Error Handling


This document provides the introduction to the ESP-MDF related error debugging methods and to some common error handling patterns.

Error Debugging

Error Codes

In most cases, the functions specific to ESP-MDF use the type mdf_err_t to return error codes. This is a signed integer type. Success (no error) is indicated with the code MDF_OK, which is defined as zero.

Various ESP-MDF header files define possible error codes. Usually, these definitions have the prefix MDF_ERR_. Common error codes for generic failures (out of memory, timeout, invalid argument, etc.) are defined in the file mdf_err.h. Various components in ESP-MDF can define additional error codes for specific situations. The macro definition that starts with MDF_ERROR_ can be used to check the return value and return the file name and the line number in case of errors. After that, the value can be converted to an error code name with the function esp_err_to_name() to help you easier understand which error has happened.

For the complete list of error codes, please refer to Error Codes.

Common Configuration

The pattern given below is recommended for use during debugging and not in the production process. Please use the following configuration to identify the issue and then refer to: examples/sdkconfig.defaults:

# FreeRTOS
CONFIG_FREERTOS_UNICORE=y              # Debug portMUX Recursion
CONFIG_TIMER_TASK_STACK_DEPTH=3072     # FreeRTOS timer task stack size

# ESP32-specific
CONFIG_TASK_WDT_PANIC=y                # Invoke panic handler on Task Watchdog timeout
CONFIG_TASK_WDT_TIMEOUT_S=10           # Task Watchdog timeout period (seconds)
CONFIG_ESP32_ENABLE_COREDUMP=y         # Core dump destination
CONFIG_TIMER_TASK_STACK_SIZE=4096      # High-resolution timer task stack size
CONFIG_ESP32_ENABLE_COREDUMP_TO_FLASH=y # Select flash to store core dump

Fatal Errors

In case of CPU exceptions or other fatal errors, the panic handler may print CPU registers and the backtrace. A backtrace line contains PC:SP pairs, where PC stands for the program counter and SP is for the stack pointer. If a fatal error occurs inside an ISR (Interrupt Service Routine), the backtrace can include PC:SP pairs from both the ISR and the task that was interrupted.

For detailed instructions on diagnostics of unrecoverable errors, please refer to Fatal Errors.

Use IDF Monitor

If IDF Monitor is used, Program Counter values are converted into code locations, i.e., function name, file name, and line number:

Guru Meditation Error: Core  0 panic'ed (StoreProhibited). Exception was unhandled.
Core 0 register dump:
PC      : 0x400d33ed  PS      : 0x00060f30  A0      : 0x800d1055  A1      : 0x3ffba950
0x400d33ed: app_main at ~/project/esp-mdf-master/examples/get_started/main/get_started.c:200

A2      : 0x00000000  A3      : 0x00000000  A4      : 0x00000000  A5      : 0x3ffbaaf4
A6      : 0x00000001  A7      : 0x00000000  A8      : 0x800d2306  A9      : 0x3ffbaa10
A10     : 0x3ffb0834  A11     : 0x3ffb3730  A12     : 0x40082784  A13     : 0x06ff1ff8
0x40082784: _calloc_r at ~/project/esp-mdf-master/esp-idf/components/newlib/syscalls.c:51

A14     : 0x3ffafff4  A15     : 0x00060023  SAR     : 0x00000014  EXCCAUSE: 0x0000001d
EXCVADDR: 0x00000000  LBEG    : 0x4000c46c  LEND    : 0x4000c477  LCOUNT  : 0xffffffff

Backtrace: 0x400d33ed:0x3ffba950 0x400d1052:0x3ffbaa60
0x400d33ed: app_main at ~/project/esp-mdf-master/examples/get_started/main/get_started.c:200

0x400d1052: main_task at ~/project/esp-mdf-master/esp-idf/components/esp32/cpu_start.c:476

To find the location where a fatal error has occurred, look at the lines which follow the Backtrace: line. The first line after the Backtrace: line indicates the fatal error location, and the subsequent lines show the call stack.

