idf_build_apps package
- idf_build_apps.junit package
- idf_build_apps.manifest package
- idf_build_apps.vendors package
- idf_build_apps.yaml package
- class str, target: str, *, work_dir: Optional[str] = None, build_dir: str = 'build', build_log_filename: Optional[str] = None, size_json_filename: Optional[str] = None, build_system: typing_extensions.Literal[unknown] = 'unknown', sdkconfig_path: Optional[str] = None, config_name: Optional[str] = None, sdkconfig_defaults_str: Optional[str] = None, dry_run: bool = False, verbose: bool = False, check_warnings: bool = False, preserve: bool = True, copy_sdkconfig: bool = False, index: Optional[int] = None, build_status: BuildStatus = BuildStatus.UNKNOWN, build_comment: Optional[str] = None)
- TARGET_PLACEHOLDER: ClassVar[str] = '@t'
- WILDCARD_PLACEHOLDER: ClassVar[str] = '@w'
- NAME_PLACEHOLDER: ClassVar[str] = '@n'
- FULL_NAME_PLACEHOLDER: ClassVar[str] = '@f'
- IDF_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER: ClassVar[str] = '@v'
- INDEX_PLACEHOLDER: ClassVar[str] = '@i'
- SDKCONFIG_LINE_REGEX: ClassVar[Pattern] = re.compile('^([^=]+)=\\"?([^\\"\\n]*)\\"?\\n*$')
- LOG_ERROR_WARNING_REGEX: ClassVar[Pattern] = re.compile('(?:error|warning):', re.IGNORECASE|re.MULTILINE)
- LOG_DEBUG_LINES: ClassVar[int] = 25
- IGNORE_WARNS_REGEXES: ClassVar[List[Pattern]] = []
- build_system: typing_extensions.Literal[unknown]
- app_dir: str
- target: str
- sdkconfig_path: Optional[str]
- config_name: Optional[str]
- sdkconfig_defaults_str: Optional[str]
- dry_run: bool
- verbose: bool
- check_warnings: bool
- preserve: bool
- copy_sdkconfig: bool
- index: Optional[int]
- build_status: BuildStatus
- build_comment: Optional[str]
- classmethod from_another(other: App, **kwargs) App
Init New App from another, with different parameters.
eg: new_app = [Cmake]App.from_another(app, config=’debug’)
- property sdkconfig_defaults_candidates: List[str]
- property name: str
- property work_dir: str
- Returns:
directory where the app should be copied to, prior to the build.
- property build_dir: str
- Returns:
build directory, either relative to the work directory (if relative path is used) or absolute path.
- property build_path: str
- property build_log_filename: Optional[str]
- property build_log_path: str
- property size_json_filename: Optional[str]
- property size_json_path: Optional[str]
- property sdkconfig_files_defined_idf_target: Optional[str]
- property sdkconfig_files: List[str]
- property depends_components: List[str]
- property depends_filepatterns: List[str]
- property supported_targets: List[str]
- property verified_targets: List[str]
- record_build_duration()
- build(*, manifest_rootpath: Optional[str] = None, modified_components: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None, modified_files: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None, check_app_dependencies: bool = False) None
- write_size_json() None
- to_json() str
- is_error_or_warning(line: str) Tuple[bool, bool]
- classmethod is_app(path: str) bool
- is_modified(modified_files: Optional[List[str]]) bool
- check_should_build(*, manifest_rootpath: Optional[str] = None, modified_manifest_rules_folders: Optional[Set[str]] = None, check_app_dependencies: bool = False, modified_components: Optional[List[str]] = None, modified_files: Optional[List[str]] = None) None
- class str, target: str, *, work_dir: Optional[str] = None, build_dir: str = 'build', build_log_filename: Optional[str] = None, size_json_filename: Optional[str] = None, build_system: typing_extensions.Literal[make] = 'make', sdkconfig_path: Optional[str] = None, config_name: Optional[str] = None, sdkconfig_defaults_str: Optional[str] = None, dry_run: bool = False, verbose: bool = False, check_warnings: bool = False, preserve: bool = True, copy_sdkconfig: bool = False, index: Optional[int] = None, build_status: BuildStatus = BuildStatus.UNKNOWN, build_comment: Optional[str] = None)
- MAKE_PROJECT_LINE: ClassVar[str] = 'include $(IDF_PATH)/make/'
- build_system: typing_extensions.Literal[make]
- property supported_targets: List[str]
- classmethod is_app(path: str) bool
- class str, target: str, *, work_dir: Optional[str] = None, build_dir: str = 'build', build_log_filename: Optional[str] = None, size_json_filename: Optional[str] = None, build_system: typing_extensions.Literal[cmake] = 'cmake', sdkconfig_path: Optional[str] = None, config_name: Optional[str] = None, sdkconfig_defaults_str: Optional[str] = None, dry_run: bool = False, verbose: bool = False, check_warnings: bool = False, preserve: bool = True, copy_sdkconfig: bool = False, index: Optional[int] = None, build_status: BuildStatus = BuildStatus.UNKNOWN, build_comment: Optional[str] = None, cmake_vars: Dict[str, str] = {})
- CMAKE_PROJECT_LINE: ClassVar[str] = 'include($ENV{IDF_PATH}/tools/cmake/project.cmake)'
- build_system: typing_extensions.Literal[cmake]
- cmake_vars: Dict[str, str]
- classmethod is_app(path: str) bool
- class idf_build_apps.args.ValidateMethod(value)
An enumeration.
- TO_LIST = 'to_list'
- EXPAND_VARS = 'expand_vars'
- class idf_build_apps.args.FieldMetadata(validate_method: Optional[List[str]] = None, deprecates: Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]] = None, shorthand: Optional[str] = None, action: Optional[str] = None, nargs: Optional[str] = None, choices: Optional[List[str]] = None, type: Optional[Callable] = None, required: bool = False, default: Optional[Any] = None, hidden: bool = False)
dataclass field metadata. All fields are optional. Some fields are used in argparse while running
.- Parameters:
validate_method – validate method for the field
deprecates – deprecates field names, used in argparse
shorthand – shorthand for the argument, used in argparse
action – action for the argument, used in argparse
nargs – nargs for the argument, used in argparse
choices – choices for the argument, used in argparse
type – type for the argument, used in argparse
required – whether the argument is required, used in argparse
default – default value for the argument, used in argparse
hidden – whether the argument is hidden, used in argparse
- validate_method: Optional[List[str]] = None
- deprecates: Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]] = None
- shorthand: Optional[str] = None
- action: Optional[str] = None
- nargs: Optional[str] = None
- choices: Optional[List[str]] = None
- type: Optional[Callable] = None
- required: bool = False
- default: Any = None
- idf_build_apps.args.field(meta: Optional[FieldMetadata], *args, **kwargs)
field with metadata
- idf_build_apps.args.get_meta(f: FieldInfo) Optional[FieldMetadata]
Get the metadata of the field
- Parameters:
f – field
- Returns:
metadata of the field if exists, None otherwise
- class idf_build_apps.args.BaseArguments(_case_sensitive: bool | None = None, _env_prefix: str | None = None, _env_file: DotenvType | None = PosixPath('.'), _env_file_encoding: str | None = None, _env_nested_delimiter: str | None = None, _secrets_dir: str | Path | None = None)
Base settings class for all settings classes
- classmethod settings_customise_sources(settings_cls: Type[BaseSettings], init_settings: PydanticBaseSettingsSource, env_settings: PydanticBaseSettingsSource, dotenv_settings: PydanticBaseSettingsSource, file_secret_settings: PydanticBaseSettingsSource) Tuple[PydanticBaseSettingsSource, ...]
