虚拟文件系统 (VFS) 组件为驱动程序提供一个统一接口,可以操作类文件对象。这类驱动程序可以是 FAT、SPIFFS 等真实文件系统,也可以是提供文件类接口的设备驱动程序。
VFS 组件支持 C 库函数(如 fopen 和 fprintf 等)与文件系统 (FS) 驱动程序协同工作。在高层级,每个 FS 驱动程序均挂载到以某个前缀开头的路径上。当一个 C 库函数需要打开文件时,VFS 组件将搜索与该文件所在文件路径相关联的 FS 驱动程序,并将调用传递给该驱动程序。针对该文件的读取、写入等其他操作的调用也将传递给这个驱动程序。
例如,将 FAT 文件系统驱动挂载到 /fat
前缀开头的路径上,之后即可调用 fopen("/fat/file.txt", "w")
。之后,VFS 将调用 FAT 驱动的 open
函数,并将参数 /file.txt
和合适的打开模式传递给 open
函数;后续对返回的 FILE*
数据流调用 C 库函数也同样会传递给 FAT 驱动。
注册 FS 驱动程序
有关先前版本 API(使用 esp_vfs_t
如需注册 FS 驱动程序,应用程序首先要定义一个 esp_vfs_fs_ops_t
结构体实例,并用指向 FS API 的函数指针填充它。
// esp_vfs_fs_ops_t 及其子组件的声明必须是静态的
static const esp_vfs_dir_ops_t myfs_dir = {
.fstat = &myfs_fstat,
static const esp_vfs_fs_ops_t myfs = {
.write = &myfs_write,
.open = &myfs_open,
.close = &myfs_close,
.read = &myfs_read,
.dir = &myfs_dir,
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_vfs_register_fs("/data", &myfs, ESP_VFS_FLAG_STATIC, NULL));
非静态 esp_vfs_fs_ops_t
推荐使用静态分配的 esp_vfs_fs_ops_t
来注册文件系统,因为这种方式更高效。若无法使用静态分配,则将 ESP_VFS_FLAG_STATIC
,指示 VFS 在 RAM 中对传递的结构体进行深拷贝,并由 VFS 组件来管理这份拷贝。
// 可能是局部作用域
esp_vfs_dir_ops_t myfs_dir = {
.fstat = &myfs_fstat,
bool some_condition = false;
esp_vfs_fs_ops_t myfs = {
.write = some_condition ? &myfs_special_write : &myfs_write,
// ... 其他成员
.dir = &myfs_dir,
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_vfs_register_fs("/data", &myfs, ESP_VFS_FLAG_DEFAULT, NULL));
中包含了每个成员带有 _p
函数有其对应的 read_p
函数,后者需要额外的第一个参数。在注册文件系统时,必须指定 ESP_VFS_FLAG_CONTEXT_PTR
ssize_t myfs_write(myfs_t* fs, int fd, const void * data, size_t size);
// 在 esp_vfs_t 的定义中:
.write_p = &myfs_write,
// ... 初始化其他成员
// 注册文件系统时,将 ESP_VFS_FLAG_CONTEXT_PTR 标志与文件系统上下文指针分别作为第三和第四个参数传递
// (假设的 myfs_mount 函数用于实例说明)
myfs_t* myfs_inst1 = myfs_mount(partition1->offset, partition1->size);
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_vfs_register_fs("/data1", &myfs, ESP_VFS_FLAG_STATIC | ESP_VFS_FLAG_CONTEXT_PTR, myfs_inst1));
// 可以注册另一个实例:
myfs_t* myfs_inst2 = myfs_mount(partition2->offset, partition2->size);
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(esp_vfs_register_fs("/data2", &myfs, ESP_VFS_FLAG_STATIC | ESP_VFS_FLAG_CONTEXT_PTR, myfs_inst2));
VFS 组件支持通过 select()
,使用时提供的文件描述符可以属于不同的 VFS 驱动。文件描述符被分为几组,每组属于一个 VFS 驱动。
非套接字 VFS 驱动的文件描述符由
移交给指定的 VFS 驱动,后文会对此进行详述。该函数代表指定驱动select()
的实现。这是一个非阻塞的调用,意味着在设置好检查与指定文件描述符相关事件的环境后,该函数应该立即返回。套接字 VFS 驱动的文件描述符由
移交给套接字 VFS 驱动,后文会对此进行详述。这是一个阻塞调用,意味着只有当有一个与套接字文件描述符相关的事件或非套接字驱动发出信号让socket_select()
退出时,它才会返回。从各个 VFS 驱动程序收集结果,并通过对事件检查环境取消初始化来终止所有驱动程序。
非套接字 VFS 驱动
如果要使用非套接字 VFS 驱动的文件描述符调用 select()
,那么需要用函数 start_select()
和 end_select()
// 在 esp_vfs_select_ops_t 的定义中:
.start_select = &uart_start_select,
.end_select = &uart_end_select,
// ... 其他成员已初始化
调用 start_select()
函数可以设置环境,检测指定 VFS 驱动的文件描述符读取/写入/错误条件。
调用 end_select()
函数可以终止/取消初始化/释放由 start_select()
在少数情况下,在调用 end_select()
之前可能并没有调用过 start_select()
。因此 end_select()
如需获取更多信息,请参考 esp_driver_uart/src/uart_vfs.c 中 UART 外设的 VFS 驱动,尤其是函数 uart_vfs_dev_register()
和 uart_end_select()
请参考以下示例,查看如何使用 VFS 文件描述符调用 select()
套接字 VFS 驱动
套接字 VFS 驱动会使用自实现的 socket_select()
函数,在读取/写入/错误条件时,非套接字 VFS 驱动会通知该函数。
可通过定义以下函数注册套接字 VFS 驱动:
// 在 esp_vfs_select_ops_t 的定义中:
.socket_select = &lwip_select,
.get_socket_select_semaphore = &lwip_get_socket_select_semaphore,
.stop_socket_select = &lwip_stop_socket_select,
.stop_socket_select_isr = &lwip_stop_socket_select_isr,
// ... 其他成员已初始化
函数 socket_select()
是套接字驱动对 select()
的内部实现。该函数只对套接字 VFS 驱动的文件描述符起作用。
返回信号对象 (semaphore),用于非套接字驱动程序中,以终止 socket_select()
通过传递 get_socket_select_semaphore()
函数返回的对象来终止 socket_select()
与 stop_socket_select()
的作用相似,但是前者可在 ISR 中使用。
请参考 lwip/port/esp32xx/vfs_lwip.c 以了解使用 LWIP 的套接字驱动参考实现。
如果 select()
用于套接字文件描述符,可以禁用 CONFIG_VFS_SUPPORT_SELECT 选项来减少代码量,提高性能。
不要在 select()
已注册的 FS 驱动程序均有一个路径前缀与之关联,此路径前缀即为分区的挂载点。
如果挂载点中嵌套了其他挂载点,则在打开文件时使用具有最长匹配路径前缀的挂载点。例如,假设以下文件系统已在 VFS 中注册:
在 /data 下注册 FS 驱动程序 1
在 /data/static 下注册 FS 驱动程序 2
会调用驱动程序 FS 1;打开
需调用 FS 驱动程序 2;即便 FS 驱动程序 2 中没有
,也不会在 FS 驱动程序 1 中查找/static/index.html
挂载点名称必须以路径分隔符 (/
) 开头,且分隔符后至少包含一个字符。但在以下情况中,VFS 同样支持空的挂载点名称:1. 应用程序需要提供一个”最后方案“下使用的文件系统;2. 应用程序需要同时覆盖 VFS 功能。如果没有与路径匹配的前缀,就会使用到这种文件系统。
VFS 不会对路径中的点 (.
