Description of kconfig Language

This description is based on the original Kconfig language, as described in the Kconfig language documentation. However, this documentation aims to provide clearer and more formal description of the language, including list of differences between the original Kconfig language and the esp-idf-kconfig implementation. It also reflects changes made in the esp-idf-kconfig implementation.

Introduction and Basic Concepts

The language is used to describe configuration options (configs and choices), organize them in a tree-like structure for e.g. GUI configurators and to define relations between the configs. Kconfig keywords can be divided into two groups: entries and options. Entries define basic structure of the configuration itself and individual configuration options. Options further specify the entries. All the possible keywords together with their syntax and semantics will be described further. For now, here is a list of all Kconfig keywords:

  • entries (described in Entries): mainmenu, menu, config, menuconfig, choice, source, if, comment

  • options (described in Options), <type> (one of bool, int, string, hex), prompt, depends on, default, help, range, select, imply, option, visible if

Kconfig is indentation based language (like e.g. Python or YAML). In the context of esp-idf-kconfig, the indentation should always be 4 spaces. The language is case-sensitive, so config and CONFIG have different meaning. When quoting strings, it is highly recommended to use double quotes.


Entries are of two types: one type is describing the config options (config, menuconfig, choice), second type is used to organize or describe them (mainmenu, menu, source, if, comment). The in depth description of the entries follows. Information about the usage, possible options, formal syntax and examples are provided for every entry.

The mainmenu Entry

The root entry of the configuration is the mainmenu entry, which is followed by a block of other entries indented by one level. There must be exactly one mainmenu entry in a configuration, specifically in the root Kconfig file. The mainmenu entry has no options. The menu_name is a double-quoted string that will as the heading of the configuration menu (invoked e.g. by menuconfig).


In context of ESP-IDF, the mainmenu entry is defined in the root Kconfig file of the project.

Syntax is as follows, where entries can be zero or more of the following: config, menu, choice, source, menuconfig, if, comment, which will be explained further. As stated before, those entries are indented by one level.

mainmenu ::= "mainmenu" + menu_name + entries


mainmenu "Spaceship configuration"

    config SHIP_NAME
        string "USS Enterprise"
        default "USS Enterprise"

    choice SHIP_STATUS
        bool "Ship status"

        config STATUS_ACTIVE
            bool "active"

        config STATUS_INACTIVE
            bool "inactive"


The menu Entry

The menu entry is used to group configuration options together. It can contain the same entries as the mainmenu entry. In contrast to the mainmenu entry, the menu entry is ended explicitly with the endmenu keyword on the same indentation level as the menu start.

The menu has following options: visible if, depends on, neither of them is mandatory.

Syntax is as follows, where entries and menu_name are defined the same as in the mainmenu entry. The menu_name is a double-quoted string.

menu ::= "menu" + menu_name + [+ visible_if | depends_on] + entries + "endmenu"


visible if vs depends on: - visible if is used to conditionally show/hide the menu e.g. in the GUI configurator. Even if the menu is not visible, its sub-entries still influence the rest of the configuration (e.g. via dependencies). - depends on is used to conditionally include the menu in the configuration. If the condition is not met, the configuration behaves like the menu was not there at all.


menu "Crew"
    # If ship is inactive, crew is not visible, but still present in the configuration
    visible if STATUS_ACTIVE

    config CREW_ONBOARD
        int "Crew members onboard"
        default 430

    config CAPTAIN
        string "Captain"
        default "James T. Kirk"



menu "Rations"
    # If ship is not active, this menu is completely removed from the configuration
    depends on STATUS_ACTIVE

    config RATION_TYPE
        string "Type of rations"
        default "Synthfood"



The config Entry

The config entry is used to define a configuration option and is probably the most used entry in the Kconfig language.

