ESP 串行从机链路
乐鑫有多款芯片可用作从机的芯片。这些从机依赖于一些通用总线,并在总线上实现了各自的通信协议。 esp_serial_slave_link
组件能让主机通过总线驱动和相应的协议与 ESP 从机进行通信。
设备初始化完成后,应用程序就能通过它与 ESP 从机方便地通信。
组件自 ESP-IDF 版本 v5.0 起移到了单独的仓库:
运行 add-dependency espressif/esp_serial_slave_link
将 ESSL 组件添加到你的项目中。
ESSL:ESP 串行从机链路 (ESP Serial Slave Link),即本文档描述的组件。
组件的设备。ESSL 设备:主机上的虚拟设备,关联到一个 ESP 从机,其设备上下文中具有如何通过总线驱动和从机的总线协议与其通信的信息。
ESSL 设备句柄:ESSL 设备上下文的一个句柄,包含配置信息、状态信息和 ESSL 组件所需的数据。设备上下文中储存了驱动配置、通信状态和主从机共享的数据等。
在使用前,应将上下文初始化;如不再使用,应该反初始化。主机应用程序通过这一句柄操作 ESSL 设备。
ESP 从机:连接到总线的从机,ESSL 组件的通信对象。
从机协议:Espressif 硬件和软件在总线上使用的特殊通信协议。
TX buffer num:计数器,位于从机,可由主机读取。指示由从机加载到硬件上、用于接收主机数据的累计 buffer 总数。
RX data size:计数器,位于从机,可由主机读取。指示由从机加载到硬件上、需发送给主机的累计数据大小。
ESP 从机提供的服务
Espressif 从机提供下列服务:
Tohost 中断:从机可通过中断线向主机通知某些事件。(可选)
Frhost 中断:主机可向从机通知某些事件。
TX FIFO(主机到从机):从机能够以接收 buffer 为单位,接收主机发送的数据。
从机通过更新 TX buffer num 的方式,将可以接收多少数据的信息通知主机。主机读取 TX buffer num,减去已使用的 buffer 数,得到剩余 buffer 数量。
RX FIFO(从机到主机):从机可向主机发送数据流。SDIO 从机也可通过中断线通知主机,从机有待发送的新数据。
从机通过更新 RX data size,将准备发送的数据大小通知主机。主机读取该数据大小,减去已接收的数据长度,得到剩余数据大小。
从机提供的服务取决于从机的模型。如需了解详情,请参考 乐鑫芯片的 SPI 从机功能支持概况。
初始化 ESP 串行从机链路
ESP SDIO 从机链路 (ESSL SDIO) 设备依赖于 SDMMC 组件。它可通过 SDMMC Host 或 SDSPI Host 功能均可与 ESP SDIO 从机通信。ESSL 设备初始化步骤如下:
初始化 SDMMC 卡(参考 SDMMC 驱动相关文档 )结构体。
初始化 ESSL 设备。其中,card
对 SDIO 部分进行初始化。调用
如果你正在用 SPI 接口与 ESP SDIO 从机进行通信,则应该用 SDIO 接口 代替。
初始化完成后,你可调用以下 API 使用从机提供的服务:
Tohost 中断(可选)
Frhost 中断
了解从机准备用于接收主机数据的 buffer 数。你可选择是否调用该函数。主机向从机发送数据包前,也会轮询tx_buffer_num
,直到从机的 buffer 数量足够或超时。调用
小于主机准备接收数据的 buffer 大小,就会对rx_data_size
一直为 0,主机可能会轮询rx_data_size
如果从机计数器已重置,调用 essl_reset_cnt()
以下示例展示了 ESP32-P4 SDIO 主机如何与从机互相通信,其中主机使用了 ESSL SDIO:
如需了解详情,请参考 中的示例。
API 参考
Header File
esp_err_t essl_init(essl_handle_t handle, uint32_t wait_ms)
Initialize the slave.
- 参数:
handle -- Handle of an ESSL device.
wait_ms -- Millisecond to wait before timeout, will not wait at all if set to 0-9.
