Wi-Fi 配网



该组件提供控制 Wi-Fi 配网服务的 API,可以通过 SoftAP 或低功耗蓝牙建立 协议通信 安全会话,接收和配置 Wi-Fi 凭证。通过一组 wifi_prov_mgr_ API,可以快速实现配网服务,该服务具备必要功能、代码量少且足够灵活。


调用 wifi_prov_mgr_init() 可以配置和初始化配网管理器,因此在调用任何其他 wifi_prov_mgr_ API 之前必须先调用此函数。请注意,该管理器依赖于 ESP-IDF 的其他组件,包括 NVS、TCP/IP、Event Loop 和 Wi-Fi,以及可选的 mDNS,因此在调用之前必须先初始化这些组件。调用 wifi_prov_mgr_deinit() 可以随时反初始化管理器。

wifi_prov_mgr_config_t config = {
    .scheme = wifi_prov_scheme_ble,

ESP_ERROR_CHECK( wifi_prov_mgr_init(config) );

以下配置结构体 wifi_prov_mgr_config_t 里包含的部分字段可用于指定特定管理器行为:

  • wifi_prov_mgr_config_t::scheme - 用于指定配网方案。每个方案对应一种 protocomm 支持的传输模式,因此支持三个选项:

    • wifi_prov_scheme_ble - 使用低功耗蓝牙传输和 GATT 服务器来处理配网命令。

    • wifi_prov_scheme_softap - 使用 Wi-Fi SoftAP 传输和 HTTP 服务器来处理配网命令。

    • wifi_prov_scheme_console - 使用串口传输和控制台来处理配网命令。

  • wifi_prov_mgr_config_t::scheme_event_handler - 为方案定义的专属事件处理程序。选择适当方案后,其专属事件处理程序支持管理器自动处理特定事项。目前,该选项不适用于 SoftAP 或基于控制台的配网方案,但对于低功耗蓝牙配网方案来说非常方便。因为蓝牙需要相当多内存才能正常工作,所以配网完成后,主应用程序需要使用低功耗蓝牙或经典蓝牙时,可能需要回收配网所占的全部或部分内存。此外,未来每当配网设备重启时,都需要再次回收内存。为了便于使用 wifi_prov_scheme_ble 选项,各方案定义了专属处理程序。设备会根据所选处理程序,在反初始化配网管理器时自动释放低功耗蓝牙、经典蓝牙或蓝牙双模的内存。可用选项包括:

    • WIFI_PROV_SCHEME_BLE_EVENT_HANDLER_FREE_BTDM - 同时释放经典蓝牙和低功耗蓝牙或蓝牙双模的内存,可以在主应用程序不需要蓝牙时使用该选项。

    • WIFI_PROV_SCHEME_BLE_EVENT_HANDLER_FREE_BLE - 只释放低功耗蓝牙的内存,可以在主应用程序需要经典蓝牙时使用该选项。

    • WIFI_PROV_SCHEME_BLE_EVENT_HANDLER_FREE_BT - 仅释放经典蓝牙的内存,可以在主应用程序需要低功耗蓝牙时使用该选项,内存会在初始化管理器时立即释放。

    • WIFI_PROV_EVENT_HANDLER_NONE - 不使用任何特定方案的专属处理程序。以下情况可使用该选项:不使用低功耗蓝牙配网方案,即使用 SoftAP 或控制台方案;主应用程序需要自行回收内存;主应用程序需要同时使用低功耗蓝牙和经典蓝牙。

  • wifi_prov_mgr_config_t::app_event_handler (不推荐)- 目前建议使用默认的事件循环处理程序捕获生成的 WIFI_PROV_EVENT。关于配网服务生成事件的列表,请参阅 wifi_prov_cb_event_t 的定义。以下是配网事件示例摘录:

static void event_handler(void* arg, esp_event_base_t event_base,
                          int event_id, void* event_data)
    if (event_base == WIFI_PROV_EVENT) {
        switch (event_id) {
            case WIFI_PROV_START:
                ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Provisioning started");
            case WIFI_PROV_CRED_RECV: {
                wifi_sta_config_t *wifi_sta_cfg = (wifi_sta_config_t *)event_data;
                ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Received Wi-Fi credentials"
                         "\n\tSSID     : %s\n\tPassword : %s",
                         (const char *) wifi_sta_cfg->ssid,
                         (const char *) wifi_sta_cfg->password);
            case WIFI_PROV_CRED_FAIL: {
                wifi_prov_sta_fail_reason_t *reason = (wifi_prov_sta_fail_reason_t *)event_data;
                ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Provisioning failed!\n\tReason : %s"
                         "\n\tPlease reset to factory and retry provisioning",
                         (*reason == WIFI_PROV_STA_AUTH_ERROR) ?
                         "Wi-Fi station authentication failed" : "Wi-Fi access-point not found");
            case WIFI_PROV_CRED_SUCCESS:
                ESP_LOGI(TAG, "Provisioning successful");
            case WIFI_PROV_END:

