ULP LP-Core 协处理器编程
ULP LP-Core(低功耗内核)协处理器是 ESP32-P4 中 ULP 的一个变型。它具有超低功耗,同时还能在主 CPU 处于低功耗模式时保持运行。因此,LP-Core 协处理器能够在主 CPU 处于睡眠模式时处理 GPIO 或传感器读取等任务,从而显著降低整个系统的整体功耗。
ULP LP-Core 协处理器具有以下功能:
利用基于 RISC-V ISA 的 32 位处理器,包括标准扩展整数 (I)、乘法/除法 (M)、原子 (A) 和压缩 (C)。
包含一个调试模块,支持通过 JTAG 进行外部调试。
当整个系统处于 active 模式时,可以访问所有的高功耗 (HP) SRAM 和外设。
当 HP 系统处于睡眠模式时,可以访问低功耗 (LP) SRAM 和外设。
编译 ULP LP-Core 代码
ULP LP-Core 代码会与 ESP-IDF 项目共同编译,生成一个单独的二进制文件,并自动嵌入到主项目的二进制文件中。编译操作如下:
将用 C 语言或汇编语言编写的 ULP LP-Core 代码(带有
。在 CMakeLists.txt 文件中注册组件后,调用
set(ulp_app_name ulp_${COMPONENT_NAME}) set(ulp_sources "ulp/ulp_c_source_file.c" "ulp/ulp_assembly_source_file.S") set(ulp_exp_dep_srcs "ulp_c_source_file.c")
ulp_embed_binary(${ulp_app_name} "${ulp_sources}" "${ulp_exp_dep_srcs}")
的第一个参数为 ULP 二进制文件的文件名,该文件名也用于其他生成的文件,如 ELF 文件、映射文件、头文件和链接器导出文件。第二个参数为 ULP 源文件。第三个参数为组件源文件列表,用于包含要生成的头文件。要正确构建依赖关系、确保在编译这些文件前创建要生成的头文件,都需要此文件列表。有关 ULP 应用程序生成头文件的概念,请参阅本文档后续章节。
。CONFIG_ULP_COPROC_RESERVE_MEM 选项为 ULP 保留 RTC 内存,因此必须设置为一个足够大的值,以存储 ULP LP-Core 代码和数据。如果应用程序组件包含多个 ULP 程序,那么 RTC 内存的大小必须足够容纳其中最大的程序。按照常规步骤构建应用程序(例如
idf.py app
在构建过程中,采取以下步骤来构建 ULP 程序:
通过 C 编译器和汇编器运行每个源文件。 此步骤会在组件构建目录中生成目标文件
,具体取决于处理的源文件。通过 C 预处理器运行链接器脚本模板。 模板位于
目录中。将对象文件链接到一个 ELF 输出文件中, 即
可用于调试。将 ELF 文件的内容转储到一个二进制文件中, 即
在 ELF 文件中 生成全局符号列表, 即ulp_app_name.sym
。创建一个 LD 导出脚本和一个头文件, 即
访问 ULP LP-Core 程序变量
在主程序中可以使用在 ULP LP-Core 程序中定义的全局符号。
例如,ULP LP-Core 程序定义了一个变量 measurement_count
,用来表示程序从深度睡眠中唤醒芯片前所需的 GPIO 测量次数。
volatile int measurement_count;
int some_function()
int temp = measurement_count;
...do something.
