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HTTP 服务器



HTTP Server 组件提供了在 ESP32 上运行轻量级 Web 服务器的功能,下面介绍使用 HTTP Server 组件 API 的详细步骤:

  • httpd_start(): 创建 HTTP 服务器的实例,根据具体的配置为其分配内存和资源,并返回该服务器实例的句柄。服务器使用了两个套接字,一个用来监听 HTTP 流量(TCP 类型),另一个用来处理控制信号(UDP 类型),它们在服务器的任务循环中轮流使用。通过向 httpd_start() 传递 httpd_config_t 结构体,可以在创建服务器实例时配置任务的优先级和堆栈的大小。TCP 流量被解析为 HTTP 请求,根据请求的 URI 来调用用户注册的处理程序,在处理程序中需要发送回 HTTP 响应数据包。

  • httpd_stop(): 根据传入的句柄停止服务器,并释放相关联的内存和资源。这是一个阻塞函数,首先给服务器任务发送停止信号,然后等待其终止。期间服务器任务会关闭所有已打开的连接,删除已注册的 URI 处理程序,并将所有会话的上下文数据重置为空。

  • httpd_register_uri_handler(): 通过传入 httpd_uri_t 结构体类型的对象来注册 URI 处理程序。该结构体包含如下成员:uri 名字,method 类型(比如 HTTPD_GET/HTTPD_POST/HTTPD_PUT 等等), esp_err_t *handler (httpd_req_t *req) 类型的函数指针,指向用户上下文数据的 user_ctx 指针。


/* URI 处理函数,在客户端发起 GET /uri 请求时被调用 */
esp_err_t get_handler(httpd_req_t *req)
    /* 发送回简单的响应数据包 */
    const char[] resp = "URI GET Response";
    httpd_resp_send(req, resp, HTTPD_RESP_USE_STRLEN);
    return ESP_OK;

/* URI 处理函数,在客户端发起 POST /uri 请求时被调用 */
esp_err_t post_handler(httpd_req_t *req)
    /* 定义 HTTP POST 请求数据的目标缓存区
     * httpd_req_recv() 只接收 char* 数据,但也可以是任意二进制数据(需要类型转换)
     * 对于字符串数据,null 终止符会被省略,content_len 会给出字符串的长度 */
    char content[100];

    /* 如果内容长度大于缓冲区则截断 */
    size_t recv_size = MIN(req->content_len, sizeof(content));

    int ret = httpd_req_recv(req, content, recv_size);
    if (ret <= 0) {  /* 返回 0 表示连接已关闭 */
        /* 检查是否超时 */
        if (ret == HTTPD_SOCK_ERR_TIMEOUT) {
            /* 如果是超时,可以调用 httpd_req_recv() 重试
             * 简单起见,这里我们直接响应 HTTP 408(请求超时)错误给客户端 */
        /* 如果发生了错误,返回 ESP_FAIL 可以确保底层套接字被关闭 */
        return ESP_FAIL;

    /* 发送简单的响应数据包 */
    const char[] resp = "URI POST Response";
    httpd_resp_send(req, resp, HTTPD_RESP_USE_STRLEN);
    return ESP_OK;

/* GET /uri 的 URI 处理结构 */
httpd_uri_t uri_get = {
    .uri      = "/uri",
    .method   = HTTP_GET,
    .handler  = get_handler,
    .user_ctx = NULL

/* POST /uri 的 URI 处理结构 */
httpd_uri_t uri_post = {
    .uri      = "/uri",
    .method   = HTTP_POST,
    .handler  = post_handler,
    .user_ctx = NULL

/* 启动 Web 服务器的函数 */
httpd_handle_t start_webserver(void)
    /* 生成默认的配置参数 */
    httpd_config_t config = HTTPD_DEFAULT_CONFIG();

    /* 置空 esp_http_server 的实例句柄 */
    httpd_handle_t server = NULL;

    /* 启动 httpd server */
    if (httpd_start(&server, &config) == ESP_OK) {
        /* 注册 URI 处理程序 */
        httpd_register_uri_handler(server, &uri_get);
        httpd_register_uri_handler(server, &uri_post);
    /* 如果服务器启动失败,返回的句柄是 NULL */
    return server;

/* 停止 Web 服务器的函数 */
void stop_webserver(httpd_handle_t server)
    if (server) {
        /* 停止 httpd server */
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简单 HTTP 服务器示例

请查看位于 protocols/http_server/simple 的 HTTP 服务器示例,该示例演示了如何处理任意内容长度的数据,读取请求头和 URL 查询参数,设置响应头。

HTTP 长连接

HTTP 服务器具有长连接的功能,允许重复使用同一个连接(会话)进行多次传输,同时保持会话的上下文数据。上下文数据可由处理程序动态分配,在这种情况下需要提前指定好自定义的回调函数,以便在连接/会话被关闭时释放这部分内存资源。


/* 自定义函数,用来释放上下文数据 */
void free_ctx_func(void *ctx)
    /* 也可以是 free 以外的代码逻辑 */

esp_err_t adder_post_handler(httpd_req_t *req)
    /* 如果会话上下文还不存在则新建一个 */
    if (! req->sess_ctx) {
        req->sess_ctx = malloc(sizeof(ANY_DATA_TYPE));  /*!< 指向上下文数据 */
        req->free_ctx = free_ctx_func;                  /*!< 释放上下文数据的函数 */

    /* 访问上下文数据 */
    ANY_DATA_TYPE *ctx_data = (ANY_DATA_TYPE *)req->sess_ctx;

    /* 响应 */

    return ESP_OK;
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详情请参考位于 protocols/http_server/persistent_sockets 的示例代码。

API 参考


esp_err_t httpd_register_uri_handler(httpd_handle_t handle, const httpd_uri_t *uri_handler)

Registers a URI handler.

