Installation and Dependencies
How to Install
Global Installation
You will need Python 3.10 or newer installed on your system to use the latest version of
If your use case requires Python 3.7, 3.8, or 3.9, please use
v4.x. For Python 2.7, 3.4, 3.5, or 3.6, please use
v3.3.* instead.
The latest stable esptool release can be installed from PyPI via pip:
$ pip install esptool
With some Python installations this may not work and you’ll receive an error, try python -m pip install esptool
or pip3 install esptool
, or consult your Python installation manual for information about how to access pip.
Setuptools is also a requirement which is not available on all systems by default. You can install it by a package manager of your operating system, or by pip install setuptools
After installing, you will have
installed into the default Python executables directory and you should be able to run it with the command
or python -m esptool
. Please note that probably only python -m esptool
will work for Pythons installed from Windows Store.
If you actually plan to do development work with esptool itself, see Development Setup for more information.
Virtual Environment Installation
To ensure that
is used in isolation, and any changes made during its usage won’t affect other Python environments or SDK installations, it is advised to install it in a virtual environment and use it directly if possible (more information in the Flashing Firmware article).
Creating a virtual environment (venv) is a good practice. This is particularly helpful for users who may be concerned about interfering with existing installations (e.g. in an environment of a development-setup framework). Here’s a quick guide:
Create a virtual environment and choose its name, e.g. ‘esptoolenv’:
python -m venv esptoolenv
Activate the virtual environment:
On Windows:
On Linux or macOS:
source esptoolenv/bin/activate
Install the latest
version within the active virtual environment:pip install esptool
You can now use it within this virtual environment without affecting your system-wide installations: <command>
When you’re done using
, deactivate the virtual environment:deactivate
. The environment can be reused by activating it again.If you no longer need the virtual environment, you can remove it by deleting the
Binary Releases
If you do not want to install Python and all the dependencies, you can use the pre-built binaries from the GitHub Releases.
Please note that the binaries might have some limitations:
The binaries might rely on some system libraries that are not available on all systems.
The binaries are available only for selected operating systems - currently macOS (x86_64, arm64), Linux (x86_64, armv7,aarch64) and Windows (x86_64).
The binaries might get reported as malware by your antivirus software.
The application is larger in size compared to the Python package installation, as it includes all dependencies.
The application has slower startup time compared to running the Python script directly.
The application cannot be imported as a Python module in other Python applications.
For Linux, the binaries are built using Ubuntu 22.04 as the base image. That means any version older than Ubuntu 22.04 (or any other distribution that uses glibc<2.35
) might not work.
For using on Ubuntu 20.04, please use the Python package installation or v4.*
How to Update
If you are using
as a standalone tool (as a global installation or in a virtual environment), updating to the latest version released on the PyPI index is simple:
$ pip install --upgrade esptool
As a Part of SDK/Framework
is installed as a part of a development SDK/framework (e.g. ESP-IDF, Arduino, or PlatformIO), it is advised to follow the update guide of used framework for instructions and not to update the tool directly.
If updating directly is unavoidable, make sure you update to a compatible version by staying on the same MAJOR version number (explained in the Versions article). For instance, if your currently installed
is v3.3.1
, only update to v3.*.*
. You risk introducing incompatible changes by updating to v4.*.*
or higher.
$ pip install "esptool<4"
Shell Completions
To activate autocompletion, you can manually add commands provided below to your shell’s config file or run them in your current terminal session for one-time activation. You will likely have to restart or re-login for the autocompletion to start working.
eval "$(_ESPTOOL_PY_COMPLETE=bash_source"
To activate completions in zsh, first make sure compinit is marked for autoload and run autoload:
autoload -U compinit
Afterwards you can enable completions for, and
eval "$(_ESPTOOL_PY_COMPLETE=zsh_source"
_ESPTOOL_PY_COMPLETE=fish_source | source
Other shells nor OS Windows are not supported.