主程序可以访问 ULP LP-Core 程序全局变量,这是因为构建系统生成了 ${ULP_APP_NAME}.h
和 ${ULP_APP_NAME}.ld
文件,文件中定义了 ULP LP-Core 程序中现有的的全局符号。在 ULP LP-Core 程序中定义的每个全局符号都包含在这两个文件中,并具有前缀 ulp_
extern uint32_t ulp_measurement_count;
注意,所有的符号(变量、数组、函数)都被声明为 uint32_t
生成的链接器脚本文件定义了 LP_MEM 中符号的位置:
PROVIDE ( ulp_measurement_count = 0x50000060 );
要从主程序访问 ULP LP-Core 程序变量,应使用 include
语句将生成的头文件包含在主程序中,这样就可以像访问常规变量一样访问 ULP LP-Core 程序变量。
#include "ulp_app_name.h"
void init_ulp_vars() {
ulp_measurement_count = 64;
启动 ULP LP-Core 程序
要运行 ULP LP-Core 程序,主应用程序需要先使用 ulp_lp_core_load_binary()
函数将 ULP 程序加载到 RTC 内存中,然后使用 ulp_lp_core_run()
每个 ULP LP-Core 程序以二进制 blob 的形式嵌入到 ESP-IDF 应用程序中。应用程序可以按照如下方式引用和加载该 blob(假设 ULP_APP_NAME 被定义为 ulp_app_name
extern const uint8_t bin_start[] asm("_binary_ulp_app_name_bin_start");
extern const uint8_t bin_end[] asm("_binary_ulp_app_name_bin_end");
void start_ulp_program() {
ESP_ERROR_CHECK( ulp_lp_core_load_binary( bin_start,
(bin_end - bin_start)) );
将程序加载到 LP 内存后,就可以调用 ulp_lp_core_run()
ulp_lp_core_cfg_t cfg = {
.wakeup_source = ULP_LP_CORE_WAKEUP_SOURCE_LP_TIMER, // LP 内核会定期被 LP 定时器唤醒
.lp_timer_sleep_duration_us = 10000,
ESP_ERROR_CHECK( ulp_lp_core_run(&cfg) );
ULP LP-Core 程序流程
ULP LP-Core 协处理器如何启动取决于 ulp_lp_core_cfg_t
中选择的唤醒源。最常见的用例是 ULP 定期唤醒,在进行一些测量后唤醒主 CPU,或者再次进入睡眠状态。
- ULP 有以下唤醒源:
- LP 内核在接收到一定数量的 UART RX 脉冲后会被唤醒。(暂不支持)
ULP 被唤醒时会经历以下步骤:
,否则运行 ROM 启动代码并跳转至 LP RAM 中的入口地址。ROM 启动代码将初始化 LP UART 并打印启动信息。初始化系统功能,如中断
ULP LP-Core 支持的外设
为了增强 ULP LP-Core 协处理器的功能,它可以访问在低功耗电源域运行的外设。ULP LP-Core 协处理器可以在主 CPU 处于睡眠模式时与这些外设进行交互,并在达到唤醒条件时唤醒主 CPU。以下为支持的外设:
ULP LP-Core ROM 是位于 LP-ROM 中的一小段预编译代码,用户无法修改。与主 CPU 运行的引导加载程序 ROM 代码类似,ULP LP-Core ROM 也在 ULP LP-Core 协处理器启动时执行。该 ROM 代码会初始化 ULP LP-Core 协处理器,随后跳转到用户程序。如果已初始化 LP UART,该 ROM 代码还会打印启动信息。
如果已将 ulp_lp_core_cfg_t::skip_lp_rom_boot
设置为真,则不会执行 ULP LP-Core ROM 代码。如需尽快唤醒 ULP,同时避免初始化和信息打印产生额外开销,则可使用这一功能。
除上述启动代码,ULP LP-Core ROM 代码还提供以下功能和接口:
在任何情况下,这些函数都存在于 LP-ROM 中,因此在程序中使用这些函数可以减少 ULP 应用程序的 RAM 占用。
在示例 system/ulp/lp_core/gpio 中,ULP LP-Core 协处理器在主 CPU 深度睡眠时轮询 GPIO。
在示例 system/ulp/lp_core/lp_i2c 中,ULP LP-Core 协处理器在主 CPU 深度睡眠时读取外部 I2C 环境光传感器 (BH1750),并在达到阈值时唤醒主 CPU。
在示例 system/ulp/lp_core/lp_uart/lp_uart_echo 中,低功耗内核上运行的 LP UART 驱动程序读取并回显写入串行控制台的数据。
system/ulp/lp_core/lp_uart/lp_uart_print 展示了如何在低功耗内核上使用串口打印功能。
API 参考
主 CPU API 参考
Header File
This header file can be included with:
#include "ulp_lp_core.h"
This header file is a part of the API provided by the
component. To declare that your component depends onulp
, add the following to your CMakeLists.txt:REQUIRES ulp
esp_err_t ulp_lp_core_run(ulp_lp_core_cfg_t *cfg)
Configure the ULP and run the program loaded into RTC memory.