Do Not Use IDF Monitor

If IDF Monitor is not used, only the backtrace can be acquired. You need to use the command xtensa-esp32-elf-addr2line to convert it to a code location:

Guru Meditation Error: Core  0 panic'ed (StoreProhibited). Exception was unhandled.
Core 0 register dump:
PC      : 0x400d33ed  PS      : 0x00060f30  A0      : 0x800d1055  A1      : 0x3ffba950
A2      : 0x00000000  A3      : 0x00000000  A4      : 0x00000000  A5      : 0x3ffbaaf4
A6      : 0x00000001  A7      : 0x00000000  A8      : 0x800d2306  A9      : 0x3ffbaa10
A10     : 0x3ffb0834  A11     : 0x3ffb3730  A12     : 0x40082784  A13     : 0x06ff1ff8
A14     : 0x3ffafff4  A15     : 0x00060023  SAR     : 0x00000014  EXCCAUSE: 0x0000001d
EXCVADDR: 0x00000000  LBEG    : 0x4000c46c  LEND    : 0x4000c477  LCOUNT  : 0xffffffff

Backtrace: 0x400d33ed:0x3ffba950 0x400d1052:0x3ffbaa60

Open Terminal, navigate to your project directory, and execute the following command:

xtensa-esp32-elf-addr2line -pfia -e build/*.elf Backtrace: 0x400d33ed:0x3ffba950 0x400d1052:0x3ffbaa60

The output would look as follows:

0x00000bac: ?? ??:0
0x400d33ed: app_main at ~/project/esp-mdf-master/examples/get_started/main/get_started.c:200
0x400d1052: main_task at ~/project/esp-mdf-master/esp-idf/components/esp32/cpu_start.c:476

Heap Memory Debugging

ESP-IDF integrates tools for requesting heap information, detecting heap corruption, and tracing memory leaks. For details, please refer to Heap Memory Debugging.

If you use the APIs from mdf_mem.h, you can also utilize these debugging tools. The function mdf_mem_print_record() can print all the unreleased memory and help quickly identify memory leak issues:

I (1448) [mdf_mem, 95]: Memory record, num: 4
I (1448) [mdf_mem, 100]: <mwifi : 181> ptr: 0x3ffc5f2c, size: 28
I (1458) [mdf_mem, 100]: <mwifi : 401> ptr: 0x3ffc8fd4, size: 174
I (1468) [mdf_mem, 100]: <get_started : 96> ptr: 0x3ffd3cd8, size: 1456
I (1468) [mdf_mem, 100]: <get_started : 66> ptr: 0x3ffd5400, size: 1456


  1. Configuration: use make menuconfig to enable CONFIG_MDF_MEM_DEBUG.
  2. Only the memory allocated and released with MDF_*ALLOC and MDF_FREE is logged.

Task Schedule

The function mdf_mem_print_heap() can be used to acquire the running status, priority, and remaining stack space of all the tasks:

Task Name       Status  Prio    HWM     Task
main            R       1       1800    3
IDLE            R       0       1232    4
node_write_task B       6       2572    16
node_read_task  B       6       2484    17
Tmr Svc         B       1       1648    5
tiT             B       18      1576    7
MEVT            B       20      2080    10
eventTask       B       20      2032    8
MTXBLK          B       7       2068    11
MTX             B       10      1856    12
MTXON           B       11      2012    13
MRX             B       13      2600    14
MNWK            B       15      2700    15
mdf_event_loop  B       10      2552    6
esp_timer       B       22      3492    1
wifi            B       23      1476    9
ipc0            B       24      636     2

Current task, Name: main, HWM: 1800
Free heap, current: 170884, minimum: 169876


  1. The function mdf_mem_print_heap() can be called to suspend all the tasks, but it may take a while. For this reason, this function is recommended for use during debugging only.
  3. Status: R indicates the status ready, B indicates the status blocked.
  4. Remaining space: HWM (High Water Mark) must be set to no less than 512 bytes to avoid stack overflow.

