ZDO Command API

Zigbee Device Object (ZDO) commands related APIs for ESP Zigbee SDK.

API Reference

Header File


void esp_zb_zdo_active_scan_request(uint32_t channel_mask, uint8_t scan_duration, esp_zb_zdo_scan_complete_callback_t user_cb)

Active scan available network.

Network discovery service for scanning available network

  • channel_mask[in] Valid channel mask is from 0x00000800 (only channel 11) to 0x07FFF800 (all channels from 11 to 26)

  • scan_duration[in] Time spent scanning each channel, in units of ((1 << scan_duration) + 1) * a beacon time.

  • user_cb[in] A user callback to get the active scan result please refer to esp_zb_zdo_scan_complete_callback_t

void esp_zb_zdo_energy_detect_request(uint32_t channel_mask, uint8_t duration, esp_zb_zdo_energy_detect_callback_t cb)

Energy detect request.

  • channel_mask[in] The channel mask that will trigger the energy detection, with a range from 0x00000800 to 0x07FFF800.

  • duration[in] The detection duration on each channel, in units of ((1 << scan_duration) + 1) * a beacon time.

  • cb[in] A user callback to receive the energy detection result, see esp_zb_zdo_energy_detect_callback_t.

void esp_zb_zdo_device_bind_req(esp_zb_zdo_bind_req_param_t *cmd_req, esp_zb_zdo_bind_callback_t user_cb, void *user_ctx)

Send bind device request command.

  • cmd_req[in] Pointer to the bind request command esp_zb_zdo_bind_req_param_s

  • user_cb[in] A user callback that will be called if received bind response refer to esp_zb_zdo_bind_callback_t

  • user_ctx[in] A void pointer that contains the user defines additional information when callback trigger

void esp_zb_zdo_device_unbind_req(esp_zb_zdo_bind_req_param_t *cmd_req, esp_zb_zdo_bind_callback_t user_cb, void *user_ctx)

Send unbind device request command.

  • cmd_req[in] Pointer to the bind request command esp_zb_zdo_bind_req_param_s

  • user_cb[in] A user callback that will be called if received bind response refer to esp_zb_zdo_bind_callback_t

  • user_ctx[in] A void pointer that contains the user defines additional information when callback trigger

void esp_zb_zdo_find_on_off_light(esp_zb_zdo_match_desc_req_param_t *cmd_req, esp_zb_zdo_match_desc_callback_t user_cb, void *user_ctx)

Send find on-off device request command.

  • cmd_req[in] Pointer to the find request command esp_zb_zdo_match_desc_req_param_s

  • user_cb[in] A user callback that will be called if received find response refer to esp_zb_zdo_match_desc_callback_t

  • user_ctx[in] A void pointer that contains the user defines additional information when callback trigger

void esp_zb_zdo_find_color_dimmable_light(esp_zb_zdo_match_desc_req_param_t *cmd_req, esp_zb_zdo_match_desc_callback_t user_cb, void *user_ctx)

Send find color_dimmable device request command.

  • cmd_req[in] Pointer to the find request command esp_zb_zdo_match_desc_req_param_s

  • user_cb[in] A user callback that will be called if received find response refer to esp_zb_zdo_match_desc_callback_t

  • user_ctx[in] A void pointer that contains the user defines additional information when callback trigger

esp_err_t esp_zb_zdo_match_cluster(esp_zb_zdo_match_desc_req_param_t *param, esp_zb_zdo_match_desc_callback_t user_cb, void *user_ctx)

Send match desc request to find matched Zigbee device.

  • param[in] Pointer to esp_zb_zdo_match_desc_req_param_s that will be used to match device

  • user_cb[in] A user callback that will be called if received find response refer to esp_zb_zdo_match_desc_callback_t

  • user_ctx[in] A void pointer that contains the user defines additional information when callback trigger


  • ESP_OK: Success in send match desc request

  • ESP_ERR_NO_MEM: Failed to allocate the memory for the reqeust

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_SIZE: The size of cluster list is wrong in param

void esp_zb_zdo_ieee_addr_req(esp_zb_zdo_ieee_addr_req_param_t *cmd_req, esp_zb_zdo_ieee_addr_callback_t user_cb, void *user_ctx)

Send ieee request command.

  • cmd_req[in] Pointer to the ieee address request command esp_zb_zdo_ieee_addr_req_param_s

  • user_cb[in] A user callback that will be called if received ieee address response refer to esp_zb_zdo_ieee_addr_callback_t

  • user_ctx[in] A void pointer that contains the user defines additional information when callback trigger

void esp_zb_zdo_node_desc_req(esp_zb_zdo_node_desc_req_param_t *cmd_req, esp_zb_zdo_node_desc_callback_t user_cb, void *user_ctx)

Send node descriptor request command.