- 返回:
ESP_OK: If success
ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED: Current device does not support this function.
Other value returned from lower layer
esp_err_t essl_wait_for_ready(essl_handle_t handle, uint32_t wait_ms)
Wait for interrupt of an ESSL slave device.
- 参数:
handle -- Handle of an ESSL device.
wait_ms -- Millisecond to wait before timeout, will not wait at all if set to 0-9.
- 返回:
ESP_OK: If success
ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED: Current device does not support this function.
One of the error codes from SDMMC host controller
esp_err_t essl_get_tx_buffer_num(essl_handle_t handle, uint32_t *out_tx_num, uint32_t wait_ms)
Get buffer num for the host to send data to the slave. The buffers are size of
.- 参数:
handle -- Handle of a ESSL device.
out_tx_num -- Output of buffer num that host can send data to ESSL slave.
wait_ms -- Millisecond to wait before timeout, will not wait at all if set to 0-9.
- 返回:
ESP_OK: Success
ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED: This API is not supported in this mode
One of the error codes from SDMMC/SPI host controller
esp_err_t essl_get_rx_data_size(essl_handle_t handle, uint32_t *out_rx_size, uint32_t wait_ms)
Get the size, in bytes, of the data that the ESSL slave is ready to send
- 参数:
handle -- Handle of an ESSL device.
out_rx_size -- Output of data size to read from slave, in bytes
wait_ms -- Millisecond to wait before timeout, will not wait at all if set to 0-9.
- 返回:
ESP_OK: Success
ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED: This API is not supported in this mode
One of the error codes from SDMMC/SPI host controller
esp_err_t essl_reset_cnt(essl_handle_t handle)
Reset the counters of this component. Usually you don't need to do this unless you know the slave is reset.
- 参数:
handle -- Handle of an ESSL device.
- 返回:
ESP_OK: Success
ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED: This API is not supported in this mode
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: Invalid argument, handle is not init.
esp_err_t essl_send_packet(essl_handle_t handle, const void *start, size_t length, uint32_t wait_ms)
Send a packet to the ESSL Slave. The Slave receives the packet into buffers whose size is
(configured during initialization).- 参数:
handle -- Handle of an ESSL device.
start -- Start address of the packet to send
length -- Length of data to send, if the packet is over-size, the it will be divided into blocks and hold into different buffers automatically.
wait_ms -- Millisecond to wait before timeout, will not wait at all if set to 0-9.
- 返回:
ESP_OK Success
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: Invalid argument, handle is not init or other argument is not valid.
ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT: No buffer to use, or error ftrom SDMMC host controller.
ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND: Slave is not ready for receiving.
ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED: This API is not supported in this mode
One of the error codes from SDMMC/SPI host controller.
esp_err_t essl_get_packet(essl_handle_t handle, void *out_data, size_t size, size_t *out_length, uint32_t wait_ms)
Get a packet from ESSL slave.
- 参数:
handle -- Handle of an ESSL device.
out_data -- [out] Data output address
size -- The size of the output buffer, if the buffer is smaller than the size of data to receive from slave, the driver returns
out_length -- [out] Output of length the data actually received from slave.
wait_ms -- Millisecond to wait before timeout, will not wait at all if set to 0-9.
- 返回:
ESP_OK Success: All the data has been read from the slave.
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: Invalid argument, The handle is not initialized or the other arguments are invalid.
ESP_ERR_NOT_FINISHED: Read was successful, but there is still data remaining.
ESP_ERR_NOT_FOUND: Slave is not ready to send data.
ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED: This API is not supported in this mode
One of the error codes from SDMMC/SPI host controller.
esp_err_t essl_write_reg(essl_handle_t handle, uint8_t addr, uint8_t value, uint8_t *value_o, uint32_t wait_ms)
Write general purpose R/W registers (8-bit) of ESSL slave.
sdio 28-31 are reserved, the lower API helps to skip.
