The Wi-Fi libraries provide support for configuring and monitoring the ESP32 Wi-Fi networking functionality. This includes configuration for:
Station mode (aka STA mode or Wi-Fi client mode). ESP32 connects to an access point.
AP mode (aka Soft-AP mode or Access Point mode). Stations connect to the ESP32.
Station/AP-coexistence mode (ESP32 is concurrently an access point and a station connected to another access point).
Various security modes for the above (WPA, WPA2, WPA3, etc.)
Scanning for access points (active & passive scanning).
Promiscuous mode for monitoring of IEEE802.11 Wi-Fi packets.
Application Examples
The wifi directory of ESP-IDF examples contains the following applications:
Code examples for Wi-Fi.
A simple esp-idf-template application to demonstrate a minimal IDF project structure.
API Reference
Header File
esp_err_t esp_wifi_init(const wifi_init_config_t *config)
Initialize WiFi Allocate resource for WiFi driver, such as WiFi control structure, RX/TX buffer, WiFi NVS structure etc. This WiFi also starts WiFi task.
- Attention
1. This API must be called before all other WiFi API can be called
- Attention
2. Always use WIFI_INIT_CONFIG_DEFAULT macro to initialize the configuration to default values, this can guarantee all the fields get correct value when more fields are added into wifi_init_config_t in future release. If you want to set your own initial values, overwrite the default values which are set by WIFI_INIT_CONFIG_DEFAULT. Please be notified that the field ‘magic’ of wifi_init_config_t should always be WIFI_INIT_CONFIG_MAGIC!
- Parameters
config – pointer to WiFi initialized configuration structure; can point to a temporary variable.
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_NO_MEM: out of memory
others: refer to error code esp_err.h
esp_err_t esp_wifi_deinit(void)
Deinit WiFi Free all resource allocated in esp_wifi_init and stop WiFi task.
- Attention
1. This API should be called if you want to remove WiFi driver from the system
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
esp_err_t esp_wifi_set_mode(wifi_mode_t mode)
Set the WiFi operating mode.
Set the WiFi operating mode as station, soft-AP or station+soft-AP, The default mode is station mode.
- Parameters
mode – WiFi operating mode
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: invalid argument
others: refer to error code in esp_err.h
esp_err_t esp_wifi_get_mode(wifi_mode_t *mode)
Get current operating mode of WiFi.
- Parameters
mode – [out] store current WiFi mode
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: invalid argument
esp_err_t esp_wifi_start(void)
Start WiFi according to current configuration If mode is WIFI_MODE_STA, it create station control block and start station If mode is WIFI_MODE_AP, it create soft-AP control block and start soft-AP If mode is WIFI_MODE_APSTA, it create soft-AP and station control block and start soft-AP and station.
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: invalid argument
ESP_ERR_NO_MEM: out of memory
ESP_ERR_WIFI_CONN: WiFi internal error, station or soft-AP control block wrong
ESP_FAIL: other WiFi internal errors
esp_err_t esp_wifi_stop(void)
Stop WiFi If mode is WIFI_MODE_STA, it stop station and free station control block If mode is WIFI_MODE_AP, it stop soft-AP and free soft-AP control block If mode is WIFI_MODE_APSTA, it stop station/soft-AP and free station/soft-AP control block.
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
esp_err_t esp_wifi_restore(void)
Restore WiFi stack persistent settings to default values.
This function will reset settings made using the following APIs:
esp_wifi_set_config related
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
esp_err_t esp_wifi_connect(void)
Connect the ESP32 WiFi station to the AP.
- Attention
1. This API only impact WIFI_MODE_STA or WIFI_MODE_APSTA mode
- Attention
2. If the ESP32 is connected to an AP, call esp_wifi_disconnect to disconnect.
- Attention
3. The scanning triggered by esp_wifi_scan_start() will not be effective until connection between ESP32 and the AP is established. If ESP32 is scanning and connecting at the same time, ESP32 will abort scanning and return a warning message and error number ESP_ERR_WIFI_STATE.
- Attention
4. This API attempts to connect to an Access Point (AP) only once. To enable reconnection in case of a connection failure, please use the ‘failure_retry_cnt’ feature in the ‘wifi_sta_config_t’. Users are suggested to implement reconnection logic in their application for scenarios where the specified AP does not exist, or reconnection is desired after the device has received a disconnect event.
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_STARTED: WiFi is not started by esp_wifi_start
ESP_ERR_WIFI_MODE: WiFi mode error
ESP_ERR_WIFI_CONN: WiFi internal error, station or soft-AP control block wrong
ESP_ERR_WIFI_SSID: SSID of AP which station connects is invalid
esp_err_t esp_wifi_disconnect(void)
Disconnect the ESP32 WiFi station from the AP.
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi was not initialized by esp_wifi_init
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_STARTED: WiFi was not started by esp_wifi_start
ESP_FAIL: other WiFi internal errors
esp_err_t esp_wifi_clear_fast_connect(void)
Currently this API is just an stub API.
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
others: fail
esp_err_t esp_wifi_deauth_sta(uint16_t aid)
deauthenticate all stations or associated id equals to aid
- Parameters
aid – when aid is 0, deauthenticate all stations, otherwise deauthenticate station whose associated id is aid
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_STARTED: WiFi was not started by esp_wifi_start
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: invalid argument
ESP_ERR_WIFI_MODE: WiFi mode is wrong
esp_err_t esp_wifi_scan_start(const wifi_scan_config_t *config, bool block)
Scan all available APs.
- Attention
If this API is called, the found APs are stored in WiFi driver dynamic allocated memory. And then can be freed in esp_wifi_scan_get_ap_records(), esp_wifi_scan_get_ap_record() or esp_wifi_clear_ap_list(), so call any one to free the memory once the scan is done.
- Attention
The values of maximum active scan time and passive scan time per channel are limited to 1500 milliseconds. Values above 1500ms may cause station to disconnect from AP and are not recommended.
- Parameters
config – configuration settings for scanning, if set to NULL default settings will be used of which default values are show_hidden:false, scan_type:active, scan_time.active.min:0, scan_time.active.max:120 miliseconds, scan_time.passive:360 miliseconds
block – if block is true, this API will block the caller until the scan is done, otherwise it will return immediately
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_STARTED: WiFi was not started by esp_wifi_start
ESP_ERR_WIFI_TIMEOUT: blocking scan is timeout
ESP_ERR_WIFI_STATE: wifi still connecting when invoke esp_wifi_scan_start
others: refer to error code in esp_err.h
esp_err_t esp_wifi_scan_stop(void)
Stop the scan in process.
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_STARTED: WiFi is not started by esp_wifi_start
esp_err_t esp_wifi_scan_get_ap_num(uint16_t *number)
Get number of APs found in last scan.
- Attention
This API can only be called when the scan is completed, otherwise it may get wrong value.
- Parameters
number – [out] store number of APs found in last scan
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_STARTED: WiFi is not started by esp_wifi_start
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: invalid argument
esp_err_t esp_wifi_scan_get_ap_records(uint16_t *number, wifi_ap_record_t *ap_records)
Get AP list found in last scan.
- Attention
This API will free all memory occupied by scanned AP list.
- Parameters
number – [inout] As input param, it stores max AP number ap_records can hold. As output param, it receives the actual AP number this API returns.
ap_records – wifi_ap_record_t array to hold the found APs
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_STARTED: WiFi is not started by esp_wifi_start
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: invalid argument
ESP_ERR_NO_MEM: out of memory
esp_err_t esp_wifi_scan_get_ap_record(wifi_ap_record_t *ap_record)
Get one AP record from the scanned AP list.
- Attention
Different from esp_wifi_scan_get_ap_records(), this API only gets one AP record from the scanned AP list each time. This API will free the memory of one AP record, if the user doesn’t get all records in the scannned AP list, then needs to call esp_wifi_clear_ap_list() to free the remaining memory.
- Parameters
ap_record – [out] pointer to one AP record
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_STARTED: WiFi is not started by esp_wifi_start
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: invalid argument
ESP_FAIL: scan APs is NULL, means all AP records fetched or no AP found
esp_err_t esp_wifi_clear_ap_list(void)
Clear AP list found in last scan.
- Attention
This API will free all memory occupied by scanned AP list. When the obtained AP list fails, AP records must be cleared,otherwise it may cause memory leakage.
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_STARTED: WiFi is not started by esp_wifi_start
ESP_ERR_WIFI_MODE: WiFi mode is wrong
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: invalid argument
esp_err_t esp_wifi_sta_get_ap_info(wifi_ap_record_t *ap_info)
Get information of AP which the ESP32 station is associated with.
- Attention
When the obtained country information is empty, it means that the AP does not carry country information
- Parameters
ap_info – the wifi_ap_record_t to hold AP information sta can get the connected ap’s phy mode info through the struct member phy_11b,phy_11g,phy_11n,phy_lr in the wifi_ap_record_t struct. For example, phy_11b = 1 imply that ap support 802.11b mode
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_CONN: The station interface don’t initialized
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_CONNECT: The station is in disconnect status
esp_err_t esp_wifi_set_ps(wifi_ps_type_t type)
Set current WiFi power save type.
- Attention
Default power save type is WIFI_PS_MIN_MODEM.
- Parameters
type – power save type
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
esp_err_t esp_wifi_get_ps(wifi_ps_type_t *type)
Get current WiFi power save type.
- Attention
Default power save type is WIFI_PS_MIN_MODEM.
- Parameters
type – [out] store current power save type
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
esp_err_t esp_wifi_set_protocol(wifi_interface_t ifx, uint8_t protocol_bitmap)
Set protocol type of specified interface The default protocol is (WIFI_PROTOCOL_11B|WIFI_PROTOCOL_11G|WIFI_PROTOCOL_11N)
- Attention
Support 802.11b or 802.11bg or 802.11bgn or LR mode
- Parameters
ifx – interfaces
protocol_bitmap – WiFi protocol bitmap
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
ESP_ERR_WIFI_IF: invalid interface
others: refer to error codes in esp_err.h
esp_err_t esp_wifi_get_protocol(wifi_interface_t ifx, uint8_t *protocol_bitmap)
Get the current protocol bitmap of the specified interface.
- Parameters
ifx – interface
protocol_bitmap – [out] store current WiFi protocol bitmap of interface ifx
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
ESP_ERR_WIFI_IF: invalid interface
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: invalid argument
others: refer to error codes in esp_err.h
esp_err_t esp_wifi_set_bandwidth(wifi_interface_t ifx, wifi_bandwidth_t bw)
Set the bandwidth of ESP32 specified interface.
- Attention
1. API return false if try to configure an interface that is not enabled
- Attention
2. WIFI_BW_HT40 is supported only when the interface support 11N
- Parameters
ifx – interface to be configured
bw – bandwidth
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
ESP_ERR_WIFI_IF: invalid interface
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: invalid argument
others: refer to error codes in esp_err.h
esp_err_t esp_wifi_get_bandwidth(wifi_interface_t ifx, wifi_bandwidth_t *bw)
Get the bandwidth of ESP32 specified interface.