调用 wifi_prov_mgr_deinit() 可以随时反初始化管理器。


在运行时,可以调用 wifi_prov_mgr_is_provisioned() 检查设备是否配网完成,该函数会在内部检查 Wi-Fi 凭据是否存储在 NVS 中。

请注意,目前管理器并没有自己的 NVS 命名空间来存储 Wi-Fi 凭据,而是依赖 esp_wifi_ API 来设置和获取存储在默认位置的 NVS 中的凭据。


  • 手动擦除 NVS 分区的配网相关部分。

  • 主应用程序必须实现某种逻辑,以在运行时调用 esp_wifi_ API 来擦除凭据。

  • 主应用程序必须实现某种逻辑,以在不考虑配网状态的情况下,强制启动配网。

bool provisioned = false;
ESP_ERROR_CHECK( wifi_prov_mgr_is_provisioned(&provisioned) );



  • 使用 wifi_prov_scheme_softap 方案时,服务名称对应 Wi-Fi SoftAP 的 SSID,密钥对应密码。

  • 使用 wifi_prov_scheme_ble 方案时,服务名称对应低功耗蓝牙设备名称,无需指定密钥。

此外,由于管理器内部使用了 protocomm,可以选择其提供的任一安全功能:

  • Security 1 是安全通信,该安全通信需要先握手,其中涉及 X25519 密钥交换和使用所有权证明 pop 完成身份验证,随后使用 AES-CTR 加密或解密后续消息。

  • Security 0 是纯文本通信,会直接忽略 pop

关于安全功能的更多详情,请参阅 统一配网

const char *service_name = "my_device";
const char *service_key  = "password";

wifi_prov_security_t security = WIFI_PROV_SECURITY_1;
const char *pop = "abcd1234";

ESP_ERROR_CHECK( wifi_prov_mgr_start_provisioning(security, pop, service_name, service_key) );

如果收到有效的 Wi-Fi AP 凭据,且设备成功连接到该 AP 并获取了 IP,配网服务会自动结束。此外,调用 wifi_prov_mgr_stop_provisioning() 可以随时停止配网服务。


如果设备使用提供的凭据无法连接,则它不再接受新的凭据,但在设备重新启动前,配网服务仍然会继续运行,并向客户端传递连接失败的信息。设备重新启动后配网状态将变为已配网,因为在 NVS 中找到了凭据,但除非出现与凭据匹配的可用 AP,否则设备仍然无法使用原凭据进行连接。可以通过重置 NVS 中的凭据或强制启动配网服务来解决这个问题,详情请参阅上文 检查配网状态



有两种方法可以实现这一点,其中调用阻塞 wifi_prov_mgr_wait() 更为简单。

// 启动配网服务
ESP_ERROR_CHECK( wifi_prov_mgr_start_provisioning(security, pop, service_name, service_key) );

// 等待服务完成

// 最后反初始化管理器

另一种方法是使用默认的事件循环处理程序捕获 WIFI_PROV_EVENT 并在事件 ID 为 WIFI_PROV_END 时调用 wifi_prov_mgr_deinit()

static void event_handler(void* arg, esp_event_base_t event_base,
                          int event_id, void* event_data)
    if (event_base == WIFI_PROV_EVENT && event_id == WIFI_PROV_END) {
        /* 配网完成后反初始化管理器 */


启动服务时,通过广播服务名称识别即将配网的设备。根据选择的传输方式,该服务名称为低功耗蓝牙设备的名称或 SoftAP SSID。

使用 SoftAP 传输方式时,为便于服务发现,必须在启动配网之前初始化 mDNS。在这种情况下,应使用主应用程序设置的主机名,并且在内部将服务类型设置为 _esp_wifi_prov

使用低功耗蓝牙传输方式时,应使用 wifi_prov_scheme_ble_set_service_uuid() 设置一个自定义的 128 位 UUID。该 UUID 将包含在低功耗蓝牙广播中,并对应于提供配网端点作为 GATT 特征的主要服务。每个 GATT 特征都基于主要服务 UUID 形成,其中从第 0 个字节开始计数,第 12 和第 13 个字节为自动分配的不同字节。由于端点特征 UUID 自动分配,因此不应将其用于识别端点。客户端应用程序应通过读取每个特征的用户特征描述符 (0x2901) 来识别端点,该描述符包含特征的端点名称。例如,如果将服务 UUID 设置为 55cc035e-fb27-4f80-be02-3c60828b7451,每个端点特征将分配到一个类似于 55cc____-fb27-4f80-be02-3c60828b7451 的 UUID,其中第 12 和第 13 个字节具有唯一值。

连接设备后,可以通过以下方式识别与配网相关的 protocomm 端点:


