USB Host
The USB Host Library API is a beta version thus is subject to change.
The document provides information regarding the USB Host Library. This document is split into the following sections:
The USB Host Library (hereinafter referred to as the Host Library) is the lowest public facing API layer of the ESP-IDF USB Host Stack. In most cases, applications that require USB Host functionality will not need to interface with the Host Library directly. Instead, most applications will use the API provided by a host class driver that is implemented on top of the Host Library.
However, users may want to use the Host Library directly for some of (but not limited to) the following reasons:
The user needs to implement a custom host class driver such as a vendor specific class driver
The user has a requirement for a lower level of abstraction due to resource/latency requirements
Features & Limitations
The Host Library has the following features:
Supports Full Speed (FS) and Low Speed (LS) Devices
Supports all four transfer types (Control, Bulk, Interrupt, and Isochronous)
Allows multiple class drivers to run simultaneously (i.e., multiple clients of the Host Library)
A single device can be used by multiple clients simultaneously (e.g., composite devices)
The Host Library itself (and the underlying Host Stack) does not internally instantiate any OS tasks. The number of tasks are entirely controlled by how the Host Library interface is used. However, a general rule of thumb regarding the number of tasks is
(the number of host class drivers running + 1)
Currently, the Host Library (and the underlying Host Stack) has the following limitations:
Only supports a single device, but the Host Library’s API is designed for multiple device support.
Only supports Asynchronous transfers
Transfer timeouts are not supported yet

Diagram of the key entities involved in USB Host functionality
The diagram above shows the key entities that are involved when implementing USB Host functionality. These entities are:
The Host Library
Clients of the Host Library
Host Library Daemon Task
Host Library
The Host Library is the a lowest public facing layer of the USB Host Stack. Any other IDF component (such as a class driver or a user component) that needs to communicate with a connected USB device can only do so using the Host Library API either directly or indirectly.
The Host Library’s API is split into two sub-sets, namely the Library API and Client API.
The Client API handles the communication between a client of the Host Library and one or more USB devices. The Client API should only be called by registered clients of the Host Library.
The Library API handles all of the Host Library processing that is not specific to a single client (e.g., device enumeration). Usually, the library API is called by a Host Library Daemon Task.
A client of the Host Library is a software component (such as a host class driver or user component) that uses the Host Library to communicate with a USB device. Generally each client has a one-to-one relation with a task, meaning that for a particular client, all of its Client API calls should be done from the context of the same task.
By organizing the software components that use the Host Library’s into clients, the Host Library can delegate the handling of all client events (i.e., the events specific to that client) to the client’s task. In other words, each client task is responsible for all the required processing and event handling associated with the USB communication that the client initiates.
Daemon Task
Although the Host Library delegates the handling of client events to the clients themselves, there are still Library events (i.e., events that are not specific to a client) that need to be handled. Library event handling can include things such as:
Handling USB device connection, enumeration, and disconnection
Rerouting control transfers to/from clients
Forwarding events to clients
Therefore, in addition to the client tasks, the Host Library also requires a task (usually the Host Library Daemon Task) to handle all of the library events.
The Host Library hides the details of device handling (such as connection, memory allocation, and enumeration) from the clients. The clients are provided only with a list of already connected and enumerated devices to choose from. During enumeration, each device is automatically configured to use the first configuration found (i.e., the first configuration descriptor returned on a Get Configuration Descriptor request). For most standard devices, the first configuration will have a bConfigurationValue
of 1
It is possible for a two or more clients to simultaneously communicate with the same device as long as they are not communicating to the same interface. However, multiple clients can simultaneously communicate with the same device’s default endpoint (EP0), which will result in their control transfers being serialized.
For a client to communicate with a device, the client must:
Open the device using the device’s address. This lets the Host Library know that the client is using that device.
Claim the interface(s) that will be used for communication. This prevents other clients from claiming the same interface(s).
Send transfers to the endpoints in the claimed interface. The client’s task is responsible for handling its own processing and events.
The Host Library (and the underlying Host Stack) will not create any tasks. All tasks (i.e., the client tasks and the Daemon Task) will need to be created by the class drivers or the user. Instead, the Host Library provides two event handler functions that will handle all of the required Host Library processing, thus these functions should be called repeatedly from the client tasks and the Daemon Task. Therefore, the implementation of client tasks and the Daemon Task will be the largely centered around the invocation of these event handler functions.
Host Library & Daemon Task
Basic Usage
The Host Library API provides usb_host_lib_handle_events()
to handle library events. This function should be called repeatedly, typically from the daemon task. Some notable features regarding usb_host_lib_handle_events()
The function can block until a library event needs handling
Event flags are returned on each invocation. These event flags are useful for knowing when the Host Library can be uninstalled.
A bare-bones Daemon Task would resemble something like the following code snippet:
#include "usb/usb_host.h"
void daemon_task(void *arg)
bool exit = false;
while (!exit) {
uint32_t event_flags;
usb_host_lib_handle_events(portMAX_DELAY, &event_flags);
if (event_flags & USB_HOST_LIB_EVENT_FLAGS_ALL_FREE) {
See the peripherals/usb/host/usb_host_lib example for a full implementation of the Daemon Task

Graph of Typical USB Host Library Lifecycle
The graph above illustrates the typical lifecycle of the Host Library with multiple clients and devices. Specifically, the example involves…
two registered clients (Client 1 and Client 2)
two connected devices (Device 1 and Device 2), where Client 1 communicates with Device 1 and Client 2 communicates with Device 2.
With reference the graph above, the typical lifecycle involves the following key stages.
- The Host Library is installed by calling
. Installation must be done before any other Host Library API is called.
is called (e.g., from the Daemon Task or another task) will depend on the synchronization logic between the Daemon Task, client tasks, and the rest of the system.
- The Host Library is installed by calling
- Once the Host Library is installed, the clients can be registered by calling
. This is typically called from the client task (where the client task waits for a signal from the Daemon Task).
This can be called elsewhere if necessary as long it is called after
- Once the Host Library is installed, the clients can be registered by calling
- Device 1 connects and is then enumerated.
Each registered client (in this case Client 1 and Client 2) are notified of the new device by way of the
event.Client 1 opens Device 1 and begins communication with it.
