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Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)

ADC Channels

The ESP32-C3 integrates 2 SAR (Successive Approximation Register) ADCs, supporting a total of 6 measurement channels (analog enabled pins).

These channels are supported:

  • 5 channels: GPIO0 - GPIO4

  • 1 channels: GPIO5

ADC Attenuation

Vref is the reference voltage used internally by ESP32-C3 ADCs for measuring the input voltage. The ESP32-C3 ADCs can measure analog voltages from 0 V to Vref. Among different chips, the Vref varies, the median is 1.1 V. In order to convert voltages larger than Vref, input voltages can be attenuated before being input to the ADCs. There are 4 available attenuation options, the higher the attenuation is, the higher the measurable input voltage could be.


Measurable input voltage range


0 mV ~ 750 mV


0 mV ~ 1050 mV


0 mV ~ 1300 mV


0 mV ~ 2500 mV

ADC Conversion

An ADC conversion is to convert the input analog voltage to a digital value. The ADC conversion results provided by the ADC driver APIs are raw data. Resolution of ESP32-C3 ADC raw results under Single Read mode is 12-bit.

To calculate the voltage based on the ADC raw results, this formula can be used:

Vout = Dout * Vmax / Dmax       (1)



Digital output result, standing for the voltage.


ADC raw digital reading result.


Maximum measurable input analog voltage, see ADC Attenuation.


Maximum of the output ADC raw digital reading result, which is 4095 under Single Read mode, 4095 under Continuous Read mode.

For boards with eFuse ADC calibration bits, esp_adc_cal_raw_to_voltage() can be used to get the calibrated conversion results. These results stand for the actual voltage (in mV). No need to transform these data via the formula (1). If ADC calibration APIs are used on boards without eFuse ADC calibration bits, warnings will be generated. See ADC Calibration.

ADC Limitations


  • A specific ADC module can only work under one operating mode at any one time, either Continuous Read Mode or Single Read Mode.

  • ADC1 and ADC2 can not work under Singel Read Mode simultaneously. One of them will get blocked until another one finishes.

  • For continuous (DMA) read mode, the ADC sampling frequency (the sample_freq_hz member of adc_digi_config_t) should be within SOC_ADC_SAMPLE_FREQ_THRES_LOW and SOC_ADC_SAMPLE_FREQ_THRES_HIGH.

Driver Usage

Each ADC unit supports two work modes, ADC single read mode and ADC continuous (DMA) mode. ADC single read mode is suitable for low-frequency sampling operations. ADC continuous (DMA) read mode is suitable for high-frequency continuous sampling actions.


ADC readings from a pin not connected to any signal are random.

ADC Continuous (DMA) Read mode

To use the ADC continuous read mode driver, execute the following steps:

  1. Initialize the ADC driver by calling the function adc_digi_initialize().

  2. Initialize the ADC controller by calling the function adc_digi_controller_config().

  3. Start the ADC continuous reading by calling the function adc_digi_start().

  4. After starting the ADC, you can get the ADC reading result by calling the function adc_digi_read_bytes(). Before stopping the ADC (by calling adc_digi_stop()), the driver will keep converting the analog data to digital data.

  5. Stop the ADC reading by calling the function adc_digi_stop().

  6. Deinitialize the ADC driver by calling the function adc_digi_deinitialize().

The code example for using ADC continuous (DMA) read mode can be found in the peripherals/adc/dma_read directory of ESP-IDF examples.


See ADC Limitations for the limitation of using ADC continuous (DMA) read mode.

ADC Single Read mode

The ADC should be configured before reading is taken.

Attenuation configuration is done per channel, see adc1_channel_t and adc2_channel_t, set as a parameter of above functions.

Then it is possible to read ADC conversion result with adc1_get_raw() and adc2_get_raw(). Reading width of ADC2 should be set as a parameter of adc2_get_raw() instead of in the configuration functions.

Single Read mode ADC example can be found in peripherals/adc/single_read directory of ESP-IDF examples.


See ADC Limitations for the limitation of using ADC single read mode.

Minimizing Noise

The ESP32-C3 ADC can be sensitive to noise leading to large discrepancies in ADC readings. Depending on the usage scenario, users may connect a bypass capacitor (e.g. a 100 nF ceramic capacitor) to the ADC input pad in use, to minimize noise. Besides, multisampling may also be used to further mitigate the effects of noise.