Define the sources and their order for loading the settings values.
- Args:
settings_cls: The Settings class. init_settings: The InitSettingsSource instance. env_settings: The EnvSettingsSource instance. dotenv_settings: The DotEnvSettingsSource instance. file_secret_settings: The SecretsSettingsSource instance.
- Returns:
A tuple containing the sources and their order for loading the settings values.
- classmethod validate_by_validate_methods(v: Any, info: ValidationInfo)
- class idf_build_apps.args.GlobalArguments(_case_sensitive: bool | None = None, _env_prefix: str | None = None, _env_file: DotenvType | None = PosixPath('.'), _env_file_encoding: str | None = None, _env_nested_delimiter: str | None = None, _secrets_dir: str | Path | None = None, *, verbose: int[int] = 0, log_file: Optional[str][Optional[str]] = None, no_color: bool[bool] = False)
- verbose: int
- log_file: Optional[str]
- no_color: bool
- class idf_build_apps.args.DependencyDrivenBuildArguments(_case_sensitive: bool | None = None, _env_prefix: str | None = None, _env_file: DotenvType | None = PosixPath('.'), _env_file_encoding: str | None = None, _env_nested_delimiter: str | None = None, _secrets_dir: str | Path | None = None, *, verbose: int[int] = 0, log_file: Optional[str][Optional[str]] = None, no_color: bool[bool] = False, manifest_files: Optional[List[Union[pathlib.Path, str]]][Optional[List[Union[Path, str]]]] = None, manifest_filepatterns: Optional[List[str]][Optional[List[str]]] = None, manifest_rootpath: str[str] = '.', modified_components: Optional[List[str]][Optional[List[str]]] = None, modified_files: Optional[List[str]][Optional[List[str]]] = None, deactivate_dependency_driven_build_by_components: Optional[List[str]][Optional[List[str]]] = None, deactivate_dependency_driven_build_by_filepatterns: Optional[List[str]][Optional[List[str]]] = None, check_manifest_rules: bool[bool] = False, compare_manifest_sha_filepath: Optional[str][Optional[str]] = None)
- manifest_files: Optional[List[Union[Path, str]]]
- manifest_filepatterns: Optional[List[str]]
- manifest_rootpath: str
- modified_components: Optional[List[str]]
- modified_files: Optional[List[str]]
- deactivate_dependency_driven_build_by_components: Optional[List[str]]
- deactivate_dependency_driven_build_by_filepatterns: Optional[List[str]]
- check_manifest_rules: bool
- compare_manifest_sha_filepath: Optional[str]
- property dependency_driven_build_enabled: bool
Check if the dependency-driven build feature is enabled
- Returns:
True if enabled, False otherwise
- property modified_manifest_rules_folders: Optional[Set[str]]
- class idf_build_apps.args.FindBuildArguments(_case_sensitive: bool | None = None, _env_prefix: str | None = None, _env_file: DotenvType | None = PosixPath('.'), _env_file_encoding: str | None = None, _env_nested_delimiter: str | None = None, _secrets_dir: str | Path | None = None, *, verbose: int[int] = 0, log_file: Optional[str][Optional[str]] = None, no_color: bool[bool] = False, manifest_files: Optional[List[Union[pathlib.Path, str]]][Optional[List[Union[Path, str]]]] = None, manifest_filepatterns: Optional[List[str]][Optional[List[str]]] = None, manifest_rootpath: str[str] = '.', modified_components: Optional[List[str]][Optional[List[str]]] = None, modified_files: Optional[List[str]][Optional[List[str]]] = None, deactivate_dependency_driven_build_by_components: Optional[List[str]][Optional[List[str]]] = None, deactivate_dependency_driven_build_by_filepatterns: Optional[List[str]][Optional[List[str]]] = None, check_manifest_rules: bool[bool] = False, compare_manifest_sha_filepath: Optional[str][Optional[str]] = None, paths: List[str][List[str]] = '.', target: str[str] = 'all', build_system: Union[str, Type[]][Union[str, Type[App]]] = 'cmake', recursive: bool[bool] = False, exclude: Optional[List[str]][Optional[List[str]]] = None, work_dir: Optional[str][Optional[str]] = None, build_dir: str[str] = 'build', build_log_filename: Optional[str][Optional[str]] = None, size_json_filename: Optional[str][Optional[str]] = None, config_rules: Optional[List[str]][Optional[List[str]]] = None, override_sdkconfig_items: Optional[str][Optional[str]] = None, override_sdkconfig_files: Optional[str][Optional[str]] = None, sdkconfig_defaults: Optional[str][Optional[str]] = None, check_warnings: bool[bool] = False, default_build_targets: Optional[List[str]][Optional[List[str]]] = None, enable_preview_targets: bool[bool] = False, include_skipped_apps: bool[bool] = False, include_disabled_apps: bool[bool] = False, include_all_apps: bool[bool] = False)
- paths: List[str]
- target: str
- recursive: bool
- exclude: Optional[List[str]]
- work_dir: Optional[str]
- build_dir: str
- build_log_filename: Optional[str]
- size_json_filename: Optional[str]
- config_rules: Optional[List[str]]
- override_sdkconfig_items: Optional[str]
- override_sdkconfig_files: Optional[str]
- sdkconfig_defaults: Optional[str]
- check_warnings: bool
- default_build_targets: Optional[List[str]]
- enable_preview_targets: bool
- include_skipped_apps: bool
- include_disabled_apps: bool
- include_all_apps: bool
- class idf_build_apps.args.FindArguments(_case_sensitive: bool | None = None, _env_prefix: str | None = None, _env_file: DotenvType | None = PosixPath('.'), _env_file_encoding: str | None = None, _env_nested_delimiter: str | None = None, _secrets_dir: str | Path | None = None, *, verbose: int[int] = 0, log_file: Optional[str][Optional[str]] = None, no_color: bool[bool] = False, manifest_files: Optional[List[Union[pathlib.Path, str]]][Optional[List[Union[Path, str]]]] = None, manifest_filepatterns: Optional[List[str]][Optional[List[str]]] = None, manifest_rootpath: str[str] = '.', modified_components: Optional[List[str]][Optional[List[str]]] = None, modified_files: Optional[List[str]][Optional[List[str]]] = None, deactivate_dependency_driven_build_by_components: Optional[List[str]][Optional[List[str]]] = None, deactivate_dependency_driven_build_by_filepatterns: Optional[List[str]][Optional[List[str]]] = None, check_manifest_rules: bool[bool] = False, compare_manifest_sha_filepath: Optional[str][Optional[str]] = None, paths: List[str][List[str]] = '.', target: str[str] = 'all', build_system: Union[str, Type[]][Union[str, Type[App]]] = 'cmake', recursive: bool[bool] = False, exclude: Optional[List[str]][Optional[List[str]]] = None, work_dir: Optional[str][Optional[str]] = None, build_dir: str[str] = 'build', build_log_filename: Optional[str][Optional[str]] = None, size_json_filename: Optional[str][Optional[str]] = None, config_rules: Optional[List[str]][Optional[List[str]]] = None, override_sdkconfig_items: Optional[str][Optional[str]] = None, override_sdkconfig_files: Optional[str][Optional[str]] = None, sdkconfig_defaults: Optional[str][Optional[str]] = None, check_warnings: bool[bool] = False, default_build_targets: Optional[List[str]][Optional[List[str]]] = None, enable_preview_targets: bool[bool] = False, include_skipped_apps: bool[bool] = False, include_disabled_apps: bool[bool] = False, include_all_apps: bool[bool] = False, output: Optional[str][Optional[str]] = None, output_format: str[str] = 'raw')
- Parameters:
verbose (int) – Verbosity level. By default set to WARNING. Specify -v for INFO, -vv for DEBUG
log_file (Union[str, NoneType]) – Path to the log file, if not specified logs will be printed to stderr
no_color (bool) – Disable colored output
manifest_files (Union[List[Union[pathlib.Path, str]], NoneType]) – Path to the manifest files which contains the build test rules of the apps
manifest_filepatterns (Union[List[str], NoneType]) – space-separated list of file patterns to search for the manifest files. The matched files will be loaded as the manifest files.
