ESP chips can generate various kinds of timings needed by common LCDs on the market, like SPI LCD, I2C LCD, Parallel LCD (Intel 8080), RGB/SRGB LCD, MIPI DSI LCD and etc. The esp_lcd
component offers an abstracted driver framework to support them in a unified way.
An LCD typically consists of two main planes:
Control Plane: This plane allows us to read and write to the internal registers of the LCD device controller. Host typically uses this plane for tasks such as initializing the LCD power supply and performing gamma calibration.
Data Plane: The data plane is responsible for transmitting pixel data to the LCD device.
Functional Overview
In the context of esp_lcd
, both the data plane and the control plane are represented by the esp_lcd_panel_handle_t
On some LCDs, these two planes may be combined into a single plane. In this configuration, pixel data is transmitted through the control plane, achieving functionality similar to that of the data plane. This merging is common in SPI LCDs and I2C LCDs. Additionally, there are LCDs that do not require a separate control plane. For instance, certain RGB LCDs automatically execute necessary initialization procedures after power-up. Host devices only need to continuously refresh pixel data through the data plane. However, it's essential to note that not all RGB LCDs eliminate the control plane entirely. Some LCD devices can simultaneously support multiple interfaces, requiring the host to send specific commands via the control plane (such as those based on the SPI interface) to enable the RGB mode.
This document will discuss how to create the control plane and data plane, as mentioned earlier, based on different types of LCDs.
ESP-IDF provides only a limited number of LCD device controller drivers out of the box (e.g., ST7789), more drivers are available in the Espressif Component Registry.
LCD Control Panel Operations
can reset the LCD control panel.esp_lcd_panel_init()
performs a basic initialization of the control panel. To perform more manufacture specific initialization, please refer to Steps to Add Manufacture Specific Initialization.By combining using
, you can achieve the functionality of rotating or mirroring the LCD screen.esp_lcd_panel_disp_on_off()
can turn on or off the LCD screen by cutting down the output path from the frame buffer to the LCD screen. Please note, this is not controlling the LCD backlight. Backlight control is not covered by theesp_lcd
can reduce the power consumption of the LCD screen by entering the sleep mode. The internal frame buffer is still retained.
LCD Data Panel Operations
can reset the LCD data panel.esp_lcd_panel_init()
performs a basic initialization of the data panel.esp_lcd_panel_draw_bitmap()
is the function which does the magic to flush the user draw buffer to the LCD screen, where the target draw window is configurable. Please note, this function expects the draw buffer is a 1-D array and there's no stride in between each lines.
Steps to Add Manufacture Specific Initialization
The LCD controller drivers (e.g., st7789) in ESP-IDF only provide basic initialization in the esp_lcd_panel_init()
, leaving the vast majority of settings to the default values. Some LCD modules needs to set a bunch of manufacture specific configurations before it can display normally. These configurations usually include gamma, power voltage and so on. If you want to add manufacture specific initialization, please follow the steps below:
// set extra configurations e.g., gamma control
// with the underlying IO handle
// please consult your manufacture for special commands and corresponding values
esp_lcd_panel_io_tx_param(io_handle, GAMMA_CMD, (uint8_t[]) {
}, N);
// turn on the display
esp_lcd_panel_disp_on_off(panel_handle, true);
Application Example
Software JPEG decoding and display - peripherals/lcd/tjpgd
Universal SPI LCD example with SPI touch - peripherals/lcd/spi_lcd_touch
i80 controller based LCD and LVGL animation UI - peripherals/lcd/i80_controller
I2C interfaced OLED display scrolling text - peripherals/lcd/i2c_oled
API Reference
Header File
This header file can be included with:
#include "hal/lcd_types.h"
Type Definitions
typedef soc_periph_lcd_clk_src_t lcd_clock_source_t
LCD clock source.
enum lcd_rgb_data_endian_t
RGB data endian.
RGB data endian: MSB first
RGB data endian: LSB first
enum lcd_color_space_t
LCD color space.
Color space: RGB
Color space: YUV
enum lcd_color_rgb_pixel_format_t
LCD color pixel format in RGB color space.