  • cmd_req[in] Pointer to the node descriptor request command esp_zb_zdo_node_desc_req_param_s

  • user_cb[in] A user callback that will be called if received node desc response refer to esp_zb_zdo_node_desc_callback_t

  • user_ctx[in] A void pointer that contains the user defines additional information when callback trigger

void esp_zb_zdo_simple_desc_req(esp_zb_zdo_simple_desc_req_param_t *cmd_req, esp_zb_zdo_simple_desc_callback_t user_cb, void *user_ctx)

Send simple descriptor request command.

  • cmd_req[in] Pointer to the simple descriptor request command esp_zb_zdo_simple_desc_req_param_s

  • user_cb[in] A user callback that will be called if received simple desc response refer to esp_zb_zdo_simple_desc_callback_t

  • user_ctx[in] A void pointer that contains the user defines additional information when callback trigger

void esp_zb_zdo_active_ep_req(esp_zb_zdo_active_ep_req_param_t *cmd_req, esp_zb_zdo_active_ep_callback_t user_cb, void *user_ctx)

Send active endpoint request command.

  • cmd_req[in] Pointer to the active endpoint request command esp_zb_zdo_active_ep_req_param_s

  • user_cb[in] A user callback that will be called if received active ep response refer to esp_zb_zdo_active_ep_callback_t

  • user_ctx[in] A void pointer that contains the user defines additional information when callback trigger

void esp_zb_zdo_device_leave_req(esp_zb_zdo_mgmt_leave_req_param_t *cmd_req, esp_zb_zdo_leave_callback_t user_cb, void *user_ctx)

Send leave request command.

  • cmd_req[in] Pointer to the leave request command esp_zb_zdo_mgmt_leave_req_param_s

  • user_cb[in] A user callback that will be called if received leave response refer to esp_zb_zdo_leave_callback_t

  • user_ctx[in] A void pointer that contains the user defines additional information when callback trigger

void esp_zb_zdo_permit_joining_req(esp_zb_zdo_permit_joining_req_param_t *cmd_req, esp_zb_zdo_permit_join_callback_t user_cb, void *user_ctx)

Send permit join request command.

  • cmd_req[in] Pointer to the permit join request command esp_zb_zdo_permit_joining_req_param_s

  • user_cb[in] A user callback that will be called if received permit join response refer to esp_zb_zdo_permit_join_callback_t

  • user_ctx[in] A void pointer that contains the user defines additional information when callback trigger

void esp_zb_zdo_binding_table_req(esp_zb_zdo_mgmt_bind_param_t *cmd_req, esp_zb_zdo_binding_table_callback_t user_cb, void *user_ctx)

Send binding table request command.

  • cmd_req[in] Pointer to the zdo mgmt bind request command esp_zb_zdo_mgmt_bind_param_s

  • user_cb[in] A user callback that will be called if received binding table response refer to esp_zb_zdo_binding_table_callback_t

  • user_ctx[in] A void pointer that contains the user defines additional information when callback trigger

void esp_zb_zdo_device_announcement_req(void)

Send device announcement command.

const char *esp_zb_zdo_signal_to_string(esp_zb_app_signal_type_t signal)

Stringify the Zigbee Device Object signal.


signal[in] A esp_zb_app_signal_type_t object that expect to stringified


A string pointer of esp_zb_app_signal_type_t


struct esp_zb_zdo_bind_req_param_s

The Zigbee ZDO bind command struct.


Current implementation of the API ONLY supports 64 bit extended address’s address mode. Other address mode will support later.


Be aware of the one req_dst_addr is address that command send to, while dst_address is the destination of the binding entry.


NOW the dst_addr_mode is default by ZB_BIND_DST_ADDR_MODE_64_BIT_EXTENDED. Later SDK will support other address mode.

Public Members

esp_zb_ieee_addr_t src_address

The IEEE address for the source

uint8_t src_endp

The source endpoint for the binding entry

uint16_t cluster_id

The identifier of the cluster on the source device that is bound to the destination

uint8_t dst_addr_mode

The destination address mode ref to esp_zb_zdo_bind_dst_addr_mode_t

esp_zb_addr_u dst_address_u

The destination address for the binding entry

uint8_t dst_endp

This field shall be present only if the DstAddrMode field has a value of refer to ZB_BIND_DST_ADDR_MODE_64_BIT_EXTENDED refer to bind_dst_addr_mode and, if present, shall be the destination endpoint for the binding entry.

uint16_t req_dst_addr

Destination address of the request send to

struct esp_zb_zdo_match_desc_req_param_s

The Zigbee ZDO match descrpitor command struct.

