Standard Setup of Toolchain for Mac OS


Install Prerequisites

ESP-IDF will use the version of Python installed by default on macOS.

  • install pip:

    sudo easy_install pip
  • install pyserial:

    pip install --user pyserial
  • install CMake & Ninja build:

    • If you have HomeBrew, you can run:

      brew install cmake ninja dfu-util
    • If you have MacPorts, you can run:

      sudo port install cmake ninja dfu-util
    • Otherwise, consult the CMake and Ninja home pages for macOS installation downloads.

  • It is strongly recommended to also install ccache for faster builds. If you have HomeBrew, this can be done via brew install ccache or sudo port install ccache on MacPorts.


If an error like this is shown during any step:

xcrun: error: invalid active developer path (/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools), missing xcrun at: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/bin/xcrun

Then you will need to install the XCode command line tools to continue. You can install these by running xcode-select --install.

Next Steps

To carry on with development environment setup, proceed to Step 2. Get ESP-IDF.