Common Errors

Compilation Errors

  1. MDF_PATH is not set:

esp-mdf cannot be found if MDF_PATH environment variable is not set:

Makefile:8: / No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target '/'.  Stop.
  • Solution:

    Input the command given to configure:

    $ export MDF_PATH=~/project/esp-mdf

    Input the following command to verify:

    $ echo $MDF_PATH
  1. The cloned project is not complete

The option --recursive was missing at the time of getting the project with git clone. For this reason, the submodules of esp-mdf were not cloned:

~/project/esp-mdf/ ~/project/esp-mdf/esp-idf/make/ No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target '~/project/esp-mdf/esp-idf/make/'.  Stop.
  • Solution:

    Run the command given below to re-get the submodules

    `shell cd $MDF_PAHT git submodule update --init `

Flashing Errors

  1. Serial port permission is limited

In Linux, text telephone devices (TTYs) belong to the dialout group to which regular users do not have access:

serial.serialutil.SerialException: [Errno 13] could not open port /dev/ttyUSB0: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/dev/ttyUSB0'
  • Solution:

    1. Modify the permission directly:

      sudo chmod 0666 /dev/ttyUSB0
    2. Add the users with limited access to the dialout group, so that they may gain access to the TTYs and other similar devices:

      sudo gpasswd --add <user> dialout
  1. make flash Errors

Incompatibility between python and pyserial:

AttributeError: 'Serial' object has no attribute 'dtr'
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'serial_for_url'
  • Solution:

    Run the command given below. If the issue persists, you can go to esptool issues and search for any related issues:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get upgrade
    sudo pip install esptool
    sudo pip install --ignore-installed pyserial


  1. The device cannot connect to the router

The router name and password have been configured correctly, but the device still cannot connect to the router. In this case, the log would look as follows:

I (2917) mesh: [SCAN][ch:1]AP:1, otherID:0, MAP:0, idle:0, candidate:0, root:0, topMAP:0[c:0,i:0]<>
I (2917) mesh: [FAIL][1]root:0, fail:1, normal:0, <pre>backoff:0

I (3227) mesh: [SCAN][ch:1]AP:1, otherID:0, MAP:0, idle:0, candidate:0, root:0, topMAP:0[c:0,i:0]<>
I (3227) mesh: [FAIL][2]root:0, fail:2, normal:0, <pre>backoff:0

I (3527) mesh: [SCAN][ch:1]AP:2, otherID:0, MAP:0, idle:0, candidate:0, root:0, topMAP:0[c:0,i:0]<>
I (3527) mesh: [FAIL][3]root:0, fail:3, normal:0, <pre>backoff:0

I (3837) mesh: [SCAN][ch:1]AP:2, otherID:0, MAP:0, idle:0, candidate:0, root:0, topMAP:0[c:0,i:0]<>
I (3837) mesh: [FAIL][4]root:0, fail:4, normal:0, <pre>backoff:0

I (4137) mesh: [SCAN][ch:1]AP:2, otherID:0, MAP:0, idle:0, candidate:0, root:0, topMAP:0[c:0,i:0]<>
I (4137) mesh: [FAIL][5]root:0, fail:5, normal:0, <pre>backoff:0
  • Possible Reasons:
    1. The ESP-WIFI-MESH channel is not configured: For a quick network configuration, ESP-WIFI-MESH scans only a fixed channel, and this channel must be configured.
    2. Connect to a hidden router: The router’s BSSID must be configured when ESP-WIFI-MESH connects to the hidden router.
    3. The router’s channel is usually not fixed, so it switches channels in accordance with the changes in the network condition.
  • Solution:
    1. Fixate the router’s channel, and set the channel and the router’s BSSID;
    2. Allow the device to automatically get the router information with mwifi_scan(). Although, it increases the network configuration time.