) 进行特殊处理,也不会将 ..
视为对父目录的引用。在上述示例中,使用 /data/static/../log.txt
路径不会调用 FS 驱动程序 1 打开 /log.txt
。特定的 FS 驱动程序(如 FATFS)可能以不同的方式处理文件名中的点。
执行打开文件操作时,FS 驱动程序仅得到文件的相对路径(挂载点前缀已经被去除):
fopen("/data/config.json", ...)
;VFS 调用
myfs_open("/config.json", ...)
VFS 对文件路径长度没有限制,但文件系统路径前缀受 ESP_VFS_PATH_MAX
限制,即路径前缀上限为 ESP_VFS_PATH_MAX
文件描述符是一组很小的正整数,从 0
定义在 sys/select.h
定义,且为套接字保留。VFS 中包含一个名为 s_fd_table
的查找表,用于将全局文件描述符映射至 s_vfs
数组中注册的 VFS 驱动索引。
标准 I/O 流(stdin、stdout、stderr)分别映射到文件描述符 0、1 和 2。有关标准 I/O 的更多信息,请参见 Standard I/O and Console Output。
是一个很强大的工具,可以循环通知基于 select()
的自定义事件。在 ESP-IDF 中, eventfd()
的实现大体上与 man(2) eventfd 中的描述相同,主要区别如下:
选项已经被添加到标志中。在中断处理程序中读取和写入 eventfd 需要这个标志。
创建 eventfd 将导致在读取、写入文件时,以及在设置这个文件的 select()
常用 VFS 设备
IDF 定义了多个可供应用程序使用的 VFS 设备。这些设备包括:
/dev/uart/<UART NUMBER>
- 此文件映射到使用 VFS 驱动程序打开的 UART 中。UART 编号是 UART 外设的编号。/dev/null
- 此文件丢弃所有写入的数据,并在读取时返回 EOF。启用 CONFIG_VFS_INITIALIZE_DEV_NULL 会自动创建此文件。/dev/console
- 此文件连接到在 menuconfig 中由 CONFIG_ESP_CONSOLE_UART 和 CONFIG_ESP_CONSOLE_SECONDARY 指定的主输出和次输出。更多信息请参考 Standard I/O and Console Output。
system/eventfd 使用了两个任务和一个定时器 ISR 回调函数演示了如何使用
的主循环中收集任务和中断服务程序的事件。system/select 演示了如何使用
函数进行同步 I/O 多路复用,使用 UART 和套接字文件描述符,并将二者配置为回环模式,以接收来自其他任务发送的消息。storage/semihost_vfs 演示了如何使用半托管 VFS 驱动程序,包括注册主机目录、将 UART 的 stdout 重定向到主机上的文件,并读取和打印文本文件的内容。
API 参考
Header File
This header file can be included with:
#include "esp_vfs.h"
This header file is a part of the API provided by the
component. To declare that your component depends onvfs
, add the following to your CMakeLists.txt:REQUIRES vfs
ssize_t esp_vfs_write(struct _reent *r, int fd, const void *data, size_t size)
These functions are to be used in newlib syscall table. They will be called by newlib when it needs to use any of the syscalls.
off_t esp_vfs_lseek(struct _reent *r, int fd, off_t size, int mode)
ssize_t esp_vfs_read(struct _reent *r, int fd, void *dst, size_t size)
int esp_vfs_open(struct _reent *r, const char *path, int flags, int mode)
int esp_vfs_close(struct _reent *r, int fd)
int esp_vfs_fstat(struct _reent *r, int fd, struct stat *st)
int esp_vfs_stat(struct _reent *r, const char *path, struct stat *st)
int esp_vfs_link(struct _reent *r, const char *n1, const char *n2)
int esp_vfs_unlink(struct _reent *r, const char *path)
int esp_vfs_rename(struct _reent *r, const char *src, const char *dst)
int esp_vfs_utime(const char *path, const struct utimbuf *times)
esp_err_t esp_vfs_register(const char *base_path, const esp_vfs_t *vfs, void *ctx)
Register a virtual filesystem for given path prefix.
- 参数:
base_path -- file path prefix associated with the filesystem. Must be a zero-terminated C string, may be empty. If not empty, must be up to ESP_VFS_PATH_MAX characters long, and at least 2 characters long. Name must start with a "/" and must not end with "/". For example, "/data" or "/dev/spi" are valid. These VFSes would then be called to handle file paths such as "/data/myfile.txt" or "/dev/spi/0". In the special case of an empty base_path, a "fallback" VFS is registered. Such VFS will handle paths which are not matched by any other registered VFS.
vfs -- Pointer to esp_vfs_t, a structure which maps syscalls to the filesystem driver functions. VFS component doesn't assume ownership of this pointer.
ctx -- If vfs->flags has ESP_VFS_FLAG_CONTEXT_PTR set, a pointer which should be passed to VFS functions. Otherwise, NULL.
- 返回:
ESP_OK if successful, ESP_ERR_NO_MEM if too many VFSes are registered.
esp_err_t esp_vfs_register_fd_range(const esp_vfs_t *vfs, void *ctx, int min_fd, int max_fd)
Special case function for registering a VFS that uses a method other than open() to open new file descriptors from the interval <min_fd; max_fd).