- Attention
1. API return false if try to get a interface that is not enable
- Parameters
ifx – interface to be configured
bw – [out] store bandwidth of interface ifx
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
ESP_ERR_WIFI_IF: invalid interface
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: invalid argument
esp_err_t esp_wifi_set_channel(uint8_t primary, wifi_second_chan_t second)
Set primary/secondary channel of ESP32.
- Attention
1. This API should be called after esp_wifi_start() and before esp_wifi_stop()
- Attention
2. When ESP32 is in STA mode, this API should not be called when STA is scanning or connecting to an external AP
- Attention
3. When ESP32 is in softAP mode, this API should not be called when softAP has connected to external STAs
- Attention
4. When ESP32 is in STA+softAP mode, this API should not be called when in the scenarios described above
- Attention
5. The channel info set by this API will not be stored in NVS. So If you want to remeber the channel used before wifi stop, you need to call this API again after wifi start, or you can call
to store the channel info in NVS.
- Parameters
primary – for HT20, primary is the channel number, for HT40, primary is the primary channel
second – for HT20, second is ignored, for HT40, second is the second channel
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
ESP_ERR_WIFI_IF: invalid interface
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: invalid argument
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_STARTED: WiFi is not started by esp_wifi_start
esp_err_t esp_wifi_get_channel(uint8_t *primary, wifi_second_chan_t *second)
Get the primary/secondary channel of ESP32.
- Attention
1. API return false if try to get a interface that is not enable
- Parameters
primary – store current primary channel
second – [out] store current second channel
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: invalid argument
esp_err_t esp_wifi_set_country(const wifi_country_t *country)
configure country info
- Attention
1. It is discouraged to call this API since this doesn’t validate the per-country rules, it’s up to the user to fill in all fields according to local regulations. Please use esp_wifi_set_country_code instead.
- Attention
2. The default country is “01” (world safe mode) {.cc=”01”, .schan=1, .nchan=11, .policy=WIFI_COUNTRY_POLICY_AUTO}.
- Attention
3. The third octet of country code string is one of the following: ‘ ‘, ‘O’, ‘I’, ‘X’, otherwise it is considered as ‘ ‘.
- Attention
4. When the country policy is WIFI_COUNTRY_POLICY_AUTO, the country info of the AP to which the station is connected is used. E.g. if the configured country info is {.cc=”US”, .schan=1, .nchan=11} and the country info of the AP to which the station is connected is {.cc=”JP”, .schan=1, .nchan=14} then the country info that will be used is {.cc=”JP”, .schan=1, .nchan=14}. If the station disconnected from the AP the country info is set back to the country info of the station automatically, {.cc=”US”, .schan=1, .nchan=11} in the example.
- Attention
5. When the country policy is WIFI_COUNTRY_POLICY_MANUAL, then the configured country info is used always.
- Attention
6. When the country info is changed because of configuration or because the station connects to a different external AP, the country IE in probe response/beacon of the soft-AP is also changed.
- Attention
7. The country configuration is stored into flash.
- Attention
8. When this API is called, the PHY init data will switch to the PHY init data type corresponding to the country info.
- Parameters
country – the configured country info
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: invalid argument
esp_err_t esp_wifi_get_country(wifi_country_t *country)
get the current country info
- Parameters
country – country info
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: invalid argument
esp_err_t esp_wifi_set_mac(wifi_interface_t ifx, const uint8_t mac[6])
Set MAC address of the ESP32 WiFi station or the soft-AP interface.
- Attention
1. This API can only be called when the interface is disabled
- Attention
2. ESP32 soft-AP and station have different MAC addresses, do not set them to be the same.
- Attention
3. The bit 0 of the first byte of ESP32 MAC address can not be 1. For example, the MAC address can set to be “1a:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX”, but can not be “15:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX”.
- Parameters
ifx – interface
mac – the MAC address
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: invalid argument
ESP_ERR_WIFI_IF: invalid interface
ESP_ERR_WIFI_MAC: invalid mac address
ESP_ERR_WIFI_MODE: WiFi mode is wrong
others: refer to error codes in esp_err.h
esp_err_t esp_wifi_get_mac(wifi_interface_t ifx, uint8_t mac[6])
Get mac of specified interface.
- Parameters
ifx – interface
mac – [out] store mac of the interface ifx
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: invalid argument
ESP_ERR_WIFI_IF: invalid interface
esp_err_t esp_wifi_set_promiscuous_rx_cb(wifi_promiscuous_cb_t cb)
Register the RX callback function in the promiscuous mode.
Each time a packet is received, the registered callback function will be called.
- Parameters
cb – callback
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
esp_err_t esp_wifi_set_promiscuous(bool en)
Enable the promiscuous mode.
- Parameters
en – false - disable, true - enable
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
esp_err_t esp_wifi_get_promiscuous(bool *en)
Get the promiscuous mode.
- Parameters
en – [out] store the current status of promiscuous mode
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: invalid argument
esp_err_t esp_wifi_set_promiscuous_filter(const wifi_promiscuous_filter_t *filter)
Enable the promiscuous mode packet type filter.
The default filter is to filter all packets except WIFI_PKT_MISC
- Parameters
filter – the packet type filtered in promiscuous mode.
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
esp_err_t esp_wifi_get_promiscuous_filter(wifi_promiscuous_filter_t *filter)
Get the promiscuous filter.
- Parameters
filter – [out] store the current status of promiscuous filter
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: invalid argument
esp_err_t esp_wifi_set_promiscuous_ctrl_filter(const wifi_promiscuous_filter_t *filter)
Enable subtype filter of the control packet in promiscuous mode.
The default filter is to filter none control packet.
- Parameters
filter – the subtype of the control packet filtered in promiscuous mode.
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
esp_err_t esp_wifi_get_promiscuous_ctrl_filter(wifi_promiscuous_filter_t *filter)
Get the subtype filter of the control packet in promiscuous mode.
- Parameters
filter – [out] store the current status of subtype filter of the control packet in promiscuous mode
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: invalid argument
esp_err_t esp_wifi_set_config(wifi_interface_t interface, wifi_config_t *conf)
Set the configuration of the ESP32 STA or AP.
- Attention
1. This API can be called only when specified interface is enabled, otherwise, API fail
- Attention
2. For station configuration, bssid_set needs to be 0; and it needs to be 1 only when users need to check the MAC address of the AP.
- Attention
3. ESP32 is limited to only one channel, so when in the soft-AP+station mode, the soft-AP will adjust its channel automatically to be the same as the channel of the ESP32 station.
- Attention
4. The configuration will be stored in NVS
- Parameters
interface – interface
conf – station or soft-AP configuration
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: invalid argument
ESP_ERR_WIFI_IF: invalid interface
ESP_ERR_WIFI_MODE: invalid mode
ESP_ERR_WIFI_PASSWORD: invalid password
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NVS: WiFi internal NVS error
others: refer to the error code in esp_err.h
esp_err_t esp_wifi_get_config(wifi_interface_t interface, wifi_config_t *conf)
Get configuration of specified interface.
- Parameters
interface – interface
conf – [out] station or soft-AP configuration
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: invalid argument
ESP_ERR_WIFI_IF: invalid interface
esp_err_t esp_wifi_ap_get_sta_list(wifi_sta_list_t *sta)
Get STAs associated with soft-AP.
- Attention
SSC only API
- Parameters
sta – [out] station list ap can get the connected sta’s phy mode info through the struct member phy_11b,phy_11g,phy_11n,phy_lr in the wifi_sta_info_t struct. For example, phy_11b = 1 imply that sta support 802.11b mode
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: invalid argument
ESP_ERR_WIFI_MODE: WiFi mode is wrong
ESP_ERR_WIFI_CONN: WiFi internal error, the station/soft-AP control block is invalid
esp_err_t esp_wifi_ap_get_sta_aid(const uint8_t mac[6], uint16_t *aid)
Get AID of STA connected with soft-AP.
- Parameters
mac – STA’s mac address
aid – [out] Store the AID corresponding to STA mac
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: invalid argument
ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND: Requested resource not found
ESP_ERR_WIFI_MODE: WiFi mode is wrong
ESP_ERR_WIFI_CONN: WiFi internal error, the station/soft-AP control block is invalid
esp_err_t esp_wifi_set_storage(wifi_storage_t storage)
Set the WiFi API configuration storage type.
- Attention
1. The default value is WIFI_STORAGE_FLASH
- Parameters
storage – : storage type
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: invalid argument
esp_err_t esp_wifi_set_vendor_ie(bool enable, wifi_vendor_ie_type_t type, wifi_vendor_ie_id_t idx, const void *vnd_ie)
Set 802.11 Vendor-Specific Information Element.
- Parameters
enable – If true, specified IE is enabled. If false, specified IE is removed.
type – Information Element type. Determines the frame type to associate with the IE.
idx – Index to set or clear. Each IE type can be associated with up to two elements (indices 0 & 1).
vnd_ie – Pointer to vendor specific element data. First 6 bytes should be a header with fields matching vendor_ie_data_t. If enable is false, this argument is ignored and can be NULL. Data does not need to remain valid after the function returns.
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init()
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: Invalid argument, including if first byte of vnd_ie is not WIFI_VENDOR_IE_ELEMENT_ID (0xDD) or second byte is an invalid length.
ESP_ERR_NO_MEM: Out of memory
esp_err_t esp_wifi_set_vendor_ie_cb(esp_vendor_ie_cb_t cb, void *ctx)
Register Vendor-Specific Information Element monitoring callback.
- Parameters
cb – Callback function
ctx – Context argument, passed to callback function.
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
esp_err_t esp_wifi_set_max_tx_power(int8_t power)
Set maximum transmitting power after WiFi start.
- Attention
1. Maximum power before wifi startup is limited by PHY init data bin.
- Attention
2. The value set by this API will be mapped to the max_tx_power of the structure wifi_country_t variable.
- Attention
3. Mapping Table {Power, max_tx_power} = {{8, 2}, {20, 5}, {28, 7}, {34, 8}, {44, 11}, {52, 13}, {56, 14}, {60, 15}, {66, 16}, {72, 18}, {80, 20}}.
- Attention
4. Param power unit is 0.25dBm, range is [8, 84] corresponding to 2dBm - 20dBm.
- Attention
5. Relationship between set value and actual value. As follows: {set value range, actual value} = {{[8, 19],8}, {[20, 27],20}, {[28, 33],28}, {[34, 43],34}, {[44, 51],44}, {[52, 55],52}, {[56, 59],56}, {[60, 65],60}, {[66, 71],66}, {[72, 79],72}, {[80, 84],80}}.
- Parameters
power – Maximum WiFi transmitting power.
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_STARTED: WiFi is not started by esp_wifi_start
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: invalid argument, e.g. parameter is out of range
esp_err_t esp_wifi_get_max_tx_power(int8_t *power)
Get maximum transmiting power after WiFi start.
- Parameters
power – Maximum WiFi transmitting power, unit is 0.25dBm.
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_STARTED: WiFi is not started by esp_wifi_start
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: invalid argument
esp_err_t esp_wifi_set_event_mask(uint32_t mask)
Set mask to enable or disable some WiFi events.