ADC Calibration

ESP32-C3 ADC Calibration contains 2 steps: Hardware Calibration and Software Calibration.

Hardware Calibration

Based on series of comparisons with the reference voltage, ESP32-C3 ADC determines each bit of the output digital result. Per design the ESP32-C3 ADC reference voltage is 1100 mV, however the true reference voltage can range from 1000 mV to 1200 mV among different chips. To minimize this difference, hardware calibration is introduced.

Hardware calibration contains 2 steps:

  1. Set an auto-calibration parameter of bandgap voltage reference. In this way, the difference mentioned above can be minimized.

  2. Correct the offset of the ADC Vin-Dout characteristics. ADC characteristics is generally a function: f(x) = A * x + B, where B is the offset.

An uncalibrated ADC characteristics is as follows:

ADC uncalibrated conversion result

The offset in the uncalibrated characteristics is significant. Step 2 is to correct the offset to 0.

After hardware calibration, the ADC characteristics would be like:

ADC conversion results after hardware calibration

Hardware calibration is done internally by the ADC driver. The consequent results are raw data. A transformation is needed to get the final result, see ADC Conversion.

Software Calibration

To convert ADC raw data to calibrated digital data, following steps should be followed:

  1. Check the eFuse to know if the software calibration is supported via esp_adc_cal_check_efuse().

  2. Calculate the ADC calibration characteristics via esp_adc_cal_characterize(). The ADC software calibration characteristics are per ADC module and per attenuation. For example, characteristics of ADC1 channel 0 under 11 dB attenuation are the same as characteristics of ADC1 channel 2 under 11 dB attenuation. But characteristics of ADC1 channel 0 under 11 dB attenuation are different with characteristics of ADC2 channel 0 under 11 dB attenuation. Also characteristics of ADC1 channel 0 under 11 dB attenuation are different with characteristics of ADC1 channel 0 under 6 dB attenuation.

  3. Get the actual voltage value via esp_adc_cal_raw_to_voltage().

After software calibration, the ADC characteristics would be like:

ADC conversion results after hardware calibration

The results provided by the ADC calibration APIs indicate the actual voltage values. ADC software calibration example can be found in peripherals/adc/single_read directory of ESP-IDF examples.

GPIO Lookup Macros

There are macros available to specify the GPIO number of a ADC channel, or vice versa. e.g.

  1. ADC1_CHANNEL_0_GPIO_NUM is the GPIO number of ADC1 channel 0.

  2. ADC1_GPIOn_CHANNEL is the ADC1 channel number of GPIO n.

API Reference

This reference covers three components:

ADC driver


void adc_power_on(void)

Enable ADC power.


Use adc_power_acquire and adc_power_release instead.

void adc_power_off(void)

Power off SAR ADC.


Use adc_power_acquire and adc_power_release instead. This function will force power down for ADC. This function is deprecated because forcing power ADC power off may disrupt operation of other components which may be using the ADC.

void adc_power_acquire(void)

Increment the usage counter for ADC module. ADC will stay powered on while the counter is greater than 0. Call adc_power_release when done using the ADC.

void adc_power_release(void)

Decrement the usage counter for ADC module. ADC will stay powered on while the counter is greater than 0. Call this function when done using the ADC.

esp_err_t adc1_pad_get_io_num(adc1_channel_t channel, gpio_num_t *gpio_num)

Get the GPIO number of a specific ADC1 channel.

  • channel – Channel to get the GPIO number

  • gpio_num – output buffer to hold the GPIO number


  • ESP_OK if success

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if channel not valid

esp_err_t adc1_config_channel_atten(adc1_channel_t channel, adc_atten_t atten)

Set the attenuation of a particular channel on ADC1, and configure its associated GPIO pin mux.

The default ADC voltage is for attenuation 0 dB and listed in the table below. By setting higher attenuation it is possible to read higher voltages.

Due to ADC characteristics, most accurate results are obtained within the “suggested range” shown in the following table.

|          | attenuation | suggested range |
|    SoC   |     (dB)    |      (mV)       |
|          |       0     |    100 ~  950   |
|          +-------------+-----------------+
|          |       2.5   |    100 ~ 1250   |
|   ESP32  +-------------+-----------------+
|          |       6     |    150 ~ 1750   |
|          +-------------+-----------------+
|          |      11     |    150 ~ 2450   |
|          |       0     |      0 ~  750   |
|          +-------------+-----------------+
|          |       2.5   |      0 ~ 1050   |
| ESP32-S2 +-------------+-----------------+
|          |       6     |      0 ~ 1300   |
|          +-------------+-----------------+
|          |      11     |      0 ~ 2500   |

For maximum accuracy, use the ADC calibration APIs and measure voltages within these recommended ranges.


