have different resource usage. Consult the ESP-TLS documentation in ESP-IDF Programming guide for more details.

Available options:
  • esp-openssl (ASIO_USE_ESP_OPENSSL)

  • wolfSSL (License info in wolfSSL directory README) (ASIO_USE_ESP_WOLFSSL)

CoAP Configuration



CoAP Encryption method

Found in: Component config > CoAP Configuration

If the CoAP information is to be encrypted, the encryption environment can be set up in one of two ways (default being Pre-Shared key mode)

  • Encrypt using defined Pre-Shared Keys (PSK if uri includes coaps://)

  • Encrypt using defined Public Key Infrastructure (PKI if uri includes coaps://)

Available options:
  • Pre-Shared Keys (COAP_MBEDTLS_PSK)

  • PKI Certificates (COAP_MBEDTLS_PKI)


Enable CoAP debugging

Found in: Component config > CoAP Configuration

Enable CoAP debugging functions at compile time for the example code.

If this option is enabled, call coap_set_log_level() at runtime in order to enable CoAP debug output via the ESP log mechanism.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Set CoAP debugging level

Found in: Component config > CoAP Configuration > CONFIG_COAP_MBEDTLS_DEBUG

Set CoAP debugging level

Available options:
  • Emergency (COAP_LOG_EMERG)

  • Alert (COAP_LOG_ALERT)

  • Critical (COAP_LOG_CRIT)

  • Error (COAP_LOG_ERROR)

  • Warning (COAP_LOG_WARNING)

  • Notice (COAP_LOG_NOTICE)

  • Info (COAP_LOG_INFO)

  • Debug (COAP_LOG_DEBUG)


Driver configurations


ADC configuration



Use the FSM to control ADC power

Found in: Component config > Driver configurations > ADC configuration

ADC power can be controlled by the FSM instead of software. This allows the ADC to be shut off when it is not working leading to lower power consumption. However using the FSM control ADC power will increase the noise of ADC.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Disable DAC when ADC2 is used on GPIO 25 and 26

Found in: Component config > Driver configurations > ADC configuration

If this is set, the ADC2 driver will disable the output of the DAC corresponding to the specified channel. This is the default value.

For testing, disable this option so that we can measure the output of DAC by internal ADC.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)

MCPWM configuration



Place MCPWM ISR function into IRAM

Found in: Component config > Driver configurations > MCPWM configuration

If this option is not selected, the MCPWM interrupt will be deferred when the Cache is in a disabled state (e.g. Flash write/erase operation).

Note that if this option is selected, all user registered ISR callbacks should never try to use cache as well. (with IRAM_ATTR)

Default value:
  • No (disabled)

SPI configuration



Place transmitting functions of SPI master into IRAM

Found in: Component config > Driver configurations > SPI configuration

Normally only the ISR of SPI master is placed in the IRAM, so that it can work without the flash when interrupt is triggered. For other functions, there’s some possibility that the flash cache miss when running inside and out of SPI functions, which may increase the interval of SPI transactions. Enable this to put queue\_trans, get\_trans\_result and transmit functions into the IRAM to avoid possible cache miss.

During unit test, this is enabled to measure the ideal case of api.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Place SPI master ISR function into IRAM

Found in: Component config > Driver configurations > SPI configuration

Place the SPI master ISR in to IRAM to avoid possible cache miss.

Also you can forbid the ISR being disabled during flash writing access, by add ESP_INTR_FLAG_IRAM when initializing the driver.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Place transmitting functions of SPI slave into IRAM

Found in: Component config > Driver configurations > SPI configuration

Normally only the ISR of SPI slave is placed in the IRAM, so that it can work without the flash when interrupt is triggered. For other functions, there’s some possibility that the flash cache miss when running inside and out of SPI functions, which may increase the interval of SPI transactions. Enable this to put queue\_trans, get\_trans\_result and transmit functions into the IRAM to avoid possible cache miss.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Place SPI slave ISR function into IRAM

Found in: Component config > Driver configurations > SPI configuration

Place the SPI slave ISR in to IRAM to avoid possible cache miss.

Also you can forbid the ISR being disabled during flash writing access, by add ESP_INTR_FLAG_IRAM when initializing the driver.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)

TWAI configuration



Place TWAI ISR function into IRAM

Found in: Component config > Driver configurations > TWAI configuration

Place the TWAI ISR in to IRAM. This will allow the ISR to avoid cache misses, and also be able to run whilst the cache is disabled (such as when writing to SPI Flash). Note that if this option is enabled: - Users should also set the ESP_INTR_FLAG_IRAM in the driver configuration structure when installing the driver (see docs for specifics). - Alert logging (i.e., setting of the TWAI_ALERT_AND_LOG flag) will have no effect.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)

UART configuration



Place UART ISR function into IRAM

Found in: Component config > Driver configurations > UART configuration

If this option is not selected, UART interrupt will be disabled for a long time and may cause data lost when doing spi flash operation.

Default value:
GDMA Configuration



Place GDMA control functions into IRAM

Found in: Component config > Driver configurations > GDMA Configuration

Place GDMA control functions (like start/stop/append/reset) into IRAM, so that these functions can be IRAM-safe and able to be called in the other IRAM interrupt context. Enabling this option can improve driver performance as well.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)



Found in: Component config > Driver configurations > GDMA Configuration

This will ensure the GDMA interrupt handler is IRAM-Safe, allow to avoid flash cache misses, and also be able to run whilst the cache is disabled. (e.g. SPI Flash write).

Default value:
  • No (disabled)

eFuse Bit Manager



Use custom eFuse table

Found in: Component config > eFuse Bit Manager

Allows to generate a structure for eFuse from the CSV file.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Custom eFuse CSV file

Found in: Component config > eFuse Bit Manager > CONFIG_EFUSE_CUSTOM_TABLE

Name of the custom eFuse CSV filename. This path is evaluated relative to the project root directory.

Default value:

Simulate eFuse operations in RAM

Found in: Component config > eFuse Bit Manager

If “n” - No virtual mode. All eFuse operations are real and use eFuse registers. If “y” - The virtual mode is enabled and all eFuse operations (read and write) are redirected to RAM instead of eFuse registers, all permanent changes (via eFuse) are disabled. Log output will state changes that would be applied, but they will not be.

During startup, the eFuses are copied into RAM. This mode is useful for fast tests.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Keep eFuses in flash

Found in: Component config > eFuse Bit Manager > CONFIG_EFUSE_VIRTUAL

In addition to the “Simulate eFuse operations in RAM” option, this option just adds a feature to keep eFuses after reboots in flash memory. To use this mode the partition_table should have the efuse partition. partition.csv: “efuse_em, data, efuse, , 0x2000,”

During startup, the eFuses are copied from flash or, in case if flash is empty, from real eFuse to RAM and then update flash. This mode is useful when need to keep changes after reboot (testing secure_boot and flash_encryption).




Choose SSL/TLS library for ESP-TLS (See help for more Info)

Found in: Component config > ESP-TLS

The ESP-TLS APIs support multiple backend TLS libraries. Currently mbedTLS and WolfSSL are supported. Different TLS libraries may support different features and have different resource usage. Consult the ESP-TLS documentation in ESP-IDF Programming guide for more details.

Available options:

  • wolfSSL (License info in wolfSSL directory README) (ESP_TLS_USING_WOLFSSL)


Use Digital Signature (DS) Peripheral with ESP-TLS

Found in: Component config > ESP-TLS

Enable use of the Digital Signature Peripheral for ESP-TLS.The DS peripheral can only be used when it is appropriately configured for TLS. Consult the ESP-TLS documentation in ESP-IDF Programming Guide for more details.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Enable client session tickets

Found in: Component config > ESP-TLS

Enable session ticket support as specified in RFC5077.


Enable ESP-TLS Server

Found in: Component config > ESP-TLS

Enable support for creating server side SSL/TLS session, available for mbedTLS as well as wolfSSL TLS library.


Enable server session tickets

Found in: Component config > ESP-TLS > CONFIG_ESP_TLS_SERVER

Enable session ticket support as specified in RFC5077


Server session ticket timeout in seconds


Sets the session ticket timeout used in the tls server.

Default value:

ESP-TLS Server: Set minimum Certificate Verification mode to Optional

Found in: Component config > ESP-TLS > CONFIG_ESP_TLS_SERVER

When this option is enabled, the peer (here, the client) certificate is checked by the server, however the handshake continues even if verification failed. By default, the peer certificate is not checked and ignored by the server.

mbedtls_ssl_get_verify_result() can be called after the handshake is complete to retrieve status of verification.


Enable PSK verification

Found in: Component config > ESP-TLS

Enable support for pre shared key ciphers, supported for both mbedTLS as well as wolfSSL TLS library.


Allow potentially insecure options

Found in: Component config > ESP-TLS

You can enable some potentially insecure options. These options should only be used for testing pusposes. Only enable these options if you are very sure.


Skip server certificate verification by default (WARNING: ONLY FOR TESTING PURPOSE, READ HELP)

Found in: Component config > ESP-TLS > CONFIG_ESP_TLS_INSECURE

After enabling this option the esp-tls client will skip the server certificate verification by default. Note that this option will only modify the default behaviour of esp-tls client regarding server cert verification. The default behaviour should only be applicable when no other option regarding the server cert verification is opted in the esp-tls config (e.g. crt_bundle_attach, use_global_ca_store etc.). WARNING : Enabling this option comes with a potential risk of establishing a TLS connection with a server which has a fake identity, provided that the server certificate is not provided either through API or other mechanism like ca_store etc.



Found in: Component config > ESP-TLS

Enables server verification with Intermediate CA cert, does not authenticate full chain of trust upto the root CA cert (After Enabling this option client only needs to have Intermediate CA certificate of the server to authenticate server, root CA cert is not necessary).

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled) if ESP_TLS_USING_WOLFSSL


Enable debug logs for wolfSSL

Found in: Component config > ESP-TLS

Enable detailed debug prints for wolfSSL SSL library.




CPU frequency

Found in: Component config > ESP32S2-specific

CPU frequency to be set on application startup.

Available options:

  • 80 MHz (ESP32S2_DEFAULT_CPU_FREQ_80)

  • 160 MHz (ESP32S2_DEFAULT_CPU_FREQ_160)

  • 240 MHz (ESP32S2_DEFAULT_CPU_FREQ_240)

Cache config



Instruction cache size

Found in: Component config > ESP32S2-specific > Cache config

Instruction cache size to be set on application startup. If you use 8KB instruction cache rather than 16KB instruction cache, then the other 8KB will be added to the heap.

Available options:



Instruction cache line size

Found in: Component config > ESP32S2-specific > Cache config

Instruction cache line size to be set on application startup.

Available options:



Data cache size

Found in: Component config > ESP32S2-specific > Cache config

Data cache size to be set on application startup. If you use 0KB data cache, the other 16KB will be added to the heap If you use 8KB data cache rather than 16KB data cache, the other 8KB will be added to the heap

Available options:


  • 16KB (ESP32S2_DATA_CACHE_16KB)


Data cache line size

Found in: Component config > ESP32S2-specific > Cache config

Data cache line size to be set on application startup.

Available options:
  • 16 Bytes (ESP32S2_DATA_CACHE_LINE_16B)

  • 32 Bytes (ESP32S2_DATA_CACHE_LINE_32B)


Enable instruction cache wrap

Found in: Component config > ESP32S2-specific > Cache config

If enabled, instruction cache will use wrap mode to read spi flash (maybe spiram). The wrap length equals to INSTRUCTION_CACHE_LINE_SIZE. However, it depends on complex conditions.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Enable data cache wrap

Found in: Component config > ESP32S2-specific > Cache config

If enabled, data cache will use wrap mode to read spiram (maybe spi flash). The wrap length equals to DATA_CACHE_LINE_SIZE. However, it depends on complex conditions.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Support for external, SPI-connected RAM

Found in: Component config > ESP32S2-specific

This enables support for an external SPI RAM chip, connected in parallel with the main SPI flash chip.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Type of SPI RAM chip in use

Found in: Component config > ESP32S2-specific > CONFIG_ESP32S2_SPIRAM_SUPPORT > SPI RAM config

Available options:
  • Auto-detect (SPIRAM_TYPE_AUTO)





Cache fetch instructions from SPI RAM

Found in: Component config > ESP32S2-specific > CONFIG_ESP32S2_SPIRAM_SUPPORT > SPI RAM config

If enabled, instruction in flash will be copied into SPIRAM. If SPIRAM_RODATA also enabled, you can run the instruction when erasing or programming the flash.

Default value:

Cache load read only data from SPI RAM

Found in: Component config > ESP32S2-specific > CONFIG_ESP32S2_SPIRAM_SUPPORT > SPI RAM config

If enabled, radata in flash will be copied into SPIRAM. If SPIRAM_FETCH_INSTRUCTIONS also enabled, you can run the instruction when erasing or programming the flash.

Default value:

Allow external memory as an argument to xTaskCreateStatic

Found in: Component config > ESP32S2-specific > CONFIG_ESP32S2_SPIRAM_SUPPORT > SPI RAM config

Accessing memory in SPIRAM has certain restrictions, so task stacks allocated by xTaskCreate are by default allocated from internal RAM.

This option allows for passing memory allocated from SPIRAM to be passed to xTaskCreateStatic. This should only be used for tasks where the stack is never accessed while the cache is disabled. Cannot be used together with ESP_COREDUMP_ENABLE_TO_FLASH.

Default value:

Set RAM clock speed

Found in: Component config > ESP32S2-specific > CONFIG_ESP32S2_SPIRAM_SUPPORT > SPI RAM config

Select the speed for the SPI RAM chip.

Available options:
  • 80MHz clock speed (SPIRAM_SPEED_80M)

  • 40Mhz clock speed (SPIRAM_SPEED_40M)

  • 26Mhz clock speed (SPIRAM_SPEED_26M)

  • 20Mhz clock speed (SPIRAM_SPEED_20M)


Initialize SPI RAM during startup

Found in: Component config > ESP32S2-specific > CONFIG_ESP32S2_SPIRAM_SUPPORT > SPI RAM config

If this is enabled, the SPI RAM will be enabled during initial boot. Unless you have specific requirements, you’ll want to leave this enabled so memory allocated during boot-up can also be placed in SPI RAM.

Default value:

Ignore PSRAM when not found

Found in: Component config > ESP32S2-specific > CONFIG_ESP32S2_SPIRAM_SUPPORT > SPI RAM config > CONFIG_SPIRAM_BOOT_INIT

Normally, if psram initialization is enabled during compile time but not found at runtime, it is seen as an error making the CPU panic. If this is enabled, booting will complete but no PSRAM will be available.

Default value:

SPI RAM access method

Found in: Component config > ESP32S2-specific > CONFIG_ESP32S2_SPIRAM_SUPPORT > SPI RAM config

The SPI RAM can be accessed in multiple methods: by just having it available as an unmanaged memory region in the CPU’s memory map, by integrating it in the heap as ‘special’ memory needing heap_caps_malloc to allocate, or by fully integrating it making malloc() also able to return SPI RAM pointers.

Available options:
  • Integrate RAM into memory map (SPIRAM_USE_MEMMAP)

  • Make RAM allocatable using heap_caps_malloc(…, MALLOC_CAP_SPIRAM) (SPIRAM_USE_CAPS_ALLOC)

  • Make RAM allocatable using malloc() as well (SPIRAM_USE_MALLOC)


Run memory test on SPI RAM initialization

Found in: Component config > ESP32S2-specific > CONFIG_ESP32S2_SPIRAM_SUPPORT > SPI RAM config

Runs a rudimentary memory test on initialization. Aborts when memory test fails. Disable this for slightly faster startup.

Default value:

Maximum malloc() size, in bytes, to always put in internal memory

Found in: Component config > ESP32S2-specific > CONFIG_ESP32S2_SPIRAM_SUPPORT > SPI RAM config

If malloc() is capable of also allocating SPI-connected ram, its allocation strategy will prefer to allocate chunks less than this size in internal memory, while allocations larger than this will be done from external RAM. If allocation from the preferred region fails, an attempt is made to allocate from the non-preferred region instead, so malloc() will not suddenly fail when either internal or external memory is full.

Default value:

Try to allocate memories of WiFi and LWIP in SPIRAM firstly. If failed, allocate internal memory

Found in: Component config > ESP32S2-specific > CONFIG_ESP32S2_SPIRAM_SUPPORT > SPI RAM config

Try to allocate memories of WiFi and LWIP in SPIRAM firstly. If failed, try to allocate internal memory then.

Default value:

Reserve this amount of bytes for data that specifically needs to be in DMA or internal memory

Found in: Component config > ESP32S2-specific > CONFIG_ESP32S2_SPIRAM_SUPPORT > SPI RAM config

Because the external/internal RAM allocation strategy is not always perfect, it sometimes may happen that the internal memory is entirely filled up. This causes allocations that are specifically done in internal memory, for example the stack for new tasks or memory to service DMA or have memory that’s also available when SPI cache is down, to fail. This option reserves a pool specifically for requests like that; the memory in this pool is not given out when a normal malloc() is called.

Set this to 0 to disable this feature.

Note that because FreeRTOS stacks are forced to internal memory, they will also use this memory pool; be sure to keep this in mind when adjusting this value.

Note also that the DMA reserved pool may not be one single contiguous memory region, depending on the configured size and the static memory usage of the app.

Default value:

Allow .bss segment placed in external memory

Found in: Component config > ESP32S2-specific > CONFIG_ESP32S2_SPIRAM_SUPPORT > SPI RAM config

If enabled, variables with EXT_RAM_ATTR attribute will be placed in SPIRAM instead of internal DRAM. BSS section of lwip, net80211, pp, bt libraries will be automatically placed in SPIRAM. BSS sections from other object files and libraries can also be placed in SPIRAM through linker fragment scheme extram_bss.

Note that the variables placed in SPIRAM using EXT_RAM_ATTR will be zero initialized.


Use TRAX tracing feature

Found in: Component config > ESP32S2-specific

The ESP32S2 contains a feature which allows you to trace the execution path the processor has taken through the program. This is stored in a chunk of 32K (16K for single-processor) of memory that can’t be used for general purposes anymore. Disable this if you do not know what this is.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Enable Ultra Low Power (ULP) Coprocessor

Found in: Component config > ESP32S2-specific

Set to ‘y’ if you plan to load a firmware for the coprocessor.

If this option is enabled, further coprocessor configuration will appear in the Components menu.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


RTC slow memory reserved for coprocessor

Found in: Component config > ESP32S2-specific > CONFIG_ESP32S2_ULP_COPROC_ENABLED

Bytes of memory to reserve for ULP coprocessor firmware & data.

Data is reserved at the beginning of RTC slow memory.

Default value:

Enable RISC-V as ULP coprocessor

Found in: Component config > ESP32S2-specific > CONFIG_ESP32S2_ULP_COPROC_ENABLED

Set this to y to use the RISC-V coprocessor instead of the FSM-ULP.

Default value:

Make exception and panic handlers JTAG/OCD aware

Found in: Component config > ESP32S2-specific

The FreeRTOS panic and unhandled exception handers can detect a JTAG OCD debugger and instead of panicking, have the debugger stop on the offending instruction.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Hardware brownout detect & reset

Found in: Component config > ESP32S2-specific

The ESP32-S2 has a built-in brownout detector which can detect if the voltage is lower than a specific value. If this happens, it will reset the chip in order to prevent unintended behaviour.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Brownout voltage level

Found in: Component config > ESP32S2-specific > CONFIG_ESP32S2_BROWNOUT_DET

The brownout detector will reset the chip when the supply voltage is approximately below this level. Note that there may be some variation of brownout voltage level between each ESP3-S2 chip.

#The voltage levels here are estimates, more work needs to be done to figure out the exact voltages #of the brownout threshold levels.

Available options:








Timers used for gettimeofday function

Found in: Component config > ESP32S2-specific

This setting defines which hardware timers are used to implement ‘gettimeofday’ and ‘time’ functions in C library.

  • If both high-resolution and RTC timers are used, timekeeping will continue in deep sleep. Time will be reported at 1 microsecond resolution. This is the default, and the recommended option.

  • If only high-resolution timer is used, gettimeofday will provide time at microsecond resolution. Time will not be preserved when going into deep sleep mode.

  • If only RTC timer is used, timekeeping will continue in deep sleep, but time will be measured at 6.(6) microsecond resolution. Also the gettimeofday function itself may take longer to run.

  • If no timers are used, gettimeofday and time functions return -1 and set errno to ENOSYS.

  • When RTC is used for timekeeping, two RTC_STORE registers are used to keep time in deep sleep mode.

Available options:
  • RTC and high-resolution timer (ESP32S2_TIME_SYSCALL_USE_RTC_FRC1)


  • High-resolution timer (ESP32S2_TIME_SYSCALL_USE_FRC1)



RTC clock source

Found in: Component config > ESP32S2-specific

Choose which clock is used as RTC clock source.

  • “Internal 90kHz oscillator” option provides lowest deep sleep current consumption, and does not require extra external components. However frequency stability with respect to temperature is poor, so time may drift in deep/light sleep modes.

  • “External 32kHz crystal” provides better frequency stability, at the expense of slightly higher (1uA) deep sleep current consumption.

  • “External 32kHz oscillator” allows using 32kHz clock generated by an external circuit. In this case, external clock signal must be connected to 32K_XN pin. Amplitude should be <1.2V in case of sine wave signal, and <1V in case of square wave signal. Common mode voltage should be 0.1 < Vcm < 0.5Vamp, where Vamp is the signal amplitude. Additionally, 1nF capacitor must be connected between 32K_XP pin and ground. 32K_XP pin can not be used as a GPIO in this case.

  • “Internal 8MHz oscillator divided by 256” option results in higher deep sleep current (by 5uA) but has better frequency stability than the internal 90kHz oscillator. It does not require external components.

Available options:
  • Internal 90kHz RC oscillator (ESP32S2_RTC_CLK_SRC_INT_RC)

  • External 32kHz crystal (ESP32S2_RTC_CLK_SRC_EXT_CRYS)

  • External 32kHz oscillator at 32K_XN pin (ESP32S2_RTC_CLK_SRC_EXT_OSC)

  • Internal 8MHz oscillator, divided by 256 (~32kHz) (ESP32S2_RTC_CLK_SRC_INT_8MD256)


Number of cycles for RTC_SLOW_CLK calibration

Found in: Component config > ESP32S2-specific

When the startup code initializes RTC_SLOW_CLK, it can perform calibration by comparing the RTC_SLOW_CLK frequency with main XTAL frequency. This option sets the number of RTC_SLOW_CLK cycles measured by the calibration routine. Higher numbers increase calibration precision, which may be important for applications which spend a lot of time in deep sleep. Lower numbers reduce startup time.

When this option is set to 0, clock calibration will not be performed at startup, and approximate clock frequencies will be assumed:

  • 90000 Hz if internal RC oscillator is used as clock source. For this use value 1024.

  • 32768 Hz if the 32k crystal oscillator is used. For this use value 3000 or more. In case more value will help improve the definition of the launch of the crystal. If the crystal could not start, it will be switched to internal RC.

