5.2 Zigbee APS

5.2.1. Overview

The Zigbee Application Support Sub-layer (APS) acts as the interface between the network layer and the application layer. It provides a general set of services utilized by both the Zigbee Device Object (ZDO) and manufacturer-defined application objects. These services are provided through two main entities:

  • APS Data Entity (APSDE): Provides the data transmission service through its associated Service Access Point (SAP), known as the APSDE-SAP.

  • APS Management Entity (APSME): Offers the management service through its associated SAP, the APSME-SAP. The APSME also maintains a database of managed objects referred to as the APS Information Base (AIB).

5.2.2. APS Data Services

The APSDE provides a data service that enables both ZDO and application objects to transport application Protocol Data Units (PDU) between two or more devices at the network layer. Functionalities

The APSDE provides the following functionalities:

  • Generation of the Application PDU: The APSDE takes an application PDU and generates an APS PDU by adding the appropriate protocol overhead.

  • Binding: Once two devices are bound, the APSDE can transfer a message from one bound device to the other.

  • Group Address Filtering: Provides the ability to filter group-addressed messages based on endpoint group membership.

  • Reliable Transport: Increases the reliability of transactions beyond what the NWK layer alone offers by employing end-to-end retries.

  • Duplicate Rejection: Ensures messages offered for transmission are not received more than once.

  • Fragmentation: Enables segmentation and reassembly of messages longer than the payload of a single NWK layer frame. APIs Introduction

The ESP-Zigbee-SDK offers APSDE-DATA.Request, APSDE-DATA.Confirm, and APSDE-DATA.Indication interfaces for user applications.

  • APSDE-DATA.Request

This APSDE-DATA Request facilitates the transfer of a Next Higher Layer Entity (NHLE) PDU from the local NHLE to one or more peer NHLEs.

esp_err_t esp_zb_aps_data_request(esp_zb_apsde_data_req_t *req);

This esp_zb_aps_data_request provides the capability to send user-customized packets from the local to the remote. The detailed description of its parameter esp_zb_apsde_data_req_t can be found as reference.

  • APSDE-DATA.Confirm

The APSDE-DATA Confirm reports the results of a request to transfer a data PDU from a local NHLE to one or more peer NHLEs.

void esp_zb_aps_data_confirm_handler_register(esp_zb_apsde_data_confirm_callback_t cb);

typedef void (* esp_zb_apsde_data_confirm_callback_t)(esp_zb_apsde_data_confirm_t confirm);

The esp_zb_apsde_data_confirm_callback_t can be registered by esp_zb_aps_data_confirm_handler_register, When APSDE-DATA Request has been confirmed by the remote, the callback will be triggered. The detailed description of parameter esp_zb_apsde_data_confirm_t can be found as reference.

  • APSDE-DATA.Indication

This APSDE-DATA Indication indicates the transfer of a data PDU (ASDU) from the APS sub-layer to the local application entity.

void esp_zb_aps_data_indication_handler_register(esp_zb_apsde_data_indication_callback_t cb)

typedef bool (* esp_zb_apsde_data_indication_callback_t)(esp_zb_apsde_data_ind_t ind);

The esp_zb_apsde_data_indication_callback_t can be registered by esp_zb_aps_data_indication_handler_register, When the device receives an APSDE-DATA Indication packet, the callback will be triggered. The user can then return TRUE or FALSE to indicate whether the packet still needs to be handled by the stack. The detailed description of parameter esp_zb_apsde_data_ind_t can be found as reference Typical Usage

If you expect a string “hello espressif” to be sent by the APS from a device with endpoint identifier (1) to a remote device with a short address (0x1234) and endpoint identifier (10), residing in a cluster identifier (0xFFC0), the APS frame will be forwarded up to 2 hops and allowed to fragment if necessary. You can use the following code to implement this function.

esp_zb_apsde_data_req_t req;
uint8_t value[] = "hello espressif";
req.dst_addr_mode = ESP_ZB_APS_ADDR_MODE_16_ENDP_PRESENT;
req.dst_short_addr = 0x1234;
req.dst_endpoint = 10;
req.profile_id = ESP_ZB_AF_HA_PROFILE_ID;
req.cluster_id = 0xFFC0;
req.src_endpoint = 1;
req.asdu_length = sizeof(value);
req.asdu = value;
req.radius = 2;
req.use_alias = false;

If you want to confirm whether the APSDE-DATA.Request has been sent successfully, you can register a callback using esp_zb_aps_data_confirm_handler_register(&zb_apsde_data_confirm_handler) and retrieve the confirmation information from the callback.

void zb_apsde_data_confirm_handler(esp_zb_apsde_data_confirm_t confirm)
    if (confirm.status == 0x00) {
                "Sent successfully from endpoint %d, source address 0x%04hx to endpoint %d,"
                "destination address 0x%04hx",
                confirm.src_endpoint, esp_zb_get_short_address(), confirm.dst_endpoint, confirm.dst_addr.addr_short);
        ESP_LOG_BUFFER_CHAR_LEVEL("APSDE CONFIRM", confirm.asdu, confirm.asdu_length, ESP_LOG_INFO);
    } else {
        ESP_LOGE("APSDE CONFIRM", "Failed to send APSDE-DATA request, error code: %d", confirm.status);

The APSDE-DATA.Request from a device can be intercepted and processed by registering a callback using esp_zb_aps_data_indication_handler_register(zb_apsde_data_indication_handler) on the destination device. It’s important to note that if the returned value of zb_apsde_data_indication_handler() is false, the Zigbee stack will continue to handle the APSDE-DATA frame. However, if it returns true, the Zigbee stack will assume that the user has already processed the frame and will ignore it.

bool zb_apsde_data_indication_handler(esp_zb_apsde_data_ind_t ind)
    bool processed = false;
    if (ind.status == 0x00) {
        if (ind.dst_endpoint == 10 && ind.profile_id == ESP_ZB_AF_HA_PROFILE_ID && ind.cluster_id == 0xFFC0) {
                    "Received APSDE-DATA %s request with a length of %ld from endpoint %d, source address 0x%04hx to "
                    "endpoint %d, destination address 0x%04hx",
                    ind.dst_addr_mode == 0x01 ? "group" : "unicast", ind.asdu_length, ind.src_endpoint,
                    ind.src_short_addr, ind.dst_endpoint, ind.dst_short_addr);
            ESP_LOG_BUFFER_CHAR_LEVEL("APSDE INDICATION", ind.asdu, ind.asdu_length, ESP_LOG_INFO);
            processed = true;
    } else {
        ESP_LOGE("APSDE INDICATION", "Invalid status of APSDE-DATA indication, error code: %d", ind.status);
        processed = false;
    return processed;

5.2.3. APS Management Services

The APS management entity SAP (APSME-SAP) provide a management service to allow an application to interact with the stack and the ability to match two devices together based on the services. Functionalities

The APSME provides the following functionalities:

  • Binding Management: Provides the ability to match two devices together based on their services and their needs.

  • AIB Management: Provides the ability to get and set attributes in the device’s AIB

  • Security: Provides the ability to set up authentic relationships with other devices through the use of secure keys

  • Group Management: Provides the ability to declare a single address shared by multiple devices, to add devices to the group, and to remove devices from the group.