For any given channel, this function must be called before the first time adc1_get_raw() is called for that channel.


This function can be called multiple times to configure multiple ADC channels simultaneously. You may call adc1_get_raw() only after configuring a channel.

  • channel – ADC1 channel to configure

  • atten – Attenuation level


  • ESP_OK success

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG Parameter error

esp_err_t adc1_config_width(adc_bits_width_t width_bit)

Configure ADC1 capture width, meanwhile enable output invert for ADC1. The configuration is for all channels of ADC1.


width_bit – Bit capture width for ADC1


  • ESP_OK success

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG Parameter error

int adc1_get_raw(adc1_channel_t channel)

Take an ADC1 reading from a single channel.


ESP32: When the power switch of SARADC1, SARADC2, HALL sensor and AMP sensor is turned on, the input of GPIO36 and GPIO39 will be pulled down for about 80ns. When enabling power for any of these peripherals, ignore input from GPIO36 and GPIO39. Please refer to section 3.11 of ‘ECO_and_Workarounds_for_Bugs_in_ESP32’ for the description of this issue. As a workaround, call adc_power_acquire() in the app. This will result in higher power consumption (by ~1mA), but will remove the glitches on GPIO36 and GPIO39.


Call adc1_config_width() before the first time this function is called.


For any given channel, adc1_config_channel_atten(channel) must be called before the first time this function is called. Configuring a new channel does not prevent a previously configured channel from being read.


channel – ADC1 channel to read


  • -1: Parameter error

  • Other: ADC1 channel reading.

esp_err_t adc2_pad_get_io_num(adc2_channel_t channel, gpio_num_t *gpio_num)

Get the GPIO number of a specific ADC2 channel.

  • channel – Channel to get the GPIO number

  • gpio_num – output buffer to hold the GPIO number


  • ESP_OK if success

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if channel not valid

esp_err_t adc2_config_channel_atten(adc2_channel_t channel, adc_atten_t atten)

Configure the ADC2 channel, including setting attenuation.

The default ADC voltage is for attenuation 0 dB and listed in the table below. By setting higher attenuation it is possible to read higher voltages.

Due to ADC characteristics, most accurate results are obtained within the “suggested range” shown in the following table.

|          | attenuation | suggested range |
|    SoC   |     (dB)    |      (mV)       |
|          |       0     |    100 ~  950   |
|          +-------------+-----------------+
|          |       2.5   |    100 ~ 1250   |
|   ESP32  +-------------+-----------------+
|          |       6     |    150 ~ 1750   |
|          +-------------+-----------------+
|          |      11     |    150 ~ 2450   |
|          |       0     |      0 ~  750   |
|          +-------------+-----------------+
|          |       2.5   |      0 ~ 1050   |
| ESP32-S2 +-------------+-----------------+
|          |       6     |      0 ~ 1300   |
|          +-------------+-----------------+
|          |      11     |      0 ~ 2500   |

For maximum accuracy, use the ADC calibration APIs and measure voltages within these recommended ranges.


This function also configures the input GPIO pin mux to connect it to the ADC2 channel. It must be called before calling adc2_get_raw() for this channel.


For any given channel, this function must be called before the first time adc2_get_raw() is called for that channel.

  • channel – ADC2 channel to configure

  • atten – Attenuation level


  • ESP_OK success

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG Parameter error

esp_err_t adc2_get_raw(adc2_channel_t channel, adc_bits_width_t width_bit, int *raw_out)

Take an ADC2 reading on a single channel.


ESP32: When the power switch of SARADC1, SARADC2, HALL sensor and AMP sensor is turned on, the input of GPIO36 and GPIO39 will be pulled down for about 80ns. When enabling power for any of these peripherals, ignore input from GPIO36 and GPIO39. Please refer to section 3.11 of ‘ECO_and_Workarounds_for_Bugs_in_ESP32’ for the description of this issue. As a workaround, call adc_power_acquire() in the app. This will result in higher power consumption (by ~1mA), but will remove the glitches on GPIO36 and GPIO39.


ESP32: For a given channel, adc2_config_channel_atten() must be called before the first time this function is called. If Wi-Fi is started via esp_wifi_start(), this function will always fail with ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT.