- Similarly Device 2 connects and is enumerated.
Client 1 and 2 are notified of a new device (via a
event).Client 2 opens Device 2 and begins communication with it.
- Device 1 suddenly disconnects.
Client 1 is notified by way of
and begins its cleanup.Client 2 is not notified as it has not opened Device 1.
- Client 1 completes its clean up and deregisters by calling
. This is typically called from the client task before the task exits.
This can be called elsewhere if necessary as long as Client 1 has already completed its clean up.
- Client 1 completes its clean up and deregisters by calling
- Client 2 completes its communication with Device 2. Client 2 then closes Device 2 and deregisters itself.
The Daemon Task is notified of the deregistration of all clients by way the
event flag as Client 2 is the last client to deregister.Device 2 is still allocated (i.e., not freed) as it is still connected albeit not currently opened by any client.
- The Daemon Task decides to cleanup as there are no more clients.
The Daemon Task must free Device 2 first by calling
was able to free all devices, the function will return ESP_OK indicating that all devices have been freed.If
was unable to free all devices (e.g., because the device is still opened by a client), the function will return ESP_ERR_NOT_FINISHED.The Daemon Task must wait for
event flag in order to know when all devices have been freed.
Once the Daemon Task has verified that all clients have deregistered and all devices have been freed, it can now uninstall the Host Library by calling
Clients & Class Driver
Basic Usage
The Host Library API provides usb_host_client_handle_events()
to handle a particular client’s events. This function should be called repeatedly, typically from the client’s task. Some notable features regarding usb_host_client_handle_events()
The function can block until a client event needs handling
The function’s primary purpose is to call the various event handling callbacks when a client event occurs.
The following callbacks are called from within usb_host_client_handle_events()
thus allowing the client task to be notified of events.
The client event callback of type
which delivers client event messages to the client. Client event messages indicate events such as the addition or removal of a device.The USB transfer completion callback of type
which indicates that a particular USB transfer previously submitted by the client has completed.
Given that the callbacks are called from within usb_host_client_handle_events()
, users should avoid blocking from within the callbacks as this will result in usb_host_client_handle_events()
being blocked as well, thus preventing other pending client events from being handled.
The following code snippet demonstrates a bare-bones host class driver and its client task. The code snippet contains:
A simple client task function
that callsusb_host_client_handle_events()
in a loop.Implementations of a client event callback and transfer completion callbacks.
Implementation of a simple state machine for the class driver. The class driver simply opens a device, sends an OUT transfer to EP1, then closes the device.
#include <string.h>
#include "usb/usb_host.h"
struct class_driver_control {
uint32_t actions;
uint8_t dev_addr;
usb_host_client_handle_t client_hdl;
usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl;
static void client_event_cb(const usb_host_client_event_msg_t *event_msg, void *arg)
//This is function is called from within usb_host_client_handle_events(). Don't block and try to keep it short
struct class_driver_control *class_driver_obj = (struct class_driver_control *)arg;
switch (event_msg->event) {
class_driver_obj->actions |= CLASS_DRIVER_ACTION_OPEN_DEV;
class_driver_obj->dev_addr = event_msg->new_dev.address; //Store the address of the new device
class_driver_obj->actions |= CLASS_DRIVER_ACTION_CLOSE_DEV;
static void transfer_cb(usb_transfer_t *transfer)
//This is function is called from within usb_host_client_handle_events(). Don't block and try to keep it short
struct class_driver_control *class_driver_obj = (struct class_driver_control *)transfer->context;
printf("Transfer status %d, actual number of bytes transferred %d\n", transfer->status, transfer->actual_num_bytes);
class_driver_obj->actions |= CLASS_DRIVER_ACTION_CLOSE_DEV;
void client_task(void *arg)
... //Wait until Host Library is installed
//Initialize class driver objects
struct class_driver_control class_driver_obj = {0};
//Register the client
usb_host_client_config_t client_config = {
.is_synchronous = false,
.max_num_event_msg = 5,
.async = {
.client_event_callback = client_event_cb,
.callback_arg = &class_driver_obj,
usb_host_client_register(&client_config, &class_driver_obj.client_hdl);
//Allocate a USB transfer
usb_transfer_t *transfer;
usb_host_transfer_alloc(1024, 0, &transfer);
//Event handling loop
bool exit = false;
while (!exit) {
//Call the client event handler function
usb_host_client_handle_events(class_driver_obj.client_hdl, portMAX_DELAY);
//Execute pending class driver actions
if (class_driver_obj.actions & CLASS_DRIVER_ACTION_OPEN_DEV) {
//Open the device and claim interface 1
usb_host_device_open(class_driver_obj.client_hdl, class_driver_obj.dev_addr, &class_driver_obj.dev_hdl);
usb_host_interface_claim(class_driver_obj.client_hdl, class_driver_obj.dev_hdl, 1, 0);
if (class_driver_obj.actions & CLASS_DRIVER_ACTION_TRANSFER) {
//Send an OUT transfer to EP1
memset(transfer->data_buffer, 0xAA, 1024);
transfer->num_bytes = 1024;
transfer->device_handle = class_driver_obj.dev_hdl;
transfer->bEndpointAddress = 0x01;
transfer->callback = transfer_cb;
transfer->context = (void *)&class_driver_obj;
if (class_driver_obj.actions & CLASS_DRIVER_ACTION_CLOSE_DEV) {
//Release the interface and close the device
usb_host_interface_release(class_driver_obj.client_hdl, class_driver_obj.dev_hdl, 1);
usb_host_device_close(class_driver_obj.client_hdl, class_driver_obj.dev_hdl);
exit = true;
... //Handle any other actions required by the class driver
//Cleanup class driver
... //Delete the task and any other signal Daemon Task if required
An actual host class driver will likely supported many more features, thus will have a much more complex state machine. A host class driver will likely also need to:
Be able to open multiple devices
Parse an opened device’s descriptors to identify if the device is of the target class
Communicate with multiple endpoints of an interface in a particular order
Claim multiple interfaces of a device
Handle various errors
The typical life cycle of a client task and class driver will go through the following stages:
Wait for some signal regarding the Host Library being installed.