- Attention
1. Mask can be created by logical OR of various WIFI_EVENT_MASK_ constants. Events which have corresponding bit set in the mask will not be delivered to the system event handler.
- Attention
2. Default WiFi event mask is WIFI_EVENT_MASK_AP_PROBEREQRECVED.
- Attention
3. There may be lots of stations sending probe request data around. Don’t unmask this event unless you need to receive probe request data.
- Parameters
mask – WiFi event mask.
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
esp_err_t esp_wifi_get_event_mask(uint32_t *mask)
Get mask of WiFi events.
- Parameters
mask – WiFi event mask.
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: invalid argument
esp_err_t esp_wifi_80211_tx(wifi_interface_t ifx, const void *buffer, int len, bool en_sys_seq)
Send raw ieee80211 data.
- Attention
Currently only support for sending beacon/probe request/probe response/action and non-QoS data frame
- Parameters
ifx – interface if the Wi-Fi mode is Station, the ifx should be WIFI_IF_STA. If the Wi-Fi mode is SoftAP, the ifx should be WIFI_IF_AP. If the Wi-Fi mode is Station+SoftAP, the ifx should be WIFI_IF_STA or WIFI_IF_AP. If the ifx is wrong, the API returns ESP_ERR_WIFI_IF.
buffer – raw ieee80211 buffer
len – the length of raw buffer, the len must be <= 1500 Bytes and >= 24 Bytes
en_sys_seq – indicate whether use the internal sequence number. If en_sys_seq is false, the sequence in raw buffer is unchanged, otherwise it will be overwritten by WiFi driver with the system sequence number. Generally, if esp_wifi_80211_tx is called before the Wi-Fi connection has been set up, both en_sys_seq==true and en_sys_seq==false are fine. However, if the API is called after the Wi-Fi connection has been set up, en_sys_seq must be true, otherwise ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG is returned.
- Returns
ESP_OK: success
ESP_ERR_WIFI_IF: Invalid interface
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: Invalid parameter
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NO_MEM: out of memory
esp_err_t esp_wifi_set_csi_rx_cb(wifi_csi_cb_t cb, void *ctx)
Register the RX callback function of CSI data.
Each time a CSI data is received, the callback function will be called.
- Parameters
cb – callback
ctx – context argument, passed to callback function
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
esp_err_t esp_wifi_set_csi_config(const wifi_csi_config_t *config)
Set CSI data configuration.
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_STARTED: WiFi is not started by esp_wifi_start or promiscuous mode is not enabled
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: invalid argument
- Parameters
config – configuration
esp_err_t esp_wifi_set_csi(bool en)
Enable or disable CSI.
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_STARTED: WiFi is not started by esp_wifi_start or promiscuous mode is not enabled
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: invalid argument
- Parameters
en – true - enable, false - disable
esp_err_t esp_wifi_set_ant_gpio(const wifi_ant_gpio_config_t *config)
Set antenna GPIO configuration.
- Parameters
config – Antenna GPIO configuration.
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: Invalid argument, e.g. parameter is NULL, invalid GPIO number etc
esp_err_t esp_wifi_get_ant_gpio(wifi_ant_gpio_config_t *config)
Get current antenna GPIO configuration.
- Parameters
config – Antenna GPIO configuration.
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: invalid argument, e.g. parameter is NULL
esp_err_t esp_wifi_set_ant(const wifi_ant_config_t *config)
Set antenna configuration.
- Parameters
config – Antenna configuration.
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: Invalid argument, e.g. parameter is NULL, invalid antenna mode or invalid GPIO number
esp_err_t esp_wifi_get_ant(wifi_ant_config_t *config)
Get current antenna configuration.
- Parameters
config – Antenna configuration.
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: invalid argument, e.g. parameter is NULL
int64_t esp_wifi_get_tsf_time(wifi_interface_t interface)
Get the TSF time In Station mode or SoftAP+Station mode if station is not connected or station doesn’t receive at least one beacon after connected, will return 0.
- Attention
Enabling power save may cause the return value inaccurate, except WiFi modem sleep
- Parameters
interface – The interface whose tsf_time is to be retrieved.
- Returns
0 or the TSF time
esp_err_t esp_wifi_set_inactive_time(wifi_interface_t ifx, uint16_t sec)
Set the inactive time of the ESP32 STA or AP.
- Attention
1. For Station, If the station does not receive a beacon frame from the connected SoftAP during the inactive time, disconnect from SoftAP. Default 6s.
- Attention
2. For SoftAP, If the softAP doesn’t receive any data from the connected STA during inactive time, the softAP will force deauth the STA. Default is 300s.
- Attention
3. The inactive time configuration is not stored into flash
- Parameters
ifx – interface to be configured.
sec – Inactive time. Unit seconds.
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_STARTED: WiFi is not started by esp_wifi_start
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: invalid argument, For Station, if sec is less than 3. For SoftAP, if sec is less than 10.
esp_err_t esp_wifi_get_inactive_time(wifi_interface_t ifx, uint16_t *sec)
Get inactive time of specified interface.
- Parameters
ifx – Interface to be configured.
sec – Inactive time. Unit seconds.
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_STARTED: WiFi is not started by esp_wifi_start
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: invalid argument
esp_err_t esp_wifi_statis_dump(uint32_t modules)
Dump WiFi statistics.
- Parameters
modules – statistic modules to be dumped
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
others: failed
esp_err_t esp_wifi_set_rssi_threshold(int32_t rssi)
Set RSSI threshold, if average rssi gets lower than threshold, WiFi task will post event WIFI_EVENT_STA_BSS_RSSI_LOW.
- Attention
If the user wants to receive another WIFI_EVENT_STA_BSS_RSSI_LOW event after receiving one, this API needs to be called again with an updated/same RSSI threshold.
- Parameters
rssi – threshold value in dbm between -100 to 10 Note that in some rare cases where signal strength is very strong, rssi values can be slightly positive.
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: invalid argument
esp_err_t esp_wifi_ftm_initiate_session(wifi_ftm_initiator_cfg_t *cfg)
Start an FTM Initiator session by sending FTM request If successful, event WIFI_EVENT_FTM_REPORT is generated with the result of the FTM procedure.
- Attention
1. Use this API only in Station mode.
- Attention
2. If FTM is initiated on a different channel than Station is connected in or internal SoftAP is started in, FTM defaults to a single burst in ASAP mode.
- Parameters
cfg – FTM Initiator session configuration
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
others: failed
esp_err_t esp_wifi_ftm_end_session(void)
End the ongoing FTM Initiator session.
- Attention
This API works only on FTM Initiator
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
others: failed
esp_err_t esp_wifi_ftm_resp_set_offset(int16_t offset_cm)
Set offset in cm for FTM Responder. An equivalent offset is calculated in picoseconds and added in TOD of FTM Measurement frame (T1).
- Attention
Use this API only in AP mode before performing FTM as responder
- Parameters
offset_cm – T1 Offset to be added in centimeters
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
others: failed
esp_err_t esp_wifi_ftm_get_report(wifi_ftm_report_entry_t *report, uint8_t num_entries)
Get FTM measurements report copied into a user provided buffer.
- Attention
1. To get the FTM report, user first needs to allocate a buffer of size (sizeof(wifi_ftm_report_entry_t) * num_entries) where the API will fill up to num_entries valid FTM measurements in the buffer. Total number of entries can be found in the event WIFI_EVENT_FTM_REPORT as ftm_report_num_entries
- Attention
2. The internal FTM report is freed upon use of this API which means the API can only be used once afer every FTM session initiated
- Attention
3. Passing the buffer as NULL merely frees the FTM report
- Parameters
report – Pointer to the buffer for receiving the FTM report
num_entries – Number of FTM report entries to be filled in the report
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
others: failed
esp_err_t esp_wifi_config_11b_rate(wifi_interface_t ifx, bool disable)
Enable or disable 11b rate of specified interface.
- Attention
1. This API should be called after esp_wifi_init() and before esp_wifi_start().
- Attention
2. Only when really need to disable 11b rate call this API otherwise don’t call this.
- Parameters
ifx – Interface to be configured.
disable – true means disable 11b rate while false means enable 11b rate.
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
others: failed
esp_err_t esp_wifi_connectionless_module_set_wake_interval(uint16_t wake_interval)
Set wake interval for connectionless modules to wake up periodically.
- Attention
1. Only one wake interval for all connectionless modules.
- Attention
2. This configuration could work at connected status. When ESP_WIFI_STA_DISCONNECTED_PM_ENABLE is enabled, this configuration could work at disconnected status.
- Attention
3. Event WIFI_EVENT_CONNECTIONLESS_MODULE_WAKE_INTERVAL_START would be posted each time wake interval starts.
- Attention
4. Recommend to configure interval in multiples of hundred. (e.g. 100ms)
- Attention
5. Recommend to configure interval to ESP_WIFI_CONNECTIONLESS_INTERVAL_DEFAULT_MODE to get stable performance at coexistence mode.
- Parameters
wake_interval – Milliseconds after would the chip wake up, from 1 to 65535.
esp_err_t esp_wifi_force_wakeup_acquire(void)
Request extra reference of Wi-Fi radio. Wi-Fi keep active state(RF opened) to be able to receive packets.
- Attention
Please pair the use of
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_STARTED: WiFi is not started by esp_wifi_start
esp_err_t esp_wifi_force_wakeup_release(void)
Release extra reference of Wi-Fi radio. Wi-Fi go to sleep state(RF closed) if no more use of radio.
- Attention
Please pair the use of
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_STARTED: WiFi is not started by esp_wifi_start
esp_err_t esp_wifi_set_country_code(const char *country, bool ieee80211d_enabled)
configure country
- Attention
1. When ieee80211d_enabled, the country info of the AP to which the station is connected is used. E.g. if the configured country is US and the country info of the AP to which the station is connected is JP then the country info that will be used is JP. If the station disconnected from the AP the country info is set back to the country info of the station automatically, US in the example.
- Attention
2. When ieee80211d_enabled is disabled, then the configured country info is used always.
- Attention
3. When the country info is changed because of configuration or because the station connects to a different external AP, the country IE in probe response/beacon of the soft-AP is also changed.
- Attention
4. The country configuration is stored into flash.
- Attention
5. When this API is called, the PHY init data will switch to the PHY init data type corresponding to the country info.
- Attention
6. Supported country codes are “01”(world safe mode) “AT”,”AU”,”BE”,”BG”,”BR”, “CA”,”CH”,”CN”,”CY”,”CZ”,”DE”,”DK”,”EE”,”ES”,”FI”,”FR”,”GB”,”GR”,”HK”,”HR”,”HU”, “IE”,”IN”,”IS”,”IT”,”JP”,”KR”,”LI”,”LT”,”LU”,”LV”,”MT”,”MX”,”NL”,”NO”,”NZ”,”PL”,”PT”, “RO”,”SE”,”SI”,”SK”,”TW”,”US”
- Attention
7. When country code “01” (world safe mode) is set, SoftAP mode won’t contain country IE.
- Attention
8. The default country is “01” (world safe mode) and ieee80211d_enabled is TRUE.
- Attention
9. The third octet of country code string is one of the following: ‘ ‘, ‘O’, ‘I’, ‘X’, otherwise it is considered as ‘ ‘.
