LED 指示灯
LED 指示灯是最简单的输出外设之一,可以通过不同形式的闪烁指示系统当前的工作状态。ESP-IoT-Solution 提供的 LED 指示灯组件具有以下功能:
LEDC 等驱动支持调节亮度,渐变,颜色等
驱动类型 |
说明 |
亮灭 |
亮度 |
呼吸 |
颜色 |
颜色渐变 |
索引 |
通过 GPIO 控制指示灯 |
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通过一路 PWM 方式控制指示灯 |
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通过三路 PWM 方式控制指示灯 |
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LED Strips |
通过 RMT/SPI 控制的灯条,如 WS2812 |
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闪烁步骤结构体 blink_step_t
例 1. 定义一个循环闪烁:亮 0.05 s,灭 0.1 s,开始之后一直循环。
const blink_step_t test_blink_loop[] = {
{LED_BLINK_HOLD, LED_STATE_ON, 50}, // step1: turn on LED 50 ms
{LED_BLINK_HOLD, LED_STATE_OFF, 100}, // step2: turn off LED 100 ms
{LED_BLINK_LOOP, 0, 0}, // step3: loop from step1
例 2. 定义一个循环闪烁:亮 0.05 s,灭 0.1 s,亮 0.15 s,灭 0.1 s,执行完毕灯熄灭。
const blink_step_t test_blink_one_time[] = {
{LED_BLINK_HOLD, LED_STATE_ON, 50}, // step1: turn on LED 50 ms
{LED_BLINK_HOLD, LED_STATE_OFF, 100}, // step2: turn off LED 100 ms
{LED_BLINK_HOLD, LED_STATE_ON, 150}, // step3: turn on LED 150 ms
{LED_BLINK_HOLD, LED_STATE_OFF, 100}, // step4: turn off LED 100 ms
{LED_BLINK_STOP, 0, 0}, // step5: stop blink (off)
定义闪烁类型之后,需要在 led_indicator_blink_type_t
添加该类型对应的枚举成员,然后将其添加到闪烁类型列表 led_indicator_blink_lists
typedef enum {
BLINK_TEST_BLINK_ONE_TIME, /**< test_blink_one_time */
BLINK_TEST_BLINK_LOOP, /**< test_blink_loop */
BLINK_MAX, /**< INVALID type */
} led_indicator_blink_type_t;
blink_step_t const * led_indicator_blink_lists[] = {
[BLINK_TEST_BLINK_ONE_TIME] = test_blink_one_time,
[BLINK_TEST_BLINK_LOOP] = test_blink_loop,
例 1. 定义一个亮度设置:设置指示灯亮度为 50%,持续 0.5 s。
const blink_step_t test_blink_50_brightness[] = {
{LED_BLINK_BRIGHTNESS, LED_STATE_50_PERCENT, 500}, // step1: set to half brightness 500 ms
{LED_BLINK_STOP, 0, 0}, // step4: stop blink (50% brightness)
例 2. 定义一个循环闪烁:渐亮 0.5s, 逐灭 0.5s, 重复执行。
const blink_step_t test_blink_breathe[] = {
{LED_BLINK_HOLD, LED_STATE_OFF, 0}, // step1: set LED off
{LED_BLINK_BREATHE, LED_STATE_ON, 500}, // step2: fade from off to on 500ms
{LED_BLINK_BREATHE, LED_STATE_OFF, 500}, // step3: fade from on to off 500ms
{LED_BLINK_LOOP, 0, 0}, // step4: loop from step1
例 3. 定义一个闪烁:从 50% 亮度渐亮到 100% 亮度,持续 0.5s。
const blink_step_t test_blink_breathe_2[] = {
{LED_BLINK_BRIGHTNESS, LED_STATE_50_PERCENT, 0}, // step1: set to half brightness 0 ms
{LED_BLINK_BREATHE, LED_STATE_ON, 500}, // step2: fade from off to on 500ms
{LED_BLINK_STOP, 0, 0}, // step3: stop blink (100% brightness)
LED_BLINK_RGB: 通过 RGB 控制颜色,其中 R 占 8 bites(0-255),G 占 8 bites(0-255),B 占 8 bites(0-255)。
LED_BLINK_RGB_RING: 通过 RGB 控制颜色渐变,会从上一次的颜色按照色环渐变到当前的设置颜色。采用 RGB 值插值法。
LED_BLINK_HSV: 通过 HSV 控制颜色,其中 H 占 9 bites(0-360),S 占 8 bites(0-255),V 占 8 bites(0-255)。
LED_BLINK_HSV_RING: 通过 HSV 控制颜色渐变,会从上一次的颜色按照色环渐变到当前的设置颜色。采用 HSV 值插值法。
例 1. 定义一个颜色设置,让指示灯显示红色。
const blink_step_t test_blink_rgb_red[] = {
{LED_BLINK_RGB, SET_RGB(255,0,0), 0}, // step1: set to half brightness 500 ms
{LED_BLINK_STOP, 0, 0}, // step2: stop blink (red color)
例 2. 定义一个颜色渐变,让指示灯从红色渐变到蓝色,并循环执行。
const blink_step_t test_blink_rgb_red_blue[] = {
{LED_BLINK_RGB, SET_RGB(0xFF, 0, 0), 0}, // step1: set to red color 0 ms
{LED_BLINK_RGB_RING, SET_RGB(0, 0, 0xFF), 4000}, // step2: fade from red to blue 4000ms
{LED_BLINK_RGB_RING, SET_RGB(0xFF, 0, 0), 4000}, // step3: fade from blue to red 4000ms
{LED_BLINK_LOOP, 0, 0}, // step4: loop from step1
采用 RGB 插值法显示颜色渐变,效果如下。