  • from 0 to 125000

Default value:

  • 576


Number of attempts to repeat 32k XTAL calibration

Found in: Component config > ESP32S2-specific

Number of attempts to repeat 32k XTAL calibration before giving up and switching to the internal RC. Increase this option if the 32k crystal oscillator does not start and switches to internal RC.

Default value:


No Binary Blobs

Found in: Component config > ESP32S2-specific

If enabled, this disables the linking of binary libraries in the application build. Note that after enabling this Wi-Fi/Bluetooth will not work.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Keep USB peripheral enabled at start up

Found in: Component config > ESP32S2-specific

During the application initialization process, all the peripherals except UARTs and timers are reset. Enable this option to keep USB peripheral enabled. This option is automatically enabled if “USB CDC” console is selected.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled) if ESP_CONSOLE_USB_CDC


Place RTC_DATA_ATTR and RTC_RODATA_ATTR variables into RTC fast memory segment

Found in: Component config > ESP32S2-specific

This option allows to place .rtc_data and .rtc_rodata sections into RTC fast memory segment to free the slow memory region for ULP programs.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Use fixed static RAM size

Found in: Component config > ESP32S2-specific

If this option is disabled, the DRAM part of the heap starts right after the .bss section, within the dram0_0 region. As a result, adding or removing some static variables will change the available heap size.

If this option is enabled, the DRAM part of the heap starts right after the dram0_0 region, where its length is set with ESP32S2_FIXED_STATIC_RAM_SIZE

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Fixed Static RAM size

Found in: Component config > ESP32S2-specific > CONFIG_ESP32S2_USE_FIXED_STATIC_RAM_SIZE

RAM size dedicated for static variables (.data & .bss sections).

Default value:





Support SPI to Ethernet Module

Found in: Component config > Ethernet

ESP-IDF can also support some SPI-Ethernet modules.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)



Use DM9051

Found in: Component config > Ethernet > CONFIG_ETH_USE_SPI_ETHERNET

DM9051 is a fast Ethernet controller with an SPI interface. It’s also integrated with a 10/100M PHY and MAC. Select this to enable DM9051 driver.


Use W5500 (MAC RAW)

Found in: Component config > Ethernet > CONFIG_ETH_USE_SPI_ETHERNET

W5500 is a HW TCP/IP embedded Ethernet controller. TCP/IP stack, 10/100 Ethernet MAC and PHY are embedded in a single chip. However the driver in ESP-IDF only enables the RAW MAC mode, making it compatible with the software TCP/IP stack. Say yes to enable W5500 driver.


Use KSZ8851SNL

Found in: Component config > Ethernet > CONFIG_ETH_USE_SPI_ETHERNET

The KSZ8851SNL is a single-chip Fast Ethernet controller consisting of a 10/100 physical layer transceiver (PHY), a MAC, and a Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI). Select this to enable KSZ8851SNL driver.


Support OpenCores Ethernet MAC (for use with QEMU)

Found in: Component config > Ethernet

OpenCores Ethernet MAC driver can be used when an ESP-IDF application is executed in QEMU. This driver is not supported when running on a real chip.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)



Number of Ethernet DMA Rx buffers

Found in: Component config > Ethernet > CONFIG_ETH_USE_OPENETH

Number of DMA receive buffers, each buffer is 1600 bytes.

Default value:

Number of Ethernet DMA Tx buffers

Found in: Component config > Ethernet > CONFIG_ETH_USE_OPENETH

Number of DMA transmit buffers, each buffer is 1600 bytes.

Default value:

Event Loop Library



Enable event loop profiling

Found in: Component config > Event Loop Library

Enables collections of statistics in the event loop library such as the number of events posted to/recieved by an event loop, number of callbacks involved, number of events dropped to to a full event loop queue, run time of event handlers, and number of times/run time of each event handler.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Support posting events from ISRs

Found in: Component config > Event Loop Library

Enable posting events from interrupt handlers.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Support posting events from ISRs placed in IRAM

Found in: Component config > Event Loop Library > CONFIG_ESP_EVENT_POST_FROM_ISR

Enable posting events from interrupt handlers placed in IRAM. Enabling this option places API functions esp_event_post and esp_event_post_to in IRAM.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)

GDB Stub



Enable listing FreeRTOS tasks through GDB Stub

Found in: Component config > GDB Stub

If enabled, GDBStub can supply the list of FreeRTOS tasks to GDB. Thread list can be queried from GDB using ‘info threads’ command. Note that if GDB task lists were corrupted, this feature may not work. If GDBStub fails, try disabling this feature.


Maximum number of tasks supported by GDB Stub

Found in: Component config > GDB Stub > CONFIG_ESP_GDBSTUB_SUPPORT_TASKS

Set the number of tasks which GDB Stub will support.

Default value:

ESP HTTP client



Enable https

Found in: Component config > ESP HTTP client

This option will enable https protocol by linking esp-tls library and initializing SSL transport

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Enable HTTP Basic Authentication

Found in: Component config > ESP HTTP client

This option will enable HTTP Basic Authentication. It is disabled by default as Basic auth uses unencrypted encoding, so it introduces a vulnerability when not using TLS

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Enable HTTP Digest Authentication

Found in: Component config > ESP HTTP client

This option will enable HTTP Digest Authentication. It is enabled by default, but use of this configuration is not recommended as the password can be derived from the exchange, so it introduces a vulnerability when not using TLS

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)

HTTP Server



Max HTTP Request Header Length

Found in: Component config > HTTP Server

This sets the maximum supported size of headers section in HTTP request packet to be processed by the server

Default value:
  • 512


Max HTTP URI Length

Found in: Component config > HTTP Server

This sets the maximum supported size of HTTP request URI to be processed by the server

Default value:
  • 512


Use TCP_NODELAY socket option when sending HTTP error responses

Found in: Component config > HTTP Server

Using TCP_NODEALY socket option ensures that HTTP error response reaches the client before the underlying socket is closed. Please note that turning this off may cause multiple test failures

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Length of temporary buffer for purging data

Found in: Component config > HTTP Server

This sets the size of the temporary buffer used to receive and discard any remaining data that is received from the HTTP client in the request, but not processed as part of the server HTTP request handler.

If the remaining data is larger than the available buffer size, the buffer will be filled in multiple iterations. The buffer should be small enough to fit on the stack, but large enough to avoid excessive iterations.

Default value:
  • 32


Log purged content data at Debug level

Found in: Component config > HTTP Server

Enabling this will log discarded binary HTTP request data at Debug level. For large content data this may not be desirable as it will clutter the log.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


WebSocket server support

Found in: Component config > HTTP Server

This sets the WebSocket server support.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)





Found in: Component config > ESP HTTPS OTA

It is highly recommended to keep HTTPS (along with server certificate validation) enabled. Enabling this option comes with potential risk of: - Non-encrypted communication channel with server - Accepting firmware upgrade image from server with fake identity

Default value:
  • No (disabled)

ESP HTTPS server



Enable ESP_HTTPS_SERVER component

Found in: Component config > ESP HTTPS server

Enable ESP HTTPS server component

Hardware Settings


MAC Config



Number of universally administered (by IEEE) MAC address

Found in: Component config > Hardware Settings > MAC Config

Configure the number of universally administered (by IEEE) MAC addresses. During initialization, MAC addresses for each network interface are generated or derived from a single base MAC address. If the number of universal MAC addresses is Two, all interfaces (WiFi station, WiFi softap) receive a universally administered MAC address. They are generated sequentially by adding 0, and 1 (respectively) to the final octet of the base MAC address. If the number of universal MAC addresses is one, only WiFi station receives a universally administered MAC address. It’s generated by adding 0 to the base MAC address. The WiFi softap receives local MAC addresses. It’s derived from the universal WiFi station MAC addresses. When using the default (Espressif-assigned) base MAC address, either setting can be used. When using a custom universal MAC address range, the correct setting will depend on the allocation of MAC addresses in this range (either 1 or 2 per device.)

Available options:


Sleep Config



Power down flash in light sleep when there is no SPIRAM

Found in: Component config > Hardware Settings > Sleep Config

If enabled, chip will try to power down flash as part of esp_light_sleep_start(), which costs more time when chip wakes up. Can only be enabled if there is no SPIRAM configured.

This option will power down flash under a strict but relatively safe condition. Also, it is possible to power down flash under a relaxed condition by using esp_sleep_pd_config() to set ESP_PD_DOMAIN_VDDSDIO to ESP_PD_OPTION_OFF. It should be noted that there is a risk in powering down flash, you can refer ESP-IDF Programming Guide/API Reference/System API/Sleep Modes/Power-down of Flash for more details.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


light sleep GPIO reset workaround

Found in: Component config > Hardware Settings > Sleep Config

esp32c3, esp32s3 and esp32h2 will reset at wake-up if GPIO is received a small electrostatic pulse during light sleep, with specific condition

  • GPIO needs to be configured as input-mode only

  • The pin receives a small electrostatic pulse, and reset occurs when the pulse voltage is higher than 6 V

For GPIO set to input mode only, it is not a good practice to leave it open/floating, The hardware design needs to controlled it with determined supply or ground voltage is necessary.

This option provides a software workaround for this issue. Configure to isolate all GPIO pins in sleep state.


PSRAM leakage current workaround in light sleep

Found in: Component config > Hardware Settings > Sleep Config

When the CS pin of SPIRAM is not pulled up, the sleep current will increase during light sleep. If the CS pin of SPIRAM has an external pull-up, you do not need to select this option, otherwise, you should enable this option.


Flash leakage current workaround in light sleep

Found in: Component config > Hardware Settings > Sleep Config

When the CS pin of Flash is not pulled up, the sleep current will increase during light sleep. If the CS pin of Flash has an external pull-up, you do not need to select this option, otherwise, you should enable this option.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


All pins of mspi need pull up

Found in: Component config > Hardware Settings > Sleep Config

To reduce leakage current, some types of SPI Flash/RAM only need to pull up the CS pin during light sleep. But there are also some kinds of SPI Flash/RAM that need to pull up all pins. It depends on the SPI Flash/RAM chip used.

RTC Clock Config

IPC (Inter-Processor Call)



Inter-Processor Call (IPC) task stack size

Found in: Component config > IPC (Inter-Processor Call)

Configure the IPC tasks stack size. An IPC task runs on each core (in dual core mode), and allows for cross-core function calls. See IPC documentation for more details. The default IPC stack size should be enough for most common simple use cases. However, users can increase/decrease the stack size to their needs.

  • from 512 to 65536

Default value:
  • 1536


IPC runs at caller’s priority

Found in: Component config > IPC (Inter-Processor Call)

If this option is not enabled then the IPC task will keep behavior same as prior to that of ESP-IDF v4.0, hence IPC task will run at (configMAX_PRIORITIES - 1) priority.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)

LCD and Touch Panel


LCD Peripheral Configuration



LCD panel io format buffer size

Found in: Component config > LCD and Touch Panel > LCD Peripheral Configuration

LCD driver allocates an internal buffer to transform the data into a proper format, because of the endian order mismatch. This option is to set the size of the buffer, in bytes.

Default value:
  • 32




IP Address lost timer interval (seconds)

Found in: Component config > ESP NETIF Adapter

The value of 0 indicates the IP lost timer is disabled, otherwise the timer is enabled.

The IP address may be lost because of some reasons, e.g. when the station disconnects from soft-AP, or when DHCP IP renew fails etc. If the IP lost timer is enabled, it will be started everytime the IP is lost. Event SYSTEM_EVENT_STA_LOST_IP will be raised if the timer expires. The IP lost timer is stopped if the station get the IP again before the timer expires.

  • from 0 to 65535

Default value:
  • 120


TCP/IP Stack Library

Found in: Component config > ESP NETIF Adapter

Choose the TCP/IP Stack to work, for example, LwIP, uIP, etc.

Available options:

    lwIP is a small independent implementation of the TCP/IP protocol suite.


    Dummy implementation of esp-netif functionality which connects driver transmit to receive function. This option is for testing purpose only


Enable backward compatible tcpip_adapter interface

Found in: Component config > ESP NETIF Adapter

Backward compatible interface to tcpip_adapter is enabled by default to support legacy TCP/IP stack initialisation code. Disable this option to use only esp-netif interface.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)




Store phy calibration data in NVS

Found in: Component config > PHY

If this option is enabled, NVS will be initialized and calibration data will be loaded from there. PHY calibration will be skipped on deep sleep wakeup. If calibration data is not found, full calibration will be performed and stored in NVS. Normally, only partial calibration will be performed. If this option is disabled, full calibration will be performed.

If it’s easy that your board calibrate bad data, choose ‘n’. Two cases for example, you should choose ‘n’: 1.If your board is easy to be booted up with antenna disconnected. 2.Because of your board design, each time when you do calibration, the result are too unstable. If unsure, choose ‘y’.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Use a partition to store PHY init data

Found in: Component config > PHY

If enabled, PHY init data will be loaded from a partition. When using a custom partition table, make sure that PHY data partition is included (type: ‘data’, subtype: ‘phy’). With default partition tables, this is done automatically. If PHY init data is stored in a partition, it has to be flashed there, otherwise runtime error will occur.

If this option is not enabled, PHY init data will be embedded into the application binary.

If unsure, choose ‘n’.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)



Reset default PHY init data if invalid

Found in: Component config > PHY > CONFIG_ESP_PHY_INIT_DATA_IN_PARTITION

If enabled, PHY init data will be restored to default if it cannot be verified successfully to avoid endless bootloops.

If unsure, choose ‘n’.

Default value:

Support multiple PHY init data bin

Found in: Component config > PHY > CONFIG_ESP_PHY_INIT_DATA_IN_PARTITION

If enabled, the corresponding PHY init data type can be automatically switched according to the country code. China’s PHY init data bin is used by default. Can be modified by country information in API esp_wifi_set_country(). The priority of switching the PHY init data type is: 1. Country configured by API esp_wifi_set_country() and the parameter policy is WIFI_COUNTRY_POLICY_MANUAL. 2. Country notified by the connected AP. 3. Country configured by API esp_wifi_set_country() and the parameter policy is WIFI_COUNTRY_POLICY_AUTO.

Default value:

Support embedded multiple phy init data bin to app bin


If enabled, multiple phy init data bin will embedded into app bin If not enabled, multiple phy init data bin will still leave alone, and need to be flashed by users.

Default value:

Terminate operation when PHY init data error


If enabled, when an error occurs while the PHY init data is updated, the program will terminate and restart. If not enabled, the PHY init data will not be updated when an error occurs.

Default value:

Max WiFi TX power (dBm)

Found in: Component config > PHY

Set maximum transmit power for WiFi radio. Actual transmit power for high data rates may be lower than this setting.

  • from 10 to 20

Default value:
  • 20


Reduce PHY TX power when brownout reset

Found in: Component config > PHY

When brownout reset occurs, reduce PHY TX power to keep the code running.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled) if ESP32_BROWNOUT_DET


Enable USB when phy init

Found in: Component config > PHY

When using USB Serial/JTAG/OTG/CDC, PHY should enable USB, otherwise USB module can not work properly. Notice: Enabling this configuration option will slightly impact wifi performance.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)

Power Management



Support for power management

Found in: Component config > Power Management

If enabled, application is compiled with support for power management. This option has run-time overhead (increased interrupt latency, longer time to enter idle state), and it also reduces accuracy of RTOS ticks and timers used for timekeeping. Enable this option if application uses power management APIs.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Enable dynamic frequency scaling (DFS) at startup

Found in: Component config > Power Management > CONFIG_PM_ENABLE

If enabled, startup code configures dynamic frequency scaling. Max CPU frequency is set to DEFAULT_CPU_FREQ_MHZ setting, min frequency is set to XTAL frequency. If disabled, DFS will not be active until the application configures it using esp_pm_configure function.

Default value:

Enable profiling counters for PM locks

Found in: Component config > Power Management > CONFIG_PM_ENABLE

If enabled, esp_pm_* functions will keep track of the amount of time each of the power management locks has been held, and esp_pm_dump_locks function will print this information. This feature can be used to analyze which locks are preventing the chip from going into a lower power state, and see what time the chip spends in each power saving mode. This feature does incur some run-time overhead, so should typically be disabled in production builds.

Default value:

Enable debug tracing of PM using GPIOs

Found in: Component config > Power Management > CONFIG_PM_ENABLE

If enabled, some GPIOs will be used to signal events such as RTOS ticks, frequency switching, entry/exit from idle state. Refer to pm_trace.c file for the list of GPIOs. This feature is intended to be used when analyzing/debugging behavior of power management implementation, and should be kept disabled in applications.

Default value:

Put lightsleep related codes in internal RAM

Found in: Component config > Power Management

If enabled, about 1.8KB of lightsleep related source code would be in IRAM and chip would sleep longer for 760us at most each time. This feature is intended to be used when lower power consumption is needed while there is enough place in IRAM to place source code.


Put RTOS IDLE related codes in internal RAM

Found in: Component config > Power Management

If enabled, about 260B of RTOS_IDLE related source code would be in IRAM and chip would sleep longer for 40us at most each time. This feature is intended to be used when lower power consumption is needed while there is enough place in IRAM to place source code.


Disable all GPIO when chip at sleep

Found in: Component config > Power Management

This feature is intended to disable all GPIO pins at automantic sleep to get a lower power mode. If enabled, chips will disable all GPIO pins at automantic sleep to reduce about 200~300 uA current. If you want to specifically use some pins normally as chip wakes when chip sleeps, you can call ‘gpio_sleep_sel_dis’ to disable this feature on those pins. You can also keep this feature on and call ‘gpio_sleep_set_direction’ and ‘gpio_sleep_set_pull_mode’ to have a different GPIO configuration at sleep. Waring: If you want to enable this option on ESP32, you should enable GPIO_ESP32_SUPPORT_SWITCH_SLP_PULL at first, otherwise you will not be able to switch pullup/pulldown mode.

ESP Ringbuf



Place non-ISR ringbuf functions into flash

Found in: Component config > ESP Ringbuf

Place non-ISR ringbuf functions (like xRingbufferCreate/xRingbufferSend) into flash. This frees up IRAM, but the functions can no longer be called when the cache is disabled.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Place ISR ringbuf functions into flash

Found in: Component config > ESP Ringbuf

Place non-ISR ringbuf functions (like xRingbufferSendFromISR/xRingbufferReceiveFromISR) into flash. This frees up IRAM, but the functions can no longer be called when the cache is disabled or from an IRAM interrupt context.

This option is not compatible with ESP-IDF drivers which is configured to run the ISR from an IRAM context, e.g. CONFIG_UART_ISR_IN_IRAM.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)

ESP System Settings



Panic handler behaviour

Found in: Component config > ESP System Settings

If FreeRTOS detects unexpected behaviour or an unhandled exception, the panic handler is invoked. Configure the panic handler’s action here.

Available options:
  • Print registers and halt (ESP_SYSTEM_PANIC_PRINT_HALT)

    Outputs the relevant registers over the serial port and halt the processor. Needs a manual reset to restart.

  • Print registers and reboot (ESP_SYSTEM_PANIC_PRINT_REBOOT)

    Outputs the relevant registers over the serial port and immediately reset the processor.


    Just resets the processor without outputting anything


    Invoke gdbstub on the serial port, allowing for gdb to attach to it to do a postmortem of the crash.


    Invoke gdbstub on the serial port, allowing for gdb to attach to it and to do a debug on runtime. This feature will switch system to single core mode.


Bootstrap cycles for external 32kHz crystal

Found in: Component config > ESP System Settings

To reduce the startup time of an external RTC crystal, we bootstrap it with a 32kHz square wave for a fixed number of cycles. Setting 0 will disable bootstrapping (if disabled, the crystal may take longer to start up or fail to oscillate under some conditions).

If this value is too high, a faulty crystal may initially start and then fail. If this value is too low, an otherwise good crystal may not start.

To accurately determine if the crystal has started, set a larger “Number of cycles for RTC_SLOW_CLK calibration” (about 3000).


Enable RTC fast memory for dynamic allocations

Found in: Component config > ESP System Settings

This config option allows to add RTC fast memory region to system heap with capability similar to that of DRAM region but without DMA. This memory will be consumed first per heap initialization order by early startup services and scheduler related code. Speed wise RTC fast memory operates on APB clock and hence does not have much performance impact.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)

Memory protection



Enable memory protection

Found in: Component config > ESP System Settings > Memory protection

If enabled, the permission control module watches all the memory access and fires the panic handler if a permission violation is detected. This feature automatically splits the SRAM memory into data and instruction segments and sets Read/Execute permissions for the instruction part (below given splitting address) and Read/Write permissions for the data part (above the splitting address). The memory protection is effective on all access through the IRAM0 and DRAM0 buses.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Lock memory protection settings

Found in: Component config > ESP System Settings > Memory protection > CONFIG_ESP_SYSTEM_MEMPROT_FEATURE

Once locked, memory protection settings cannot be changed anymore. The lock is reset only on the chip startup.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


System event queue size

Found in: Component config > ESP System Settings

Config system event queue size in different application.

Default value:
  • 32


Event loop task stack size

Found in: Component config > ESP System Settings

Config system event task stack size in different application.

Default value:
  • 2304


Main task stack size

Found in: Component config > ESP System Settings

Configure the “main task” stack size. This is the stack of the task which calls app_main(). If app_main() returns then this task is deleted and its stack memory is freed.

Default value:
  • 3584


Main task core affinity

Found in: Component config > ESP System Settings

Configure the “main task” core affinity. This is the used core of the task which calls app_main(). If app_main() returns then this task is deleted.

Available options:




Minimal allowed size for shared stack

Found in: Component config > ESP System Settings

Minimal value of size, in bytes, accepted to execute a expression with shared stack.

Default value:
  • 2048


Channel for console output

Found in: Component config > ESP System Settings

Select where to send console output (through stdout and stderr).

  • Default is to use UART0 on pre-defined GPIOs.

  • If “Custom” is selected, UART0 or UART1 can be chosen, and any pins can be selected.

  • If “None” is selected, there will be no console output on any UART, except for initial output from ROM bootloader. This ROM output can be suppressed by GPIO strapping or EFUSE, refer to chip datasheet for details.

  • On chips with USB OTG peripheral, “USB CDC” option redirects output to the CDC port. This option uses the CDC driver in the chip ROM. This option is incompatible with TinyUSB stack.

  • On chips with an USB serial/JTAG debug controller, selecting the option for that redirects output to the CDC/ACM (serial port emulation) component of that device.

Available options:






UART peripheral to use for console output (0-1)

Found in: Component config > ESP System Settings

This UART peripheral is used for console output from the ESP-IDF Bootloader and the app.

If the configuration is different in the Bootloader binary compared to the app binary, UART is reconfigured after the bootloader exits and the app starts.

Due to an ESP32 ROM bug, UART2 is not supported for console output via esp_rom_printf.

Available options:




Found in: Component config > ESP System Settings

This GPIO is used for console UART TX output in the ESP-IDF Bootloader and the app (including boot log output and default standard output and standard error of the app).