ESP32-S2: ADC2 support hardware arbiter. The arbiter is to improve the use efficiency of ADC2. After the control right is robbed by the high priority, the low priority controller will read the invalid ADC2 data. Default priority: Wi-Fi > RTC > Digital;

  • channel – ADC2 channel to read

  • width_bit – Bit capture width for ADC2

  • raw_out – the variable to hold the output data.


  • ESP_OK if success

  • ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT ADC2 is being used by other controller and the request timed out.

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE The controller status is invalid. Please try again.

esp_err_t adc_vref_to_gpio(adc_unit_t adc_unit, gpio_num_t gpio)

Output ADC1 or ADC2’s reference voltage to adc2_channe_t’s IO.

This function routes the internal reference voltage of ADCn to one of ADC2’s channels. This reference voltage can then be manually measured for calibration purposes.


ESP32 only supports output of ADC2’s internal reference voltage.

  • adc_unit[in] ADC unit index

  • gpio[in] GPIO number (Only ADC2’s channels IO are supported)


  • ESP_OK: v_ref successfully routed to selected GPIO


esp_err_t adc2_vref_to_gpio(gpio_num_t gpio)

Output ADC2 reference voltage to adc2_channe_t’s IO.

This function routes the internal reference voltage of ADCn to one of ADC2’s channels. This reference voltage can then be manually measured for calibration purposes.


Use adc_vref_to_gpio instead.


gpio[in] GPIO number (ADC2’s channels are supported)


  • ESP_OK: v_ref successfully routed to selected GPIO


esp_err_t adc_digi_initialize(const adc_digi_init_config_t *init_config)

Initialize the Digital ADC.


init_config – Pointer to Digital ADC initilization config. Refer to adc_digi_init_config_t.


  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG If the combination of arguments is invalid.

  • ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND No free interrupt found with the specified flags

  • ESP_ERR_NO_MEM If out of memory

  • ESP_OK On success

esp_err_t adc_digi_read_bytes(uint8_t *buf, uint32_t length_max, uint32_t *out_length, uint32_t timeout_ms)

Read bytes from Digital ADC through DMA.

  • buf[out] Buffer to read from ADC.

  • length_max[in] Expected length of data read from the ADC.

  • out_length[out] Real length of data read from the ADC via this API.

  • timeout_ms[in] Time to wait for data via this API, in millisecond.


  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE Driver state is invalid. Usually it means the ADC sampling rate is faster than the task processing rate.

  • ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT Operation timed out

  • ESP_OK On success

esp_err_t adc_digi_start(void)

Start the Digital ADC and DMA peripherals. After this, the hardware starts working.


  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE Driver state is invalid.

  • ESP_OK On success

esp_err_t adc_digi_stop(void)

Stop the Digital ADC and DMA peripherals. After this, the hardware stops working.


  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE Driver state is invalid.

  • ESP_OK On success

esp_err_t adc_digi_deinitialize(void)

Deinitialize the Digital ADC.


  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE Driver state is invalid.

  • ESP_OK On success

esp_err_t adc_digi_controller_configure(const adc_digi_configuration_t *config)

Setting the digital controller.


config – Pointer to digital controller paramter. Refer to adc_digi_config_t.


  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE Driver state is invalid.

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG If the combination of arguments is invalid.

  • ESP_OK On success

esp_err_t adc_digi_filter_reset(adc_digi_filter_idx_t idx)

Reset adc digital controller filter.


idx – Filter index.


  • ESP_OK Success

esp_err_t adc_digi_filter_set_config(adc_digi_filter_idx_t idx, adc_digi_filter_t *config)

Set adc digital controller filter configuration.


For ESP32S2, Filter IDX0/IDX1 can only be used to filter all enabled channels of ADC1/ADC2 unit at the same time.


  • ESP_OK Success

esp_err_t adc_digi_filter_get_config(adc_digi_filter_idx_t idx, adc_digi_filter_t *config)

Get adc digital controller filter configuration.


For ESP32S2, Filter IDX0/IDX1 can only be used to filter all enabled channels of ADC1/ADC2 unit at the same time.


  • ESP_OK Success

esp_err_t adc_digi_filter_enable(adc_digi_filter_idx_t idx, bool enable)

Enable/disable adc digital controller filter. Filtering the ADC data to obtain smooth data at higher sampling rates.