同时,驱动还支持通过 HSV 颜色来设置,使用方法与 RGB 类似。
例 3. 定义一个颜色设置,让指示灯显示红色 0.5s,绿色 0.5s, 蓝色 0.5s,最后停止
const blink_step_t test_blink_rgb_red[] = {
{LED_BLINK_HSV, SET_HSV(0,255,255), 500}, // step1: set color to red 500 ms
{LED_BLINK_HSV, SET_HSV(120,255,255), 500}, // step2: set color to green 500 ms
{LED_BLINK_HSV, SET_HSV(240,255,255), 500}, // step3: set color to blue 500 ms
{LED_BLINK_STOP, 0, 0}, // step4: stop blink (blue color)
例 4. 定义一个颜色渐变,让指示灯从红色渐变到蓝色,并循环执行。
const blink_step_t test_blink_hsv_red_blue[] = {
{LED_BLINK_HSV, SET_HSV(0,255,255), 0}, // step1: set to red color 0 ms
{LED_BLINK_HSV_RING, SET_HSV(240,255,255), 4000}, // step2: fade from red to blue 4000ms
{LED_BLINK_HSV_RING, SET_HSV(0,255,255), 4000}, // step3: fade from blue to red 4000ms
{LED_BLINK_LOOP, 0, 0}, // step4: loop from step1
采用 HSV 插值法显示颜色渐变,效果如下。这种方式渐变色彩更加丰富。
对于支持索引的驱动,我们还可以通过索引来控制灯条上的每个灯的状态。索引的值是通过宏 INSERT_INDEX, SET_IHSV, SET_IRGB 来设置。当设置为 MAX_INDEX:127 时,表示设置所有的灯。
例 1. 定义一个颜色类型,让位于 0 号位的灯显示红色,位于 1 号位的灯显示绿色,位于 2 号位的灯显示蓝色,最后退出。
const blink_step_t test_blink_index_setting1[] = { {LED_BLINK_RGB, SET_IRGB(0,255,0,0), 0}, // step1: set index 0 to red color 0 ms {LED_BLINK_RGB, SET_IRGB(1,0,255,0), 0}, // step2: set index 1 to green color 0 ms {LED_BLINK_RGB, SET_IRGB(2,0,0,255), 0}, // step3: set index 2 to blue color 0 ms {LED_BLINK_LOOP, 0, 0}, // step4: loop from step1 };
例 2. 定义一个颜色类型,让所有的灯呼吸,并一直循环。
const blink_step_t test_blink_all_breath[] = { {LED_BLINK_BRIGHTNESS, INSERT_INDEX(MAX_INDEX,LED_STATE_OFF), 0}, // step1: set all leds to off 0 ms {LED_BLINK_BREATHE, INSERT_INDEX(MAX_INDEX,LED_STATE_ON), 1000}, // step2: set all leds fade to on 1000 ms {LED_BLINK_BREATHE, INSERT_INDEX(MAX_INDEX,LED_STATE_OFF), 1000}, // step3: set all leds fade to off 1000 ms {LED_BLINK_LOOP, 0, 0}, // step4: loop from step1 };
对于同一个指示灯,高优先级闪烁可以打断正在进行的低优先级闪烁,当高优先级闪烁结束,低优先级闪烁恢复执行。可以通过调整闪烁类型 led_indicator_blink_type_t
例如,在以下示例中闪烁 test_blink_one_time
比 test_blink_loop
typedef enum {
BLINK_TEST_BLINK_ONE_TIME, /**< test_blink_one_time */
BLINK_TEST_BLINK_LOOP, /**< test_blink_loop */
BLINK_MAX, /**< INVALID type */
} led_indicator_blink_type_t;
创建一个指示灯:指定一个 IO 和一组配置信息创建一个指示灯
led_indicator_config_t config = {
.mode = LED_GPIO_MODE,
.led_gpio_config = {
.active_level = 1,
.gpio_num = 1,
.blink_lists = led_indicator_get_sample_lists(),
.blink_list_num = led_indicator_get_sample_lists_num(),
led_indicator_handle_t led_handle = led_indicator_create(8, &config); // attach to gpio 8
led_indicator_start(led_handle, BLINK_TEST_BLINK_LOOP); // call to start, the function not block
led_indicator_stop(led_handle, BLINK_TEST_BLINK_LOOP); // call stop
抢占操作: 您可以在任何时候直接闪烁指定的类型。
led_indicator_preempt_start(led_handle, BLINK_TEST_BLINK_LOOP);
led_indicator_preempt_stop(led_handle, BLINK_TEST_BLINK_LOOP);
该组件支持线程安全操作,您可使用全局变量共享 LED 指示灯的操作句柄 led_indicator_handle_t
,也可以使用 led_indicator_get_handle
在其它线程通过 LED 的 IO 号获取句柄以进行操作。
static blink_step_t const *led_blink_lst[] = {
[BLINK_DOUBLE] = double_blink,
[BLINK_TRIPLE] = triple_blink,
led_indicator_config_t config = {
.mode = LED_GPIO_MODE,
.led_gpio_config = {
.active_level = 1,
.gpio_num = 1,
.blink_lists = led_blink_lst,
.blink_list_num = BLINK_MAX,
通过定义 led_blink_lst[]
gamma 曲线调光
Gamma 曲线
float gamma = 2.3
默认的 gamma 表是 2.3,可以通过 led_indicator_new_gamma_table()
生成新的 gamma 表。
对于不同的硬件,可能分为共阳接法和共阴接法。可以将设置中的 is_active_level_high 设置为 true 或 false 来设置驱动电平。
API 参考
Header File