Register the client via
and allocate any other class driver resources (e.g., allocating transfers usingusb_host_transfer_alloc()
).For each new device that the class driver needs to communicate with:
Check if the device is already connected via
.If the device is not already connected, wait for a
event from the client event callback.Open the device via
.Parse the device and configuration descriptors via
respectively.Claim the necessary interfaces of the device via
Submit transfers to the device via
.Once an opened device is no longer needed by the class driver, or has disconnected (as indicated by a
event):Stop any previously submitted transfers to the device’s endpoints by calling
on those endpoints.Release all previously claimed interfaces via
.Close the device via
Deregister the client via
and free any other class driver resources.Delete the client task. Signal the Daemon Task if necessary.
Host Library Examples
The peripherals/usb/host/usb_host_lib demonstrates basic usage of the USB Host Library’s API to implement a pseudo class driver.
Class Driver Examples
The USB Host Stack provides a number examples that implement host class drivers using the Host Library’s API.
A host class driver for the Communication Device Class (Abstract Control Model) is deployed to IDF component registry.
The peripherals/usb/host/cdc/cdc_acm_host example uses the CDC-ACM host driver component to communicate with CDC-ACM devices
The peripherals/usb/host/cdc/cdc_acm_vcp example shows how can you extend the CDC-ACM host driver to interface Virtual COM Port devices.
The CDC-ACM driver is also used in esp_modem examples, where it is used for communication with cellular modems.
A host class driver for the Mass Storage Class (Bulk-Only Transport) is current implemented as an example found via peripherals/usb/host/msc.
API Reference
The API of the USB Host Library is separated into the following header files. However, it is sufficient for applications to only #include "usb/usb_host.h"
and all of USB Host Library headers will also be included.
usb/include/usb/usb_host.h contains the functions and types of the USB Host Library
usb/include/usb/usb_helpers.h contains various helper functions that are related to the USB protocol such as descriptor parsing.
usb/include/usb/usb_types_stack.h contains types that are are used across multiple layers of the USB Host stack.
usb/include/usb/usb_types_ch9.h contains types and macros related to Chapter 9 of the USB2.0 specification (i.e., descriptors and standard requests).
Header File
esp_err_t usb_host_install(const usb_host_config_t *config)
Install the USB Host Library.
This function should only once to install the USB Host Library
This function should be called before any other USB Host Library functions are called
If skip_phy_setup is set in the install configuration, the user is responsible for ensuring that the underlying Host Controller is enabled and the USB PHY (internal or external) is already setup before this function is called.
- Parameters
config – [in] USB Host Library configuration
- Returns
esp_err_t usb_host_uninstall(void)
Uninstall the USB Host Library.
This function should be called to uninstall the USB Host Library, thereby freeing its resources
All clients must have been deregistered before calling this function
All devices must have been freed by calling usb_host_device_free_all() and receiving the USB_HOST_LIB_EVENT_FLAGS_ALL_FREE event flag
If skip_phy_setup was set when the Host Library was installed, the user is responsible for disabling the underlying Host Controller and USB PHY (internal or external).
- Returns
esp_err_t usb_host_lib_handle_events(TickType_t timeout_ticks, uint32_t *event_flags_ret)
Handle USB Host Library events.
This function handles all of the USB Host Library’s processing and should be called repeatedly in a loop
Check event_flags_ret to see if an flags are set indicating particular USB Host Library events
This function should never be called by multiple threads simultaneously
This function can block
- Parameters
timeout_ticks – [in] Timeout in ticks to wait for an event to occur
event_flags_ret – [out] Event flags that indicate what USB Host Library event occurred.
- Returns
esp_err_t usb_host_lib_unblock(void)
Unblock the USB Host Library handler.
This function simply unblocks the USB Host Library event handling function (usb_host_lib_handle_events())
- Returns
esp_err_t usb_host_lib_info(usb_host_lib_info_t *info_ret)
Get current information about the USB Host Library.
- Parameters
info_ret – [out] USB Host Library Information
- Returns
esp_err_t usb_host_client_register(const usb_host_client_config_t *client_config, usb_host_client_handle_t *client_hdl_ret)
Register a client of the USB Host Library.
This function registers a client of the USB Host Library
Once a client is registered, its processing function usb_host_client_handle_events() should be called repeatedly
- Parameters
client_config – [in] Client configuration
client_hdl_ret – [out] Client handle
- Returns
esp_err_t usb_host_client_deregister(usb_host_client_handle_t client_hdl)
Deregister a USB Host Library client.
This function deregisters a client of the USB Host Library
The client must have closed all previously opened devices before attempting to deregister
- Parameters
client_hdl – [in] Client handle
- Returns
esp_err_t usb_host_client_handle_events(usb_host_client_handle_t client_hdl, TickType_t timeout_ticks)
USB Host Library client processing function.
This function handles all of a client’s processing and should be called repeatedly in a loop
For a particular client, this function should never be called by multiple threads simultaneously
This function can block
- Parameters
client_hdl – [in] Client handle
timeout_ticks – [in] Timeout in ticks to wait for an event to occur
- Returns
esp_err_t usb_host_client_unblock(usb_host_client_handle_t client_hdl)
Unblock a client.
This function simply unblocks a client if it is blocked on the usb_host_client_handle_events() function.
This function is useful when need to unblock a client in order to deregister it.
- Parameters
client_hdl – [in] Client handle
- Returns
esp_err_t usb_host_device_open(usb_host_client_handle_t client_hdl, uint8_t dev_addr, usb_device_handle_t *dev_hdl_ret)
Open a device.
This function allows a client to open a device
A client must open a device first before attempting to use it (e.g., sending transfers, device requests etc.)
- Parameters
client_hdl – [in] Client handle
dev_addr – [in] Device’s address
dev_hdl_ret – [out] Device’s handle
- Returns
esp_err_t usb_host_device_close(usb_host_client_handle_t client_hdl, usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl)
Close a device.
This function allows a client to close a device
A client must close a device after it has finished using the device (claimed interfaces must also be released)
A client must close all devices it has opened before deregistering
This function can block
- Parameters
client_hdl – [in] Client handle
dev_hdl – [in] Device handle
- Returns
esp_err_t usb_host_device_free_all(void)
Indicate that all devices can be freed when possible.
This function marks all devices as waiting to be freed
If a device is not opened by any clients, it will be freed immediately
If a device is opened by at least one client, the device will be free when the last client closes that device.