- Parameters
country – the configured country ISO code
ieee80211d_enabled – 802.11d is enabled or not
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: invalid argument
esp_err_t esp_wifi_get_country_code(char *country)
get the current country code
- Parameters
country – country code
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_NOT_INIT: WiFi is not initialized by esp_wifi_init
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: invalid argument
esp_err_t esp_wifi_config_80211_tx_rate(wifi_interface_t ifx, wifi_phy_rate_t rate)
Config 80211 tx rate of specified interface.
- Attention
1. This API should be called after esp_wifi_init() and before esp_wifi_start().
- Parameters
ifx – Interface to be configured.
rate – Phy rate to be configured.
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
others: failed
esp_err_t esp_wifi_disable_pmf_config(wifi_interface_t ifx)
Disable PMF configuration for specified interface.
- Attention
This API should be called after esp_wifi_set_config() and before esp_wifi_start().
- Parameters
ifx – Interface to be configured.
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
others: failed
esp_err_t esp_wifi_sta_get_aid(uint16_t *aid)
Get the Association id assigned to STA by AP.
- Attention
aid = 0 if station is not connected to AP.
- Parameters
aid – [out] store the aid
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
esp_err_t esp_wifi_sta_get_negotiated_phymode(wifi_phy_mode_t *phymode)
Get the negotiated phymode after connection.
- Parameters
phymode – [out] store the negotiated phymode.
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
esp_err_t esp_wifi_sta_get_rssi(int *rssi)
Get the rssi information of AP to which the device is associated with.
- Attention
1. This API should be called after station connected to AP.
- Attention
2. Use this API only in WIFI_MODE_STA or WIFI_MODE_APSTA mode.
- Parameters
rssi – store the rssi info received from last beacon.
- Returns
ESP_OK: succeed
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: invalid argument
ESP_FAIL: failed
struct wifi_init_config_t
WiFi stack configuration parameters passed to esp_wifi_init call.
Public Members
wifi_osi_funcs_t *osi_funcs
WiFi OS functions
wpa_crypto_funcs_t wpa_crypto_funcs
WiFi station crypto functions when connect
int static_rx_buf_num
WiFi static RX buffer number
int dynamic_rx_buf_num
WiFi dynamic RX buffer number
int tx_buf_type
WiFi TX buffer type
int static_tx_buf_num
WiFi static TX buffer number
int dynamic_tx_buf_num
WiFi dynamic TX buffer number
int rx_mgmt_buf_type
WiFi RX MGMT buffer type
int rx_mgmt_buf_num
WiFi RX MGMT buffer number
int cache_tx_buf_num
WiFi TX cache buffer number
int csi_enable
WiFi channel state information enable flag
int ampdu_rx_enable
WiFi AMPDU RX feature enable flag
int ampdu_tx_enable
WiFi AMPDU TX feature enable flag
int amsdu_tx_enable
WiFi AMSDU TX feature enable flag
int nvs_enable
WiFi NVS flash enable flag
int nano_enable
Nano option for printf/scan family enable flag
int rx_ba_win
WiFi Block Ack RX window size
int wifi_task_core_id
WiFi Task Core ID
int beacon_max_len
WiFi softAP maximum length of the beacon
int mgmt_sbuf_num
WiFi management short buffer number, the minimum value is 6, the maximum value is 32
uint64_t feature_caps
Enables additional WiFi features and capabilities
bool sta_disconnected_pm
WiFi Power Management for station at disconnected status
int espnow_max_encrypt_num
Maximum encrypt number of peers supported by espnow
int magic
WiFi init magic number, it should be the last field
wifi_osi_funcs_t *osi_funcs
WiFi driver was not installed by esp_wifi_init
WiFi driver was not started by esp_wifi_start
WiFi driver was not stopped by esp_wifi_stop
WiFi interface error
WiFi mode error
WiFi internal state error
WiFi internal control block of station or soft-AP error
WiFi internal NVS module error
MAC address is invalid
SSID is invalid
Password is invalid
Timeout error
WiFi is in sleep state(RF closed) and wakeup fail
The caller would block
Station still in disconnect status
Failed to post the event to WiFi task
Invalid WiFi state when init/deinit is called
Returned when WiFi is stopping
The WiFi connection is not associated
The WiFi TX is disallowed
Discard frame
ROC op is in progress
Type Definitions
typedef void (*wifi_promiscuous_cb_t)(void *buf, wifi_promiscuous_pkt_type_t type)
The RX callback function in the promiscuous mode. Each time a packet is received, the callback function will be called.
- Param buf
Data received. Type of data in buffer (wifi_promiscuous_pkt_t or wifi_pkt_rx_ctrl_t) indicated by ‘type’ parameter.
- Param type
promiscuous packet type.
typedef void (*esp_vendor_ie_cb_t)(void *ctx, wifi_vendor_ie_type_t type, const uint8_t sa[6], const vendor_ie_data_t *vnd_ie, int rssi)
Function signature for received Vendor-Specific Information Element callback.
- Param ctx
Context argument, as passed to esp_wifi_set_vendor_ie_cb() when registering callback.
- Param type
Information element type, based on frame type received.
- Param sa
Source 802.11 address.
- Param vnd_ie
Pointer to the vendor specific element data received.
- Param rssi
Received signal strength indication.
typedef void (*wifi_csi_cb_t)(void *ctx, wifi_csi_info_t *data)
The RX callback function of Channel State Information(CSI) data.
Each time a CSI data is received, the callback function will be called.
- Param ctx
context argument, passed to esp_wifi_set_csi_rx_cb() when registering callback function.
- Param data
CSI data received. The memory that it points to will be deallocated after callback function returns.
Header File
union wifi_config_t
- #include <esp_wifi_types.h>
Configuration data for ESP32 AP or STA.
The usage of this union (for ap or sta configuration) is determined by the accompanying interface argument passed to esp_wifi_set_config() or esp_wifi_get_config()
struct wifi_country_t
Structure describing WiFi country-based regional restrictions.
Public Members
char cc[3]
country code string
uint8_t schan
start channel
uint8_t nchan
total channel number
int8_t max_tx_power
This field is used for getting WiFi maximum transmitting power, call esp_wifi_set_max_tx_power to set the maximum transmitting power.
wifi_country_policy_t policy
country policy
char cc[3]
struct wifi_active_scan_time_t
Range of active scan times per channel.
struct wifi_scan_time_t
Aggregate of active & passive scan time per channel.
Public Members
wifi_active_scan_time_t active
active scan time per channel, units: millisecond.
uint32_t passive
passive scan time per channel, units: millisecond, values above 1500ms may cause station to disconnect from AP and are not recommended.
wifi_active_scan_time_t active
struct wifi_scan_config_t
Parameters for an SSID scan.
Public Members
uint8_t *ssid
uint8_t *bssid
MAC address of AP
uint8_t channel
channel, scan the specific channel
enable to scan AP whose SSID is hidden
wifi_scan_type_t scan_type
scan type, active or passive
wifi_scan_time_t scan_time
scan time per channel
uint8_t home_chan_dwell_time
time spent at home channel between scanning consecutive channels.
uint8_t *ssid
struct wifi_ap_record_t
Description of a WiFi AP.
Public Members
uint8_t bssid[6]
MAC address of AP
uint8_t ssid[33]
uint8_t primary
channel of AP
wifi_second_chan_t second
secondary channel of AP
int8_t rssi
signal strength of AP. Note that in some rare cases where signal strength is very strong, rssi values can be slightly positive
wifi_auth_mode_t authmode
authmode of AP
wifi_cipher_type_t pairwise_cipher
pairwise cipher of AP
wifi_cipher_type_t group_cipher
group cipher of AP
wifi_ant_t ant
antenna used to receive beacon from AP
uint32_t phy_11b
bit: 0 flag to identify if 11b mode is enabled or not
uint32_t phy_11g
bit: 1 flag to identify if 11g mode is enabled or not
uint32_t phy_11n
bit: 2 flag to identify if 11n mode is enabled or not
uint32_t phy_lr
bit: 3 flag to identify if low rate is enabled or not
uint32_t wps
bit: 4 flag to identify if WPS is supported or not
uint32_t ftm_responder
bit: 5 flag to identify if FTM is supported in responder mode
uint32_t ftm_initiator
bit: 6 flag to identify if FTM is supported in initiator mode
uint32_t reserved
bit: 7..31 reserved
wifi_country_t country
country information of AP
uint8_t bssid[6]
struct wifi_scan_threshold_t
Structure describing parameters for a WiFi fast scan.
Public Members
int8_t rssi
The minimum rssi to accept in the fast scan mode
wifi_auth_mode_t authmode
The weakest authmode to accept in the fast scan mode Note: Incase this value is not set and password is set as per WPA2 standards(password len >= 8), it will be defaulted to WPA2 and device won’t connect to deprecated WEP/WPA networks. Please set authmode threshold as WIFI_AUTH_WEP/WIFI_AUTH_WPA_PSK to connect to WEP/WPA networks
int8_t rssi
struct wifi_pmf_config_t
Configuration structure for Protected Management Frame
struct wifi_ap_config_t
Soft-AP configuration settings for the ESP32.
Public Members
uint8_t ssid[32]
SSID of ESP32 soft-AP. If ssid_len field is 0, this must be a Null terminated string. Otherwise, length is set according to ssid_len.
uint8_t password[64]
Password of ESP32 soft-AP.
uint8_t ssid_len
Optional length of SSID field.
uint8_t channel
Channel of soft-AP
wifi_auth_mode_t authmode
Auth mode of soft-AP. Do not support AUTH_WEP, AUTH_WAPI_PSK and AUTH_OWE in soft-AP mode. When the auth mode is set to WPA2_PSK, WPA2_WPA3_PSK or WPA3_PSK, the pairwise cipher will be overwritten with WIFI_CIPHER_TYPE_CCMP.
Broadcast SSID or not, default 0, broadcast the SSID
uint8_t max_connection
Max number of stations allowed to connect in
uint16_t beacon_interval
Beacon interval which should be multiples of 100. Unit: TU(time unit, 1 TU = 1024 us). Range: 100 ~ 60000. Default value: 100
wifi_cipher_type_t pairwise_cipher
Pairwise cipher of SoftAP, group cipher will be derived using this. Cipher values are valid starting from WIFI_CIPHER_TYPE_TKIP, enum values before that will be considered as invalid and default cipher suites(TKIP+CCMP) will be used. Valid cipher suites in softAP mode are WIFI_CIPHER_TYPE_TKIP, WIFI_CIPHER_TYPE_CCMP and WIFI_CIPHER_TYPE_TKIP_CCMP.
bool ftm_responder
Enable FTM Responder mode
wifi_pmf_config_t pmf_cfg
Configuration for Protected Management Frame
uint8_t ssid[32]
struct wifi_sta_config_t
STA configuration settings for the ESP32.