This entry can have the following options:

  • <type>: mandatory, one of bool, int, string, hex

  • prompt: optional, at most one

  • default: optional, multiple times

  • help: optional, at most one

  • depends on: optional, multiple times (but always can be merged into one, see depends on section)

  • range: optional, multiple times

  • select: optional, multiple times

  • imply: optional, multiple times

  • option: deprecated

The formal syntax is as follows, where config_name is a non-quoted capitalized string consisting of letters, numbers and underscores, config_options are listed above and described in the Options section. those options indented by one level.

config ::= "config" + config_name + config_options


config CAPTAIN
    prompt "Captain"
    default "James T. Kirk"
        Captain of the ship.
    int "Sublight speed"
    depends on SUBLIGHT_DRIVE
        Speed of the ship in sublight mode in percent.
    range 0 100
    default 10

The choice Entry

The choice entry is used to define an exclusive choice between several configs. These configs need to be defined in the body of the choice and can be included conditionally with the if block. The choice entry has the same options as the config entry, except for the <type> option, which is always bool and it is not necessary to define it (although possible, for compatibility reasons).


In contrast to the upstream Kconfig language, the optional keyword is not supported in the choice entry, as well as other types.

The syntax is as follows. The choice_name is a non-quoted capitalized string consisting of letters, numbers, and underscores, and config_options are described in the Options section. The config_options, config and config_if_entry entries are indented by one level, endchoice token is at the same indentation level as the choice token.

choice ::= "choice" + choice_name + config_options + (config | choice_if_entry)* + "endchoice"


The choice_if_entry entry is syntactically very similar to the if entry. The only difference is that the choice_if_entry accepts only config or another choice_if_entry entries.

Example usage:

choice DRIVE

    config WARP_DRIVE
        bool "Warp drive"

        bool "Sublight drive"

The menuconfig Entry

The menuconfig is a combination of menu and config entries. It is used to define a configuration option that is also a menu. This means that menuconfig has a value, but also a submenu with more config options. This particular entry is useful if some functionality should have a general config, e.g. FEATURE_ENABLED, but also several more specific configs for specifying e.g. its behavior.

This entry can have the same options as config (<type>, prompt, depends on, default, help, range, select, imply, option, visible if, from which only <type> is mandatory).

Syntax is as follows. The sub-configs are not marked by the indentation, but by the depends on option, which is set to the menuconfig’s name, or, alternatively, with the if block. The config_name is a non-quoted capitalized string consisting of letters, numbers and underscores, config_options are described in the Options section and are indented by one level.

# The sub-configs are not present as they are not a part of the syntax, but rather a semantical construct.
menuconfig ::= "menuconfig" + config_name + config_options

Config entries that should be sub-configs of given menuconfig must have the depends on option set to the menuconfig’s name, as shown in the example.

Example usage:

menuconfig ENABLE_WARP
    bool "Enable warp drive."
    default y
    depends on WARP_DRIVE

# Note: choose only one of the following in your configuration

    int "Light years per second"
    depends on ENABLE_WARP
    default 8


    config WARP_COLOR
        hex "Warp color"
        default 0x00FF00



When to use menuconfig, choice, menu?

  • Use menuconfig when you want to have a general config for enabling/disabling a functionality and several specific configs for its configuration.

  • Use choice when you want to have an exclusive choice between several configs.

  • Use menu when you want to group several entries together, but you don’t need to have an umbrella config for them - or those entries are not only configs.

The if Entry

The if keyword as an entry is used to define a conditional block of entries. The block is only included in the configuration if the condition is met.

Syntax is as follows, where expression is a boolean expression and entries are the same as in the mainmenu or menu entry (i.e. all entries except mainmenu). The expression consists of config names connected with standard numeric and boolean operators. The entries are indented by one level. The if entry has no options and is ended explicitly with the endif keyword on the same indentation level as the if keyword.

if_entry ::= "if" + expression + entries + "endif"

Example usage:


    config WARP_SPEED
        int "Light years per second"
        default 8


The comment Entry

The comment entry is used to add a comment for the user into the configuration. The comment can be used to describe a group of entries, a single entry or to add a note to the configuration.

The only option of the comment entry is optional depends_on.


Please pay attention to the difference between the comment entry and #-style comment. The first one is a part of the configuration and puts comments e.g. into the GUI interface ( menuconfig), the second one is a standard comment ignored by the parser. In other words, use comment if you want to add a comment for the user, use #-style comment if you want to add a comment for the developer.