Public Members

uint16_t dst_nwk_addr

NWK address that request sent to

uint16_t addr_of_interest

NWK address of interest

uint16_t profile_id

Profile ID to be match at the destination which refers to esp_zb_af_profile_id_t

uint8_t num_in_clusters

The number of input clusters provided for matching cluster server

uint8_t num_out_clusters

The number of output clusters provided for matching cluster client

uint16_t *cluster_list

The pointer MUST point the uint16_t object with a size equal to num_in_clusters + num_out_clusters, which will be used to match device.

struct esp_zb_zdo_ieee_addr_req_param_s

The Zigbee ZDO ieee request command struct.

Public Members

uint16_t dst_nwk_addr

NWK address that request sent to

uint16_t addr_of_interest

NWK address of interest

uint8_t request_type

Request type for this command: 0x00 Single device response 0x01 Extended response

uint8_t start_index

If the Request type for this command is Extended response, the StartIndex provides the starting index for the requested elements of the associated devices list

struct esp_zb_zdo_node_desc_req_param_s

The Zigbee ZDO node descriptor command struct.

Public Members

uint16_t dst_nwk_addr

NWK address that is used for IEEE address mapping.

struct esp_zb_zdo_simple_desc_req_param_s

The Zigbee ZDO simple descriptor command struct.

Public Members

uint16_t addr_of_interest

NWK address of interest

uint8_t endpoint

Endpoint of interest

struct esp_zb_zdo_active_ep_req_param_s

The Zigbee ZDO active endpoint command struct.

Public Members

uint16_t addr_of_interest

NWK address of interest

struct esp_zb_zdo_permit_joining_req_param_s

The Zigbee ZDO permit join command struct.

Public Members

uint16_t dst_nwk_addr

NWK address that request sent to

uint8_t permit_duration

The length of time in seconds. 0x00 and 0xff indicate that permission is disabled or enabled

uint8_t tc_significance

If this is set to 0x01 and the remote device is the Trust Center, the command affects the Trust Center authentication policy as described in the sub-clauses below; If this is set to 0x00, there is no effect on the Trust Center

struct esp_zb_zdo_mgmt_leave_req_param_s

The Zigbee ZDO leave command struct.

Public Members

esp_zb_ieee_addr_t device_address

64-bit IEEE address on device

uint16_t dst_nwk_addr

NWK address that request sent to

unsigned int reserved


unsigned int remove_children

Bitfield of remove children or not

unsigned int rejoin

Bitfield of rejoin or not

struct esp_zb_zdo_mgmt_bind_param_s

The Zigbee ZDO binding table request struct.

Public Members

uint8_t start_index

The starting index for the requested elements of the Binding Table

uint16_t dst_addr

The destination address

struct esp_zb_zdo_binding_table_record_s

The Zigbee ZDO binding table record struct.

Public Members

esp_zb_ieee_addr_t src_address

The source IEEE address for the binding entry.

uint8_t src_endp

The source endpoint for the binding entry.

uint16_t cluster_id

The identifier of the cluster on the source device that is bound to the destination device.

uint8_t dst_addr_mode

Destination address mode esp_zb_zdo_bind_dst_addr_mode_t

esp_zb_addr_u dst_address

The destination address for the binding entry.16 or 64 bit. As specified by the dst_addr_mode field.

uint8_t dst_endp

The destination endpoint for binding entry, this field shall be present only if the DstAddrMode field has a value of 0x03 refer to esp_zb_zdo_bind_dst_addr_mode_t

struct esp_zb_zdo_binding_table_record_s *next

The next binding table record

struct esp_zb_zdo_binding_table_info_s

The Zigbee ZDO binding table information struct for users.

Public Members

uint8_t status

The status of binding table information refer to esp_zb_zdp_status

uint8_t index

The index of binding table record

uint8_t total

The total number of records in the binding table for requests

uint8_t count

The number of binding table records in the response

esp_zb_zdo_binding_table_record_t *record

The binding table record list

struct esp_zb_network_descriptor_s

Struture of network descriptor request of active scan response.

