Wi-Fi Easy ConnectTM (DPP)


Wi-Fi Easy ConnectTM, also known as Device Provisioning Protocol (DPP) or Easy Connect, is a provisioning protocol certified by Wi-Fi Alliance. It is a secure and standardized provisioning protocol for configuration of Wi-Fi Devices. With Easy Connect, adding a new device to a network is as simple as scanning a QR Code. This reduces complexity and enhances user experience while onboarding devices without UI like Smart Home and IoT products. Unlike old protocols like Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS), Wi-Fi Easy Connect in corporates strong encryption through public key cryptography to ensure networks remain secure as new devices are added.

Easy Connect brings many benefits in the user experience:

  • Simple and intuitive to use; no lengthy instructions to follow for new device setup

  • No need to remember and enter passwords into the device being provisioned

  • Works with electronic or printed QR codes, or human-readable strings

  • Supports both WPA2 and WPA3 networks

Please refer to Wi-Fi Alliance's official page on Easy Connect for more information.

ESP32-C6 supports Enrollee mode of Easy Connect with QR Code as the provisioning method. A display is required to display this QR Code. Users can scan this QR Code using their capable device and provision the ESP32-C6 to their Wi-Fi network. The provisioning device needs to be connected to the AP which need not support Wi-Fi Easy ConnectTM.

Easy Connect is still an evolving protocol. Of known platforms that support the QR Code method are some Android smartphones with Android 10 or higher. To use Easy Connect, no additional App needs to be installed on the supported smartphone.

Application Example

Example on how to provision ESP32-C6 using a supported smartphone: wifi/wifi_easy_connect/dpp-enrollee.

API Reference

Header File

  • components/wpa_supplicant/esp_supplicant/include/esp_dpp.h

  • This header file can be included with:

    #include "esp_dpp.h"
  • This header file is a part of the API provided by the wpa_supplicant component. To declare that your component depends on wpa_supplicant, add the following to your CMakeLists.txt:

    REQUIRES wpa_supplicant


    PRIV_REQUIRES wpa_supplicant


esp_err_t esp_supp_dpp_init(esp_supp_dpp_event_cb_t evt_cb)

Initialize DPP Supplicant.

   Starts DPP Supplicant and initializes related Data Structures.


  • ESP_OK: Success

  • ESP_FAIL: Failure


evt_cb -- Callback function to receive DPP related events

esp_err_t esp_supp_dpp_deinit(void)

De-initalize DPP Supplicant.

   Frees memory from DPP Supplicant Data Structures.

  • ESP_OK: Success

esp_err_t esp_supp_dpp_bootstrap_gen(const char *chan_list, esp_supp_dpp_bootstrap_t type, const char *key, const char *info)

Generates Bootstrap Information as an Enrollee.

   Generates Out Of Band Bootstrap information as an Enrollee which can be
   used by a DPP Configurator to provision the Enrollee.
  • chan_list -- List of channels device will be available on for listening

  • type -- Bootstrap method type, only QR Code method is supported for now.

  • key -- (Optional) 32 byte Raw Private Key for generating a Bootstrapping Public Key

  • info -- (Optional) Ancilliary Device Information like Serial Number


  • ESP_OK: Success

  • ESP_ERR_DPP_INVALID_LIST: Channel list not valid

  • ESP_FAIL: Failure

esp_err_t esp_supp_dpp_start_listen(void)

Start listening on Channels provided during esp_supp_dpp_bootstrap_gen.

   Listens on every Channel from Channel List for a pre-defined wait time.

  • ESP_OK: Success

  • ESP_FAIL: Generic Failure

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE: ROC attempted before WiFi is started

  • ESP_ERR_NO_MEM: Memory allocation failed while posting ROC request

esp_err_t esp_supp_dpp_stop_listen(void)

Stop listening on Channels.

   Stops listening on Channels and cancels ongoing listen operation.

  • ESP_OK: Success

  • ESP_FAIL: Failure



Generic failure during DPP Operation


DPP Frame Tx failed OR not Acked


Encountered invalid DPP Attribute


DPP Auth response was not received in time


Channel list given in esp_supp_dpp_bootstrap_gen() is not valid or too big

Type Definitions

typedef enum dpp_bootstrap_type esp_supp_dpp_bootstrap_t

Types of Bootstrap Methods for DPP.

typedef void (*esp_supp_dpp_event_cb_t)(esp_supp_dpp_event_t evt, void *data)

Callback function for receiving DPP Events from Supplicant.

   Callback function will be called with DPP related information.
Param evt

DPP event ID

Param data

Event data payload


enum dpp_bootstrap_type

Types of Bootstrap Methods for DPP.



QR Code Method


Proof of Knowledge Method


NFC URI record Method

enum esp_supp_dpp_event_t

Types of Callback Events received from DPP Supplicant.



URI is ready through Bootstrapping


Config received via DPP Authentication


Peer Discovery Response is received

enumerator ESP_SUPP_DPP_FAIL

DPP Authentication failure