This is a special-purpose function intended for registering LWIP sockets to VFS.
- 参数:
vfs -- Pointer to esp_vfs_t. Meaning is the same as for esp_vfs_register().
ctx -- Pointer to context structure. Meaning is the same as for esp_vfs_register().
min_fd -- The smallest file descriptor this VFS will use.
max_fd -- Upper boundary for file descriptors this VFS will use (the biggest file descriptor plus one).
- 返回:
ESP_OK if successful, ESP_ERR_NO_MEM if too many VFSes are registered, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if the file descriptor boundaries are incorrect.
esp_err_t esp_vfs_register_with_id(const esp_vfs_t *vfs, void *ctx, esp_vfs_id_t *vfs_id)
Special case function for registering a VFS that uses a method other than open() to open new file descriptors. In comparison with esp_vfs_register_fd_range, this function doesn't pre-registers an interval of file descriptors. File descriptors can be registered later, by using esp_vfs_register_fd.
- 参数:
vfs -- Pointer to esp_vfs_t. Meaning is the same as for esp_vfs_register().
ctx -- Pointer to context structure. Meaning is the same as for esp_vfs_register().
vfs_id -- Here will be written the VFS ID which can be passed to esp_vfs_register_fd for registering file descriptors.
- 返回:
ESP_OK if successful, ESP_ERR_NO_MEM if too many VFSes are registered, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if the file descriptor boundaries are incorrect.
esp_err_t esp_vfs_unregister(const char *base_path)
Unregister a virtual filesystem for given path prefix
- 参数:
base_path -- file prefix previously used in esp_vfs_register call
- 返回:
ESP_OK if successful, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE if VFS for given prefix hasn't been registered
esp_err_t esp_vfs_unregister_with_id(esp_vfs_id_t vfs_id)
Unregister a virtual filesystem with the given index
- 参数:
vfs_id -- The VFS ID returned by esp_vfs_register_with_id
- 返回:
ESP_OK if successful, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE if VFS for the given index hasn't been registered
esp_err_t esp_vfs_register_fd(esp_vfs_id_t vfs_id, int *fd)
Special function for registering another file descriptor for a VFS registered by esp_vfs_register_with_id. This function should only be used to register permanent file descriptors (socket fd) that are not removed after being closed.
- 参数:
vfs_id -- VFS identificator returned by esp_vfs_register_with_id.
fd -- The registered file descriptor will be written to this address.
- 返回:
ESP_OK if the registration is successful, ESP_ERR_NO_MEM if too many file descriptors are registered, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if the arguments are incorrect.
esp_err_t esp_vfs_register_fd_with_local_fd(esp_vfs_id_t vfs_id, int local_fd, bool permanent, int *fd)
Special function for registering another file descriptor with given local_fd for a VFS registered by esp_vfs_register_with_id.
- 参数:
vfs_id -- VFS identificator returned by esp_vfs_register_with_id.
local_fd -- The fd in the local vfs. Passing -1 will set the local fd as the (*fd) value.
permanent -- Whether the fd should be treated as permannet (not removed after close())
fd -- The registered file descriptor will be written to this address.
- 返回:
ESP_OK if the registration is successful, ESP_ERR_NO_MEM if too many file descriptors are registered, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if the arguments are incorrect.
esp_err_t esp_vfs_unregister_fd(esp_vfs_id_t vfs_id, int fd)
Special function for unregistering a file descriptor belonging to a VFS registered by esp_vfs_register_with_id.
- 参数:
vfs_id -- VFS identificator returned by esp_vfs_register_with_id.
fd -- File descriptor which should be unregistered.
- 返回:
ESP_OK if the registration is successful, ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if the arguments are incorrect.
int esp_vfs_select(int nfds, fd_set *readfds, fd_set *writefds, fd_set *errorfds, struct timeval *timeout)
Synchronous I/O multiplexing which implements the functionality of POSIX select() for VFS.
- 参数:
nfds -- Specifies the range of descriptors which should be checked. The first nfds descriptors will be checked in each set.
readfds -- If not NULL, then points to a descriptor set that on input specifies which descriptors should be checked for being ready to read, and on output indicates which descriptors are ready to read.
writefds -- If not NULL, then points to a descriptor set that on input specifies which descriptors should be checked for being ready to write, and on output indicates which descriptors are ready to write.
errorfds -- If not NULL, then points to a descriptor set that on input specifies which descriptors should be checked for error conditions, and on output indicates which descriptors have error conditions.
timeout -- If not NULL, then points to timeval structure which specifies the time period after which the functions should time-out and return. If it is NULL, then the function will not time-out. Note that the timeout period is rounded up to the system tick and incremented by one.
- 返回:
The number of descriptors set in the descriptor sets, or -1 when an error (specified by errno) have occurred.
void esp_vfs_select_triggered(esp_vfs_select_sem_t sem)
Notification from a VFS driver about a read/write/error condition.
This function is called when the VFS driver detects a read/write/error condition as it was requested by the previous call to start_select.
- 参数:
sem -- semaphore structure which was passed to the driver by the start_select call
void esp_vfs_select_triggered_isr(esp_vfs_select_sem_t sem, BaseType_t *woken)
Notification from a VFS driver about a read/write/error condition (ISR version)
This function is called when the VFS driver detects a read/write/error condition as it was requested by the previous call to start_select.
- 参数:
sem -- semaphore structure which was passed to the driver by the start_select call
woken -- is set to pdTRUE if the function wakes up a task with higher priority
ssize_t esp_vfs_pread(int fd, void *dst, size_t size, off_t offset)
Implements the VFS layer of POSIX pread()
- 参数:
fd -- File descriptor used for read
dst -- Pointer to the buffer where the output will be written
size -- Number of bytes to be read
offset -- Starting offset of the read
- 返回:
A positive return value indicates the number of bytes read. -1 is return on failure and errno is set accordingly.
ssize_t esp_vfs_pwrite(int fd, const void *src, size_t size, off_t offset)
Implements the VFS layer of POSIX pwrite()
- 参数:
fd -- File descriptor used for write
src -- Pointer to the buffer from where the output will be read
size -- Number of bytes to write
offset -- Starting offset of the write
- 返回:
A positive return value indicates the number of bytes written. -1 is return on failure and errno is set accordingly.
void esp_vfs_dump_fds(FILE *fp)
Dump the existing VFS FDs data to FILE* fp.