Example usage:

esp_err_t my_uri_handler(httpd_req_t* req)
    // Recv , Process and Send

    // Fail condition
    if (....) {
        // Return fail to close session //
        return ESP_FAIL;

    // On success
    return ESP_OK;

// URI handler structure
httpd_uri_t my_uri {
    .uri      = "/my_uri/path/xyz",
    .method   = HTTPD_GET,
    .handler  = my_uri_handler,
    .user_ctx = NULL

// Register handler
if (httpd_register_uri_handler(server_handle, &my_uri) != ESP_OK) {
   // If failed to register handler
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URI handlers can be registered in real time as long as the server handle is valid.


  • ESP_OK : On successfully registering the handler

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG : Null arguments

  • ESP_ERR_HTTPD_HANDLERS_FULL : If no slots left for new handler

  • ESP_ERR_HTTPD_HANDLER_EXISTS : If handler with same URI and method is already registered

  • [in] handle: handle to HTTPD server instance

  • [in] uri_handler: pointer to handler that needs to be registered

esp_err_t httpd_unregister_uri_handler(httpd_handle_t handle, const char *uri, httpd_method_t method)

Unregister a URI handler.


  • ESP_OK : On successfully deregistering the handler

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG : Null arguments

  • ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND : Handler with specified URI and method not found

  • [in] handle: handle to HTTPD server instance

  • [in] uri: URI string

  • [in] method: HTTP method

esp_err_t httpd_unregister_uri(httpd_handle_t handle, const char *uri)

Unregister all URI handlers with the specified uri string.


  • ESP_OK : On successfully deregistering all such handlers

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG : Null arguments

  • ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND : No handler registered with specified uri string

  • [in] handle: handle to HTTPD server instance

  • [in] uri: uri string specifying all handlers that need to be deregisterd

esp_err_t httpd_sess_set_recv_override(httpd_handle_t hd, int sockfd, httpd_recv_func_t recv_func)

Override web server’s receive function (by session FD)

This function overrides the web server’s receive function. This same function is used to read HTTP request packets.


This API is supposed to be called either from the context of

  • an http session APIs where sockfd is a valid parameter

  • a URI handler where sockfd is obtained using httpd_req_to_sockfd()


  • ESP_OK : On successfully registering override

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG : Null arguments

  • [in] hd: HTTPD instance handle

  • [in] sockfd: Session socket FD

  • [in] recv_func: The receive function to be set for this session

esp_err_t httpd_sess_set_send_override(httpd_handle_t hd, int sockfd, httpd_send_func_t send_func)

Override web server’s send function (by session FD)

This function overrides the web server’s send function. This same function is used to send out any response to any HTTP request.


This API is supposed to be called either from the context of

  • an http session APIs where sockfd is a valid parameter

  • a URI handler where sockfd is obtained using httpd_req_to_sockfd()


  • ESP_OK : On successfully registering override

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG : Null arguments

  • [in] hd: HTTPD instance handle

  • [in] sockfd: Session socket FD

  • [in] send_func: The send function to be set for this session

esp_err_t httpd_sess_set_pending_override(httpd_handle_t hd, int sockfd, httpd_pending_func_t pending_func)

Override web server’s pending function (by session FD)

This function overrides the web server’s pending function. This function is used to test for pending bytes in a socket.


This API is supposed to be called either from the context of

  • an http session APIs where sockfd is a valid parameter

  • a URI handler where sockfd is obtained using httpd_req_to_sockfd()


  • ESP_OK : On successfully registering override

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG : Null arguments

  • [in] hd: HTTPD instance handle

  • [in] sockfd: Session socket FD

  • [in] pending_func: The receive function to be set for this session

int httpd_req_to_sockfd(httpd_req_t *r)

Get the Socket Descriptor from the HTTP request.

This API will return the socket descriptor of the session for which URI handler was executed on reception of HTTP request. This is useful when user wants to call functions that require session socket fd, from within a URI handler, ie. : httpd_sess_get_ctx(), httpd_sess_trigger_close(), httpd_sess_update_lru_counter().


This API is supposed to be called only from the context of a URI handler where httpd_req_t* request pointer is valid.


  • Socket descriptor : The socket descriptor for this request

  • -1 : Invalid/NULL request pointer

  • [in] r: The request whose socket descriptor should be found

int httpd_req_recv(httpd_req_t *r, char *buf, size_t buf_len)

API to read content data from the HTTP request.

This API will read HTTP content data from the HTTP request into provided buffer. Use content_len provided in httpd_req_t structure to know the length of data to be fetched. If content_len is too large for the buffer then user may have to make multiple calls to this function, each time fetching ‘buf_len’ number of bytes, while the pointer to content data is incremented internally by the same number.


  • This API is supposed to be called only from the context of a URI handler where httpd_req_t* request pointer is valid.

  • If an error is returned, the URI handler must further return an error. This will ensure that the erroneous socket is closed and cleaned up by the web server.

  • Presently Chunked Encoding is not supported


  • Bytes : Number of bytes read into the buffer successfully

  • 0 : Buffer length parameter is zero / connection closed by peer

  • HTTPD_SOCK_ERR_INVALID : Invalid arguments

  • HTTPD_SOCK_ERR_TIMEOUT : Timeout/interrupted while calling socket recv()

  • HTTPD_SOCK_ERR_FAIL : Unrecoverable error while calling socket recv()

  • [in] r: The request being responded to

  • [in] buf: Pointer to a buffer that the data will be read into

  • [in] buf_len: Length of the buffer

size_t httpd_req_get_hdr_value_len(httpd_req_t *r, const char *field)

Search for a field in request headers and return the string length of it’s value.


  • This API is supposed to be called only from the context of a URI handler where httpd_req_t* request pointer is valid.

  • Once httpd_resp_send() API is called all request headers are purged, so request headers need be copied into separate buffers if they are required later.