If the configuration is different in the Bootloader binary compared to the app binary, UART is reconfigured after the bootloader exits and the app starts.

  • from 0 to 46 if ESP_CONSOLE_UART_CUSTOM

Default value:



Found in: Component config > ESP System Settings

This GPIO is used for UART RX input in the ESP-IDF Bootloader and the app (including default default standard input of the app).

Note: The default ESP-IDF Bootloader configures this pin but doesn’t read anything from the UART.

If the configuration is different in the Bootloader binary compared to the app binary, UART is reconfigured after the bootloader exits and the app starts.

  • from 0 to 46 if ESP_CONSOLE_UART_CUSTOM

Default value:


UART console baud rate

Found in: Component config > ESP System Settings

This baud rate is used by both the ESP-IDF Bootloader and the app (including boot log output and default standard input/output/error of the app).

The app’s maximum baud rate depends on the UART clock source. If Power Management is disabled, the UART clock source is the APB clock and all baud rates in the available range will be sufficiently accurate. If Power Management is enabled, REF_TICK clock source is used so the baud rate is divided from 1MHz. Baud rates above 1Mbps are not possible and values between 500Kbps and 1Mbps may not be accurate.

If the configuration is different in the Bootloader binary compared to the app binary, UART is reconfigured after the bootloader exits and the app starts.

Default value:
  • 115200


Size of USB CDC RX buffer

Found in: Component config > ESP System Settings

Set the size of USB CDC RX buffer. Increase the buffer size if your application is often receiving data over USB CDC.

  • from 4 to 16384 if ESP_CONSOLE_USB_CDC

Default value:


Enable esp_rom_printf / ESP_EARLY_LOG via USB CDC

Found in: Component config > ESP System Settings

If enabled, esp_rom_printf and ESP_EARLY_LOG output will also be sent over USB CDC. Disabling this option saves about 1kB or RAM.

Default value:
  • No (disabled) if ESP_CONSOLE_USB_CDC


Interrupt watchdog

Found in: Component config > ESP System Settings

This watchdog timer can detect if the FreeRTOS tick interrupt has not been called for a certain time, either because a task turned off interrupts and did not turn them on for a long time, or because an interrupt handler did not return. It will try to invoke the panic handler first and failing that reset the SoC.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Interrupt watchdog timeout (ms)

Found in: Component config > ESP System Settings > CONFIG_ESP_INT_WDT

The timeout of the watchdog, in miliseconds. Make this higher than the FreeRTOS tick rate.

  • from 10 to 10000

Default value:

Also watch CPU1 tick interrupt

Found in: Component config > ESP System Settings > CONFIG_ESP_INT_WDT

Also detect if interrupts on CPU 1 are disabled for too long.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Initialize Task Watchdog Timer on startup

Found in: Component config > ESP System Settings

The Task Watchdog Timer can be used to make sure individual tasks are still running. Enabling this option will cause the Task Watchdog Timer to be initialized automatically at startup. The Task Watchdog timer can be initialized after startup as well (see Task Watchdog Timer API Reference)

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Invoke panic handler on Task Watchdog timeout

Found in: Component config > ESP System Settings > CONFIG_ESP_TASK_WDT

If this option is enabled, the Task Watchdog Timer will be configured to trigger the panic handler when it times out. This can also be configured at run time (see Task Watchdog Timer API Reference)

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Task Watchdog timeout period (seconds)

Found in: Component config > ESP System Settings > CONFIG_ESP_TASK_WDT

Timeout period configuration for the Task Watchdog Timer in seconds. This is also configurable at run time (see Task Watchdog Timer API Reference)

  • from 1 to 60

Default value:
  • 5


Watch CPU0 Idle Task

Found in: Component config > ESP System Settings > CONFIG_ESP_TASK_WDT

If this option is enabled, the Task Watchdog Timer will watch the CPU0 Idle Task. Having the Task Watchdog watch the Idle Task allows for detection of CPU starvation as the Idle Task not being called is usually a symptom of CPU starvation. Starvation of the Idle Task is detrimental as FreeRTOS household tasks depend on the Idle Task getting some runtime every now and then.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Watch CPU1 Idle Task

Found in: Component config > ESP System Settings > CONFIG_ESP_TASK_WDT

If this option is enabled, the Task Wtachdog Timer will wach the CPU1 Idle Task.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Initialize XTAL32K watchdog timer on startup

Found in: Component config > ESP System Settings

This watchdog timer can detect oscillation failure of the XTAL32K_CLK. When such a failure is detected the hardware can be set up to automatically switch to BACKUP32K_CLK and generate an interrupt.


XTAL32K watchdog timeout period

Found in: Component config > ESP System Settings > CONFIG_ESP_XT_WDT

Timeout period configuration for the XTAL32K watchdog timer based on RTC_CLK.

Default value:

Automatically switch to BACKUP32K_CLK when timer expires

Found in: Component config > ESP System Settings > CONFIG_ESP_XT_WDT

Enable this to automatically switch to BACKUP32K_CLK as the source of RTC_SLOW_CLK when the watchdog timer expires.

Default value:

Place panic handler code in IRAM

Found in: Component config > ESP System Settings

If this option is disabled (default), the panic handler code is placed in flash not IRAM. This means that if ESP-IDF crashes while flash cache is disabled, the panic handler will automatically re-enable flash cache before running GDB Stub or Core Dump. This adds some minor risk, if the flash cache status is also corrupted during the crash.

If this option is enabled, the panic handler code (including required UART functions) is placed in IRAM. This may be necessary to debug some complex issues with crashes while flash cache is disabled (for example, when writing to SPI flash) or when flash cache is corrupted when an exception is triggered.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


OpenOCD debug stubs

Found in: Component config > ESP System Settings

Debug stubs are used by OpenOCD to execute pre-compiled onboard code which does some useful debugging stuff, e.g. GCOV data dump.

Default value:

Interrupt level to use for Interrupt Watchdog and other system checks

Found in: Component config > ESP System Settings

Interrupt level to use for Interrupt Watchdog and other system checks.

Available options:
  • Level 5 interrupt (ESP_SYSTEM_CHECK_INT_LEVEL_5)

    Using level 5 interrupt for Interrupt Watchdog and other system checks.

  • Level 4 interrupt (ESP_SYSTEM_CHECK_INT_LEVEL_4)

    Using level 4 interrupt for Interrupt Watchdog and other system checks.

High resolution timer (esp_timer)



Enable esp_timer profiling features

Found in: Component config > High resolution timer (esp_timer)

If enabled, esp_timer_dump will dump information such as number of times the timer was started, number of times the timer has triggered, and the total time it took for the callback to run. This option has some effect on timer performance and the amount of memory used for timer storage, and should only be used for debugging/testing purposes.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


High-resolution timer task stack size

Found in: Component config > High resolution timer (esp_timer)

Configure the stack size of “timer_task” task. This task is used to dispatch callbacks of timers created using ets_timer and esp_timer APIs. If you are seing stack overflow errors in timer task, increase this value.

Note that this is not the same as FreeRTOS timer task. To configure FreeRTOS timer task size, see “FreeRTOS timer task stack size” option in “FreeRTOS” menu.

  • from 2048 to 65536

Default value:
  • 3584


Interrupt level

Found in: Component config > High resolution timer (esp_timer)

It sets the interrupt level for esp_timer ISR in range 1..3. A higher level (3) helps to decrease the ISR esp_timer latency.

  • from 1 to 1

Default value:
  • 1


Support ISR dispatch method

Found in: Component config > High resolution timer (esp_timer)

Allows using ESP_TIMER_ISR dispatch method (ESP_TIMER_TASK dispatch method is also avalible). - ESP_TIMER_TASK - Timer callbacks are dispatched from a high-priority esp_timer task. - ESP_TIMER_ISR - Timer callbacks are dispatched directly from the timer interrupt handler. The ISR dispatch can be used, in some cases, when a callback is very simple or need a lower-latency.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Hardware timer to use for esp_timer

Found in: Component config > High resolution timer (esp_timer)

esp_timer APIs can be implemented using different hardware timers.

  • “FRC2 (legacy)” implementation has been used in ESP-IDF v2.x - v4.1.

  • “LAC timer of Timer Group 0” implementation is simpler, and has smaller run time overhead because software handling of timer overflow is not needed.

  • “SYSTIMER” implementation is similar to “LAC timer of Timer Group 0” but for non ESP32 chips.

Available options:
  • FRC2 (legacy) timer (ESP_TIMER_IMPL_FRC2)

  • LAC timer of Timer Group 0 (ESP_TIMER_IMPL_TG0_LAC)





Max number of WiFi static RX buffers

Found in: Component config > Wi-Fi

Set the number of WiFi static RX buffers. Each buffer takes approximately 1.6KB of RAM. The static rx buffers are allocated when esp_wifi_init is called, they are not freed until esp_wifi_deinit is called.

WiFi hardware use these buffers to receive all 802.11 frames. A higher number may allow higher throughput but increases memory use. If ESP32_WIFI_AMPDU_RX_ENABLED is enabled, this value is recommended to set equal or bigger than ESP32_WIFI_RX_BA_WIN in order to achieve better throughput and compatibility with both stations and APs.

  • from 2 to 25

Default value:

Max number of WiFi dynamic RX buffers

Found in: Component config > Wi-Fi

Set the number of WiFi dynamic RX buffers, 0 means unlimited RX buffers will be allocated (provided sufficient free RAM). The size of each dynamic RX buffer depends on the size of the received data frame.

For each received data frame, the WiFi driver makes a copy to an RX buffer and then delivers it to the high layer TCP/IP stack. The dynamic RX buffer is freed after the higher layer has successfully received the data frame.

For some applications, WiFi data frames may be received faster than the application can process them. In these cases we may run out of memory if RX buffer number is unlimited (0).

If a dynamic RX buffer limit is set, it should be at least the number of static RX buffers.

Default value:
  • 32


Type of WiFi TX buffers

Found in: Component config > Wi-Fi

Select type of WiFi TX buffers:

If “Static” is selected, WiFi TX buffers are allocated when WiFi is initialized and released when WiFi is de-initialized. The size of each static TX buffer is fixed to about 1.6KB.

If “Dynamic” is selected, each WiFi TX buffer is allocated as needed when a data frame is delivered to the Wifi driver from the TCP/IP stack. The buffer is freed after the data frame has been sent by the WiFi driver. The size of each dynamic TX buffer depends on the length of each data frame sent by the TCP/IP layer.

If PSRAM is enabled, “Static” should be selected to guarantee enough WiFi TX buffers. If PSRAM is disabled, “Dynamic” should be selected to improve the utilization of RAM.

Available options:



Max number of WiFi static TX buffers

Found in: Component config > Wi-Fi

Set the number of WiFi static TX buffers. Each buffer takes approximately 1.6KB of RAM. The static RX buffers are allocated when esp_wifi_init() is called, they are not released until esp_wifi_deinit() is called.

For each transmitted data frame from the higher layer TCP/IP stack, the WiFi driver makes a copy of it in a TX buffer. For some applications especially UDP applications, the upper layer can deliver frames faster than WiFi layer can transmit. In these cases, we may run out of TX buffers.

  • from 1 to 64 if ESP32_WIFI_STATIC_TX_BUFFER

Default value:


Max number of WiFi cache TX buffers

Found in: Component config > Wi-Fi

Set the number of WiFi cache TX buffer number.

For each TX packet from uplayer, such as LWIP etc, WiFi driver needs to allocate a static TX buffer and makes a copy of uplayer packet. If WiFi driver fails to allocate the static TX buffer, it caches the uplayer packets to a dedicated buffer queue, this option is used to configure the size of the cached TX queue.

Default value:

Max number of WiFi dynamic TX buffers

Found in: Component config > Wi-Fi

Set the number of WiFi dynamic TX buffers. The size of each dynamic TX buffer is not fixed, it depends on the size of each transmitted data frame.

For each transmitted frame from the higher layer TCP/IP stack, the WiFi driver makes a copy of it in a TX buffer. For some applications, especially UDP applications, the upper layer can deliver frames faster than WiFi layer can transmit. In these cases, we may run out of TX buffers.

  • from 1 to 128

Default value:
  • 32


WiFi CSI(Channel State Information)

Found in: Component config > Wi-Fi

Select this option to enable CSI(Channel State Information) feature. CSI takes about CONFIG_ESP32_WIFI_STATIC_RX_BUFFER_NUM KB of RAM. If CSI is not used, it is better to disable this feature in order to save memory.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)



Found in: Component config > Wi-Fi

Select this option to enable AMPDU TX feature

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


WiFi AMPDU TX BA window size

Found in: Component config > Wi-Fi > CONFIG_ESP32_WIFI_AMPDU_TX_ENABLED

Set the size of WiFi Block Ack TX window. Generally a bigger value means higher throughput but more memory. Most of time we should NOT change the default value unless special reason, e.g. test the maximum UDP TX throughput with iperf etc. For iperf test in shieldbox, the recommended value is 9~12.

  • from 2 to 32

Default value:
  • 6



Found in: Component config > Wi-Fi

Select this option to enable AMPDU RX feature

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


WiFi AMPDU RX BA window size

Found in: Component config > Wi-Fi > CONFIG_ESP32_WIFI_AMPDU_RX_ENABLED

Set the size of WiFi Block Ack RX window. Generally a bigger value means higher throughput and better compatibility but more memory. Most of time we should NOT change the default value unless special reason, e.g. test the maximum UDP RX throughput with iperf etc. For iperf test in shieldbox, the recommended value is 9~12. If PSRAM is used and WiFi memory is prefered to allocat in PSRAM first, the default and minimum value should be 16 to achieve better throughput and compatibility with both stations and APs.

  • from 2 to 32

Default value:


Found in: Component config > Wi-Fi

Select this option to enable AMSDU TX feature

Default value:

WiFi NVS flash

Found in: Component config > Wi-Fi

Select this option to enable WiFi NVS flash

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


WiFi Task Core ID

Found in: Component config > Wi-Fi

Pinned WiFi task to core 0 or core 1.

Available options:



Max length of WiFi SoftAP Beacon

Found in: Component config > Wi-Fi

ESP-MESH utilizes beacon frames to detect and resolve root node conflicts (see documentation). However the default length of a beacon frame can simultaneously hold only five root node identifier structures, meaning that a root node conflict of up to five nodes can be detected at one time. In the occurence of more root nodes conflict involving more than five root nodes, the conflict resolution process will detect five of the root nodes, resolve the conflict, and re-detect more root nodes. This process will repeat until all root node conflicts are resolved. However this process can generally take a very long time.

To counter this situation, the beacon frame length can be increased such that more root nodes can be detected simultaneously. Each additional root node will require 36 bytes and should be added ontop of the default beacon frame length of 752 bytes. For example, if you want to detect 10 root nodes simultaneously, you need to set the beacon frame length as 932 (752+36*5).

Setting a longer beacon length also assists with debugging as the conflicting root nodes can be identified more quickly.

  • from 752 to 1256

Default value:
  • 752


WiFi mgmt short buffer number

Found in: Component config > Wi-Fi

Set the number of WiFi management short buffer.

  • from 6 to 32

Default value:
  • 32


WiFi IRAM speed optimization

Found in: Component config > Wi-Fi

Select this option to place frequently called Wi-Fi library functions in IRAM. When this option is disabled, more than 10Kbytes of IRAM memory will be saved but Wi-Fi throughput will be reduced.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


WiFi RX IRAM speed optimization

Found in: Component config > Wi-Fi

Select this option to place frequently called Wi-Fi library RX functions in IRAM. When this option is disabled, more than 17Kbytes of IRAM memory will be saved but Wi-Fi performance will be reduced.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Enable WPA3-Personal

Found in: Component config > Wi-Fi

Select this option to allow the device to establish a WPA3-Personal connection with eligible AP’s. PMF (Protected Management Frames) is a prerequisite feature for a WPA3 connection, it needs to be explicitly configured before attempting connection. Please refer to the Wi-Fi Driver API Guide for details.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


WiFi SLP IRAM speed optimization

Found in: Component config > Wi-Fi

Select this option to place called Wi-Fi library TBTT process and receive beacon functions in IRAM. Some functions can be put in IRAM either by ESP32_WIFI_IRAM_OPT and ESP32_WIFI_RX_IRAM_OPT, or this one. If already enabled ESP32_WIFI_IRAM_OPT, the other 7.3KB IRAM memory would be taken by this option. If already enabled ESP32_WIFI_RX_IRAM_OPT, the other 1.3KB IRAM memory would be taken by this option. If neither of them are enabled, the other 7.4KB IRAM memory would be taken by this option. Wi-Fi power-save mode average current would be reduced if this option is enabled.


Minimum active time

Found in: Component config > Wi-Fi > CONFIG_ESP_WIFI_SLP_IRAM_OPT

The minimum timeout for waiting to receive data, unit: milliseconds.

Default value:

Maximum keep alive time

Found in: Component config > Wi-Fi > CONFIG_ESP_WIFI_SLP_IRAM_OPT

The maximum time that wifi keep alive, unit: seconds.

Default value:


Found in: Component config > Wi-Fi

Enable feature Fine Timing Measurement for calculating WiFi Round-Trip-Time (RTT).

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


FTM Initiator support

Found in: Component config > Wi-Fi > CONFIG_ESP_WIFI_FTM_ENABLE

Default value:

FTM Responder support

Found in: Component config > Wi-Fi > CONFIG_ESP_WIFI_FTM_ENABLE

Default value:

Power Management for station at disconnected

Found in: Component config > Wi-Fi

Select this option to enable power_management for station when disconnected. Chip will do modem-sleep when rf module is not in use any more.


WiFi External Coexistence

Found in: Component config > Wi-Fi

If enabled, HW External coexistence arbitration is managed by GPIO pins. It can support three types of wired combinations so far which are 1-wired/2-wired/3-wired. User can select GPIO pins in application code with configure interfaces.

This function depends on BT-off because currently we don’t support external coex and internal coex simultaneously.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


WiFi GMAC Support(GMAC128 and GMAC256)

Found in: Component config > Wi-Fi

Select this option to enable GMAC support. GMAC support is compulsory for WiFi 192 bit certification.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


WiFi SoftAP Support

Found in: Component config > Wi-Fi

WiFi module can be compiled without SoftAP to save code size.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Wifi sleep optimize when beacon lost

Found in: Component config > Wi-Fi

Enable wifi sleep optimization when beacon loss occurs and immediately enter sleep mode when the WiFi module detects beacon loss.


Beacon loss timeout

Found in: Component config > Wi-Fi > CONFIG_ESP_WIFI_SLP_BEACON_LOST_OPT

Timeout time for close rf phy when beacon loss occurs, Unit: 1024 microsecond.

Default value:

Maximum number of consecutive lost beacons allowed

Found in: Component config > Wi-Fi > CONFIG_ESP_WIFI_SLP_BEACON_LOST_OPT

Maximum number of consecutive lost beacons allowed, WiFi keeps Rx state when the number of consecutive beacons lost is greater than the given threshold.

Default value:

Delta early time for RF PHY on

Found in: Component config > Wi-Fi > CONFIG_ESP_WIFI_SLP_BEACON_LOST_OPT

Delta early time for rf phy on, When the beacon is lost, the next rf phy on will be earlier the time specified by the configuration item, Unit: 32 microsecond.

Default value:

Delta timeout time for RF PHY off

Found in: Component config > Wi-Fi > CONFIG_ESP_WIFI_SLP_BEACON_LOST_OPT

Delta timeout time for rf phy off, When the beacon is lost, the next rf phy off will be delayed for the time specified by the configuration item. Unit: 1024 microsecond.

Default value:

Maximum espnow encrypt peers number

Found in: Component config > Wi-Fi

Maximum number of encrypted peers supported by espnow. The number of hardware keys for encryption is fixed. And the espnow and SoftAP share the same hardware keys. So this configuration will affect the maximum connection number of SoftAP. Maximum espnow encrypted peers number + maximum number of connections of SoftAP = Max hardware keys number.

When using ESP mesh, this value should be set to a maximum of 6.

  • from 0 to 17

Default value:
  • 7

Core dump



Data destination

Found in: Component config > Core dump

Select place to store core dump: flash, uart or none (to disable core dumps generation).

Core dumps to Flash are not available if PSRAM is used for task stacks.

If core dump is configured to be stored in flash and custom partition table is used add corresponding entry to your CSV. For examples, please see predefined partition table CSV descriptions in the components/partition_table directory.

Available options:




Core dump data format

Found in: Component config > Core dump

Select the data format for core dump.

Available options:



Core dump data integrity check

Found in: Component config > Core dump

Select the integrity check for the core dump.

Available options:
  • Use CRC32 for integrity verification (ESP_COREDUMP_CHECKSUM_CRC32)

  • Use SHA256 for integrity verification (ESP_COREDUMP_CHECKSUM_SHA256)


Check core dump data integrity on boot

Found in: Component config > Core dump

When enabled, if any data are found on the flash core dump partition, they will be checked by calculating their checksum.

Default value:


Maximum number of tasks

Found in: Component config > Core dump

Maximum number of tasks snapshots in core dump.


Delay before print to UART

Found in: Component config > Core dump

Config delay (in ms) before printing core dump to UART. Delay can be interrupted by pressing Enter key.

Default value:


Handling of UART core dumps in IDF Monitor

Found in: Component config > Core dump

Available options:
  • Decode and show summary (info_corefile) (ESP_COREDUMP_DECODE_INFO)


FAT Filesystem support



OEM Code Page

Found in: Component config > FAT Filesystem support

OEM code page used for file name encodings.

If “Dynamic” is selected, code page can be chosen at runtime using f_setcp function. Note that choosing this option will increase application size by ~480kB.

Available options:
  • Dynamic (all code pages supported) (FATFS_CODEPAGE_DYNAMIC)

  • US (CP437) (FATFS_CODEPAGE_437)

  • Arabic (CP720) (FATFS_CODEPAGE_720)

  • Greek (CP737) (FATFS_CODEPAGE_737)

  • KBL (CP771) (FATFS_CODEPAGE_771)

  • Baltic (CP775) (FATFS_CODEPAGE_775)

  • Latin 1 (CP850) (FATFS_CODEPAGE_850)

  • Latin 2 (CP852) (FATFS_CODEPAGE_852)

  • Cyrillic (CP855) (FATFS_CODEPAGE_855)

  • Turkish (CP857) (FATFS_CODEPAGE_857)

  • Portugese (CP860) (FATFS_CODEPAGE_860)

  • Icelandic (CP861) (FATFS_CODEPAGE_861)

  • Hebrew (CP862) (FATFS_CODEPAGE_862)

  • Canadian French (CP863) (FATFS_CODEPAGE_863)

  • Arabic (CP864) (FATFS_CODEPAGE_864)

  • Nordic (CP865) (FATFS_CODEPAGE_865)

  • Russian (CP866) (FATFS_CODEPAGE_866)

  • Greek 2 (CP869) (FATFS_CODEPAGE_869)

  • Japanese (DBCS) (CP932) (FATFS_CODEPAGE_932)

  • Simplified Chinese (DBCS) (CP936) (FATFS_CODEPAGE_936)

  • Korean (DBCS) (CP949) (FATFS_CODEPAGE_949)

  • Traditional Chinese (DBCS) (CP950) (FATFS_CODEPAGE_950)


Long filename support

Found in: Component config > FAT Filesystem support

Support long filenames in FAT. Long filename data increases memory usage. FATFS can be configured to store the buffer for long filename data in stack or heap.