Dump the FDs in the format:
<VFS Path Prefix>-<FD seen by App>-<FD seen by driver> where: VFS Path Prefix : file prefix used in the esp_vfs_register call FD seen by App : file descriptor returned by the vfs to the application for the path prefix FD seen by driver : file descriptor used by the driver for the same file prefix.
- 参数:
fp -- File descriptor where data will be dumped
void esp_vfs_dump_registered_paths(FILE *fp)
Dump all registered FSs to the provided FILE*.
Dump the FSs in the format:
<index>:<VFS Path Prefix> -> <VFS entry ptr> where: index : internal index in the table of registered FSs (the same as returned when registering fd with id) VFS Path Prefix : file prefix used in the esp_vfs_register call or "NULL" VFS entry ptr : pointer to the esp_vfs_fs_ops_t struct used internally when resolving the calls
- 参数:
fp -- File descriptor where data will be dumped
struct esp_vfs_t
VFS definition structure.
This structure should be filled with pointers to corresponding FS driver functions.
VFS component will translate all FDs so that the filesystem implementation sees them starting at zero. The caller sees a global FD which is prefixed with an pre-filesystem-implementation.
Some FS implementations expect some state (e.g. pointer to some structure) to be passed in as a first argument. For these implementations, populate the members of this structure which have _p suffix, set flags member to ESP_VFS_FLAG_CONTEXT_PTR and provide the context pointer to esp_vfs_register function. If the implementation doesn't use this extra argument, populate the members without _p suffix and set flags member to ESP_VFS_FLAG_DEFAULT.
If the FS driver doesn't provide some of the functions, set corresponding members to NULL.
Public Members
int flags
ssize_t (*write_p)(void *p, int fd, const void *data, size_t size)
Write with context pointer
ssize_t (*write)(int fd, const void *data, size_t size)
Write without context pointer
off_t (*lseek_p)(void *p, int fd, off_t size, int mode)
Seek with context pointer
off_t (*lseek)(int fd, off_t size, int mode)
Seek without context pointer
ssize_t (*read_p)(void *ctx, int fd, void *dst, size_t size)
Read with context pointer
ssize_t (*read)(int fd, void *dst, size_t size)
Read without context pointer
ssize_t (*pread_p)(void *ctx, int fd, void *dst, size_t size, off_t offset)
pread with context pointer
ssize_t (*pread)(int fd, void *dst, size_t size, off_t offset)
pread without context pointer
ssize_t (*pwrite_p)(void *ctx, int fd, const void *src, size_t size, off_t offset)
pwrite with context pointer
ssize_t (*pwrite)(int fd, const void *src, size_t size, off_t offset)
pwrite without context pointer
int (*open_p)(void *ctx, const char *path, int flags, int mode)
open with context pointer
int (*open)(const char *path, int flags, int mode)
open without context pointer
int (*close_p)(void *ctx, int fd)
close with context pointer
int (*close)(int fd)
close without context pointer
int (*link_p)(void *ctx, const char *n1, const char *n2)
link with context pointer
int (*link)(const char *n1, const char *n2)
link without context pointer
int (*unlink_p)(void *ctx, const char *path)
unlink with context pointer
int (*unlink)(const char *path)
unlink without context pointer
int (*rename_p)(void *ctx, const char *src, const char *dst)
rename with context pointer
int (*rename)(const char *src, const char *dst)
rename without context pointer
DIR *(*opendir_p)(void *ctx, const char *name)
opendir with context pointer
DIR *(*opendir)(const char *name)
opendir without context pointer
struct dirent *(*readdir_p)(void *ctx, DIR *pdir)
readdir with context pointer
struct dirent *(*readdir)(DIR *pdir)
readdir without context pointer
int (*readdir_r_p)(void *ctx, DIR *pdir, struct dirent *entry, struct dirent **out_dirent)
readdir_r with context pointer
int (*readdir_r)(DIR *pdir, struct dirent *entry, struct dirent **out_dirent)
readdir_r without context pointer
long (*telldir_p)(void *ctx, DIR *pdir)
telldir with context pointer
long (*telldir)(DIR *pdir)
telldir without context pointer
void (*seekdir_p)(void *ctx, DIR *pdir, long offset)
seekdir with context pointer
void (*seekdir)(DIR *pdir, long offset)
seekdir without context pointer
int (*closedir_p)(void *ctx, DIR *pdir)
closedir with context pointer
int (*closedir)(DIR *pdir)
closedir without context pointer
int (*mkdir_p)(void *ctx, const char *name, mode_t mode)
mkdir with context pointer
int (*mkdir)(const char *name, mode_t mode)
mkdir without context pointer
int (*rmdir_p)(void *ctx, const char *name)
rmdir with context pointer
int (*rmdir)(const char *name)
rmdir without context pointer
int (*fcntl_p)(void *ctx, int fd, int cmd, int arg)
fcntl with context pointer
int (*fcntl)(int fd, int cmd, int arg)
fcntl without context pointer
int (*ioctl_p)(void *ctx, int fd, int cmd, va_list args)
ioctl with context pointer
int (*ioctl)(int fd, int cmd, va_list args)
ioctl without context pointer
int (*fsync_p)(void *ctx, int fd)
fsync with context pointer
int (*fsync)(int fd)
fsync without context pointer
int (*access_p)(void *ctx, const char *path, int amode)
access with context pointer
int (*access)(const char *path, int amode)
access without context pointer
int (*truncate_p)(void *ctx, const char *path, off_t length)
truncate with context pointer
int (*truncate)(const char *path, off_t length)
truncate without context pointer
int (*ftruncate_p)(void *ctx, int fd, off_t length)
ftruncate with context pointer
int (*ftruncate)(int fd, off_t length)
ftruncate without context pointer
int (*utime_p)(void *ctx, const char *path, const struct utimbuf *times)
utime with context pointer
int (*utime)(const char *path, const struct utimbuf *times)
utime without context pointer
int (*tcsetattr_p)(void *ctx, int fd, int optional_actions, const struct termios *p)
tcsetattr with context pointer
int (*tcsetattr)(int fd, int optional_actions, const struct termios *p)
tcsetattr without context pointer
int (*tcgetattr_p)(void *ctx, int fd, struct termios *p)
tcgetattr with context pointer
int (*tcgetattr)(int fd, struct termios *p)
tcgetattr without context pointer
int (*tcdrain_p)(void *ctx, int fd)
tcdrain with context pointer
int (*tcdrain)(int fd)
tcdrain without context pointer
int (*tcflush_p)(void *ctx, int fd, int select)
tcflush with context pointer
int (*tcflush)(int fd, int select)
tcflush without context pointer
int (*tcflow_p)(void *ctx, int fd, int action)
tcflow with context pointer
int (*tcflow)(int fd, int action)
tcflow without context pointer
pid_t (*tcgetsid_p)(void *ctx, int fd)
tcgetsid with context pointer
pid_t (*tcgetsid)(int fd)
tcgetsid without context pointer
int (*tcsendbreak_p)(void *ctx, int fd, int duration)
tcsendbreak with context pointer
int (*tcsendbreak)(int fd, int duration)
tcsendbreak without context pointer
esp_err_t (*start_select)(int nfds, fd_set *readfds, fd_set *writefds, fd_set *exceptfds, esp_vfs_select_sem_t sem, void **end_select_args)
start_select is called for setting up synchronous I/O multiplexing of the desired file descriptors in the given VFS
int (*socket_select)(int nfds, fd_set *readfds, fd_set *writefds, fd_set *errorfds, struct timeval *timeout)
socket select function for socket FDs with the functionality of POSIX select(); this should be set only for the socket VFS
void (*stop_socket_select)(void *sem)
called by VFS to interrupt the socket_select call when select is activated from a non-socket VFS driver; set only for the socket driver
void (*stop_socket_select_isr)(void *sem, BaseType_t *woken)
stop_socket_select which can be called from ISR; set only for the socket driver
void *(*get_socket_select_semaphore)(void)
end_select is called to stop the I/O multiplexing and deinitialize the environment created by start_select for the given VFS
int flags
Maximum number of (global) file descriptors.