  • Length : If field is found in the request URL

  • Zero : Field not found / Invalid request / Null arguments

  • [in] r: The request being responded to

  • [in] field: The header field to be searched in the request

esp_err_t httpd_req_get_hdr_value_str(httpd_req_t *r, const char *field, char *val, size_t val_size)

Get the value string of a field from the request headers.


  • This API is supposed to be called only from the context of a URI handler where httpd_req_t* request pointer is valid.

  • Once httpd_resp_send() API is called all request headers are purged, so request headers need be copied into separate buffers if they are required later.

  • If output size is greater than input, then the value is truncated, accompanied by truncation error as return value.

  • Use httpd_req_get_hdr_value_len() to know the right buffer length


  • ESP_OK : Field found in the request header and value string copied

  • ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND : Key not found

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG : Null arguments

  • ESP_ERR_HTTPD_INVALID_REQ : Invalid HTTP request pointer

  • ESP_ERR_HTTPD_RESULT_TRUNC : Value string truncated

  • [in] r: The request being responded to

  • [in] field: The field to be searched in the header

  • [out] val: Pointer to the buffer into which the value will be copied if the field is found

  • [in] val_size: Size of the user buffer “val”

size_t httpd_req_get_url_query_len(httpd_req_t *r)

Get Query string length from the request URL.


This API is supposed to be called only from the context of a URI handler where httpd_req_t* request pointer is valid


  • Length : Query is found in the request URL

  • Zero : Query not found / Null arguments / Invalid request

  • [in] r: The request being responded to

esp_err_t httpd_req_get_url_query_str(httpd_req_t *r, char *buf, size_t buf_len)

Get Query string from the request URL.


  • Presently, the user can fetch the full URL query string, but decoding will have to be performed by the user. Request headers can be read using httpd_req_get_hdr_value_str() to know the ‘Content-Type’ (eg. Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded) and then the appropriate decoding algorithm needs to be applied.

  • This API is supposed to be called only from the context of a URI handler where httpd_req_t* request pointer is valid

  • If output size is greater than input, then the value is truncated, accompanied by truncation error as return value

  • Prior to calling this function, one can use httpd_req_get_url_query_len() to know the query string length beforehand and hence allocate the buffer of right size (usually query string length + 1 for null termination) for storing the query string


  • ESP_OK : Query is found in the request URL and copied to buffer

  • ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND : Query not found

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG : Null arguments

  • ESP_ERR_HTTPD_INVALID_REQ : Invalid HTTP request pointer

  • ESP_ERR_HTTPD_RESULT_TRUNC : Query string truncated

  • [in] r: The request being responded to

  • [out] buf: Pointer to the buffer into which the query string will be copied (if found)

  • [in] buf_len: Length of output buffer

esp_err_t httpd_query_key_value(const char *qry, const char *key, char *val, size_t val_size)

Helper function to get a URL query tag from a query string of the type param1=val1&param2=val2.


  • The components of URL query string (keys and values) are not URLdecoded. The user must check for ‘Content-Type’ field in the request headers and then depending upon the specified encoding (URLencoded or otherwise) apply the appropriate decoding algorithm.

  • If actual value size is greater than val_size, then the value is truncated, accompanied by truncation error as return value.


  • ESP_OK : Key is found in the URL query string and copied to buffer

  • ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND : Key not found

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG : Null arguments

  • ESP_ERR_HTTPD_RESULT_TRUNC : Value string truncated

  • [in] qry: Pointer to query string

  • [in] key: The key to be searched in the query string

  • [out] val: Pointer to the buffer into which the value will be copied if the key is found

  • [in] val_size: Size of the user buffer “val”

bool httpd_uri_match_wildcard(const char *uri_template, const char *uri_to_match, size_t match_upto)

Test if a URI matches the given wildcard template.

Template may end with “?” to make the previous character optional (typically a slash), “*” for a wildcard match, and “?*” to make the previous character optional, and if present, allow anything to follow.


  • * matches everything

  • /foo/? matches /foo and /foo/

  • /foo/* (sans the backslash) matches /foo/ and /foo/bar, but not /foo or /fo

  • /foo/?* or /foo/*? (sans the backslash) matches /foo/, /foo/bar, and also /foo, but not /foox or /fo

The special characters “?” and “*” anywhere else in the template will be taken literally.


true if a match was found

  • [in] uri_template: URI template (pattern)

  • [in] uri_to_match: URI to be matched

  • [in] match_upto: how many characters of the URI buffer to test (there may be trailing query string etc.)

esp_err_t httpd_resp_send(httpd_req_t *r, const char *buf, ssize_t buf_len)

API to send a complete HTTP response.

This API will send the data as an HTTP response to the request. This assumes that you have the entire response ready in a single buffer. If you wish to send response in incremental chunks use httpd_resp_send_chunk() instead.

If no status code and content-type were set, by default this will send 200 OK status code and content type as text/html. You may call the following functions before this API to configure the response headers : httpd_resp_set_status() - for setting the HTTP status string, httpd_resp_set_type() - for setting the Content Type, httpd_resp_set_hdr() - for appending any additional field value entries in the response header


  • This API is supposed to be called only from the context of a URI handler where httpd_req_t* request pointer is valid.

  • Once this API is called, the request has been responded to.

  • No additional data can then be sent for the request.

  • Once this API is called, all request headers are purged, so request headers need be copied into separate buffers if they are required later.


  • ESP_OK : On successfully sending the response packet

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG : Null request pointer

  • ESP_ERR_HTTPD_RESP_HDR : Essential headers are too large for internal buffer

  • ESP_ERR_HTTPD_RESP_SEND : Error in raw send

  • ESP_ERR_HTTPD_INVALID_REQ : Invalid request

  • [in] r: The request being responded to

  • [in] buf: Buffer from where the content is to be fetched

  • [in] buf_len: Length of the buffer, HTTPD_RESP_USE_STRLEN to use strlen()

esp_err_t httpd_resp_send_chunk(httpd_req_t *r, const char *buf, ssize_t buf_len)

API to send one HTTP chunk.