Available options:
  • No long filenames (FATFS_LFN_NONE)

  • Long filename buffer in heap (FATFS_LFN_HEAP)

  • Long filename buffer on stack (FATFS_LFN_STACK)


Max long filename length

Found in: Component config > FAT Filesystem support

Maximum long filename length. Can be reduced to save RAM.

  • from 12 to 255

Default value:
  • 255


API character encoding

Found in: Component config > FAT Filesystem support

Choose encoding for character and string arguments/returns when using FATFS APIs. The encoding of arguments will usually depend on text editor settings.

Available options:

  • API uses UTF-16 encoding (FATFS_API_ENCODING_UTF_16)

  • API uses UTF-8 encoding (FATFS_API_ENCODING_UTF_8)


Number of simultaneously open files protected by lock function

Found in: Component config > FAT Filesystem support

This option sets the FATFS configuration value _FS_LOCK. The option _FS_LOCK switches file lock function to control duplicated file open and illegal operation to open objects.

* 0: Disable file lock function. To avoid volume corruption, application should avoid illegal open, remove and rename to the open objects.

* >0: Enable file lock function. The value defines how many files/sub-directories can be opened simultaneously under file lock control.

Note that the file lock control is independent of re-entrancy.

  • from 0 to 65535

Default value:
  • 0


Timeout for acquiring a file lock, ms

Found in: Component config > FAT Filesystem support

This option sets FATFS configuration value _FS_TIMEOUT, scaled to milliseconds. Sets the number of milliseconds FATFS will wait to acquire a mutex when operating on an open file. For example, if one task is performing a lenghty operation, another task will wait for the first task to release the lock, and time out after amount of time set by this option.

Default value:
  • 10000


Use separate cache for each file

Found in: Component config > FAT Filesystem support

This option affects FATFS configuration value _FS_TINY.

If this option is set, _FS_TINY is 0, and each open file has its own cache, size of the cache is equal to the _MAX_SS variable (512 or 4096 bytes). This option uses more RAM if more than 1 file is open, but needs less reads and writes to the storage for some operations.

If this option is not set, _FS_TINY is 1, and single cache is used for all open files, size is also equal to _MAX_SS variable. This reduces the amount of heap used when multiple files are open, but increases the number of read and write operations which FATFS needs to make.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Perfer external RAM when allocating FATFS buffers

Found in: Component config > FAT Filesystem support

When the option is enabled, internal buffers used by FATFS will be allocated from external RAM. If the allocation from external RAM fails, the buffer will be allocated from the internal RAM. Disable this option if optimizing for performance. Enable this option if optimizing for internal memory size.

Default value:


Enable fast seek algorithm when using lseek function through VFS FAT

Found in: Component config > FAT Filesystem support

The fast seek feature enables fast backward/long seek operations without FAT access by using an in-memory CLMT (cluster link map table). Please note, fast-seek is only allowed for read-mode files, if a file is opened in write-mode, the seek mechanism will automatically fallback to the default implementation.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Fast seek CLMT buffer size

Found in: Component config > FAT Filesystem support > CONFIG_FATFS_USE_FASTSEEK

If fast seek algorithm is enabled, this defines the size of CLMT buffer used by this algorithm in 32-bit word units. This value should be chosen based on prior knowledge of maximum elements of each file entry would store.

Default value:

Modbus configuration



Enable Modbus stack support for TCP communication mode

Found in: Component config > Modbus configuration

Enable Modbus TCP option for stack.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Modbus TCP port number

Found in: Component config > Modbus configuration > CONFIG_FMB_COMM_MODE_TCP_EN

Modbus default port number used by Modbus TCP stack

  • from 0 to 65535

Default value:
  • 502


Maximum allowed connections for TCP stack

Found in: Component config > Modbus configuration > CONFIG_FMB_COMM_MODE_TCP_EN

Maximum allowed connections number for Modbus TCP stack. This is used by Modbus master and slave port layer to establish connections. This parameter may decrease performance of Modbus stack and can cause increasing of processing time (increase only if absolutely necessary).

  • from 1 to 6

Default value:
  • 5


Modbus TCP connection timeout

Found in: Component config > Modbus configuration > CONFIG_FMB_COMM_MODE_TCP_EN

Modbus TCP connection timeout in seconds. Once expired the current connection with the client will be closed and Modbus slave will be waiting for new connection to accept.

  • from 1 to 3600

Default value:
  • 20


Enable Modbus stack support for RTU mode

Found in: Component config > Modbus configuration

Enable RTU Modbus communication mode option for Modbus serial stack.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Enable Modbus stack support for ASCII mode

Found in: Component config > Modbus configuration

Enable ASCII Modbus communication mode option for Modbus serial stack.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Slave respond timeout (Milliseconds)

Found in: Component config > Modbus configuration

If master sends a frame which is not broadcast, it has to wait sometime for slave response. if slave is not respond in this time, the master will process timeout error.

  • from 50 to 3000

Default value:
  • 150


Slave conversion delay (Milliseconds)

Found in: Component config > Modbus configuration

If master sends a broadcast frame, it has to wait conversion time to delay, then master can send next frame.

  • from 50 to 400

Default value:
  • 200


Modbus serial task queue length

Found in: Component config > Modbus configuration

Modbus serial driver queue length. It is used by event queue task. See the serial driver API for more information.

  • from 0 to 200

Default value:
  • 20


Modbus port task stack size

Found in: Component config > Modbus configuration

Modbus port task stack size for rx/tx event processing. It may be adjusted when debugging is enabled (for example).

  • from 2048 to 8192

Default value:
  • 4096


Modbus serial task RX/TX buffer size

Found in: Component config > Modbus configuration

Modbus serial task RX and TX buffer size for UART driver initialization. This buffer is used for modbus frame transfer. The Modbus protocol maximum frame size is 256 bytes. Bigger size can be used for non standard implementations.

  • from 0 to 2048

Default value:
  • 256


Number of data bits per ASCII character

Found in: Component config > Modbus configuration

This option defines the number of data bits per ASCII character.

  • from 7 to 8

Default value:
  • 8


Response timeout for ASCII communication mode (ms)

Found in: Component config > Modbus configuration

This option defines response timeout of slave in milliseconds for ASCII communication mode. Thus the timeout will expire and allow the master program to handle the error.

  • from 300 to 2000

Default value:
  • 1000


Modbus port task priority

Found in: Component config > Modbus configuration

Modbus port data processing task priority. The priority of Modbus controller task is equal to (CONFIG_FMB_PORT_TASK_PRIO - 1).

  • from 3 to 23

Default value:
  • 10


Modbus task affinity

Found in: Component config > Modbus configuration

Allows setting the core affinity of the Modbus controller task, i.e. whether the task is pinned to particular CPU, or allowed to run on any CPU.

Available options:




Modbus controller slave ID support

Found in: Component config > Modbus configuration

Modbus slave ID support enable. When enabled the Modbus <Report Slave ID> command is supported by stack.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Modbus controller slave ID

Found in: Component config > Modbus configuration > CONFIG_FMB_CONTROLLER_SLAVE_ID_SUPPORT

Modbus slave ID value to identify modbus device in the network using <Report Slave ID> command. Most significant byte of ID is used as short device ID and other three bytes used as long ID.

  • from 0 to 4294967295

Default value:
  • “0x00112233”


Modbus controller notification timeout (ms)

Found in: Component config > Modbus configuration

Modbus controller notification timeout in milliseconds. This timeout is used to send notification about accessed parameters.

  • from 0 to 200

Default value:
  • 20


Modbus controller notification queue size

Found in: Component config > Modbus configuration

Modbus controller notification queue size. The notification queue is used to get information about accessed parameters.

  • from 0 to 200

Default value:
  • 20


Modbus controller stack size

Found in: Component config > Modbus configuration

Modbus controller task stack size. The Stack size may be adjusted when debug mode is used which requires more stack size (for example).

  • from 0 to 8192

Default value:
  • 4096


Modbus stack event queue timeout (ms)

Found in: Component config > Modbus configuration

Modbus stack event queue timeout in milliseconds. This may help to optimize Modbus stack event processing time.

  • from 0 to 500

Default value:
  • 20


Modbus stack use timer for 3.5T symbol time measurement

Found in: Component config > Modbus configuration

If this option is set the Modbus stack uses timer for T3.5 time measurement. Else the internal UART TOUT timeout is used for 3.5T symbol time measurement.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Modbus timer uses ISR dispatch method

Found in: Component config > Modbus configuration

If this option is set the Modbus stack uses ISR dispatch method to send timeout events from the callback function called from ISR. This option has dependency with the UART_ISR_IN_IRAM option which places UART interrupt handler into IRAM to prevent delays related to processing of UART events.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)




Run FreeRTOS only on first core

Found in: Component config > FreeRTOS

This version of FreeRTOS normally takes control of all cores of the CPU. Select this if you only want to start it on the first core. This is needed when e.g. another process needs complete control over the second core.

# This invisible config value sets the value of tskNO_AFFINITY in task.h. # Intended to be used as a constant from other Kconfig files. # Value is (32-bit) INT_MAX.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Xtensa timer to use as the FreeRTOS tick source

Found in: Component config > FreeRTOS

FreeRTOS needs a timer with an associated interrupt to use as the main tick source to increase counters, run timers and do pre-emptive multitasking with. There are multiple timers available to do this, with different interrupt priorities. Check

Available options:
  • Timer 0 (int 6, level 1) (FREERTOS_CORETIMER_0)

    Select this to use timer 0

  • Timer 1 (int 15, level 3) (FREERTOS_CORETIMER_1)

    Select this to use timer 1


    Select this to use systimer with the 1 interrupt priority.


    Select this to use systimer with the 3 interrupt priority.


Enable FreeRTOS pĺatform optimized scheduler

Found in: Component config > FreeRTOS

On most platforms there are instructions can speedup the ready task searching. Enabling this option the FreeRTOS with this instructions support will be built.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Tick rate (Hz)

Found in: Component config > FreeRTOS

Select the tick rate at which FreeRTOS does pre-emptive context switching.

  • from 1 to 1000

Default value:
  • 100


Halt when an SMP-untested function is called

Found in: Component config > FreeRTOS

Some functions in FreeRTOS have not been thoroughly tested yet when moving to the SMP implementation of FreeRTOS. When this option is enabled, these fuctions will throw an assert().

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Check for stack overflow

Found in: Component config > FreeRTOS

FreeRTOS can check for stack overflows in threads and trigger an user function called vApplicationStackOverflowHook when this happens.

Available options:

    Do not check for stack overflows (configCHECK_FOR_STACK_OVERFLOW=0)

  • Check by stack pointer value (FREERTOS_CHECK_STACKOVERFLOW_PTRVAL)

    Check for stack overflows on each context switch by checking if the stack pointer is in a valid range. Quick but does not detect stack overflows that happened between context switches (configCHECK_FOR_STACK_OVERFLOW=1)

  • Check using canary bytes (FREERTOS_CHECK_STACKOVERFLOW_CANARY)

    Places some magic bytes at the end of the stack area and on each context switch, check if these bytes are still intact. More thorough than just checking the pointer, but also slightly slower. (configCHECK_FOR_STACK_OVERFLOW=2)


Set a debug watchpoint as a stack overflow check

Found in: Component config > FreeRTOS

FreeRTOS can check if a stack has overflown its bounds by checking either the value of the stack pointer or by checking the integrity of canary bytes. (See FREERTOS_CHECK_STACKOVERFLOW for more information.) These checks only happen on a context switch, and the situation that caused the stack overflow may already be long gone by then. This option will use the last debug memory watchpoint to allow breaking into the debugger (or panic’ing) as soon as any of the last 32 bytes on the stack of a task are overwritten. The side effect is that using gdb, you effectively have one hardware watchpoint less because the last one is overwritten as soon as a task switch happens.

Another consequence is that due to alignment requirements of the watchpoint, the usable stack size decreases by up to 60 bytes. This is because the watchpoint region has to be aligned to its size and the size for the stack watchpoint in IDF is 32 bytes.

This check only triggers if the stack overflow writes within 32 bytes near the end of the stack, rather than overshooting further, so it is worth combining this approach with one of the other stack overflow check methods.

When this watchpoint is hit, gdb will stop with a SIGTRAP message. When no JTAG OCD is attached, esp-idf will panic on an unhandled debug exception.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Enable backtrace from interrupt to task context

Found in: Component config > FreeRTOS

If this option is enabled, interrupt stack frame will be modified to point to the code of the interrupted task as its return address. This helps the debugger (or the panic handler) show a backtrace from the interrupt to the task which was interrupted. This also works for nested interrupts: higer level interrupt stack can be traced back to the lower level interrupt. This option adds 4 instructions to the interrupt dispatching code.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Number of thread local storage pointers

Found in: Component config > FreeRTOS

FreeRTOS has the ability to store per-thread pointers in the task control block. This controls the number of pointers available.

This value must be at least 1. Index 0 is reserved for use by the pthreads API thread-local-storage. Other indexes can be used for any desired purpose.

  • from 1 to 256

Default value:
  • 1


FreeRTOS assertions

Found in: Component config > FreeRTOS

Failed FreeRTOS configASSERT() assertions can be configured to behave in different ways.

By default these behave the same as the global project assert settings.

Available options:
  • abort() on failed assertions (FREERTOS_ASSERT_FAIL_ABORT)

    If a FreeRTOS configASSERT() fails, FreeRTOS will abort() and halt execution. The panic handler can be configured to handle the outcome of an abort() in different ways.

    If assertions are disabled for the entire project, they are also disabled in FreeRTOS and this option is unavailable.

  • Print and continue failed assertions (FREERTOS_ASSERT_FAIL_PRINT_CONTINUE)

    If a FreeRTOS assertion fails, print it out and continue.

  • Disable FreeRTOS assertions (FREERTOS_ASSERT_DISABLE)

    FreeRTOS configASSERT() will not be compiled into the binary.


Idle Task stack size

Found in: Component config > FreeRTOS

The idle task has its own stack, sized in bytes. The default size is enough for most uses. Size can be reduced to 768 bytes if no (or simple) FreeRTOS idle hooks are used and pthread local storage or FreeRTOS local storage cleanup callbacks are not used.

The stack size may need to be increased above the default if the app installs idle or thread local storage cleanup hooks that use a lot of stack memory.

  • from 768 to 32768

Default value:
  • 1536


ISR stack size

Found in: Component config > FreeRTOS

The interrupt handlers have their own stack. The size of the stack can be defined here. Each processor has its own stack, so the total size occupied will be twice this.

  • from 2096 to 32768 if ESP_COREDUMP_DATA_FORMAT_ELF

  • from 1536 to 32768

Default value:

  • 1536


Use FreeRTOS legacy hooks

Found in: Component config > FreeRTOS

FreeRTOS offers a number of hooks/callback functions that are called when a timer tick happens, the idle thread runs etc. esp-idf replaces these by runtime registerable hooks using the esp_register_freertos_xxx_hook system, but for legacy reasons the old hooks can also still be enabled. Please enable this only if you have code that for some reason can’t be migrated to the esp_register_freertos_xxx_hook system.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Maximum task name length

Found in: Component config > FreeRTOS

Changes the maximum task name length. Each task allocated will include this many bytes for a task name. Using a shorter value saves a small amount of RAM, a longer value allows more complex names.

For most uses, the default of 16 is OK.

  • from 1 to 256

Default value:
  • 16


Enable static task clean up hook

Found in: Component config > FreeRTOS

Enable this option to make FreeRTOS call the static task clean up hook when a task is deleted.

Bear in mind that if this option is enabled you will need to implement the following function:

void vPortCleanUpTCB ( void \*pxTCB ) {
    // place clean up code here
Default value:
  • No (disabled)


FreeRTOS timer task priority

Found in: Component config > FreeRTOS

The timer service task (primarily) makes use of existing FreeRTOS features, allowing timer functionality to be added to an application with minimal impact on the size of the application’s executable binary.

Use this constant to define the priority that the timer task will run at.

  • from 1 to 25

Default value:
  • 1


FreeRTOS timer task stack size

Found in: Component config > FreeRTOS

The timer service task (primarily) makes use of existing FreeRTOS features, allowing timer functionality to be added to an application with minimal impact on the size of the application’s executable binary.

Use this constant to define the size (in bytes) of the stack allocated for the timer task.

  • from 1536 to 32768

Default value:
  • 2048


FreeRTOS timer queue length

Found in: Component config > FreeRTOS

FreeRTOS provides a set of timer related API functions. Many of these functions use a standard FreeRTOS queue to send commands to the timer service task. The queue used for this purpose is called the ‘timer command queue’. The ‘timer command queue’ is private to the FreeRTOS timer implementation, and cannot be accessed directly.

For most uses the default value of 10 is OK.

  • from 5 to 20

Default value:
  • 10


FreeRTOS queue registry size

Found in: Component config > FreeRTOS

FreeRTOS uses the queue registry as a means for kernel aware debuggers to locate queues, semaphores, and mutexes. The registry allows for a textual name to be associated with a queue for easy identification within a debugging GUI. A value of 0 will disable queue registry functionality, and a value larger than 0 will specify the number of queues/semaphores/mutexes that the registry can hold.

  • from 0 to 20

Default value:
  • 0


Enable FreeRTOS trace facility

Found in: Component config > FreeRTOS

If enabled, configUSE_TRACE_FACILITY will be defined as 1 in FreeRTOS. This will allow the usage of trace facility functions such as uxTaskGetSystemState().

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Enable FreeRTOS stats formatting functions

Found in: Component config > FreeRTOS > CONFIG_FREERTOS_USE_TRACE_FACILITY

If enabled, configUSE_STATS_FORMATTING_FUNCTIONS will be defined as 1 in FreeRTOS. This will allow the usage of stats formatting functions such as vTaskList().

Default value:

Enable display of xCoreID in vTaskList


If enabled, this will include an extra column when vTaskList is called to display the CoreID the task is pinned to (0,1) or -1 if not pinned.

Default value:

Enable FreeRTOS to collect run time stats

Found in: Component config > FreeRTOS

If enabled, configGENERATE_RUN_TIME_STATS will be defined as 1 in FreeRTOS. This will allow FreeRTOS to collect information regarding the usage of processor time amongst FreeRTOS tasks. Run time stats are generated using either the ESP Timer or the CPU Clock as the clock source (Note that run time stats are only valid until the clock source overflows). The function vTaskGetRunTimeStats() will also be available if FREERTOS_USE_STATS_FORMATTING_FUNCTIONS and FREERTOS_USE_TRACE_FACILITY are enabled. vTaskGetRunTimeStats() will display the run time of each task as a % of the total run time of all CPUs (task run time / no of CPUs) / (total run time / 100 )

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Choose the clock source for run time stats


Choose the clock source for FreeRTOS run time stats. Options are CPU0’s CPU Clock or the ESP Timer. Both clock sources are 32 bits. The CPU Clock can run at a higher frequency hence provide a finer resolution but will overflow much quicker. Note that run time stats are only valid until the clock source overflows.

Available options:

    ESP Timer will be used as the clock source for FreeRTOS run time stats. The ESP Timer runs at a frequency of 1MHz regardless of Dynamic Frequency Scaling. Therefore the ESP Timer will overflow in approximately 4290 seconds.

  • Use CPU Clock for run time stats (FREERTOS_RUN_TIME_STATS_USING_CPU_CLK)

    CPU Clock will be used as the clock source for the generation of run time stats. The CPU Clock has a frequency dependent on ESP32_DEFAULT_CPU_FREQ_MHZ and Dynamic Frequency Scaling (DFS). Therefore the CPU Clock frequency can fluctuate between 80 to 240MHz. Run time stats generated using the CPU Clock represents the number of CPU cycles each task is allocated and DOES NOT reflect the amount of time each task runs for (as CPU clock frequency can change). If the CPU clock consistently runs at the maximum frequency of 240MHz, it will overflow in approximately 17 seconds.


Tickless idle support

Found in: Component config > FreeRTOS

If power management support is enabled, FreeRTOS will be able to put the system into light sleep mode when no tasks need to run for a number of ticks. This number can be set using FREERTOS_IDLE_TIME_BEFORE_SLEEP option. This feature is also known as “automatic light sleep”.

Note that timers created using esp_timer APIs may prevent the system from entering sleep mode, even when no tasks need to run. To skip unnecessary wake-up initialize a timer with the “skip_unhandled_events” option as true.

If disabled, automatic light sleep support will be disabled.

Default value:

Minimum number of ticks to enter sleep mode for

Found in: Component config > FreeRTOS > CONFIG_FREERTOS_USE_TICKLESS_IDLE

FreeRTOS will enter light sleep mode if no tasks need to run for this number of ticks.

Default value:

Enclose all task functions in a wrapper function

Found in: Component config > FreeRTOS

If enabled, all FreeRTOS task functions will be enclosed in a wrapper function. If a task function mistakenly returns (i.e. does not delete), the call flow will return to the wrapper function. The wrapper function will then log an error and abort the application. This option is also required for GDB backtraces and C++ exceptions to work correctly inside top-level task functions.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Check that mutex semaphore is given by owner task

Found in: Component config > FreeRTOS

If enabled, assert that when a mutex semaphore is given, the task giving the semaphore is the task which is currently holding the mutex.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Tests compliance with Vanilla FreeRTOS port*_CRITICAL calls

Found in: Component config > FreeRTOS

If enabled, context of port*_CRITICAL calls (ISR or Non-ISR) would be checked to be in compliance with Vanilla FreeRTOS. e.g Calling port*_CRITICAL from ISR context would cause assert failure

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Place FreeRTOS functions into Flash

Found in: Component config > FreeRTOS

When enabled the selected Non-ISR FreeRTOS functions will be placed into Flash memory instead of IRAM. This saves up to 8KB of IRAM depending on which functions are used.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Enable task snapshot functions

Found in: Component config > FreeRTOS

When enabled, the functions related to snapshots, such as vTaskGetSnapshot or uxTaskGetSnapshotAll, are compiled and linked.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Place task snapshot functions into flash


When enabled, the functions related to snapshots, such as vTaskGetSnapshot or uxTaskGetSnapshotAll, will be placed in flash. Note that if enabled, these functions cannot be called when cache is disabled.

Default value:

Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) and Low Level (LL)



Default HAL assertion level

Found in: Component config > Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) and Low Level (LL)

Set the assert behavior / level for HAL component. HAL component assert level can be set separately, but the level can’t exceed the system assertion level. e.g. If the system assertion is disabled, then the HAL assertion can’t be enabled either. If the system assertion is enable, then the HAL assertion can still be disabled by this Kconfig option.