16 bits, 5 bits per R/B value, 6 bits for G value
18 bits, 6 bits per R/G/B value
24 bits, 8 bits per R/G/B value
enum lcd_color_format_t
LCD color format.
enumerator LCD_COLOR_FMT_RGB565
enumerator LCD_COLOR_FMT_RGB666
enumerator LCD_COLOR_FMT_RGB888
enumerator LCD_COLOR_FMT_YUV422
enumerator LCD_COLOR_FMT_RGB565
enum lcd_color_range_t
LCD color range.
Limited color range
Full color range
enum lcd_yuv_sample_t
YUV sampling method.
enumerator LCD_YUV_SAMPLE_422
YUV 4:2:2 sampling
enumerator LCD_YUV_SAMPLE_420
YUV 4:2:0 sampling
enumerator LCD_YUV_SAMPLE_411
YUV 4:1:1 sampling
enumerator LCD_YUV_SAMPLE_422
Header File
This header file can be included with:
#include "esp_lcd_types.h"
This header file is a part of the API provided by the
component. To declare that your component depends onesp_lcd
, add the following to your CMakeLists.txt:REQUIRES esp_lcd
struct esp_lcd_video_timing_t
Timing parameters for the video data transmission.
Public Members
uint32_t h_size
Horizontal resolution, i.e. the number of pixels in a line
uint32_t v_size
Vertical resolution, i.e. the number of lines in the frame
uint32_t hsync_pulse_width
Horizontal sync width, in pixel clock
uint32_t hsync_back_porch
Horizontal back porch, number of pixel clock between hsync and start of line active data
uint32_t hsync_front_porch
Horizontal front porch, number of pixel clock between the end of active data and the next hsync
uint32_t vsync_pulse_width
Vertical sync width, in number of lines
uint32_t vsync_back_porch
Vertical back porch, number of invalid lines between vsync and start of frame
uint32_t vsync_front_porch
Vertical front porch, number of invalid lines between the end of frame and the next vsync
uint32_t h_size
struct esp_lcd_panel_io_event_data_t
Type of LCD panel IO event data.
struct esp_lcd_panel_io_callbacks_t
Type of LCD panel IO callbacks.
Public Members
esp_lcd_panel_io_color_trans_done_cb_t on_color_trans_done
Callback invoked when color data transfer has finished
esp_lcd_panel_io_color_trans_done_cb_t on_color_trans_done
struct esp_lcd_color_conv_config_t
Configuration of LCD color conversion.
Public Members
lcd_color_range_t in_color_range
Color range of the input color
lcd_color_range_t out_color_range
Color range of the output color
lcd_yuv_conv_std_t conv_std
YUV conversion standard: BT601, BT709
lcd_yuv422_pack_order_t in_pack_order
YUV422 packing order of the input color
struct esp_lcd_color_conv_config_t::[anonymous]::[anonymous]::[anonymous] yuv422
YUV422 specific
struct esp_lcd_color_conv_config_t::[anonymous]::[anonymous] yuv
YUV specific
union esp_lcd_color_conv_config_t::[anonymous] spec
Extra configuration for specific color conversion
lcd_color_range_t in_color_range
Type Definitions
typedef struct esp_lcd_panel_io_t *esp_lcd_panel_io_handle_t
Type of LCD panel IO handle
typedef struct esp_lcd_panel_t *esp_lcd_panel_handle_t
Type of LCD panel handle
typedef bool (*esp_lcd_panel_io_color_trans_done_cb_t)(esp_lcd_panel_io_handle_t panel_io, esp_lcd_panel_io_event_data_t *edata, void *user_ctx)
Declare the prototype of the function that will be invoked when panel IO finishes transferring color data.
- Param panel_io:
[in] LCD panel IO handle, which is created by factory API like
- Param edata:
[in] Panel IO event data, fed by driver
- Param user_ctx:
[in] User data, passed from
- Return:
Whether a high priority task has been waken up by this function
Header File
This header file can be included with:
#include "esp_lcd_panel_io.h"
This header file is a part of the API provided by the
component. To declare that your component depends onesp_lcd
, add the following to your CMakeLists.txt:REQUIRES esp_lcd
esp_err_t esp_lcd_panel_io_rx_param(esp_lcd_panel_io_handle_t io, int lcd_cmd, void *param, size_t param_size)
Transmit LCD command and receive corresponding parameters.