Maximum length of path prefix (not including zero terminator)
Flag which indicates that FS needs extra context pointer in syscalls.
Flag which indicates that FS is located on read-only partition.
Flag which indicates that VFS structure should be freed upon unregistering.
Free if false, do not free if true
Header File
This header file can be included with:
#include "esp_vfs_ops.h"
This header file is a part of the API provided by the
component. To declare that your component depends onvfs
, add the following to your CMakeLists.txt:REQUIRES vfs
esp_err_t esp_vfs_register_fs(const char *base_path, const esp_vfs_fs_ops_t *vfs, int flags, void *ctx)
Register a virtual filesystem for given path prefix.
- 参数:
base_path -- file path prefix associated with the filesystem. Must be a zero-terminated C string, may be empty. If not empty, must be up to ESP_VFS_PATH_MAX characters long, and at least 2 characters long. Name must start with a "/" and must not end with "/". For example, "/data" or "/dev/spi" are valid. These VFSes would then be called to handle file paths such as "/data/myfile.txt" or "/dev/spi/0". In the special case of an empty base_path, a "fallback" VFS is registered. Such VFS will handle paths which are not matched by any other registered VFS.
vfs -- Pointer to esp_vfs_fs_ops_t, a structure which maps syscalls to the filesystem driver functions. VFS component does not assume ownership of this struct, but see flags for more info
flags -- Set of binary flags controlling how the registered FS should be treated
ESP_VFS_FLAG_STATIC - if this flag is specified VFS assumes the provided esp_vfs_fs_ops_t and all its subcomponents are statically allocated, if it is not enabled a deep copy of the provided struct will be created, which will be managed by the VFS component
ESP_VFS_FLAG_CONTEXT_PTR - If set, the VFS will use the context-aware versions of the filesystem operation functions (suffixed with
) inesp_vfs_fs_ops_t
and its subcomponents. Thectx
parameter will be passed as the context argument when these functions are invoked.
ctx -- Context pointer for fs operation functions, see the ESP_VFS_FLAG_CONTEXT_PTR. Should be
if not used.
- 返回:
ESP_OK if successful, ESP_ERR_NO_MEM if too many FSes are registered.
esp_err_t esp_vfs_register_fs_with_id(const esp_vfs_fs_ops_t *vfs, int flags, void *ctx, esp_vfs_id_t *id)
Analog of esp_vfs_register_with_id which accepts esp_vfs_fs_ops_t instead.
esp_err_t esp_vfs_unregister_fs(const char *base_path)
Alias for esp_vfs_unregister for naming consistency
esp_err_t esp_vfs_unregister_fs_with_id(esp_vfs_id_t id)
Alias for esp_vfs_unregister_with_id for naming consistency
struct esp_vfs_select_sem_t
VFS semaphore type for select()
struct esp_vfs_dir_ops_t
Struct containing function pointers to directory related functionality.
Public Members
const esp_vfs_stat_ctx_op_t stat_p
stat with context pointer
const esp_vfs_stat_op_t stat
stat without context pointer
const esp_vfs_link_ctx_op_t link_p
link with context pointer
const esp_vfs_link_op_t link
link without context pointer
const esp_vfs_unlink_ctx_op_t unlink_p
unlink with context pointer
const esp_vfs_unlink_op_t unlink
unlink without context pointer
const esp_vfs_rename_ctx_op_t rename_p
rename with context pointer
const esp_vfs_rename_op_t rename
rename without context pointer
const esp_vfs_opendir_ctx_op_t opendir_p
opendir with context pointer
const esp_vfs_opendir_op_t opendir
opendir without context pointer
const esp_vfs_readdir_ctx_op_t readdir_p
readdir with context pointer
const esp_vfs_readdir_op_t readdir
readdir without context pointer
const esp_vfs_readdir_r_ctx_op_t readdir_r_p
readdir_r with context pointer
const esp_vfs_readdir_r_op_t readdir_r
readdir_r without context pointer
const esp_vfs_telldir_ctx_op_t telldir_p
telldir with context pointer
const esp_vfs_telldir_op_t telldir
telldir without context pointer
const esp_vfs_seekdir_ctx_op_t seekdir_p
seekdir with context pointer
const esp_vfs_seekdir_op_t seekdir
seekdir without context pointer
const esp_vfs_closedir_ctx_op_t closedir_p
closedir with context pointer
const esp_vfs_closedir_op_t closedir
closedir without context pointer
const esp_vfs_mkdir_ctx_op_t mkdir_p
mkdir with context pointer
const esp_vfs_mkdir_op_t mkdir
mkdir without context pointer
const esp_vfs_rmdir_ctx_op_t rmdir_p
rmdir with context pointer
const esp_vfs_rmdir_op_t rmdir
rmdir without context pointer
const esp_vfs_access_ctx_op_t access_p
access with context pointer
const esp_vfs_access_op_t access
access without context pointer
const esp_vfs_truncate_ctx_op_t truncate_p
truncate with context pointer
const esp_vfs_truncate_op_t truncate
truncate without context pointer
const esp_vfs_ftruncate_ctx_op_t ftruncate_p
ftruncate with context pointer
const esp_vfs_ftruncate_op_t ftruncate
ftruncate without context pointer
const esp_vfs_utime_ctx_op_t utime_p
utime with context pointer
const esp_vfs_utime_op_t utime
utime without context pointer
const esp_vfs_stat_ctx_op_t stat_p
struct esp_vfs_termios_ops_t
Struct containing function pointers to termios related functionality.