Public Members
uint8_t ssid[32]
SSID of target AP.
uint8_t password[64]
Password of target AP.
wifi_scan_method_t scan_method
do all channel scan or fast scan
bool bssid_set
whether set MAC address of target AP or not. Generally, station_config.bssid_set needs to be 0; and it needs to be 1 only when users need to check the MAC address of the AP.
uint8_t bssid[6]
MAC address of target AP
uint8_t channel
channel of target AP. Set to 1~13 to scan starting from the specified channel before connecting to AP. If the channel of AP is unknown, set it to 0.
uint16_t listen_interval
Listen interval for ESP32 station to receive beacon when WIFI_PS_MAX_MODEM is set. Units: AP beacon intervals. Defaults to 3 if set to 0.
wifi_sort_method_t sort_method
sort the connect AP in the list by rssi or security mode
wifi_scan_threshold_t threshold
When scan_threshold is set, only APs which have an auth mode that is more secure than the selected auth mode and a signal stronger than the minimum RSSI will be used.
wifi_pmf_config_t pmf_cfg
Configuration for Protected Management Frame. Will be advertised in RSN Capabilities in RSN IE.
uint32_t rm_enabled
Whether Radio Measurements are enabled for the connection
uint32_t btm_enabled
Whether BSS Transition Management is enabled for the connection
uint32_t mbo_enabled
Whether MBO is enabled for the connection
uint32_t ft_enabled
Whether FT is enabled for the connection
uint32_t owe_enabled
Whether OWE is enabled for the connection
uint32_t transition_disable
Whether to enable transition disable feature
uint32_t reserved
Reserved for future feature set
wifi_sae_pwe_method_t sae_pwe_h2e
Configuration for SAE PWE derivation method
uint8_t failure_retry_cnt
Number of connection retries station will do before moving to next AP. scan_method should be set as WIFI_ALL_CHANNEL_SCAN to use this config. Note: Enabling this may cause connection time to increase incase best AP doesn’t behave properly.
uint8_t ssid[32]
struct wifi_sta_info_t
Description of STA associated with AP.
Public Members
uint8_t mac[6]
mac address
int8_t rssi
current average rssi of sta connected
uint32_t phy_11b
bit: 0 flag to identify if 11b mode is enabled or not
uint32_t phy_11g
bit: 1 flag to identify if 11g mode is enabled or not
uint32_t phy_11n
bit: 2 flag to identify if 11n mode is enabled or not
uint32_t phy_lr
bit: 3 flag to identify if low rate is enabled or not
uint32_t is_mesh_child
bit: 4 flag to identify mesh child
uint32_t reserved
bit: 5..31 reserved
uint8_t mac[6]
struct wifi_sta_list_t
List of stations associated with the ESP32 Soft-AP.
Public Members
wifi_sta_info_t sta[ESP_WIFI_MAX_CONN_NUM]
station list
int num
number of stations in the list (other entries are invalid)
wifi_sta_info_t sta[ESP_WIFI_MAX_CONN_NUM]
struct vendor_ie_data_t
Vendor Information Element header.
The first bytes of the Information Element will match this header. Payload follows.
Public Members
uint8_t element_id
Should be set to WIFI_VENDOR_IE_ELEMENT_ID (0xDD)
uint8_t length
Length of all bytes in the element data following this field. Minimum 4.
uint8_t vendor_oui[3]
Vendor identifier (OUI).
uint8_t vendor_oui_type
Vendor-specific OUI type.
uint8_t payload[0]
Payload. Length is equal to value in ‘length’ field, minus 4.
uint8_t element_id
struct wifi_pkt_rx_ctrl_t
Received packet radio metadata header, this is the common header at the beginning of all promiscuous mode RX callback buffers.
Public Members
signed rssi
Received Signal Strength Indicator(RSSI) of packet. unit: dBm
unsigned rate
PHY rate encoding of the packet. Only valid for non HT(11bg) packet
unsigned __pad0__
unsigned sig_mode
0: non HT(11bg) packet; 1: HT(11n) packet; 3: VHT(11ac) packet
unsigned __pad1__
unsigned mcs
Modulation Coding Scheme. If is HT(11n) packet, shows the modulation, range from 0 to 76(MSC0 ~ MCS76)
unsigned cwb
Channel Bandwidth of the packet. 0: 20MHz; 1: 40MHz
unsigned __pad2__
unsigned smoothing
unsigned not_sounding
unsigned __pad3__
unsigned aggregation
Aggregation. 0: MPDU packet; 1: AMPDU packet
unsigned stbc
Space Time Block Code(STBC). 0: non STBC packet; 1: STBC packet
unsigned fec_coding
Flag is set for 11n packets which are LDPC
unsigned sgi
Short Guide Interval(SGI). 0: Long GI; 1: Short GI
signed noise_floor
noise floor of Radio Frequency Module(RF). unit: dBm
unsigned ampdu_cnt
ampdu cnt
unsigned channel
primary channel on which this packet is received
unsigned secondary_channel
secondary channel on which this packet is received. 0: none; 1: above; 2: below
unsigned __pad4__
unsigned timestamp
timestamp. The local time when this packet is received. It is precise only if modem sleep or light sleep is not enabled. unit: microsecond
unsigned __pad5__
unsigned __pad6__
unsigned ant
antenna number from which this packet is received. 0: WiFi antenna 0; 1: WiFi antenna 1
unsigned sig_len
length of packet including Frame Check Sequence(FCS)
unsigned __pad7__
unsigned rx_state
state of the packet. 0: no error; others: error numbers which are not public
signed rssi
struct wifi_promiscuous_pkt_t
Payload passed to ‘buf’ parameter of promiscuous mode RX callback.
Public Members
wifi_pkt_rx_ctrl_t rx_ctrl
metadata header
uint8_t payload[0]
Data or management payload. Length of payload is described by rx_ctrl.sig_len. Type of content determined by packet type argument of callback.
wifi_pkt_rx_ctrl_t rx_ctrl
struct wifi_promiscuous_filter_t
Mask for filtering different packet types in promiscuous mode.
Public Members
uint32_t filter_mask
OR of one or more filter values WIFI_PROMIS_FILTER_*
uint32_t filter_mask
struct wifi_csi_config_t
Channel state information(CSI) configuration type.
Public Members
bool lltf_en
enable to receive legacy long training field(lltf) data. Default enabled
bool htltf_en
enable to receive HT long training field(htltf) data. Default enabled
bool stbc_htltf2_en
enable to receive space time block code HT long training field(stbc-htltf2) data. Default enabled
bool ltf_merge_en
enable to generate htlft data by averaging lltf and ht_ltf data when receiving HT packet. Otherwise, use ht_ltf data directly. Default enabled
bool channel_filter_en
enable to turn on channel filter to smooth adjacent sub-carrier. Disable it to keep independence of adjacent sub-carrier. Default enabled
bool manu_scale
manually scale the CSI data by left shifting or automatically scale the CSI data. If set true, please set the shift bits. false: automatically. true: manually. Default false
uint8_t shift
manually left shift bits of the scale of the CSI data. The range of the left shift bits is 0~15
bool dump_ack_en
enable to dump 802.11 ACK frame, default disabled
bool lltf_en
struct wifi_csi_info_t
CSI data type.
Public Members
wifi_pkt_rx_ctrl_t rx_ctrl
received packet radio metadata header of the CSI data
uint8_t mac[6]
source MAC address of the CSI data
uint8_t dmac[6]
destination MAC address of the CSI data
bool first_word_invalid
first four bytes of the CSI data is invalid or not
int8_t *buf
buffer of CSI data
uint16_t len
length of CSI data
wifi_pkt_rx_ctrl_t rx_ctrl
struct wifi_ant_gpio_t
WiFi GPIO configuration for antenna selection.
struct wifi_ant_gpio_config_t
WiFi GPIOs configuration for antenna selection.
Public Members
wifi_ant_gpio_t gpio_cfg[4]
The configurations of GPIOs that connect to external antenna switch
wifi_ant_gpio_t gpio_cfg[4]
struct wifi_ant_config_t
WiFi antenna configuration.
Public Members
wifi_ant_mode_t rx_ant_mode
WiFi antenna mode for receiving
wifi_ant_t rx_ant_default
Default antenna mode for receiving, it’s ignored if rx_ant_mode is not WIFI_ANT_MODE_AUTO
wifi_ant_mode_t tx_ant_mode
WiFi antenna mode for transmission, it can be set to WIFI_ANT_MODE_AUTO only if rx_ant_mode is set to WIFI_ANT_MODE_AUTO
uint8_t enabled_ant0
Index (in antenna GPIO configuration) of enabled WIFI_ANT_MODE_ANT0
uint8_t enabled_ant1
Index (in antenna GPIO configuration) of enabled WIFI_ANT_MODE_ANT1
wifi_ant_mode_t rx_ant_mode
struct wifi_action_tx_req_t
Action Frame Tx Request.
Public Members
wifi_interface_t ifx
WiFi interface to send request to
uint8_t dest_mac[6]
Destination MAC address
bool no_ack
Indicates no ack required
wifi_action_rx_cb_t rx_cb
Rx Callback to receive any response
uint32_t data_len
Length of the appended Data
uint8_t data[0]
Appended Data payload
wifi_interface_t ifx
struct wifi_ftm_initiator_cfg_t
FTM Initiator configuration.