- 返回
ESP_OK on success
esp_err_t ulp_lp_core_load_binary(const uint8_t *program_binary, size_t program_size_bytes)
Load the program binary into RTC memory.
- 参数
program_binary -- pointer to program binary
program_size_bytes -- size of the program binary
- 返回
ESP_OK on success
ESP_ERR_INVALID_SIZE if program_size_bytes is more than KiB
void ulp_lp_core_stop(void)
Puts the ulp to sleep and disables all wakeup sources. To restart the ULP call ulp_lp_core_run() with the desired wake up trigger.
void ulp_lp_core_sw_intr_trigger(void)
Trigger a SW interrupt to the LP CPU from the PMU.
This is the same SW trigger that is used to wake up the LP CPU
struct ulp_lp_core_cfg_t
ULP LP core init parameters.
Public Members
uint32_t wakeup_source
Wakeup source flags
uint32_t lp_timer_sleep_duration_us
Sleep duration when ULP_LP_CORE_WAKEUP_SOURCE_LP_TIMER is specified. Measurement unit: us
bool skip_lp_rom_boot
Skips the LP rom code and boots directly into the app code placed in LP RAM, this gives faster boot time for time sensitive use-cases at the cost of skipping setup e.g. of UART
uint32_t wakeup_source
Header File
This header file can be included with:
#include "lp_core_i2c.h"
This header file is a part of the API provided by the
component. To declare that your component depends onulp
, add the following to your CMakeLists.txt:REQUIRES ulp
esp_err_t lp_core_i2c_master_init(i2c_port_t lp_i2c_num, const lp_core_i2c_cfg_t *cfg)
Initialize and configure the LP I2C for use by the LP core Currently LP I2C can only be used in master mode.
The internal pull-up resistors for SDA and SCL pins, if enabled, will provide a weak pull-up value of about 30-50 kOhm. Users are adviced to enable external pull-ups for better performance at higher SCL frequencies.
- 参数
lp_i2c_num -- LP I2C port number
cfg -- Configuration parameters
- 返回
esp_err_t ESP_OK when successful
struct lp_core_i2c_pin_cfg_t
LP Core I2C pin config parameters.
Public Members
gpio_num_t sda_io_num
GPIO pin for SDA signal. Only GPIO#6 can be used as the SDA pin.
gpio_num_t scl_io_num
GPIO pin for SCL signal. Only GPIO#7 can be used as the SCL pin.
bool sda_pullup_en
SDA line enable internal pullup. Can be configured if external pullup is not used.
bool scl_pullup_en
SCL line enable internal pullup. Can be configured if external pullup is not used.
gpio_num_t sda_io_num
struct lp_core_i2c_timing_cfg_t
LP Core I2C timing config parameters.
Public Members
uint32_t clk_speed_hz
LP I2C clock speed for master mode
uint32_t clk_speed_hz
struct lp_core_i2c_cfg_t
LP Core I2C config parameters.
Public Members
lp_core_i2c_pin_cfg_t i2c_pin_cfg
LP I2C pin configuration
lp_core_i2c_timing_cfg_t i2c_timing_cfg
LP I2C timing configuration
soc_periph_lp_i2c_clk_src_t i2c_src_clk
LP I2C source clock type
lp_core_i2c_pin_cfg_t i2c_pin_cfg
Header File
This header file can be included with:
#include "lp_core_uart.h"
This header file is a part of the API provided by the
component. To declare that your component depends onulp
, add the following to your CMakeLists.txt:REQUIRES ulp
esp_err_t lp_core_uart_init(const lp_core_uart_cfg_t *cfg)
Initialize and configure the LP UART to be used from the LP core.
The LP UART initialization must be called from the main core (HP CPU)
- 参数
cfg -- Configuration parameters
- 返回
esp_err_t ESP_OK when successful
struct lp_core_uart_pin_cfg_t
LP UART IO pins configuration.
Public Members
gpio_num_t tx_io_num
GPIO pin for UART Tx signal. Only GPIO#5 can be used as the UART Tx pin
gpio_num_t rx_io_num
GPIO pin for UART Rx signal. Only GPIO#4 can be used as the UART Rx pin
gpio_num_t rts_io_num
GPIO pin for UART RTS signal. Only GPIO#2 can be used as the UART RTS pin
gpio_num_t cts_io_num
GPIO pin for UART CTS signal. Only GPIO#3 can be used as the UART CTS pin
gpio_num_t tx_io_num
struct lp_core_uart_proto_cfg_t
LP UART protocol configuration.