This API will send the data as an HTTP response to the request. This API will use chunked-encoding and send the response in the form of chunks. If you have the entire response contained in a single buffer, please use httpd_resp_send() instead.

If no status code and content-type were set, by default this will send 200 OK status code and content type as text/html. You may call the following functions before this API to configure the response headers httpd_resp_set_status() - for setting the HTTP status string, httpd_resp_set_type() - for setting the Content Type, httpd_resp_set_hdr() - for appending any additional field value entries in the response header


  • This API is supposed to be called only from the context of a URI handler where httpd_req_t* request pointer is valid.

  • When you are finished sending all your chunks, you must call this function with buf_len as 0.

  • Once this API is called, all request headers are purged, so request headers need be copied into separate buffers if they are required later.


  • ESP_OK : On successfully sending the response packet chunk

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG : Null request pointer

  • ESP_ERR_HTTPD_RESP_HDR : Essential headers are too large for internal buffer

  • ESP_ERR_HTTPD_RESP_SEND : Error in raw send

  • ESP_ERR_HTTPD_INVALID_REQ : Invalid request pointer

  • [in] r: The request being responded to

  • [in] buf: Pointer to a buffer that stores the data

  • [in] buf_len: Length of the buffer, HTTPD_RESP_USE_STRLEN to use strlen()

static esp_err_t httpd_resp_sendstr(httpd_req_t *r, const char *str)

API to send a complete string as HTTP response.

This API simply calls http_resp_send with buffer length set to string length assuming the buffer contains a null terminated string


  • ESP_OK : On successfully sending the response packet

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG : Null request pointer

  • ESP_ERR_HTTPD_RESP_HDR : Essential headers are too large for internal buffer

  • ESP_ERR_HTTPD_RESP_SEND : Error in raw send

  • ESP_ERR_HTTPD_INVALID_REQ : Invalid request

  • [in] r: The request being responded to

  • [in] str: String to be sent as response body

static esp_err_t httpd_resp_sendstr_chunk(httpd_req_t *r, const char *str)

API to send a string as an HTTP response chunk.

This API simply calls http_resp_send_chunk with buffer length set to string length assuming the buffer contains a null terminated string


  • ESP_OK : On successfully sending the response packet

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG : Null request pointer

  • ESP_ERR_HTTPD_RESP_HDR : Essential headers are too large for internal buffer

  • ESP_ERR_HTTPD_RESP_SEND : Error in raw send

  • ESP_ERR_HTTPD_INVALID_REQ : Invalid request

  • [in] r: The request being responded to

  • [in] str: String to be sent as response body (NULL to finish response packet)

esp_err_t httpd_resp_set_status(httpd_req_t *r, const char *status)

API to set the HTTP status code.

This API sets the status of the HTTP response to the value specified. By default, the ‘200 OK’ response is sent as the response.


  • This API is supposed to be called only from the context of a URI handler where httpd_req_t* request pointer is valid.

  • This API only sets the status to this value. The status isn’t sent out until any of the send APIs is executed.

  • Make sure that the lifetime of the status string is valid till send function is called.


  • ESP_OK : On success

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG : Null arguments

  • ESP_ERR_HTTPD_INVALID_REQ : Invalid request pointer

  • [in] r: The request being responded to

  • [in] status: The HTTP status code of this response

esp_err_t httpd_resp_set_type(httpd_req_t *r, const char *type)

API to set the HTTP content type.

This API sets the ‘Content Type’ field of the response. The default content type is ‘text/html’.


  • This API is supposed to be called only from the context of a URI handler where httpd_req_t* request pointer is valid.

  • This API only sets the content type to this value. The type isn’t sent out until any of the send APIs is executed.

  • Make sure that the lifetime of the type string is valid till send function is called.


  • ESP_OK : On success

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG : Null arguments

  • ESP_ERR_HTTPD_INVALID_REQ : Invalid request pointer

  • [in] r: The request being responded to

  • [in] type: The Content Type of the response

esp_err_t httpd_resp_set_hdr(httpd_req_t *r, const char *field, const char *value)

API to append any additional headers.

This API sets any additional header fields that need to be sent in the response.


  • This API is supposed to be called only from the context of a URI handler where httpd_req_t* request pointer is valid.

  • The header isn’t sent out until any of the send APIs is executed.

  • The maximum allowed number of additional headers is limited to value of max_resp_headers in config structure.

  • Make sure that the lifetime of the field value strings are valid till send function is called.


  • ESP_OK : On successfully appending new header

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG : Null arguments

  • ESP_ERR_HTTPD_RESP_HDR : Total additional headers exceed max allowed

  • ESP_ERR_HTTPD_INVALID_REQ : Invalid request pointer

  • [in] r: The request being responded to

  • [in] field: The field name of the HTTP header

  • [in] value: The value of this HTTP header

esp_err_t httpd_resp_send_err(httpd_req_t *req, httpd_err_code_t error, const char *msg)

For sending out error code in response to HTTP request.


  • This API is supposed to be called only from the context of a URI handler where httpd_req_t* request pointer is valid.

  • Once this API is called, all request headers are purged, so request headers need be copied into separate buffers if they are required later.

  • If you wish to send additional data in the body of the response, please use the lower-level functions directly.


  • ESP_OK : On successfully sending the response packet

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG : Null arguments

  • ESP_ERR_HTTPD_RESP_SEND : Error in raw send

  • ESP_ERR_HTTPD_INVALID_REQ : Invalid request pointer

  • [in] req: Pointer to the HTTP request for which the response needs to be sent

  • [in] error: Error type to send

  • [in] msg: Error message string (pass NULL for default message)

static esp_err_t httpd_resp_send_404(httpd_req_t *r)

Helper function for HTTP 404.

