Compote CLI

The compote is a command-line tool for the IDF Component Manager. It works with ESP component registry, ESP-IDF projects and components without requiring ESP-IDF installation.




-W, --warnings-as-errors

Treat warnings as errors.


Generate tab-completion scripts for the specified shell.

For BASH users, you may run:
$ compote autocomplete --shell bash > ~/.compote-complete.bash
$ echo ". ~/.compote-complete.bash" >> ~/.bashrc
For ZSH users, you may run:
$ compote autocomplete --shell zsh > ~/.compote-complete.zsh
$ echo ". ~/.compote-complete.zsh" >> ~/.zshrc
Or you may install the completion file into your $fpath.
~/.zfunc is a commonly used $fpath. You may run:
$ compote autocomplete --shell zsh > ~/.zfunc/_compote
For FISH users, completion files are commonly stored in ~/.config/fish/completions. You may run:
$ compote autocomplete --shell fish > ~/.config/fish/completions/

For ALL users, you may have to log out and log in again to your shell session for the changes to take effect.

Besides, you may use:
$ compote autocomplete --shell [SHELL] --install
to create the completion file and inject the sourcing script to your rc files automatically.
You may use also use:
$ compote autocomplete --shell [SHELL] --install --dry-run
to simulate running with the --install flag and check what would be done.
compote autocomplete [OPTIONS]


--shell <shell>

Required Shell type


bash | zsh | fish


Create the completion files and inject the sourcing script into your rc files if this flag is set.


Only useful when flag "--install" is set. Instead of real file system changes, log would be printed if this flag is set.


Group of commands to manage cache of the IDF Component Manager.

compote cache [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


Clear the cache of components and API client cache.

compote cache clear [OPTIONS]


Print the cache path.

compote cache path [OPTIONS]


Print the cache size in human-readable format.

compote cache size [OPTIONS]



Print size in bytes


Group of commands to interact with components.

compote component [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


Delete specified version of the component from the component registry. The deleted version cannot be restored or re-uploaded.

compote component delete [OPTIONS]


--project-dir <manager>
--profile, --service-profile <profile_name>

Specifies the profile to use for this command. Alias "--service-profile" is deprecated and will be removed.

--namespace <namespace>

Namespace for the component. Can be set in config file.

--name <name>

Required Component name

--version <version>

Required Component version to delete.

Environment variables


Provide a default for --profile


Provide a default for --namespace


Create component archive and store it in the dist directory.

compote component pack [OPTIONS]


--project-dir <manager>
--name <name>

Required Component name

--version <version>

Set version if not defined in the manifest. Use "git" to get version from the git tag. (command would fail if running not from a git tag)

--dest-dir <dest_dir>

Destination directory for the component archive.

--repository <repository>

The URL of the component repository. This option overwrites the value in the idf_component.yml

--commit-sha <commit_sha>

Git commit SHA of the the component version. This option overwrites the value in the idf_component.yml

--repository-path <repository_path>

Path to the component in the repository. This option overwrites the value in the idf_component.yml


Upload component to the component registry.

If the component doesn't exist in the registry it will be created automatically.

compote component upload [OPTIONS]


--project-dir <manager>
--profile, --service-profile <profile_name>

Specifies the profile to use for this command. Alias "--service-profile" is deprecated and will be removed.

--namespace <namespace>

Namespace for the component. Can be set in config file.

--name <name>

Required Component name

--version <version>

Set version if not defined in the manifest. Use "git" to get version from the git tag. (command would fail if running not from a git tag)

--dest-dir <dest_dir>

Destination directory for the component archive.

--repository <repository>

The URL of the component repository. This option overwrites the value in the idf_component.yml

--commit-sha <commit_sha>

Git commit SHA of the the component version. This option overwrites the value in the idf_component.yml

--repository-path <repository_path>

Path to the component in the repository. This option overwrites the value in the idf_component.yml

--archive <archive>

Path of the archive with a component to upload. When not provided the component will be packed automatically.


Do not upload pre-release versions.


Check if given component version is already uploaded and exit.


Return success if existing version is already uploaded.


Upload component for validation without creating a version in the registry.

Environment variables


Provide a default for --profile


Provide a default for --namespace


Check the component uploading status.

compote component upload-status [OPTIONS]


--project-dir <manager>
--profile, --service-profile <profile_name>

Specifies the profile to use for this command. Alias "--service-profile" is deprecated and will be removed.

--job <job>

Required Upload job ID

Environment variables


Provide a default for --profile


Yank specified version of the component from the component registry. Yanked version will only be downloaded if the exact version is specified in the component manifest or lock file. A warning message is printed every time a yanked version is downloaded.

compote component yank [OPTIONS]


--project-dir <manager>
--profile, --service-profile <profile_name>

Specifies the profile to use for this command. Alias "--service-profile" is deprecated and will be removed.

