Error Codes Reference

This section lists various error code constants defined in ESP-MDF.

For general information about error codes in ESP-MDF, see Error Handling.

MDF_FAIL (-1): Generic mdf_err_t code indicating failure

MDF_OK (0): mdf_err_t value indicating success (no error)

MDF_ERR_NO_MEM (0x100001): Out of memory

MDF_ERR_INVALID_ARG (0x100002): Invalid argument

MDF_ERR_INVALID_STATE (0x100003): Invalid state

MDF_ERR_INVALID_SIZE (0x100004): Invalid size

MDF_ERR_NOT_FOUND (0x100005): Requested resource not found

MDF_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED (0x100006): Operation or feature not supported

MDF_ERR_TIMEOUT (0x100007): Operation timed out

MDF_ERR_INVALID_RESPONSE (0x100008): Received response was invalid

MDF_ERR_INVALID_CRC (0x100009): CRC or checksum was invalid

MDF_ERR_INVALID_VERSION (0x10000a): Version was invalid

MDF_ERR_INVALID_MAC (0x10000b): MAC address was invalid

MDF_ERR_NOT_INIT (0x10000c): MAC address was invalid

MDF_ERR_BUF (0x10000d): The buffer is too small

MDF_ERR_MWIFI_BASE (0x200000): Starting number of MWIFI error codes

MDF_ERR_MWIFI_NOT_INIT (0x200001): Mwifi isn’t initialized

MDF_ERR_MWIFI_INITED (0x200002): Mwifi has been initialized

MDF_ERR_MWIFI_NOT_START (0x200003): Mwifi isn’t started

MDF_ERR_MWIFI_ARGUMENT (0x200004): Illegal argument

MDF_ERR_MWIFI_EXCEED_PAYLOAD (0x200005): Packet size exceeds payload

MDF_ERR_MWIFI_TIMEOUT (0x200006): Timeout

MDF_ERR_MWIFI_DISCONNECTED (0x200007): Disconnected with parent on station interface

MDF_ERR_MWIFI_NO_CONFIG (0x200008): Router not configured

MDF_ERR_MWIFI_NO_FOUND (0x200009): Routes or devices not found

MDF_ERR_MWIFI_NO_ROOT (0x20000a): Routes or devices not found

MDF_ERR_MESPNOW_BASE (0x300000): Starting number of MESPNOW error codes

MDF_ERR_MCONFIG_BASE (0x400000): Starting number of MCONFIG error codes

MDF_ERR_MUPGRADE_BASE (0x500000): Starting number of MUPGRADE error codes

MDF_ERR_MUPGRADE_FIRMWARE_NOT_INIT (0x500001): Uninitialized firmware configuration

MDF_ERR_MUPGRADE_FIRMWARE_PARTITION (0x500002): Partition table error

MDF_ERR_MUPGRADE_FIRMWARE_INVALID (0x500003): Non-project generated firmware

MDF_ERR_MUPGRADE_FIRMWARE_INCOMPLETE (0x500004): The firmware received by the device is incomplete

MDF_ERR_MUPGRADE_FIRMWARE_DOWNLOAD (0x500005): Firmware write flash error

MDF_ERR_MUPGRADE_FIRMWARE_FINISH (0x500006): The firmware has been written to completion

MDF_ERR_MUPGRADE_DEVICE_NO_EXIST (0x500007): The device that needs to be upgraded does not exist

MDF_ERR_MUPGRADE_SEND_PACKET_LOSS (0x500008): Request device upgrade status failed

MDF_ERR_MUPGRADE_NOT_INIT (0x500009): Upgrade configuration is not initialized

MDF_ERR_MUPGRADE_STOP (0x50000a): Upgrade configuration is not initialized

MDF_ERR_MDEBUG_BASE (0x600000): Starting number of MDEBUG error codes

MDF_ERR_MLINK_BASE (0x700000): Starting number of MLINK error codes

MDF_ERR_CUSTOM_BASE (0x800000): Starting number of COUSTOM error codes