Power Management



Power management algorithm included in ESP-IDF can adjust the advanced peripheral bus (APB) frequency, CPU frequency, and put the chip into Light-sleep mode to run an application at smallest possible power consumption, given the requirements of application components.

Application components can express their requirements by creating and acquiring power management locks.

For example:

  • Driver for a peripheral clocked from APB can request the APB frequency to be set to 80 MHz while the peripheral is used.

  • RTOS can request the CPU to run at the highest configured frequency while there are tasks ready to run.

  • A peripheral driver may need interrupts to be enabled, which means it has to request disabling Light-sleep.

Since requesting higher APB or CPU frequencies or disabling Light-sleep causes higher current consumption, please keep the usage of power management locks by components to a minimum.


Power management can be enabled at compile time, using the option CONFIG_PM_ENABLE.

Enabling power management features comes at the cost of increased interrupt latency. Extra latency depends on a number of factors, such as the CPU frequency, single/dual core mode, whether or not frequency switch needs to be done. Minimum extra latency is 0.2 us (when the CPU frequency is 240 MHz and frequency scaling is not enabled). Maximum extra latency is 40 us (when frequency scaling is enabled, and a switch from 40 MHz to 80 MHz is performed on interrupt entry).

Dynamic frequency scaling (DFS) and automatic Light-sleep can be enabled in an application by calling the function esp_pm_configure(). Its argument is a structure defining the frequency scaling settings, esp_pm_config_t. In this structure, three fields need to be initialized:

  • max_freq_mhz: Maximum CPU frequency in MHz, i.e., the frequency used when the ESP_PM_CPU_FREQ_MAX lock is acquired. This field is usually set to the default CPU frequency.

  • min_freq_mhz: Minimum CPU frequency in MHz, i.e., the frequency used when only the ESP_PM_APB_FREQ_MAX lock is acquired. This field can be set to the XTAL frequency value, or the XTAL frequency divided by an integer. Note that 10 MHz is the lowest frequency at which the default REF_TICK clock of 1 MHz can be generated.

  • light_sleep_enable: Whether the system should automatically enter Light-sleep when no locks are acquired (true/false).

    Alternatively, if you enable the option CONFIG_PM_DFS_INIT_AUTO in menuconfig, the maximum CPU frequency will be determined by the CONFIG_ESP_DEFAULT_CPU_FREQ_MHZ setting, and the minimum CPU frequency will be locked to the XTAL frequency.


Automatic Light-sleep is based on FreeRTOS Tickless Idle functionality. If automatic Light-sleep is requested while the option CONFIG_FREERTOS_USE_TICKLESS_IDLE is not enabled in menuconfig, esp_pm_configure() will return the error ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED.


In Light-sleep, peripherals are clock gated, and interrupts (from GPIOs and internal peripherals) will not be generated. A wakeup source described in the Sleep Modes documentation can be used to trigger wakeup from the Light-sleep state.

For example, the EXT0 and EXT1 wakeup sources can be used to wake up the chip via a GPIO.

Power Management Locks

Applications have the ability to acquire/release locks in order to control the power management algorithm. When an application acquires a lock, the power management algorithm operation is restricted in a way described below. When the lock is released, such restrictions are removed.

Power management locks have acquire/release counters. If the lock has been acquired a number of times, it needs to be released the same number of times to remove associated restrictions.

ESP32-H2 supports three types of locks described in the table below.




Requests CPU frequency to be at the maximum value set with esp_pm_configure(). For ESP32-H2, this value can be set to Not updated yet.


Requests the APB frequency to be at the maximum supported value. For ESP32-H2, this is 80 MHz.


Disables automatic switching to Light-sleep.

ESP32-H2 Power Management Algorithm

The table below shows how CPU and APB frequencies will be switched if dynamic frequency scaling is enabled. You can specify the maximum CPU frequency with either esp_pm_configure() or CONFIG_ESP_DEFAULT_CPU_FREQ_MHZ.

Max CPU Frequency Set

Lock Acquisition

CPU and APB Frequencies



CPU: 96 MHz
APB: 32 MHz

ESP_PM_APB_FREQ_MAX acquired, ESP_PM_CPU_FREQ_MAX not acquired

CPU: 32 MHz
APB: 32 MHz


Min values for both frequencies set with esp_pm_configure()



CPU: 64 MHz
APB: 32 MHz

ESP_PM_APB_FREQ_MAX acquired, ESP_PM_CPU_FREQ_MAX not acquired

CPU: 32 MHz
APB: 32 MHz


Min values for both frequencies set with esp_pm_configure()



CPU: 48 MHz
APB: 32 MHz

ESP_PM_APB_FREQ_MAX acquired, ESP_PM_CPU_FREQ_MAX not acquired

CPU: 32 MHz
APB: 32 MHz


Min values for both frequencies set with esp_pm_configure()

If none of the locks are acquired, and Light-sleep is enabled in a call to esp_pm_configure(), the system will go into Light-sleep mode. The duration of Light-sleep will be determined by:

Light-sleep duration is chosen to wake up the chip before the nearest event (task being unblocked, or timer elapses).