Available options:
  • Same as system assertion level (HAL_ASSERTION_EQUALS_SYSTEM)




Heap memory debugging



Heap corruption detection

Found in: Component config > Heap memory debugging

Enable heap poisoning features to detect heap corruption caused by out-of-bounds access to heap memory.

See the “Heap Memory Debugging” page of the IDF documentation for a description of each level of heap corruption detection.

Available options:
  • Basic (no poisoning) (HEAP_POISONING_DISABLED)

  • Light impact (HEAP_POISONING_LIGHT)



Heap tracing

Found in: Component config > Heap memory debugging

Enables the heap tracing API defined in esp_heap_trace.h.

This function causes a moderate increase in IRAM code side and a minor increase in heap function (malloc/free/realloc) CPU overhead, even when the tracing feature is not used. So it’s best to keep it disabled unless tracing is being used.

Available options:
  • Disabled (HEAP_TRACING_OFF)


  • Host-based (HEAP_TRACING_TOHOST)


Heap tracing stack depth

Found in: Component config > Heap memory debugging

Number of stack frames to save when tracing heap operation callers.

More stack frames uses more memory in the heap trace buffer (and slows down allocation), but can provide useful information.


Enable heap task tracking

Found in: Component config > Heap memory debugging

Enables tracking the task responsible for each heap allocation.

This function depends on heap poisoning being enabled and adds four more bytes of overhead for each block allocated.


Abort if memory allocation fails

Found in: Component config > Heap memory debugging

When enabled, if a memory allocation operation fails it will cause a system abort.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)




Enable strict mode

Found in: Component config > jsmn

In strict mode primitives are: numbers and booleans

Default value:
  • No (disabled)




Use mbedTLS SHA256 & SHA512 implementations

Found in: Component config > libsodium

If this option is enabled, libsodium will use thin wrappers around mbedTLS for SHA256 & SHA512 operations.

This saves some code size if mbedTLS is also used. However it is incompatible with hardware SHA acceleration (due to the way libsodium’s API manages SHA state).

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)

Log output



Default log verbosity

Found in: Component config > Log output

Specify how much output to see in logs by default. You can set lower verbosity level at runtime using esp_log_level_set function.

By default, this setting limits which log statements are compiled into the program. For example, selecting “Warning” would mean that changing log level to “Debug” at runtime will not be possible. To allow increasing log level above the default at runtime, see the next option.

Available options:







Maximum log verbosity

Found in: Component config > Log output

This config option sets the highest log verbosity that it’s possible to select at runtime by calling esp_log_level_set(). This level may be higher than the default verbosity level which is set when the app starts up.

This can be used enable debugging output only at a critical point, for a particular tag, or to minimize startup time but then enable more logs once the firmware has loaded.

Note that increasing the maximum available log level will increase the firmware binary size.

This option only applies to logging from the app, the bootloader log level is fixed at compile time to the separate “Bootloader log verbosity” setting.

Available options:
  • Same as default (LOG_MAXIMUM_EQUALS_DEFAULT)







Use ANSI terminal colors in log output

Found in: Component config > Log output

Enable ANSI terminal color codes in bootloader output.

In order to view these, your terminal program must support ANSI color codes.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Log Timestamps

Found in: Component config > Log output

Choose what sort of timestamp is displayed in the log output:

  • Milliseconds since boot is calulated from the RTOS tick count multiplied by the tick period. This time will reset after a software reboot. e.g. (90000)

  • System time is taken from POSIX time functions which use the ESP32’s RTC and FRC1 timers to maintain an accurate time. The system time is initialized to 0 on startup, it can be set with an SNTP sync, or with POSIX time functions. This time will not reset after a software reboot. e.g. (00:01:30.000)

  • NOTE: Currently this will not get used in logging from binary blobs (i.e WiFi & Bluetooth libraries), these will always print milliseconds since boot.

Available options:
  • Milliseconds Since Boot (LOG_TIMESTAMP_SOURCE_RTOS)





Local netif hostname

Found in: Component config > LWIP

The default name this device will report to other devices on the network. Could be updated at runtime with esp_netif_set_hostname()

Default value:
  • “espressif”


Enable usage of standard POSIX APIs in LWIP

Found in: Component config > LWIP

If this feature is enabled, standard POSIX APIs: if_indextoname(), if_nametoindex() could be used to convert network interface index to name instead of IDF specific esp-netif APIs (such as esp_netif_get_netif_impl_name())

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Enable tcpip core locking

Found in: Component config > LWIP

If Enable tcpip core locking,Creates a global mutex that is held during TCPIP thread operations.Can be locked by client code to perform lwIP operations without changing into TCPIP thread using callbacks. See LOCK_TCPIP_CORE() and UNLOCK_TCPIP_CORE().

If disable tcpip core locking,TCP IP will perform tasks through context switching.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Enable mDNS queries in resolving host name

Found in: Component config > LWIP

If this feature is enabled, standard API such as gethostbyname support .local addresses by sending one shot multicast mDNS query

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Enable copy between Layer2 and Layer3 packets

Found in: Component config > LWIP

If this feature is enabled, all traffic from layer2(WIFI Driver) will be copied to a new buffer before sending it to layer3(LWIP stack), freeing the layer2 buffer. Please be notified that the total layer2 receiving buffer is fixed and ESP32 currently supports 25 layer2 receiving buffer, when layer2 buffer runs out of memory, then the incoming packets will be dropped in hardware. The layer3 buffer is allocated from the heap, so the total layer3 receiving buffer depends on the available heap size, when heap runs out of memory, no copy will be sent to layer3 and packet will be dropped in layer2. Please make sure you fully understand the impact of this feature before enabling it.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Enable LWIP IRAM optimization

Found in: Component config > LWIP

If this feature is enabled, some functions relating to RX/TX in LWIP will be put into IRAM, it can improve UDP/TCP throughput by >10% for single core mode, it doesn’t help too much for dual core mode. On the other hand, it needs about 10KB IRAM for these optimizations.

If this feature is disabled, all lwip functions will be put into FLASH.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Enable LWIP Timers on demand

Found in: Component config > LWIP

If this feature is enabled, IGMP and MLD6 timers will be activated only when joining groups or receiving QUERY packets.

This feature will reduce the power consumption for applications which do not use IGMP and MLD6.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Max number of open sockets

Found in: Component config > LWIP

Sockets take up a certain amount of memory, and allowing fewer sockets to be open at the same time conserves memory. Specify the maximum amount of sockets here. The valid value is from 1 to 16.

  • from 1 to 16

Default value:
  • 10


Support LWIP socket select() only (DEPRECATED)

Found in: Component config > LWIP

This option is deprecated. Use VFS_SUPPORT_SELECT instead, which is the inverse of this option.

The virtual filesystem layer of select() redirects sockets to lwip_select() and non-socket file descriptors to their respective driver implementations. If this option is enabled then all calls of select() will be redirected to lwip_select(), therefore, select can be used for sockets only.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Enable SO_LINGER processing

Found in: Component config > LWIP

Enabling this option allows SO_LINGER processing. l_onoff = 1,l_linger can set the timeout.

If l_linger=0, When a connection is closed, TCP will terminate the connection. This means that TCP will discard any data packets stored in the socket send buffer and send an RST to the peer.

If l_linger!=0,Then closesocket() calls to block the process until the remaining data packets has been sent or timed out.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Enable SO_REUSEADDR option

Found in: Component config > LWIP

Enabling this option allows binding to a port which remains in TIME_WAIT.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


SO_REUSEADDR copies broadcast/multicast to all matches

Found in: Component config > LWIP > CONFIG_LWIP_SO_REUSE

Enabling this option means that any incoming broadcast or multicast packet will be copied to all of the local sockets that it matches (may be more than one if SO_REUSEADDR is set on the socket.)

This increases memory overhead as the packets need to be copied, however they are only copied per matching socket. You can safely disable it if you don’t plan to receive broadcast or multicast traffic on more than one socket at a time.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Enable SO_RCVBUF option

Found in: Component config > LWIP

Enabling this option allows checking for available data on a netconn.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Enable IP_PKTINFO option

Found in: Component config > LWIP

Enabling this option allows checking for the destination address of a received IPv4 Packet.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Enable fragment outgoing IP4 packets

Found in: Component config > LWIP

Enabling this option allows fragmenting outgoing IP4 packets if their size exceeds MTU.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Enable fragment outgoing IP6 packets

Found in: Component config > LWIP

Enabling this option allows fragmenting outgoing IP6 packets if their size exceeds MTU.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Enable reassembly incoming fragmented IP4 packets

Found in: Component config > LWIP

Enabling this option allows reassemblying incoming fragmented IP4 packets.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Enable reassembly incoming fragmented IP6 packets

Found in: Component config > LWIP

Enabling this option allows reassemblying incoming fragmented IP6 packets.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Enable IP forwarding

Found in: Component config > LWIP

Enabling this option allows packets forwarding across multiple interfaces.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Enable NAT (new/experimental)

Found in: Component config > LWIP > CONFIG_LWIP_IP_FORWARD

Enabling this option allows Network Address and Port Translation.

Default value:

Enable LWIP statistics

Found in: Component config > LWIP

Enabling this option allows LWIP statistics

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Enable LWIP ARP trust

Found in: Component config > LWIP

Enabling this option allows ARP table to be updated.

If this option is enabled, the incoming IP packets cause the ARP table to be updated with the source MAC and IP addresses supplied in the packet. You may want to disable this if you do not trust LAN peers to have the correct addresses, or as a limited approach to attempt to handle spoofing. If disabled, lwIP will need to make a new ARP request if the peer is not already in the ARP table, adding a little latency. The peer *is* in the ARP table if it requested our address before. Also notice that this slows down input processing of every IP packet!

There are two known issues in real application if this feature is enabled: - The LAN peer may have bug to update the ARP table after the ARP entry is aged out. If the ARP entry on the LAN peer is aged out but failed to be updated, all IP packets sent from LWIP to the LAN peer will be dropped by LAN peer. - The LAN peer may not be trustful, the LAN peer may send IP packets to LWIP with two different MACs, but the same IP address. If this happens, the LWIP has problem to receive IP packets from LAN peer.

So the recommendation is to disable this option. Here the LAN peer means the other side to which the ESP station or soft-AP is connected.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Send gratuitous ARP periodically

Found in: Component config > LWIP

Enable this option allows to send gratuitous ARP periodically.

This option solve the compatibility issues.If the ARP table of the AP is old, and the AP doesn’t send ARP request to update it’s ARP table, this will lead to the STA sending IP packet fail. Thus we send gratuitous ARP periodically to let AP update it’s ARP table.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


GARP timer interval(seconds)

Found in: Component config > LWIP > CONFIG_LWIP_ESP_GRATUITOUS_ARP

Set the timer interval for gratuitous ARP. The default value is 60s

Default value:
  • 60


TCPIP task receive mail box size

Found in: Component config > LWIP

Set TCPIP task receive mail box size. Generally bigger value means higher throughput but more memory. The value should be bigger than UDP/TCP mail box size.

Default value:
  • 32


DHCP: Perform ARP check on any offered address

Found in: Component config > LWIP

Enabling this option performs a check (via ARP request) if the offered IP address is not already in use by another host on the network.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


DHCP: Disable Use of HW address as client identification

Found in: Component config > LWIP

This option could be used to disable DHCP client identification with its MAC address. (Client id is used by DHCP servers to uniquely identify clients and are included in the DHCP packets as an option 61) Set this option to “y” in order to exclude option 61 from DHCP packets.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


DHCP: Disable Use of vendor class identification

Found in: Component config > LWIP

This option could be used to disable DHCP client vendor class identification. Set this option to “y” in order to exclude option 60 from DHCP packets.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


DHCP: Restore last IP obtained from DHCP server

Found in: Component config > LWIP

When this option is enabled, DHCP client tries to re-obtain last valid IP address obtained from DHCP server. Last valid DHCP configuration is stored in nvs and restored after reset/power-up. If IP is still available, there is no need for sending discovery message to DHCP server and save some time.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


DHCP total option length

Found in: Component config > LWIP

Set total length of outgoing DHCP option msg. Generally bigger value means it can carry more options and values. If your code meets LWIP_ASSERT due to option value is too long. Please increase the LWIP_DHCP_OPTIONS_LEN value.

  • from 68 to 255

Default value:
  • 68

  • 108

DHCP server



DHCPS: Enable IPv4 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Server (DHCPS)

Found in: Component config > LWIP > DHCP server

Enabling this option allows the device to run the DHCP server (to dynamically assign IPv4 addresses to clients).

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Multiplier for lease time, in seconds

Found in: Component config > LWIP > DHCP server > CONFIG_LWIP_DHCPS

The DHCP server is calculating lease time multiplying the sent and received times by this number of seconds per unit. The default is 60, that equals one minute.

  • from 1 to 3600

Default value:
  • 60


Maximum number of stations

Found in: Component config > LWIP > DHCP server > CONFIG_LWIP_DHCPS

The maximum number of DHCP clients that are connected to the server. After this number is exceeded, DHCP server removes of the oldest device from it’s address pool, without notification.

  • from 1 to 64

Default value:
  • 8


Enable IPV4 Link-Local Addressing (AUTOIP)

Found in: Component config > LWIP

Enabling this option allows the device to self-assign an address in the 169.256/16 range if none is assigned statically or via DHCP.

See RFC 3927.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)



DHCP Probes before self-assigning IPv4 LL address

Found in: Component config > LWIP > CONFIG_LWIP_AUTOIP

DHCP client will send this many probes before self-assigning a link local address.

From LWIP help: “This can be set as low as 1 to get an AutoIP address very quickly, but you should be prepared to handle a changing IP address when DHCP overrides AutoIP.” (In the case of ESP-IDF, this means multiple SYSTEM_EVENT_STA_GOT_IP events.)

Default value:

Max IP conflicts before rate limiting

Found in: Component config > LWIP > CONFIG_LWIP_AUTOIP

If the AUTOIP functionality detects this many IP conflicts while self-assigning an address, it will go into a rate limited mode.

Default value:

Rate limited interval (seconds)

Found in: Component config > LWIP > CONFIG_LWIP_AUTOIP

If rate limiting self-assignment requests, wait this long between each request.

Default value:

Enable IPv6

Found in: Component config > LWIP

Enable IPv6 function. If not use IPv6 function, set this option to n. If disabling LWIP_IPV6 then some other components (coap and asio) will no longer be available.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Enable IPV6 stateless address autoconfiguration (SLAAC)

Found in: Component config > LWIP > CONFIG_LWIP_IPV6

Enabling this option allows the devices to IPV6 stateless address autoconfiguration (SLAAC).

See RFC 4862.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Number of IPv6 addresses on each network interface

Found in: Component config > LWIP > CONFIG_LWIP_IPV6

The maximum number of IPv6 addresses on each interface. Any additional addresses will be discarded.

Default value:
  • 3


Enable IPv6 forwarding between interfaces

Found in: Component config > LWIP > CONFIG_LWIP_IPV6

Forwarding IPv6 packets between interfaces is only required when acting as a router.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Use IPv6 Router Advertisement Recursive DNS Server Option

Found in: Component config > LWIP

Use IPv6 Router Advertisement Recursive DNS Server Option (as per RFC 6106) to copy a defined maximum number of DNS servers to the DNS module. Set this option to a number of desired DNS servers advertised in the RA protocol. This feature is disabled when set to 0.

Default value:

Enable DHCPv6 stateless address autoconfiguration

Found in: Component config > LWIP

Enable DHCPv6 for IPv6 stateless address autoconfiguration. Note that the dhcpv6 client has to be started using dhcp6_enable_stateless(netif); Note that the stateful address autoconfiguration is not supported.

Default value:

Enable status callback for network interfaces

Found in: Component config > LWIP

Enable callbacks when the network interface is up/down and addresses are changed.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Support per-interface loopback

Found in: Component config > LWIP

Enabling this option means that if a packet is sent with a destination address equal to the interface’s own IP address, it will “loop back” and be received by this interface.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)



Max queued loopback packets per interface

Found in: Component config > LWIP > CONFIG_LWIP_NETIF_LOOPBACK

Configure the maximum number of packets which can be queued for loopback on a given interface. Reducing this number may cause packets to be dropped, but will avoid filling memory with queued packet data.

  • from 0 to 16

Default value:
  • 8




Maximum active TCP Connections

Found in: Component config > LWIP > TCP

The maximum number of simultaneously active TCP connections. The practical maximum limit is determined by available heap memory at runtime.

Changing this value by itself does not substantially change the memory usage of LWIP, except for preventing new TCP connections after the limit is reached.

  • from 1 to 1024

Default value:
  • 16


Maximum listening TCP Connections

Found in: Component config > LWIP > TCP

The maximum number of simultaneously listening TCP connections. The practical maximum limit is determined by available heap memory at runtime.

Changing this value by itself does not substantially change the memory usage of LWIP, except for preventing new listening TCP connections after the limit is reached.

  • from 1 to 1024

Default value:
  • 16


TCP high speed retransmissions

Found in: Component config > LWIP > TCP

Speed up the TCP retransmission interval. If disabled, it is recommended to change the number of SYN retransmissions to 6, and TCP initial rto time to 3000.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Maximum number of retransmissions of data segments

Found in: Component config > LWIP > TCP

Set maximum number of retransmissions of data segments.

  • from 3 to 12

Default value:
  • 12


Maximum number of retransmissions of SYN segments

Found in: Component config > LWIP > TCP

Set maximum number of retransmissions of SYN segments.

  • from 3 to 12

Default value:
  • 6

  • 12


Maximum Segment Size (MSS)

Found in: Component config > LWIP > TCP

Set maximum segment size for TCP transmission.

Can be set lower to save RAM, the default value 1460(ipv4)/1440(ipv6) will give best throughput. IPv4 TCP_MSS Range: 576 <= TCP_MSS <= 1460 IPv6 TCP_MSS Range: 1220<= TCP_mSS <= 1440

  • from 536 to 1460

Default value:
  • 1440


TCP timer interval(ms)

Found in: Component config > LWIP > TCP

Set TCP timer interval in milliseconds.

Can be used to speed connections on bad networks. A lower value will redeliver unacked packets faster.

Default value:
  • 250


Maximum segment lifetime (MSL)

Found in: Component config > LWIP > TCP

Set maximum segment lifetime in milliseconds.

Default value:
  • 60000


Maximum FIN segment lifetime

Found in: Component config > LWIP > TCP

Set maximum segment lifetime in milliseconds.

Default value:
  • 20000


Default send buffer size

Found in: Component config > LWIP > TCP

Set default send buffer size for new TCP sockets.

Per-socket send buffer size can be changed at runtime with lwip_setsockopt(s, TCP_SNDBUF, …).

This value must be at least 2x the MSS size, and the default is 4x the default MSS size.

Setting a smaller default SNDBUF size can save some RAM, but will decrease performance.

Default value:
  • 5744


Default receive window size

Found in: Component config > LWIP > TCP

Set default TCP receive window size for new TCP sockets.

Per-socket receive window size can be changed at runtime with lwip_setsockopt(s, TCP_WINDOW, …).

Setting a smaller default receive window size can save some RAM, but will significantly decrease performance.

Default value:
  • 5744


Default TCP receive mail box size

Found in: Component config > LWIP > TCP

Set TCP receive mail box size. Generally bigger value means higher throughput but more memory. The recommended value is: LWIP_TCP_WND_DEFAULT/TCP_MSS + 2, e.g. if LWIP_TCP_WND_DEFAULT=14360, TCP_MSS=1436, then the recommended receive mail box size is (14360/1436 + 2) = 12.

TCP receive mail box is a per socket mail box, when the application receives packets from TCP socket, LWIP core firstly posts the packets to TCP receive mail box and the application then fetches the packets from mail box. It means LWIP can caches maximum LWIP_TCP_RECCVMBOX_SIZE packets for each TCP socket, so the maximum possible cached TCP packets for all TCP sockets is LWIP_TCP_RECCVMBOX_SIZE multiples the maximum TCP socket number. In other words, the bigger LWIP_TCP_RECVMBOX_SIZE means more memory. On the other hand, if the receiv mail box is too small, the mail box may be full. If the mail box is full, the LWIP drops the packets. So generally we need to make sure the TCP receive mail box is big enough to avoid packet drop between LWIP core and application.

Default value:
  • 6


Queue incoming out-of-order segments

Found in: Component config > LWIP > TCP

Queue incoming out-of-order segments for later use.

Disable this option to save some RAM during TCP sessions, at the expense of increased retransmissions if segments arrive out of order.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Support sending selective acknowledgements

Found in: Component config > LWIP > TCP

TCP will support sending selective acknowledgements (SACKs).

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Keep TCP connections when IP changed

Found in: Component config > LWIP > TCP

This option is enabled when the following scenario happen: network dropped and reconnected, IP changes is like:>>

Disable this option to keep consistent with the original LWIP code behavior.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Pre-allocate transmit PBUF size

Found in: Component config > LWIP > TCP

Allows enabling “oversize” allocation of TCP transmission pbufs ahead of time, which can reduce the length of pbuf chains used for transmission.

This will not make a difference to sockets where Nagle’s algorithm is disabled.

Default value of MSS is fine for most applications, 25% MSS may save some RAM when only transmitting small amounts of data. Disabled will have worst performance and fragmentation characteristics, but uses least RAM overall.

Available options:




Support TCP window scale

Found in: Component config > LWIP > TCP

Enable this feature to support TCP window scaling.

Default value:

Set TCP receiving window scaling factor

Found in: Component config > LWIP > TCP > CONFIG_LWIP_WND_SCALE

Enable this feature to support TCP window scaling.

Default value:

Default TCP rto time

Found in: Component config > LWIP > TCP

Set default TCP rto time for a reasonable initial rto. In bad network environment, recommend set value of rto time to 1500.

Default value:
  • 3000

  • 1500




Maximum active UDP control blocks

Found in: Component config > LWIP > UDP

The maximum number of active UDP “connections” (ie UDP sockets sending/receiving data). The practical maximum limit is determined by available heap memory at runtime.

  • from 1 to 1024

Default value:
  • 16


Default UDP receive mail box size

Found in: Component config > LWIP > UDP

Set UDP receive mail box size. The recommended value is 6.

UDP receive mail box is a per socket mail box, when the application receives packets from UDP socket, LWIP core firstly posts the packets to UDP receive mail box and the application then fetches the packets from mail box. It means LWIP can caches maximum UDP_RECCVMBOX_SIZE packets for each UDP socket, so the maximum possible cached UDP packets for all UDP sockets is UDP_RECCVMBOX_SIZE multiples the maximum UDP socket number. In other words, the bigger UDP_RECVMBOX_SIZE means more memory. On the other hand, if the receiv mail box is too small, the mail box may be full. If the mail box is full, the LWIP drops the packets. So generally we need to make sure the UDP receive mail box is big enough to avoid packet drop between LWIP core and application.