Public Members
int baud_rate
LP UART baud rate
uart_word_length_t data_bits
LP UART byte size
uart_parity_t parity
LP UART parity mode
uart_stop_bits_t stop_bits
LP UART stop bits
uart_hw_flowcontrol_t flow_ctrl
LP UART HW flow control mode (cts/rts)
uint8_t rx_flow_ctrl_thresh
LP UART HW RTS threshold
int baud_rate
struct lp_core_uart_cfg_t
LP UART configuration parameters.
Public Members
lp_core_uart_pin_cfg_t uart_pin_cfg
LP UART pin configuration
lp_core_uart_proto_cfg_t uart_proto_cfg
LP UART protocol configuration
lp_uart_sclk_t lp_uart_source_clk
LP UART source clock selection
lp_core_uart_pin_cfg_t uart_pin_cfg
Default LP_IO Mux pins for LP UART
Header File
This header file can be included with:
#include "lp_core_spi.h"
This header file is a part of the API provided by the
component. To declare that your component depends onulp
, add the following to your CMakeLists.txt:REQUIRES ulp
esp_err_t lp_core_lp_spi_bus_initialize(lp_spi_host_t host_id, const lp_spi_bus_config_t *bus_config)
Initialize the LP SPI bus for use by the LP core.
- 参数
host_id -- LP SPI host number
bus_config -- LP SPI bus configuration parameters
- 返回
esp_err_t ESP_OK when successful ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if the configuration is invalid
esp_err_t lp_core_lp_spi_bus_add_device(lp_spi_host_t host_id, const lp_spi_device_config_t *dev_config)
Initialize the LP SPI controller in master mode and add an SPI device to the LP SPI bus.
- 参数
host_id -- LP SPI host number
dev_config -- LP SPI device configuration parameters
- 返回
esp_err_t ESP_OK when successful ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if the configuration is invalid ESP_FAIL if the device could not be added
esp_err_t lp_core_lp_spi_slave_initialize(lp_spi_host_t host_id, const lp_spi_slave_config_t *slave_config)
Initialize the LP SPI controller in slave mode.
- 参数
host_id -- LP SPI host number
slave_config -- LP SPI slave configuration parameters
- 返回
esp_err_t ESP_OK when successful ESP_FAIL if the SPI controller could not be initialized in slave mode
struct lp_spi_bus_config_t
LP SPI bus configuration parameters.
struct lp_spi_device_config_t
LP SPI device configuration parameters.
Public Members
int cs_io_num
GPIO pin for the device Chip Select (CS) signal.
int clock_speed_hz
SPI clock speed in Hz.
int spi_mode
SPI mode, representing a pair of Clock Polarity (CPOL) and Clock Phase (CPHA) configuration:
SPI Mode 0: (0, 0)
SPI Mode 1: (0, 1)
SPI Mode 2: (1, 0)
SPI Mode 3: (1, 1)
int duty_cycle
Duty cycle of positive SPI clock, in 1/256th increments (128 = 50% duty cycle). Setting this to 0 (=not setting it) is equivalent to setting this to 128.
int flags
Bitwise OR of LP_SPI_DEVICE_* flags
int cs_ena_pretrans
Amount of SPI bit-cycles the CS should be active for, before the transmission (0-16). This only works on half-duplex transactions.
int cs_ena_posttrans
Amount of SPI bit-cycles the CS should stay active for, after the transmission (0-16). This only works on half-duplex transactions.
int cs_io_num
struct lp_spi_slave_config_t
LP SPI slave configuration parameters.
Public Members
int cs_io_num
GPIO pin for the device Chip Select (CS) signal.
int spi_mode
SPI mode, representing a pair of Clock Polarity (CPOL) and Clock Phase (CPHA) configuration:
SPI Mode 0: (0, 0)
SPI Mode 1: (0, 1)
SPI Mode 2: (1, 0)
SPI Mode 3: (1, 1)
int flags
Bitwise OR of LP_SPI_DEVICE_* flags
int cs_io_num
LP SPI device configuration flags.