manifest_rootpath (str) – Root path to resolve the relative paths defined in the manifest files. By default set to the current directory. Support environment variables.
modified_components (Union[List[str], NoneType]) – semicolon-separated list of modified components. If set to “”, the value would be considered as None. If set to “;”, the value would be considered as an empty list.
modified_files (Union[List[str], NoneType]) – semicolon-separated list of modified files. If set to “”, the value would be considered as None. If set to “;”, the value would be considered as an empty list.
deactivate_dependency_driven_build_by_components (Union[List[str], NoneType]) – semicolon-separated list of components. dependency-driven build feature will be deactivated when any of these components are modified. Must be specified together with –modified-components. If set to “”, the value would be considered as None. If set to “;”, the value would be considered as an empty list.
deactivate_dependency_driven_build_by_filepatterns (Union[List[str], NoneType]) – semicolon-separated list of file patterns. dependency-driven build feature will be deactivated when any of matched files are modified. Must be specified together with –modified-files. If set to “”, the value would be considered as None. If set to “;”, the value would be considered as an empty list.
check_manifest_rules (bool) – Check if all folders defined in the manifest files exist. Fail if not
compare_manifest_sha_filepath (Union[str, NoneType]) – Path to the file containing the hash of the manifest rules. Compare the hash with the current manifest rules. All matched apps will be built if the corresponding manifest rule is modified
paths (List[str]) – Paths to the directories containing the apps. By default set to the current directory
target (str) – Filter the apps by target. By default set to “all”
build_system (Union[str, Type[]]) – Filter the apps by build system. By default set to “cmake”
recursive (bool) – Search for apps recursively under the specified paths
exclude (Union[List[str], NoneType]) – Ignore the specified directories while searching recursively
work_dir (Union[str, NoneType]) – Copy the app to this directory before building. By default set to the app directory. Can expand placeholders
build_dir (str) – Build directory for the app. By default set to “build”. When set to relative path, it will be treated as relative to the app directory. Can expand placeholders
build_log_filename (Union[str, NoneType]) – Log filename under the build directory instead of stdout. Can expand placeholders
size_json_filename (Union[str, NoneType]) – size output file under the build directory when specified. Can expand placeholders
config_rules (Union[List[str], NoneType]) – Defines the rules of building the project with pre-set sdkconfig files. Supports FILENAME[=NAME] or FILEPATTERN format. FILENAME is the filename of the sdkconfig file, relative to the app directory. Optional NAME is the name of the configuration. if not specified, the filename is used as the name. FILEPATTERN is the filename of the sdkconfig file with a single wildcard character (*). The NAME is the value matched by the wildcard
override_sdkconfig_items (Union[str, NoneType]) – A comma-separated list of key=value pairs to override the sdkconfig items
override_sdkconfig_files (Union[str, NoneType]) – A comma-separated list of sdkconfig files to override the sdkconfig items. When set to relative path, it will be treated as relative to the current directory
sdkconfig_defaults (Union[str, NoneType]) – A semicolon-separated list of sdkconfig files passed to -DSDKCONFIG_DEFAULTS. SDKCONFIG_DEFAULTS environment variable is used when not specified
check_warnings (bool) – Check for warnings in the build output. Fail if any warnings are found
default_build_targets (Union[List[str], NoneType]) – space-separated list of the default enabled build targets for the apps. When not specified, the default value is the targets listed by –list-targets
enable_preview_targets (bool) – When enabled, the default build targets will be set to all apps, including the preview targets. As the targets defined in –list-targets –preview
include_skipped_apps (bool) – Include the skipped apps in the output, together with the enabled ones
include_disabled_apps (bool) – Include the disabled apps in the output, together with the enabled ones
include_all_apps (bool) – Include skipped, and disabled apps in the output, together with the enabled ones
output (Union[str, NoneType]) – Record the found apps to the specified file instead of stdout
output_format (str) – Output format of the found apps. In “raw” format, each line is a json string serialized from the app model. In “json” format, the output is a json list of the serialized app models
- output: Optional[str]
- output_format: str
- class idf_build_apps.args.BuildArguments(_case_sensitive: bool | None = None, _env_prefix: str | None = None, _env_file: DotenvType | None = PosixPath('.'), _env_file_encoding: str | None = None, _env_nested_delimiter: str | None = None, _secrets_dir: str | Path | None = None, *, verbose: int[int] = 0, log_file: Optional[str][Optional[str]] = None, no_color: bool[bool] = False, manifest_files: Optional[List[Union[pathlib.Path, str]]][Optional[List[Union[Path, str]]]] = None, manifest_filepatterns: Optional[List[str]][Optional[List[str]]] = None, manifest_rootpath: str[str] = '.', modified_components: Optional[List[str]][Optional[List[str]]] = None, modified_files: Optional[List[str]][Optional[List[str]]] = None, deactivate_dependency_driven_build_by_components: Optional[List[str]][Optional[List[str]]] = None, deactivate_dependency_driven_build_by_filepatterns: Optional[List[str]][Optional[List[str]]] = None, check_manifest_rules: bool[bool] = False, compare_manifest_sha_filepath: Optional[str][Optional[str]] = None, paths: List[str][List[str]] = '.', target: str[str] = 'all', build_system: Union[str, Type[]][Union[str, Type[App]]] = 'cmake', recursive: bool[bool] = False, exclude: Optional[List[str]][Optional[List[str]]] = None, work_dir: Optional[str][Optional[str]] = None, build_dir: str[str] = 'build', build_log_filename: Optional[str][Optional[str]] = None, size_json_filename: Optional[str][Optional[str]] = None, config_rules: Optional[List[str]][Optional[List[str]]] = None, override_sdkconfig_items: Optional[str][Optional[str]] = None, override_sdkconfig_files: Optional[str][Optional[str]] = None, sdkconfig_defaults: Optional[str][Optional[str]] = None, check_warnings: bool[bool] = False, default_build_targets: Optional[List[str]][Optional[List[str]]] = None, enable_preview_targets: bool[bool] = False, include_skipped_apps: bool[bool] = False, include_disabled_apps: bool[bool] = False, include_all_apps: bool[bool] = False, build_verbose: bool[bool] = False, parallel_count: int[int] = 1, parallel_index: int[int] = 1, dry_run: bool[bool] = False, keep_going: bool[bool] = False, no_preserve: bool[bool] = False, ignore_warning_strs: Optional[List[str]][Optional[List[str]]] = None, ignore_warning_files: Optional[List[Union[str, _io.TextIOWrapper]]][Optional[List[Union[str, TextIOWrapper]]]] = None, copy_sdkconfig: bool[bool] = False, collect_size_info_filename: Optional[str][Optional[str]] = None, collect_app_info_filename: Optional[str][Optional[str]] = None, junitxml_filename: Optional[str][Optional[str]] = None)
- Parameters:
verbose (int) – Verbosity level. By default set to WARNING. Specify -v for INFO, -vv for DEBUG
log_file (Union[str, NoneType]) – Path to the log file, if not specified logs will be printed to stderr
no_color (bool) – Disable colored output
manifest_files (Union[List[Union[pathlib.Path, str]], NoneType]) – Path to the manifest files which contains the build test rules of the apps
manifest_filepatterns (Union[List[str], NoneType]) – space-separated list of file patterns to search for the manifest files. The matched files will be loaded as the manifest files.
