Configuration File .idf_build_apps.toml

There are many CLI options available for idf-build-apps. While these options provide usage flexibility, they also make the CLI command too long and difficult to read. However, a configuration file allows defining all these options in a more readable and maintainable way.

Config File Discovery

idf-build-apps supports a few ways to specify the configuration file (in order of precedence):

  • specify via CLI argument --config-file <config file path>

  • .idf_build_apps.toml in the current directory

  • .idf_build_apps.toml in the parent directories, until it reaches the root of the file system

  • pyproject.toml with [tool.idf-build-apps] section

  • pyproject.toml in the parent directories, until it reaches the root of the file system


We recommend using the .idf_build_apps.toml file for non-Python projects and the pyproject.toml file for Python projects. When using the pyproject.toml file, define the configuration options in the [tool.idf-build-apps] section.

Here’s a simple example of a configuration file:

paths = [
target = "esp32"
recursive = true

# config rules
config = [

Running idf-build-apps build with the above configuration is equivalent to the following CLI command:

idf-build-app build \
  --paths components examples \
  --target esp32 \
  --recursive \
  --config-rules "sdkconfig.*=" "=default" \
  --build-dir "build_@t_@w"

TOML supports native data types. In order to get the config name and type of the corresponding CLI option, you may refer to the help messages by using idf-build-apps find -h or idf-build-apps build -h.

For instance, the --paths CLI option help message shows:

-p PATHS [PATHS ...], --paths PATHS [PATHS ...]
                     One or more paths to look for apps.
                      - default: None
                      - config name: paths
                      - config type: list[str]

This indicates that in the configuration file, you should specify it with the name paths, and the type should be a “list of strings”.

paths = [

CLI Argument Precedence

CLI arguments take precedence over the configuration file. This helps to override the configuration file settings when required.

For example, if the configuration file has the following content:

target = "esp32"
config_rules = [

Override String Configuration

To override the str type configuration, (e.g., target), you can pass the CLI argument directly:

idf-build-apps build --target esp32s2

Override List Configuration

To override the list[str] type configuration, (e.g., config_rules), you can override it by passing the CLI argument. For example:

idf-build-apps build --config-rules "foo=bar"

Or you can unset the configuration by passing an empty string:

idf-build-apps build --config-rules ""

Override Boolean Configuration

Not supported yet.