Formal Description of Kconfig Language

Below, a context-free grammar describing the Kconfig language is presented. This grammar is used as a base for the esp-idf-kconfig parser based on Pyparsing. Indentation is omitted in the grammar for simplicity, but in detailed description, indentation is explicitly mentioned. Terminals are in uppercase, non-terminals are in lowercase, literals are in double-quotes.

# Entry point
mainmenu ::= "mainmenu" + menu_name + entries*
entries ::= config | menu | choice | source | menuconfig | if_entry | comment

# Entries
config ::= "config" + config_name + config_options
menu ::= "menu" + menu_name + entries + "endmenu"
choice ::= "choice" + choice_name + config_options + config* + "endchoice""
source ::= ("source" | "rsource" | "osource" | "orsource") + path
menuconfig ::= "menuconfig" + config_name + config_options
if_entry ::= "if" + expression + entries + "endif"
comment ::= "comment" + STRING + depends_on*

# (menu)config and choice options
config_options ::= (config_type | config_and_prompt)
                   + (default* | help_option | depends_on* | range_entry* | prompt | select* | imply* | option*)*

config_type ::= "bool" | "int" | "hex" | "string"
config_and_prompt ::= config_type + noname_prompt
noname_prompt ::= STRING [+ "if" + expression]

default ::= "default" + symbol [+ "if" + expression ]
help_option ::= "help" + MULTILINE_STRING
depends_on ::= "depends on" + expression
range_entry ::= "range" + number + number [+ "if" + expression]
prompt ::= "prompt" + STRING [+ "if" + expression ]
select ::= "select" + symbol [+ "if" + expression ]
imply ::= "imply" + symbol [+ "if" + expression ]
option ::= "option env=" + STRING

expression ::= expression + "=" + expression
            | expression + "!=" + expression
            | expression + "<" + expression
            | expression + ">" + expression
            | expression + "<=" + expression
            | expression + ">=" + expression
            | "(" + expression + ")"
            | "!" + expression
            | expression + "&&" + expression
            | expression + "||" + expression

# Terminals
symbol ::= config_symbol | envvar | value
config_name ::= STRING
value ::= INT | HEX | STRING
menu_name ::= QUOTED_STRING