To skip unnecessary wake-up, you can consider initializing an esp_timer with the skip_unhandled_events option as true. Timers with this flag will not wake up the system and it helps to reduce consumption.

Dynamic Frequency Scaling and Peripheral Drivers

When DFS is enabled, the APB frequency can be changed multiple times within a single RTOS tick. The APB frequency change does not affect the operation of some peripherals, while other peripherals may have issues. For example, Timer Group peripheral timers keeps counting, however, the speed at which they count changes proportionally to the APB frequency.

Peripheral clock sources such as REF_TICK, XTAL, RC_FAST (i.e., RTC_8M), their frequencies will not be inflenced by APB frequency. And therefore, to ensure the peripheral behaves consistently during DFS, it is recommanded to select one of these clocks as the peripheral clock source. For more specific guidelines, please refer to the "Power Management" section of each peripheral's "API Reference > Peripherals API" page.

Currently, the following peripheral drivers are aware of DFS and use the ESP_PM_APB_FREQ_MAX lock for the duration of the transaction:

  • SPI master

  • I2C

  • I2S (If the APLL clock is used, then it will use the ESP_PM_NO_LIGHT_SLEEP lock)


The following drivers hold the ESP_PM_APB_FREQ_MAX lock while the driver is enabled:

The following peripheral drivers are not aware of DFS yet. Applications need to acquire/release locks themselves, when necessary:

  • PCNT

  • Sigma-delta

  • The legacy timer group driver


Light-sleep Peripheral Power Down

ESP32-H2 supports power-down peripherals during Light-sleep.

If CONFIG_PM_POWER_DOWN_PERIPHERAL_IN_LIGHT_SLEEP is enabled, when the driver initializes the peripheral, the driver will register the working register context of the peripheral to the sleep retention link. Before entering sleep, the REG_DMA peripheral reads the configuration in the sleep retention link, and back up the register context to memory according to the configuration. REG_DMA also restores context from memory to peripheral registers on wakeup.

Currently ESP-IDF supports Light-sleep context retention for the following peripherals: - INT_MTX - TEE/APM - IO_MUX / GPIO - UART0/1 - TIMG0 - SPI0/1 - SYSTIMER

The following peripherals are not yet supported: - ETM - TIMG1 - ASSIST_DEBUG - Trace - Crypto: AES/ECC/HMAC/RSA/SHA/DS/XTA_AES/ECDSA - SPI2 - I2C - I2S - PCNT - USB-Serial-JTAG - TWAI - LEDC - MCPWM - RMT - SARADC - SDIO - PARL_IO

For peripherals that do not support Light-sleep context retention, if the Power management is enabled, the ESP_PM_NO_LIGHT_SLEEP lock should be held when the peripheral is working to avoid losing the working context of the peripheral when entering sleep.


When the peripheral power domain is powered down during sleep, both the IO_MUX and GPIO modules are inactive, meaning the chip pins' state is not maintained by these modules. To preserve the state of an IO during sleep, it's essential to call gpio_hold_dis() and gpio_hold_en() before and after configuring the GPIO state. This action ensures that the IO configuration is latched and prevents the IO from becoming floating while in sleep mode.

API Reference

Header File

  • components/esp_pm/include/esp_pm.h

  • This header file can be included with:

    #include "esp_pm.h"
  • This header file is a part of the API provided by the esp_pm component. To declare that your component depends on esp_pm, add the following to your CMakeLists.txt:

    REQUIRES esp_pm


    PRIV_REQUIRES esp_pm


esp_err_t esp_pm_configure(const void *config)

Set implementation-specific power management configuration.


config -- pointer to implementation-specific configuration structure (e.g. esp_pm_config_esp32)


  • ESP_OK on success

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if the configuration values are not correct

  • ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED if certain combination of values is not supported, or if CONFIG_PM_ENABLE is not enabled in sdkconfig

esp_err_t esp_pm_get_configuration(void *config)

Get implementation-specific power management configuration.


config -- pointer to implementation-specific configuration structure (e.g. esp_pm_config_esp32)


  • ESP_OK on success

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if the pointer is null

esp_err_t esp_pm_lock_create(esp_pm_lock_type_t lock_type, int arg, const char *name, esp_pm_lock_handle_t *out_handle)

Initialize a lock handle for certain power management parameter.

