Comparison of Different Mesh Solutions



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Common Espressif Mesh solutions include:


In addition, ESP-Now can sometimes serve as a supplementary communication solution for the above Mesh solutions.

The following is a comparison table of key points of different Espressif Mesh solutions:

Mesh Solution Comparison



ESP Thread Mesh


ZigBee Mesh


Node count

Theoretically no more than 32767, internal testing can reach 100 nodes

Internal testing can reach 300 nodes

Internal testing can reach 100 nodes

Theoretical limit of 65000, internal testing can reach 300 nodes

Less than 100 nodes

Communication distance between nodes

Depends on the packet sending power, it is recommended that the distance between adjacent nodes is not more than 50 m

The distance to maintain the connection can reach 200 m

Less than 100 m, tested to reach 170 m

The distance to maintain the connection can reach 300 m

Recommended not more than 150 m



Low, actual test is about 4 - 5 KB/s


Low, actual test is about 16.9 Kbps

Low, less than 0.5 Mbps

Single-hop delay

Within 100 ms at the limit distance of 50 m, within 50 ms at normal distance (below 50 m)

Average 10 ms

Within 100 ms

Average 16 ms

Within 10 ms

The core parameters of various Espressif Mesh solutions are explained below.



  • Compatible with most devices, supports direct control and provision protocol standards from mobile phones

  • Can access third-party devices that support BLE Mesh

  • Supports low-power devices


  • Low data throughput

Core parameters are as follows:

  • The chip is required to support BLE Mesh

  • Supports coexistence of Wi-Fi & BLE Mesh & BLE ADV, but the device acting as a gateway should give as much RF time slice to BLE Mesh as possible, and the device acting as a node can relax this requirement appropriately

  • Expected node count: theoretically no more than 32767, actually depends on the capability of the provisioner (gateway), using ESP32-S3 as the gateway, internal testing can reach 100 nodes

  • Expected communication distance between nodes: depends on the packet sending power, it is recommended that the communication distance between adjacent nodes is not more than 50 m

  • Coverage range: theoretically unlimited, actually depends on the uniform distribution of nodes

  • Expected throughput per node: In the smart home field, scenarios with low data volume such as control signals, the heartbeat packet frequency of each node needs to be limited when there are many nodes

  • Recommended chips: Nodes can use chips such as ESP32, ESP32-C3, ESP32-H2, and it is recommended to use the ESP32-S3 with PSRAM version for the gateway

  • Single-hop delay: The delay at the extreme distance of 50 m is within 100 ms, and the delay at the normal distance (below 50 m) is within 50 ms

ESP Thread Mesh


  • Compatible with standard Thread devices, rich device networking functions

  • IP-based communication mode (6LoWPAN and IPv6)

  • Supports networking of hundreds of nodes (tested with 300 nodes)

  • Fast networking speed, lower latency, self-recovery

  • Supports low-power devices


  • Low data throughput, 802.15.4 MAC rate is 250 Kbps, UDP layer rate is 8 KB/s, actual test is about 4 - 5 KB/s

The core parameters are as follows:

  • The chip is required to support 802.15.4 MAC, currently supported are ESP32-H2 and ESP32-C6

  • Networking requires a Thread Border Router (OTBR) and several Thread nodes, any OTBR that complies with the Thread standard can be networked

  • Expected number of nodes: The theoretical value can be hundreds or more, internal testing shows that 300 nodes can be networked successfully

  • Expected communication distance between nodes: Depends on the packet sending power, under the condition of H2 Rx sensitivity of -102.5 dBm, txpower 20 dBm, the distance to maintain the connection can reach about 200 m

  • Coverage: Theoretically unlimited, actually depends on the uniform distribution of nodes

  • Expected throughput per node: In the smart home field, scenarios with low data volume, suitable for simple control, sensor temperature collection and other IoT fields

  • Recommended chips: Nodes can use chips such as ESP32-H2 and ESP32-C6, OTBR is recommended to use ESP32-S3 with PSRAM version + ESP32-H2 for receiving and sending 802.15.4 messages