即低功耗蓝牙 + GATT 服务器

URI 即 SoftAP
+ HTTP 服务器 + mDNS







用于启动 Wi-Fi 扫描和接收扫描结果的端点



用于控制 Wi-Fi 配网状态的端点



用于在设备上配置 Wi-Fi 凭据的端点




连接后,客户端应用程序可以立即从 proto-ver 端点获取版本或属性信息。所有与此端点的通信均未加密,因此在建立安全会话前,可以检索相关必要信息,确保会话兼容。响应结果以 JSON 格式返回,格式类似于 prov: { ver:  v1.1, cap:  [no_pop] }, my_app: { ver:  1.345, cap:  [cloud, local_ctrl] },....。其中 prov 标签提供了配网服务的版本 ver 和属性 cap。目前仅支持 no_pop 属性,表示该服务不需要验证所有权证明。任何与应用程序相关的版本或属性将由其他标签给出,如本示例中的 my_app。使用 wifi_prov_mgr_set_app_info() 可以设置这些附加字段。

用户端应用程序需要根据所配置的安全方案实现签名握手,以建立和认证 protocomm 安全会话。当管理器配置为使用 protocomm security 0 时,则不需要实现签名握手。

关于安全握手和加密的详情,请参阅 统一配网。应用程序必须使用 protocomm/proto 中的 .proto 文件。.proto 文件定义了 prov-session 端点支持的 protobuf 消息结构。

建立会话后,以下 wifi_config 命令集可用于配置 Wi-Fi 凭据,这些命令会被序列化为 protobuf 消息,对应的 .proto 文件存放在 wifi_provisioning/proto 中。

  • get_status - 用于查询 Wi-Fi 连接状态。设备响应状态为连接中、已连接或已断开。如果状态为已断开,则还会包含断开原因。

  • set_config - 用于设置 Wi-Fi 连接凭据。

  • apply_config - 用于应用先前保存的凭据,即由 set_config 设置的凭据,并启动 Wi-Fi 站点。

建立会话后,客户端还可以从设备请求 Wi-Fi 扫描结果。返回结果为 AP SSID 的列表,按信号强度降序排序。由此,客户端应用程序可以在设备配网时显示附近的 AP,并且用户可以选择其中一个 SSID 并提供密码,然后使用上述 wifi_config 命令发送密码。wifi_scan 端点支持以下 protobuf 命令:

  • scan_start - 启动 Wi-Fi 扫描有多个选项,具体如下:

    • blocking (输入) - 如果参数为 true,则命令只会在扫描完成后返回。

    • passive (输入) - 如果参数为 true,则以被动模式启动扫描,扫描速度可能更慢。

    • group_channels (输入) - 该参数用于指定是否分组扫描。如果参数为 0,表示一次性扫描所有信道;如果参数为非零值,则表示分组扫描信道且参数值为每组中的信道数,每个连续组之间有 120 毫秒的延迟。分组扫描非常适用于使用 SoftAP 的传输模式,因为一次性扫描所有信道可能会导致 Wi-Fi 驱动没有足够时间发送信标,进而导致与部分站点断连。分组扫描时,管理器每扫描完一组信道,至少会等待 120 毫秒,确保驱动程序有足够时间发送信标。例如,假设共有 14 个 Wi-Fi 信道,将 group_channels 设置为 3 则将创建 5 个分组,每个分组包含 3 个信道,最后一个分组则为 14 除以 3 余下的 2 个信道。因此,扫描开始时,首先会扫描前 3 个信道,然后等待 120 毫秒,再继续扫描后 3 个信道,以此类推,直到扫描完 14 个信道。可以根据实际情况调整此参数,因为分组中信道数量过少可能会增加整体扫描时间,而信道数量过多则可能会导致连接再次断开。大多数情况下,将参数值设置为 4 即可。请注意,对于低功耗蓝牙等其他传输模式,可以放心将该参数设置为 0,从而在最短时间内完成扫描。

    • period_ms (输入) - 该扫描参数用于设置在每个信道上的等待时间。

  • scan_status - 可以返回扫描过程的状态:

    • scan_finished (输出) - 扫描完成时,该参数返回为 true。

    • result_count (输出) - 该参数返回到目前为止获取的结果总数。如果扫描仍在进行,该数字会不断更新。

  • scan_result - 用于获取扫描结果。即使扫描仍在进行,也可以调用此函数。

    • start_index (输入) - 从结果列表中获取条目的起始索引位置。

    • count (输入) - 从起始索引位置获取的条目数目。

    • entries (输出) - 返回条目的列表。每个条目包含 ssidchannelrssi 信息。

客户端还可以使用 wifi_ctrl 端点来控制设备的配网状态。wifi_ctrl 端点支持的 protobuf 命令如下:

  • ctrl_reset - 仅在配网失败时,重置设备的内部状态机并清除已配置的凭据。

  • ctrl_reprov - 仅在设备已成功配网的前提下,设备需要重新配网获取新的凭据时,重置设备的内部状态机并清除已配置的凭据。


如果用户想要根据自己的需求定制一些附加 protocomm 端点,可以通过两步完成。第一步是创建一个具有特定名称的端点,第二步是为该端点注册一个处理程序。关于端点处理程序的函数签名,请参阅 协议通信。自定义端点必须在初始化后、配网服务启动之前创建,但只能在配网服务启动后为该端点注册 protocomm 处理程序。

wifi_prov_mgr_start_provisioning(security, pop, service_name, service_key);
wifi_prov_mgr_endpoint_register("custom-endpoint", custom_ep_handler, custom_ep_data);


在运行时,可以调用 wifi_prov_mgr_endpoint_unregister() 来手动停用某个端点。该函数也可以用于停用配网服务使用的内部端点。


当设备使用 apply_config 命令设置的 Wi-Fi 凭据成功连接,配网服务将默认停止,并在响应下一个 get_status 命令后自动关闭低功耗蓝牙或 softAP。如果设备没有收到 get_status 命令,配网服务将在超时 30 秒后停止。

如果设备因 SSID 或密码不正确等原因无法使用 Wi-Fi 凭据成功连接,配网服务将继续运行,并通过 get_status 命令持续响应为断连状态,并提供断连原因。此时设备不会再接受任何新的 Wi-Fi 凭据。除非强制启动配网服务或擦除 NVS 存储,这些凭据将保留。

可以调用 wifi_prov_mgr_disable_auto_stop() 来禁用默认设置。禁用后,只有在显式调用 wifi_prov_mgr_stop_provisioning() 之后,配网服务才会停止,且该函数会安排一个任务来停止配网服务,之后立即返回。配网服务将在一定延迟后停止,并触发 WIFI_PROV_END 事件。该延迟时间可以由 wifi_prov_mgr_disable_auto_stop() 的参数指定。

如果需要在成功建立 Wi-Fi 连接后的某个时间再停止配网服务,应用程序可以采取定制行为。例如,如果应用程序需要设备连接到某个云服务并获取另一组凭证,继而通过自定义 protocomm 端点交换凭证,那么成功完成此操作后,可以在 protocomm 处理程序中调用 wifi_prov_mgr_stop_provisioning() 来停止配网服务。设定适当的延迟时间可以确保 protocomm 处理程序的响应到达客户端应用程序后,才释放传输资源。


关于完整实现示例,请参阅 provisioning/wifi_prov_mgr




API 参考

Header File


esp_err_t wifi_prov_mgr_init(wifi_prov_mgr_config_t config)

Initialize provisioning manager instance.

Configures the manager and allocates internal resources

Configuration specifies the provisioning scheme (transport) and event handlers

Event WIFI_PROV_INIT is emitted right after initialization is complete


config[in] Configuration structure


  • ESP_OK : Success

  • ESP_FAIL : Fail

void wifi_prov_mgr_deinit(void)

Stop provisioning (if running) and release resource used by the manager.

Event WIFI_PROV_DEINIT is emitted right after de-initialization is finished

If provisioning service is still active when this API is called, it first stops the service, hence emitting WIFI_PROV_END, and then performs the de-initialization

esp_err_t wifi_prov_mgr_is_provisioned(bool *provisioned)

Checks if device is provisioned.

This checks if Wi-Fi credentials are present on the NVS

The Wi-Fi credentials are assumed to be kept in the same NVS namespace as used by esp_wifi component

If one were to call esp_wifi_set_config() directly instead of going through the provisioning process, this function will still yield true (i.e. device will be found to be provisioned)


Calling wifi_prov_mgr_start_provisioning() automatically resets the provision state, irrespective of what the state was prior to making the call.


provisioned[out] True if provisioned, else false


  • ESP_OK : Retrieved provision state successfully

  • ESP_FAIL : Wi-Fi not initialized

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG : Null argument supplied

esp_err_t wifi_prov_mgr_start_provisioning(wifi_prov_security_t security, const void *wifi_prov_sec_params, const char *service_name, const char *service_key)

Start provisioning service.

This starts the provisioning service according to the scheme configured at the time of initialization. For scheme :

  • wifi_prov_scheme_ble : This starts protocomm_ble, which internally initializes BLE transport and starts GATT server for handling provisioning requests

  • wifi_prov_scheme_softap : This activates SoftAP mode of Wi-Fi and starts protocomm_httpd, which internally starts an HTTP server for handling provisioning requests (If mDNS is active it also starts advertising service with type _esp_wifi_prov._tcp)

Event WIFI_PROV_START is emitted right after provisioning starts without failure


This API will start provisioning service even if device is found to be already provisioned, i.e. wifi_prov_mgr_is_provisioned() yields true

  • security[in] Specify which protocomm security scheme to use :

    • WIFI_PROV_SECURITY_0 : For no security

    • WIFI_PROV_SECURITY_1 : x25519 secure handshake for session establishment followed by AES-CTR encryption of provisioning messages

    • WIFI_PROV_SECURITY_2: SRP6a based authentication and key exchange followed by AES-GCM encryption/decryption of provisioning messages

  • wifi_prov_sec_params[in] Pointer to security params (NULL if not needed). This is not needed for protocomm security 0 This pointer should hold the struct of type wifi_prov_security1_params_t for protocomm security 1 and wifi_prov_security2_params_t for protocomm security 2 respectively. This pointer and its contents should be valid till the provisioning service is running and has not been stopped or de-inited.