  • from 6 to 64

Default value:
  • 6




Enable LWIP IP checksums

Found in: Component config > LWIP > Checksums

Enable checksum checking for received IP messages

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Enable LWIP UDP checksums

Found in: Component config > LWIP > Checksums

Enable checksum checking for received UDP messages

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Enable LWIP ICMP checksums

Found in: Component config > LWIP > Checksums

Enable checksum checking for received ICMP messages

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


TCP/IP Task Stack Size

Found in: Component config > LWIP

Configure TCP/IP task stack size, used by LWIP to process multi-threaded TCP/IP operations. Setting this stack too small will result in stack overflow crashes.

  • from 2048 to 65536

Default value:
  • 3072


TCP/IP task affinity

Found in: Component config > LWIP

Allows setting LwIP tasks affinity, i.e. whether the task is pinned to CPU0, pinned to CPU1, or allowed to run on any CPU. Currently this applies to “TCP/IP” task and “Ping” task.

Available options:




Enable PPP support (new/experimental)

Found in: Component config > LWIP

Enable PPP stack. Now only PPP over serial is possible.

PPP over serial support is experimental and unsupported.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)



Enable IPV6 support for PPP connections (IPV6CP)

Found in: Component config > LWIP > CONFIG_LWIP_PPP_SUPPORT

Enable IPV6 support in PPP for the local link between the DTE (processor) and DCE (modem). There are some modems which do not support the IPV6 addressing in the local link. If they are requested for IPV6CP negotiation, they may time out. This would in turn fail the configuration for the whole link. If your modem is not responding correctly to PPP Phase Network, try to disable IPV6 support.

Default value:

Max number of IPv6 packets to queue during MAC resolution

Found in: Component config > LWIP

Config max number of IPv6 packets to queue during MAC resolution.

  • from 3 to 20

Default value:
  • 3


Max number of entries in IPv6 neighbor cache

Found in: Component config > LWIP

Config max number of entries in IPv6 neighbor cache

  • from 3 to 10

Default value:
  • 5


Enable Notify Phase Callback

Found in: Component config > LWIP

Enable to set a callback which is called on change of the internal PPP state machine.

Default value:

Enable PAP support

Found in: Component config > LWIP

Enable Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) support

Default value:

Enable CHAP support

Found in: Component config > LWIP

Enable Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) support

Default value:

Enable MSCHAP support

Found in: Component config > LWIP

Enable Microsoft version of the Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (MSCHAP) support

Default value:

Enable MPPE support

Found in: Component config > LWIP

Enable Microsoft Point-to-Point Encryption (MPPE) support

Default value:


Found in: Component config > LWIP

Enable LCP echo keepalive requests

Default value:

Echo interval (s)

Found in: Component config > LWIP > CONFIG_LWIP_ENABLE_LCP_ECHO

Interval in seconds between keepalive LCP echo requests, 0 to disable.

Default value:

Maximum echo failures

Found in: Component config > LWIP > CONFIG_LWIP_ENABLE_LCP_ECHO

Number of consecutive unanswered echo requests before failure is indicated.

Default value:

Enable PPP debug log output

Found in: Component config > LWIP

Enable PPP debug log output

Default value:

Enable SLIP support (new/experimental)

Found in: Component config > LWIP

Enable SLIP stack. Now only SLIP over serial is possible.

SLIP over serial support is experimental and unsupported.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)



Enable SLIP debug log output

Found in: Component config > LWIP > CONFIG_LWIP_SLIP_SUPPORT

Enable SLIP debug log output

Default value:




Found in: Component config > LWIP > ICMP

Enable ICMP module for check network stability

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Respond to multicast pings

Found in: Component config > LWIP > ICMP

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Respond to broadcast pings

Found in: Component config > LWIP > ICMP

Default value:
  • No (disabled)





Found in: Component config > LWIP > LWIP RAW API

The maximum number of simultaneously active LWIP RAW protocol control blocks. The practical maximum limit is determined by available heap memory at runtime.

  • from 1 to 1024

Default value:
  • 16




Maximum number of NTP servers

Found in: Component config > LWIP > SNTP

Set maximum number of NTP servers used by LwIP SNTP module. First argument of sntp_setserver/sntp_setservername functions is limited to this value.

  • from 1 to 16

Default value:
  • 1


Request NTP servers from DHCP

Found in: Component config > LWIP > SNTP

If enabled, LWIP will add ‘NTP’ to Parameter-Request Option sent via DHCP-request. DHCP server might reply with an NTP server address in option 42. SNTP callback for such replies should be set accordingly (see sntp_servermode_dhcp() func.)

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Maximum number of NTP servers aquired via DHCP

Found in: Component config > LWIP > SNTP > CONFIG_LWIP_DHCP_GET_NTP_SRV

Set maximum number of NTP servers aquired via DHCP-offer. Should be less or equal to “Maximum number of NTP servers”, any extra servers would be just ignored.

Default value:

Request interval to update time (ms)

Found in: Component config > LWIP > SNTP

This option allows you to set the time update period via SNTP. Default is 1 hour. Must not be below 15 seconds by specification. (SNTPv4 RFC 4330 enforces a minimum update time of 15 seconds).

  • from 15000 to 4294967295

Default value:
  • 3600000


Enable LWIP ASSERT checks

Found in: Component config > LWIP

Enable this option keeps LWIP assertion checks enabled. It is recommended to keep this option enabled.

If asserts are disabled for the entire project, they are also disabled for LWIP and this option is ignored.

Default value:





Found in: Component config > LWIP > Hooks

Enables to define a TCP ISN hook to randomize initial sequence number in TCP connection. The default TCP ISN algorithm used in IDF (standardized in RFC 6528) produces ISN by combining an MD5 of the new TCP id and a stable secret with the current time. This is because the lwIP implementation (tcp_next_iss) is not very strong, as it does not take into consideration any platform specific entropy source.

Set to LWIP_HOOK_TCP_ISN_CUSTOM to provide custom implementation. Set to LWIP_HOOK_TCP_ISN_NONE to use lwIP implementation.

Available options:
  • No hook declared (LWIP_HOOK_TCP_ISN_NONE)

  • Default implementation (LWIP_HOOK_TCP_ISN_DEFAULT)

  • Custom implementation (LWIP_HOOK_TCP_ISN_CUSTOM)


IPv6 route Hook

Found in: Component config > LWIP > Hooks

Enables custom IPv6 route hook. Setting this to “default” provides weak implementation stub that could be overwritten in application code. Setting this to “custom” provides hook’s declaration only and expects the application to implement it.

Available options:
  • No hook declared (LWIP_HOOK_IP6_ROUTE_NONE)

  • Default (weak) implementation (LWIP_HOOK_IP6_ROUTE_DEFAULT)

  • Custom implementation (LWIP_HOOK_IP6_ROUTE_CUSTOM)


IPv6 get gateway Hook

Found in: Component config > LWIP > Hooks

Enables custom IPv6 route hook. Setting this to “default” provides weak implementation stub that could be overwritten in application code. Setting this to “custom” provides hook’s declaration only and expects the application to implement it.

Available options:
  • No hook declared (LWIP_HOOK_ND6_GET_GW_NONE)

  • Default (weak) implementation (LWIP_HOOK_ND6_GET_GW_DEFAULT)

  • Custom implementation (LWIP_HOOK_ND6_GET_GW_CUSTOM)


Netconn external resolve Hook

Found in: Component config > LWIP > Hooks

Enables custom DNS resolve hook. Setting this to “default” provides weak implementation stub that could be overwritten in application code. Setting this to “custom” provides hook’s declaration only and expects the application to implement it.

Available options:

  • Default (weak) implementation (LWIP_HOOK_NETCONN_EXT_RESOLVE_DEFAULT)

  • Custom implementation (LWIP_HOOK_NETCONN_EXT_RESOLVE_CUSTOM)


Enable LWIP Debug

Found in: Component config > LWIP

Enabling this option allows different kinds of lwIP debug output.

All lwIP debug features increase the size of the final binary.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)



Route LWIP debugs through ESP_LOG interface

Found in: Component config > LWIP > CONFIG_LWIP_DEBUG

Enabling this option routes all enabled LWIP debugs through ESP_LOGD.

Default value:

Enable netif debug messages

Found in: Component config > LWIP > CONFIG_LWIP_DEBUG

Default value:

Enable pbuf debug messages

Found in: Component config > LWIP > CONFIG_LWIP_DEBUG

Default value:

Enable etharp debug messages

Found in: Component config > LWIP > CONFIG_LWIP_DEBUG

Default value:

Enable api lib debug messages

Found in: Component config > LWIP > CONFIG_LWIP_DEBUG

Default value:

Enable socket debug messages

Found in: Component config > LWIP > CONFIG_LWIP_DEBUG

Default value:

Enable IP debug messages

Found in: Component config > LWIP > CONFIG_LWIP_DEBUG

Default value:

Enable ICMP debug messages

Found in: Component config > LWIP > CONFIG_LWIP_DEBUG

Default value:

Enable DHCP state tracking

Found in: Component config > LWIP > CONFIG_LWIP_DEBUG

Default value:

Enable DHCP debug messages

Found in: Component config > LWIP > CONFIG_LWIP_DEBUG

Default value:

Enable IP6 debug messages

Found in: Component config > LWIP > CONFIG_LWIP_DEBUG

Default value:

Enable ICMP6 debug messages

Found in: Component config > LWIP > CONFIG_LWIP_DEBUG

Default value:

Enable TCP debug messages

Found in: Component config > LWIP > CONFIG_LWIP_DEBUG

Default value:

Enable SNTP debug messages

Found in: Component config > LWIP > CONFIG_LWIP_DEBUG

Default value:




Memory allocation strategy

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS

Allocation strategy for mbedTLS, essentially provides ability to allocate all required dynamic allocations from,

  • Internal DRAM memory only

  • External SPIRAM memory only

  • Either internal or external memory based on default malloc() behavior in ESP-IDF

  • Custom allocation mode, by overwriting calloc()/free() using mbedtls_platform_set_calloc_free() function

  • Internal IRAM memory wherever applicable else internal DRAM

Recommended mode here is always internal (*), since that is most preferred from security perspective. But if application requirement does not allow sufficient free internal memory then alternate mode can be selected.

(*) In case of ESP32-S2/ESP32-S3, hardware allows encryption of external SPIRAM contents provided hardware flash encryption feature is enabled. In that case, using external SPIRAM allocation strategy is also safe choice from security perspective.

Available options:
  • Internal memory (MBEDTLS_INTERNAL_MEM_ALLOC)


  • Default alloc mode (MBEDTLS_DEFAULT_MEM_ALLOC)

  • Custom alloc mode (MBEDTLS_CUSTOM_MEM_ALLOC)


    Allows to use IRAM memory region as 8bit accessible region.

    TLS input and output buffers will be allocated in IRAM section which is 32bit aligned memory. Every unaligned (8bit or 16bit) access will result in an exception and incur penalty of certain clock cycles per unaligned read/write.


TLS maximum message content length

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS

Maximum TLS message length (in bytes) supported by mbedTLS.

16384 is the default and this value is required to comply fully with TLS standards.

However you can set a lower value in order to save RAM. This is safe if the other end of the connection supports Maximum Fragment Length Negotiation Extension (max_fragment_length, see RFC6066) or you know for certain that it will never send a message longer than a certain number of bytes.

If the value is set too low, symptoms are a failed TLS handshake or a return value of MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_INVALID_RECORD (-0x7200).

  • from 512 to 16384

Default value:
  • 16384


Asymmetric in/out fragment length

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS

If enabled, this option allows customizing TLS in/out fragment length in asymmetric way. Please note that enabling this with default values saves 12KB of dynamic memory per TLS connection.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


TLS maximum incoming fragment length

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > CONFIG_MBEDTLS_ASYMMETRIC_CONTENT_LEN

This defines maximum incoming fragment length, overriding default maximum content length (MBEDTLS_SSL_MAX_CONTENT_LEN).

  • from 512 to 16384

Default value:
  • 16384


TLS maximum outgoing fragment length

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > CONFIG_MBEDTLS_ASYMMETRIC_CONTENT_LEN

This defines maximum outgoing fragment length, overriding default maximum content length (MBEDTLS_SSL_MAX_CONTENT_LEN).

  • from 512 to 16384

Default value:
  • 4096


Using dynamic TX/RX buffer

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS

Using dynamic TX/RX buffer. After enabling this option, mbedTLS will allocate TX buffer when need to send data and then free it if all data is sent, allocate RX buffer when need to receive data and then free it when all data is used or read by upper layer.

By default, when SSL is initialized, mbedTLS also allocate TX and RX buffer with the default value of “MBEDTLS_SSL_OUT_CONTENT_LEN” or “MBEDTLS_SSL_IN_CONTENT_LEN”, so to save more heap, users can set the options to be an appropriate value.

Default value:

Free SSL peer certificate after its usage

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > CONFIG_MBEDTLS_DYNAMIC_BUFFER

Free peer certificate after its usage in handshake process.

Default value:

Free private key and DHM data after its usage

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > CONFIG_MBEDTLS_DYNAMIC_BUFFER

Free private key and DHM data after its usage in handshake process.

The option will decrease heap cost when handshake, but also lead to problem:

Becasue all certificate, private key and DHM data are freed so users should register certificate and private key to ssl config object again.

Default value:

Free SSL CA certificate after its usage


Free CA certificate after its usage in the handshake process. This option will decrease the heap footprint for the TLS handshake, but may lead to a problem: If the respective ssl object needs to perform the TLS handshake again, the CA certificate should once again be registered to the ssl object.

Default value:

Enable mbedTLS debugging

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS

Enable mbedTLS debugging functions at compile time.

If this option is enabled, you can include “mbedtls/esp_debug.h” and call mbedtls_esp_enable_debug_log() at runtime in order to enable mbedTLS debug output via the ESP log mechanism.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Set mbedTLS debugging level

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > CONFIG_MBEDTLS_DEBUG

Set mbedTLS debugging level

Available options:




Certificate Bundle



Enable trusted root certificate bundle

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > Certificate Bundle

Enable support for large number of default root certificates

When enabled this option allows user to store default as well as customer specific root certificates in compressed format rather than storing full certificate. For the root certificates the public key and the subject name will be stored.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Default certificate bundle options

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > Certificate Bundle > CONFIG_MBEDTLS_CERTIFICATE_BUNDLE

Available options:
  • Use the full default certificate bundle (MBEDTLS_CERTIFICATE_BUNDLE_DEFAULT_FULL)

  • Use only the most common certificates from the default bundles (MBEDTLS_CERTIFICATE_BUNDLE_DEFAULT_CMN)

    Use only the most common certificates from the default bundles, reducing the size with 50%, while still having around 99% coverage.

  • Do not use the default certificate bundle (MBEDTLS_CERTIFICATE_BUNDLE_DEFAULT_NONE)


Add custom certificates to the default bundle

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > Certificate Bundle > CONFIG_MBEDTLS_CERTIFICATE_BUNDLE

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Custom certificate bundle path


Name of the custom certificate directory or file. This path is evaluated relative to the project root directory.


Maximum no of certificates allowed in certificate bundle

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > Certificate Bundle > CONFIG_MBEDTLS_CERTIFICATE_BUNDLE

Default value:
  • 200


Enable mbedTLS ecp restartable

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS

Enable “non-blocking” ECC operations that can return early and be resumed.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Enable CMAC mode for block ciphers

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS

Enable the CMAC (Cipher-based Message Authentication Code) mode for block ciphers.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Enable hardware AES acceleration

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS

Enable hardware accelerated AES encryption & decryption.

Note that if the ESP32 CPU is running at 240MHz, hardware AES does not offer any speed boost over software AES.

Default value:


Use interrupt for long AES operations

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > CONFIG_MBEDTLS_HARDWARE_AES

Use an interrupt to coordinate long AES operations.

This allows other code to run on the CPU while an AES operation is pending. Otherwise the CPU busy-waits.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Enable partially hardware accelerated GCM

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > CONFIG_MBEDTLS_HARDWARE_AES

Enable partially hardware accelerated GCM. GHASH calculation is still done in software.

If MBEDTLS_HARDWARE_GCM is disabled and MBEDTLS_HARDWARE_AES is enabled then mbedTLS will still use the hardware accelerated AES block operation, but on a single block at a time.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Enable hardware MPI (bignum) acceleration

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS

Enable hardware accelerated multiple precision integer operations.

Hardware accelerated multiplication, modulo multiplication, and modular exponentiation for up to SOC_RSA_MAX_BIT_LEN bit results.

These operations are used by RSA.

Default value:


Enable hardware SHA acceleration

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS

Enable hardware accelerated SHA1, SHA256, SHA384 & SHA512 in mbedTLS.

Due to a hardware limitation, on the ESP32 hardware acceleration is only guaranteed if SHA digests are calculated one at a time. If more than one SHA digest is calculated at the same time, one will be calculated fully in hardware and the rest will be calculated (at least partially calculated) in software. This happens automatically.

SHA hardware acceleration is faster than software in some situations but slower in others. You should benchmark to find the best setting for you.

Default value:


Use MD5 implementation in ROM

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS

Use ROM MD5 in mbedTLS.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Enable hardware ECDSA sign acceleration when using ATECC608A

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS

This option enables hardware acceleration for ECDSA sign function, only when using ATECC608A cryptoauth chip (integrated with ESP32-WROOM-32SE)

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Enable hardware ECDSA verify acceleration when using ATECC608A

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS

This option enables hardware acceleration for ECDSA sign function, only when using ATECC608A cryptoauth chip (integrated with ESP32-WROOM-32SE)

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Enable mbedtls time support

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS

Enable use of time.h functions (time() and gmtime()) by mbedTLS.

This option doesn’t require the system time to be correct, but enables functionality that requires relative timekeeping - for example periodic expiry of TLS session tickets or session cache entries.

Disabling this option will save some firmware size, particularly if the rest of the firmware doesn’t call any standard timekeeeping functions.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Enable mbedtls certificate expiry check

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > CONFIG_MBEDTLS_HAVE_TIME

Enables X.509 certificate expiry checks in mbedTLS.

If this option is disabled (default) then X.509 certificate “valid from” and “valid to” timestamp fields are ignored.

If this option is enabled, these fields are compared with the current system date and time. The time is retrieved using the standard time() and gmtime() functions. If the certificate is not valid for the current system time then verification will fail with code MBEDTLS_X509_BADCERT_FUTURE or MBEDTLS_X509_BADCERT_EXPIRED.

Enabling this option requires adding functionality in the firmware to set the system clock to a valid timestamp before using TLS. The recommended way to do this is via ESP-IDF’s SNTP functionality, but any method can be used.

In the case where only a small number of certificates are trusted by the device, please carefully consider the tradeoffs of enabling this option. There may be undesired consequences, for example if all trusted certificates expire while the device is offline and a TLS connection is required to update. Or if an issue with the SNTP server means that the system time is invalid for an extended period after a reset.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Enable deterministic ECDSA

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS

Standard ECDSA is “fragile” in the sense that lack of entropy when signing may result in a compromise of the long-term signing key.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Enable the SHA-384 and SHA-512 cryptographic hash algorithms

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS

Enable MBEDTLS_SHA512_C adds support for SHA-384 and SHA-512.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


TLS Protocol Role

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS

mbedTLS can be compiled with protocol support for the TLS server, TLS client, or both server and client.

Reducing the number of TLS roles supported saves code size.

Available options:




TLS Key Exchange Methods



Enable pre-shared-key ciphersuites

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > TLS Key Exchange Methods

Enable to show configuration for different types of pre-shared-key TLS authentatication methods.

Leaving this options disabled will save code size if they are not used.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Enable PSK based ciphersuite modes

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > TLS Key Exchange Methods > CONFIG_MBEDTLS_PSK_MODES

Enable to support symmetric key PSK (pre-shared-key) TLS key exchange modes.

Default value:

Enable DHE-PSK based ciphersuite modes

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > TLS Key Exchange Methods > CONFIG_MBEDTLS_PSK_MODES

Enable to support Diffie-Hellman PSK (pre-shared-key) TLS authentication modes.

Default value:

Enable ECDHE-PSK based ciphersuite modes

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > TLS Key Exchange Methods > CONFIG_MBEDTLS_PSK_MODES

Enable to support Elliptic-Curve-Diffie-Hellman PSK (pre-shared-key) TLS authentication modes.

Default value:

Enable RSA-PSK based ciphersuite modes

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > TLS Key Exchange Methods > CONFIG_MBEDTLS_PSK_MODES

Enable to support RSA PSK (pre-shared-key) TLS authentication modes.

Default value:

Enable RSA-only based ciphersuite modes

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > TLS Key Exchange Methods

Enable to support ciphersuites with prefix TLS-RSA-WITH-

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Enable DHE-RSA based ciphersuite modes

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > TLS Key Exchange Methods

Enable to support ciphersuites with prefix TLS-DHE-RSA-WITH-

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Support Elliptic Curve based ciphersuites

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > TLS Key Exchange Methods

Enable to show Elliptic Curve based ciphersuite mode options.

Disabling all Elliptic Curve ciphersuites saves code size and can give slightly faster TLS handshakes, provided the server supports RSA-only ciphersuite modes.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Enable ECDHE-RSA based ciphersuite modes

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > TLS Key Exchange Methods > CONFIG_MBEDTLS_KEY_EXCHANGE_ELLIPTIC_CURVE

Enable to support ciphersuites with prefix TLS-ECDHE-RSA-WITH-

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Enable ECDHE-ECDSA based ciphersuite modes

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > TLS Key Exchange Methods > CONFIG_MBEDTLS_KEY_EXCHANGE_ELLIPTIC_CURVE

Enable to support ciphersuites with prefix TLS-ECDHE-RSA-WITH-

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Enable ECDH-ECDSA based ciphersuite modes

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > TLS Key Exchange Methods > CONFIG_MBEDTLS_KEY_EXCHANGE_ELLIPTIC_CURVE

Enable to support ciphersuites with prefix TLS-ECDHE-RSA-WITH-

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Enable ECDH-RSA based ciphersuite modes

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > TLS Key Exchange Methods > CONFIG_MBEDTLS_KEY_EXCHANGE_ELLIPTIC_CURVE

Enable to support ciphersuites with prefix TLS-ECDHE-RSA-WITH-

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Enable ECJPAKE based ciphersuite modes

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > TLS Key Exchange Methods

Enable to support ciphersuites with prefix TLS-ECJPAKE-WITH-

Default value:

Support TLS renegotiation

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS

The two main uses of renegotiation are (1) refresh keys on long-lived connections and (2) client authentication after the initial handshake. If you don’t need renegotiation, disabling it will save code size and reduce the possibility of abuse/vulnerability.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Legacy SSL 3.0 support

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS

Support the legacy SSL 3.0 protocol. Most servers will speak a newer TLS protocol these days.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Support TLS 1.0 protocol

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Support TLS 1.1 protocol

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Support TLS 1.2 protocol

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Support GM/T SSL 1.1 protocol

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS

Provisions for GM/T SSL 1.1 support

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Support DTLS protocol (all versions)

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS

Requires TLS 1.1 to be enabled for DTLS 1.0 Requires TLS 1.2 to be enabled for DTLS 1.2

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Support ALPN (Application Layer Protocol Negotiation)

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS

Disabling this option will save some code size if it is not needed.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


TLS: Client Support for RFC 5077 SSL session tickets

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS

Client support for RFC 5077 session tickets. See mbedTLS documentation for more details. Disabling this option will save some code size.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Enable verification of the keyUsage extension

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS

Disabling this avoids problems with mis-issued and/or misused (intermediate) CA and leaf certificates. Depending on your PKI use, disabling this can be a security risk.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Enable verification of the extendedKeyUsage extension

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS

Disabling this avoids problems with mis-issued and/or misused certificates. Depending on your PKI use, disabling this can be a security risk.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


TLS: Server Support for RFC 5077 SSL session tickets

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS

Server support for RFC 5077 session tickets. See mbedTLS documentation for more details. Disabling this option will save some code size.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)

Symmetric Ciphers



AES block cipher

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > Symmetric Ciphers

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Camellia block cipher

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > Symmetric Ciphers

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


DES block cipher (legacy, insecure)

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > Symmetric Ciphers

Enables the DES block cipher to support 3DES-based TLS ciphersuites.