Transmit command/address/data LSB first instead of the default MSB first
Receive data LSB first instead of the default MSB first
Transmit and receive LSB first
Use MOSI (=spid) for both sending and receiving data
Make CS line active-high during a transanction instead of the default active-low state. Only available in SPI master mode.
Transmit data before receiving it, instead of simultaneously. Only available in SPI master mode.
Type Definitions
typedef uint32_t lp_spi_host_t
LP SPI peripheral Since we have just one LP SPI peripheral, we can define it as a uint32_t type for now, instead of an enum.
Header File
This header file can be included with:
#include "lp_core_etm.h"
This header file is a part of the API provided by the
component. To declare that your component depends onulp
, add the following to your CMakeLists.txt:REQUIRES ulp
esp_err_t lp_core_new_etm_event(const lp_core_etm_event_config_t *config, esp_etm_event_handle_t *out_event)
Create a ETM event for LP-Core.
The created ETM event object can be deleted later by calling
- 参数
config -- [in] LP-Core ETM event configuration
out_event -- [out] Returned ETM event handle
- 返回
ESP_OK: Get ETM event successfully
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: Get ETM event failed because of invalid argument
ESP_FAIL: Get ETM event failed because of other error
esp_err_t lp_core_new_etm_task(const lp_core_etm_task_config_t *config, esp_etm_task_handle_t *out_task)
Create a ETM task for LP-Core.
The created ETM task object can be deleted later by calling
- 参数
config -- [in] LP-Core ETM task configuration
out_task -- [out] Returned ETM task handle
- 返回
ESP_OK: Get ETM task successfully
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: Get ETM task failed because of invalid argument
ESP_FAIL: Get ETM task failed because of other error
struct lp_core_etm_event_config_t
LP-Core ETM event configuration.
Public Members
lp_core_etm_event_type_t event_type
LP-Core ETM event type
lp_core_etm_event_type_t event_type
struct lp_core_etm_task_config_t
LP-Core ETM task configuration.
Public Members
lp_core_etm_task_type_t task_type
LP-Core ETM task type
lp_core_etm_task_type_t task_type
Header File
This header file can be included with:
#include "hal/lp_core_types.h"
LP 内核 API 参考
Header File
void ulp_lp_core_update_wakeup_cause(void)
Traverse all possible wake-up sources and update the wake-up cause so that ulp_lp_core_get_wakeup_cause can obtain the bitmap of the wake-up reasons.
uint32_t ulp_lp_core_get_wakeup_cause(void)
Get the wakeup source which caused LP_CPU to wakeup from sleep.
- 返回
Wakeup cause in bit map, for the meaning of each bit, refer to the definition of wakeup source in lp_core_ll.h
void ulp_lp_core_wakeup_main_processor(void)
Wakeup main CPU from sleep or deep sleep.
This raises a software interrupt signal, if the main CPU has configured the ULP as a wakeup source calling this function will make the main CPU to exit from sleep or deep sleep.
void ulp_lp_core_delay_us(uint32_t us)
Makes the co-processor busy wait for a certain number of microseconds.
- 参数
us -- Number of microseconds to busy-wait for
void ulp_lp_core_delay_cycles(uint32_t cycles)
Makes the co-processor busy wait for a certain number of cycles.
- 参数
cycles -- Number of cycles to busy-wait for
void ulp_lp_core_halt(void)
Finishes the ULP program and powers down the ULP until next wakeup.
This function does not return. After called it will fully reset the ULP.
The program will automatically call this function when returning from main().
To stop the ULP from waking up, call ulp_lp_core_lp_timer_disable() before halting.
void ulp_lp_core_stop_lp_core(void)
The LP core puts itself to sleep and disables all wakeup sources.
void ulp_lp_core_sw_intr_enable(bool enable)
Enable the SW triggered interrupt from the PMU.
This is the same SW trigger interrupt that is used to wake up the LP CPU
- 参数
enable -- true to enable, false to disable
void ulp_lp_core_sw_intr_clear(void)
Clear the interrupt status for the SW triggered interrupt from the PMU.
void ulp_lp_core_wait_for_intr(void)
Puts the CPU into a wait state until an interrupt is triggered.
The CPU will draw less power when in this state compared to actively running
Header File
static inline void ulp_lp_core_gpio_init(lp_io_num_t lp_io_num)
Initialize a rtcio pin.