Public Members
uint8_t resp_mac[6]
MAC address of the FTM Responder
uint8_t channel
Primary channel of the FTM Responder
uint8_t frm_count
No. of FTM frames requested in terms of 4 or 8 bursts (allowed values - 0(No pref), 16, 24, 32, 64)
uint16_t burst_period
Requested period between FTM bursts in 100’s of milliseconds (allowed values 0(No pref) - 100)
bool use_get_report_api
True - Using esp_wifi_ftm_get_report to get FTM report, False - Using ftm_report_data from WIFI_EVENT_FTM_REPORT to get FTM report
uint8_t resp_mac[6]
struct wifi_event_sta_scan_done_t
Argument structure for WIFI_EVENT_SCAN_DONE event
struct wifi_event_sta_connected_t
Argument structure for WIFI_EVENT_STA_CONNECTED event
struct wifi_event_sta_disconnected_t
Argument structure for WIFI_EVENT_STA_DISCONNECTED event
struct wifi_event_sta_authmode_change_t
Argument structure for WIFI_EVENT_STA_AUTHMODE_CHANGE event
Public Members
wifi_auth_mode_t old_mode
the old auth mode of AP
wifi_auth_mode_t new_mode
the new auth mode of AP
wifi_auth_mode_t old_mode
struct wifi_event_sta_wps_er_pin_t
Argument structure for WIFI_EVENT_STA_WPS_ER_PIN event
Public Members
uint8_t pin_code[8]
PIN code of station in enrollee mode
uint8_t pin_code[8]
struct wifi_event_sta_wps_er_success_t
Argument structure for WIFI_EVENT_STA_WPS_ER_SUCCESS event
Public Members
uint8_t ap_cred_cnt
Number of AP credentials received
uint8_t ssid[MAX_SSID_LEN]
uint8_t passphrase[MAX_PASSPHRASE_LEN]
Passphrase for the AP
struct wifi_event_sta_wps_er_success_t::[anonymous] ap_cred[MAX_WPS_AP_CRED]
All AP credentials received from WPS handshake
uint8_t ap_cred_cnt
struct wifi_event_ap_staconnected_t
Argument structure for WIFI_EVENT_AP_STACONNECTED event
struct wifi_event_ap_stadisconnected_t
Argument structure for WIFI_EVENT_AP_STADISCONNECTED event
struct wifi_event_ap_probe_req_rx_t
Argument structure for WIFI_EVENT_AP_PROBEREQRECVED event
struct wifi_event_bss_rssi_low_t
Argument structure for WIFI_EVENT_STA_BSS_RSSI_LOW event
Public Members
int32_t rssi
RSSI value of bss
int32_t rssi
struct wifi_ftm_report_entry_t
Argument structure for
Public Members
uint8_t dlog_token
Dialog Token of the FTM frame
int8_t rssi
RSSI of the FTM frame received
uint32_t rtt
Round Trip Time in pSec with a peer
uint64_t t1
Time of departure of FTM frame from FTM Responder in pSec
uint64_t t2
Time of arrival of FTM frame at FTM Initiator in pSec
uint64_t t3
Time of departure of ACK from FTM Initiator in pSec
uint64_t t4
Time of arrival of ACK at FTM Responder in pSec
uint8_t dlog_token
struct wifi_event_ftm_report_t
Argument structure for WIFI_EVENT_FTM_REPORT event
Public Members
uint8_t peer_mac[6]
MAC address of the FTM Peer
wifi_ftm_status_t status
Status of the FTM operation
uint32_t rtt_raw
Raw average Round-Trip-Time with peer in Nano-Seconds
uint32_t rtt_est
Estimated Round-Trip-Time with peer in Nano-Seconds
uint32_t dist_est
Estimated one-way distance in Centi-Meters
wifi_ftm_report_entry_t *ftm_report_data
Pointer to FTM Report, should be freed after use. Note: Highly recommended to use API esp_wifi_ftm_get_report to get the report instead of using this
uint8_t ftm_report_num_entries
Number of entries in the FTM Report data
uint8_t peer_mac[6]
struct wifi_event_action_tx_status_t
Argument structure for WIFI_EVENT_ACTION_TX_STATUS event
Public Members
wifi_interface_t ifx
WiFi interface to send request to
uint32_t context
Context to identify the request
uint8_t da[6]
Destination MAC address
uint8_t status
Status of the operation
wifi_interface_t ifx
struct wifi_event_roc_done_t
Argument structure for WIFI_EVENT_ROC_DONE event
Public Members
uint32_t context
Context to identify the request
uint32_t context
struct wifi_event_ap_wps_rg_pin_t
Argument structure for WIFI_EVENT_AP_WPS_RG_PIN event
Public Members
uint8_t pin_code[8]
PIN code of station in enrollee mode
uint8_t pin_code[8]
struct wifi_event_ap_wps_rg_fail_reason_t
Argument structure for WIFI_EVENT_AP_WPS_RG_FAILED event
Public Members
wps_fail_reason_t reason
WPS failure reason wps_fail_reason_t
uint8_t peer_macaddr[6]
Enrollee mac address
wps_fail_reason_t reason
max number of stations which can connect to ESP32/ESP32S3/ESP32S2 soft-AP
filter all packets
filter the packets with type of WIFI_PKT_MGMT
filter the packets with type of WIFI_PKT_CTRL
filter the packets with type of WIFI_PKT_DATA
filter the packets with type of WIFI_PKT_MISC
filter the MPDU which is a kind of WIFI_PKT_DATA
filter the AMPDU which is a kind of WIFI_PKT_DATA
filter the FCS failed packets, do not open it in general
filter all control packets
filter the control packets with subtype of Control Wrapper
filter the control packets with subtype of Block Ack Request
filter the control packets with subtype of Block Ack
filter the control packets with subtype of PS-Poll
filter the control packets with subtype of RTS
filter the control packets with subtype of CTS
filter the control packets with subtype of ACK
filter the control packets with subtype of CF-END
filter the control packets with subtype of CF-END+CF-ACK
mask all WiFi events
mask none of the WiFi events
Type Definitions
typedef int (*wifi_action_rx_cb_t)(uint8_t *hdr, uint8_t *payload, size_t len, uint8_t channel)
The Rx callback function of Action Tx operations.
- Param hdr
pointer to the IEEE 802.11 Header structure
- Param payload
pointer to the Payload following 802.11 Header
- Param len
length of the Payload
- Param channel
channel number the frame is received on
enum wifi_mode_t
enumerator WIFI_MODE_NULL
null mode
enumerator WIFI_MODE_STA
WiFi station mode
enumerator WIFI_MODE_AP
WiFi soft-AP mode
enumerator WIFI_MODE_APSTA
WiFi station + soft-AP mode
enumerator WIFI_MODE_MAX
enumerator WIFI_MODE_NULL
enum wifi_country_policy_t
Country policy is auto, use the country info of AP to which the station is connected
Country policy is manual, always use the configured country info
enum wifi_auth_mode_t
enumerator WIFI_AUTH_OPEN
authenticate mode : open
enumerator WIFI_AUTH_WEP
authenticate mode : WEP
enumerator WIFI_AUTH_WPA_PSK
authenticate mode : WPA_PSK
enumerator WIFI_AUTH_WPA2_PSK
authenticate mode : WPA2_PSK
authenticate mode : WPA_WPA2_PSK
authenticate mode : WiFi EAP security
authenticate mode : WiFi EAP security
enumerator WIFI_AUTH_WPA3_PSK
authenticate mode : WPA3_PSK
enumerator WIFI_AUTH_WPA2_WPA3_PSK
authenticate mode : WPA2_WPA3_PSK
authenticate mode : WAPI_PSK
enumerator WIFI_AUTH_OWE
authenticate mode : OWE
enumerator WIFI_AUTH_WPA3_ENT_192
authenticate mode : WPA3_ENT_SUITE_B_192_BIT
authenticate mode : WPA3-Enterprise Only Mode
authenticate mode : WPA3-Enterprise Transition Mode
enumerator WIFI_AUTH_MAX
enumerator WIFI_AUTH_OPEN
enum wifi_err_reason_t
enum wifi_second_chan_t
the channel width is HT20
the channel width is HT40 and the secondary channel is above the primary channel
the channel width is HT40 and the secondary channel is below the primary channel
enum wifi_scan_type_t
active scan
passive scan
enum wifi_cipher_type_t
the cipher type is none
the cipher type is WEP40
enumerator WIFI_CIPHER_TYPE_WEP104
the cipher type is WEP104
the cipher type is TKIP
the cipher type is CCMP
the cipher type is TKIP and CCMP
the cipher type is AES-CMAC-128
the cipher type is SMS4
the cipher type is GCMP
the cipher type is GCMP-256
the cipher type is AES-GMAC-128
the cipher type is AES-GMAC-256
the cipher type is unknown
enum wifi_ant_t
WiFi antenna.
enumerator WIFI_ANT_ANT0
WiFi antenna 0
enumerator WIFI_ANT_ANT1
WiFi antenna 1
enumerator WIFI_ANT_MAX
Invalid WiFi antenna
enumerator WIFI_ANT_ANT0
enum wifi_scan_method_t
enumerator WIFI_FAST_SCAN
Do fast scan, scan will end after find SSID match AP
All channel scan, scan will end after scan all the channel
enumerator WIFI_FAST_SCAN
enum wifi_sort_method_t
Sort match AP in scan list by RSSI
Sort match AP in scan list by security mode
enum wifi_ps_type_t
enumerator WIFI_PS_NONE
No power save
enumerator WIFI_PS_MIN_MODEM
Minimum modem power saving. In this mode, station wakes up to receive beacon every DTIM period
enumerator WIFI_PS_MAX_MODEM
Maximum modem power saving. In this mode, interval to receive beacons is determined by the listen_interval parameter in wifi_sta_config_t
enumerator WIFI_PS_NONE
enum wifi_sae_pwe_method_t
Configuration for SAE PWE derivation
enumerator WPA3_SAE_PWE_BOTH
enum wifi_storage_t
all configuration will store in both memory and flash
all configuration will only store in the memory
enum wifi_vendor_ie_type_t
Vendor Information Element type.
Determines the frame type that the IE will be associated with.
enum wifi_vendor_ie_id_t
Vendor Information Element index.
Each IE type can have up to two associated vendor ID elements.
enumerator WIFI_VND_IE_ID_0
enumerator WIFI_VND_IE_ID_1
enumerator WIFI_VND_IE_ID_0
enum wifi_phy_mode_t
Operation Phymode.
enumerator WIFI_PHY_MODE_LR
PHY mode for Low Rate
enumerator WIFI_PHY_MODE_11B
PHY mode for 11b
enumerator WIFI_PHY_MODE_11G
PHY mode for 11g
enumerator WIFI_PHY_MODE_HT20
PHY mode for Bandwidth HT20
enumerator WIFI_PHY_MODE_HT40
PHY mode for Bandwidth HT40
enumerator WIFI_PHY_MODE_HE20
PHY mode for Bandwidth HE20
enumerator WIFI_PHY_MODE_LR
enum wifi_promiscuous_pkt_type_t
Promiscuous frame type.