manifest_rootpath (str) – Root path to resolve the relative paths defined in the manifest files. By default set to the current directory. Support environment variables.
modified_components (Union[List[str], NoneType]) – semicolon-separated list of modified components. If set to “”, the value would be considered as None. If set to “;”, the value would be considered as an empty list.
modified_files (Union[List[str], NoneType]) – semicolon-separated list of modified files. If set to “”, the value would be considered as None. If set to “;”, the value would be considered as an empty list.
deactivate_dependency_driven_build_by_components (Union[List[str], NoneType]) – semicolon-separated list of components. dependency-driven build feature will be deactivated when any of these components are modified. Must be specified together with –modified-components. If set to “”, the value would be considered as None. If set to “;”, the value would be considered as an empty list.
deactivate_dependency_driven_build_by_filepatterns (Union[List[str], NoneType]) – semicolon-separated list of file patterns. dependency-driven build feature will be deactivated when any of matched files are modified. Must be specified together with –modified-files. If set to “”, the value would be considered as None. If set to “;”, the value would be considered as an empty list.
check_manifest_rules (bool) – Check if all folders defined in the manifest files exist. Fail if not
compare_manifest_sha_filepath (Union[str, NoneType]) – Path to the file containing the hash of the manifest rules. Compare the hash with the current manifest rules. All matched apps will be built if the corresponding manifest rule is modified
paths (List[str]) – Paths to the directories containing the apps. By default set to the current directory
target (str) – Filter the apps by target. By default set to “all”
build_system (Union[str, Type[]]) – Filter the apps by build system. By default set to “cmake”
recursive (bool) – Search for apps recursively under the specified paths
exclude (Union[List[str], NoneType]) – Ignore the specified directories while searching recursively
work_dir (Union[str, NoneType]) – Copy the app to this directory before building. By default set to the app directory. Can expand placeholders
build_dir (str) – Build directory for the app. By default set to “build”. When set to relative path, it will be treated as relative to the app directory. Can expand placeholders
build_log_filename (Union[str, NoneType]) – Log filename under the build directory instead of stdout. Can expand placeholders
size_json_filename (Union[str, NoneType]) – size output file under the build directory when specified. Can expand placeholders
config_rules (Union[List[str], NoneType]) – Defines the rules of building the project with pre-set sdkconfig files. Supports FILENAME[=NAME] or FILEPATTERN format. FILENAME is the filename of the sdkconfig file, relative to the app directory. Optional NAME is the name of the configuration. if not specified, the filename is used as the name. FILEPATTERN is the filename of the sdkconfig file with a single wildcard character (*). The NAME is the value matched by the wildcard
override_sdkconfig_items (Union[str, NoneType]) – A comma-separated list of key=value pairs to override the sdkconfig items
override_sdkconfig_files (Union[str, NoneType]) – A comma-separated list of sdkconfig files to override the sdkconfig items. When set to relative path, it will be treated as relative to the current directory
sdkconfig_defaults (Union[str, NoneType]) – A semicolon-separated list of sdkconfig files passed to -DSDKCONFIG_DEFAULTS. SDKCONFIG_DEFAULTS environment variable is used when not specified
check_warnings (bool) – Check for warnings in the build output. Fail if any warnings are found
default_build_targets (Union[List[str], NoneType]) – space-separated list of the default enabled build targets for the apps. When not specified, the default value is the targets listed by –list-targets
enable_preview_targets (bool) – When enabled, the default build targets will be set to all apps, including the preview targets. As the targets defined in –list-targets –preview
include_skipped_apps (bool) – Include the skipped apps in the output, together with the enabled ones
include_disabled_apps (bool) – Include the disabled apps in the output, together with the enabled ones
include_all_apps (bool) – Include skipped, and disabled apps in the output, together with the enabled ones
build_verbose (bool) – Enable verbose output of the build system
parallel_count (int) – Number of parallel build jobs in total. Specified together with –parallel-index. The given apps will be divided into parallel_count parts, and the current run will build the parallel_index-th part
parallel_index (int) – Index (1-based) of the parallel build job. Specified together with –parallel-count. The given apps will be divided into parallel_count parts, and the current run will build the parallel_index-th part
dry_run (bool) – Skip the actual build, only print the build process
keep_going (bool) – Continue building the next app when the current build fails
no_preserve (bool) – Do not preserve the build directory after a successful build
ignore_warning_strs (Union[List[str], NoneType]) – space-separated list of patterns. Ignore the warnings in the build output that match the patterns
ignore_warning_files (Union[List[Union[str, _io.TextIOWrapper]], NoneType]) – Path to the files containing the patterns to ignore the warnings in the build output
copy_sdkconfig (bool) – Copy the sdkconfig file to the build directory
collect_size_info_filename (Union[str, NoneType]) – Record size json filepath of the built apps to the specified file. Each line is a json string. Can expand placeholders @p
collect_app_info_filename (Union[str, NoneType]) – Record serialized app model of the built apps to the specified file. Each line is a json string. Can expand placeholders @p
junitxml_filename (Union[str, NoneType]) – Path to the junitxml file to record the build results. Can expand placeholder @p
- build_verbose: bool
- parallel_count: int
- parallel_index: int
- dry_run: bool
- keep_going: bool
- no_preserve: bool
- ignore_warning_strs: Optional[List[str]]
- ignore_warning_files: Optional[List[Union[str, TextIOWrapper]]]
- copy_sdkconfig: bool
- collect_size_info_filename: Optional[str]
- collect_app_info_filename: Optional[str]
- junitxml_filename: Optional[str]
- property collect_size_info: Optional[str]
- property collect_app_info: Optional[str]
- property junitxml: Optional[str]
- class idf_build_apps.args.DumpManifestShaArguments(_case_sensitive: bool | None = None, _env_prefix: str | None = None, _env_file: DotenvType | None = PosixPath('.'), _env_file_encoding: str | None = None, _env_nested_delimiter: str | None = None, _secrets_dir: str | Path | None = None, *, verbose: int[int] = 0, log_file: Optional[str][Optional[str]] = None, no_color: bool[bool] = False, manifest_files: Optional[List[str]][Optional[List[str]]] = None, output: Optional[str][Optional[str]] = None)
- manifest_files: Optional[List[str]]
- output: Optional[str]
- idf_build_apps.args.add_args_to_parser(argument_cls: Type[BaseArguments], parser: ArgumentParser) None
Add arguments to the parser from the argument class.
FieldMetadata is used to set the argparse options.
- Parameters:
argument_cls – argument class
parser – argparse parser
- idf_build_apps.args.add_args_to_obj_doc_as_params(argument_cls: Type[GlobalArguments], obj: Optional[Any] = None) None
Add arguments to the function as parameters.
