


  • esp_log_buffer_hex is deprecated, use ESP_LOG_BUFFER_HEX instead.

  • esp_log_buffer_char is deprecated, use ESP_LOG_BUFFER_CHAR instead.


  • All target-specific header files has been moved from components/esp_rom/include/{target}/ to /esp_rom/{target}/include/{target}/, and components/esp_rom/CMakeLists.txt has been modified accordingly. If you encounter an error indicating a missing header file, such as fatal error: esp32s3/rom/efuse.h: No such file or directory, try removing the leading relative path from the header file include command. In your current and future development, when including any header files located in components/esp_rom path, directly use the header file name without the chip-specific relative folder path.

  • All target-specific rom/miniz.h files are removed because they are deprecated.

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