led_indicator_handle_t led_indicator_create(const led_indicator_config_t *config)
create a LED indicator instance with GPIO number and configuration
- 参数
config – configuration of the LED, eg. GPIO level when LED off
- 返回
led_indicator_handle_t handle of the LED indicator, NULL if create failed.
esp_err_t led_indicator_delete(led_indicator_handle_t handle)
delete the LED indicator and release resource
- 参数
handle – pointer to LED indicator handle
- 返回
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if parameter is invalid
ESP_OK Success
ESP_FAIL Delete fail
esp_err_t led_indicator_start(led_indicator_handle_t handle, int blink_type)
start a new blink_type on the LED indicator. if multiple blink_type started simultaneously, it will be executed according to priority.
- 参数
handle – LED indicator handle
blink_type – predefined blink type
- 返回
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if parameter is invalid
ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND no predefined blink_type found
ESP_OK Success
esp_err_t led_indicator_stop(led_indicator_handle_t handle, int blink_type)
stop a blink_type. you can stop a blink_type at any time, no matter it is executing or waiting to be executed.
- 参数
handle – LED indicator handle
blink_type – predefined blink type
- 返回
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if parameter is invalid
ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND no predefined blink_type found
ESP_OK Success
esp_err_t led_indicator_preempt_start(led_indicator_handle_t handle, int blink_type)
Immediately execute an action of any priority. Until the action is executed, or call led_indicator_preempt_stop().
- 参数
handle – LED indicator handle
blink_type – predefined blink type
- 返回
ESP_OK Success
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if parameter is invalid
esp_err_t led_indicator_preempt_stop(led_indicator_handle_t handle, int blink_type)
Stop the current preemptive action.
- 参数
handle – LED indicator handle
blink_type – predefined blink type
- 返回
ESP_OK Success
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if parameter is invalid
uint8_t led_indicator_get_brightness(led_indicator_handle_t handle)
Get the current brightness value of the LED indicator.
- 参数
handle – LED indicator handle
- 返回
uint8_t Current brightness value: 0-255 if handle is null return 0
esp_err_t led_indicator_set_on_off(led_indicator_handle_t handle, bool on_off)
Set the LED indicator on or off.
If you have an RGB/Strips type of light, this API will control the last LED index you set, and the color will be displayed based on the last color you set.
- 参数
handle – LED indicator handle.
on_off – true: on, false: off
- 返回
ESP_OK: Success
ESP_FAIL: Failure
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: Invalid parameter
esp_err_t led_indicator_set_brightness(led_indicator_handle_t handle, uint32_t brightness)
Set the brightness for the LED indicator.
- 参数
handle – LED indicator handle.
brightness – Brightness value to set (0 to 255). You can control a specific LED by specifying the index using
, and set it to MAX_INDEX 127 to control all LEDs. This feature is only supported for LEDs of type LED_RGB_MODE. Index: (0-126), set (127) to control all.
- 返回
ESP_OK: Success
ESP_FAIL: Failure
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: Invalid parameter
uint32_t led_indicator_get_hsv(led_indicator_handle_t handle)
Get the HSV color of the LED indicator.
