

What is the serial port name of ESP devices?

The serial port name is usually assigned by the operating system, and different operating systems and devices may have different serial port names. Common ones are as follows:

  • In Windows system: COM*

  • In Linux system: - UART: /dev/ttyUSB* - USB: /dev/ttyACM*

  • In macOS system: /dev/cu.usbserial-*

How to block debugging messages sent through UART0 by default in ESP32?

  • For first-stage Bootloader log, you could block the logs by connecting GPIO15 to Ground.

  • For second-stage Bootloader log, go to menuconfig and configure the Bootloader config option.

  • For ESP-IDF log, go to menuconfig > Component config and configure the Log output option.

How to modify the default method of RF calibration in ESP32?

  • During RF initialization, the partial calibration solution is used by default. Go to menuconfig and enable the CONFIG_ESP32_PHY_CALIBRATION_AND_DATA_STORAGE option.

  • If the boot time is not critical, the full calibration solution can be used instead. Go to menuconfig and disable the CONFIG_ESP32_PHY_CALIBRATION_AND_DATA_STORAGE option.

  • It is recommended to use the partial calibration solution, which ensures less boot time and enables you to add the function of erasing RF calibration information in NVS so as to trigger the full calibration operation.

For detailed information, please refer to the RF Calibration documentation.

How to modify the default method of RF calibration in ESP8266?

During RF initialization, the partial calibration solution is used by default, in which the value of byte 115 in esp_init_data_default.bin is 0x01. The initialization only takes a short time. If the boot time is not critical, the full calibration solution can be used instead.

For NONOS SDK and earlier versions of RTOS SDK 3.0:

  • Call system_phy_set_powerup_option(3) in function user_pre_init or user_rf_pre_init.

  • In phy_init_data.bin, modify the value of byte 115 to 0x03.

For RTOS SDK 3.0 and later versions:

  • Go to menuconfig and disable CONFIG_ESP_PHY_CALIBRATION_AND_DATA_STORAGE.

  • If CONFIG_ESP_PHY_INIT_DATA_IN_PARTITION is enabled in menuconfig, please modify the value of byte 115 in phy_init_data.bin to 0x03. If CONFIG_ESP_PHY_INIT_DATA_IN_PARTITION is disabled, please modify the value of byte 115 in phy_init_data.h to 0x03.

If you use the default partial calibration solution, and want to add the function of triggering the full calibration operation:

  • For NONOS SDK and earlier versions of RTOS SDK 3.0, please erase the RF parameters to trigger the full calibration operation.

  • For RTOS SDK 3.0 and later versions, please erase the NVS partition to trigger the full calibration operation.

How to troubleshoot in ESP32 Boot mode?

  • The ESP32-WROVER* uses 1.8 V flash and PSRAM, which is 0x33 by default in boot status and 0x23 in download mode.

  • Other modules use 3.3 V flash and PSRAM, which are 0x13 by default in boot status and 0x03 in download mode.

  • For detailed information, please refer to Section Strapping Pins in ESP32 Series Datasheet. Taking 0x13 as an example, the pins are as follows:















You can also refer to the Boot Mode Selection documentation directly.

* indicates that the product is in EOL status.

How to monitor the free space of the task stack?

The function vTaskList() can be used to print the available space of the task stack regularly. For detailed information, please refer to CSDN Blog.

Is it possible to use JTAG to debug with ESP32-S2?

Yes. For detailed information, please refer to ESP32-S2 JTAG Debugging.

How to modify the log output without changing the output level of menuconfig?

To modify the log output without changing the output level of menuconfig, you can use the esp_log_level_set() function. This function allows you to set the log level for a specific module or subsystem, rather than changing the global log level.

For example, to set the log level for the network module to ESP_LOG_DEBUG, you can use the following code:

esp_log_level_set("network", ESP_LOG_DEBUG);

For more information about this functinality, please refer to Logging library.