For ESP32S2, Filter IDX0/IDX1 can only be used to filter all enabled channels of ADC1/ADC2 unit at the same time.

  • idx – Filter index.

  • enable – Enable/Disable filter.


  • ESP_OK Success

esp_err_t adc_digi_monitor_set_config(adc_digi_monitor_idx_t idx, adc_digi_monitor_t *config)

Config monitor of adc digital controller.


For ESP32S2, The monitor will monitor all the enabled channel data of the each ADC unit at the same time.


  • ESP_OK Success

esp_err_t adc_digi_monitor_enable(adc_digi_monitor_idx_t idx, bool enable)

Enable/disable monitor of adc digital controller.


For ESP32S2, The monitor will monitor all the enabled channel data of the each ADC unit at the same time.

  • idx – Monitor index.

  • enable – True or false enable monitor.


  • ESP_OK Success


struct adc_digi_init_config_s

ADC DMA driver configuration.

Public Members

uint32_t max_store_buf_size

Max length of the converted data that driver can store before they are processed.

uint32_t conv_num_each_intr

Bytes of data that can be converted in 1 interrupt.

uint32_t adc1_chan_mask

Channel list of ADC1 to be initialized.

uint32_t adc2_chan_mask

Channel list of ADC2 to be initialized.

struct adc_digi_configuration_t

ADC digital controller settings.

Public Members

bool conv_limit_en

To limit ADC conversion times. Conversion stops after finishing conv_limit_num times conversion.

uint32_t conv_limit_num

Set the upper limit of the number of ADC conversion triggers. Range: 1 ~ 255.

uint32_t pattern_num

Number of ADC channels that will be used.

adc_digi_pattern_config_t *adc_pattern

List of configs for each ADC channel that will be used.

uint32_t sample_freq_hz

The expected ADC sampling frequency in Hz. Range: 611Hz ~ 83333Hz Fs = Fd / interval / 2 Fs: sampling frequency; Fd: digital controller frequency, no larger than 5M for better performance interval: interval between 2 measurement trigger signal, the smallest interval should not be smaller than the ADC measurement period, the largest interval should not be larger than 4095

adc_digi_convert_mode_t conv_mode

ADC DMA conversion mode, see adc_digi_convert_mode_t.

adc_digi_output_format_t format

ADC DMA conversion output format, see adc_digi_output_format_t.



ADC rtc controller attenuation option.


This definitions are only for being back-compatible


The default (max) bit width of the ADC of current version. You can also get the maximum bitwidth by SOC_ADC_MAX_BITWIDTH defined in soc_caps.h.


Digital ADC DMA read max timeout value, it may make the adc_digi_read_bytes block forever if the OS supports.

Type Definitions

typedef struct adc_digi_init_config_s adc_digi_init_config_t

ADC DMA driver configuration.


enum adc1_channel_t


enumerator ADC1_CHANNEL_0

ADC1 channel 0 is GPIO0

enumerator ADC1_CHANNEL_1

ADC1 channel 1 is GPIO1

enumerator ADC1_CHANNEL_2

ADC1 channel 2 is GPIO2

enumerator ADC1_CHANNEL_3

ADC1 channel 3 is GPIO3

enumerator ADC1_CHANNEL_4

ADC1 channel 4 is GPIO4

enumerator ADC1_CHANNEL_MAX
enum adc2_channel_t


enumerator ADC2_CHANNEL_0

ADC2 channel 0 is GPIO5

enumerator ADC2_CHANNEL_MAX
enum adc_i2s_encode_t

ADC digital controller encode option.


The ESP32-S2 doesn’t use I2S DMA. Call adc_digi_output_format_t instead.


enumerator ADC_ENCODE_12BIT

ADC to DMA data format, , [15:12]-channel [11:0]-12 bits ADC data

enumerator ADC_ENCODE_11BIT

ADC to DMA data format, [15]-unit, [14:11]-channel [10:0]-11 bits ADC data

enumerator ADC_ENCODE_MAX


struct adc_digi_pattern_config_t

ADC digital controller pattern configuration.

Public Members

uint8_t atten

Attenuation of this ADC channel.

uint8_t channel

ADC channel.

uint8_t unit

ADC unit.

uint8_t bit_width

ADC output bit width.

struct adc_digi_output_data_t

ADC digital controller (DMA mode) output data format. Used to analyze the acquired ADC (DMA) data.