Send HTTP 404 message. If you wish to send additional data in the body of the response, please use the lower-level functions directly.


  • This API is supposed to be called only from the context of a URI handler where httpd_req_t* request pointer is valid.

  • Once this API is called, all request headers are purged, so request headers need be copied into separate buffers if they are required later.


  • ESP_OK : On successfully sending the response packet

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG : Null arguments

  • ESP_ERR_HTTPD_RESP_SEND : Error in raw send

  • ESP_ERR_HTTPD_INVALID_REQ : Invalid request pointer

  • [in] r: The request being responded to

static esp_err_t httpd_resp_send_408(httpd_req_t *r)

Helper function for HTTP 408.

Send HTTP 408 message. If you wish to send additional data in the body of the response, please use the lower-level functions directly.


  • This API is supposed to be called only from the context of a URI handler where httpd_req_t* request pointer is valid.

  • Once this API is called, all request headers are purged, so request headers need be copied into separate buffers if they are required later.


  • ESP_OK : On successfully sending the response packet

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG : Null arguments

  • ESP_ERR_HTTPD_RESP_SEND : Error in raw send

  • ESP_ERR_HTTPD_INVALID_REQ : Invalid request pointer

  • [in] r: The request being responded to

static esp_err_t httpd_resp_send_500(httpd_req_t *r)

Helper function for HTTP 500.

Send HTTP 500 message. If you wish to send additional data in the body of the response, please use the lower-level functions directly.


  • This API is supposed to be called only from the context of a URI handler where httpd_req_t* request pointer is valid.

  • Once this API is called, all request headers are purged, so request headers need be copied into separate buffers if they are required later.


  • ESP_OK : On successfully sending the response packet

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG : Null arguments

  • ESP_ERR_HTTPD_RESP_SEND : Error in raw send

  • ESP_ERR_HTTPD_INVALID_REQ : Invalid request pointer

  • [in] r: The request being responded to

int httpd_send(httpd_req_t *r, const char *buf, size_t buf_len)

Raw HTTP send.

Call this API if you wish to construct your custom response packet. When using this, all essential header, eg. HTTP version, Status Code, Content Type and Length, Encoding, etc. will have to be constructed manually, and HTTP delimeters (CRLF) will need to be placed correctly for separating sub-sections of the HTTP response packet.

If the send override function is set, this API will end up calling that function eventually to send data out.


  • This API is supposed to be called only from the context of a URI handler where httpd_req_t* request pointer is valid.

  • Unless the response has the correct HTTP structure (which the user must now ensure) it is not guaranteed that it will be recognized by the client. For most cases, you wouldn’t have to call this API, but you would rather use either of : httpd_resp_send(), httpd_resp_send_chunk()


  • Bytes : Number of bytes that were sent successfully

  • HTTPD_SOCK_ERR_INVALID : Invalid arguments

  • HTTPD_SOCK_ERR_TIMEOUT : Timeout/interrupted while calling socket send()

  • HTTPD_SOCK_ERR_FAIL : Unrecoverable error while calling socket send()

  • [in] r: The request being responded to

  • [in] buf: Buffer from where the fully constructed packet is to be read

  • [in] buf_len: Length of the buffer

int httpd_socket_send(httpd_handle_t hd, int sockfd, const char *buf, size_t buf_len, int flags)

A low level API to send data on a given socket

This internally calls the default send function, or the function registered by httpd_sess_set_send_override().


This API is not recommended to be used in any request handler. Use this only for advanced use cases, wherein some asynchronous data is to be sent over a socket.


  • Bytes : The number of bytes sent successfully

  • HTTPD_SOCK_ERR_INVALID : Invalid arguments

  • HTTPD_SOCK_ERR_TIMEOUT : Timeout/interrupted while calling socket send()

  • HTTPD_SOCK_ERR_FAIL : Unrecoverable error while calling socket send()

  • [in] hd: server instance

  • [in] sockfd: session socket file descriptor

  • [in] buf: buffer with bytes to send

  • [in] buf_len: data size

  • [in] flags: flags for the send() function

int httpd_socket_recv(httpd_handle_t hd, int sockfd, char *buf, size_t buf_len, int flags)

A low level API to receive data from a given socket

This internally calls the default recv function, or the function registered by httpd_sess_set_recv_override().


This API is not recommended to be used in any request handler. Use this only for advanced use cases, wherein some asynchronous communication is required.


  • Bytes : The number of bytes received successfully

  • 0 : Buffer length parameter is zero / connection closed by peer

  • HTTPD_SOCK_ERR_INVALID : Invalid arguments

  • HTTPD_SOCK_ERR_TIMEOUT : Timeout/interrupted while calling socket recv()

  • HTTPD_SOCK_ERR_FAIL : Unrecoverable error while calling socket recv()

  • [in] hd: server instance

  • [in] sockfd: session socket file descriptor

  • [in] buf: buffer with bytes to send

  • [in] buf_len: data size

  • [in] flags: flags for the send() function

esp_err_t httpd_register_err_handler(httpd_handle_t handle, httpd_err_code_t error, httpd_err_handler_func_t handler_fn)

Function for registering HTTP error handlers.

This function maps a handler function to any supported error code given by httpd_err_code_t. See prototype httpd_err_handler_func_t above for details.


  • ESP_OK : handler registered successfully

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG : invalid error code or server handle

  • [in] handle: HTTP server handle

  • [in] error: Error type

  • [in] handler_fn: User implemented handler function (Pass NULL to unset any previously set handler)

esp_err_t httpd_start(httpd_handle_t *handle, const httpd_config_t *config)

Starts the web server.

Create an instance of HTTP server and allocate memory/resources for it depending upon the specified configuration.