If IO is used in LP application,
must be called at least once for the using IO before loading LP core firmware in HP Code.- 参数
lp_io_num -- The rtc io pin to initialize
static inline void ulp_lp_core_gpio_output_enable(lp_io_num_t lp_io_num)
Enable output.
- 参数
lp_io_num -- The rtc io pin to enable output for
static inline void ulp_lp_core_gpio_output_disable(lp_io_num_t lp_io_num)
Disable output.
- 参数
lp_io_num -- The rtc io pin to disable output for
static inline void ulp_lp_core_gpio_input_enable(lp_io_num_t lp_io_num)
Enable input.
- 参数
lp_io_num -- The rtc io pin to enable input for
static inline void ulp_lp_core_gpio_input_disable(lp_io_num_t lp_io_num)
Disable input.
- 参数
lp_io_num -- The rtc io pin to disable input for
static inline void ulp_lp_core_gpio_set_level(lp_io_num_t lp_io_num, uint8_t level)
Set rtcio output level.
- 参数
lp_io_num -- The rtc io pin to set the output level for
level -- 0: output low; 1: output high.
static inline uint32_t ulp_lp_core_gpio_get_level(lp_io_num_t lp_io_num)
Get rtcio output level.
- 参数
lp_io_num -- The rtc io pin to get the output level for
static inline void ulp_lp_core_gpio_set_output_mode(lp_io_num_t lp_io_num, rtcio_ll_out_mode_t mode)
Set rtcio output mode.
- 参数
lp_io_num -- The rtc io pin to set the output mode for
mode -- RTCIO_LL_OUTPUT_NORMAL: normal, RTCIO_LL_OUTPUT_OD: open drain
static inline void ulp_lp_core_gpio_pullup_enable(lp_io_num_t lp_io_num)
Enable internal pull-up resistor.
- 参数
lp_io_num -- The rtc io pin to enable pull-up for
static inline void ulp_lp_core_gpio_pullup_disable(lp_io_num_t lp_io_num)
Disable internal pull-up resistor.
- 参数
lp_io_num -- The rtc io pin to disable pull-up for
static inline void ulp_lp_core_gpio_pulldown_enable(lp_io_num_t lp_io_num)
Enable internal pull-down resistor.
- 参数
lp_io_num -- The rtc io pin to enable pull-down for
static inline void ulp_lp_core_gpio_pulldown_disable(lp_io_num_t lp_io_num)
Disable internal pull-down resistor.
- 参数
lp_io_num -- The rtc io pin to disable pull-down for
static inline void ulp_lp_core_gpio_intr_enable(lp_io_num_t lp_io_num, lp_io_intr_type_t intr_type)
Enable interrupt for lp io pin.
- 参数
lp_io_num -- The lp io pin to enable interrupt for
intr_type -- The interrupt type to enable
static inline void ulp_lp_core_gpio_clear_intr_status(void)
Clear interrupt status for all lp io.
enum lp_io_num_t
enumerator LP_IO_NUM_0
GPIO0, input and output
enumerator LP_IO_NUM_1
GPIO1, input and output
enumerator LP_IO_NUM_2
GPIO2, input and output
enumerator LP_IO_NUM_3
GPIO3, input and output
enumerator LP_IO_NUM_4
GPIO4, input and output
enumerator LP_IO_NUM_5
GPIO5, input and output
enumerator LP_IO_NUM_6
GPIO6, input and output
enumerator LP_IO_NUM_7
GPIO7, input and output
enumerator LP_IO_NUM_8
GPIO8, input and output
enumerator LP_IO_NUM_9
GPIO9, input and output
enumerator LP_IO_NUM_10
GPIO10, input and output
enumerator LP_IO_NUM_11
GPIO11, input and output
enumerator LP_IO_NUM_12
GPIO12, input and output
enumerator LP_IO_NUM_13
GPIO13, input and output
enumerator LP_IO_NUM_14
GPIO14, input and output
enumerator LP_IO_NUM_15
GPIO15, input and output
enumerator LP_IO_NUM_0
enum lp_io_intr_type_t
Disable GPIO interrupt
GPIO interrupt type : rising edge
GPIO interrupt type : falling edge
GPIO interrupt type : both rising and falling edge
GPIO interrupt type : input low level trigger
GPIO interrupt type : input high level trigger
Header File
esp_err_t lp_core_i2c_master_read_from_device(i2c_port_t lp_i2c_num, uint16_t device_addr, uint8_t *data_rd, size_t size, int32_t ticks_to_wait)
Read from I2C device.