Public Members

uint32_t data

ADC real output data info. Resolution: 12 bit.

uint32_t reserved12


uint32_t channel

ADC channel index info. If (channel < ADC_CHANNEL_MAX), The data is valid. If (channel > ADC_CHANNEL_MAX), The data is invalid.

uint32_t unit

ADC unit index info. 0: ADC1; 1: ADC2.

uint32_t reserved17_31


struct adc_digi_output_data_t::[anonymous]::[anonymous] type2

When the configured output format is 12bit. ADC_DIGI_FORMAT_11BIT

uint32_t val

Raw data value

struct adc_arbiter_t

ADC arbiter work mode and priority setting.


ESP32-S2: Only ADC2 support arbiter.

Public Members

adc_arbiter_mode_t mode

Refer to adc_arbiter_mode_t. Note: only support ADC2.

uint8_t rtc_pri

RTC controller priority. Range: 0 ~ 2.

uint8_t dig_pri

Digital controller priority. Range: 0 ~ 2.

uint8_t pwdet_pri

Wi-Fi controller priority. Range: 0 ~ 2.

struct adc_digi_filter_t

ADC digital controller (DMA mode) filter configuration.


For ESP32-S2, The filter object of the ADC is fixed.


For ESP32-S2, The filter object is always all enabled channels.

Public Members

adc_unit_t adc_unit

Set adc unit number for filter. For ESP32-S2, Filter IDX0/IDX1 can only be used to filter all enabled channels of ADC1/ADC2 unit at the same time.

adc_channel_t channel

Set adc channel number for filter. For ESP32-S2, it’s always ADC_CHANNEL_MAX

adc_digi_filter_mode_t mode

Set adc filter mode for filter. See adc_digi_filter_mode_t.

struct adc_digi_monitor_t

ADC digital controller (DMA mode) monitor configuration.


For ESP32-S2, The monitor object of the ADC is fixed.


For ESP32-S2, The monitor object is always all enabled channels.

Public Members

adc_unit_t adc_unit

Set adc unit number for monitor. For ESP32-S2, monitor IDX0/IDX1 can only be used to monitor all enabled channels of ADC1/ADC2 unit at the same time.

adc_channel_t channel

Set adc channel number for monitor. For ESP32-S2, it’s always ADC_CHANNEL_MAX

adc_digi_monitor_mode_t mode

Set adc monitor mode. See adc_digi_monitor_mode_t.

uint32_t h_threshold

Set monitor threshold of adc digital controller.

uint32_t l_threshold

Set monitor threshold of adc digital controller.



ADC arbiter default configuration.


ESP32S2: Only ADC2 supports (needs) an arbiter.


enum adc_unit_t

ADC unit enumeration.


For ADC digital controller (DMA mode), ESP32 doesn’t support ADC_UNIT_2, ADC_UNIT_BOTH, ADC_UNIT_ALTER.


enumerator ADC_UNIT_1


enumerator ADC_UNIT_2


enumerator ADC_UNIT_BOTH

SAR ADC 1 and 2.

enumerator ADC_UNIT_ALTER

SAR ADC 1 and 2 alternative mode.

enumerator ADC_UNIT_MAX
enum adc_channel_t

ADC channels handle. See adc1_channel_t, adc2_channel_t.


For ESP32 ADC1, don’t use ADC_CHANNEL_8, ADC_CHANNEL_9. See adc1_channel_t.


enumerator ADC_CHANNEL_0

ADC channel

enumerator ADC_CHANNEL_1

ADC channel

enumerator ADC_CHANNEL_2

ADC channel

enumerator ADC_CHANNEL_3

ADC channel

enumerator ADC_CHANNEL_4

ADC channel

enumerator ADC_CHANNEL_5

ADC channel

enumerator ADC_CHANNEL_6

ADC channel

enumerator ADC_CHANNEL_7

ADC channel

enumerator ADC_CHANNEL_8

ADC channel

enumerator ADC_CHANNEL_9

ADC channel

enumerator ADC_CHANNEL_MAX
enum adc_atten_t

ADC attenuation parameter. Different parameters determine the range of the ADC. See adc1_config_channel_atten.


enumerator ADC_ATTEN_DB_0

No input attenumation, ADC can measure up to approx. 800 mV.

enumerator ADC_ATTEN_DB_2_5

The input voltage of ADC will be attenuated extending the range of measurement by about 2.5 dB (1.33 x)

enumerator ADC_ATTEN_DB_6

The input voltage of ADC will be attenuated extending the range of measurement by about 6 dB (2 x)

enumerator ADC_ATTEN_DB_11

The input voltage of ADC will be attenuated extending the range of measurement by about 11 dB (3.55 x)

enumerator ADC_ATTEN_MAX
enum adc_bits_width_t

ADC resolution setting option.