Example usage:

//Function for starting the webserver
httpd_handle_t start_webserver(void)
     // Generate default configuration
     httpd_config_t config = HTTPD_DEFAULT_CONFIG();

     // Empty handle to http_server
     httpd_handle_t server = NULL;

     // Start the httpd server
     if (httpd_start(&server, &config) == ESP_OK) {
         // Register URI handlers
         httpd_register_uri_handler(server, &uri_get);
         httpd_register_uri_handler(server, &uri_post);
     // If server failed to start, handle will be NULL
     return server;
Copy to clipboard


  • ESP_OK : Instance created successfully

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG : Null argument(s)

  • ESP_ERR_HTTPD_ALLOC_MEM : Failed to allocate memory for instance

  • ESP_ERR_HTTPD_TASK : Failed to launch server task

  • [in] config: Configuration for new instance of the server

  • [out] handle: Handle to newly created instance of the server. NULL on error

esp_err_t httpd_stop(httpd_handle_t handle)

Stops the web server.

Deallocates memory/resources used by an HTTP server instance and deletes it. Once deleted the handle can no longer be used for accessing the instance.

Example usage:

// Function for stopping the webserver
void stop_webserver(httpd_handle_t server)
     // Ensure handle is non NULL
     if (server != NULL) {
         // Stop the httpd server
Copy to clipboard


  • ESP_OK : Server stopped successfully

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG : Handle argument is Null

  • [in] handle: Handle to server returned by httpd_start

esp_err_t httpd_queue_work(httpd_handle_t handle, httpd_work_fn_t work, void *arg)

Queue execution of a function in HTTPD’s context.

This API queues a work function for asynchronous execution


Some protocols require that the web server generate some asynchronous data and send it to the persistently opened connection. This facility is for use by such protocols.


  • ESP_OK : On successfully queueing the work

  • ESP_FAIL : Failure in ctrl socket

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG : Null arguments

  • [in] handle: Handle to server returned by httpd_start

  • [in] work: Pointer to the function to be executed in the HTTPD’s context

  • [in] arg: Pointer to the arguments that should be passed to this function

void *httpd_sess_get_ctx(httpd_handle_t handle, int sockfd)

Get session context from socket descriptor.

Typically if a session context is created, it is available to URI handlers through the httpd_req_t structure. But, there are cases where the web server’s send/receive functions may require the context (for example, for accessing keying information etc). Since the send/receive function only have the socket descriptor at their disposal, this API provides them with a way to retrieve the session context.


  • void* : Pointer to the context associated with this session

  • NULL : Empty context / Invalid handle / Invalid socket fd

  • [in] handle: Handle to server returned by httpd_start

  • [in] sockfd: The socket descriptor for which the context should be extracted.

void httpd_sess_set_ctx(httpd_handle_t handle, int sockfd, void *ctx, httpd_free_ctx_fn_t free_fn)

Set session context by socket descriptor.

  • [in] handle: Handle to server returned by httpd_start

  • [in] sockfd: The socket descriptor for which the context should be extracted.

  • [in] ctx: Context object to assign to the session

  • [in] free_fn: Function that should be called to free the context

void *httpd_sess_get_transport_ctx(httpd_handle_t handle, int sockfd)

Get session ‘transport’ context by socket descriptor.

This context is used by the send/receive functions, for example to manage SSL context.




  • void* : Pointer to the transport context associated with this session

  • NULL : Empty context / Invalid handle / Invalid socket fd

  • [in] handle: Handle to server returned by httpd_start

  • [in] sockfd: The socket descriptor for which the context should be extracted.

void httpd_sess_set_transport_ctx(httpd_handle_t handle, int sockfd, void *ctx, httpd_free_ctx_fn_t free_fn)

Set session ‘transport’ context by socket descriptor.



  • [in] handle: Handle to server returned by httpd_start

  • [in] sockfd: The socket descriptor for which the context should be extracted.

  • [in] ctx: Transport context object to assign to the session

  • [in] free_fn: Function that should be called to free the transport context

void *httpd_get_global_user_ctx(httpd_handle_t handle)

Get HTTPD global user context (it was set in the server config struct)


global user context

  • [in] handle: Handle to server returned by httpd_start

void *httpd_get_global_transport_ctx(httpd_handle_t handle)

Get HTTPD global transport context (it was set in the server config struct)


global transport context

  • [in] handle: Handle to server returned by httpd_start

esp_err_t httpd_sess_trigger_close(httpd_handle_t handle, int sockfd)

Trigger an httpd session close externally.


Calling this API is only required in special circumstances wherein some application requires to close an httpd client session asynchronously.


  • ESP_OK : On successfully initiating closure

  • ESP_FAIL : Failure to queue work

  • ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND : Socket fd not found

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG : Null arguments

  • [in] handle: Handle to server returned by httpd_start

  • [in] sockfd: The socket descriptor of the session to be closed

esp_err_t httpd_sess_update_lru_counter(httpd_handle_t handle, int sockfd)

Update LRU counter for a given socket.

LRU Counters are internally associated with each session to monitor how recently a session exchanged traffic. When LRU purge is enabled, if a client is requesting for connection but maximum number of sockets/sessions is reached, then the session having the earliest LRU counter is closed automatically.

Updating the LRU counter manually prevents the socket from being purged due to the Least Recently Used (LRU) logic, even though it might not have received traffic for some time. This is useful when all open sockets/session are frequently exchanging traffic but the user specifically wants one of the sessions to be kept open, irrespective of when it last exchanged a packet.


Calling this API is only necessary if the LRU Purge Enable option is enabled.


  • ESP_OK : Socket found and LRU counter updated

  • ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND : Socket not found

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG : Null arguments

  • [in] handle: Handle to server returned by httpd_start

  • [in] sockfd: The socket descriptor of the session for which LRU counter is to be updated

esp_err_t httpd_get_client_list(httpd_handle_t handle, size_t *fds, int *client_fds)

Returns list of current socket descriptors of active sessions.


