Touch Proximity Sensor


The touch_proximity_sensor component is developed based on the built-in touch sensors of ESP32-S3. Using this component makes it easy to implement touch proximity sensing functionality.


  • ESP32/ESP32-S2/ESP32-S3 touch-related components are intended for testing or demo purposes only. Due to the poor anti-interference capability of the touch functionality, it may not pass EMS testing, and therefore, it is not recommended for mass production products.

  • This component is currently only applicable to the ESP32-S3 and requires an IDF version greater than or equal to v5.0.

Principle of Operation

The touch proximity sensor is implemented based on the proximity sensing feature of the ESP32-S3 touch sensor. The hardware schematic of the sensor principle is as follows:

The hardware principle schematic diagram of the touch proximity sensor

When a target object approaches the sensor, its equivalent capacitance changes. The target object can be a human finger, hand, or any conductive object. When the touch sensor is configured in proximity sensing mode, the sensor output is an accumulated value. As the target object approaches the sensor panel, the cumulative value output by the sensor increases. Based on this characteristic, this solution defines the raw data output by the touch sensor (accumulated value) as raw_value , and derives two data variables, baseline and smooth_value, from it. Combined with a reasonable threshold detection algorithm, proximity sensing functionality is achieved.

The specific software implementation involves the following three steps:

  1. Determine the validity of new data.

  2. Update smooth_value and baseline based on the update logic of smooth_value and baseline using raw_value as the source data.

  3. Determine whether smooth_value - baseline is greater than 0. If it is greater than 0, then determine whether it is greater than the trigger threshold . If it is greater, it is deemed as a valid sensing trigger action; if smooth_value - baseline is less than 0, first determine whether it is in a triggered state. If it is in a triggered state, then determine whether its absolute value is greater than the release trigger threshold . If it is greater, it is deemed as a valid trigger release action.

Hardware Reference for Testing

  • Development board

    • Validation testing can be performed using the ESP-S2S3-Touch-DevKit-1 development kit. The mainboard is MainBoard v1.1, and the proximity sensing subboard is Proximity Board V1.0.

Configuration Reference

Create Proximity Sensing Sensor

Using the touch_proximity_sensor component, the proximity sensing sensor can be configured via the proxi_config_t structure.

// Configuration structure for touch proximity sensor
typedef struct {
    uint32_t channel_num;
    uint32_t channel_list[TOUCH_PROXIMITY_NUM_MAX];
    uint32_t meas_count;
    float smooth_coef;
    float baseline_coef;
    float max_p;
    float min_n;
    float threshold_p[TOUCH_PROXIMITY_NUM_MAX];
    float threshold_n[TOUCH_PROXIMITY_NUM_MAX];
    float hysteresis_p;
    float noise_p;
    float noise_n;
    uint32_t debounce_p;
    uint32_t debounce_n;
    uint32_t reset_p;
    uint32_t reset_n;
    uint32_t gold_value[TOUCH_PROXIMITY_NUM_MAX];
} proxi_config_t;

Specific parameter descriptions are as follows:

Configuration Parameter



Number of proximity sensing channels, up to 3


List of proximity sensing channels, i.e., touch channels


Cumulative measurement count for proximity sensing channels


Smoothing coefficient for data


Baseline coefficient determining the rate of baseline adjustment


Maximum effective positive change rate


Minimum effective negative change rate


Positive trigger threshold


Negative trigger threshold


Positive threshold hysteresis coefficient, providing a buffer zone between trigger and release triggers to prevent continuous false triggers


Positive noise threshold, related to baseline update


Negative noise threshold, related to baseline update


Debounce count for positive threshold to reduce false triggering


Debounce count for negative threshold to reduce false release triggering


Positive threshold for trigger baseline reset


Negative threshold for trigger baseline reset


Gold standard value, used to restore normal values under special circumstances

Then use touch_proximity_sensor_create() to configure and create the proximity sensing sensor object.

proxi_config_t config = (proxi_config_t)DEFAULTS_PROX_CONFIGS();
esp_err_t ret = touch_proximity_sensor_create(&config, &s_touch_proximity_sensor, &example_proxi_callback, NULL);
if (ret != ESP_OK) {
    ESP_LOGE(TAG, "touch proximity sense create failed");

Here, s_touch_proximity_sensor is the handle of the touch proximity sensor, and example_proxi_callback is the proximity sensing sensor event callback function.