- 参数:
handle -- Handle of an ESSL device.
addr -- Address of register to write. For SDIO, valid address: 0-59. For SPI, see
value -- Value to write to the register.
value_o -- Output of the returned written value.
wait_ms -- Millisecond to wait before timeout, will not wait at all if set to 0-9.
- 返回:
ESP_OK Success
One of the error codes from SDMMC/SPI host controller
esp_err_t essl_read_reg(essl_handle_t handle, uint8_t add, uint8_t *value_o, uint32_t wait_ms)
Read general purpose R/W registers (8-bit) of ESSL slave.
- 参数:
handle -- Handle of a
device.add -- Address of register to read. For SDIO, Valid address: 0-27, 32-63 (28-31 reserved, return interrupt bits on read). For SPI, see
value_o -- Output value read from the register.
wait_ms -- Millisecond to wait before timeout, will not wait at all if set to 0-9.
- 返回:
ESP_OK Success
One of the error codes from SDMMC/SPI host controller
esp_err_t essl_wait_int(essl_handle_t handle, uint32_t wait_ms)
wait for an interrupt of the slave
- 参数:
handle -- Handle of an ESSL device.
wait_ms -- Millisecond to wait before timeout, will not wait at all if set to 0-9.
- 返回:
ESP_OK: If interrupt is triggered.
ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED: Current device does not support this function.
ESP_ERR_TIMEOUT: No interrupts before timeout.
esp_err_t essl_clear_intr(essl_handle_t handle, uint32_t intr_mask, uint32_t wait_ms)
Clear interrupt bits of ESSL slave. All the bits set in the mask will be cleared, while other bits will stay the same.
- 参数:
handle -- Handle of an ESSL device.
intr_mask -- Mask of interrupt bits to clear.
wait_ms -- Millisecond to wait before timeout, will not wait at all if set to 0-9.
- 返回:
ESP_OK: Success
ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED: Current device does not support this function.
One of the error codes from SDMMC host controller
esp_err_t essl_get_intr(essl_handle_t handle, uint32_t *intr_raw, uint32_t *intr_st, uint32_t wait_ms)
Get interrupt bits of ESSL slave.
- 参数:
handle -- Handle of an ESSL device.
intr_raw -- Output of the raw interrupt bits. Set to NULL if only masked bits are read.
intr_st -- Output of the masked interrupt bits. set to NULL if only raw bits are read.
wait_ms -- Millisecond to wait before timeout, will not wait at all if set to 0-9.
- 返回:
ESP_OK: Success
are NULL.ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED: Current device does not support this function.
One of the error codes from SDMMC host controller
esp_err_t essl_set_intr_ena(essl_handle_t handle, uint32_t ena_mask, uint32_t wait_ms)
Set interrupt enable bits of ESSL slave. The slave only sends interrupt on the line when there is a bit both the raw status and the enable are set.
- 参数:
handle -- Handle of an ESSL device.
ena_mask -- Mask of the interrupt bits to enable.
wait_ms -- Millisecond to wait before timeout, will not wait at all if set to 0-9.
- 返回:
ESP_OK: Success
ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED: Current device does not support this function.
One of the error codes from SDMMC host controller
esp_err_t essl_get_intr_ena(essl_handle_t handle, uint32_t *ena_mask_o, uint32_t wait_ms)
Get interrupt enable bits of ESSL slave.
- 参数:
handle -- Handle of an ESSL device.
ena_mask_o -- Output of interrupt bit enable mask.
wait_ms -- Millisecond to wait before timeout, will not wait at all if set to 0-9.
- 返回:
ESP_OK Success
One of the error codes from SDMMC host controller
esp_err_t essl_send_slave_intr(essl_handle_t handle, uint32_t intr_mask, uint32_t wait_ms)
Send interrupts to slave. Each bit of the interrupt will be triggered.
- 参数:
handle -- Handle of an ESSL device.
intr_mask -- Mask of interrupt bits to send to slave.
wait_ms -- Millisecond to wait before timeout, will not wait at all if set to 0-9.