The LP I2C must have been initialized from the HP core using the lp_core_i2c_master_init() API before invoking this API.
the LP I2C does not support 10-bit I2C device addresses.
the LP I2C port number is ignored at the moment.
- 参数
lp_i2c_num -- LP I2C port number
device_addr -- I2C device address (7-bit)
data_rd -- Buffer to hold data to be read
size -- Size of data to be read in bytes
ticks_to_wait -- Operation timeout in CPU cycles. Set to -1 to wait forever.
- 返回
esp_err_t ESP_OK when successful
esp_err_t lp_core_i2c_master_write_to_device(i2c_port_t lp_i2c_num, uint16_t device_addr, const uint8_t *data_wr, size_t size, int32_t ticks_to_wait)
Write to I2C device.
The LP I2C must have been initialized from the HP core using the lp_core_i2c_master_init() API before invoking this API.
the LP I2C does not support 10-bit I2C device addresses.
the LP I2C port number is ignored at the moment.
- 参数
lp_i2c_num -- LP I2C port number
device_addr -- I2C device address (7-bit)
data_wr -- Buffer which holds the data to be written
size -- Size of data to be written in bytes
ticks_to_wait -- Operation timeout in CPU cycles. Set to -1 to wait forever.
- 返回
esp_err_t ESP_OK when successful
esp_err_t lp_core_i2c_master_write_read_device(i2c_port_t lp_i2c_num, uint16_t device_addr, const uint8_t *data_wr, size_t write_size, uint8_t *data_rd, size_t read_size, int32_t ticks_to_wait)
Write to and then read from an I2C device in a single transaction.
The LP I2C must have been initialized from the HP core using the lp_core_i2c_master_init() API before invoking this API.
the LP I2C does not support 10-bit I2C device addresses.
the LP I2C port number is ignored at the moment.
- 参数
lp_i2c_num -- LP I2C port number
device_addr -- I2C device address (7-bit)
data_wr -- Buffer which holds the data to be written
write_size -- Size of data to be written in bytes
data_rd -- Buffer to hold data to be read
read_size -- Size of data to be read in bytes
ticks_to_wait -- Operation timeout in CPU cycles. Set to -1 to wait forever.
- 返回
esp_err_t ESP_OK when successful
void lp_core_i2c_master_set_ack_check_en(i2c_port_t lp_i2c_num, bool ack_check_en)
Enable or disable ACK checking by the LP_I2C controller during write operations.
When ACK checking is enabled, the hardware will check the ACK/NACK level received during write operations against the expected ACK/NACK level. If the received ACK/NACK level does not match the expected ACK/NACK level then the hardware will generate the I2C_NACK_INT and a STOP condition will be generated to stop the data transfer.
ACK checking is enabled by default
the LP I2C port number is ignored at the moment.
- 参数
lp_i2c_num -- LP I2C port number
ack_check_en -- true: enable ACK check false: disable ACK check
Header File
int lp_core_uart_tx_chars(uart_port_t lp_uart_num, const void *src, size_t size)
Send data to the LP UART port if there is space available in the Tx FIFO.
This function will not wait for enough space in the Tx FIFO to be available. It will just fill the available Tx FIFO slots and return when the FIFO is full. If there are no empty slots in the Tx FIFO, this function will not write any data.
- 参数
lp_uart_num -- LP UART port number
src -- data buffer address
size -- data length to send
- 返回
- (-1) Error
OTHERS (>=0) The number of bytes pushed to the Tx FIFO
esp_err_t lp_core_uart_write_bytes(uart_port_t lp_uart_num, const void *src, size_t size, int32_t timeout)
Write data to the LP UART port.
This function will write data to the Tx FIFO. If a timeout value is configured, this function will timeout once the number of CPU cycles expire.
- 参数
lp_uart_num -- LP UART port number
src -- data buffer address
size -- data length to send
timeout -- Operation timeout in CPU cycles. Set to -1 to wait forever.
- 返回
esp_err_t ESP_OK when successful
int lp_core_uart_read_bytes(uart_port_t lp_uart_num, void *buf, size_t size, int32_t timeout)
Read data from the LP UART port.
