
You are reading the documentation for a release version that is end of life. The latest stable version is v5.4

Add IDF_PATH to User Profile (Legacy GNU Make)



Since ESP-IDF V4.0, the default build system is based on CMake. This documentation is for the legacy build system based on GNU Make. Support for this build system may be removed in future major releases.

To preserve setting of IDF_PATH environment variable between system restarts, add it to the user profile, following instructions below.


The user profile scripts are contained in C:/msys32/etc/profile.d/ directory. They are executed every time you open an MSYS2 window.

  1. Create a new script file in C:/msys32/etc/profile.d/ directory. Name it

  2. Identify the path to ESP-IDF directory. It is specific to your system configuration and may look something like C:\msys32\home\user-name\esp\esp-idf

  3. Add the export command to the script file, e.g.:

    export IDF_PATH="C:/msys32/home/user-name/esp/esp-idf"

    Remember to replace back-slashes with forward-slashes in the original Windows path.

  4. Save the script file.

  5. Close MSYS2 window and open it again. Check if IDF_PATH is set, by typing:

    printenv IDF_PATH

    The path previusly entered in the script file should be printed out.

If you do not like to have IDF_PATH set up permanently in user profile, you should enter it manually on opening of an MSYS2 window:

export IDF_PATH="C:/msys32/home/user-name/esp/esp-idf"

If you got here from section Step 3. Set Environment Variables, while installing s/w for ESP32 development, then go back to section Step 5. Start a Project.

Linux and MacOS

Set up IDF_PATH by adding the following line to ~/.profile file:

export IDF_PATH=~/esp/esp-idf

Log off and log in back to make this change effective.


If you have /bin/bash set as login shell, and both .bash_profile and .profile exist, then update .bash_profile instead.

Run the following command to check if IDF_PATH is set:

printenv IDF_PATH

The path previously entered in ~/.profile file (or set manually) should be printed out.

If you do not like to have IDF_PATH set up permanently, you should enter it manually in terminal window on each restart or logout:

export IDF_PATH=~/esp/esp-idf

If you got here from section Step 3. Set Environment Variables, while installing s/w for ESP32 development, then go back to section Step 5. Start a Project.