USB Device UVC


usb_device_uvc 是用于 ESP32-S2/ESP32-S3 的 USB UVC 设备驱动程序,它支持将 JPEG 帧流传输到 USB 主机。用户可以通过回调函数将相机或任何设备包装成符合 UVC 标准的设备。


  1. 支持通过 UVC 流接口进行视频流传输

  2. 支持 IsochronousBulk 模式

  3. 支持多种分辨率和帧率


请使用组件管理器命令 add-dependencyusb_device_uvc 添加到项目的依赖项中,在 CMake 步骤中会自动下载该组件 add-dependency "espressif/usb_device_uvc=*"


该组件仅提供一个 API 用于配置 UVC 设备。由于驱动基于 TinyUSB 堆栈,因此未提供 deinit API。

#include "usb_device_uvc.h"

static esp_err_t camera_start_cb(uvc_format_t format, int width, int height, int rate, void *cb_ctx)
    // 用户可以在这里初始化相机
    // 相机应根据给定的格式、宽度、高度和帧率进行初始化
    return ESP_OK;

static void camera_stop_cb(void *cb_ctx)
    // 用户代码

static uvc_fb_t* camera_fb_get_cb(void *cb_ctx)
    // 用户代码以返回图像帧缓冲区
    // 相机应准备下一帧,并返回帧缓冲区
    return uvc_fb;

static void camera_fb_return_cb(uvc_fb_t *fb, void *cb_ctx)
    // 在帧缓冲区被复制到传输缓冲区后返回
    // 用户代码以回收帧缓冲区

// 缓冲区用于存储要发送到主机的数据
const size_t buff_size = 30 * 1024;
uint8_t *uvc_buffer = (uint8_t *)heap_caps_malloc(buff_size, MALLOC_CAP_DEFAULT);
assert(uvc_buffer != NULL);

uvc_device_config_t config = {
    .uvc_buffer = uvc_buffer,
    .uvc_buffer_size = 40 * 1024,
    .start_cb = camera_start_cb,
    .fb_get_cb = camera_fb_get_cb,
    .fb_return_cb = camera_fb_return_cb,
    .stop_cb = camera_stop_cb,
    .cb_ctx = NULL,

ESP_ERROR_CHECK(uvc_device_config(0, &config));


usb/device/usb_webcam usb/device/usb_dual_uvc_device

API 参考

Header File


esp_err_t uvc_device_config(int index, uvc_device_config_t *config)

Configure the UVC device by uvc device number.

  • index – UVC device index number [0,1]

  • config – Configuration for the UVC device


ESP_OK on success ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if the configuration is invalid ESP_FAIL if the UVC device could not be initialized

esp_err_t uvc_device_init(void)

Initialize the UVC device, after this function is called, the UVC device will be visible to the host and the host can open the UVC device with the specific format and resolution.


ESP_OK on success ESP_FAIL if the UVC device could not be initialized


struct uvc_fb_t

Frame buffer structure.

Public Members

uint8_t *buf

Pointer to the frame data

size_t len

Length of the buffer in bytes

size_t width

Width of the image frame in pixels

size_t height

Height of the image frame in pixels

uvc_format_t format

Format of the frame data

struct timeval timestamp

Timestamp since boot of the frame

struct uvc_device_config_t

Configuration for the UVC device.

Public Members

uint8_t *uvc_buffer

UVC transfer buffer

uint32_t uvc_buffer_size

UVC transfer buffer size, should bigger than one frame size

uvc_input_start_cb_t start_cb

callback function of host open the UVC device with the specific format and resolution

uvc_input_fb_get_cb_t fb_get_cb

callback function of host request a new frame buffer

uvc_input_fb_return_cb_t fb_return_cb

callback function of the frame buffer is no longer used

uvc_input_stop_cb_t stop_cb

callback function of host close the UVC device

void *cb_ctx

callback context, for user specific usage

Type Definitions

typedef esp_err_t (*uvc_input_start_cb_t)(uvc_format_t format, int width, int height, int rate, void *cb_ctx)

type of callback function when host open the UVC device

typedef uvc_fb_t *(*uvc_input_fb_get_cb_t)(void *cb_ctx)

type of callback function when host request a new frame buffer

typedef void (*uvc_input_fb_return_cb_t)(uvc_fb_t *fb, void *cb_ctx)

type of callback function when the frame buffer is no longer used

typedef void (*uvc_input_stop_cb_t)(void *cb_ctx)

type of callback function when host close the UVC device


enum uvc_format_t

UVC format.


enumerator UVC_FORMAT_JPEG

JPEG format

enumerator UVC_FORMAT_H264

H264 format