Public Members

uint16_t short_pan_id

PAN id

bool permit_joining

Indicates that at least one router / coordinator on the network currently permits joining

esp_zb_ieee_addr_t extended_pan_id

Extended PAN id, the MAC address which forms the network

uint8_t logic_channel

The current logical channel occupied by the network.

bool router_capacity

This value is set to true if the device is capable of accepting join requests from router-capable devices and set to FALSE otherwise.

bool end_device_capacity

This value is set to true if the device is capable of accepting join requests from end devices and set to FALSE otherwise.

struct esp_zb_energy_detect_channel_info_s

Channel information of Energy Detect.

Public Members

uint8_t channel_number

The channel of energy detect

int8_t energy_detected

The energy value of channel in dbm



Type Definitions

typedef void (*esp_zb_zdo_match_desc_callback_t)(esp_zb_zdp_status_t zdo_status, uint16_t addr, uint8_t endpoint, void *user_ctx)

A ZDO match desc request callback for user to get response info.

Find device callback


User’s callback get response from the remote device that local node wants to find a particular device on endpoint.

Param zdo_status

[in] The ZDO response status, refer to esp_zb_zdp_status

Param addr

[in] A short address of the device response, 0xFFFF - invalid address

Param endpoint

[in] An endpoint of the device response, 0xFF - invalid endpoint

Param user_ctx

[in] User information context, set in esp_zb_zdo_find_xxx()

typedef void (*esp_zb_zdo_ieee_addr_callback_t)(esp_zb_zdp_status_t zdo_status, esp_zb_ieee_addr_t ieee_addr, void *user_ctx)

A ZDO ieee address request callback for user to get response info.

IEEE address request callback


User’s callback get response from the remote device that local node wants to get ieee address.

Param zdo_status

[in] The ZDO response status, refer to esp_zb_zdp_status

Param ieee_addr

[in] A ieee address of the device response, 0xFFFF FFFF FFFF FFFF - invalid ieee address

Param user_ctx

[in] User information context, set in esp_zb_zdo_ieee_addr_req()

typedef void (*esp_zb_zdo_node_desc_callback_t)(esp_zb_zdp_status_t zdo_status, uint16_t addr, esp_zb_af_node_desc_t *node_desc, void *user_ctx)

A ZDO Node descriptor request callback for user to get node desc info.

Node descriptor callback


User’s callback get response from the remote device that local node wants to get node descriptor response.

Param zdo_status

[in] The ZDO response status, refer to esp_zb_zdp_status

Param addr

[in] A short address of the device response, 0xFFFF - invalid address

Param node_desc

[in] A pointer to the node desc esp_zb_af_node_desc_s

Param user_ctx

[in] User information context, set in esp_zb_zdo_node_desc_req()

typedef void (*esp_zb_zdo_bind_callback_t)(esp_zb_zdp_status_t zdo_status, void *user_ctx)

A ZDO bind request callback for user to get response info.

Bind request callback


user’s callback get response from the remote device that local node wants to bind.

Param zdo_status

[in] The ZDO response status, refer to esp_zb_zdp_status

Param user_ctx

[in] User information context, set in esp_zb_zdo_device_bind_req()

typedef void (*esp_zb_zdo_active_ep_callback_t)(esp_zb_zdp_status_t zdo_status, uint8_t ep_count, uint8_t *ep_id_list, void *user_ctx)

A ZDO active endpoint request callback for user to get response info.

Active endpoint callback


User’s callback get response from the remote device that local node wants to get active endpoint.

Param zdo_status

[in] The ZDO response status, refer to esp_zb_zdp_status

Param ep_count

[in] A number of active endpoint

Param ep_id_list

[in] A pointer of the endpoint id list

Param user_ctx

[in] User information context, set in esp_zb_zdo_active_ep_req()

typedef void (*esp_zb_zdo_simple_desc_callback_t)(esp_zb_zdp_status_t zdo_status, esp_zb_af_simple_desc_1_1_t *simple_desc, void *user_ctx)

A ZDO simple descriptor request callback for user to get simple desc info.

Simple descriptor callback


User’s callback get response from the remote device that local node wants to get simple desc.

Param zdo_status

[in] The ZDO response status, refer to esp_zb_zdp_status

Param simple_desc

[in] A pointer to the simple desc esp_zb_af_simple_desc_1_1_s

Param user_ctx

[in] User information context, set in esp_zb_zdo_simple_desc_req()

typedef void (*esp_zb_zdo_permit_join_callback_t)(esp_zb_zdp_status_t zdo_status, void *user_ctx)

A ZDO permit join request callback for user to get permit join response info.

