Embedding into Custom Scripts

esptool.py, espefuse.py, and espsecure.py can easily be integrated into Python applications or called from other Python scripts.

While it currently does have a poor Python API, something which #208 will address, it allows for passing CLI arguments to esptool.main(). This workaround makes integration very straightforward as you can pass exactly the same arguments as you would on the CLI:

command = ['--baud', '460800', 'read_flash', '0', '0x200000', 'flash_contents.bin']
print('Using command %s' % ' '.join(command))

Using Esptool as a Python Module

The following is an example on how to use esptool as a Python module and leverage its Python API to flash the ESP32:


This example code functionally equivalent to esptool.py -p /dev/ttyACM0 write_flash 0x10000 firmware.bin

from esptool.cmds import detect_chip

# The port of the connected ESP
PORT = "/dev/ttyACM0"
# The binary file
BIN_FILE = "./firmware.bin"
# Flash offset to flash the binary to

def progress_callback(percent):
    print(f"Wrote: {int(percent)}%")

with detect_chip(PORT) as esp:
    description = esp.get_chip_description()
    features = esp.get_chip_features()
    print(f"Detected ESP on port {PORT}: {description}")
    print(f"Features: {", ".join(features)}")

    esp = esp.run_stub()
    with open(BIN_FILE, 'rb') as binary:
        # Load the binary
        binary_data = binary.read()
        total_size = len(binary_data)
        print(f"Binary size: {total_size} bytes")

        # Write binary blocks
        esp.flash_begin(total_size, FLASH_ADDRESS)
        for i in range(0, total_size, esp.FLASH_WRITE_SIZE):
            block = binary_data[i:i + esp.FLASH_WRITE_SIZE]
            # Pad the last block
            block = block + bytes([0xFF]) * (esp.FLASH_WRITE_SIZE - len(block))
            esp.flash_block(block, i + FLASH_ADDRESS)
            progress_callback(float(i + len(block)) / total_size * 100)

        # Reset the chip out of bootloader mode