Key Concepts


Each test case would initialize a few fixtures. The most important fixtures are:

  • msg_queue, a message queue. There’s a background listener process to read all the messages from this queue, log them to the terminal with an optional timestamp, and record them to the pexpect process.

  • pexpect_proc, a pexpect process, that could run pexpect.expect() for testing purposes.

  • app, the built binary

  • dut, Device Under Test (DUT)

    A DUT would contain several daemon processes/threads. The output of each of them would be redirected to the msg_queue fixture.


You may redirect any output to the msg_queue fixture by contextlib.redirect_stdout.

import contextlib

def test_redirect(dut, msg_queue):
    with contextlib.redirect_stdout(msg_queue):
        print('will be redirected')


Or you may redirect the output from a fixture redirect

def test_redirect(dut, msg_queue, redirect):
    with redirect():
        print('will also be redirected')


You can run pytest --fixtures to get all the fixtures defined with pytest-embedded. They are under the section fixtures defined from pytest_embedded.plugin.


All the CLI options support parametrization via indirect=True. Parametrization is a feature provided by pytest, please refer to Parametrizing tests for its documentation.

For example, running shell command pytest with the test script:

    'embedded_services, app_path',
        ('idf', app_path_1),
        ('idf', app_path_2),
def test_serial_tcp(dut):
    assert == 'esp32'
    dut.expect('Restart now')

is equivalent to running two shell commands pytest --embedded-services idf --app-path <app_path_1> and pytest --embedded-services idf --app-path <app_path_2> with the test script:

def test_serial_tcp(dut):
    assert == 'esp32'
    dut.expect('Restart now')


You can activate more services with pytest --embedded-services service[,service] to enable extra fixtures and functionalities. These services are provided by several optional dependencies. You can install them via pip as well.

Available services:

  • serial: serial port utilities.

  • esp: auto-detect target/port by esptool.

  • idf: auto-detect more app info with ESP-IDF specific rules, auto-flash the binary into the target.

  • jtag: openocd/gdb utilities.

  • qemu: running test cases on QEMU instead of the real target.

  • arduino: auto-detect more app info with arduino specific rules, auto-flash the binary into the target.

  • wokwi: running test cases with Wokwi instead of the real target.

Multi DUTs

Sometimes we need multi DUTs while testing, e.g., master-slave or mesh testing.

Here are a few examples of how to enable this. For detailed information, please refer to the embedded group of the pytest --help.

Enable multi DUTs by specifying --count

After you enabled the multi-dut mode, all the fixtures would be a tuple with instances. Each instance inside the tuple would be independent. For parametrization, each configuration will use | as a separator for each instance.

For example, running shell command:

pytest \
--embedded-services serial|serial \
--count 2 \
--app-path <master_bin>|<slave_bin>

would enable 2 DUTs with serial service. app would be a tuple of 2 App instances, and dut would be a tuple of 2 Dut Instances.

You can test with:

def test(dut):
    master = dut[0]
    slave = dut[1]


Specify once when applying to all DUTs

If all DUTs share the same configuration value, you can specify only once.

pytest \
--embedded-services serial \
--count 2 \
--app-path <master_bin>|<slave_bin>

--embedded-services serial would apply to all DUTs

Vacant Value if it’s Useless

Sometimes one option is only useful when enabling specific services. You can set a vacant value if this config is only useful for certain DUTs.

pytest \
--embedded-services qemu|serial \
--count 2 \
--app-path <master_bin>|<slave_bin> \
--qemu-cli-args "<args>|" \
--port "|<port>"

--qemu-cli-args would apply to the first DUT with qemu service and --port would apply to the second DUT with serial service.


pytest-embedded print all the DUT output with the timestamp. If you want to remove the timestamp, please run pytest with pytest --with-timestamp n to disable this feature.

By default, pytest would swallow the stdout. If you want to check the live output, please run pytest with pytest -s.