3DES is vulnerable to the Sweet32 attack and should only be enabled if absolutely necessary.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


RC4 Stream Cipher (legacy, insecure)

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > Symmetric Ciphers

ARCFOUR (RC4) stream cipher can be disabled entirely, enabled but not added to default ciphersuites, or enabled completely.

Please consider the security implications before enabling RC4.

Available options:

  • Enabled, not in default ciphersuites (MBEDTLS_RC4_ENABLED_NO_DEFAULT)



Blowfish block cipher (read help)

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > Symmetric Ciphers

Enables the Blowfish block cipher (not used for TLS sessions.)

The Blowfish cipher is not used for mbedTLS TLS sessions but can be used for other purposes. Read up on the limitations of Blowfish (including Sweet32) before enabling.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


XTEA block cipher

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > Symmetric Ciphers

Enables the XTEA block cipher.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


CCM (Counter with CBC-MAC) block cipher modes

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > Symmetric Ciphers

Enable Counter with CBC-MAC (CCM) modes for AES and/or Camellia ciphers.

Disabling this option saves some code size.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


GCM (Galois/Counter) block cipher modes

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > Symmetric Ciphers

Enable Galois/Counter Mode for AES and/or Camellia ciphers.

This option is generally faster than CCM.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


NIST key wrapping (KW) and KW padding (KWP)

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > Symmetric Ciphers

Enable NIST key wrapping and key wrapping padding.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Enable RIPEMD-160 hash algorithm

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS

Enable the RIPEMD-160 hash algorithm.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)




Read & Parse PEM formatted certificates

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > Certificates

Enable decoding/parsing of PEM formatted certificates.

If your certificates are all in the simpler DER format, disabling this option will save some code size.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Write PEM formatted certificates

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > Certificates

Enable writing of PEM formatted certificates.

If writing certificate data only in DER format, disabling this option will save some code size.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


X.509 CRL parsing

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > Certificates

Support for parsing X.509 Certifificate Revocation Lists.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


X.509 CSR parsing

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > Certificates

Support for parsing X.509 Certifificate Signing Requests

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Elliptic Curve Ciphers

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)



Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH)

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > CONFIG_MBEDTLS_ECP_C

Enable ECDH. Needed to use ECDHE-xxx TLS ciphersuites.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Elliptic Curve DSA

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > CONFIG_MBEDTLS_ECP_C > CONFIG_MBEDTLS_ECDH_C

Enable ECDSA. Needed to use ECDSA-xxx TLS ciphersuites.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Elliptic curve J-PAKE

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > CONFIG_MBEDTLS_ECP_C

Enable ECJPAKE. Needed to use ECJPAKE-xxx TLS ciphersuites.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Enable SECP192R1 curve

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > CONFIG_MBEDTLS_ECP_C

Enable support for SECP192R1 Elliptic Curve.

Default value:

Enable SECP224R1 curve

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > CONFIG_MBEDTLS_ECP_C

Enable support for SECP224R1 Elliptic Curve.

Default value:

Enable SECP256R1 curve

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > CONFIG_MBEDTLS_ECP_C

Enable support for SECP256R1 Elliptic Curve.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Enable SECP384R1 curve

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > CONFIG_MBEDTLS_ECP_C

Enable support for SECP384R1 Elliptic Curve.

Default value:

Enable SECP521R1 curve

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > CONFIG_MBEDTLS_ECP_C

Enable support for SECP521R1 Elliptic Curve.

Default value:

Enable SECP192K1 curve

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > CONFIG_MBEDTLS_ECP_C

Enable support for SECP192K1 Elliptic Curve.

Default value:

Enable SECP224K1 curve

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > CONFIG_MBEDTLS_ECP_C

Enable support for SECP224K1 Elliptic Curve.

Default value:

Enable SECP256K1 curve

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > CONFIG_MBEDTLS_ECP_C

Enable support for SECP256K1 Elliptic Curve.

Default value:

Enable BP256R1 curve

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > CONFIG_MBEDTLS_ECP_C

support for DP Elliptic Curve.

Default value:

Enable BP384R1 curve

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > CONFIG_MBEDTLS_ECP_C

support for DP Elliptic Curve.

Default value:

Enable BP512R1 curve

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > CONFIG_MBEDTLS_ECP_C

support for DP Elliptic Curve.

Default value:

Enable CURVE25519 curve

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > CONFIG_MBEDTLS_ECP_C

Enable support for CURVE25519 Elliptic Curve.

Default value:

NIST ‘modulo p’ optimisations

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > CONFIG_MBEDTLS_ECP_C

NIST ‘modulo p’ optimisations increase Elliptic Curve operation performance.

Disabling this option saves some code size.

# end of Elliptic Curve options

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Poly1305 MAC algorithm

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS

Enable support for Poly1305 MAC algorithm.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Chacha20 stream cipher

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS

Enable support for Chacha20 stream cipher.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


ChaCha20-Poly1305 AEAD algorithm

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > CONFIG_MBEDTLS_CHACHA20_C

Enable support for ChaCha20-Poly1305 AEAD algorithm.

Default value:

HKDF algorithm (RFC 5869)

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS

Enable support for the Hashed Message Authentication Code (HMAC)-based key derivation function (HKDF).

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Enable the threading abstraction layer

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS

If you do intend to use contexts between threads, you will need to enable this layer to prevent race conditions.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Enable threading alternate implementation

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > CONFIG_MBEDTLS_THREADING_C

Enable threading alt to allow your own alternate threading implementation.

Default value:

Enable threading pthread implementation

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > CONFIG_MBEDTLS_THREADING_C

Enable the pthread wrapper layer for the threading layer.

Default value:

Fallback to software implementation for larger MPI values

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS

Fallback to software implementation for RSA key lengths larger than SOC_RSA_MAX_BIT_LEN. If this is not active then the ESP will be unable to process keys greater than SOC_RSA_MAX_BIT_LEN.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Show configurations with potential security risks

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS

Default value:
  • No (disabled)



X.509 CRT parsing with unsupported critical extensions

Found in: Component config > mbedTLS > CONFIG_MBEDTLS_SECURITY_RISKS

Allow the X.509 certificate parser to load certificates with unsupported critical extensions

Default value:




Max number of services

Found in: Component config > mDNS

Services take up a certain amount of memory, and allowing fewer services to be open at the same time conserves memory. Specify the maximum amount of services here. The valid value is from 1 to 64.

  • from 1 to 64

Default value:
  • 10


mDNS task priority

Found in: Component config > mDNS

Allows setting mDNS task priority. Please do not set the task priority higher than priorities of system tasks. Compile time warning/error would be emitted if the chosen task priority were too high.

  • from 1 to 255

Default value:
  • 1


mDNS task stack size

Found in: Component config > mDNS

Allows setting mDNS task stacksize.

Default value:
  • 4096


mDNS task affinity

Found in: Component config > mDNS

Allows setting mDNS tasks affinity, i.e. whether the task is pinned to CPU0, pinned to CPU1, or allowed to run on any CPU.

Available options:




mDNS adding service timeout (ms)

Found in: Component config > mDNS

Configures timeout for adding a new mDNS service. Adding a service fails if could not be completed within this time.

  • from 10 to 30000

Default value:
  • 2000


mDNS strict mode

Found in: Component config > mDNS

Configures strict mode. Set this to 1 for the mDNS library to strictly follow the RFC6762: Currently the only strict feature: Do not repeat original questions in response packets (defined in RFC6762 sec. 6). Default configuration is 0, i.e. non-strict mode, since some implementations, such as lwIP mdns resolver (used by standard POSIX API like getaddrinfo, gethostbyname) could not correctly resolve advertised names.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


mDNS timer period (ms)

Found in: Component config > mDNS

Configures period of mDNS timer, which periodically transmits packets and schedules mDNS searches.

  • from 10 to 10000

Default value:
  • 100


Use BSD sockets for mdns networking

Found in: Component config > mDNS

Enables optional mdns networking implementation using BSD sockets in UDP multicast mode. This option creates a new thread to serve receiving packets (TODO). This option uses additional N sockets, where N is number of interfaces.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Multiple instances under the same service type

Found in: Component config > mDNS

Enables adding multiple service instances under the same service type.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)

ESP-MQTT Configurations



Enable MQTT protocol 3.1.1

Found in: Component config > ESP-MQTT Configurations

If not, this library will use MQTT protocol 3.1

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Enable MQTT over SSL

Found in: Component config > ESP-MQTT Configurations

Enable MQTT transport over SSL with mbedtls

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Enable MQTT over Websocket

Found in: Component config > ESP-MQTT Configurations

Enable MQTT transport over Websocket.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Enable MQTT over Websocket Secure

Found in: Component config > ESP-MQTT Configurations > CONFIG_MQTT_TRANSPORT_WEBSOCKET

Enable MQTT transport over Websocket Secure.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Use Incremental Message Id

Found in: Component config > ESP-MQTT Configurations

Set this to true for the message id (2.3.1 Packet Identifier) to be generated as an incremental number rather then a random value (used by default)

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Skip publish if disconnected

Found in: Component config > ESP-MQTT Configurations

Set this to true to avoid publishing (enqueueing messages) if the client is disconnected. The MQTT client tries to publish all messages by default, even in the disconnected state (where the qos1 and qos2 packets are stored in the internal outbox to be published later) The MQTT_SKIP_PUBLISH_IF_DISCONNECTED option allows applications to override this behaviour and not enqueue publish packets in the disconnected state.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Report deleted messages

Found in: Component config > ESP-MQTT Configurations

Set this to true to post events for all messages which were deleted from the outbox before being correctly sent and confirmed.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


MQTT Using custom configurations

Found in: Component config > ESP-MQTT Configurations

Custom MQTT configurations.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Default MQTT over TCP port

Found in: Component config > ESP-MQTT Configurations > CONFIG_MQTT_USE_CUSTOM_CONFIG

Default MQTT over TCP port

Default value:

Default MQTT over SSL port

Found in: Component config > ESP-MQTT Configurations > CONFIG_MQTT_USE_CUSTOM_CONFIG

Default MQTT over SSL port

Default value:

Default MQTT over Websocket port

Found in: Component config > ESP-MQTT Configurations > CONFIG_MQTT_USE_CUSTOM_CONFIG

Default MQTT over Websocket port

Default value:

Default MQTT over Websocket Secure port

Found in: Component config > ESP-MQTT Configurations > CONFIG_MQTT_USE_CUSTOM_CONFIG

Default MQTT over Websocket Secure port

Default value:

Default MQTT Buffer Size

Found in: Component config > ESP-MQTT Configurations > CONFIG_MQTT_USE_CUSTOM_CONFIG

This buffer size using for both transmit and receive

Default value:

MQTT task stack size

Found in: Component config > ESP-MQTT Configurations > CONFIG_MQTT_USE_CUSTOM_CONFIG

MQTT task stack size

Default value:

Disable API locks

Found in: Component config > ESP-MQTT Configurations > CONFIG_MQTT_USE_CUSTOM_CONFIG

Default config employs API locks to protect internal structures. It is possible to disable these locks if the user code doesn’t access MQTT API from multiple concurrent tasks

Default value:

MQTT task priority

Found in: Component config > ESP-MQTT Configurations > CONFIG_MQTT_USE_CUSTOM_CONFIG

MQTT task priority. Higher number denotes higher priority.

Default value:

Enable MQTT task core selection

Found in: Component config > ESP-MQTT Configurations

This will enable core selection

Default value:
  • “false”


Core to use ?

Found in: Component config > ESP-MQTT Configurations > CONFIG_MQTT_TASK_CORE_SELECTION_ENABLED

Available options:
  • Core 0 (MQTT_USE_CORE_0)

  • Core 1 (MQTT_USE_CORE_1)


Enable custom outbox implementation

Found in: Component config > ESP-MQTT Configurations

Set to true if a specific implementation of message outbox is needed (e.g. persistant outbox in NVM or similar).

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Outbox message expired timeout[ms]

Found in: Component config > ESP-MQTT Configurations

Messages which stays in the outbox longer than this value before being published will be discarded.

Default value:




Line ending for UART output

Found in: Component config > Newlib

This option allows configuring the desired line endings sent to UART when a newline (‘n’, LF) appears on stdout. Three options are possible:

CRLF: whenever LF is encountered, prepend it with CR

LF: no modification is applied, stdout is sent as is

CR: each occurence of LF is replaced with CR

This option doesn’t affect behavior of the UART driver (drivers/uart.h).

Available options:




Line ending for UART input

Found in: Component config > Newlib

This option allows configuring which input sequence on UART produces a newline (‘n’, LF) on stdin. Three options are possible:

CRLF: CRLF is converted to LF

LF: no modification is applied, input is sent to stdin as is

CR: each occurence of CR is replaced with LF

This option doesn’t affect behavior of the UART driver (drivers/uart.h).

Available options:




Enable ‘nano’ formatting options for printf/scanf family

Found in: Component config > Newlib

ESP32 ROM contains parts of newlib C library, including printf/scanf family of functions. These functions have been compiled with so-called “nano” formatting option. This option doesn’t support 64-bit integer formats and C99 features, such as positional arguments.

For more details about “nano” formatting option, please see newlib readme file, search for ‘–enable-newlib-nano-formatted-io’:

If this option is enabled, build system will use functions available in ROM, reducing the application binary size. Functions available in ROM run faster than functions which run from flash. Functions available in ROM can also run when flash instruction cache is disabled.

If you need 64-bit integer formatting support or C99 features, keep this option disabled.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)




Enable NVS encryption

Found in: Component config > NVS

This option enables encryption for NVS. When enabled, AES-XTS is used to encrypt the complete NVS data, except the page headers. It requires XTS encryption keys to be stored in an encrypted partition. This means enabling flash encryption is a pre-requisite for this feature.

Default value:

NVS partition encrypted flag compatible with ESP-IDF before v4.3

Found in: Component config > NVS

Enabling this will ignore “encrypted” flag for NVS partitions. NVS encryption scheme is different than hardware flash encryption and hence it is not recommended to have “encrypted” flag for NVS partitions. This was not being checked in pre v4.3 IDF. Hence, if you have any devices where this flag is kept enabled in partition table then enabling this config will allow to have same behavior as pre v4.3 IDF.


Use assertions for error checking

Found in: Component config > NVS

This option switches error checking type between assertions (y) or return codes (n).

Default value:
  • No (disabled)




Enable OpenSSL debugging

Found in: Component config > OpenSSL

Enable OpenSSL debugging function.

If the option is enabled, “SSL_DEBUG” works.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Enable OpenSSL error structure

Found in: Component config > OpenSSL

Enable OpenSSL Error reporting

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


OpenSSL debugging level

Found in: Component config > OpenSSL

OpenSSL debugging level.

Only function whose debugging level is higher than “OPENSSL_DEBUG_LEVEL” works.

For example: If OPENSSL_DEBUG_LEVEL = 2, you use function “SSL_DEBUG(1, “malloc failed”)”. Because 1 < 2, it will not print.

Default value:

Enable OpenSSL low-level module debugging

Found in: Component config > OpenSSL

If the option is enabled, low-level module debugging function of OpenSSL is enabled, e.g. mbedtls internal debugging function.

Default value:

Select OpenSSL assert function

Found in: Component config > OpenSSL

OpenSSL function needs “assert” function to check if input parameters are valid.

If you want to use assert debugging function, “OPENSSL_DEBUG” should be enabled.

Available options:

    Do nothing and “SSL_ASSERT” does not work.

  • Check and exit (OPENSSL_ASSERT_EXIT)

    Enable assert exiting, it will check and return error code.

  • Show debugging message (OPENSSL_ASSERT_DEBUG)

    Enable assert debugging, it will check and show debugging message.

  • Show debugging message and exit (OPENSSL_ASSERT_DEBUG_EXIT)

    Enable assert debugging and exiting, it will check, show debugging message and return error code.

  • Show debugging message and block (OPENSSL_ASSERT_DEBUG_BLOCK)

    Enable assert debugging and blocking, it will check, show debugging message and block by “while (1);”.





Found in: Component config > OpenThread

Select this option to enable OpenThread and show the submenu with OpenThread configuration choices.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Config the Thread radio type

Found in: Component config > OpenThread > CONFIG_OPENTHREAD_ENABLED

Configure how OpenThread connects to the 15.4 radio

Available options:
  • Native 15.4 radio (OPENTHREAD_RADIO_NATIVE)

    Select this to use the native 15.4 radio.


    Select this to connect to a Radio Co-Processor via UART.


Config the Thread device type

Found in: Component config > OpenThread > CONFIG_OPENTHREAD_ENABLED

OpenThread can be configured to different device types (FTD, MTD, Radio)

Available options:
  • Full Thread Device (OPENTHREAD_FTD)

    Select this to enable Full Thread Device which can act as router and leader in a Thread network.

  • Minimal Thread Device (OPENTHREAD_MTD)

    Select this to enable Minimal Thread Device which can only act as end device in a Thread network. This will reduce the code size of the OpenThread stack.

  • Radio Only Device (OPENTHREAD_RADIO)

    Select this to enable Radio Only Device which cannot can only forward 15.4 packets to the host. The OpenThread stack will be run on the host and OpenThread will have minimal footprint on the radio only device.


Enable diag

Found in: Component config > OpenThread > CONFIG_OPENTHREAD_ENABLED

Select this option to enable Diag in OpenThread. This will enable diag mode and a series of diag commands in the OpenThread command line. These commands allow users to manipulate low-level features of the storage and 15.4 radio.

Default value:

Enable Commissioner

Found in: Component config > OpenThread > CONFIG_OPENTHREAD_ENABLED

Select this option to enable commissioner in OpenThread. This will enable the device to act as a commissioner in the Thread network. A commissioner checks the pre-shared key from a joining device with the Thread commissioning protocol and shares the network parameter with the joining device upon success.

Default value:

Enable Joiner

Found in: Component config > OpenThread > CONFIG_OPENTHREAD_ENABLED

Select this option to enable Joiner in OpenThread. This allows a device to join the Thread network with a pre-shared key using the Thread commissioning protocol.

Default value:

Enable SRP Client

Found in: Component config > OpenThread > CONFIG_OPENTHREAD_ENABLED

Select this option to enable SRP Client in OpenThread. This allows a device to register SRP services to SRP Server.

Default value:

Enable Border Router

Found in: Component config > OpenThread > CONFIG_OPENTHREAD_ENABLED

Select this option to enable border router features in OpenThread.

Default value:

Build esp_openthread libraries from source

Found in: Component config > OpenThread > CONFIG_OPENTHREAD_ENABLED

Override the shipped libopenthread_br.a and libopenthread_port.a, for internal builds.

Default value:

The number of openthread message buffers

Found in: Component config > OpenThread > CONFIG_OPENTHREAD_ENABLED

Default value:




Default task priority

Found in: Component config > PThreads

Priority used to create new tasks with default pthread parameters.

  • from 0 to 255

Default value:
  • 5


Default task stack size

Found in: Component config > PThreads

Stack size used to create new tasks with default pthread parameters.

Default value:
  • 3072


Minimum allowed pthread stack size

Found in: Component config > PThreads

Minimum allowed pthread stack size set in attributes passed to pthread_create

Default value:
  • 768


Default pthread core affinity

Found in: Component config > PThreads

The default core to which pthreads are pinned.

Available options:




Default name of pthreads

Found in: Component config > PThreads

The default name of pthreads.

Default value:
  • “pthread”

SPI Flash driver



Verify SPI flash writes

Found in: Component config > SPI Flash driver

If this option is enabled, any time SPI flash is written then the data will be read back and verified. This can catch hardware problems with SPI flash, or flash which was not erased before verification.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Log errors if verification fails

Found in: Component config > SPI Flash driver > CONFIG_SPI_FLASH_VERIFY_WRITE

If this option is enabled, if SPI flash write verification fails then a log error line will be written with the address, expected & actual values. This can be useful when debugging hardware SPI flash problems.

Default value:

Log warning if writing zero bits to ones

Found in: Component config > SPI Flash driver > CONFIG_SPI_FLASH_VERIFY_WRITE

If this option is enabled, any SPI flash write which tries to set zero bits in the flash to ones will log a warning. Such writes will not result in the requested data appearing identically in flash once written, as SPI NOR flash can only set bits to one when an entire sector is erased. After erasing, individual bits can only be written from one to zero.

Note that some software (such as SPIFFS) which is aware of SPI NOR flash may write one bits as an optimisation, relying on the data in flash becoming a bitwise AND of the new data and any existing data. Such software will log spurious warnings if this option is enabled.

Default value:

Enable operation counters

Found in: Component config > SPI Flash driver

This option enables the following APIs:

  • spi_flash_reset_counters

  • spi_flash_dump_counters

  • spi_flash_get_counters

These APIs may be used to collect performance data for spi_flash APIs and to help understand behaviour of libraries which use SPI flash.

Default value:
  • 0


Enable SPI flash ROM driver patched functions

Found in: Component config > SPI Flash driver

Enable this flag to use patched versions of SPI flash ROM driver functions. This option should be enabled, if any one of the following is true: (1) need to write to flash on ESP32-D2WD; (2) main SPI flash is connected to non-default pins; (3) main SPI flash chip is manufactured by ISSI.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Writing to dangerous flash regions

Found in: Component config > SPI Flash driver

SPI flash APIs can optionally abort or return a failure code if erasing or writing addresses that fall at the beginning of flash (covering the bootloader and partition table) or that overlap the app partition that contains the running app.

It is not recommended to ever write to these regions from an IDF app, and this check prevents logic errors or corrupted firmware memory from damaging these regions.

Note that this feature *does not* check calls to the esp_rom_xxx SPI flash ROM functions. These functions should not be called directly from IDF applications.