  • Sub-node communication: Each sub-node can communicate with each other, and if the OTBR can go online and enables NAT64, the sub-node can go online through the OTBR. It has advantages for scenarios where sub-nodes need to interact with the cloud and the throughput demand is small

  • Single-hop delay: Average 10 ms



  • High throughput, stable connection, supports non-ESP devices to communicate with devices in Mesh-lite via Wi-Fi

  • No need for a gateway, can directly access the Internet

Other points:

  • ESP-Now function has been integrated

The core parameters are as follows:

  • Expected number of nodes in a single Mesh network: less than 100

  • Expected communication distance between nodes: less than 100 m, if the data throughput requirement is not high, it can reach 170 m through testing

  • Supported levels: Currently supports up to 15 levels, recommended 5 to 6 levels

  • Expected range of a single Mesh network: Theoretically unlimited, the actual range is mainly limited by the maximum number of nodes, the maximum level, and the maximum communication distance between nodes

  • Single-hop delay: Within 100 ms under normal test environment

ZigBee Mesh


  • Compatible with standard ZigBee nodes

  • Fast networking speed, low latency, self-recovery

  • Supports low-power devices


  • Low data throughput, 802.15.4 MAC rate is 250 Kbps, ZigBee rate is 16.9 Kbps

The core parameters are as follows:

  • The chip is required to support 802.15.4 MAC, currently ESP32-H2 and ESP32-C6 can be chosen

  • Networking requires a Coordinator and several ZigBee nodes (routers or end nodes), any that comply with the ZigBee standard can be networked

  • Expected number of nodes: The theoretical upper limit is 65000, ultimately depends on how long each node needs to communicate on the network, and how much data loss or retransmission the application can tolerate. Internal testing shows that 300 nodes can be stably networked, point-to-point communication

  • Expected communication distance between nodes: Depends on the packet sending power, under the condition of H2 Rx sensitivity of -102.5 dBm, txpower 20 dBm, the distance to maintain the connection can reach about 300 m

  • Coverage: Theoretically unlimited, actually depends on the uniform distribution of nodes

  • Expected throughput per node: In the field of smart homes, control signals and other low data volume scenarios, it is suitable for simple control, sensor temperature collection and other IOT fields

  • Recommended chips: Nodes can use chips such as ESP32-H2 and ESP32-C6, and it is recommended to use ESP32-S3 with PSRAM version + ESP32-H2 for receiving and sending 802.15.4 messages as Coordinator

  • Single hop delay: Average 16 ms



  • Quick response, low power consumption


  • Small throughput

The core parameters are as follows:

  • Current ESP chip/module selection: All ESPs that support Wi-Fi are available

  • Whether BLE function is needed at the same time: It can coexist with BLE, and there will be power consumption requirements when it involves BLE coexistence

  • Expected communication method: ESP-NOW has two communication methods, unicast and broadcast. Mesh often recommends the form of broadcast, and the subsequent performance data, if not specified, are all based on the form of broadcast

  • Estimated number of nodes: Less than 100

  • Estimated communication distance between nodes: Less than 150 m is relatively stable, and the limit distance in open environment is 300 m (point-to-point test, broadcast distance is further)

  • Expected throughput per node: Must be less than 0.5 Mbps

  • Expected communication delay: Less than 10 ms within a communication distance of 150 m

  • Whether there is a requirement for low power consumption: If there is a requirement for low power consumption, the estimation method is consistent with the Wi-Fi auto light sleep (power save) scenario, and you can also refer to the coin cell demo

  • Whether it needs to connect to a Wi-Fi router: It involves channel switching, and it needs to confirm whether it supports channel switching after connecting to the router according to the IDF version

  • Whether it needs to coexist with upper layer communication protocols (such as TCP/UDP, etc.): The recommended use scenario of ESP-NOW is LAN. If it involves upper layer transmission protocols (TCP, etc.), it is recommended to use Thread