Only used in single read mode


enumerator ADC_WIDTH_BIT_12

ADC capture width is 12Bit.

enumerator ADC_WIDTH_MAX
enum adc_digi_convert_mode_t

ADC digital controller (DMA mode) work mode.



Only use ADC1 for conversion.


Only use ADC2 for conversion.


Use Both ADC1 and ADC2 for conversion simultaneously.


Use both ADC1 and ADC2 for conversion by turn. e.g. ADC1 -> ADC2 -> ADC1 -> ADC2 …..

enumerator ADC_CONV_UNIT_MAX
enum adc_digi_output_format_t

ADC digital controller (DMA mode) output data format option.


enumerator ADC_DIGI_FORMAT_12BIT

ADC to DMA data format, [15:12]-channel, [11: 0]-12 bits ADC data (adc_digi_output_data_t). Note: For single convert mode.

enumerator ADC_DIGI_FORMAT_11BIT

ADC to DMA data format, [15]-adc unit, [14:11]-channel, [10: 0]-11 bits ADC data (adc_digi_output_data_t). Note: For multi or alter convert mode.


See adc_digi_output_data_t.type1


See adc_digi_output_data_t.type2

enum adc_arbiter_mode_t

ADC arbiter work mode option.


ESP32-S2: Only ADC2 support arbiter.



Force shield arbiter, Select the highest priority controller to work.

enumerator ADC_ARB_MODE_FIX

Fixed priority switch controller mode.

enumerator ADC_ARB_MODE_LOOP

Loop priority switch controller mode. Each controller has the same priority, and the arbiter will switch to the next controller after the measurement is completed.

enum adc_digi_filter_idx_t

ADC digital controller (DMA mode) filter index options.


For ESP32-S2, The filter object of the ADC is fixed.



The filter index 0. For ESP32-S2, It can only be used to filter all enabled channels of ADC1 unit at the same time.


The filter index 1. For ESP32-S2, It can only be used to filter all enabled channels of ADC2 unit at the same time.

enum adc_digi_filter_mode_t

ADC digital controller (DMA mode) filter type options. Expression: filter_data = (k-1)/k * last_data + new_data / k.



Disable filter

enumerator ADC_DIGI_FILTER_IIR_2

The filter mode is first-order IIR filter. The coefficient is 2.

enumerator ADC_DIGI_FILTER_IIR_4

The filter mode is first-order IIR filter. The coefficient is 4.

enumerator ADC_DIGI_FILTER_IIR_8

The filter mode is first-order IIR filter. The coefficient is 8.

enumerator ADC_DIGI_FILTER_IIR_16

The filter mode is first-order IIR filter. The coefficient is 16.

enumerator ADC_DIGI_FILTER_IIR_64

The filter mode is first-order IIR filter. The coefficient is 64.

enum adc_digi_monitor_idx_t

ADC digital controller (DMA mode) monitor index options.


For ESP32-S2, The monitor object of the ADC is fixed.



The monitor index 0. For ESP32-S2, It can only be used to monitor all enabled channels of ADC1 unit at the same time.


The monitor index 1. For ESP32-S2, It can only be used to monitor all enabled channels of ADC2 unit at the same time.

enum adc_digi_monitor_mode_t

Set monitor mode of adc digital controller. MONITOR_HIGH:If ADC_OUT > threshold, Generates monitor interrupt. MONITOR_LOW: If ADC_OUT < threshold, Generates monitor interrupt.



Disable monitor.


If ADC_OUT < threshold, Generates monitor interrupt. If ADC_OUT > threshold, Generates monitor interrupt.

enum adc_i2s_source_t

ESP32 ADC DMA source selection.


Not applicable on ESP32-S2 because ESP32-S2 doesn’t use I2S DMA.


enumerator ADC_I2S_DATA_SRC_IO_SIG

I2S data from GPIO matrix signal

enumerator ADC_I2S_DATA_SRC_ADC

I2S data from ADC

enumerator ADC_I2S_DATA_SRC_MAX

ADC Calibration


esp_err_t esp_adc_cal_check_efuse(esp_adc_cal_value_t value_type)

Checks if ADC calibration values are burned into eFuse.