Syntax is as follows, where comment_prompt is a quoted string and depends_on is a list of config names, which the comment depends on. The depends_on is optional.

comment ::= "comment" + comment_prompt + depends_on*


# Comment below will show up in the GUI configurator, but not this one
comment "Warp drive configuration"
    depends on WARP_DRIVE

menuconfig WARP_DRIVE

The source Entry

This entry is used to include another Kconfig file into the current one. The source entry is used to split the configuration into multiple files, which can be useful for better organization of the configuration. The source entry has no options.

There are four sub-types of source entry:

  • source: The path specified must lead to a valid Kconfig file and must be absolute.

  • rsource: The path specified must lead to a valid Kconfig, but is relative to the current Kconfig file.

  • osource: The path specified does not need to lead to a valid Kconfig file, but must be absolute. The file is included only if it exists.

  • orsource: The path specified does not need to lead to a valid Kconfig file and is relative to the current Kconfig file. The file is included only if it exists.

Syntax is as follows, where path is a quoted string.

source ::= ("source" | "rsource" | "osource" | "orsource") + path


menu "Crew"

    rsource "./Kconfig.core_crew"
    oursource "./Kconfig.optional_crew"


Options further specify the entries and are indented by one level. They will be described in the following sections. Every option has an information about its syntax and semantics, possible entries where it can be used and if it is mandatory or optional.

The <type> Option

The type of the configuration option. The possible values are bool, int, string, hex. If used, only one type definition is allowed per entry. Optionally, it can be followed by the inline prompt and the if keyword and a boolean expression (see prompt option section for more details). If the expression will be false, the option will not be visible in the GUI configurator.

This option can be used in the following entries:

  • config: mandatory

  • menuconfig: mandatory

  • choice: optional, only for compatibility reasons, only bool type is allowed


The tristate and def_<type> types are not supported in the esp-idf-kconfig implementation.

Syntax is as follows, where inline prompt is an optional quoted string and can be used to define the prompt directly after the type definition:

type ::= "bool" | "int" | "string" | "hex" [+ inline_prompt [+ "if" + condition]]


    bool "Warp drive"

    int "Light years per second"
    default 8

    hex "Warp color"
    default 0x00FF00

config CAPTAIN
    string "Captain"
    default "James T. Kirk"

The prompt Option

Prompt is the string which can be seen in a GUI configuration tool (e.g. menuconfig). Prompt can be defined either implicitly (after the type definition) or explicitly (as a separate option starting with prompt keyword). The prompt is a quoted string optionally followed by the if keyword and a boolean expression to condition it.

This option can be used in the following entries and is optional:

  • config

  • menuconfig

  • choice

If no prompt is defined, given entry is considered as not visible (refer to visible if option section for more information about visibility).


Prompt vs config name: prompt is the string you see, when you type menuconfig, config name is what ESP-IDF sees when reading e.g. sdkconifg. Kconfig system also adds a CONFIG_ prefix to all the config names to distinguish them from e.g. environment variables.


    # This is a specific config option. If it is not a detailed view, we want it to hide it,
    # but still be present in the configuration and e.g. influence the total number of food.
    int "Rations per person and day" if DETAILED_VIEW
    default 3

The depends on Option

The depends on option is used to define a (direct) dependency of the current option on another option. The dependency is an expression of config names connected with standard numeric and boolean operators (see Expressions for more details).

This option can be used in the following entries and is optional:

  • config

  • menuconfig

  • choice

  • comment

  • menu

depends_on ::= "depends on" + expression


    int "Light years per second"
    # if warp drive is chosen and enabled, this option will be added to the configuration and be visible
    depends on WARP_DRIVE && ENABLE_WARP
    default 8

The select and imply Options

Previous option depends on is used to define a direct dependency of the current option on another option. The select and imply options are used to define a so-called reverse dependency. Given that the value “y” is defined as bigger than “n”, direct dependency can be seen as defining an upper limit of the value of dependent symbol:

    bool "Sublight drive"
    default y

    bool "Left motor"
    # if SUBLIGHT_DRIVE is disabled (equals n), LEFT_MOTOR is also disabled (equals n)
    # if SUBLIGHT_DRIVE is enabled (equals y), LEFT_MOTOR can be enabled or disabled (both y and n are allowed)
    depends on SUBLIGHT_DRIVE

