ESP-LyraP-CAM v1.1


This user guide provides information on the ESP-LyraP-CAM extension board.

This extension board cannot be bought separately and is usually sold together with other Espressif development boards (e.g., ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1), which will be referred to as main boards below.

Currently, ESP-LyraP-CAM v1.1 is sold as part of the ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1 Kit v1.3.

The ESP-LyraP-CAM extends the functionality of your main board by adding a camera.



The document consists of the following major sections:

  • Overview: Provides an overview and hardware/software setup instructions to get started.

  • Hardware reference: Provides more detailed information about the ESP-LyraP-CAM's hardware.

  • Hardware Revision Details: Covers revision history, known issues, and links to user guides for previous versions of the ESP-LyraP-CAM.

  • Related Documents: Gives links to related documentation.


This extension board adds a camera to your main board.

Description of Components

ESP-LyraP-CAM - front and back

ESP-LyraP-CAM - front and back

Key Component


Main Board Camera Header

Mount onto main board's Camera Header

Power ON LED

Red LED is on if the power supply voltage is correct

Camera Module Connector

Supports OV2640 and OV3660 camera modules; this extension board is supplied with an OV2640 camera module

Power Regulators

LDO Regulators converting 3.3 V to 2.8 V and 1.5 V

Start Application Development

Before powering up your ESP-LyraP-CAM, please make sure that it is in good condition with no obvious signs of damage.

Required Hardware

  • Board with a female Camera Header (e.g., ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1)

  • ESP-LyraP-CAM extension board

  • Computer running Windows, Linux, or macOS

Hardware Setup

Insert the ESP-LyraP-CAM extension board into your board's female Camera Header.

Software Setup

See Section Software Setup of the ESP32-S2-Kaluga-1 kit user guide.

Hardware Reference

Block Diagram

A block diagram below shows the components of the ESP-LyraP-CAM and their interconnections.

ESP-LyraP-CAM block diagram

ESP-LyraP-CAM block diagram

Hardware Revision Details

ESP-LyraP-CAM v1.1

  • Silk screen updated

  • No actual hardware updates

ESP-LyraP-CAM v1.0

Initial release

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