Commands sent by this function are short, so they are sent using polling transactions. The function does not return before the command transfer is completed. If any queued transactions sent by
are still pending when this function is called, this function will wait until they are finished and the queue is empty before sending the command(s).- Parameters:
io -- [in] LCD panel IO handle, which is created by other factory API like
lcd_cmd -- [in] The specific LCD command, set to -1 if no command needed
param -- [out] Buffer for the command data
param_size -- [in] Size of
- Returns:
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if parameter is invalid
ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED if read is not supported by transport
ESP_OK on success
esp_err_t esp_lcd_panel_io_tx_param(esp_lcd_panel_io_handle_t io, int lcd_cmd, const void *param, size_t param_size)
Transmit LCD command and corresponding parameters.
Commands sent by this function are short, so they are sent using polling transactions. The function does not return before the command transfer is completed. If any queued transactions sent by
are still pending when this function is called, this function will wait until they are finished and the queue is empty before sending the command(s).- Parameters:
io -- [in] LCD panel IO handle, which is created by other factory API like
lcd_cmd -- [in] The specific LCD command, set to -1 if no command needed
param -- [in] Buffer that holds the command specific parameters, set to NULL if no parameter is needed for the command
param_size -- [in] Size of
in memory, in bytes, set to zero if no parameter is needed for the command
- Returns:
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if parameter is invalid
ESP_OK on success
esp_err_t esp_lcd_panel_io_tx_color(esp_lcd_panel_io_handle_t io, int lcd_cmd, const void *color, size_t color_size)
Transmit LCD RGB data.
This function will package the command and RGB data into a transaction, and push into a queue. The real transmission is performed in the background (DMA+interrupt). The caller should take care of the lifecycle of the
buffer. Recycling of color buffer should be done in the callbackon_color_trans_done()
.- Parameters:
io -- [in] LCD panel IO handle, which is created by factory API like
lcd_cmd -- [in] The specific LCD command, set to -1 if no command needed
color -- [in] Buffer that holds the RGB color data
color_size -- [in] Size of
in memory, in bytes
- Returns:
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if parameter is invalid
ESP_OK on success
esp_err_t esp_lcd_panel_io_del(esp_lcd_panel_io_handle_t io)
Destroy LCD panel IO handle (deinitialize panel and free all corresponding resource)
- Parameters:
io -- [in] LCD panel IO handle, which is created by factory API like
- Returns:
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if parameter is invalid
ESP_OK on success
esp_err_t esp_lcd_panel_io_register_event_callbacks(esp_lcd_panel_io_handle_t io, const esp_lcd_panel_io_callbacks_t *cbs, void *user_ctx)
Register LCD panel IO callbacks.
- Parameters:
io -- [in] LCD panel IO handle, which is created by factory API like
cbs -- [in] structure with all LCD panel IO callbacks
user_ctx -- [in] User private data, passed directly to callback's user_ctx
- Returns:
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if parameter is invalid
ESP_OK on success
Header File
This header file can be included with:
#include "esp_lcd_panel_ops.h"
This header file is a part of the API provided by the
component. To declare that your component depends onesp_lcd
, add the following to your CMakeLists.txt:REQUIRES esp_lcd
esp_err_t esp_lcd_panel_reset(esp_lcd_panel_handle_t panel)
Reset LCD panel.
Panel reset must be called before attempting to initialize the panel using
.- Parameters:
panel -- [in] LCD panel handle, which is created by other factory API like
- Returns:
ESP_OK on success
esp_err_t esp_lcd_panel_init(esp_lcd_panel_handle_t panel)
Initialize LCD panel.
Before calling this function, make sure the LCD panel has finished the
stage byesp_lcd_panel_reset()
.- Parameters:
panel -- [in] LCD panel handle, which is created by other factory API like
- Returns:
ESP_OK on success
esp_err_t esp_lcd_panel_del(esp_lcd_panel_handle_t panel)
Deinitialize the LCD panel.