  • ESP_OK : Successfully retrieved session list

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG : Wrong arguments or list is longer than allocated

  • [in] handle: Handle to server returned by httpd_start

  • [inout] fds: In: Number of fds allocated in the supplied structure client_fds Out: Number of valid client fds returned in client_fds,

  • [out] client_fds: Array of client fds


struct httpd_config

HTTP Server Configuration Structure.


Use HTTPD_DEFAULT_CONFIG() to initialize the configuration to a default value and then modify only those fields that are specifically determined by the use case.

Public Members

unsigned task_priority

Priority of FreeRTOS task which runs the server

size_t stack_size

The maximum stack size allowed for the server task

BaseType_t core_id

The core the HTTP server task will run on

uint16_t server_port

TCP Port number for receiving and transmitting HTTP traffic

uint16_t ctrl_port

UDP Port number for asynchronously exchanging control signals between various components of the server

uint16_t max_open_sockets

Max number of sockets/clients connected at any time

uint16_t max_uri_handlers

Maximum allowed uri handlers

uint16_t max_resp_headers

Maximum allowed additional headers in HTTP response

uint16_t backlog_conn

Number of backlog connections

bool lru_purge_enable

Purge “Least Recently Used” connection

uint16_t recv_wait_timeout

Timeout for recv function (in seconds)

uint16_t send_wait_timeout

Timeout for send function (in seconds)

void *global_user_ctx

Global user context.

This field can be used to store arbitrary user data within the server context. The value can be retrieved using the server handle, available e.g. in the httpd_req_t struct.

When shutting down, the server frees up the user context by calling free() on the global_user_ctx field. If you wish to use a custom function for freeing the global user context, please specify that here.

httpd_free_ctx_fn_t global_user_ctx_free_fn

Free function for global user context

void *global_transport_ctx

Global transport context.

Similar to global_user_ctx, but used for session encoding or encryption (e.g. to hold the SSL context). It will be freed using free(), unless global_transport_ctx_free_fn is specified.

httpd_free_ctx_fn_t global_transport_ctx_free_fn

Free function for global transport context

httpd_open_func_t open_fn

Custom session opening callback.

Called on a new session socket just after accept(), but before reading any data.

This is an opportunity to set up e.g. SSL encryption using global_transport_ctx and the send/recv/pending session overrides.

If a context needs to be maintained between these functions, store it in the session using httpd_sess_set_transport_ctx() and retrieve it later with httpd_sess_get_transport_ctx()

Returning a value other than ESP_OK will immediately close the new socket.

httpd_close_func_t close_fn

Custom session closing callback.

Called when a session is deleted, before freeing user and transport contexts and before closing the socket. This is a place for custom de-init code common to all sockets.

Set the user or transport context to NULL if it was freed here, so the server does not try to free it again.

This function is run for all terminated sessions, including sessions where the socket was closed by the network stack - that is, the file descriptor may not be valid anymore.

httpd_uri_match_func_t uri_match_fn

URI matcher function.

Called when searching for a matching URI: 1) whose request handler is to be executed right after an HTTP request is successfully parsed 2) in order to prevent duplication while registering a new URI handler using httpd_register_uri_handler()

Available options are: 1) NULL : Internally do basic matching using strncmp() 2) httpd_uri_match_wildcard() : URI wildcard matcher

Users can implement their own matching functions (See description of the httpd_uri_match_func_t function prototype)

struct httpd_req

HTTP Request Data Structure.

Public Members

httpd_handle_t handle

Handle to server instance

int method

The type of HTTP request, -1 if unsupported method

const char uri[HTTPD_MAX_URI_LEN + 1]

The URI of this request (1 byte extra for null termination)

size_t content_len

Length of the request body

void *aux

Internally used members

void *user_ctx

User context pointer passed during URI registration.

void *sess_ctx

Session Context Pointer

A session context. Contexts are maintained across ‘sessions’ for a given open TCP connection. One session could have multiple request responses. The web server will ensure that the context persists across all these request and responses.

By default, this is NULL. URI Handlers can set this to any meaningful value.

If the underlying socket gets closed, and this pointer is non-NULL, the web server will free up the context by calling free(), unless free_ctx function is set.

httpd_free_ctx_fn_t free_ctx

Pointer to free context hook

Function to free session context

If the web server’s socket closes, it frees up the session context by calling free() on the sess_ctx member. If you wish to use a custom function for freeing the session context, please specify that here.

bool ignore_sess_ctx_changes

Flag indicating if Session Context changes should be ignored

By default, if you change the sess_ctx in some URI handler, the http server will internally free the earlier context (if non NULL), after the URI handler returns. If you want to manage the allocation/reallocation/freeing of sess_ctx yourself, set this flag to true, so that the server will not perform any checks on it. The context will be cleared by the server (by calling free_ctx or free()) only if the socket gets closed.

struct httpd_uri

Structure for URI handler.

Public Members

const char *uri

The URI to handle

httpd_method_t method

Method supported by the URI

esp_err_t (*handler)(httpd_req_t *r)

Handler to call for supported request method. This must return ESP_OK, or else the underlying socket will be closed.

void *user_ctx

Pointer to user context data which will be available to handler



HTTP Response 200


HTTP Response 204


HTTP Response 207


HTTP Response 400


HTTP Response 404


HTTP Response 408


HTTP Response 500


HTTP Content type JSON


HTTP Content type text/HTML


HTTP Content type octext-stream


Starting number of HTTPD error codes


All slots for registering URI handlers have been consumed


URI handler with same method and target URI already registered


Invalid request pointer


Result string truncated


Response header field larger than supported


Error occured while sending response packet


Failed to dynamically allocate memory for resource


Failed to launch server task/thread


Type Definitions

typedef struct httpd_req httpd_req_t

HTTP Request Data Structure.

typedef struct httpd_uri httpd_uri_t

Structure for URI handler.

typedef int (*httpd_send_func_t)(httpd_handle_t hd, int sockfd, const char *buf, size_t buf_len, int flags)

Prototype for HTTPDs low-level send function.