--namespace <namespace>

Namespace for the component. Can be set in config file.

--name <name>

Required Component name

--version <version>

Required Component version to yank version.

--message <message>

Required Message explaining why the component version is being removed from the registry.

Environment variables


Provide a default for --profile


Provide a default for --namespace


Group of commands to manage manifest of the project.

compote manifest [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


Add a dependency to the manifest file.

By default:

If you run the command in the directory with project, the dependency will be added to the manifest in the "main" directory.

If you run the command in the directory with a component, the dependency will be added to the manifest right in that directory.

You can explicitly specify directory using the --path option.

- $ compote manifest add-dependency example/cmp
Will add a component example/cmp with constraint *
- $ compote manifest add-dependency example/cmp<=3.3.3
Will add a component example/cmp with constraint <=3.3.3
- $ compote manifest add-dependency example/cmp --registry-url
Will add a component example/cmp from the staging registry with constraint *
- $ compote manifest add-dependency cmp --git --git-path cmp
Will add a component cmp from the git repository with path cmp
compote manifest add-dependency [OPTIONS] DEPENDENCY


--project-dir <manager>
--profile, --service-profile <profile_name>

Specifies the profile to use for this command. Alias "--service-profile" is deprecated and will be removed.

--component <component>

Name of the component in the project where the dependency will be added.

-p, --path <path>

Path to the component where the dependency will be added. The component name is ignored when the path is specified.

--git <git>

Git URL of the component.

--git-path <git_path>

Path to the component in the git repository.

--git-ref <git_ref>

Git reference (branch, tag, commit SHA) of the component.

--registry-url <registry_url>

URL of the registry.



Required argument

Environment variables


Provide a default for --profile


Create manifest file for the specified component.

By default:

If you run the command in the directory with project, the manifest will be created in the "main" directory.

If you run the command in the directory with a component, the manifest will be created right in that directory.

You can explicitly specify directory using the --path option.

compote manifest create [OPTIONS]


--project-dir <manager>
--component <component>

Name of the component in the project where the dependency will be added.

-p, --path <path>

Path to the component where the dependency will be added. The component name is ignored when the path is specified.


Print json schema of the manifest file idf_component.yml

compote manifest schema [OPTIONS]


Group of project related commands

compote project [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


Create a project from an example.

You can specify EXAMPLE in the format like: namespace/name=1.0.0:example

where "=1.0.0" is a version specification.

An example command:

compote project create-from-example example/cmp^3.3.8:cmp_ex

Namespace and version are optional in the EXAMPLE argument.

compote project create-from-example [OPTIONS] EXAMPLE


--project-dir <manager>
--profile, --service-profile <profile_name>

Specifies the profile to use for this command. Alias "--service-profile" is deprecated and will be removed.

-p, --path <path>

Path of the new project. The project will be created directly in the given folder if it is empty.



Required argument

Environment variables


Provide a default for --profile


Remove the managed_components folder.

compote project remove-managed-components [OPTIONS]


--project-dir <manager>


Group of commands to work with component registry

compote registry [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...


Login to the component registry

compote registry login [OPTIONS]


--profile, --service-profile <profile_name>

Specifies the profile to use for this command. Alias "--service-profile" is deprecated and will be removed.


Do not open browser and only print login URL to the terminal

--description <description>

Description for the token for future reference

--default-namespace <default_namespace>

Default namespace to use for the components

--registry-url <registry_url>

URL of the registry to use

Environment variables


Provide a default for --profile


Logout from the component registry. Removes the token from the profile and revokes it on the registry.

compote registry logout [OPTIONS]


--profile, --service-profile <profile_name>

Specifies the profile to use for this command. Alias "--service-profile" is deprecated and will be removed.


Do not revoke the token on the server side when logging out

Environment variables


Provide a default for --profile


Sync components from the registry to local directory

compote registry sync [OPTIONS] PATH


--profile, --service-profile <profile_name>

Specifies the profile to use for this command. Alias "--service-profile" is deprecated and will be removed.

--project-dir <manager>
--interval <interval>

Sets the frequency (in seconds) for component synchronization. If set to 0, the program will run once and terminate.

-R, --recursive

Search components recursively

--component <component>

Specify the components to sync from the registry. Use multiple --component options for multiple components. Format: namespace/name<version_spec>. Example: example/cmp==1.0.0

--resolution <resolution>

Resolution strategy for syncing components. By default, all versions are synced. If set to "latest", only the latest version of the components will be synced.


all | latest



Required argument

Environment variables


Provide a default for --profile


Print version of the IDF Component Manager.

compote version [OPTIONS]