ESP8266 enters boot mode (2,7) and hits a watchdog reset. What could be wrong?

  • Please make sure that when ESP8266 boots, the strapping pins are held in the required logic levels. If externally connected peripherals drive the strapping pins to an inappropriate logic level, ESP8266 may boot into a wrong mode of operation. With the absence of a valid program, the WDT may then reset the chip.

  • Thus, in design practices, it is recommended to only use the strapping pins for input to high resistive external devices so that the strapping pin is not forced high/low at power-up. For more information, please refer to ESP8266 Boot Mode Selection.

When using the ESP-WROVER-KIT board with OpenOCD, an error occurred as: Can’t find board/esp32-wrover-kit-3.3v.cfg. How can I resolve such issue?

  • With 20190313 and 20190708 versions of OpenOCD, please use instruction openocd -f board/esp32-wrover.cfg.

  • With 20191114 and 20200420 (2020 later versions) versions of OpenOCD, please use instruction openocd -f board/esp32-wrover-kit-3.3v.cfg.

The RTC_watch_dog keeps resetting during ESP32 SPI boot. What could be the reason?

  • Reason: The flash has a requirement for time interval between VDD_SDIO power-up and the first access. For example, GD’s 1.8 V flash requires 5 ms of time interval, while the time interval of ESP32 is about 1 ms (XTAL frequency is 40 MHz). Under such condition, the flash access will fail and either timer watchdog reset or RTC watchdog reset is triggered, depending on which one is triggered first. The threshold for RTC watchdog reset is 128 KB cycle, while the threshold for timer watchdog reset is 26 MB cycle. Taking the 40 MHz XTAL clock as an example, when the frequency of RTC slow clock is greater than 192 KHz, an RTC watchdog reset will be triggered first, otherwise a timer watchdog reset will be triggered. VDD_SDIO will be continuously powered when the timer watchdog is reset, so there will be no problem in accessing flash and the chip will work normally. When the RTC watchdog is reset, the VDD_SDIO power supply will be disabled and the access to flash will fail, resetting the RTC_watch_dog continuously.

  • Solution: When an RTC watchdog reset occurs, the power supply to VDD_SDIO is disabled. You can add a capacitor to VDD_SDIO to ensure that the voltage of VDD_SDIO does not drop below the voltage that the flash can tolerate during this period.

How to obtain and parse coredump with ESP32?

  • To obtain the 64 KB coredump file from the firmware, you need to know its offset from the partition table. Assuming the offset is 0x3F0000, run the following command to read the firmware:

    python esp-idf/components/esptool_py/esptool/ -p /dev/ttyUSB* read_flash 0x3f0000 0x10000  coredump.bin
  • Use the coredump reading script to convert the file obtained at the first step into readable messages. Assuming the coredump file is coredump.bin and the elf file is hello_wolrd.elf, run the following command to convert the file:

    python esp-idf/components/espcoredump/ info_corefile -t raw -c coredump.bin hello_world.elf

For more information, please refer to the Core Dump documentation.

How to do RF performance test with ESP32, ESP8266, and ESP32S2?

Download the ESP RF Test Tool and refer to the RF Test Guide for test instructions.

What are the reasons for not being able to recognize ESP devices under the Win10 system?

  • Check if any security protection software has been activated.

  • Check if the device is identified in the Linux virtual subsystem of Win10.

  • If the device cannot be identified only in Win10 system, go to Device Manager to see whether such device exists (e.g., COM x). If the answer is still no, please check your cable and driver.

  • If the device cannot be identified only in Linux virtual subsystem, taken VMWare as an example, please go to Settings > USB Controller and select Show all USB input devices.

One error occurred with ESP32 as: Core 1 paniced (Cache disabled but cache memory region accessed). What could be the reason?


  • During the time when cache is disabled (e.g., when using the API spi_flash to read/write/erase/map the SPI flash), an interrupt is generated and the interrupt program accesses the flash resources.