Passed to promiscuous mode RX callback to indicate the type of parameter in the buffer.
enumerator WIFI_PKT_MGMT
Management frame, indicates ‘buf’ argument is wifi_promiscuous_pkt_t
enumerator WIFI_PKT_CTRL
Control frame, indicates ‘buf’ argument is wifi_promiscuous_pkt_t
enumerator WIFI_PKT_DATA
Data frame, indiciates ‘buf’ argument is wifi_promiscuous_pkt_t
enumerator WIFI_PKT_MISC
Other type, such as MIMO etc. ‘buf’ argument is wifi_promiscuous_pkt_t but the payload is zero length.
enumerator WIFI_PKT_MGMT
enum wifi_ant_mode_t
WiFi antenna mode.
enumerator WIFI_ANT_MODE_ANT0
Enable WiFi antenna 0 only
enumerator WIFI_ANT_MODE_ANT1
Enable WiFi antenna 1 only
Enable WiFi antenna 0 and 1, automatically select an antenna
enumerator WIFI_ANT_MODE_MAX
Invalid WiFi enabled antenna
enumerator WIFI_ANT_MODE_ANT0
enum wifi_phy_rate_t
WiFi PHY rate encodings.
enumerator WIFI_PHY_RATE_1M_L
1 Mbps with long preamble
enumerator WIFI_PHY_RATE_2M_L
2 Mbps with long preamble
enumerator WIFI_PHY_RATE_5M_L
5.5 Mbps with long preamble
enumerator WIFI_PHY_RATE_11M_L
11 Mbps with long preamble
enumerator WIFI_PHY_RATE_2M_S
2 Mbps with short preamble
enumerator WIFI_PHY_RATE_5M_S
5.5 Mbps with short preamble
enumerator WIFI_PHY_RATE_11M_S
11 Mbps with short preamble
enumerator WIFI_PHY_RATE_48M
48 Mbps
enumerator WIFI_PHY_RATE_24M
24 Mbps
enumerator WIFI_PHY_RATE_12M
12 Mbps
enumerator WIFI_PHY_RATE_6M
6 Mbps
enumerator WIFI_PHY_RATE_54M
54 Mbps
enumerator WIFI_PHY_RATE_36M
36 Mbps
enumerator WIFI_PHY_RATE_18M
18 Mbps
enumerator WIFI_PHY_RATE_9M
9 Mbps
MCS0 with long GI, 6.5 Mbps for 20MHz, 13.5 Mbps for 40MHz
MCS1 with long GI, 13 Mbps for 20MHz, 27 Mbps for 40MHz
MCS2 with long GI, 19.5 Mbps for 20MHz, 40.5 Mbps for 40MHz
MCS3 with long GI, 26 Mbps for 20MHz, 54 Mbps for 40MHz
MCS4 with long GI, 39 Mbps for 20MHz, 81 Mbps for 40MHz
MCS5 with long GI, 52 Mbps for 20MHz, 108 Mbps for 40MHz
MCS6 with long GI, 58.5 Mbps for 20MHz, 121.5 Mbps for 40MHz
MCS7 with long GI, 65 Mbps for 20MHz, 135 Mbps for 40MHz
MCS0 with short GI, 7.2 Mbps for 20MHz, 15 Mbps for 40MHz
MCS1 with short GI, 14.4 Mbps for 20MHz, 30 Mbps for 40MHz
MCS2 with short GI, 21.7 Mbps for 20MHz, 45 Mbps for 40MHz
MCS3 with short GI, 28.9 Mbps for 20MHz, 60 Mbps for 40MHz
MCS4 with short GI, 43.3 Mbps for 20MHz, 90 Mbps for 40MHz
MCS5 with short GI, 57.8 Mbps for 20MHz, 120 Mbps for 40MHz
MCS6 with short GI, 65 Mbps for 20MHz, 135 Mbps for 40MHz
MCS7 with short GI, 72.2 Mbps for 20MHz, 150 Mbps for 40MHz
enumerator WIFI_PHY_RATE_LORA_250K
250 Kbps
enumerator WIFI_PHY_RATE_LORA_500K
500 Kbps
enumerator WIFI_PHY_RATE_MAX
enumerator WIFI_PHY_RATE_1M_L
enum wifi_event_t
WiFi event declarations
ESP32 WiFi ready
ESP32 finish scanning AP
ESP32 station start
ESP32 station stop
ESP32 station connected to AP
ESP32 station disconnected from AP
the auth mode of AP connected by ESP32 station changed
ESP32 station wps succeeds in enrollee mode
ESP32 station wps fails in enrollee mode
ESP32 station wps timeout in enrollee mode
ESP32 station wps pin code in enrollee mode
ESP32 station wps overlap in enrollee mode
ESP32 soft-AP start
ESP32 soft-AP stop
a station connected to ESP32 soft-AP
a station disconnected from ESP32 soft-AP
Receive probe request packet in soft-AP interface
Receive report of FTM procedure
AP’s RSSI crossed configured threshold
Status indication of Action Tx operation
Remain-on-Channel operation complete
ESP32 station beacon timeout
ESP32 connectionless module wake interval start
Soft-AP wps succeeds in registrar mode
Soft-AP wps fails in registrar mode
Soft-AP wps timeout in registrar mode
Soft-AP wps pin code in registrar mode
Soft-AP wps overlap in registrar mode
enumerator WIFI_EVENT_MAX
Invalid WiFi event ID
enum wifi_event_sta_wps_fail_reason_t
Argument structure for WIFI_EVENT_STA_WPS_ER_FAILED event
ESP32 WPS normal fail reason
ESP32 WPS receive M2D frame
Recv deauth from AP while wps handshake
enum wifi_ftm_status_t
FTM operation status types.
FTM exchange is successful
Peer does not support FTM
Peer rejected FTM configuration in FTM Request
Peer did not respond to FTM Requests
enumerator FTM_STATUS_FAIL
Unknown error during FTM exchange
FTM session did not result in any valid measurements
User triggered termination
Header File
esp_err_t esp_wifi_sta_enterprise_enable(void)
Enable EAP authentication(WiFi Enterprise) for the station mode.
This function enables Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) authentication for the Wi-Fi station mode. When EAP authentication is enabled, the ESP device will attempt to authenticate with the configured EAP credentials when connecting to a secure Wi-Fi network.
Before calling this function, ensure that the Wi-Fi configuration and EAP credentials (such as username and password) have been properly set using the appropriate configuration APIs.
- Returns
ESP_OK: EAP authentication enabled successfully.
ESP_ERR_NO_MEM: Failed to enable EAP authentication due to memory allocation failure.
esp_err_t esp_wifi_sta_enterprise_disable(void)
Disable EAP authentication(WiFi Enterprise) for the station mode.
This function disables Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) authentication for the Wi-Fi station mode. When EAP authentication is disabled, the ESP device will not attempt to authenticate using EAP credentials when connecting to a secure Wi-Fi network.
Disabling EAP authentication may cause the device to connect to the Wi-Fi network using other available authentication methods, if configured using esp_wifi_set_config().
- Returns
ESP_OK: EAP authentication disabled successfully.
ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE: EAP client is in an invalid state for disabling.
esp_err_t esp_eap_client_set_identity(const unsigned char *identity, int len)
Set identity for PEAP/TTLS authentication method.
This function sets the identity to be used during PEAP/TTLS authentication.
- Parameters
identity – [in] Pointer to the identity data.
len – [in] Length of the identity data (limited to 1~127 bytes).
- Returns
ESP_OK: The identity was set successfully.
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: Invalid argument (len <= 0 or len >= 128).
ESP_ERR_NO_MEM: Memory allocation failure.
void esp_eap_client_clear_identity(void)
Clear the previously set identity for PEAP/TTLS authentication.
This function clears the identity that was previously set for the EAP client. After calling this function, the EAP client will no longer use the previously configured identity during the authentication process.
esp_err_t esp_eap_client_set_username(const unsigned char *username, int len)
Set username for PEAP/TTLS authentication method.
This function sets the username to be used during PEAP/TTLS authentication.
- Parameters
username – [in] Pointer to the username data.
len – [in] Length of the username data (limited to 1~127 bytes).
- Returns
ESP_OK: The username was set successfully.
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: Failed due to an invalid argument (len <= 0 or len >= 128).
ESP_ERR_NO_MEM: Failed due to memory allocation failure.
void esp_eap_client_clear_username(void)
Clear username for PEAP/TTLS method.
This function clears the previously set username for the EAP client.
esp_err_t esp_eap_client_set_password(const unsigned char *password, int len)
Set password for PEAP/TTLS authentication method.
This function sets the password to be used during PEAP/TTLS authentication.
- Parameters
password – [in] Pointer to the password data.
len – [in] Length of the password data (len > 0).
- Returns
ESP_OK: The password was set successfully.
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: Failed due to an invalid argument (len <= 0).
ESP_ERR_NO_MEM: Failed due to memory allocation failure.
void esp_eap_client_clear_password(void)
Clear password for PEAP/TTLS method.
This function clears the previously set password for the EAP client.
esp_err_t esp_eap_client_set_new_password(const unsigned char *new_password, int len)
Set a new password for MSCHAPv2 authentication method.
This function sets the new password to be used during MSCHAPv2 authentication. The new password is used to substitute the old password when an eap-mschapv2 failure request message with error code ERROR_PASSWD_EXPIRED is received.
- Parameters
new_password – [in] Pointer to the new password data.
len – [in] Length of the new password data.
- Returns
ESP_OK: The new password was set successfully.
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: Failed due to an invalid argument (len <= 0).
ESP_ERR_NO_MEM: Failed due to memory allocation failure.
void esp_eap_client_clear_new_password(void)
Clear new password for MSCHAPv2 method.
This function clears the previously set new password for the EAP client.
esp_err_t esp_eap_client_set_ca_cert(const unsigned char *ca_cert, int ca_cert_len)
Set CA certificate for EAP authentication.
This function sets the Certificate Authority (CA) certificate to be used during EAP authentication. The CA certificate is passed to the EAP client module through a global pointer.
- Parameters
ca_cert – [in] Pointer to the CA certificate data.
ca_cert_len – [in] Length of the CA certificate data.
- Returns
ESP_OK: The CA certificate was set successfully.
void esp_eap_client_clear_ca_cert(void)
Clear the previously set Certificate Authority (CA) certificate for EAP authentication.
This function clears the CA certificate that was previously set for the EAP client. After calling this function, the EAP client will no longer use the previously configured CA certificate during the authentication process.
esp_err_t esp_eap_client_set_certificate_and_key(const unsigned char *client_cert, int client_cert_len, const unsigned char *private_key, int private_key_len, const unsigned char *private_key_password, int private_key_passwd_len)
Set client certificate and private key for EAP authentication.
This function sets the client certificate and private key to be used during authentication. Optionally, a private key password can be provided for encrypted private keys.
- Attention
1. The client certificate, private key, and private key password are provided as pointers to the respective data arrays.
- Attention
2. The client_cert, private_key, and private_key_password should be zero-terminated.
- Parameters
client_cert – [in] Pointer to the client certificate data.
client_cert_len – [in] Length of the client certificate data.
private_key – [in] Pointer to the private key data.
private_key_len – [in] Length of the private key data (limited to 1~4096 bytes).
private_key_password – [in] Pointer to the private key password data (optional).
private_key_passwd_len – [in] Length of the private key password data (can be 0 for no password).
- Returns
ESP_OK: The certificate, private key, and password (if provided) were set successfully.
void esp_eap_client_clear_certificate_and_key(void)
Clear the previously set client certificate and private key for EAP authentication.
This function clears the client certificate and private key that were previously set for the EAP client. After calling this function, the EAP client will no longer use the previously configured certificate and private key during the authentication process.
esp_err_t esp_eap_client_set_disable_time_check(bool disable)
Set EAP client certificates time check (disable or not).
This function enables or disables the time check for EAP client certificates. When disabled, the certificates’ expiration time will not be checked during the authentication process.
- Parameters
disable – [in] True to disable EAP client certificates time check, false to enable it.
- Returns
ESP_OK: The EAP client certificates time check setting was updated successfully.
esp_err_t esp_eap_client_get_disable_time_check(bool *disable)
Get EAP client certificates time check status.
This function retrieves the current status of the EAP client certificates time check.
- Parameters
disable – [out] Pointer to a boolean variable to store the disable status.
- Returns
ESP_OK: The status of EAP client certificates time check was retrieved successfully.
esp_err_t esp_eap_client_set_ttls_phase2_method(esp_eap_ttls_phase2_types type)
Set EAP-TTLS phase 2 method.
This function sets the phase 2 method to be used during EAP-TTLS authentication.
