Current Time Service
The Current Time service defines how a Bluetooth device can expose date and time information to other Bluetooth devices.
API Reference
Header File
esp_err_t esp_ble_cts_get_current_time(esp_ble_cts_cur_time_t *out_val)
Read the value of Current Time characteristic.
- Parameters
out_val – [in] The pointer to store the Current Time Increment.
- Returns
ESP_OK on successful
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG on wrong parameter
esp_err_t esp_ble_cts_set_current_time(esp_ble_cts_cur_time_t *in_val, bool need_send)
Set the Current Time characteristic value.
- Parameters
in_val – [in] The pointer to store the Current Time.
need_send – [in] send the current time to remote client.
- Returns
ESP_OK on successful
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG on wrong initialization
ESP_FAIL on error
esp_err_t esp_ble_cts_get_local_time(esp_ble_cts_local_time_t *out_val)
Read the value of Local Time characteristic.
- Parameters
out_val – [in] The pointer to store the Local Time Increment.
- Returns
ESP_OK on successful
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG on wrong parameter
esp_err_t esp_ble_cts_set_local_time(esp_ble_cts_local_time_t *in_val)
Set the Local Time characteristic value.
- Parameters
in_val – [in] The pointer to store the Local Time.
- Returns
ESP_OK on successful
esp_err_t esp_ble_cts_get_reference_time(esp_ble_cts_ref_time_t *out_val)
Read the value of Reference Time characteristic.
- Parameters
out_val – [in] The pointer to store the Reference Time Increment.
- Returns
ESP_OK on successful
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG on wrong parameter
esp_err_t esp_ble_cts_set_reference_time(esp_ble_cts_ref_time_t *in_val)
Set the Reference Time characteristic value.
- Parameters
in_val – [in] The pointer to store the Reference Time.
- Returns
ESP_OK on successful
esp_err_t esp_ble_cts_init(void)
Initialization Current Time Service.
- Returns
ESP_OK on successful
ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG on wrong initialization
ESP_FAIL on error
struct esp_ble_cts_cur_time_t
Current Time.
Public Members
uint16_t year
Year as defined by the Gregorian calendar, Valid range 1582 to 9999
uint8_t month
Month of the year as defined by the Gregorian calendar, Valid range 1 (January) to 12 (December)
uint8_t day
Day of the month as defined by the Gregorian calendar, Valid range 1 to 31
uint8_t hours
Number of hours past midnight, Valid range 0 to 23
uint8_t minutes
Number of minutes since the start of the hour. Valid range 0 to 59
uint8_t seconds
Number of seconds since the start of the minute. Valid range 0 to 59
struct esp_ble_cts_cur_time_t::[anonymous] timestamp
The date and time
uint8_t day_of_week
Day_of_week. valid range : 1(Monday) - 7(Sunday), 0 means day of week not known
uint8_t fractions_256
Fractions_256. the number of 1 / 256 fractions of second, valid range : 0 - 255
uint8_t adjust_reason
This field represents reason(s) for adjusting time
uint16_t year
struct esp_ble_cts_local_time_t
Local Time Information.
struct esp_ble_cts_ref_time_t
reference time information
Public Members
uint8_t time_source
time_source. valid range : 0 - 253 255 means not known Time source
uint8_t time_accuracy
Time accuracy
uint8_t days_since_update
days_since_update. valid range : 0 - 254 A value of 255 is used when the time span is greater than or equal to 255 days Days since update
uint8_t hours_since_update
hours_since_update. valid range : 0 - 23 A value of 255 is used when the time span is greater than or equal to 255 days Hours since update
uint8_t time_source