Public Members
const esp_vfs_tcsetattr_ctx_op_t tcsetattr_p
tcsetattr with context pointer
const esp_vfs_tcsetattr_op_t tcsetattr
tcsetattr without context pointer
const esp_vfs_tcgetattr_ctx_op_t tcgetattr_p
tcgetattr with context pointer
const esp_vfs_tcgetattr_op_t tcgetattr
tcgetattr without context pointer
const esp_vfs_tcdrain_ctx_op_t tcdrain_p
tcdrain with context pointer
const esp_vfs_tcdrain_op_t tcdrain
tcdrain without context pointer
const esp_vfs_tcflush_ctx_op_t tcflush_p
tcflush with context pointer
const esp_vfs_tcflush_op_t tcflush
tcflush without context pointer
const esp_vfs_tcflow_ctx_op_t tcflow_p
tcflow with context pointer
const esp_vfs_tcflow_op_t tcflow
tcflow without context pointer
const esp_vfs_tcgetsid_ctx_op_t tcgetsid_p
tcgetsid with context pointer
const esp_vfs_tcgetsid_op_t tcgetsid
tcgetsid without context pointer
const esp_vfs_tcsendbreak_ctx_op_t tcsendbreak_p
tcsendbreak with context pointer
const esp_vfs_tcsendbreak_op_t tcsendbreak
tcsendbreak without context pointer
const esp_vfs_tcsetattr_ctx_op_t tcsetattr_p
struct esp_vfs_select_ops_t
Struct containing function pointers to select related functionality.
Public Members
const esp_vfs_start_select_op_t start_select
start_select is called for setting up synchronous I/O multiplexing of the desired file descriptors in the given VFS
const esp_vfs_socket_select_op_t socket_select
socket select function for socket FDs with the functionality of POSIX select(); this should be set only for the socket VFS
const esp_vfs_stop_socket_select_op_t stop_socket_select
called by VFS to interrupt the socket_select call when select is activated from a non-socket VFS driver; set only for the socket driver
const esp_vfs_stop_socket_select_isr_op_t stop_socket_select_isr
stop_socket_select which can be called from ISR; set only for the socket driver
const esp_vfs_get_socket_select_semaphore_op_t get_socket_select_semaphore
end_select is called to stop the I/O multiplexing and deinitialize the environment created by start_select for the given VFS
const esp_vfs_end_select_op_t end_select
get_socket_select_semaphore returns semaphore allocated in the socket driver; set only for the socket driver
const esp_vfs_start_select_op_t start_select
struct esp_vfs_fs_ops_t
Main struct of the minified vfs API, containing basic function pointers as well as pointers to the other subcomponents.
Public Members
const esp_vfs_write_ctx_op_t write_p
Write with context pointer
const esp_vfs_write_op_t write
Write without context pointer
const esp_vfs_lseek_ctx_op_t lseek_p
Seek with context pointer
const esp_vfs_lseek_op_t lseek
Seek without context pointer
const esp_vfs_read_ctx_op_t read_p
Read with context pointer
const esp_vfs_read_op_t read
Read without context pointer
const esp_vfs_pread_ctx_op_t pread_p
pread with context pointer
const esp_vfs_pread_op_t pread
pread without context pointer
const esp_vfs_pwrite_ctx_op_t pwrite_p
pwrite with context pointer
const esp_vfs_pwrite_op_t pwrite
pwrite without context pointer
const esp_vfs_open_ctx_op_t open_p
open with context pointer
const esp_vfs_open_op_t open
open without context pointer
const esp_vfs_close_ctx_op_t close_p
close with context pointer
const esp_vfs_close_op_t close
close without context pointer
const esp_vfs_fstat_ctx_op_t fstat_p
fstat with context pointer
const esp_vfs_fstat_op_t fstat
fstat without context pointer
const esp_vfs_fcntl_ctx_op_t fcntl_p
fcntl with context pointer
const esp_vfs_fcntl_op_t fcntl
fcntl without context pointer
const esp_vfs_ioctl_ctx_op_t ioctl_p
ioctl with context pointer
const esp_vfs_ioctl_op_t ioctl
ioctl without context pointer
const esp_vfs_fsync_ctx_op_t fsync_p
fsync with context pointer
const esp_vfs_fsync_op_t fsync
fsync without context pointer
const esp_vfs_dir_ops_t *const dir
pointer to the dir subcomponent
const esp_vfs_termios_ops_t *const termios
pointer to the termios subcomponent
const esp_vfs_select_ops_t *const select
pointer to the select subcomponent
const esp_vfs_write_ctx_op_t write_p
Type Definitions
typedef int esp_vfs_id_t
typedef int (*esp_vfs_stat_ctx_op_t)(void *ctx, const char *path, struct stat *st)
stat with context pointer
typedef int (*esp_vfs_stat_op_t)(const char *path, struct stat *st)
stat without context pointer
typedef int (*esp_vfs_link_ctx_op_t)(void *ctx, const char *n1, const char *n2)
link with context pointer
typedef int (*esp_vfs_link_op_t)(const char *n1, const char *n2)
link without context pointer
typedef int (*esp_vfs_unlink_ctx_op_t)(void *ctx, const char *path)
unlink with context pointer
typedef int (*esp_vfs_unlink_op_t)(const char *path)
unlink without context pointer
typedef int (*esp_vfs_rename_ctx_op_t)(void *ctx, const char *src, const char *dst)
rename with context pointer
typedef int (*esp_vfs_rename_op_t)(const char *src, const char *dst)
rename without context pointer
typedef DIR *(*esp_vfs_opendir_ctx_op_t)(void *ctx, const char *name)
opendir with context pointer
typedef DIR *(*esp_vfs_opendir_op_t)(const char *name)
opendir without context pointer
typedef struct dirent *(*esp_vfs_readdir_ctx_op_t)(void *ctx, DIR *pdir)
readdir with context pointer
typedef struct dirent *(*esp_vfs_readdir_op_t)(DIR *pdir)
readdir without context pointer
typedef int (*esp_vfs_readdir_r_ctx_op_t)(void *ctx, DIR *pdir, struct dirent *entry, struct dirent **out)