  • service_name[in] Unique name of the service. This translates to:

    • Wi-Fi SSID when provisioning mode is softAP

    • Device name when provisioning mode is BLE

  • service_key[in] Key required by client to access the service (NULL if not needed). This translates to:

    • Wi-Fi password when provisioning mode is softAP

    • ignored when provisioning mode is BLE


  • ESP_OK : Provisioning started successfully

  • ESP_FAIL : Failed to start provisioning service

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE : Provisioning manager not initialized or already started

void wifi_prov_mgr_stop_provisioning(void)

Stop provisioning service.

If provisioning service is active, this API will initiate a process to stop the service and return. Once the service actually stops, the event WIFI_PROV_END will be emitted.

If wifi_prov_mgr_deinit() is called without calling this API first, it will automatically stop the provisioning service and emit the WIFI_PROV_END, followed by WIFI_PROV_DEINIT, before returning.

This API will generally be used along with wifi_prov_mgr_disable_auto_stop() in the scenario when the main application has registered its own endpoints, and wishes that the provisioning service is stopped only when some protocomm command from the client side application is received.

Calling this API inside an endpoint handler, with sufficient cleanup_delay, will allow the response / acknowledgment to be sent successfully before the underlying protocomm service is stopped.

Cleaup_delay is set when calling wifi_prov_mgr_disable_auto_stop(). If not specified, it defaults to 1000ms.

For straightforward cases, using this API is usually not necessary as provisioning is stopped automatically once WIFI_PROV_CRED_SUCCESS is emitted. Stopping is delayed (maximum 30 seconds) thus allowing the client side application to query for Wi-Fi state, i.e. after receiving the first query and sending Wi-Fi state connected response the service is stopped immediately.

void wifi_prov_mgr_wait(void)

Wait for provisioning service to finish.

Calling this API will block until provisioning service is stopped i.e. till event WIFI_PROV_END is emitted.

This will not block if provisioning is not started or not initialized.

esp_err_t wifi_prov_mgr_disable_auto_stop(uint32_t cleanup_delay)

Disable auto stopping of provisioning service upon completion.

By default, once provisioning is complete, the provisioning service is automatically stopped, and all endpoints (along with those registered by main application) are deactivated.

This API is useful in the case when main application wishes to close provisioning service only after it receives some protocomm command from the client side app. For example, after connecting to Wi-Fi, the device may want to connect to the cloud, and only once that is successfully, the device is said to be fully configured. But, then it is upto the main application to explicitly call wifi_prov_mgr_stop_provisioning() later when the device is fully configured and the provisioning service is no longer required.


This must be called before executing wifi_prov_mgr_start_provisioning()


cleanup_delay[in] Sets the delay after which the actual cleanup of transport related resources is done after a call to wifi_prov_mgr_stop_provisioning() returns. Minimum allowed value is 100ms. If not specified, this will default to 1000ms.


  • ESP_OK : Success

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE : Manager not initialized or provisioning service already started

esp_err_t wifi_prov_mgr_set_app_info(const char *label, const char *version, const char **capabilities, size_t total_capabilities)

Set application version and capabilities in the JSON data returned by proto-ver endpoint.

This function can be called multiple times, to specify information about the various application specific services running on the device, identified by unique labels.

The provisioning service itself registers an entry in the JSON data, by the label “prov”, containing only provisioning service version and capabilities. Application services should use a label other than “prov” so as not to overwrite this.


This must be called before executing wifi_prov_mgr_start_provisioning()

  • label[in] String indicating the application name.

  • version[in] String indicating the application version. There is no constraint on format.

  • capabilities[in] Array of strings with capabilities. These could be used by the client side app to know the application registered endpoint capabilities

  • total_capabilities[in] Size of capabilities array


  • ESP_OK : Success

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE : Manager not initialized or provisioning service already started

  • ESP_ERR_NO_MEM : Failed to allocate memory for version string

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG : Null argument

esp_err_t wifi_prov_mgr_endpoint_create(const char *ep_name)

Create an additional endpoint and allocate internal resources for it.

This API is to be called by the application if it wants to create an additional endpoint. All additional endpoints will be assigned UUIDs starting from 0xFF54 and so on in the order of execution.

protocomm handler for the created endpoint is to be registered later using wifi_prov_mgr_endpoint_register() after provisioning has started.