User specified send function must handle errors internally, depending upon the set value of errno, and return specific HTTPD_SOCK_ERR_ codes, which will eventually be conveyed as return value of httpd_send() function


  • Bytes : The number of bytes sent successfully

  • HTTPD_SOCK_ERR_INVALID : Invalid arguments

  • HTTPD_SOCK_ERR_TIMEOUT : Timeout/interrupted while calling socket send()

  • HTTPD_SOCK_ERR_FAIL : Unrecoverable error while calling socket send()

  • [in] hd: server instance

  • [in] sockfd: session socket file descriptor

  • [in] buf: buffer with bytes to send

  • [in] buf_len: data size

  • [in] flags: flags for the send() function

typedef int (*httpd_recv_func_t)(httpd_handle_t hd, int sockfd, char *buf, size_t buf_len, int flags)

Prototype for HTTPDs low-level recv function.


User specified recv function must handle errors internally, depending upon the set value of errno, and return specific HTTPD_SOCK_ERR_ codes, which will eventually be conveyed as return value of httpd_req_recv() function


  • Bytes : The number of bytes received successfully

  • 0 : Buffer length parameter is zero / connection closed by peer

  • HTTPD_SOCK_ERR_INVALID : Invalid arguments

  • HTTPD_SOCK_ERR_TIMEOUT : Timeout/interrupted while calling socket recv()

  • HTTPD_SOCK_ERR_FAIL : Unrecoverable error while calling socket recv()

  • [in] hd: server instance

  • [in] sockfd: session socket file descriptor

  • [in] buf: buffer with bytes to send

  • [in] buf_len: data size

  • [in] flags: flags for the send() function

typedef int (*httpd_pending_func_t)(httpd_handle_t hd, int sockfd)

Prototype for HTTPDs low-level “get pending bytes” function.


User specified pending function must handle errors internally, depending upon the set value of errno, and return specific HTTPD_SOCK_ERR_ codes, which will be handled accordingly in the server task.


  • Bytes : The number of bytes waiting to be received

  • HTTPD_SOCK_ERR_INVALID : Invalid arguments

  • HTTPD_SOCK_ERR_TIMEOUT : Timeout/interrupted while calling socket pending()

  • HTTPD_SOCK_ERR_FAIL : Unrecoverable error while calling socket pending()

  • [in] hd: server instance

  • [in] sockfd: session socket file descriptor

typedef esp_err_t (*httpd_err_handler_func_t)(httpd_req_t *req, httpd_err_code_t error)

Function prototype for HTTP error handling.

This function is executed upon HTTP errors generated during internal processing of an HTTP request. This is used to override the default behavior on error, which is to send HTTP error response and close the underlying socket.


  • If implemented, the server will not automatically send out HTTP error response codes, therefore, httpd_resp_send_err() must be invoked inside this function if user wishes to generate HTTP error responses.

  • When invoked, the validity of uri, method, content_len and user_ctx fields of the httpd_req_t parameter is not guaranteed as the HTTP request may be partially received/parsed.

  • The function must return ESP_OK if underlying socket needs to be kept open. Any other value will ensure that the socket is closed. The return value is ignored when error is of type HTTPD_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR and the socket closed anyway.


  • ESP_OK : error handled successful

  • ESP_FAIL : failure indicates that the underlying socket needs to be closed

  • [in] req: HTTP request for which the error needs to be handled

  • [in] error: Error type

typedef void *httpd_handle_t

HTTP Server Instance Handle.

Every instance of the server will have a unique handle.

typedef enum http_method httpd_method_t

HTTP Method Type wrapper over “enum http_method” available in “http_parser” library.

typedef void (*httpd_free_ctx_fn_t)(void *ctx)

Prototype for freeing context data (if any)

  • [in] ctx: object to free

typedef esp_err_t (*httpd_open_func_t)(httpd_handle_t hd, int sockfd)

Function prototype for opening a session.

Called immediately after the socket was opened to set up the send/recv functions and other parameters of the socket.


  • ESP_OK : On success

  • Any value other than ESP_OK will signal the server to close the socket immediately

  • [in] hd: server instance

  • [in] sockfd: session socket file descriptor

typedef void (*httpd_close_func_t)(httpd_handle_t hd, int sockfd)

Function prototype for closing a session.


It’s possible that the socket descriptor is invalid at this point, the function is called for all terminated sessions. Ensure proper handling of return codes.

  • [in] hd: server instance

  • [in] sockfd: session socket file descriptor

typedef bool (*httpd_uri_match_func_t)(const char *reference_uri, const char *uri_to_match, size_t match_upto)

Function prototype for URI matching.


true on match

  • [in] reference_uri: URI/template with respect to which the other URI is matched

  • [in] uri_to_match: URI/template being matched to the reference URI/template

  • [in] match_upto: For specifying the actual length of uri_to_match up to which the matching algorithm is to be applied (The maximum value is strlen(uri_to_match), independent of the length of reference_uri)

typedef struct httpd_config httpd_config_t

HTTP Server Configuration Structure.


Use HTTPD_DEFAULT_CONFIG() to initialize the configuration to a default value and then modify only those fields that are specifically determined by the use case.

typedef void (*httpd_work_fn_t)(void *arg)

Prototype of the HTTPD work function Please refer to httpd_queue_work() for more details.

  • [in] arg: The arguments for this work function


enum httpd_err_code_t

Error codes sent as HTTP response in case of errors encountered during processing of an HTTP request.