- 返回:
ESP_OK: Success
ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED: Current device does not support this function.
One of the error codes from SDMMC host controller
Type Definitions
typedef struct essl_dev_t *essl_handle_t
Handle of an ESSL device.
Header File
esp_err_t essl_sdio_init_dev(essl_handle_t *out_handle, const essl_sdio_config_t *config)
Initialize the ESSL SDIO device and get its handle.
- 参数:
out_handle -- Output of the handle.
config -- Configuration for the ESSL SDIO device.
- 返回:
ESP_OK: on success
ESP_ERR_NO_MEM: memory exhausted.
esp_err_t essl_sdio_deinit_dev(essl_handle_t handle)
Deinitialize and free the space used by the ESSL SDIO device.
- 参数:
handle -- Handle of the ESSL SDIO device to deinit.
- 返回:
ESP_OK: on success
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: wrong handle passed
struct essl_sdio_config_t
Configuration for the ESSL SDIO device.
Header File
esp_err_t essl_spi_init_dev(essl_handle_t *out_handle, const essl_spi_config_t *init_config)
Initialize the ESSL SPI device function list and get its handle.
- 参数:
out_handle -- [out] Output of the handle
init_config -- Configuration for the ESSL SPI device
- 返回:
ESP_OK: On success
ESP_ERR_NO_MEM: Memory exhausted
ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE: SPI driver is not initialized
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: Wrong register ID
esp_err_t essl_spi_deinit_dev(essl_handle_t handle)
Deinitialize the ESSL SPI device and free the memory used by the device.
- 参数:
handle -- Handle of the ESSL SPI device
- 返回:
ESP_OK: On success
esp_err_t essl_spi_read_reg(void *arg, uint8_t addr, uint8_t *out_value, uint32_t wait_ms)
Read from the shared registers.
The registers for Master/Slave synchronization are reserved. Do not use them. (see
)- 参数:
arg -- Context of the component. (Member
)addr -- Address of the shared registers. (Valid: 0 ~ SOC_SPI_MAXIMUM_BUFFER_SIZE, registers for M/S sync are reserved, see note1).
out_value -- [out] Read buffer for the shared registers.
wait_ms -- Time to wait before timeout (reserved for future use, user should set this to 0).
- 返回:
ESP_OK: success
ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE: ESSL SPI has not been initialized.
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: The address argument is not valid. See note 1.
or other return value from :cpp:func:
esp_err_t essl_spi_get_packet(void *arg, void *out_data, size_t size, uint32_t wait_ms)
Get a packet from Slave.
- 参数:
arg -- Context of the component. (Member
)out_data -- [out] Output data address
size -- The size of the output data.
wait_ms -- Time to wait before timeout (reserved for future use, user should set this to 0).
- 返回:
ESP_OK: On Success
ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE: ESSL SPI has not been initialized.
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: The output data address is neither DMA capable nor 4 byte-aligned
ESP_ERR_INVALID_SIZE: Master requires
bytes of data but Slave did not load enough bytes.
esp_err_t essl_spi_write_reg(void *arg, uint8_t addr, uint8_t value, uint8_t *out_value, uint32_t wait_ms)
Write to the shared registers.
The registers for Master/Slave synchronization are reserved. Do not use them. (see
Feature of checking the actual written value (
) is not supported.- 参数:
arg -- Context of the component. (Member
)addr -- Address of the shared registers. (Valid: 0 ~ SOC_SPI_MAXIMUM_BUFFER_SIZE, registers for M/S sync are reserved, see note1)
value -- Buffer for data to send, should be align to 4.
out_value -- [out] Not supported, should be set to NULL.
wait_ms -- Time to wait before timeout (reserved for future use, user should set this to 0).
- 返回:
ESP_OK: success
ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE: ESSL SPI has not been initialized.
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: The address argument is not valid. See note 1.
to NULL. See note 2.or other return value from :cpp:func:
esp_err_t essl_spi_send_packet(void *arg, const void *data, size_t size, uint32_t wait_ms)
Send a packet to Slave.