- Parameters:
argument_cls – argument class
obj – object to add the docstring to
- idf_build_apps.args.apply_config_file(config_file: Optional[str]) None
- idf_build_apps.autocompletions.append_to_file(file_path: str, content: str) None
Add commands to shell configuration file
- Parameters:
file_path – path to shell configurations file
content – commands to add
- idf_build_apps.autocompletions.activate_completions(shell_type: Optional[str]) None
Activates autocompletion for supported shells.
- Raises:
AutocompleteActivationError – if the $SHELL env variable is empty, or if the detected shell is unsupported.
- class idf_build_apps.constants.BuildStatus(value)
An enumeration.
- UNKNOWN = 'unknown'
- DISABLED = 'disabled'
- SKIPPED = 'skipped'
- SHOULD_BE_BUILT = 'should be built'
- FAILED = 'build failed'
- SUCCESS = 'build success'
- class idf_build_apps.constants.BuildStage(value)
An enumeration.
- DRY_RUN = 'Dry Run'
- PRE_BUILD = 'Pre Build'
- BUILD = 'Build'
- POST_BUILD = 'Post Build'
- classmethod max_length() int
- class idf_build_apps.log.ColoredFormatter(colored: bool = True)
- grey: str = '\x1b[37;20m'
- yellow: str = '\x1b[33;20m'
- red: str = '\x1b[31;20m'
- bold_red: str = '\x1b[31;1m'
- reset: str = '\x1b[0m'
- fmt: str = '%(asctime)s %(levelname)8s %(message)s'
- app_fmt: str = '%(asctime)s %(levelname)8s [%(build_stage)10s] %(message)s'
- datefmt: str = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'
- FORMATS: Dict[int, str] = {10: '\x1b[37;20m{}\x1b[0m', 20: '{}', 30: '\x1b[33;20m{}\x1b[0m', 40: '\x1b[31;20m{}\x1b[0m', 50: '\x1b[31;1m{}\x1b[0m'}
- format(record: LogRecord) str
Format the specified record as text.
The record’s attribute dictionary is used as the operand to a string formatting operation which yields the returned string. Before formatting the dictionary, a couple of preparatory steps are carried out. The message attribute of the record is computed using LogRecord.getMessage(). If the formatting string uses the time (as determined by a call to usesTime(), formatTime() is called to format the event time. If there is exception information, it is formatted using formatException() and appended to the message.
- idf_build_apps.log.setup_logging(verbose: int = 0, log_file: Optional[str] = None, colored: bool = True) None
Setup logging stream handler
- Parameters:
verbose – 0 - WARNING, 1 - INFO, 2 - DEBUG
log_file – log file path
colored – colored output or not
- Returns:
- idf_build_apps.main.find_apps(paths: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None, target: Optional[str] = None, *, find_arguments: Optional[FindArguments] = None, config_file: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) List[App]
Find apps in the given paths for the specified target. For all kwargs, please refer to FindArguments
- Returns:
list of found apps
- Parameters:
verbose (int) – Verbosity level. By default set to WARNING. Specify -v for INFO, -vv for DEBUG
log_file (Union[str, NoneType]) – Path to the log file, if not specified logs will be printed to stderr
no_color (bool) – Disable colored output
manifest_files (Union[List[Union[pathlib.Path, str]], NoneType]) – Path to the manifest files which contains the build test rules of the apps
manifest_filepatterns (Union[List[str], NoneType]) – space-separated list of file patterns to search for the manifest files. The matched files will be loaded as the manifest files.
manifest_rootpath (str) – Root path to resolve the relative paths defined in the manifest files. By default set to the current directory. Support environment variables.
modified_components (Union[List[str], NoneType]) – semicolon-separated list of modified components. If set to “”, the value would be considered as None. If set to “;”, the value would be considered as an empty list.
modified_files (Union[List[str], NoneType]) – semicolon-separated list of modified files. If set to “”, the value would be considered as None. If set to “;”, the value would be considered as an empty list.
deactivate_dependency_driven_build_by_components (Union[List[str], NoneType]) – semicolon-separated list of components. dependency-driven build feature will be deactivated when any of these components are modified. Must be specified together with –modified-components. If set to “”, the value would be considered as None. If set to “;”, the value would be considered as an empty list.
deactivate_dependency_driven_build_by_filepatterns (Union[List[str], NoneType]) – semicolon-separated list of file patterns. dependency-driven build feature will be deactivated when any of matched files are modified. Must be specified together with –modified-files. If set to “”, the value would be considered as None. If set to “;”, the value would be considered as an empty list.
check_manifest_rules (bool) – Check if all folders defined in the manifest files exist. Fail if not
compare_manifest_sha_filepath (Union[str, NoneType]) – Path to the file containing the hash of the manifest rules. Compare the hash with the current manifest rules. All matched apps will be built if the corresponding manifest rule is modified
paths (List[str]) – Paths to the directories containing the apps. By default set to the current directory
target (str) – Filter the apps by target. By default set to “all”
build_system (Union[str, Type[]]) – Filter the apps by build system. By default set to “cmake”
recursive (bool) – Search for apps recursively under the specified paths
exclude (Union[List[str], NoneType]) – Ignore the specified directories while searching recursively
work_dir (Union[str, NoneType]) – Copy the app to this directory before building. By default set to the app directory. Can expand placeholders
build_dir (str) – Build directory for the app. By default set to “build”. When set to relative path, it will be treated as relative to the app directory. Can expand placeholders
build_log_filename (Union[str, NoneType]) – Log filename under the build directory instead of stdout. Can expand placeholders
size_json_filename (Union[str, NoneType]) – size output file under the build directory when specified. Can expand placeholders
config_rules (Union[List[str], NoneType]) – Defines the rules of building the project with pre-set sdkconfig files. Supports FILENAME[=NAME] or FILEPATTERN format. FILENAME is the filename of the sdkconfig file, relative to the app directory. Optional NAME is the name of the configuration. if not specified, the filename is used as the name. FILEPATTERN is the filename of the sdkconfig file with a single wildcard character (*). The NAME is the value matched by the wildcard
override_sdkconfig_items (Union[str, NoneType]) – A comma-separated list of key=value pairs to override the sdkconfig items
override_sdkconfig_files (Union[str, NoneType]) – A comma-separated list of sdkconfig files to override the sdkconfig items. When set to relative path, it will be treated as relative to the current directory
sdkconfig_defaults (Union[str, NoneType]) – A semicolon-separated list of sdkconfig files passed to -DSDKCONFIG_DEFAULTS. SDKCONFIG_DEFAULTS environment variable is used when not specified
check_warnings (bool) – Check for warnings in the build output. Fail if any warnings are found
default_build_targets (Union[List[str], NoneType]) – space-separated list of the default enabled build targets for the apps. When not specified, the default value is the targets listed by –list-targets
enable_preview_targets (bool) – When enabled, the default build targets will be set to all apps, including the preview targets. As the targets defined in –list-targets –preview
include_skipped_apps (bool) – Include the skipped apps in the output, together with the enabled ones
include_disabled_apps (bool) – Include the disabled apps in the output, together with the enabled ones
include_all_apps (bool) – Include skipped, and disabled apps in the output, together with the enabled ones
output (Union[str, NoneType]) – Record the found apps to the specified file instead of stdout
output_format (str) – Output format of the found apps. In “raw” format, each line is a json string serialized from the app model. In “json” format, the output is a json list of the serialized app models
- idf_build_apps.main.build_apps(apps: Optional[Union[List[App], App]] = None, *, build_arguments: Optional[BuildArguments] = None, config_file: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) int
Build all the specified apps. For all kwargs, please refer to BuildArguments
- Returns:
exit code
- Parameters:
verbose (int) – Verbosity level. By default set to WARNING. Specify -v for INFO, -vv for DEBUG
log_file (Union[str, NoneType]) – Path to the log file, if not specified logs will be printed to stderr
no_color (bool) – Disable colored output
manifest_files (Union[List[Union[pathlib.Path, str]], NoneType]) – Path to the manifest files which contains the build test rules of the apps
manifest_filepatterns (Union[List[str], NoneType]) – space-separated list of file patterns to search for the manifest files. The matched files will be loaded as the manifest files.