Available options:




Use the legacy implementation before IDF v4.0

Found in: Component config > SPI Flash driver

The implementation of SPI flash has been greatly changed in IDF v4.0. Enable this option to use the legacy implementation.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Bypass a block erase and always do sector erase

Found in: Component config > SPI Flash driver

Some flash chips can have very high “max” erase times, especially for block erase (32KB or 64KB). This option allows to bypass “block erase” and always do sector erase commands. This will be much slower overall in most cases, but improves latency for other code to run.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Enables yield operation during flash erase

Found in: Component config > SPI Flash driver

This allows to yield the CPUs between erase commands. Prevents starvation of other tasks.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Duration of erasing to yield CPUs (ms)

Found in: Component config > SPI Flash driver > CONFIG_SPI_FLASH_YIELD_DURING_ERASE

If a duration of one erase command is large then it will yield CPUs after finishing a current command.

Default value:
  • 20


CPU release time (tick) for an erase operation

Found in: Component config > SPI Flash driver > CONFIG_SPI_FLASH_YIELD_DURING_ERASE

Defines how many ticks will be before returning to continue a erasing.

Default value:
  • 1


Flash write chunk size

Found in: Component config > SPI Flash driver

Flash write is broken down in terms of multiple (smaller) write operations. This configuration options helps to set individual write chunk size, smaller value here ensures that cache (and non-IRAM resident interrupts) remains disabled for shorter duration.

  • from 256 to 8192

Default value:
  • 8192


Override flash size in bootloader header by ESPTOOLPY_FLASHSIZE

Found in: Component config > SPI Flash driver

SPI Flash driver uses the flash size configured in bootloader header by default. Enable this option to override flash size with latest ESPTOOLPY_FLASHSIZE value from the app header if the size in the bootloader header is incorrect.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Flash timeout checkout disabled

Found in: Component config > SPI Flash driver

This option is helpful if you are using a flash chip whose timeout is quite large or unpredictable.

Default value:

Override default chip driver list

Found in: Component config > SPI Flash driver

This option allows the chip driver list to be customized, instead of using the default list provided by ESP-IDF.

When this option is enabled, the default list is no longer compiled or linked. Instead, the default_registered_chips structure must be provided by the user.

See example: custom_chip_driver under examples/storage for more details.

Default value:
Auto-detect flash chips




Found in: Component config > SPI Flash driver > Auto-detect flash chips

Enable this to support auto detection of ISSI chips if chip vendor not directly given by chip\_drv member of the chip struct. This adds support for variant chips, however will extend detecting time.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)



Found in: Component config > SPI Flash driver > Auto-detect flash chips

Enable this to support auto detection of MXIC chips if chip vendor not directly given by chip\_drv member of the chip struct. This adds support for variant chips, however will extend detecting time.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)



Found in: Component config > SPI Flash driver > Auto-detect flash chips

Enable this to support auto detection of GD (GigaDevice) chips if chip vendor not directly given by chip\_drv member of the chip struct. If you are using Wrover modules, please don’t disable this, otherwise your flash may not work in 4-bit mode.

This adds support for variant chips, however will extend detecting time and image size. Note that the default chip driver supports the GD chips with product ID 60H.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)



Found in: Component config > SPI Flash driver > Auto-detect flash chips

Enable this to support auto detection of Winbond chips if chip vendor not directly given by chip\_drv member of the chip struct. This adds support for variant chips, however will extend detecting time.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)



Found in: Component config > SPI Flash driver > Auto-detect flash chips

Enable this to support auto detection of BOYA chips if chip vendor not directly given by chip\_drv member of the chip struct. This adds support for variant chips, however will extend detecting time.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)



Found in: Component config > SPI Flash driver > Auto-detect flash chips

Enable this to support auto detection of TH chips if chip vendor not directly given by chip\_drv member of the chip struct. This adds support for variant chips, however will extend detecting time.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Enable encrypted partition read/write operations

Found in: Component config > SPI Flash driver

This option enables flash read/write operations to encrypted partition/s. This option is kept enabled irrespective of state of flash encryption feature. However, in case application is not using flash encryption feature and is in need of some additional memory from IRAM region (~1KB) then this config can be disabled.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)

SPIFFS Configuration



Maximum Number of Partitions

Found in: Component config > SPIFFS Configuration

Define maximum number of partitions that can be mounted.

  • from 1 to 10

Default value:
  • 3

SPIFFS Cache Configuration



Enable SPIFFS Cache

Found in: Component config > SPIFFS Configuration > SPIFFS Cache Configuration

Enables/disable memory read caching of nucleus file system operations.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Enable SPIFFS Write Caching

Found in: Component config > SPIFFS Configuration > SPIFFS Cache Configuration > CONFIG_SPIFFS_CACHE

Enables memory write caching for file descriptors in hydrogen.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Enable SPIFFS Cache Statistics

Found in: Component config > SPIFFS Configuration > SPIFFS Cache Configuration > CONFIG_SPIFFS_CACHE

Enable/disable statistics on caching. Debug/test purpose only.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Enable SPIFFS Page Check

Found in: Component config > SPIFFS Configuration

Always check header of each accessed page to ensure consistent state. If enabled it will increase number of reads from flash, especially if cache is disabled.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Set Maximum GC Runs

Found in: Component config > SPIFFS Configuration

Define maximum number of GC runs to perform to reach desired free pages.

  • from 1 to 255

Default value:
  • 10


Enable SPIFFS GC Statistics

Found in: Component config > SPIFFS Configuration

Enable/disable statistics on gc. Debug/test purpose only.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


SPIFFS logical page size

Found in: Component config > SPIFFS Configuration

Logical page size of SPIFFS partition, in bytes. Must be multiple of flash page size (which is usually 256 bytes). Larger page sizes reduce overhead when storing large files, and improve filesystem performance when reading large files. Smaller page sizes reduce overhead when storing small (< page size) files.

  • from 256 to 1024

Default value:
  • 256


Set SPIFFS Maximum Name Length

Found in: Component config > SPIFFS Configuration

Object name maximum length. Note that this length include the zero-termination character, meaning maximum string of characters can at most be SPIFFS_OBJ_NAME_LEN - 1.


  • from 1 to 256

Default value:
  • 32


Enable SPIFFS Filesystem Magic

Found in: Component config > SPIFFS Configuration

Enable this to have an identifiable spiffs filesystem. This will look for a magic in all sectors to determine if this is a valid spiffs system or not at mount time.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Enable SPIFFS Filesystem Length Magic

Found in: Component config > SPIFFS Configuration > CONFIG_SPIFFS_USE_MAGIC

If this option is enabled, the magic will also be dependent on the length of the filesystem. For example, a filesystem configured and formatted for 4 megabytes will not be accepted for mounting with a configuration defining the filesystem as 2 megabytes.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Size of per-file metadata field

Found in: Component config > SPIFFS Configuration

This option sets the number of extra bytes stored in the file header. These bytes can be used in an application-specific manner. Set this to at least 4 bytes to enable support for saving file modification time.


Default value:
  • 4


Save file modification time

Found in: Component config > SPIFFS Configuration

If enabled, then the first 4 bytes of per-file metadata will be used to store file modification time (mtime), accessible through stat/fstat functions. Modification time is updated when the file is opened.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


The time field occupies 64 bits in the image instead of 32 bits

Found in: Component config > SPIFFS Configuration

If this option is not set, the time field is 32 bits (up to 2106 year), otherwise it is 64 bits and make sure it matches SPIFFS_META_LENGTH. If the chip already has the spiffs image with the time field = 32 bits then this option cannot be applied in this case. Erase it first before using this option. To resolve the Y2K38 problem for the spiffs, use a toolchain with support time_t 64 bits (see SDK_TOOLCHAIN_SUPPORTS_TIME_WIDE_64_BITS).

Default value:
Debug Configuration



Enable general SPIFFS debug

Found in: Component config > SPIFFS Configuration > Debug Configuration

Enabling this option will print general debug mesages to the console.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Enable SPIFFS API debug

Found in: Component config > SPIFFS Configuration > Debug Configuration

Enabling this option will print API debug mesages to the console.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Enable SPIFFS Garbage Cleaner debug

Found in: Component config > SPIFFS Configuration > Debug Configuration

Enabling this option will print GC debug mesages to the console.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Enable SPIFFS Cache debug

Found in: Component config > SPIFFS Configuration > Debug Configuration

Enabling this option will print cache debug mesages to the console.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Enable SPIFFS Filesystem Check debug

Found in: Component config > SPIFFS Configuration > Debug Configuration

Enabling this option will print Filesystem Check debug mesages to the console.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Enable SPIFFS Filesystem Visualization

Found in: Component config > SPIFFS Configuration > Debug Configuration

Enable this option to enable SPIFFS_vis function in the API.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)

TCP Transport





Enable Websocket Transport

Found in: Component config > TCP Transport > Websocket

Enable support for creating websocket transport.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Websocket transport buffer size

Found in: Component config > TCP Transport > Websocket > CONFIG_WS_TRANSPORT

Size of the buffer used for constructing the HTTP Upgrade request during connect

Default value:
  • 1024

TinyUSB Stack



Use TinyUSB Stack

Found in: Component config > TinyUSB Stack

Enable TinyUSB stack support. Note that, esp-idf only uses the device stack provided by TinyUSB.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


TinyUSB log level (0-3)

Found in: Component config > TinyUSB Stack > CONFIG_TINYUSB

Specify verbosity of TinyUSB log output.

Default value:

Do not create a TinyUSB task

Found in: Component config > TinyUSB Stack > CONFIG_TINYUSB > TinyUSB task configuration

This option allows to not create the FreeRTOS task during the driver initialization. User will have to handle TinyUSB events manually.

Default value:

TinyUSB task priority

Found in: Component config > TinyUSB Stack > CONFIG_TINYUSB > TinyUSB task configuration

Set the priority of the default TinyUSB main task.

Default value:

TinyUSB task stack size (bytes)

Found in: Component config > TinyUSB Stack > CONFIG_TINYUSB > TinyUSB task configuration

Set the stack size of the default TinyUSB main task.

Default value:

VID: Use Espressif’s vendor ID

Found in: Component config > TinyUSB Stack > CONFIG_TINYUSB > Descriptor configuration

Enable this option, USB device will use Espressif’s vendor ID as its VID. This is helpful at product develop stage.

Default value:

VID: Custom vendor ID

Found in: Component config > TinyUSB Stack > CONFIG_TINYUSB > Descriptor configuration

Custom Vendor ID.

Default value:

PID: Use a default PID assigned to TinyUSB

Found in: Component config > TinyUSB Stack > CONFIG_TINYUSB > Descriptor configuration

Default TinyUSB PID assigning uses values 0x4000…0x4007.

Default value:

PID: Custom product ID

Found in: Component config > TinyUSB Stack > CONFIG_TINYUSB > Descriptor configuration

Custom Product ID.

Default value:


Found in: Component config > TinyUSB Stack > CONFIG_TINYUSB > Descriptor configuration

Version of the firmware of the USB device.

Default value:

Manufacturer name

Found in: Component config > TinyUSB Stack > CONFIG_TINYUSB > Descriptor configuration

Name of the manufacturer of the USB device.

Default value:

Product name

Found in: Component config > TinyUSB Stack > CONFIG_TINYUSB > Descriptor configuration

Name of the USB device.

Default value:

Serial string

Found in: Component config > TinyUSB Stack > CONFIG_TINYUSB > Descriptor configuration

Serial number of the USB device.

Default value:

CDC Device String

Found in: Component config > TinyUSB Stack > CONFIG_TINYUSB > Descriptor configuration

Name of the CDC device.

Default value:

MSC Device String

Found in: Component config > TinyUSB Stack > CONFIG_TINYUSB > Descriptor configuration

Name of the MSC device.

Default value:

HID Device String

Found in: Component config > TinyUSB Stack > CONFIG_TINYUSB > Descriptor configuration

Name of the HID device

Default value:
Massive Storage Class (MSC)



Enable TinyUSB MSC feature

Found in: Component config > TinyUSB Stack > CONFIG_TINYUSB > Massive Storage Class (MSC)

Enable TinyUSB MSC feature.

Default value:


Found in: Component config > TinyUSB Stack > CONFIG_TINYUSB > Massive Storage Class (MSC) > CONFIG_TINYUSB_MSC_ENABLED

MSC FIFO size, in bytes.

Default value:
Communication Device Class (CDC)



Enable TinyUSB CDC feature

Found in: Component config > TinyUSB Stack > CONFIG_TINYUSB > Communication Device Class (CDC)

Enable TinyUSB CDC feature.

Default value:

CDC FIFO size of RX channel

Found in: Component config > TinyUSB Stack > CONFIG_TINYUSB > Communication Device Class (CDC) > CONFIG_TINYUSB_CDC_ENABLED

CDC FIFO size of RX channel.

Default value:

CDC FIFO size of TX channel

Found in: Component config > TinyUSB Stack > CONFIG_TINYUSB > Communication Device Class (CDC) > CONFIG_TINYUSB_CDC_ENABLED

CDC FIFO size of TX channel.

Default value:

Unity unit testing library



Support for float type

Found in: Component config > Unity unit testing library

If not set, assertions on float arguments will not be available.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Support for double type

Found in: Component config > Unity unit testing library

If not set, assertions on double arguments will not be available.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Support for 64-bit integer types

Found in: Component config > Unity unit testing library

If not set, assertions on 64-bit integer types will always fail. If this feature is enabled, take care not to pass pointers (which are 32 bit) to UNITY_ASSERT_EQUAL, as that will cause pointer-to-int-cast warnings.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Colorize test output

Found in: Component config > Unity unit testing library

If set, Unity will colorize test results using console escape sequences.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Include ESP-IDF test registration/running helpers

Found in: Component config > Unity unit testing library

If set, then the following features will be available:

  • TEST_CASE macro which performs automatic registration of test functions

  • Functions to run registered test functions: unity_run_all_tests, unity_run_tests_with_filter, unity_run_single_test_by_name.

  • Interactive menu which lists test cases and allows choosing the tests to be run, available via unity_run_menu function.

Disable if a different test registration mechanism is used.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Include Unity test fixture

Found in: Component config > Unity unit testing library

If set, unity_fixture.h header file and associated source files are part of the build. These provide an optional set of macros and functions to implement test groups.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Print a backtrace when a unit test fails

Found in: Component config > Unity unit testing library

If set, the unity framework will print the backtrace information before jumping back to the test menu. The jumping is usually occurs in assert functions such as TEST_ASSERT, TEST_FAIL etc.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)




Largest size (in bytes) of transfers to/from default endpoints

Found in: Component config > USB-OTG

Each USB device attached is allocated a dedicated buffer for its OUT/IN transfers to/from the device’s control endpoint. The maximum size of that buffer is determined by this option. The limited size of the transfer buffer have the following implications: - The maximum length of control transfers is limited - Device’s with configuration descriptors larger than this limit cannot be supported

Default value:
  • 256


Hardware FIFO size biasing

Found in: Component config > USB-OTG

The underlying hardware has size adjustable FIFOs to cache USB packets on reception (IN) or for transmission (OUT). The size of these FIFOs will affect the largest MPS (maximum packet size) and the maximum number of packets that can be cached at any one time. The hardware contains the following FIFOS: RX (for all IN packets), Non-periodic TX (for Bulk and Control OUT packets), and Periodic TX (for Interrupt and Isochronous OUT packets). This configuration option allows biasing the FIFO sizes towards a particular use case, which may be necessary for devices that have endpoints with large MPS. The MPS limits for each biasing are listed below:

Balanced: - IN (all transfer types), 408 bytes - OUT non-periodic (Bulk/Control), 192 bytes (i.e., 3 x 64 byte packets) - OUT periodic (Interrupt/Isochronous), 192 bytes

Bias IN: - IN (all transfer types), 600 bytes - OUT non-periodic (Bulk/Control), 64 bytes (i.e., 1 x 64 byte packets) - OUT periodic (Interrupt/Isochronous), 128 bytes

Bias Periodic OUT: - IN (all transfer types), 128 bytes - OUT non-periodic (Bulk/Control), 64 bytes (i.e., 1 x 64 byte packets) - OUT periodic (Interrupt/Isochronous), 600 bytes

Available options:



Virtual file system



Provide basic I/O functions

Found in: Component config > Virtual file system

If enabled, the following functions are provided by the VFS component.

open, close, read, write, pread, pwrite, lseek, fstat, fsync, ioctl, fcntl

Filesystem drivers can then be registered to handle these functions for specific paths.

Disabling this option can save memory when the support for these functions is not required.

Note that the following functions can still be used with socket file descriptors when this option is disabled:

close, read, write, ioctl, fcntl.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Provide directory related functions

Found in: Component config > Virtual file system > CONFIG_VFS_SUPPORT_IO

If enabled, the following functions are provided by the VFS component.

stat, link, unlink, rename, utime, access, truncate, rmdir, mkdir, opendir, closedir, readdir, readdir_r, seekdir, telldir, rewinddir

Filesystem drivers can then be registered to handle these functions for specific paths.

Disabling this option can save memory when the support for these functions is not required.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Provide select function

Found in: Component config > Virtual file system > CONFIG_VFS_SUPPORT_IO

If enabled, select function is provided by the VFS component, and can be used on peripheral file descriptors (such as UART) and sockets at the same time.

If disabled, the default select implementation will be provided by LWIP for sockets only.

Disabling this option can reduce code size if support for “select” on UART file descriptors is not required.

Default value:

Suppress select() related debug outputs

Found in: Component config > Virtual file system > CONFIG_VFS_SUPPORT_IO > CONFIG_VFS_SUPPORT_SELECT

Select() related functions might produce an unconveniently lot of debug outputs when one sets the default log level to DEBUG or higher. It is possible to suppress these debug outputs by enabling this option.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Provide termios.h functions

Found in: Component config > Virtual file system > CONFIG_VFS_SUPPORT_IO

Disabling this option can save memory when the support for termios.h is not required.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)

Host File System I/O (Semihosting)



Host FS: Maximum number of the host filesystem mount points

Found in: Component config > Virtual file system > CONFIG_VFS_SUPPORT_IO > Host File System I/O (Semihosting)

Define maximum number of host filesystem mount points.

Default value:
  • 1

Wear Levelling



Wear Levelling library sector size

Found in: Component config > Wear Levelling

Sector size used by wear levelling library. You can set default sector size or size that will fit to the flash device sector size.

With sector size set to 4096 bytes, wear levelling library is more efficient. However if FAT filesystem is used on top of wear levelling library, it will need more temporary storage: 4096 bytes for each mounted filesystem and 4096 bytes for each opened file.

With sector size set to 512 bytes, wear levelling library will perform more operations with flash memory, but less RAM will be used by FAT filesystem library (512 bytes for the filesystem and 512 bytes for each file opened).

Available options:
  • 512 (WL_SECTOR_SIZE_512)

  • 4096 (WL_SECTOR_SIZE_4096)


Sector store mode

Found in: Component config > Wear Levelling

Specify the mode to store data into flash:

  • In Performance mode a data will be stored to the RAM and then stored back to the flash. Compared to the Safety mode, this operation is faster, but if power will be lost when erase sector operation is in progress, then the data from complete flash device sector will be lost.

  • In Safety mode data from complete flash device sector will be read from flash, modified, and then stored back to flash. Compared to the Performance mode, this operation is slower, but if power is lost during erase sector operation, then the data from full flash device sector will not be lost.

Available options:
  • Perfomance (WL_SECTOR_MODE_PERF)


Wi-Fi Provisioning Manager



Max Wi-Fi Scan Result Entries

Found in: Component config > Wi-Fi Provisioning Manager

This sets the maximum number of entries of Wi-Fi scan results that will be kept by the provisioning manager

  • from 1 to 255

Default value:
  • 16


Provisioning auto-stop timeout

Found in: Component config > Wi-Fi Provisioning Manager

Time (in seconds) after which the Wi-Fi provisioning manager will auto-stop after connecting to a Wi-Fi network successfully.

  • from 5 to 600

Default value:
  • 30


Force Link Encryption during characteristic Read / Write

Found in: Component config > Wi-Fi Provisioning Manager

Used to enforce link encryption when attempting to read / write characteristic




Use MbedTLS crypto APIs

Found in: Component config > Supplicant

Select this option to use MbedTLS crypto APIs which utilize hardware acceleration.

Default value:
  • Yes (enabled)


Enable WAPI PSK support

Found in: Component config > Supplicant

Select this option to enable WAPI-PSK which is a Chinese National Standard Encryption for Wireless LANs (GB 15629.11-2003).

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Enable NSA suite B support with 192 bit key

Found in: Component config > Supplicant

Select this option to enable 192 bit NSA suite-B. This is necessary to support WPA3 192 bit security.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Print debug messages from WPA Supplicant

Found in: Component config > Supplicant

Select this option to print logging information from WPA supplicant, this includes handshake information and key hex dumps depending on the project logging level.

Enabling this could increase the build size ~60kb depending on the project logging level.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Add DPP testing code

Found in: Component config > Supplicant

Select this to enable unity test for DPP.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Strictly validate all WPS attributes

Found in: Component config > Supplicant

Select this option to enable validate each WPS attribute rigorously. Disabling this add the workaorunds with various APs. Enabling this may cause inter operability issues with some APs.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Enable 802.11k, 802.11v APIs handling

Found in: Component config > Supplicant

Select this option to enable 802.11k 802.11v APIs(RRM and BTM support). Only APIs which are helpful for network assisted roaming are supported for now. Enable this option with BTM and RRM enabled in sta config to make device ready for network assisted roaming. BTM: BSS transition management enables an AP to request a station to transition to a specific AP, or to indicate to a station a set of preferred APs. RRM: Radio measurements enable STAs to understand the radio environment, it enables STAs to observe and gather data on radio link performance and on the radio environment. Current implementation adds beacon report, link measurement, neighbor report.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Keep scan results in cache

Found in: Component config > Supplicant > CONFIG_WPA_11KV_SUPPORT

Keep scan results in cache, if not enabled, those will be flushed immediately.

Default value:

Enable MBO support

Found in: Component config > Supplicant

Select this option to enable WiFi Multiband operation certification support.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)


Enable DPP support

Found in: Component config > Supplicant

Select this option to enable WiFi Easy Connect Support.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)

Compatibility options



Include headers across components as before IDF v4.0

Found in: Compatibility options

Soc, esp32, and driver components, the most common components. Some header of these components are included implicitly by headers of other components before IDF v4.0. It’s not required for high-level components, but still included through long header chain everywhere.

This is harmful to the modularity. So it’s changed in IDF v4.0.

You can still include these headers in a legacy way until it is totally deprecated by enable this option.

Default value:
  • No (disabled)

Deprecated options and their replacements


Because IDF builds by default with Warning On Undefined Variables, when the Kconfig tool generates Makefiles (the auto.conf file) its behaviour has been customised. In normal Kconfig, a variable which is set to “no” is undefined. In IDF’s version of Kconfig, this variable is defined in the Makefile but has an empty value.

(Note that ifdef and ifndef can still be used in Makefiles, because they test if a variable is defined and has a non-empty value.)

When generating header files for C & C++, the behaviour is not customised - so #ifdef can be used to test if a boolean config item is set or not.