
Breaking changes:

f_mkfs() signature change in FATFS v0.14

New signature is FRESULT f_mkfs (const TCHAR* path, const MKFS_PARM* opt, void* work, UINT len); which now uses MKFS_PARM struct as a second argument.

Partition table generation no longer supports misaligned partitions

When generating a partiton table, esp-idf will no longer accept partitions which offset does not align to 4kB. This change only affects generating new partition tables, reading and writing to already existing partitions remains unchanged.

esp_vfs_semihost_register() signature change

New signature is esp_err_t esp_vfs_semihost_register(const char* base_path); Absolute path as a second parameter will no longer in use. Instead, the OpenOCD command ESP_SEMIHOST_BASEDIR should be used to set the full path on the host.


nvs_entry_find(), nvs_entry_next() and nvs_entry_info() always return esp_err_t now instead of void or nvs_iterator_t. This provides better error reporting when parameters are invalid or something goes wrong internally than returning nullptr instead of a valid iterator or checking parameters with assert. nvs_entry_find() and nvs_entry_next() modify iterators via parameters now instead of returning an iterator.

The old programming pattern to iterate over an NVS partition was as follows:

nvs_iterator_t it = nvs_entry_find(<nvs_partition_name>, <namespace>, NVS_TYPE_ANY);
while (it != NULL) {
        nvs_entry_info_t info;
        nvs_entry_info(it, &info);
        it = nvs_entry_next(it);
        printf("key '%s', type '%d' \n", info.key, info.type);

The new programming pattern to iterate over an NVS partition is now:

nvs_iterator_t it = nullptr;
esp_err_t res = nvs_entry_find(<nvs_partition_name>, <namespace>, NVS_TYPE_ANY, &it);
while(res == ESP_OK) {
    nvs_entry_info_t info;
    nvs_entry_info(it, &info); // Can omit error check if parameters are guaranteed to be non-NULL
    printf("key '%s', type '%d' \n", info.key, info.type);
    res = nvs_entry_next(&it);

Signature Changes

nvs_iterator_t nvs_entry_find(const char *part_name, const char *namespace_name, nvs_type_t type) changes to esp_err_t nvs_entry_find(const char *part_name, const char *namespace_name, nvs_type_t type, nvs_iterator_t *output_iterator). The iterator is returned via the parameter output_iterator instead of a return value. This allows reporting additional errors, like e.g. memory errors, via the new return value.

nvs_iterator_t nvs_entry_next(nvs_iterator_t iterator) changes to esp_err_t nvs_entry_next(nvs_iterator_t *it). This allows reporting parameter errors and internal errors, like e.g. flash errors.

void nvs_entry_info(nvs_iterator_t iterator, nvs_entry_info_t *out_info) changes to esp_err_t nvs_entry_info(const nvs_iterator_t iterator, nvs_entry_info_t *out_info) to allow reporting parameter errors.

Iterator Validity

Note that due to the new signatures, it is possible to have an invalid iterator from nvs_entry_find(), if there is a parameter errors. Hence, it is important to initialize the iterator with NULL before using nvs_entry_find() to avoid complex error checking before calling nvs_release_iterator(). A good example is the programming pattern above.

Removed SDSPI deprecated API

Removed structure sdspi_slot_config_t and fuction sdspi_host_init_slot. These were replaced by a structure sdspi_device_config_t and a fuction sdspi_host_init_device respectively.

SPI Flash Interface

Version before v5.0, spi flash functions in rom can be included by esp32**/rom/spi_flash.h. However, your code written for different chips may be filled with ROM headers of different versions. At the meantime not all the APIs can be used on all chips.

Therefore, the common APIs are extracted to esp_rom_spiflash.h. Although it’s not a breaking change, it is strongly recommended to only use the functions with prefix esp_rom_spiflash included by esp_rom_spiflash.h for better cross-compatibility.

To make the API clearer, we renamed the function esp_rom_spiflash_lock to esp_rom_spiflash_set_bp. We renamed esp_rom_spiflash_unlock to esp_rom_spiflash_clear_bp.

ENUM type esp_flash_speed_t has been deprecated. From now on, you can directly parse the real clock frequency value to the flash initialization structure. For example, if you want the flash frequency is 80M, you can write the code like:

esp_flash_spi_device_config_t dev_cfg = {
    // Other members
    .freq_mhz = 80,
    // Other members

Breaking changes in legacy APIs

In order to make spi_flash driver more stable, legacy spi_flash driver is removed on v5.0. Legacy spi_flash driver refers to default spi_flash driver since v3.0 and spi_flash driver with configuration option CONFIG_SPI_FLASH_USE_LEGACY_IMPL switched on on v4.0 series. The major breaking change is legacy spi_flash driver is not supported on new version anymore. Therefore, the configuration option CONFIG_SPI_FLASH_USE_LEGACY_IMPL is removed. After that, following functions will no longer exist. But meanwhile, you can use our new APIs instead.

Removed items















New functions with prefix esp_flash accept an additional esp_flash_t* parameter. You can simply set it to NULL means that the function will operate the main flash(esp_flash_default_chip)

Header esp_spi_flash.h has been deprecated, system functions are no longer public. To make use of flash memory mapping APIs, you should include spi_flash_mmap.h instead.