On the other hand, reverse dependency can be seen as defining a lower limit of the value of dependent symbol:

    bool "Right motor"
    # if SUBLIGHT_DRIVE is enabled (equals y), RIGHT_MOTOR is also enabled (equals y) and cannot be n (n is "below lower limit") - no matter what its direct dependencies say!
    # if SUBLIGHT_DRIVE is disabled (equals n), RIGHT_MOTOR can be enabled or disabled (both y and n are allowed)
    select RIGHT_MOTOR
    # same here; except if SUBLIGHT_DRIVE is enabled (equals y), LEFT is also enabled (equals y), but can be disabled (equals n) by its direct dependencies!
    imply LEFT_MOTOR

As seen in the example, the difference between select and imply is that select ignores the direct dependencies of the dependent symbol, while imply does not.

These two options always select/imply only one other (menu)config (however, they can be used multiple times) and can be defined conditionally with the if keyword and a boolean expression.

These options can be used in the following entries (optionally, multiple times):

  • config: only for bool type

  • menuconfig: only bool type

  • choice

select ::= "select" + symbol [+ "if" + expression]
imply ::= "imply" + symbol [+ "if" + expression]


Reverse dependencies are often needed; but use them with caution. They can lead to unexpected behavior and make the configuration harder to understand.

Examples can be seen above.

The default Option

The default option is used to define the default value of the configuration option. The default value can be defined conditionally with the if keyword and a boolean expression. If more than one default value is defined, the first one with its condition met is used.

This option can be used in the following entries (optionally, multiple times):

  • config, but if the config is a choice entry, the default value has no meaning; it is ignored and a warning is shown.

  • menuconfig

  • choice

default ::= "default" + symbol [+ "if" + expression]


    int "Light years per second"
    default 10 if WARP_TURBO
    default 8

The help Option

The help option is used to define a help text for the configuration option. The help text is a multiline string indented by one level.

This option can be used in the following entries and is optional:

  • config

  • menuconfig

  • choice

  • menu

help_option ::= "help" + multiline_string


    int "Light years per second"
        Speed of the ship in warp mode in light years per second.
        The speed is limited by the warp drive power.

The range Option

The range option is used to define the range of the configuration option of type int or hex. The range is defined by two numbers; lower and upper limit. Both limit values are included in the allowed interval. The range can be defined conditionally with the if keyword and a boolean expression.

This option can be used in the following entries and is optional:

  • config: only for int and hex types

  • menuconfig: only for int and hex types

range_entry ::= "range" + number + number [+ "if" + expression]


    int "Sublight speed"
    depends on SUBLIGHT_DRIVE
        Speed of the ship in sublight mode in percent.
    # Limiting the speed to 0-100 percent interval.
    range 0 100
    default 10

The visible if Option

This option is used to conditionally show/hide the menu in the GUI configurator. Even if the entry is not visible, entry itself and its sub-entries still influence the rest of the configuration (e.g. via dependencies).

This option can be used in the following entries and is optional:

  • menu

The syntax is shown below, where expression is a boolean expression.

visible_if ::= "visible if" + expression


menu "Crew"
    # If ship is inactive, crew is not visible, but still present in the configuration
    visible if STATUS_ACTIVE

    config CREW_ONBOARD
        int "Crew members onboard"
        default 430

    config CAPTAIN
        string "Captain"
        default "James T. Kirk"


The option Option (Deprecated)

The option option is used to define an environment variable for the configuration option.


There is no need to use option env=. Instead, it is possible to directly use default "$ENV_VAR_NAME".


In the previous text, expressions were mentioned several times. Expressions are (menu)config and choice names connected by one of the allowed logic operators: =, !=, <, >, <=, >=, &&, ||. Expressions can be nested with parentheses.

The formal syntax is as follows:

expression ::= symbol
            | symbol '=' symbol
            | symbol '!=' symbol
            | symbol '<' symbol
            | symbol '>' symbol
            | symbol '<=' symbol
            | symbol '>=' symbol
            | (expression)
            | !expression
            | expression && expression
            | expression || expression


default 10 if WARP_TURBO