Permit join request callback


User’s callback get response from the node requested to permit join.

Param zdo_status

[in] The ZDO response status, refer to esp_zb_zdp_status

Param user_ctx

[in] User information context, set in esp_zb_zdo_permit_joining_req()

typedef void (*esp_zb_zdo_leave_callback_t)(esp_zb_zdp_status_t zdo_status, void *user_ctx)

A ZDO leave request callback for user to get leave status.

Leave request callback


User’s callback get response from the device that wants to leave.

Param zdo_status

[in] The ZDO response status, refer to esp_zb_zdp_status

Param user_ctx

[in] User information context, set in esp_zb_zdo_device_leave_req()

typedef struct esp_zb_zdo_bind_req_param_s esp_zb_zdo_bind_req_param_t

The Zigbee ZDO bind command struct.


Current implementation of the API ONLY supports 64 bit extended address’s address mode. Other address mode will support later.


Be aware of the one req_dst_addr is address that command send to, while dst_address is the destination of the binding entry.


NOW the dst_addr_mode is default by ZB_BIND_DST_ADDR_MODE_64_BIT_EXTENDED. Later SDK will support other address mode.

typedef struct esp_zb_zdo_match_desc_req_param_s esp_zb_zdo_match_desc_req_param_t

The Zigbee ZDO match descrpitor command struct.

typedef struct esp_zb_zdo_ieee_addr_req_param_s esp_zb_zdo_ieee_addr_req_param_t

The Zigbee ZDO ieee request command struct.

typedef struct esp_zb_zdo_node_desc_req_param_s esp_zb_zdo_node_desc_req_param_t

The Zigbee ZDO node descriptor command struct.

typedef struct esp_zb_zdo_simple_desc_req_param_s esp_zb_zdo_simple_desc_req_param_t

The Zigbee ZDO simple descriptor command struct.

typedef struct esp_zb_zdo_active_ep_req_param_s esp_zb_zdo_active_ep_req_param_t

The Zigbee ZDO active endpoint command struct.

typedef struct esp_zb_zdo_permit_joining_req_param_s esp_zb_zdo_permit_joining_req_param_t

The Zigbee ZDO permit join command struct.

typedef struct esp_zb_zdo_mgmt_leave_req_param_s esp_zb_zdo_mgmt_leave_req_param_t

The Zigbee ZDO leave command struct.

typedef struct esp_zb_zdo_mgmt_bind_param_s esp_zb_zdo_mgmt_bind_param_t

The Zigbee ZDO binding table request struct.

typedef struct esp_zb_zdo_binding_table_record_s esp_zb_zdo_binding_table_record_t

The Zigbee ZDO binding table record struct.

typedef struct esp_zb_zdo_binding_table_info_s esp_zb_zdo_binding_table_info_t

The Zigbee ZDO binding table information struct for users.

typedef struct esp_zb_network_descriptor_s esp_zb_network_descriptor_t

Struture of network descriptor request of active scan response.

typedef struct esp_zb_energy_detect_channel_info_s esp_zb_energy_detect_channel_info_t

Channel information of Energy Detect.

typedef void (*esp_zb_zdo_scan_complete_callback_t)(esp_zb_zdp_status_t zdo_status, uint8_t count, esp_zb_network_descriptor_t *nwk_descriptor)

A ZDO active scan request callback for user to get scan list status.

Active scan network callback


User’s callback get response from the device that found in network.

Param zdo_status

[in] The ZDO response status, refer to esp_zb_zdp_status_t

Param count

[in] Number of discovered networks nwk_descriptor

Param nwk_descriptor

[in] The pointer to all discovered networks see refer to esp_zb_network_descriptor_t

typedef void (*esp_zb_zdo_energy_detect_callback_t)(esp_zb_zdp_status_t status, uint16_t count, esp_zb_energy_detect_channel_info_t *channel_info)

ZDO energy detect callback.

Param status

[in] The status of callback, refer to esp_zb_zdp_status_t

Param count

[in] The size of energy detect list

Param ed_list

[in] The list of energy detect information, refer to esp_zb_energy_detect_channel_info_t

typedef void (*esp_zb_zdo_binding_table_callback_t)(const esp_zb_zdo_binding_table_info_t *table_info, void *user_ctx)

A ZDO binding table request callback for user to get the binding table record of remote device.

Binding table request callback

Param table_info

[in] The binding table record which is only accessed by read, refer to esp_zb_zdo_binding_table_info_s

Param user_ctx

[in] User information context, set in esp_zb_zdo_binding_table_req()