Burn Custom Mac

The espefuse.py burn_custom_mac command burns a 48-bit Custom MAC Address.

Positional arguments:

  • MAC. Custom MAC Address (CUSTOM_MAC) to burn given in hexadecimal format with bytes separated by colons (e.g. AA:CD:EF:01:02:03)

Optional arguments:

  • --force-write-always. Write the eFuse key even if it looks like it is already been written, or is write protected. Note that this option can’t disable write protection, or clear any bit which has already been set.

If CUSTOM_MAC is placed in an eFuse block with a coding scheme and already has data then it is not possible to write new data without breaking the encoding. The correct way is to contact Espressif to order chips with CUSTOM_MAC pre-burned from the factory. Another way is, it is not recommended, to use the --force-write-always flag to ignore the encoding violation.