Wait for the USB_HOST_LIB_EVENT_FLAGS_ALL_FREE flag to be set by usb_host_lib_handle_events() in order to know when all devices have been freed
This function is useful when cleaning up devices before uninstalling the USB Host Library
- Returns
ESP_ERR_NOT_FINISHED: There are one or more devices that still need to be freed. Wait for USB_HOST_LIB_EVENT_FLAGS_ALL_FREE event
ESP_OK: All devices already freed (i.e., there were no devices)
Other: Error
esp_err_t usb_host_device_addr_list_fill(int list_len, uint8_t *dev_addr_list, int *num_dev_ret)
Fill a list of device address.
This function fills an empty list with the address of connected devices
The Device addresses can then used in usb_host_device_open()
If there are more devices than the list_len, this function will only fill up to list_len number of devices.
- Parameters
list_len – [in] Length of the empty list
dev_addr_list – [inout] Empty list to be filled
num_dev_ret – [out] Number of devices
- Returns
esp_err_t usb_host_device_info(usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl, usb_device_info_t *dev_info)
Get device’s information.
This function gets some basic information of a device
The device must be opened first before attempting to get its information
This function can block
- Parameters
dev_hdl – [in] Device handle
dev_info – [out] Device information
- Returns
esp_err_t usb_host_get_device_descriptor(usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl, const usb_device_desc_t **device_desc)
Get device’s device descriptor.
A client must call usb_host_device_open() first
No control transfer is sent. The device’s descriptor is cached on enumeration
This function simple returns a pointer to the cached descriptor
No control transfer is sent. The device’s descriptor is cached on enumeration
- Parameters
dev_hdl – [in] Device handle
device_desc – [out] Device descriptor
- Returns
esp_err_t usb_host_get_active_config_descriptor(usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl, const usb_config_desc_t **config_desc)
Get device’s active configuration descriptor.
A client must call usb_host_device_open() first
No control transfer is sent. The device’s active configuration descriptor is cached on enumeration
This function simple returns a pointer to the cached descriptor
This function can block
No control transfer is sent. A device’s active configuration descriptor is cached on enumeration
- Parameters
dev_hdl – [in] Device handle
config_desc – [out] Configuration descriptor
- Returns
esp_err_t usb_host_interface_claim(usb_host_client_handle_t client_hdl, usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl, uint8_t bInterfaceNumber, uint8_t bAlternateSetting)
Function for a client to claim a device’s interface.
A client must claim a device’s interface before attempting to communicate with any of its endpoints
Once an interface is claimed by a client, it cannot be claimed by any other client.
This function can block
- Parameters
client_hdl – [in] Client handle
dev_hdl – [in] Device handle
bInterfaceNumber – [in] Interface number
bAlternateSetting – [in] Interface alternate setting number
- Returns
esp_err_t usb_host_interface_release(usb_host_client_handle_t client_hdl, usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl, uint8_t bInterfaceNumber)
Function for a client to release a previously claimed interface.
A client should release a device’s interface after it no longer needs to communicate with the interface
A client must release all of its interfaces of a device it has claimed before being able to close the device
This function can block
- Parameters
client_hdl – [in] Client handle
dev_hdl – [in] Device handle
bInterfaceNumber – [in] Interface number
- Returns
esp_err_t usb_host_endpoint_halt(usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl, uint8_t bEndpointAddress)
Halt a particular endpoint.
The device must have been opened by a client
The endpoint must be part of an interface claimed by a client
Once halted, the endpoint must be cleared using usb_host_endpoint_clear() before it can communicate again
This function can block
- Parameters
dev_hdl – Device handle
bEndpointAddress – Endpoint address
- Returns
esp_err_t usb_host_endpoint_flush(usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl, uint8_t bEndpointAddress)
Flush a particular endpoint.
The device must have been opened by a client
The endpoint must be part of an interface claimed by a client
The endpoint must have been halted (either through a transfer error, or usb_host_endpoint_halt())
Flushing an endpoint will caused an queued up transfers to be canceled
This function can block
- Parameters
dev_hdl – Device handle
bEndpointAddress – Endpoint address
- Returns
esp_err_t usb_host_endpoint_clear(usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl, uint8_t bEndpointAddress)
Clear a halt on a particular endpoint.
The device must have been opened by a client
The endpoint must be part of an interface claimed by a client
The endpoint must have been halted (either through a transfer error, or usb_host_endpoint_halt())
If the endpoint has any queued up transfers, clearing a halt will resume their execution
This function can block
- Parameters
dev_hdl – Device handle
bEndpointAddress – Endpoint address
- Returns
esp_err_t usb_host_transfer_alloc(size_t data_buffer_size, int num_isoc_packets, usb_transfer_t **transfer)
Allocate a transfer object.
This function allocates a transfer object
Each transfer object has a fixed sized buffer specified on allocation
A transfer object can be re-used indefinitely
A transfer can be submitted using usb_host_transfer_submit() or usb_host_transfer_submit_control()
- Parameters
data_buffer_size – [in] Size of the transfer’s data buffer
num_isoc_packets – [in] Number of isochronous packets in transfer (set to 0 for non-isochronous transfers)
transfer – [out] Transfer object
- Returns
esp_err_t usb_host_transfer_free(usb_transfer_t *transfer)
Free a transfer object.
Free a transfer object previously allocated using usb_host_transfer_alloc()
The transfer must not be in-flight when attempting to free it
If a NULL pointer is passed, this function will simply return ESP_OK
- Parameters
transfer – [in] Transfer object
- Returns
esp_err_t usb_host_transfer_submit(usb_transfer_t *transfer)
Submit a non-control transfer.
Submit a transfer to a particular endpoint. The device and endpoint number is specified inside the transfer
The transfer must be properly initialized before submitting
On completion, the transfer’s callback will be called from the client’s usb_host_client_handle_events() function.
- Parameters
transfer – [in] Initialized transfer object
- Returns
esp_err_t usb_host_transfer_submit_control(usb_host_client_handle_t client_hdl, usb_transfer_t *transfer)
Submit a control transfer.