This function will read data from the Rx FIFO. If a timeout value is configured, then this function will timeout once the number of CPU cycles expire.
- 参数
lp_uart_num -- LP UART port number
buf -- data buffer address
size -- data length to send
timeout -- Operation timeout in CPU cycles. Set to -1 to wait forever.
- 返回
- (-1) Error
OTHERS (>=0) The number of bytes read from the Rx FIFO
Header File
void lp_core_printf(const char *format, ...)
Print from the LP core.
This function uses the LP UART peripheral to enable prints.The LP UART must be initialized with lp_core_uart_init() before using this function.
This function is not a standard printf function and may not support all format specifiers or special characters.
- 参数
format -- string to be printed
... -- variable argument list
void lp_core_print_char(char c)
Print a single character from the LP core.
- 参数
c -- character to be printed
Header File
void ulp_lp_core_intr_enable(void)
Enables interrupts globally for the low power core.
Available interrupt handlers for the low power core are as follows:
ulp_lp_core_lp_io_intr_handler(void); ulp_lp_core_lp_i2c_intr_handler(void); ulp_lp_core_lp_uart_intr_handler(void); ulp_lp_core_lp_timer_intr_handler(void); ulp_lp_core_lp_pmu_intr_handler(void); ulp_lp_core_lp_spi_intr_handler(void); ulp_lp_core_trng_intr_handler(void); ulp_lp_core_lp_adc_intr_handler(void); ulp_lp_core_lp_touch_intr_handler(void); ulp_lp_core_tsens_intr_handler(void); ulp_lp_core_efuse_intr_handler(void); ulp_lp_core_lp_sysreg_intr_handler(void); ulp_lp_core_lp_ana_peri_intr_handler(void); ulp_lp_core_mailbox_intr_handler(void); ulp_lp_core_lp_wdt_intr_handler(void); ulp_lp_core_lp_rtc_intr_handler(void); ulp_lp_core_sw_intr_handler(void);
Not all handlers are available on all chips. Please refer to the Technical Reference Manual for your chip for more information.
void ulp_lp_core_intr_disable(void)
Disables interrupts globally for the low power core.
Header File
esp_err_t lp_core_lp_spi_master_transfer(lp_spi_transaction_t *trans_desc, int32_t ticks_to_wait)
Initiate an LP SPI transaction in master mode to transmit device to an SPI device and optionally receive data from the device.
- 参数
trans_desc -- LP SPI transaction configuration descriptor
ticks_to_wait -- Operation timeout in CPU cycles. Set to -1 to wait forever.
- 返回
esp_err_t ESP_OK when successful ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if the configuration is invalid ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT when the operation times out
esp_err_t lp_core_lp_spi_slave_transfer(lp_spi_transaction_t *trans_desc, int32_t ticks_to_wait)
Initiate an LP SPI transaction in slave mode to receive data from an SPI master and optionally transmit data back to the master.
- 参数
trans_desc -- LP SPI transaction configuration descriptor
ticks_to_wait -- Operation timeout in CPU cycles. Set to -1 to wait forever.
- 返回
esp_err_t ESP_OK when successful ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if the configuration is invalid ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT when the operation times out
struct lp_spi_transaction_t
This structure describes one SPI transaction. The descriptor should not be modified until the transaction finishes.
Public Members
uint32_t tx_length
Total data length to transmit in bytes
uint32_t rx_length
Total data length to receive in bytes
const void *tx_buffer
Pointer to the transmit buffer. Must be set for master mode transactions. Can be NULL for slave mode transactions.
void *rx_buffer
Pointer to the receive buffer. Must be set for slave mode transactions. Can be NULL for master mode transactions.
lp_spi_bus_t bus
The LP SPI bus to transmit the data on
int command
Command data, of which the length is set in the
field of this structure.
uint32_t address
Address data, of which the length is set in the
field of this structure.
uint8_t command_bits
Default amount of bits in command phase
uint8_t address_bits
Default amount of bits in address phase
uint8_t dummy_bits
Amount of dummy bits to insert between address and data phase.
uint32_t tx_length
Type Definitions
typedef uint32_t lp_spi_bus_t
The LP SPI bus identifier to initiate a transaction on.