manifest_rootpath (str) – Root path to resolve the relative paths defined in the manifest files. By default set to the current directory. Support environment variables.
modified_components (Union[List[str], NoneType]) – semicolon-separated list of modified components. If set to “”, the value would be considered as None. If set to “;”, the value would be considered as an empty list.
modified_files (Union[List[str], NoneType]) – semicolon-separated list of modified files. If set to “”, the value would be considered as None. If set to “;”, the value would be considered as an empty list.
deactivate_dependency_driven_build_by_components (Union[List[str], NoneType]) – semicolon-separated list of components. dependency-driven build feature will be deactivated when any of these components are modified. Must be specified together with –modified-components. If set to “”, the value would be considered as None. If set to “;”, the value would be considered as an empty list.
deactivate_dependency_driven_build_by_filepatterns (Union[List[str], NoneType]) – semicolon-separated list of file patterns. dependency-driven build feature will be deactivated when any of matched files are modified. Must be specified together with –modified-files. If set to “”, the value would be considered as None. If set to “;”, the value would be considered as an empty list.
check_manifest_rules (bool) – Check if all folders defined in the manifest files exist. Fail if not
compare_manifest_sha_filepath (Union[str, NoneType]) – Path to the file containing the hash of the manifest rules. Compare the hash with the current manifest rules. All matched apps will be built if the corresponding manifest rule is modified
paths (List[str]) – Paths to the directories containing the apps. By default set to the current directory
target (str) – Filter the apps by target. By default set to “all”
build_system (Union[str, Type[]]) – Filter the apps by build system. By default set to “cmake”
recursive (bool) – Search for apps recursively under the specified paths
exclude (Union[List[str], NoneType]) – Ignore the specified directories while searching recursively
work_dir (Union[str, NoneType]) – Copy the app to this directory before building. By default set to the app directory. Can expand placeholders
build_dir (str) – Build directory for the app. By default set to “build”. When set to relative path, it will be treated as relative to the app directory. Can expand placeholders
build_log_filename (Union[str, NoneType]) – Log filename under the build directory instead of stdout. Can expand placeholders
size_json_filename (Union[str, NoneType]) – size output file under the build directory when specified. Can expand placeholders
config_rules (Union[List[str], NoneType]) – Defines the rules of building the project with pre-set sdkconfig files. Supports FILENAME[=NAME] or FILEPATTERN format. FILENAME is the filename of the sdkconfig file, relative to the app directory. Optional NAME is the name of the configuration. if not specified, the filename is used as the name. FILEPATTERN is the filename of the sdkconfig file with a single wildcard character (*). The NAME is the value matched by the wildcard
override_sdkconfig_items (Union[str, NoneType]) – A comma-separated list of key=value pairs to override the sdkconfig items
override_sdkconfig_files (Union[str, NoneType]) – A comma-separated list of sdkconfig files to override the sdkconfig items. When set to relative path, it will be treated as relative to the current directory
sdkconfig_defaults (Union[str, NoneType]) – A semicolon-separated list of sdkconfig files passed to -DSDKCONFIG_DEFAULTS. SDKCONFIG_DEFAULTS environment variable is used when not specified
check_warnings (bool) – Check for warnings in the build output. Fail if any warnings are found
default_build_targets (Union[List[str], NoneType]) – space-separated list of the default enabled build targets for the apps. When not specified, the default value is the targets listed by –list-targets
enable_preview_targets (bool) – When enabled, the default build targets will be set to all apps, including the preview targets. As the targets defined in –list-targets –preview
include_skipped_apps (bool) – Include the skipped apps in the output, together with the enabled ones
include_disabled_apps (bool) – Include the disabled apps in the output, together with the enabled ones
include_all_apps (bool) – Include skipped, and disabled apps in the output, together with the enabled ones
build_verbose (bool) – Enable verbose output of the build system
parallel_count (int) – Number of parallel build jobs in total. Specified together with –parallel-index. The given apps will be divided into parallel_count parts, and the current run will build the parallel_index-th part
parallel_index (int) – Index (1-based) of the parallel build job. Specified together with –parallel-count. The given apps will be divided into parallel_count parts, and the current run will build the parallel_index-th part
dry_run (bool) – Skip the actual build, only print the build process
keep_going (bool) – Continue building the next app when the current build fails
no_preserve (bool) – Do not preserve the build directory after a successful build
ignore_warning_strs (Union[List[str], NoneType]) – space-separated list of patterns. Ignore the warnings in the build output that match the patterns
ignore_warning_files (Union[List[Union[str, _io.TextIOWrapper]], NoneType]) – Path to the files containing the patterns to ignore the warnings in the build output
copy_sdkconfig (bool) – Copy the sdkconfig file to the build directory
collect_size_info_filename (Union[str, NoneType]) – Record size json filepath of the built apps to the specified file. Each line is a json string. Can expand placeholders @p
collect_app_info_filename (Union[str, NoneType]) – Record serialized app model of the built apps to the specified file. Each line is a json string. Can expand placeholders @p
junitxml_filename (Union[str, NoneType]) – Path to the junitxml file to record the build results. Can expand placeholder @p
- class idf_build_apps.main.IdfBuildAppsCliFormatter(prog, indent_increment=2, max_help_position=24, width=None)
- idf_build_apps.main.get_parser() ArgumentParser
- idf_build_apps.main.handle_completions(args: Namespace) None
- idf_build_apps.main.main()
- idf_build_apps.main.json_to_app(json_str: str, extra_classes: Optional[List[Type[App]]] = None) App
Deserialize json string to App object
You can pass extra_cls to support custom App class. A custom App class must be a subclass of App, and have a different value of build_system. For example, a custom CMake app
class CustomApp(CMakeApp): build_system: Literal['custom_cmake'] = 'custom_cmake'
Then you can pass the
class to theextra_cls
argumentjson_str = CustomApp('.', 'esp32').to_json() json_to_app(json_str, extra_classes=[CustomApp])
- Parameters:
json_str – json string
extra_classes – extra App class
- Returns:
App object
- class idf_build_apps.session_args.SessionArgs
- workdir: str = '/home/docs/checkouts/'
- override_sdkconfig_items: Dict[str, Any] = {}
- override_sdkconfig_file_path: Optional[str] = None
- set(parsed_args, *, workdir=None)
- clean()
- class idf_build_apps.utils.ConfigRule(file_name: str, config_name: str = '')
- idf_build_apps.utils.config_rules_from_str(rule_strings: Optional[List[str]]) List[ConfigRule]
Helper function to convert strings like ‘file_name=config_name’ into ConfigRule objects
- Parameters:
rule_strings – list of rules as strings or a single rule string
- Returns:
list of ConfigRules
- idf_build_apps.utils.get_parallel_start_stop(total: int, parallel_count: int, parallel_index: int) Tuple[int, int]
Calculate the start and stop indices for a parallel task (1-based).