  • It is usually because the processor called programs from the flash and used its constants. One important thing is that since the Double variable is implemented through software, thus when this kind of variable is used in the interrupt programs, it is also implemented in the flash (e.g., forced type conversion operation).


  • Add an IRAM_ATTR modifier to the accessed function during interrupt

  • Add an DRAM_ATTR modifier to the accessed constant during interrupt

  • Do not use Double variable in the interrupt programs

For more information, please refer to the Fatal error documentation.

How to read the flash model information of the modules?

  • Please use the python script esptool to read information of Espressif’s chips and modules.

  • For Windows: -p COM* flash_id
  • For Linux: -p /dev/ttyUSB* flash_id

When debugging the Ethernet Example in ESP-IDF, the following exception log appears. How can I resolve such issue?

emac: Timed out waiting for PHY register 0x2 to have value 0x0243(mask 0xffff). Current value:

You can refer to the following configurations of the development board. Please see the schematics for details:



I found a “Brownout detector was triggered” failure on my ESP32. How to resolve such issue?

  • ESP32 has a built-in brownout detector which can detect if the voltage is lower than a specific value. If it happens, the detector will reset the chip to prevent unintended behavior.

  • This message may be reported in various scenarios, while the root cause should always be that the chip with a power supply has momentarily or permanently dropped below the brownout threshold. Please try replacing stable power supply and USB cable, or installing capacitor on power supply terminals of your module.

  • For products powered by batteries, please check the power-on sequence, replace a battery with a higher current, or try to increase the capacitance of the power supply.

  • Apart from the above solution, you can also try to configure the reset threshold value or disable the brownout detector. For more information, please refer to config-esp32-brownout-det.

  • For ESP32 power-up and reset timing descriptions, see ESP32 Series Datasheet.

After ESP32 imported the protocol_examples_common.h header file, the file cannot be found while compiling. What could be the reason?

  • Please add “set(EXTRA_COMPONENT_DIRS $ENV{IDF_PATH}/examples/common_components/protocol_examples_common)” in CMakeLists.txt under the project.

  • For more information, please refer to the Build system documentation.

When using ESP8266 NonOS v3.0 SDK, the following error occurred. What could be the reason?

E:M 536    E:M 1528

Any error logs beginning with E:M indicates insufficient memory.

When using flash_download_tool to flash firmware to the ESP8266 module, how to solve the following error?

ESP8266 Chip efuse check error esp_check_mac_and_efuse
  • Potential reasons:

    • efuse check error indicates that the internal eFuse parameter area of the chip has been unintentionally modified. Typically, eFuse stores critical information, such as chip configuration and MAC address. If the eFuse is damaged, it will disable the chip.

    • Generally, eFuse damage would be caused by overvoltage or static electricity.

  • Suggestions:

    • Monitor voltage fluctuations during power-up and power-down processes.

    • The eFuse functionality has been enhanced in ESP32-C3/ESP32-C2 chips. You may consider replacing with the relevant products in the future.

When upgrading from ESP-IDF v4.4 to v5.0 and above, the error esp_log.h:265:27: error: format ‘%d’ expects argument of type ‘int’, but argument 6 has type ‘uint32_t’ {aka ‘long unsigned int’} [-Werror=format=]265 | #define LOG_COLOR(COLOR) “033[0;” COLOR “m” is reported. How can this be resolved?

  • This error is caused by Espressif toolchain changes. For specific reasons and solutions, please refer to the Migration Guide: From 4.4 to 5.0.

  • If you decide to ignore this error (not recommended), you can add target_compile_options(${COMPONENT_LIB} PRIVATE -Wno-pointer-sign -Wno-format) in the corresponding cmake of the file where the compilation error occurred.

Do ESP32 series products support the use of JTAG functionality in a boundary scan environment? Where can I download the BSDL files?

Due to hardware limitations, currently ESP32 series products do not support boundary scan functions, therefore JTAG can not be used in a boundary scan environment, and there are no BSDL files.