Start and Stop the Proximity Sensing Sensor

Use touch_proximity_sensor_start() to start the proximity sensing sensor:

// Start the touch proximity sensor

Use touch_proximity_sensor_stop() to stop the proximity sensing sensor:

// Stop the touch proximity sensor


Starting and stopping the proximity sensing sensor process takes some time to complete. Therefore, it is necessary to add a waiting time after calling the start and stop APIs. Typically, the startup time is 300 ms, and the stop process requires 200 ms. Please refer to the example program for details.

Delete the Proximity Sensing Sensor

Use touch_proximity_sensor_delete() to delete the proximity sensing sensor object and release resources:

// Delete the touch proximity sensor

Parameter Adjustment Reference

  • The maximum value for channel_num is 3.

  • The channel_list array must be assigned values from the touch_pad_t enumeration variable.

  • Increasing meas_count slows down the update rate of new data from the touch sensor.

  • smooth_coef is the coefficient used for data smoothing. The smoothed value smooth equals smooth * (1.0 - smooth_coef) + raw * smooth_coef . A larger smooth_coef gives more weight to raw , resulting in poorer smoothing of the waveform, faster response to raw , and weaker resistance to interference. Conversely, a smaller smooth_coef gives less weight to raw, resulting in better smoothing of the waveform, slower response to raw, and stronger resistance to interference.

  • baseline_coef is the coefficient for baseline updating. The new baseline value equals baseline * (1.0 - baseline_coef) + smooth * baseline_coef . A larger value for baseline_coef causes the baseline to follow smooth more quickly, resulting in slower response time and stronger resistance to interference.

  • When the difference between raw and baseline exceeds baseline * max_p , the raw value is considered an outlier and ignored.

  • When the difference between baseline and raw exceeds baseline * min_n , the raw value is considered an outlier and ignored.

  • Increasing threshold_p and threshold_n values reduces the sensing distance for proximity sensing, but improves resistance to interference.

  • Larger values for noise_p and noise_n make it easier for the baseline to follow smooth , resulting in a smaller sensing distance for proximity sensing and better resistance to interference.

  • debounce_p and debounce_n values need to be adjusted based on the value of meas_count . Smaller meas_count values require larger debounce_p and debounce_n values to increase resistance to interference.

Parameter Adjustment Comparison

The default configuration parameters for the touch proximity sensor are as follows:


Default Value

































The following parameter adjustment comparisons will be made based on modifying only one parameter from the above parameters:

  1. Modifying the value of meas_count changes the update rate of sensor data, with smaller values resulting in a wider waveform during sensing. The waveform comparison under different meas_count is shown below:

    Waveform comparison under different meas_count
  2. Modifying the value of smooth_coef changes the smoothing effect of the smooth waveform. The smaller the smooth_coef, the better the smoothing effect, stronger resistance to interference, slower response to raw , and vice versa. The waveform comparison under different smooth_coef is shown below:

    Waveform comparison under different smooth_coef
  3. Modifying the value of baseline_coef changes the updating effect of the baseline . Smaller values of baseline_coef result in slower response time and longer trigger duration. The waveform comparison under different baseline_coef is shown below:

    Waveform comparison under different baseline_coef
  4. Modifying the values of max_p and min_n will change the update logic of smooth and baseline . A too small value of max_p can cause the smooth to be “locked” when the hand approaches the sensing panel, potentially leading to failure to trigger; a too small value of min_n can cause both smooth and baseline to be “locked” when the hand leaves the sensing panel, resulting in failure to release the trigger. The waveform diagram for too small max_p and min_n values is as follows:

    Waveform comparison under different max_p and min_n
  5. Modifying the value of threshold_p will change the proximity sensing distance. A smaller value allows for a longer sensing distance but decreases resistance to interference, making false triggers more likely. The waveform comparison under different threshold_p values is shown below:

    Waveform comparison under different threshold_p
  6. Modifying the value of hysteresis_p will change the timing of triggering and releasing the trigger, i.e., the hysteresis. A smaller hysteresis_p value leads to faster trigger response, and vice versa. The waveform comparison under different hysteresis_p values is shown below:

    Waveform comparison under different hysteresis_p
  7. Modifying the values of noise_p and noise_n will change the updating effect of baseline . A smaller value of noise_p causes baseline to follow smooth more slowly, resulting in slower trigger response and longer trigger duration, and vice versa. The waveform comparison under different noise_p and noise_n values is shown below:

    Waveform comparison under different noise_p and noise_n
  8. Modifying the values of debounce_p and debounce_n will change the timing of triggering and releasing the trigger and the resistance to interference. A larger debounce_p value leads to slower trigger response and stronger resistance to interference, and vice versa; a larger debounce_n value leads to slower release of the trigger response and stronger resistance to interference, and vice versa. The values of debounce_p and debounce_n need to be adjusted in conjunction with meas_count ; as meas_count decreases, debounce_p and debounce_n should be appropriately increased. The waveform comparison under different debounce_p and debounce_n values is shown below:

    Waveform comparison under different debounce_p and debounce_n


Achieving the ideal proximity sensing effect requires comprehensive adjustment of multiple parameters, rather than just tweaking one or two parameters.


API Reference

Header File


esp_err_t touch_proximity_sensor_create(proxi_config_t *config, touch_proximity_handle_t *sensor_handle, proxi_cb_t cb, void *cb_arg)

Create a touch proximity sensor instance.

  • config – The touch pad channel configuration.

  • sensor_handle – The handle of the successfully created touch proximity sensor.

  • cb – Callback function to handle proximity events.

  • cb_arg – The callback function argument.


  • ESP_OK: Create the touch proximity sensor successfully.

  • ESP_ERR_NO_MEM: Failed to create the touch proximity sensor (memory allocation failed).

esp_err_t touch_proximity_sensor_start(touch_proximity_handle_t proxi_sensor)

Start the touch proximity sensor.

This function starts the touch proximity sensor operation.


proxi_sensor – Pointer to the handle of the touch proximity sensor instance.


  • ESP_OK: Start the touch proximity sensor successfully

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG: The touch proximity sensor failed to start (touch_proximity_handle_t is NULL, or channel_num is zero).

  • ESP_FAIL: The touch proximity sensor failed to start (failed to create queue for touch pad).

esp_err_t touch_proximity_sensor_stop(touch_proximity_handle_t proxi_sensor)

Stop the touch proximity sensor.

This function stops the operation of the touch proximity sensor associated with the provided sensor handle.


proxi_sensor – Pointer to the handle of the touch proximity sensor instance.


  • ESP_OK: Stop the touch proximity sensor successfully

esp_err_t touch_proximity_sensor_delete(touch_proximity_handle_t proxi_sensor)

Delete the touch proximity sensor instance.

This function deletes the touch proximity sensor instance associated with the provided sensor handle.


proxi_sensor – Pointer to the handle of the touch proximity sensor instance to be deleted.


  • ESP_OK: Delete the touch proximity sensor instance successfully


struct proxi_config_t

Configuration structure for touch proximity sensor.

This structure defines the configuration parameters for a touch proximity sensor.

Public Members

uint32_t channel_num

Number of touch proximity sensor channels

uint32_t channel_list[TOUCH_PROXIMITY_NUM_MAX]

Touch proximity sensor channel list

uint32_t meas_count

Accumulated measurement count

float smooth_coef

Smoothing coefficient

float baseline_coef

Baseline coefficient

float max_p

Maximum effective positive change rate

float min_n

Minimum effective negative change rate

float threshold_p[TOUCH_PROXIMITY_NUM_MAX]

Positive threshold

float threshold_n[TOUCH_PROXIMITY_NUM_MAX]

Negative threshold

float hysteresis_p

Hysteresis for positive threshold

float noise_p

Positive noise threshold

float noise_n

Negative noise threshold

uint32_t debounce_p

Debounce times for positive threshold

uint32_t debounce_n

Debounce times for negative threshold

uint32_t reset_p

Baseline reset positive threshold

uint32_t reset_n

Baseline reset negative threshold

uint32_t gold_value[TOUCH_PROXIMITY_NUM_MAX]

Gold value



Type Definitions

typedef struct touch_proximity_sensor_t *touch_proximity_handle_t
typedef void (*proxi_cb_t)(uint32_t channel, proxi_evt_t event, void *cb_arg)

proximity sensor user callback type


enum proxi_evt_t