This API can only be called BEFORE provisioning is started


Additional endpoints can be used for configuring client provided parameters other than Wi-Fi credentials, that are necessary for the main application and hence must be set prior to starting the application


After session establishment, the additional endpoints must be targeted first by the client side application before sending Wi-Fi configuration, because once Wi-Fi configuration finishes the provisioning service is stopped and hence all endpoints are unregistered


ep_name[in] unique name of the endpoint


  • ESP_OK : Success

  • ESP_FAIL : Failure

esp_err_t wifi_prov_mgr_endpoint_register(const char *ep_name, protocomm_req_handler_t handler, void *user_ctx)

Register a handler for the previously created endpoint.

This API can be called by the application to register a protocomm handler to any endpoint that was created using wifi_prov_mgr_endpoint_create().


This API can only be called AFTER provisioning has started


Additional endpoints can be used for configuring client provided parameters other than Wi-Fi credentials, that are necessary for the main application and hence must be set prior to starting the application


After session establishment, the additional endpoints must be targeted first by the client side application before sending Wi-Fi configuration, because once Wi-Fi configuration finishes the provisioning service is stopped and hence all endpoints are unregistered

  • ep_name[in] Name of the endpoint

  • handler[in] Endpoint handler function

  • user_ctx[in] User data


  • ESP_OK : Success

  • ESP_FAIL : Failure

void wifi_prov_mgr_endpoint_unregister(const char *ep_name)

Unregister the handler for an endpoint.

This API can be called if the application wants to selectively unregister the handler of an endpoint while the provisioning is still in progress.

All the endpoint handlers are unregistered automatically when the provisioning stops.


ep_name[in] Name of the endpoint

esp_err_t wifi_prov_mgr_get_wifi_state(wifi_prov_sta_state_t *state)

Get state of Wi-Fi Station during provisioning.


state[out] Pointer to wifi_prov_sta_state_t variable to be filled


  • ESP_OK : Successfully retrieved Wi-Fi state

  • ESP_FAIL : Provisioning app not running

esp_err_t wifi_prov_mgr_get_wifi_disconnect_reason(wifi_prov_sta_fail_reason_t *reason)

Get reason code in case of Wi-Fi station disconnection during provisioning.


reason[out] Pointer to wifi_prov_sta_fail_reason_t variable to be filled


  • ESP_OK : Successfully retrieved Wi-Fi disconnect reason

  • ESP_FAIL : Provisioning app not running

esp_err_t wifi_prov_mgr_configure_sta(wifi_config_t *wifi_cfg)

Runs Wi-Fi as Station with the supplied configuration.

Configures the Wi-Fi station mode to connect to the AP with SSID and password specified in config structure and sets Wi-Fi to run as station.

This is automatically called by provisioning service upon receiving new credentials.

If credentials are to be supplied to the manager via a different mode other than through protocomm, then this API needs to be called.

Event WIFI_PROV_CRED_RECV is emitted after credentials have been applied and Wi-Fi station started


wifi_cfg[in] Pointer to Wi-Fi configuration structure


  • ESP_OK : Wi-Fi configured and started successfully

  • ESP_FAIL : Failed to set configuration

esp_err_t wifi_prov_mgr_reset_provisioning(void)

Reset Wi-Fi provisioning config.

Calling this API will restore WiFi stack persistent settings to default values.


  • ESP_OK : Reset provisioning config successfully

  • ESP_FAIL : Failed to reset provisioning config

esp_err_t wifi_prov_mgr_reset_sm_state_on_failure(void)

Reset internal state machine and clear provisioned credentials.

This API can be used to restart provisioning in case invalid credentials are entered.


  • ESP_OK : Reset provisioning state machine successfully

  • ESP_FAIL : Failed to reset provisioning state machine

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE : Manager not initialized


struct wifi_prov_event_handler_t

Event handler that is used by the manager while provisioning service is active.

Public Members

wifi_prov_cb_func_t event_cb

Callback function to be executed on provisioning events

void *user_data

User context data to pass as parameter to callback function

struct wifi_prov_scheme

Structure for specifying the provisioning scheme to be followed by the manager.


Ready to use schemes are available:

  • wifi_prov_scheme_ble : for provisioning over BLE transport + GATT server

  • wifi_prov_scheme_softap : for provisioning over SoftAP transport + HTTP server

  • wifi_prov_scheme_console : for provisioning over Serial UART transport + Console (for debugging)

Public Members

esp_err_t (*prov_start)(protocomm_t *pc, void *config)

Function which is to be called by the manager when it is to start the provisioning service associated with a protocomm instance and a scheme specific configuration

esp_err_t (*prov_stop)(protocomm_t *pc)

Function which is to be called by the manager to stop the provisioning service previously associated with a protocomm instance

void *(*new_config)(void)

Function which is to be called by the manager to generate a new configuration for the provisioning service, that is to be passed to prov_start()

void (*delete_config)(void *config)

Function which is to be called by the manager to delete a configuration generated using new_config()

esp_err_t (*set_config_service)(void *config, const char *service_name, const char *service_key)

Function which is to be called by the manager to set the service name and key values in the configuration structure

esp_err_t (*set_config_endpoint)(void *config, const char *endpoint_name, uint16_t uuid)

Function which is to be called by the manager to set a protocomm endpoint with an identifying name and UUID in the configuration structure

wifi_mode_t wifi_mode

Sets mode of operation of Wi-Fi during provisioning This is set to :

  • WIFI_MODE_APSTA for SoftAP transport

  • WIFI_MODE_STA for BLE transport

struct wifi_prov_mgr_config_t

Structure for specifying the manager configuration.