- Parameters:
panel -- [in] LCD panel handle, which is created by other factory API like
- Returns:
ESP_OK on success
esp_err_t esp_lcd_panel_draw_bitmap(esp_lcd_panel_handle_t panel, int x_start, int y_start, int x_end, int y_end, const void *color_data)
Draw bitmap on LCD panel.
- Parameters:
panel -- [in] LCD panel handle, which is created by other factory API like
x_start -- [in] Start pixel index in the target frame buffer, on x-axis (x_start is included)
y_start -- [in] Start pixel index in the target frame buffer, on y-axis (y_start is included)
x_end -- [in] End pixel index in the target frame buffer, on x-axis (x_end is not included)
y_end -- [in] End pixel index in the target frame buffer, on y-axis (y_end is not included)
color_data -- [in] RGB color data that will be dumped to the specific window range
- Returns:
ESP_OK on success
esp_err_t esp_lcd_panel_mirror(esp_lcd_panel_handle_t panel, bool mirror_x, bool mirror_y)
Mirror the LCD panel on specific axis.
Combined with
, one can realize screen rotation- Parameters:
panel -- [in] LCD panel handle, which is created by other factory API like
mirror_x -- [in] Whether the panel will be mirrored about the x axis
mirror_y -- [in] Whether the panel will be mirrored about the y axis
- Returns:
ESP_OK on success
ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED if this function is not supported by the panel
esp_err_t esp_lcd_panel_swap_xy(esp_lcd_panel_handle_t panel, bool swap_axes)
Swap/Exchange x and y axis.
Combined with
, one can realize screen rotation- Parameters:
panel -- [in] LCD panel handle, which is created by other factory API like
swap_axes -- [in] Whether to swap the x and y axis
- Returns:
ESP_OK on success
ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED if this function is not supported by the panel
esp_err_t esp_lcd_panel_set_gap(esp_lcd_panel_handle_t panel, int x_gap, int y_gap)
Set extra gap in x and y axis.
The gap is the space (in pixels) between the left/top sides of the LCD panel and the first row/column respectively of the actual contents displayed.
Setting a gap is useful when positioning or centering a frame that is smaller than the LCD.
- Parameters:
panel -- [in] LCD panel handle, which is created by other factory API like
x_gap -- [in] Extra gap on x axis, in pixels
y_gap -- [in] Extra gap on y axis, in pixels
- Returns:
ESP_OK on success
esp_err_t esp_lcd_panel_invert_color(esp_lcd_panel_handle_t panel, bool invert_color_data)
Invert the color (bit-wise invert the color data line)
- Parameters:
panel -- [in] LCD panel handle, which is created by other factory API like
invert_color_data -- [in] Whether to invert the color data
- Returns:
ESP_OK on success
esp_err_t esp_lcd_panel_disp_on_off(esp_lcd_panel_handle_t panel, bool on_off)
Turn on or off the display.
- Parameters:
panel -- [in] LCD panel handle, which is created by other factory API like
on_off -- [in] True to turns on display, False to turns off display
- Returns:
ESP_OK on success
ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED if this function is not supported by the panel
esp_err_t esp_lcd_panel_disp_off(esp_lcd_panel_handle_t panel, bool off)
Turn off the display.
- Parameters:
panel -- [in] LCD panel handle, which is created by other factory API like
off -- [in] Whether to turn off the screen
- Returns:
ESP_OK on success
ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED if this function is not supported by the panel
esp_err_t esp_lcd_panel_disp_sleep(esp_lcd_panel_handle_t panel, bool sleep)
Enter or exit sleep mode.
- Parameters:
panel -- [in] LCD panel handle, which is created by other factory API like
sleep -- [in] True to enter sleep mode, False to wake up
- Returns:
ESP_OK on success
ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED if this function is not supported by the panel
Header File
This header file can be included with:
#include "esp_lcd_panel_vendor.h"
This header file is a part of the API provided by the
component. To declare that your component depends onesp_lcd
, add the following to your CMakeLists.txt:REQUIRES esp_lcd