readdir_r with context pointer
typedef int (*esp_vfs_readdir_r_op_t)(DIR *pdir, struct dirent *entry, struct dirent **out)
readdir_r without context pointer
typedef long (*esp_vfs_telldir_ctx_op_t)(void *ctx, DIR *pdir)
telldir with context pointer
typedef long (*esp_vfs_telldir_op_t)(DIR *pdir)
telldir without context pointer
typedef void (*esp_vfs_seekdir_ctx_op_t)(void *ctx, DIR *pdir, long offset)
seekdir with context pointer
typedef void (*esp_vfs_seekdir_op_t)(DIR *pdir, long offset)
seekdir without context pointer
typedef int (*esp_vfs_closedir_ctx_op_t)(void *ctx, DIR *pdir)
closedir with context pointer
typedef int (*esp_vfs_closedir_op_t)(DIR *pdir)
closedir without context pointer
typedef int (*esp_vfs_mkdir_ctx_op_t)(void *ctx, const char *name, mode_t mode)
mkdir with context pointer
typedef int (*esp_vfs_mkdir_op_t)(const char *name, mode_t mode)
mkdir without context pointer
typedef int (*esp_vfs_rmdir_ctx_op_t)(void *ctx, const char *name)
rmdir with context pointer
typedef int (*esp_vfs_rmdir_op_t)(const char *name)
rmdir without context pointer
typedef int (*esp_vfs_access_ctx_op_t)(void *ctx, const char *path, int amode)
access with context pointer
typedef int (*esp_vfs_access_op_t)(const char *path, int amode)
access without context pointer
typedef int (*esp_vfs_truncate_ctx_op_t)(void *ctx, const char *path, off_t length)
truncate with context pointer
typedef int (*esp_vfs_truncate_op_t)(const char *path, off_t length)
truncate without context pointer
typedef int (*esp_vfs_ftruncate_ctx_op_t)(void *ctx, int fd, off_t length)
ftruncate with context pointer
typedef int (*esp_vfs_ftruncate_op_t)(int fd, off_t length)
ftruncate without context pointer
typedef int (*esp_vfs_utime_ctx_op_t)(void *ctx, const char *path, const struct utimbuf *times)
utime with context pointer
typedef int (*esp_vfs_utime_op_t)(const char *path, const struct utimbuf *times)
utime without context pointer
typedef int (*esp_vfs_tcsetattr_ctx_op_t)(void *ctx, int fd, int optional_actions, const struct termios *p)
tcsetattr with context pointer
typedef int (*esp_vfs_tcsetattr_op_t)(int fd, int optional_actions, const struct termios *p)
tcsetattr without context pointer
typedef int (*esp_vfs_tcgetattr_ctx_op_t)(void *ctx, int fd, struct termios *p)
tcgetattr with context pointer
typedef int (*esp_vfs_tcgetattr_op_t)(int fd, struct termios *p)
tcgetattr without context pointer
typedef int (*esp_vfs_tcdrain_ctx_op_t)(void *ctx, int fd)
tcdrain with context pointer
typedef int (*esp_vfs_tcdrain_op_t)(int fd)
tcdrain without context pointer
typedef int (*esp_vfs_tcflush_ctx_op_t)(void *ctx, int fd, int select)
tcflush with context pointer
typedef int (*esp_vfs_tcflush_op_t)(int fd, int select)
tcflush without context pointer
typedef int (*esp_vfs_tcflow_ctx_op_t)(void *ctx, int fd, int action)
tcflow with context pointer
typedef int (*esp_vfs_tcflow_op_t)(int fd, int action)
tcflow without context pointer
typedef pid_t (*esp_vfs_tcgetsid_ctx_op_t)(void *ctx, int fd)
tcgetsid with context pointer
typedef pid_t (*esp_vfs_tcgetsid_op_t)(int fd)
tcgetsid without context pointer
typedef int (*esp_vfs_tcsendbreak_ctx_op_t)(void *ctx, int fd, int duration)
tcsendbreak with context pointer
typedef int (*esp_vfs_tcsendbreak_op_t)(int fd, int duration)
tcsendbreak without context pointer
typedef esp_err_t (*esp_vfs_start_select_op_t)(int nfds, fd_set *readfds, fd_set *writefds, fd_set *exceptfds, esp_vfs_select_sem_t sem, void **end_select_args)
typedef int (*esp_vfs_socket_select_op_t)(int nfds, fd_set *readfds, fd_set *writefds, fd_set *errorfds, struct timeval *timeout)
typedef void (*esp_vfs_stop_socket_select_op_t)(void *sem)
typedef void (*esp_vfs_stop_socket_select_isr_op_t)(void *sem, BaseType_t *woken)
typedef void *(*esp_vfs_get_socket_select_semaphore_op_t)(void)
typedef ssize_t (*esp_vfs_write_ctx_op_t)(void *ctx, int fd, const void *data, size_t size)
Write with context pointer
typedef ssize_t (*esp_vfs_write_op_t)(int fd, const void *data, size_t size)
Write without context pointer
typedef off_t (*esp_vfs_lseek_ctx_op_t)(void *ctx, int fd, off_t size, int mode)
Seek with context pointer
typedef off_t (*esp_vfs_lseek_op_t)(int fd, off_t size, int mode)
Seek without context pointer
typedef ssize_t (*esp_vfs_read_ctx_op_t)(void *ctx, int fd, void *dst, size_t size)
Read with context pointer
typedef ssize_t (*esp_vfs_read_op_t)(int fd, void *dst, size_t size)
Read without context pointer
typedef ssize_t (*esp_vfs_pread_ctx_op_t)(void *ctx, int fd, void *dst, size_t size, off_t offset)
pread with context pointer
typedef ssize_t (*esp_vfs_pread_op_t)(int fd, void *dst, size_t size, off_t offset)
pread without context pointer
typedef ssize_t (*esp_vfs_pwrite_ctx_op_t)(void *ctx, int fd, const void *src, size_t size, off_t offset)
pwrite with context pointer
typedef ssize_t (*esp_vfs_pwrite_op_t)(int fd, const void *src, size_t size, off_t offset)
pwrite without context pointer
typedef int (*esp_vfs_open_ctx_op_t)(void *ctx, const char *path, int flags, int mode)
open with context pointer
typedef int (*esp_vfs_open_op_t)(const char *path, int flags, int mode)
open without context pointer
typedef int (*esp_vfs_close_ctx_op_t)(void *ctx, int fd)
close with context pointer
typedef int (*esp_vfs_close_op_t)(int fd)
close without context pointer