Submit a control transfer to a particular device. The client must have opened the device first
The transfer must be properly initialized before submitting. The first 8 bytes of the transfer’s data buffer should contain the control transfer setup packet
On completion, the transfer’s callback will be called from the client’s usb_host_client_handle_events() function.
- Parameters
client_hdl – [in] Client handle
transfer – [in] Initialized transfer object
- Returns
struct usb_host_client_event_msg_t
Client event message.
Client event messages are sent to each client of the USB Host Library in order to notify them of various USB Host Library events such as:
Addition of new devices
Removal of existing devices
The event message structure has a union with members corresponding to each particular event. Based on the event type, only the relevant member field should be accessed.
Public Members
usb_host_client_event_t event
Type of event
uint8_t address
New device’s address
struct usb_host_client_event_msg_t::[anonymous]::[anonymous] new_dev
New device info
usb_device_handle_t dev_hdl
The handle of the device that was gone
struct usb_host_client_event_msg_t::[anonymous]::[anonymous] dev_gone
Gone device info
struct usb_host_lib_info_t
Current information about the USB Host Library obtained via usb_host_lib_info()
struct usb_host_config_t
USB Host Library configuration.
Configuration structure of the USB Host Library. Provided in the usb_host_install() function
Public Members
bool skip_phy_setup
If set, the USB Host Library will not configure the USB PHY thus allowing the user to manually configure the USB PHY before calling usb_host_install(). Users should set this if they want to use an external USB PHY. Otherwise, the USB Host Library will automatically configure the internal USB PHY
int intr_flags
Interrupt flags for the underlying ISR used by the USB Host stack
bool skip_phy_setup
struct usb_host_client_config_t
USB Host Library Client configuration.
Configuration structure for a USB Host Library client. Provided in usb_host_client_register()
Public Members
bool is_synchronous
Whether the client is asynchronous or synchronous or not. Set to false for now.
int max_num_event_msg
Maximum number of event messages that can be stored (e.g., 3)
usb_host_client_event_cb_t client_event_callback
Client’s event callback function
void *callback_arg
Event callback function argument
struct usb_host_client_config_t::[anonymous]::[anonymous] async
Async callback config
bool is_synchronous
All clients have been deregistered from the USB Host Library
The USB Host Library has freed all devices
Type Definitions
typedef struct usb_host_client_handle_s *usb_host_client_handle_t
Handle to a USB Host Library asynchronous client.
An asynchronous client can be registered using usb_host_client_register()
Asynchronous API
typedef void (*usb_host_client_event_cb_t)(const usb_host_client_event_msg_t *event_msg, void *arg)
Client event callback.
Each client of the USB Host Library must register an event callback to receive event messages from the USB Host Library.
The client event callback is run from the context of the clients usb_host_client_handle_events() function
Header File
const usb_standard_desc_t *usb_parse_next_descriptor(const usb_standard_desc_t *cur_desc, uint16_t wTotalLength, int *offset)
Get the next descriptor.
Given a particular descriptor within a full configuration descriptor, get the next descriptor within the configuration descriptor. This is a convenience function that can be used to walk each individual descriptor within a full configuration descriptor.
- Parameters
cur_desc – [in] Current descriptor
wTotalLength – [in] Total length of the configuration descriptor
offset – [inout] Byte offset relative to the start of the configuration descriptor. On input, it is the offset of the current descriptor. On output, it is the offset of the returned descriptor.
- Returns
usb_standard_desc_t* Next descriptor, NULL if end of configuration descriptor reached
const usb_standard_desc_t *usb_parse_next_descriptor_of_type(const usb_standard_desc_t *cur_desc, uint16_t wTotalLength, uint8_t bDescriptorType, int *offset)
Get the next descriptor of a particular type.
Given a particular descriptor within a full configuration descriptor, get the next descriptor of a particular type (i.e., using the bDescriptorType value) within the configuration descriptor.
- Parameters
cur_desc – [in] Current descriptor
wTotalLength – [in] Total length of the configuration descriptor
bDescriptorType – [in] Type of the next descriptor to get
offset – [inout] Byte offset relative to the start of the configuration descriptor. On input, it is the offset of the current descriptor. On output, it is the offset of the returned descriptor.
- Returns
usb_standard_desc_t* Next descriptor, NULL if end descriptor is not found or configuration descriptor reached
int usb_parse_interface_number_of_alternate(const usb_config_desc_t *config_desc, uint8_t bInterfaceNumber)
Get the number of alternate settings for a bInterfaceNumber.
Given a particular configuration descriptor, for a particular bInterfaceNumber, get the number of alternate settings available for that interface (i.e., the max possible value of bAlternateSetting for that bInterfaceNumber).
- Parameters
config_desc – [in] Pointer to the start of a full configuration descriptor
bInterfaceNumber – [in] Interface number
- Returns
int The number of alternate settings that the interface has, -1 if bInterfaceNumber not found
const usb_intf_desc_t *usb_parse_interface_descriptor(const usb_config_desc_t *config_desc, uint8_t bInterfaceNumber, uint8_t bAlternateSetting, int *offset)
Get a particular interface descriptor (using bInterfaceNumber and bAlternateSetting)
Given a full configuration descriptor, get a particular interface descriptor.
To get the number of alternate settings for a particular bInterfaceNumber, call usb_parse_interface_number_of_alternate()
- Parameters
config_desc – [in] Pointer to the start of a full configuration descriptor
bInterfaceNumber – [in] Interface number
bAlternateSetting – [in] Alternate setting number
offset – [out] Byte offset of the interface descriptor relative to the start of the configuration descriptor. Can be NULL.
- Returns
const usb_intf_desc_t* Pointer to interface descriptor, NULL if not found.
const usb_ep_desc_t *usb_parse_endpoint_descriptor_by_index(const usb_intf_desc_t *intf_desc, int index, uint16_t wTotalLength, int *offset)
Get an endpoint descriptor within an interface descriptor.
Given an interface descriptor, get the Nth endpoint descriptor of the interface. The number of endpoints in an interface is indicated by the bNumEndpoints field of the interface descriptor.
If bNumEndpoints is 0, it means the interface uses the default endpoint only
- Parameters
intf_desc – [in] Pointer to thee start of an interface descriptor
index – [in] Endpoint index
wTotalLength – [in] Total length of the containing configuration descriptor
offset – [inout] Byte offset relative to the start of the configuration descriptor. On input, it is the offset of the interface descriptor. On output, it is the offset of the endpoint descriptor.
