Performance Monitor
The Performance Monitor component provides APIs to use ESP32 internal performance counters to profile functions and applications.
Application Example
An example which combines performance monitor is provided in examples/system/perfmon
directory. This example initializes the performance monitor structure and execute them with printing the statistics.
High-Level API Reference
Header Files
API Reference
Header File
This header file can be included with:
#include "xtensa_perfmon_access.h"
This header file is a part of the API provided by the
component. To declare that your component depends onperfmon
, add the following to your CMakeLists.txt:REQUIRES perfmon
esp_err_t xtensa_perfmon_init(int id, uint16_t select, uint16_t mask, int kernelcnt, int tracelevel)
Init Performance Monitoor.
Initialize performance monitor register with define values
- Parameters:
id -- [in] performance counter number
select -- [in] select value from PMCTRLx register
mask -- [in] mask value from PMCTRLx register
kernelcnt -- [in] kernelcnt value from PMCTRLx register
tracelevel -- [in] tracelevel value from PMCTRLx register
- Returns:
ESP_OK on success
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if one of the arguments is not correct
esp_err_t xtensa_perfmon_reset(int id)
Reset PM counter.
Reset PM counter. Writes 0 to the PMx register.
- Parameters:
id -- [in] performance counter number
- Returns:
ESP_OK on success
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if id out of range
void xtensa_perfmon_start(void)
Start PM counters.
Start all PM counters synchronously. Write 1 to the PGM register
void xtensa_perfmon_stop(void)
Stop PM counters.
Stop all PM counters synchronously. Write 0 to the PGM register
uint32_t xtensa_perfmon_value(int id)
Read PM counter.
Read value of defined PM counter.
- Parameters:
id -- [in] performance counter number
- Returns:
Performance counter value
esp_err_t xtensa_perfmon_overflow(int id)
Read PM overflow state.
Read overflow value of defined PM counter.
- Parameters:
id -- [in] performance counter number
- Returns:
ESP_OK if there is no overflow (overflow = 0)
ESP_FAIL if overflow occure (overflow = 1)
void xtensa_perfmon_dump(void)
Dump PM values.
Dump all PM register to the console.
Header File
This header file can be included with:
#include "xtensa_perfmon_apis.h"
This header file is a part of the API provided by the
component. To declare that your component depends onperfmon
, add the following to your CMakeLists.txt:REQUIRES perfmon
esp_err_t xtensa_perfmon_exec(const xtensa_perfmon_config_t *config)
Execute PM.
Execute performance counter for dedicated function with defined parameters
- Parameters:
config -- [in] pointer to the configuration structure
- Returns:
ESP_OK if no errors
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG if one of the required parameters not defined
ESP_FAIL - counter overflow
void xtensa_perfmon_view_cb(void *params, uint32_t select, uint32_t mask, uint32_t value)
Dump PM results.
Callback to dump perfmon result to a FILE* stream specified in perfmon_config_t::callback_params. If callback_params is set to NULL, will print to stdout
- Parameters:
params -- [in] used parameters passed from configuration (callback_params). This parameter expected as FILE* hanle, where data will be stored. If this parameter NULL, then data will be stored to the stdout.
select -- [in] select value for current counter
mask -- [in] mask value for current counter
value -- [in] counter value for current counter
struct xtensa_perfmon_config
Performance monitor configuration structure.
Structure to configure performance counter to measure dedicated function
Public Members
int repeat_count
how much times function will be called before the calback will be repeated
float max_deviation
Difference between min and max counter number 0..1, 0 - no difference, 1 - not used
void *call_params
This pointer will be passed to the call_function as a parameter
void (*call_function)(void *params)
pointer to the function that have to be called
void (*callback)(void *params, uint32_t select, uint32_t mask, uint32_t value)
pointer to the function that will be called with result parameters
void *callback_params
parameter that will be passed to the callback
int tracelevel
trace level for all counters. In case of negative value, the filter will be ignored. If it's >=0, then the perfmon will count only when interrupt level > tracelevel. It's useful to monitor interrupts.
uint32_t counters_size
amount of counter in the list
const uint32_t *select_mask
list of the select/mask parameters
int repeat_count
Type Definitions
typedef struct xtensa_perfmon_config xtensa_perfmon_config_t
Performance monitor configuration structure.
Structure to configure performance counter to measure dedicated function