- 参数:
arg -- Context of the component. (Member
)data -- Address of the data to send
size -- Size of the data to send.
wait_ms -- Time to wait before timeout (reserved for future use, user should set this to 0).
- 返回:
ESP_OK: On success
ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE: ESSL SPI has not been initialized.
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: The data address is not DMA capable
ESP_ERR_INVALID_SIZE: Master will send
bytes of data but Slave did not load enough RX buffer
void essl_spi_reset_cnt(void *arg)
Reset the counter in Master context.
Shall only be called if the slave has reset its counter. Else, Slave and Master would be desynchronized
- 参数:
arg -- Context of the component. (Member
esp_err_t essl_spi_rdbuf(spi_device_handle_t spi, uint8_t *out_data, int addr, int len, uint32_t flags)
Read the shared buffer from the slave in ISR way.
The slave's HW doesn't guarantee the data in one SPI transaction is consistent. It sends data in unit of byte. In other words, if the slave SW attempts to update the shared register when a rdbuf SPI transaction is in-flight, the data got by the master will be the combination of bytes of different writes of slave SW.
should be prepared in words and in the DRAM. The buffer may be written in words by the DMA. When a byte is written, the remaining bytes in the same word will also be overwritten, even thelen
is shorter than a word.- 参数:
spi -- SPI device handle representing the slave
out_data -- [out] Buffer for read data, strongly suggested to be in the DRAM and aligned to 4
addr -- Address of the slave shared buffer
len -- Length to read
flags --
flags to control the transaction mode of the transaction to send.
- 返回:
ESP_OK: on success
or other return value from :cpp:func:
esp_err_t essl_spi_rdbuf_polling(spi_device_handle_t spi, uint8_t *out_data, int addr, int len, uint32_t flags)
Read the shared buffer from the slave in polling way.
should be prepared in words and in the DRAM. The buffer may be written in words by the DMA. When a byte is written, the remaining bytes in the same word will also be overwritten, even thelen
is shorter than a word.- 参数:
spi -- SPI device handle representing the slave
out_data -- [out] Buffer for read data, strongly suggested to be in the DRAM and aligned to 4
addr -- Address of the slave shared buffer
len -- Length to read
flags --
flags to control the transaction mode of the transaction to send.
- 返回:
ESP_OK: on success
or other return value from :cpp:func:
esp_err_t essl_spi_wrbuf(spi_device_handle_t spi, const uint8_t *data, int addr, int len, uint32_t flags)
Write the shared buffer of the slave in ISR way.
should be prepared in words and in the DRAM. The buffer may be written in words by the DMA. When a byte is written, the remaining bytes in the same word will also be overwritten, even thelen
is shorter than a word.- 参数:
spi -- SPI device handle representing the slave
data -- Buffer for data to send, strongly suggested to be in the DRAM
addr -- Address of the slave shared buffer,
len -- Length to write
flags --
flags to control the transaction mode of the transaction to send.
- 返回:
ESP_OK: success
or other return value from :cpp:func:
esp_err_t essl_spi_wrbuf_polling(spi_device_handle_t spi, const uint8_t *data, int addr, int len, uint32_t flags)
Write the shared buffer of the slave in polling way.
should be prepared in words and in the DRAM. The buffer may be written in words by the DMA. When a byte is written, the remaining bytes in the same word will also be overwritten, even thelen
is shorter than a word.- 参数:
spi -- SPI device handle representing the slave
data -- Buffer for data to send, strongly suggested to be in the DRAM
addr -- Address of the slave shared buffer,
len -- Length to write
flags --
flags to control the transaction mode of the transaction to send.
- 返回:
ESP_OK: success
or other return value from :cpp:func:
esp_err_t essl_spi_rddma(spi_device_handle_t spi, uint8_t *out_data, int len, int seg_len, uint32_t flags)
Receive long buffer in segments from the slave through its DMA.