Public Members

wifi_prov_scheme_t scheme

Provisioning scheme to use. Following schemes are already available:

  • wifi_prov_scheme_ble : for provisioning over BLE transport + GATT server

  • wifi_prov_scheme_softap : for provisioning over SoftAP transport + HTTP server + mDNS (optional)

  • wifi_prov_scheme_console : for provisioning over Serial UART transport + Console (for debugging)

wifi_prov_event_handler_t scheme_event_handler

Event handler required by the scheme for incorporating scheme specific behavior while provisioning manager is running. Various options may be provided by the scheme for setting this field. Use WIFI_PROV_EVENT_HANDLER_NONE when not used. When using scheme wifi_prov_scheme_ble, the following options are available:




wifi_prov_event_handler_t app_event_handler

Event handler that can be set for the purpose of incorporating application specific behavior. Use WIFI_PROV_EVENT_HANDLER_NONE when not used.



Event handler can be set to none if not used.

Type Definitions

typedef void (*wifi_prov_cb_func_t)(void *user_data, wifi_prov_cb_event_t event, void *event_data)
typedef struct wifi_prov_scheme wifi_prov_scheme_t

Structure for specifying the provisioning scheme to be followed by the manager.


Ready to use schemes are available:

  • wifi_prov_scheme_ble : for provisioning over BLE transport + GATT server

  • wifi_prov_scheme_softap : for provisioning over SoftAP transport + HTTP server

  • wifi_prov_scheme_console : for provisioning over Serial UART transport + Console (for debugging)

typedef enum wifi_prov_security wifi_prov_security_t

Security modes supported by the Provisioning Manager.

These are same as the security modes provided by protocomm

typedef protocomm_security2_params_t wifi_prov_security2_params_t

Security 2 params structure This needs to be passed when using WIFI_PROV_SECURITY_2.


enum wifi_prov_cb_event_t

Events generated by manager.

These events are generated in order of declaration and, for the stretch of time between initialization and de-initialization of the manager, each event is signaled only once


enumerator WIFI_PROV_INIT

Emitted when the manager is initialized

enumerator WIFI_PROV_START

Indicates that provisioning has started


Emitted when Wi-Fi AP credentials are received via protocomm endpoint wifi_config. The event data in this case is a pointer to the corresponding wifi_sta_config_t structure


Emitted when device fails to connect to the AP of which the credentials were received earlier on event WIFI_PROV_CRED_RECV. The event data in this case is a pointer to the disconnection reason code with type wifi_prov_sta_fail_reason_t


Emitted when device successfully connects to the AP of which the credentials were received earlier on event WIFI_PROV_CRED_RECV

enumerator WIFI_PROV_END

Signals that provisioning service has stopped


Signals that manager has been de-initialized

enum wifi_prov_security

Security modes supported by the Provisioning Manager.

These are same as the security modes provided by protocomm



No security (plain-text communication)


This secure communication mode consists of X25519 key exchange

  • proof of possession (pop) based authentication

  • AES-CTR encryption


This secure communication mode consists of SRP6a based authentication and key exchange

  • AES-GCM encryption/decryption

Header File


void wifi_prov_scheme_ble_event_cb_free_btdm(void *user_data, wifi_prov_cb_event_t event, void *event_data)
void wifi_prov_scheme_ble_event_cb_free_ble(void *user_data, wifi_prov_cb_event_t event, void *event_data)
void wifi_prov_scheme_ble_event_cb_free_bt(void *user_data, wifi_prov_cb_event_t event, void *event_data)
esp_err_t wifi_prov_scheme_ble_set_service_uuid(uint8_t *uuid128)

Set the 128 bit GATT service UUID used for provisioning.

This API is used to override the default 128 bit provisioning service UUID, which is 0000ffff-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb.

This must be called before starting provisioning, i.e. before making a call to wifi_prov_mgr_start_provisioning(), otherwise the default UUID will be used.


The data being pointed to by the argument must be valid at least till provisioning is started. Upon start, the manager will store an internal copy of this UUID, and this data can be freed or invalidated afterwards.


uuid128[in] A custom 128 bit UUID


  • ESP_OK : Success

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG : Null argument

esp_err_t wifi_prov_scheme_ble_set_mfg_data(uint8_t *mfg_data, ssize_t mfg_data_len)

Set manufacturer specific data in scan response.

This must be called before starting provisioning, i.e. before making a call to wifi_prov_mgr_start_provisioning().