Index settings are only supported for LED_RGB_MODE.
- 参数
handle – LED indicator handle.
- 返回
HSV color value H: 0-360, S: 0-255, V: 0-255
esp_err_t led_indicator_set_hsv(led_indicator_handle_t handle, uint32_t ihsv_value)
Set the HSV color for the LED indicator.
Index settings are only supported for LED_RGB_MODE.
- 参数
handle – LED indicator handle.
ihsv_value – HSV color value to set. I: 0-126, set 127 to control all H: 0-360, S: 0-255, V: 0-255
- 返回
ESP_OK: Success
ESP_FAIL: Failure
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: Invalid parameter
uint32_t led_indicator_get_rgb(led_indicator_handle_t handle)
Get the RGB color of the LED indicator.
Index settings are only supported for LED_RGB_MODE.
- 参数
handle – LED indicator handle.
- 返回
RGB color value (0xRRGGBB) R: 0-255, G: 0-255, B: 0-255
esp_err_t led_indicator_set_rgb(led_indicator_handle_t handle, uint32_t irgb_value)
Set the RGB color for the LED indicator.
Index settings are only supported for LED_RGB_MODE.
- 参数
handle – LED indicator handle.
irgb_value – RGB color value to set (0xRRGGBB). I: 0-126, set 127 to control all R: 0-255, G: 0-255, B: 0-255
- 返回
ESP_OK: Success
ESP_FAIL: Failure
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: Invalid parameter
esp_err_t led_indicator_set_color_temperature(led_indicator_handle_t handle, const uint32_t temperature)
Set the color temperature for the LED indicator.
Index settings are only supported for LED_RGB_MODE.
- 参数
handle – LED indicator handle.
temperature – Color temperature of LED (0xIITTTTTT) I: 0-126, set 127 to control all, TTTTTT: 0-1000000
- 返回
ESP_OK: Success
ESP_FAIL: Failure
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: Invalid parameter
struct blink_step_t
one blink step, a meaningful signal consists of a group of steps
Public Members
blink_step_type_t type
action type in this step
uint32_t value
hold on or off, set 0 if LED_BLINK_STOP() or LED_BLINK_LOOP
uint32_t hold_time_ms
hold time(ms), set 0 if not LED_BLINK_HOLD
blink_step_type_t type
struct led_indicator_config_t
LED indicator specified configurations, as a arg when create a new indicator.
Public Members
led_indicator_mode_t mode
LED work mode, eg. GPIO or pwm mode
led_indicator_gpio_config_t *led_indicator_gpio_config
LED GPIO configuration
led_indicator_ledc_config_t *led_indicator_ledc_config
LED LEDC configuration
led_indicator_rgb_config_t *led_indicator_rgb_config
LED RGB configuration
led_indicator_strips_config_t *led_indicator_strips_config
LED LEDC rgb configuration
led_indicator_custom_config_t *led_indicator_custom_config
LED custom configuration
union led_indicator_config_t::[anonymous] [anonymous]
LED configuration
const blink_step_t **blink_lists
user defined LED blink lists
uint16_t blink_list_num
number of blink lists
led_indicator_mode_t mode
Type Definitions
typedef void *led_indicator_handle_t
LED indicator operation handle
enum [anonymous]
LED state: 0-100, only hardware that supports to set brightness can adjust brightness.
enumerator LED_STATE_OFF
turn off the LED
enumerator LED_STATE_25_PERCENT
25% brightness, must support to set brightness
enumerator LED_STATE_50_PERCENT
50% brightness, must support to set brightness
enumerator LED_STATE_75_PERCENT
75% brightness, must support to set brightness
enumerator LED_STATE_ON
turn on the LED
enumerator LED_STATE_OFF
enum blink_step_type_t
actions in this type
enumerator LED_BLINK_STOP
stop the blink
enumerator LED_BLINK_HOLD
hold the on-off state
breathe state
set the brightness, it will transition from the old brightness to the new brightness
enumerator LED_BLINK_RGB
color change with R(0-255) G(0-255) B(0-255)
Gradual color transition from old color to new color in a color ring
enumerator LED_BLINK_HSV
color change with H(0-360) S(0-255) V(0-255)
Gradual color transition from old color to new color in a color ring
enumerator LED_BLINK_LOOP
loop from first step
enumerator LED_BLINK_STOP
enum led_indicator_mode_t
LED indicator blink mode, as a member of led_indicator_config_t.
enumerator LED_GPIO_MODE
blink with max brightness
enumerator LED_LEDC_MODE
blink with LEDC driver
enumerator LED_RGB_MODE
blink with RGB driver
enumerator LED_STRIPS_MODE
blink with LEDC strips driver
enumerator LED_CUSTOM_MODE
blink with custom driver
enumerator LED_GPIO_MODE