- Parameters:
total – total number of tasks
parallel_count – number of parallel tasks to run
parallel_index – index of the parallel task to run
- Returns:
start and stop indices, [start, stop]
- exception idf_build_apps.utils.BuildError
- exception idf_build_apps.utils.AutocompleteActivationError
- exception idf_build_apps.utils.InvalidCommand(msg: str)
- exception idf_build_apps.utils.InvalidInput
Invalid input from user
- exception idf_build_apps.utils.InvalidIfClause
Invalid if clause in manifest file
- exception idf_build_apps.utils.InvalidManifest
Invalid manifest file
- idf_build_apps.utils.rmdir(path: Union[Path, str], exclude_file_patterns: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None) None
- idf_build_apps.utils.find_first_match(pattern: str, path: str) Optional[str]
- idf_build_apps.utils.subprocess_run(cmd: List[str], log_terminal: bool = True, log_fs: Optional[Union[IO[str], str]] = None, check: bool = False, additional_env_dict: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None, **kwargs) int for older python versions
- Parameters:
cmd – cmd
log_terminal – print to sys.stdout if set to True
log_fs – write to this file stream if not None
check – raise BuildError when return code is non-zero
additional_env_dict – additional environment variables
- Returns:
return code
- idf_build_apps.utils.to_list(s: None) None
- idf_build_apps.utils.to_list(s: Iterable[_T]) List[_T]
- idf_build_apps.utils.to_list(s: _T) List[_T]
Turn all objects to lists
- Parameters:
s – anything
- Returns:
, ifs
is Noneitself, if
is a listlist(s)
, ifs
is a tuple or a set[s]
, ifs
is other type
- idf_build_apps.utils.to_set(s: None) None
- idf_build_apps.utils.to_set(s: Iterable[_T]) Set[_T]
- idf_build_apps.utils.to_set(s: _T) Set[_T]
Turn all objects to sets
- Parameters:
s – anything
- Returns:
, ifs
is Noneitself, if
is a setset(to_list(s))
, ifs
is other type
- idf_build_apps.utils.semicolon_separated_str_to_list(s: Optional[str]) Optional[List[str]]
Split a string by semicolon and strip each part
- Args:
s: string to split
- Returns:
list of strings
- idf_build_apps.utils.to_absolute_path(s: str, rootpath: Optional[str] = None) str
- idf_build_apps.utils.to_version(s: Any) Version
- idf_build_apps.utils.files_matches_patterns(files: Union[List[str], str], patterns: Union[List[str], str], rootpath: Optional[str] = None) bool
- class idf_build_apps.utils.BaseModel
BaseModel that is hashable
- idf_build_apps.utils.drop_none_kwargs(d: dict) dict
Module contents
Tools for building ESP-IDF related apps.
- class idf_build_apps.App(app_dir: str, target: str, *, work_dir: Optional[str] = None, build_dir: str = 'build', build_log_filename: Optional[str] = None, size_json_filename: Optional[str] = None, build_system: typing_extensions.Literal[unknown] = 'unknown', sdkconfig_path: Optional[str] = None, config_name: Optional[str] = None, sdkconfig_defaults_str: Optional[str] = None, dry_run: bool = False, verbose: bool = False, check_warnings: bool = False, preserve: bool = True, copy_sdkconfig: bool = False, index: Optional[int] = None, build_status: BuildStatus = BuildStatus.UNKNOWN, build_comment: Optional[str] = None)
- TARGET_PLACEHOLDER: ClassVar[str] = '@t'
- WILDCARD_PLACEHOLDER: ClassVar[str] = '@w'
- NAME_PLACEHOLDER: ClassVar[str] = '@n'
- FULL_NAME_PLACEHOLDER: ClassVar[str] = '@f'
- IDF_VERSION_PLACEHOLDER: ClassVar[str] = '@v'
- INDEX_PLACEHOLDER: ClassVar[str] = '@i'
- SDKCONFIG_LINE_REGEX: ClassVar[Pattern] = re.compile('^([^=]+)=\\"?([^\\"\\n]*)\\"?\\n*$')
- LOG_ERROR_WARNING_REGEX: ClassVar[Pattern] = re.compile('(?:error|warning):', re.IGNORECASE|re.MULTILINE)
- LOG_DEBUG_LINES: ClassVar[int] = 25
- IGNORE_WARNS_REGEXES: ClassVar[List[Pattern]] = []
- build_system: typing_extensions.Literal[unknown]
- app_dir: str
- target: str
- sdkconfig_path: Optional[str]
- config_name: Optional[str]
- sdkconfig_defaults_str: Optional[str]
- dry_run: bool
- verbose: bool
- check_warnings: bool
- preserve: bool
- copy_sdkconfig: bool
- index: Optional[int]
- build_status: BuildStatus
- build_comment: Optional[str]
- classmethod from_another(other: App, **kwargs) App
Init New App from another, with different parameters.
eg: new_app = [Cmake]App.from_another(app, config=’debug’)
- property sdkconfig_defaults_candidates: List[str]
- property name: str
- property work_dir: str
- Returns:
directory where the app should be copied to, prior to the build.
- property build_dir: str
- Returns:
build directory, either relative to the work directory (if relative path is used) or absolute path.
- property build_path: str
- property build_log_filename: Optional[str]
- property build_log_path: str
- property size_json_filename: Optional[str]
- property size_json_path: Optional[str]
- property sdkconfig_files_defined_idf_target: Optional[str]
- property sdkconfig_files: List[str]
- property depends_components: List[str]
- property depends_filepatterns: List[str]
- property supported_targets: List[str]
- property verified_targets: List[str]
- record_build_duration()
- build(*, manifest_rootpath: Optional[str] = None, modified_components: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None, modified_files: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None, check_app_dependencies: bool = False) None
- write_size_json() None
- to_json() str
- is_error_or_warning(line: str) Tuple[bool, bool]
- classmethod is_app(path: str) bool
- is_modified(modified_files: Optional[List[str]]) bool
- check_should_build(*, manifest_rootpath: Optional[str] = None, modified_manifest_rules_folders: Optional[Set[str]] = None, check_app_dependencies: bool = False, modified_components: Optional[List[str]] = None, modified_files: Optional[List[str]] = None) None
- class idf_build_apps.CMakeApp(app_dir: str, target: str, *, work_dir: Optional[str] = None, build_dir: str = 'build', build_log_filename: Optional[str] = None, size_json_filename: Optional[str] = None, build_system: typing_extensions.Literal[cmake] = 'cmake', sdkconfig_path: Optional[str] = None, config_name: Optional[str] = None, sdkconfig_defaults_str: Optional[str] = None, dry_run: bool = False, verbose: bool = False, check_warnings: bool = False, preserve: bool = True, copy_sdkconfig: bool = False, index: Optional[int] = None, build_status: BuildStatus = BuildStatus.UNKNOWN, build_comment: Optional[str] = None, cmake_vars: Dict[str, str] = {})
- CMAKE_PROJECT_LINE: ClassVar[str] = 'include($ENV{IDF_PATH}/tools/cmake/project.cmake)'
- build_system: typing_extensions.Literal[cmake]
- app_dir: str
- target: str
- sdkconfig_path: t.Optional[str]
- config_name: t.Optional[str]
- sdkconfig_defaults_str: t.Optional[str]
- dry_run: bool
- verbose: bool
- check_warnings: bool
- preserve: bool
- copy_sdkconfig: bool
- index: t.Optional[int]
- build_status: BuildStatus
- build_comment: t.Optional[str]
- cmake_vars: Dict[str, str]
- classmethod is_app(path: str) bool
- class idf_build_apps.MakeApp(app_dir: str, target: str, *, work_dir: Optional[str] = None, build_dir: str = 'build', build_log_filename: Optional[str] = None, size_json_filename: Optional[str] = None, build_system: typing_extensions.Literal[make] = 'make', sdkconfig_path: Optional[str] = None, config_name: Optional[str] = None, sdkconfig_defaults_str: Optional[str] = None, dry_run: bool = False, verbose: bool = False, check_warnings: bool = False, preserve: bool = True, copy_sdkconfig: bool = False, index: Optional[int] = None, build_status: BuildStatus = BuildStatus.UNKNOWN, build_comment: Optional[str] = None)
- MAKE_PROJECT_LINE: ClassVar[str] = 'include $(IDF_PATH)/make/'
- build_system: typing_extensions.Literal[make]
- property supported_targets: List[str]
- classmethod is_app(path: str) bool
- app_dir: str
- target: str
- sdkconfig_path: t.Optional[str]
- config_name: t.Optional[str]
- sdkconfig_defaults_str: t.Optional[str]
- dry_run: bool
- verbose: bool
- check_warnings: bool
- preserve: bool
- copy_sdkconfig: bool
- index: t.Optional[int]
- build_status: BuildStatus
- build_comment: t.Optional[str]
- idf_build_apps.build_apps(apps: Optional[Union[List[App], App]] = None, *, build_arguments: Optional[BuildArguments] = None, config_file: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) int
Build all the specified apps. For all kwargs, please refer to BuildArguments
- Returns:
exit code
- Parameters:
verbose (int) – Verbosity level. By default set to WARNING. Specify -v for INFO, -vv for DEBUG
log_file (Union[str, NoneType]) – Path to the log file, if not specified logs will be printed to stderr
no_color (bool) – Disable colored output
manifest_files (Union[List[Union[pathlib.Path, str]], NoneType]) – Path to the manifest files which contains the build test rules of the apps
manifest_filepatterns (Union[List[str], NoneType]) – space-separated list of file patterns to search for the manifest files. The matched files will be loaded as the manifest files.