- Returns
const usb_ep_desc_t* Pointer to endpoint descriptor, NULL if not found.
const usb_ep_desc_t *usb_parse_endpoint_descriptor_by_address(const usb_config_desc_t *config_desc, uint8_t bInterfaceNumber, uint8_t bAlternateSetting, uint8_t bEndpointAddress, int *offset)
Get an endpoint descriptor based on an endpoint’s address.
Given a configuration descriptor, get an endpoint descriptor based on it’s bEndpointAddress, bAlternateSetting, and bInterfaceNumber.
- Parameters
config_desc – [in] Pointer to the start of a full configuration descriptor
bInterfaceNumber – [in] Interface number
bAlternateSetting – [in] Alternate setting number
bEndpointAddress – [in] Endpoint address
offset – [out] Byte offset of the endpoint descriptor relative to the start of the configuration descriptor. Can be NULL
- Returns
const usb_ep_desc_t* Pointer to endpoint descriptor, NULL if not found.
void usb_print_device_descriptor(const usb_device_desc_t *devc_desc)
Print device descriptor.
- Parameters
devc_desc – Device descriptor
void usb_print_config_descriptor(const usb_config_desc_t *cfg_desc, print_class_descriptor_cb class_specific_cb)
Print configuration descriptor.
This function prints the full contents of a configuration descriptor (including interface and endpoint descriptors)
When a non-standard descriptor is encountered, this function will call the class_specific_cb if it is provided
- Parameters
cfg_desc – Configuration descriptor
class_specific_cb – Class specific descriptor callback. Can be NULL
void usb_print_string_descriptor(const usb_str_desc_t *str_desc)
Print a string descriptor.
This funciton will only print ASCII characters of the UTF-16 encoded string
- Parameters
str_desc – String descriptor
static inline int usb_round_up_to_mps(int num_bytes, int mps)
Round up to an integer multiple of endpoint’s MPS.
This is a convenience function to round up a size/length to an endpoint’s MPS (Maximum packet size). This is useful when calculating transfer or buffer lengths of IN endpoints.
If MPS <= 0, this function will return 0
If num_bytes <= 0, this function will return 0
- Parameters
num_bytes – [in] Number of bytes
mps – [in] MPS
- Returns
int Round up integer multiple of MPS
Type Definitions
typedef void (*print_class_descriptor_cb)(const usb_standard_desc_t*)
Print class specific descriptor callback.
Optional callback to be provided to usb_print_config_descriptor() function. The callback is called when when a non-standard descriptor is encountered. The callback should decode the descriptor as print it.
Header File
struct usb_device_info_t
Basic information of an enumerated device.
Public Members
usb_speed_t speed
Device’s speed
uint8_t dev_addr
Device’s address
uint8_t bMaxPacketSize0
The maximum packet size of the device’s default endpoint
uint8_t bConfigurationValue
Device’s current configuration number
const usb_str_desc_t *str_desc_manufacturer
Pointer to Manufacturer string descriptor (can be NULL)
const usb_str_desc_t *str_desc_product
Pointer to Product string descriptor (can be NULL)
const usb_str_desc_t *str_desc_serial_num
Pointer to Serial Number string descriptor (can be NULL)
usb_speed_t speed
struct usb_isoc_packet_desc_t
Isochronous packet descriptor.
If the number of bytes in an Isochronous transfer is larger than the MPS of the endpoint, the transfer is split into multiple packets transmitted at the endpoint’s specified interval. An array of Isochronous packet descriptors describes how an Isochronous transfer should be split into multiple packets.
Public Members
int num_bytes
Number of bytes to transmit/receive in the packet. IN packets should be integer multiple of MPS
int actual_num_bytes
Actual number of bytes transmitted/received in the packet
usb_transfer_status_t status
Status of the packet
int num_bytes
struct usb_transfer_s
USB transfer structure.
Public Members
uint8_t *const data_buffer
Pointer to data buffer
const size_t data_buffer_size
Size of the data buffer in bytes
int num_bytes
Number of bytes to transfer. Control transfers should include the size of the setup packet. Isochronous transfer should be the total transfer size of all packets. For non-control IN transfers, num_bytes should be an integer multiple of MPS.
int actual_num_bytes
Actual number of bytes transferred
uint32_t flags
Transfer flags
usb_device_handle_t device_handle
Device handle
uint8_t bEndpointAddress
Endpoint Address
usb_transfer_status_t status
Status of the transfer
uint32_t timeout_ms
Timeout (in milliseconds) of the packet (currently not supported yet)
usb_transfer_cb_t callback
Transfer callback
void *context
Context variable for transfer to associate transfer with something
const int num_isoc_packets
Only relevant to Isochronous. Number of service periods (i.e., intervals) to transfer data buffer over.
usb_isoc_packet_desc_t isoc_packet_desc[]
Descriptors for each Isochronous packet
uint8_t *const data_buffer
Terminate Bulk/Interrupt OUT transfer with a zero length packet.
OUT transfers normally terminate when the Host has transferred the exact amount of data it needs to the device. However, for bulk and interrupt OUT transfers, if the transfer size just happened to be a multiple of MPS, it will be impossible to know the boundary between two consecutive transfers to the same endpoint.
Therefore, this flag will cause the transfer to automatically add a zero length packet (ZLP) at the end of the transfer if the following conditions are met:
The target endpoint is a Bulk/Interrupt OUT endpoint (Host to device)
The transfer’s length (i.e., transfer.num_bytes) is a multiple of the endpoint’s MPS
Otherwise, this flag has no effect.
Users should check whether their target device’s class requires a ZLP, as not all Bulk/Interrupt OUT endpoints require them. For example:
For MSC Bulk Only Transport class, the Host MUST NEVER send a ZLP. Bulk transfer boundaries are determined by the CBW and CSW instead
For CDC Ethernet, the Host MUST ALWAYS send a ZLP if a segment (i.e., a transfer) is a multiple of MPS (See 3.3.1 Segment Delineation)
See USB2.0 specification 5.7.3 and 5.8.3 for more details
IN transfers normally terminate when the Host as receive the exact amount of data it needs (must be multiple of MPS) or the endpoint sends a short packet to the Host(For bulk OUT only). Indicates that a bulk OUT transfers should always terminate with a short packet, even if it means adding an extra zero length packet
Type Definitions
typedef struct usb_device_handle_s *usb_device_handle_t
Handle of a USB Device connected to a USB Host.
typedef struct usb_transfer_s usb_transfer_t
USB transfer structure.