This function combines several :cpp:func:
and one :cpp:func:essl_spi_rddma_done
at the end. Used when the slave is working in segment mode.- 参数:
spi -- SPI device handle representing the slave
out_data -- [out] Buffer to hold the received data, strongly suggested to be in the DRAM and aligned to 4
len -- Total length of data to receive.
seg_len -- Length of each segment, which is not larger than the maximum transaction length allowed for the spi device. Suggested to be multiples of 4. When set < 0, means send all data in one segment (the
will still be sent.)flags --
flags to control the transaction mode of the transaction to send.
- 返回:
ESP_OK: success
or other return value from :cpp:func:
esp_err_t essl_spi_rddma_seg(spi_device_handle_t spi, uint8_t *out_data, int seg_len, uint32_t flags)
Read one data segment from the slave through its DMA.
To read long buffer, call :cpp:func:
instead.- 参数:
spi -- SPI device handle representing the slave
out_data -- [out] Buffer to hold the received data. strongly suggested to be in the DRAM and aligned to 4
seg_len -- Length of this segment
flags --
flags to control the transaction mode of the transaction to send.
- 返回:
ESP_OK: success
or other return value from :cpp:func:
esp_err_t essl_spi_rddma_done(spi_device_handle_t spi, uint32_t flags)
Send the
command to the slave. Upon receiving this command, the slave will stop sending the current buffer even there are data unsent, and maybe prepare the next buffer to send.备注
This is required only when the slave is working in segment mode.
- 参数:
spi -- SPI device handle representing the slave
flags --
flags to control the transaction mode of the transaction to send.
- 返回:
ESP_OK: success
or other return value from :cpp:func:
esp_err_t essl_spi_wrdma(spi_device_handle_t spi, const uint8_t *data, int len, int seg_len, uint32_t flags)
Send long buffer in segments to the slave through its DMA.
This function combines several :cpp:func:
and one :cpp:func:essl_spi_wrdma_done
at the end. Used when the slave is working in segment mode.- 参数:
spi -- SPI device handle representing the slave
data -- Buffer for data to send, strongly suggested to be in the DRAM
len -- Total length of data to send.
seg_len -- Length of each segment, which is not larger than the maximum transaction length allowed for the spi device. Suggested to be multiples of 4. When set < 0, means send all data in one segment (the
will still be sent.)flags --
flags to control the transaction mode of the transaction to send.
- 返回:
ESP_OK: success
or other return value from :cpp:func:
esp_err_t essl_spi_wrdma_seg(spi_device_handle_t spi, const uint8_t *data, int seg_len, uint32_t flags)
Send one data segment to the slave through its DMA.
To send long buffer, call :cpp:func:
instead.- 参数:
spi -- SPI device handle representing the slave
data -- Buffer for data to send, strongly suggested to be in the DRAM
seg_len -- Length of this segment
flags --
flags to control the transaction mode of the transaction to send.
- 返回:
ESP_OK: success
or other return value from :cpp:func:
esp_err_t essl_spi_wrdma_done(spi_device_handle_t spi, uint32_t flags)
Send the
command to the slave. Upon receiving this command, the slave will stop receiving, process the received data, and maybe prepare the next buffer to receive.备注
This is required only when the slave is working in segment mode.
- 参数:
spi -- SPI device handle representing the slave
flags --
flags to control the transaction mode of the transaction to send.
- 返回:
ESP_OK: success
or other return value from :cpp:func:
struct essl_spi_config_t
Configuration of ESSL SPI device.
Public Members
spi_device_handle_t *spi
Pointer to SPI device handle.
uint32_t tx_buf_size
The pre-negotiated Master TX buffer size used by both the host and the slave.
uint8_t tx_sync_reg
The pre-negotiated register ID for Master-TX-SLAVE-RX synchronization. 1 word (4 Bytes) will be reserved for the synchronization.
uint8_t rx_sync_reg
The pre-negotiated register ID for Master-RX-Slave-TX synchronization. 1 word (4 Bytes) will be reserved for the synchronization.
spi_device_handle_t *spi