This function checks if ADC reference voltage or Two Point values have been burned to the eFuse of the current ESP32


in ESP32S2, only ESP_ADC_CAL_VAL_EFUSE_TP is supported. Some old ESP32S2s do not support this, either. In which case you have to calibrate it manually, possibly by performing your own two-point calibration on the chip.


value_type – Type of calibration value (ESP_ADC_CAL_VAL_EFUSE_VREF or ESP_ADC_CAL_VAL_EFUSE_TP)


  • ESP_OK: The calibration mode is supported in eFuse

  • ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED: Error, eFuse values are not burned


esp_adc_cal_value_t esp_adc_cal_characterize(adc_unit_t adc_num, adc_atten_t atten, adc_bits_width_t bit_width, uint32_t default_vref, esp_adc_cal_characteristics_t *chars)

Characterize an ADC at a particular attenuation.

This function will characterize the ADC at a particular attenuation and generate the ADC-Voltage curve in the form of [y = coeff_a * x + coeff_b]. Characterization can be based on Two Point values, eFuse Vref, or default Vref and the calibration values will be prioritized in that order.


For ESP32, Two Point values and eFuse Vref calibration can be enabled/disabled using menuconfig. For ESP32s2, only Two Point values calibration and only ADC_WIDTH_BIT_13 is supported. The parameter default_vref is unused.

  • adc_num[in] ADC to characterize (ADC_UNIT_1 or ADC_UNIT_2)

  • atten[in] Attenuation to characterize

  • bit_width[in] Bit width configuration of ADC

  • default_vref[in] Default ADC reference voltage in mV (Only in ESP32, used if eFuse values is not available)

  • chars[out] Pointer to empty structure used to store ADC characteristics


  • ESP_ADC_CAL_VAL_EFUSE_VREF: eFuse Vref used for characterization

  • ESP_ADC_CAL_VAL_EFUSE_TP: Two Point value used for characterization (only in Linear Mode)

  • ESP_ADC_CAL_VAL_DEFAULT_VREF: Default Vref used for characterization

uint32_t esp_adc_cal_raw_to_voltage(uint32_t adc_reading, const esp_adc_cal_characteristics_t *chars)

Convert an ADC reading to voltage in mV.

This function converts an ADC reading to a voltage in mV based on the ADC’s characteristics.


Characteristics structure must be initialized before this function is called (call esp_adc_cal_characterize())

  • adc_reading[in] ADC reading

  • chars[in] Pointer to initialized structure containing ADC characteristics


Voltage in mV

esp_err_t esp_adc_cal_get_voltage(adc_channel_t channel, const esp_adc_cal_characteristics_t *chars, uint32_t *voltage)

Reads an ADC and converts the reading to a voltage in mV.

This function reads an ADC then converts the raw reading to a voltage in mV based on the characteristics provided. The ADC that is read is also determined by the characteristics.


The Characteristics structure must be initialized before this function is called (call esp_adc_cal_characterize())

  • channel[in] ADC Channel to read

  • chars[in] Pointer to initialized ADC characteristics structure

  • voltage[out] Pointer to store converted voltage


  • ESP_OK: ADC read and converted to mV

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: Error due to invalid arguments

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE: Reading result is invalid. Try to read again.


struct esp_adc_cal_characteristics_t

Structure storing characteristics of an ADC.


Call esp_adc_cal_characterize() to initialize the structure

Public Members

adc_unit_t adc_num

ADC number

adc_atten_t atten

ADC attenuation

adc_bits_width_t bit_width

ADC bit width

uint32_t coeff_a

Gradient of ADC-Voltage curve

uint32_t coeff_b

Offset of ADC-Voltage curve

uint32_t vref

Vref used by lookup table

const uint32_t *low_curve

Pointer to low Vref curve of lookup table (NULL if unused)

const uint32_t *high_curve

Pointer to high Vref curve of lookup table (NULL if unused)

uint8_t version

ADC Calibration


enum esp_adc_cal_value_t

Type of calibration value used in characterization.



Characterization based on reference voltage stored in eFuse


Characterization based on Two Point values stored in eFuse


Characterization based on default reference voltage


Characterization based on Two Point values and fitting curve coefficients stored in eFuse

enumerator ESP_ADC_CAL_VAL_MAX

GPIO Lookup Macros