This structure is used to represent a transfer from a software client to an endpoint over the USB bus. Some of the fields are made const on purpose as they are fixed on allocation. Users should call the appropriate USB Host Library function to allocate a USB transfer structure instead of allocating this structure themselves.
The transfer type is inferred from the endpoint this transfer is sent to. Depending on the transfer type, users should note the following:
Bulk: This structure represents a single bulk transfer. If the number of bytes exceeds the endpoint’s MPS, the transfer will be split into multiple MPS sized packets followed by a short packet.
Control: This structure represents a single control transfer. This first 8 bytes of the data_buffer must be filled with the setup packet (see usb_setup_packet_t). The num_bytes field should be the total size of the transfer (i.e., size of setup packet + wLength).
Interrupt: Represents an interrupt transfer. If num_bytes exceeds the MPS of the endpoint, the transfer will be split into multiple packets, and each packet is transferred at the endpoint’s specified interval.
Isochronous: Represents a stream of bytes that should be transferred to an endpoint at a fixed rate. The transfer is split into packets according to the each isoc_packet_desc. A packet is transferred at each interval of the endpoint. If an entire ISOC URB was transferred without error (skipped packets do not count as errors), the URB’s overall status and the status of each packet descriptor will be updated, and the actual_num_bytes reflects the total bytes transferred over all packets. If the ISOC URB encounters an error, the entire URB is considered erroneous so only the overall status will updated.
For Bulk/Control/Interrupt IN transfers, the num_bytes must be a integer multiple of the endpoint’s MPS
This structure should be allocated via usb_host_transfer_alloc()
Once the transfer has be submitted, users should not modify the structure until the transfer has completed
typedef void (*usb_transfer_cb_t)(usb_transfer_t *transfer)
USB transfer completion callback.
enum usb_speed_t
USB Standard Speeds.
enumerator USB_SPEED_LOW
USB Low Speed (1.5 Mbit/s)
enumerator USB_SPEED_FULL
USB Full Speed (12 Mbit/s)
enumerator USB_SPEED_LOW
enum usb_transfer_type_t
The type of USB transfer.
The enum values need to match the bmAttributes field of an EP descriptor
enum usb_transfer_status_t
The status of a particular transfer.
The transfer was successful (but may be short)
The transfer failed because due to excessive errors (e.g. no response or CRC error)
The transfer failed due to a time out
The transfer was canceled
The transfer was stalled
The transfer as more data was sent than was requested
ISOC packets only. The packet was skipped due to system latency or bus overload
The transfer failed because the target device is gone
Header File
union usb_setup_packet_t
- #include <usb_types_ch9.h>
Structure representing a USB control transfer setup packet.
See Table 9-2 of USB2.0 specification for more details
Public Members
uint8_t bmRequestType
Characteristics of request
uint8_t bRequest
Specific request
uint16_t wValue
Word-sized field that varies according to request
uint16_t wIndex
Word-sized field that varies according to request; typically used to pass an index or offset
uint16_t wLength
Number of bytes to transfer if there is a data stage
struct usb_setup_packet_t::[anonymous] [anonymous]
uint8_t val[8]
Descriptor value
uint8_t bmRequestType
union usb_standard_desc_t
- #include <usb_types_ch9.h>
USB standard descriptor.
All USB standard descriptors start with these two bytes. Use this type when traversing over configuration descriptors
Public Members
uint8_t bLength
Size of the descriptor in bytes
uint8_t bDescriptorType
Descriptor Type
struct usb_standard_desc_t::[anonymous] [anonymous]
USB descriptor attributes
uint8_t val[2]
Descriptor value
uint8_t bLength
union usb_device_desc_t
- #include <usb_types_ch9.h>
Structure representing a USB device descriptor.
See Table 9-8 of USB2.0 specification for more details
Public Members
uint8_t bLength
Size of the descriptor in bytes
uint8_t bDescriptorType
DEVICE Descriptor Type
uint16_t bcdUSB
USB Specification Release Number in Binary-Coded Decimal (i.e., 2.10 is 210H)
uint8_t bDeviceClass
Class code (assigned by the USB-IF)
uint8_t bDeviceSubClass
Subclass code (assigned by the USB-IF)
uint8_t bDeviceProtocol
Protocol code (assigned by the USB-IF)
uint8_t bMaxPacketSize0
Maximum packet size for endpoint zero (only 8, 16, 32, or 64 are valid)
uint16_t idVendor
Vendor ID (assigned by the USB-IF)
uint16_t idProduct
Product ID (assigned by the manufacturer)
uint16_t bcdDevice
Device release number in binary-coded decimal
uint8_t iManufacturer
Index of string descriptor describing manufacturer
uint8_t iProduct
Index of string descriptor describing product
uint8_t iSerialNumber
Index of string descriptor describing the device’s serial number
uint8_t bNumConfigurations
Number of possible configurations
struct usb_device_desc_t::[anonymous] [anonymous]
USB descriptor attributes
uint8_t val[18]
Descriptor value
uint8_t bLength
union usb_config_desc_t
- #include <usb_types_ch9.h>
Structure representing a short USB configuration descriptor.
See Table 9-10 of USB2.0 specification for more details
The full USB configuration includes all the interface and endpoint descriptors of that configuration.
Public Members
uint8_t bLength
Size of the descriptor in bytes
uint8_t bDescriptorType
uint16_t wTotalLength
Total length of data returned for this configuration
uint8_t bNumInterfaces
Number of interfaces supported by this configuration
uint8_t bConfigurationValue
Value to use as an argument to the SetConfiguration() request to select this configuration
uint8_t iConfiguration
Index of string descriptor describing this configuration
uint8_t bmAttributes
Configuration characteristics
uint8_t bMaxPower
Maximum power consumption of the USB device from the bus in this specific configuration when the device is fully operational.
struct usb_config_desc_t::[anonymous] [anonymous]
USB descriptor attributes
uint8_t val[9]
Descriptor value
uint8_t bLength
union usb_iad_desc_t
- #include <usb_types_ch9.h>
Structure representing a USB interface association descriptor.