When lock is created, initially it is not taken. Call esp_pm_lock_acquire to take the lock.

This function must not be called from an ISR.

  • lock_type -- Power management constraint which the lock should control

  • arg -- argument, value depends on lock_type, see esp_pm_lock_type_t

  • name -- arbitrary string identifying the lock (e.g. "wifi" or "spi"). Used by the esp_pm_dump_locks function to list existing locks. May be set to NULL. If not set to NULL, must point to a string which is valid for the lifetime of the lock.

  • out_handle -- [out] handle returned from this function. Use this handle when calling esp_pm_lock_delete, esp_pm_lock_acquire, esp_pm_lock_release. Must not be NULL.


  • ESP_OK on success

  • ESP_ERR_NO_MEM if the lock structure can not be allocated

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if out_handle is NULL or type argument is not valid

  • ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED if CONFIG_PM_ENABLE is not enabled in sdkconfig

esp_err_t esp_pm_lock_acquire(esp_pm_lock_handle_t handle)

Take a power management lock.

Once the lock is taken, power management algorithm will not switch to the mode specified in a call to esp_pm_lock_create, or any of the lower power modes (higher numeric values of 'mode').

The lock is recursive, in the sense that if esp_pm_lock_acquire is called a number of times, esp_pm_lock_release has to be called the same number of times in order to release the lock.

This function may be called from an ISR.

This function is not thread-safe w.r.t. calls to other esp_pm_lock_* functions for the same handle.


handle -- handle obtained from esp_pm_lock_create function


  • ESP_OK on success

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if the handle is invalid

  • ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED if CONFIG_PM_ENABLE is not enabled in sdkconfig

esp_err_t esp_pm_lock_release(esp_pm_lock_handle_t handle)

Release the lock taken using esp_pm_lock_acquire.

Call to this functions removes power management restrictions placed when taking the lock.

Locks are recursive, so if esp_pm_lock_acquire is called a number of times, esp_pm_lock_release has to be called the same number of times in order to actually release the lock.

This function may be called from an ISR.

This function is not thread-safe w.r.t. calls to other esp_pm_lock_* functions for the same handle.


handle -- handle obtained from esp_pm_lock_create function


  • ESP_OK on success

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if the handle is invalid

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE if lock is not acquired

  • ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED if CONFIG_PM_ENABLE is not enabled in sdkconfig

esp_err_t esp_pm_lock_delete(esp_pm_lock_handle_t handle)

Delete a lock created using esp_pm_lock.

The lock must be released before calling this function.

This function must not be called from an ISR.


handle -- handle obtained from esp_pm_lock_create function


  • ESP_OK on success

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if the handle argument is NULL

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE if the lock is still acquired

  • ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED if CONFIG_PM_ENABLE is not enabled in sdkconfig

esp_err_t esp_pm_dump_locks(FILE *stream)

Dump the list of all locks to stderr

This function dumps debugging information about locks created using esp_pm_lock_create to an output stream.

This function must not be called from an ISR. If esp_pm_lock_acquire/release are called while this function is running, inconsistent results may be reported.


stream -- stream to print information to; use stdout or stderr to print to the console; use fmemopen/open_memstream to print to a string buffer.


  • ESP_OK on success

  • ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED if CONFIG_PM_ENABLE is not enabled in sdkconfig


struct esp_pm_config_t

Power management config.

Pass a pointer to this structure as an argument to esp_pm_configure function.

Public Members

int max_freq_mhz

Maximum CPU frequency, in MHz

int min_freq_mhz

Minimum CPU frequency to use when no locks are taken, in MHz

bool light_sleep_enable

Enter light sleep when no locks are taken

Type Definitions

typedef esp_pm_config_t esp_pm_config_esp32_t

backward compatibility newer chips no longer require this typedef

typedef esp_pm_config_t esp_pm_config_esp32s2_t
typedef esp_pm_config_t esp_pm_config_esp32s3_t
typedef esp_pm_config_t esp_pm_config_esp32c3_t
typedef esp_pm_config_t esp_pm_config_esp32c2_t
typedef esp_pm_config_t esp_pm_config_esp32c6_t
typedef struct esp_pm_lock *esp_pm_lock_handle_t

Opaque handle to the power management lock.


enum esp_pm_lock_type_t

Power management constraints.


enumerator ESP_PM_CPU_FREQ_MAX

Require CPU frequency to be at the maximum value set via esp_pm_configure. Argument is unused and should be set to 0.

enumerator ESP_PM_APB_FREQ_MAX

Require APB frequency to be at the maximum value supported by the chip. Argument is unused and should be set to 0.


Prevent the system from going into light sleep. Argument is unused and should be set to 0.