It is important to understand that length of custom manufacturer data should be within limits. The manufacturer data goes into scan response along with BLE device name. By default, BLE device name length is of 11 Bytes, however it can vary as per application use case. So, one has to honour the scan response data size limits i.e. (mfg_data_len + 2) < 31 - (device_name_length + 2 ). If the mfg_data length exceeds this limit, the length will be truncated.

  • mfg_data[in] Custom manufacturer data

  • mfg_data_len[in] Manufacturer data length


  • ESP_OK : Success

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG : Null argument

esp_err_t wifi_prov_scheme_ble_set_random_addr(const uint8_t *rand_addr)

Set Bluetooth Random address.

This must be called before starting provisioning, i.e. before making a call to wifi_prov_mgr_start_provisioning().

This API can be used in cases where a new identity address is to be used during provisioning. This will result in this device being treated as a new device by remote devices.

This API is only to be called to set random address. Re-invoking this API after provisioning is started will have no effect.


This API will change the existing BD address for the device. The address once set will remain unchanged until BLE stack tear down happens when wifi_prov_mgr_deinit is invoked.


rand_addr[in] The static random address to be set of length 6 bytes.


  • ESP_OK : Success

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG : Null argument



Header File


void wifi_prov_scheme_softap_set_httpd_handle(void *handle)

Provide HTTPD Server handle externally.

Useful in cases wherein applications need the webserver for some different operations, and do not want the wifi provisioning component to start/stop a new instance.


This API should be called before wifi_prov_mgr_start_provisioning()


handle[in] Handle to HTTPD server instance

Header File

Header File


esp_err_t wifi_prov_config_data_handler(uint32_t session_id, const uint8_t *inbuf, ssize_t inlen, uint8_t **outbuf, ssize_t *outlen, void *priv_data)

Handler for receiving and responding to requests from master.

This is to be registered as the wifi_config endpoint handler (protocomm protocomm_req_handler_t) using protocomm_add_endpoint()


struct wifi_prov_sta_conn_info_t

WiFi STA connected status information.

Public Members

char ip_addr[IP4ADDR_STRLEN_MAX]

IP Address received by station

char bssid[6]

BSSID of the AP to which connection was estalished

char ssid[33]

SSID of the to which connection was estalished

uint8_t channel

Channel of the AP

uint8_t auth_mode

Authorization mode of the AP

struct wifi_prov_config_get_data_t

WiFi status data to be sent in response to get_status request from master.

Public Members

wifi_prov_sta_state_t wifi_state

WiFi state of the station

wifi_prov_sta_fail_reason_t fail_reason

Reason for disconnection (valid only when wifi_state is WIFI_STATION_DISCONNECTED)

wifi_prov_sta_conn_info_t conn_info

Connection information (valid only when wifi_state is WIFI_STATION_CONNECTED)

struct wifi_prov_config_set_data_t

WiFi config data received by slave during set_config request from master.

Public Members

char ssid[33]

SSID of the AP to which the slave is to be connected

char password[64]

Password of the AP

char bssid[6]

BSSID of the AP

uint8_t channel

Channel of the AP

struct wifi_prov_config_handlers

Internal handlers for receiving and responding to protocomm requests from master.

This is to be passed as priv_data for protocomm request handler (refer to wifi_prov_config_data_handler()) when calling protocomm_add_endpoint().

Public Members

esp_err_t (*get_status_handler)(wifi_prov_config_get_data_t *resp_data, wifi_prov_ctx_t **ctx)

Handler function called when connection status of the slave (in WiFi station mode) is requested

esp_err_t (*set_config_handler)(const wifi_prov_config_set_data_t *req_data, wifi_prov_ctx_t **ctx)

Handler function called when WiFi connection configuration (eg. AP SSID, password, etc.) of the slave (in WiFi station mode) is to be set to user provided values

esp_err_t (*apply_config_handler)(wifi_prov_ctx_t **ctx)

Handler function for applying the configuration that was set in set_config_handler. After applying the station may get connected to the AP or may fail to connect. The slave must be ready to convey the updated connection status information when get_status_handler is invoked again by the master.

wifi_prov_ctx_t *ctx

Context pointer to be passed to above handler functions upon invocation

Type Definitions

typedef struct wifi_prov_ctx wifi_prov_ctx_t

Type of context data passed to each get/set/apply handler function set in wifi_prov_config_handlers structure.

This is passed as an opaque pointer, thereby allowing it be defined later in application code as per requirements.

typedef struct wifi_prov_config_handlers wifi_prov_config_handlers_t

Internal handlers for receiving and responding to protocomm requests from master.

This is to be passed as priv_data for protocomm request handler (refer to wifi_prov_config_data_handler()) when calling protocomm_add_endpoint().


enum wifi_prov_sta_state_t

WiFi STA status for conveying back to the provisioning master.


enum wifi_prov_sta_fail_reason_t

WiFi STA connection fail reason.