Public Members
uint8_t bLength
Size of the descriptor in bytes
uint8_t bDescriptorType
uint8_t bFirstInterface
Interface number of the first interface that is associated with this function
uint8_t bInterfaceCount
Number of contiguous interfaces that are associated with this function
uint8_t bFunctionClass
Class code (assigned by USB-IF)
uint8_t bFunctionSubClass
Subclass code (assigned by USB-IF)
uint8_t bFunctionProtocol
Protocol code (assigned by USB-IF)
uint8_t iFunction
Index of string descriptor describing this function
struct usb_iad_desc_t::[anonymous] [anonymous]
USB descriptor attributes
uint8_t val[9]
Descriptor value
uint8_t bLength
union usb_intf_desc_t
- #include <usb_types_ch9.h>
Structure representing a USB interface descriptor.
See Table 9-12 of USB2.0 specification for more details
Public Members
uint8_t bLength
Size of the descriptor in bytes
uint8_t bDescriptorType
INTERFACE Descriptor Type
uint8_t bInterfaceNumber
Number of this interface.
uint8_t bAlternateSetting
Value used to select this alternate setting for the interface identified in the prior field
uint8_t bNumEndpoints
Number of endpoints used by this interface (excluding endpoint zero).
uint8_t bInterfaceClass
Class code (assigned by the USB-IF)
uint8_t bInterfaceSubClass
Subclass code (assigned by the USB-IF)
uint8_t bInterfaceProtocol
Protocol code (assigned by the USB)
uint8_t iInterface
Index of string descriptor describing this interface
struct usb_intf_desc_t::[anonymous] [anonymous]
USB descriptor attributes
uint8_t val[9]
Descriptor value
uint8_t bLength
union usb_ep_desc_t
- #include <usb_types_ch9.h>
Structure representing a USB endpoint descriptor.
See Table 9-13 of USB2.0 specification for more details
Public Members
uint8_t bLength
Size of the descriptor in bytes
uint8_t bDescriptorType
ENDPOINT Descriptor Type
uint8_t bEndpointAddress
The address of the endpoint on the USB device described by this descriptor
uint8_t bmAttributes
This field describes the endpoint’s attributes when it is configured using the bConfigurationValue.
uint16_t wMaxPacketSize
Maximum packet size this endpoint is capable of sending or receiving when this configuration is selected.
uint8_t bInterval
Interval for polling Isochronous and Interrupt endpoints. Expressed in frames or microframes depending on the device operating speed (1 ms for Low-Speed and Full-Speed or 125 us for USB High-Speed and above).
struct usb_ep_desc_t::[anonymous] [anonymous]
USB descriptor attributes
uint8_t val[7]
Descriptor value
uint8_t bLength
union usb_str_desc_t
- #include <usb_types_ch9.h>
Structure representing a USB string descriptor.
Descriptor types from USB2.0 specification table 9.5.
Descriptor types from USB 2.0 ECN.
Descriptor types from Wireless USB spec.
Descriptor types from UAS specification.
Size of a USB control transfer setup packet in bytes.
Bit masks belonging to the bmRequestType field of a setup packet.
Bit masks belonging to the bRequest field of a setup packet.
Bit masks belonging to the wValue field of a setup packet.
USB_SETUP_PACKET_INIT_SET_ADDR(setup_pkt_ptr, addr)
Initializer for a SET_ADDRESS request.
Sets the address of a connected device
Initializer for a request to get a device’s device descriptor.
Initializer for a request to get a device’s current configuration number.
USB_SETUP_PACKET_INIT_GET_CONFIG_DESC(setup_pkt_ptr, desc_index, desc_len)
Initializer for a request to get one of the device’s current configuration descriptor.
desc_index indicates the configuration’s index number
Number of bytes of the configuration descriptor to get
USB_SETUP_PACKET_INIT_SET_CONFIG(setup_pkt_ptr, config_num)
Initializer for a request to set a device’s current configuration number.
USB_SETUP_PACKET_INIT_SET_INTERFACE(setup_pkt_ptr, intf_num, alt_setting_num)
Initializer for a request to set an interface’s alternate setting.
USB_SETUP_PACKET_INIT_GET_STR_DESC(setup_pkt_ptr, string_index, lang_id, desc_len)
Initializer for a request to get an string descriptor.
Size of dummy USB standard descriptor.
Size of a USB device descriptor in bytes.
Possible base class values of the bDeviceClass field of a USB device descriptor.
Vendor specific subclass code.
Size of a short USB configuration descriptor in bytes.
The size of a full USB configuration includes all the interface and endpoint descriptors of that configuration.
Bit masks belonging to the bmAttributes field of a configuration descriptor.
Size of a USB interface association descriptor in bytes.
Size of a USB interface descriptor in bytes.
Size of a USB endpoint descriptor in bytes.
Bit masks belonging to the bEndpointAddress field of an endpoint descriptor.
Bit masks belonging to the bmAttributes field of an endpoint descriptor.
Macro helpers to get information about an endpoint from its descriptor.
Size of a short USB string descriptor in bytes.
enum usb_device_state_t
USB2.0 device states.
See Table 9-1 of USB2.0 specification for more details
The USB_DEVICE_STATE_NOT_ATTACHED is not part of the USB2.0 specification, but is a catch all state for devices that need to be cleaned up after a sudden disconnection or port error.
The device was previously configured or suspended, but is no longer attached (either suddenly disconnected or a port error)
Device is attached to the USB, but is not powered.
Device is attached to the USB and powered, but has not been reset.
Device is attached to the USB and powered and has been reset, but has not been assigned a unique address. Device responds at the default address.
Device is attached to the USB, powered, has been reset, and a unique device address has been assigned. Device is not configured.
Device is attached to the USB, powered, has been reset, has a unique address, is configured, and is not suspended. The host may now use the function provided by the device.
Device is, at minimum, attached to the USB and is powered and has not seen bus activity for 3 ms. It may also have a unique address and be configured for use. However, because the device is suspended, the host may not use the device’s function.