typedef int (*esp_vfs_fstat_ctx_op_t)(void *ctx, int fd, struct stat *st)
fstat with context pointer
typedef int (*esp_vfs_fstat_op_t)(int fd, struct stat *st)
fstat without context pointer
typedef int (*esp_vfs_fcntl_ctx_op_t)(void *ctx, int fd, int cmd, int arg)
fcntl with context pointer
typedef int (*esp_vfs_fcntl_op_t)(int fd, int cmd, int arg)
fcntl without context pointer
typedef int (*esp_vfs_ioctl_ctx_op_t)(void *ctx, int fd, int cmd, va_list args)
ioctl with context pointer
typedef int (*esp_vfs_ioctl_op_t)(int fd, int cmd, va_list args)
ioctl without context pointer
typedef int (*esp_vfs_fsync_ctx_op_t)(void *ctx, int fd)
fsync with context pointer
typedef int (*esp_vfs_fsync_op_t)(int fd)
fsync without context pointer
Header File
This header file can be included with:
#include "esp_vfs_dev.h"
This header file is a part of the API provided by the
component. To declare that your component depends onvfs
, add the following to your CMakeLists.txt:REQUIRES vfs
void esp_vfs_dev_uart_register(void)
void esp_vfs_dev_uart_use_nonblocking(int uart_num)
void esp_vfs_dev_uart_use_driver(int uart_num)
int esp_vfs_dev_uart_port_set_rx_line_endings(int uart_num, esp_line_endings_t mode)
int esp_vfs_dev_uart_port_set_tx_line_endings(int uart_num, esp_line_endings_t mode)
void esp_vfs_dev_uart_set_rx_line_endings(esp_line_endings_t mode)
Set the line endings expected to be received on UART.
This specifies the conversion between line endings received on UART and newlines ('
', LF) passed into stdin:
ESP_LINE_ENDINGS_LF: no modification
this function is not thread safe w.r.t. reading from UART
- 参数:
mode -- line endings expected on UART
void esp_vfs_dev_uart_set_tx_line_endings(esp_line_endings_t mode)
Set the line endings to sent to UART.
This specifies the conversion between newlines ('
', LF) on stdout and line endings sent over UART:
ESP_LINE_ENDINGS_LF: no modification
this function is not thread safe w.r.t. writing to UART
- 参数:
mode -- line endings to send to UART
void esp_vfs_usb_serial_jtag_use_driver(void)
set VFS to use USB-SERIAL-JTAG driver for reading and writing
application must configure USB-SERIAL-JTAG driver before calling these functions With these functions, read and write are blocking and interrupt-driven.
void esp_vfs_usb_serial_jtag_use_nonblocking(void)
set VFS to use simple functions for reading and writing UART Read is non-blocking, write is busy waiting until TX FIFO has enough space. These functions are used by default.
Header File
This header file can be included with:
#include "driver/uart_vfs.h"
This header file is a part of the API provided by the
component. To declare that your component depends onesp_driver_uart
, add the following to your CMakeLists.txt:REQUIRES esp_driver_uart
PRIV_REQUIRES esp_driver_uart
void uart_vfs_dev_register(void)
Add /dev/uart virtual filesystem driver.
This function is called from startup code to enable serial output
int uart_vfs_dev_port_set_rx_line_endings(int uart_num, esp_line_endings_t mode)
Set the line endings expected to be received on specified UART.
This specifies the conversion between line endings received on UART and newlines ('
', LF) passed into stdin:
ESP_LINE_ENDINGS_LF: no modification
this function is not thread safe w.r.t. reading from UART
- 参数:
uart_num -- the UART number
mode -- line endings to send to UART
- 返回:
0 if succeeded, or -1 when an error (specified by errno) have occurred.
int uart_vfs_dev_port_set_tx_line_endings(int uart_num, esp_line_endings_t mode)
Set the line endings to sent to specified UART.
This specifies the conversion between newlines ('
', LF) on stdout and line endings sent over UART:
ESP_LINE_ENDINGS_LF: no modification
this function is not thread safe w.r.t. writing to UART
- 参数:
uart_num -- the UART number
mode -- line endings to send to UART
- 返回:
0 if succeeded, or -1 when an error (specified by errno) have occurred.
void uart_vfs_dev_use_nonblocking(int uart_num)
set VFS to use simple functions for reading and writing UART
Read is non-blocking, write is busy waiting until TX FIFO has enough space. These functions are used by default.
- 参数:
uart_num -- UART peripheral number
void uart_vfs_dev_use_driver(int uart_num)
set VFS to use UART driver for reading and writing
Application must configure UART driver before calling these functions With these functions, read and write are blocking and interrupt-driven.
- 参数:
uart_num -- UART peripheral number
Header File
This header file can be included with:
#include "esp_vfs_eventfd.h"
This header file is a part of the API provided by the
component. To declare that your component depends onvfs
, add the following to your CMakeLists.txt:REQUIRES vfs
esp_err_t esp_vfs_eventfd_register(const esp_vfs_eventfd_config_t *config)
Registers the event vfs.
- 返回:
ESP_OK if successful, ESP_ERR_NO_MEM if too many VFSes are registered.
esp_err_t esp_vfs_eventfd_unregister(void)
Unregisters the event vfs.
- 返回:
ESP_OK if successful, ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE if VFS for given prefix hasn't been registered
int eventfd(unsigned int initval, int flags)
Header File
This header file can be included with:
#include "esp_vfs_null.h"
This header file is a part of the API provided by the
component. To declare that your component depends onvfs
, add the following to your CMakeLists.txt:REQUIRES vfs