- Parameters
type – [in] The type of phase 2 method to be used (e.g., EAP, MSCHAPv2, MSCHAP, PAP, CHAP).
- Returns
ESP_OK: The EAP-TTLS phase 2 method was set successfully.
esp_err_t esp_eap_client_set_suiteb_192bit_certification(bool enable)
Enable or disable Suite-B 192-bit certification checks.
This function enables or disables the 192-bit Suite-B certification checks during EAP-TLS authentication. Suite-B is a set of cryptographic algorithms which generally are considered more secure.
- Parameters
enable – [in] True to enable 192-bit Suite-B certification checks, false to disable it.
- Returns
ESP_OK: The 192-bit Suite-B certification checks were set successfully.
esp_err_t esp_eap_client_set_pac_file(const unsigned char *pac_file, int pac_file_len)
Set the PAC (Protected Access Credential) file for EAP-FAST authentication.
EAP-FAST requires a PAC file that contains the client’s credentials.
- Attention
1. For files read from the file system, length has to be decremented by 1 byte.
- Attention
2. Disabling the WPA_MBEDTLS_TLS_CLIENT config is required to use EAP-FAST.
- Parameters
pac_file – [in] Pointer to the PAC file buffer.
pac_file_len – [in] Length of the PAC file buffer.
- Returns
ESP_OK: The PAC file for EAP-FAST authentication was set successfully.
esp_err_t esp_eap_client_set_fast_params(esp_eap_fast_config config)
Set the parameters for EAP-FAST Phase 1 authentication.
EAP-FAST supports Fast Provisioning, where clients can be authenticated faster using precomputed keys (PAC). This function allows configuring parameters for Fast Provisioning.
- Attention
1. Disabling the WPA_MBEDTLS_TLS_CLIENT config is required to use EAP-FAST.
- Parameters
config – [in] Configuration structure with Fast Provisioning parameters.
- Returns
ESP_OK: The parameters for EAP-FAST Phase 1 authentication were set successfully.
esp_err_t esp_eap_client_use_default_cert_bundle(bool use_default_bundle)
Use the default certificate bundle for EAP authentication.
By default, the EAP client uses a built-in certificate bundle for server verification. Enabling this option allows the use of the default certificate bundle.
- Parameters
use_default_bundle – [in] True to use the default certificate bundle, false to use a custom bundle.
- Returns
ESP_OK: The option to use the default certificate bundle was set successfully.
struct esp_eap_fast_config
Configuration settings for EAP-FAST (Extensible Authentication Protocol - Flexible Authentication via Secure Tunneling).
This structure defines the configuration options that can be used to customize the behavior of the EAP-FAST authentication protocol, specifically for Fast Provisioning and PAC (Protected Access Credential) handling.
enum esp_eap_ttls_phase2_types
Enumeration of phase 2 authentication types for EAP-TTLS.
This enumeration defines the supported phase 2 authentication methods that can be used in the EAP-TTLS (Extensible Authentication Protocol - Tunneled Transport Layer Security) protocol for the second authentication phase.
EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol)
MS-CHAPv2 (Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol - Version 2)
MS-CHAP (Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol)
PAP (Password Authentication Protocol)
CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol)
Header File
esp_err_t esp_wifi_wps_enable(const esp_wps_config_t *config)
Enable Wi-Fi WPS function.
- Parameters
config – : WPS config to be used in connection
- Returns
ESP_OK : succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_WPS_TYPE : wps type is invalid
ESP_ERR_WIFI_WPS_MODE : wifi is not in station mode or sniffer mode is on
ESP_FAIL : wps initialization fails
esp_err_t esp_wifi_wps_disable(void)
Disable Wi-Fi WPS function and release resource it taken.
- Returns
ESP_OK : succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_WPS_MODE : wifi is not in station mode or sniffer mode is on
esp_err_t esp_wifi_wps_start(int timeout_ms)
Start WPS session.
- Attention
WPS can only be used when station is enabled. WPS needs to be enabled first for using this API.
- Parameters
timeout_ms – : deprecated: This argument’s value will have not effect in functionality of API. The argument will be removed in future. The app should start WPS and register for WIFI events to get the status. WPS status is updated through WPS events. See wifi_event_t enum for more info.
- Returns
ESP_OK : succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_WPS_TYPE : wps type is invalid
ESP_ERR_WIFI_WPS_MODE : wifi is not in station mode or sniffer mode is on
ESP_ERR_WIFI_WPS_SM : wps state machine is not initialized
ESP_FAIL : wps initialization fails
esp_err_t esp_wifi_ap_wps_enable(const esp_wps_config_t *config)
Enable Wi-Fi AP WPS function.
- Attention
WPS can only be used when softAP is enabled.
- Parameters
config – wps configuration to be used.
- Returns
ESP_OK : succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_WPS_TYPE : wps type is invalid
ESP_ERR_WIFI_WPS_MODE : wifi is not in station mode or sniffer mode is on
ESP_FAIL : wps initialization fails
esp_err_t esp_wifi_ap_wps_disable(void)
Disable Wi-Fi SoftAP WPS function and release resource it taken.
- Returns
ESP_OK : succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_WPS_MODE : wifi is not in station mode or sniffer mode is on
esp_err_t esp_wifi_ap_wps_start(const unsigned char *pin)
WPS starts to work.
- Attention
WPS can only be used when softAP is enabled.
- Parameters
pin – : Pin to be used in case of WPS mode is pin. If Pin is not provided, device will use the pin generated/provided during esp_wifi_ap_wps_enable() and reported in WIFI_EVENT_AP_WPS_RG_PIN
- Returns
ESP_OK : succeed
ESP_ERR_WIFI_WPS_TYPE : wps type is invalid
ESP_ERR_WIFI_WPS_MODE : wifi is not in station mode or sniffer mode is on
ESP_ERR_WIFI_WPS_SM : wps state machine is not initialized
ESP_FAIL : wps initialization fails
struct wps_factory_information_t
Structure representing WPS factory information for ESP device.
This structure holds various strings representing factory information for a device, such as the manufacturer, model number, model name, and device name. Each string is a null-terminated character array. If any of the strings are empty, the default values are used.
Public Members
char manufacturer[WPS_MAX_MANUFACTURER_LEN]
Manufacturer of the device. If empty, the default manufacturer is used.
char model_number[WPS_MAX_MODEL_NUMBER_LEN]
Model number of the device. If empty, the default model number is used.
char model_name[WPS_MAX_MODEL_NAME_LEN]
Model name of the device. If empty, the default model name is used.
char device_name[WPS_MAX_DEVICE_NAME_LEN]
Device name. If empty, the default device name is used.
char manufacturer[WPS_MAX_MANUFACTURER_LEN]
struct esp_wps_config_t
Structure representing configuration settings for WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup).
This structure encapsulates various configuration settings for WPS, including the WPS type (PBC or PIN), factory information that will be shown in the WPS Information Element (IE), and a PIN if the WPS type is set to PIN.
Public Members
wps_type_t wps_type
The type of WPS to be used (PBC or PIN).
wps_factory_information_t factory_info
Factory information to be shown in the WPS Information Element (IE). Vendor can choose to display their own information.
char pin[PIN_LEN]
WPS PIN (Personal Identification Number) used when wps_type is set to WPS_TYPE_PIN.
wps_type_t wps_type
WPS registrar is not supported
WPS type error
WPS state machine is not initialized
Maximum length of the manufacturer name in WPS information
Maximum length of the model number in WPS information
Maximum length of the model name in WPS information
Maximum length of the device name in WPS information
The length of the WPS PIN (Personal Identification Number).
Initialize a default WPS configuration structure with specified WPS type.
This macro initializes a
structure with default values for the specified WPS type. It sets the WPS type, factory information (including default manufacturer, model number, model name, and device name), and a default PIN value if applicable.- Parameters
type – The WPS type to be used (PBC or PIN).
- Returns
An initialized
structure with the specified WPS type and default values.
Type Definitions
enum wps_type
Enumeration of WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) types.
WPS is disabled
enumerator WPS_TYPE_PBC
WPS Push Button Configuration method
enumerator WPS_TYPE_PIN
WPS PIN (Personal Identification Number) method
enumerator WPS_TYPE_MAX
Maximum value for WPS type enumeration
Header File
int esp_rrm_send_neighbor_rep_request(neighbor_rep_request_cb cb, void *cb_ctx)
Send Radio measurement neighbor report request to connected AP.
- Parameters
cb – callback function for neighbor report
cb_ctx – callback context
- Returns
0: success
-1: AP does not support RRM
-2: station not connected to AP
bool esp_rrm_is_rrm_supported_connection(void)
Check RRM capability of connected AP.
- Returns
true: AP supports RRM
false: AP does not support RRM or station not connected to AP
Type Definitions
typedef void (*neighbor_rep_request_cb)(void *ctx, const uint8_t *report, size_t report_len)
Callback function type to get neighbor report.
- Param ctx
neighbor report context
- Param report
neighbor report
- Param report_len
neighbor report length
- Return
Header File
int esp_wnm_send_bss_transition_mgmt_query(enum btm_query_reason query_reason, const char *btm_candidates, int cand_list)
Send bss transition query to connected AP.
- Parameters
query_reason – reason for sending query
btm_candidates – btm candidates list if available
cand_list – whether candidate list to be included from scan results available in supplicant’s cache.
- Returns
0: success
-1: AP does not support BTM
-2: station not connected to AP
bool esp_wnm_is_btm_supported_connection(void)
Check bss trasition capability of connected AP.
- Returns
true: AP supports BTM
false: AP does not support BTM or station not connected to AP
enum btm_query_reason
enum btm_query_reason: Reason code for sending btm query
enumerator REASON_DELAY
enumerator REASON_RSSI
Header File
int esp_mbo_update_non_pref_chan(struct non_pref_chan_s *non_pref_chan)
Update channel preference for MBO IE.
- Parameters
non_pref_chan – Non preference channel list
- Returns
0: success else failure
struct non_pref_chan
Structure representing a non-preferred channel in a wireless network.
This structure encapsulates information about a non-preferred channel including the reason for its non-preference, the operating class, channel number, and preference level.
Public Members
enum non_pref_chan_reason reason
Reason for the channel being non-preferred
uint8_t oper_class
Operating class of the channel
uint8_t chan
Channel number
uint8_t preference
Preference level of the channel
enum non_pref_chan_reason reason
struct non_pref_chan_s
Structure representing a list of non-preferred channels in a wireless network.
This structure encapsulates information about a list of non-preferred channels including the number of non-preferred channels and an array of structures representing individual non-preferred channels.
Public Members
size_t non_pref_chan_num
Number of non-preferred channels in the list
struct non_pref_chan chan[]
Array of structures representing individual non-preferred channels
size_t non_pref_chan_num
enum non_pref_chan_reason
Enumeration of reasons for a channel being non-preferred in a wireless network.
This enumeration defines various reasons why a specific channel might be considered non-preferred in a wireless network configuration.
Unspecified reason for non-preference
Non-preferred due to low RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indication)
Non-preferred due to external interference
Non-preferred due to internal interference