manifest_rootpath (str) – Root path to resolve the relative paths defined in the manifest files. By default set to the current directory. Support environment variables.
modified_components (Union[List[str], NoneType]) – semicolon-separated list of modified components. If set to “”, the value would be considered as None. If set to “;”, the value would be considered as an empty list.
modified_files (Union[List[str], NoneType]) – semicolon-separated list of modified files. If set to “”, the value would be considered as None. If set to “;”, the value would be considered as an empty list.
deactivate_dependency_driven_build_by_components (Union[List[str], NoneType]) – semicolon-separated list of components. dependency-driven build feature will be deactivated when any of these components are modified. Must be specified together with –modified-components. If set to “”, the value would be considered as None. If set to “;”, the value would be considered as an empty list.
deactivate_dependency_driven_build_by_filepatterns (Union[List[str], NoneType]) – semicolon-separated list of file patterns. dependency-driven build feature will be deactivated when any of matched files are modified. Must be specified together with –modified-files. If set to “”, the value would be considered as None. If set to “;”, the value would be considered as an empty list.
check_manifest_rules (bool) – Check if all folders defined in the manifest files exist. Fail if not
compare_manifest_sha_filepath (Union[str, NoneType]) – Path to the file containing the hash of the manifest rules. Compare the hash with the current manifest rules. All matched apps will be built if the corresponding manifest rule is modified
paths (List[str]) – Paths to the directories containing the apps. By default set to the current directory
target (str) – Filter the apps by target. By default set to “all”
build_system (Union[str, Type[]]) – Filter the apps by build system. By default set to “cmake”
recursive (bool) – Search for apps recursively under the specified paths
exclude (Union[List[str], NoneType]) – Ignore the specified directories while searching recursively
work_dir (Union[str, NoneType]) – Copy the app to this directory before building. By default set to the app directory. Can expand placeholders
build_dir (str) – Build directory for the app. By default set to “build”. When set to relative path, it will be treated as relative to the app directory. Can expand placeholders
build_log_filename (Union[str, NoneType]) – Log filename under the build directory instead of stdout. Can expand placeholders
size_json_filename (Union[str, NoneType]) – size output file under the build directory when specified. Can expand placeholders
config_rules (Union[List[str], NoneType]) – Defines the rules of building the project with pre-set sdkconfig files. Supports FILENAME[=NAME] or FILEPATTERN format. FILENAME is the filename of the sdkconfig file, relative to the app directory. Optional NAME is the name of the configuration. if not specified, the filename is used as the name. FILEPATTERN is the filename of the sdkconfig file with a single wildcard character (*). The NAME is the value matched by the wildcard
override_sdkconfig_items (Union[str, NoneType]) – A comma-separated list of key=value pairs to override the sdkconfig items
override_sdkconfig_files (Union[str, NoneType]) – A comma-separated list of sdkconfig files to override the sdkconfig items. When set to relative path, it will be treated as relative to the current directory
sdkconfig_defaults (Union[str, NoneType]) – A semicolon-separated list of sdkconfig files passed to -DSDKCONFIG_DEFAULTS. SDKCONFIG_DEFAULTS environment variable is used when not specified
check_warnings (bool) – Check for warnings in the build output. Fail if any warnings are found
default_build_targets (Union[List[str], NoneType]) – space-separated list of the default enabled build targets for the apps. When not specified, the default value is the targets listed by –list-targets
enable_preview_targets (bool) – When enabled, the default build targets will be set to all apps, including the preview targets. As the targets defined in –list-targets –preview
include_skipped_apps (bool) – Include the skipped apps in the output, together with the enabled ones
include_disabled_apps (bool) – Include the disabled apps in the output, together with the enabled ones
include_all_apps (bool) – Include skipped, and disabled apps in the output, together with the enabled ones
build_verbose (bool) – Enable verbose output of the build system
parallel_count (int) – Number of parallel build jobs in total. Specified together with –parallel-index. The given apps will be divided into parallel_count parts, and the current run will build the parallel_index-th part
parallel_index (int) – Index (1-based) of the parallel build job. Specified together with –parallel-count. The given apps will be divided into parallel_count parts, and the current run will build the parallel_index-th part
dry_run (bool) – Skip the actual build, only print the build process
keep_going (bool) – Continue building the next app when the current build fails
no_preserve (bool) – Do not preserve the build directory after a successful build
ignore_warning_strs (Union[List[str], NoneType]) – space-separated list of patterns. Ignore the warnings in the build output that match the patterns
ignore_warning_files (Union[List[Union[str, _io.TextIOWrapper]], NoneType]) – Path to the files containing the patterns to ignore the warnings in the build output
copy_sdkconfig (bool) – Copy the sdkconfig file to the build directory
collect_size_info_filename (Union[str, NoneType]) – Record size json filepath of the built apps to the specified file. Each line is a json string. Can expand placeholders @p
collect_app_info_filename (Union[str, NoneType]) – Record serialized app model of the built apps to the specified file. Each line is a json string. Can expand placeholders @p
junitxml_filename (Union[str, NoneType]) – Path to the junitxml file to record the build results. Can expand placeholder @p
- idf_build_apps.find_apps(paths: Optional[Union[List[str], str]] = None, target: Optional[str] = None, *, find_arguments: Optional[FindArguments] = None, config_file: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) List[App]
Find apps in the given paths for the specified target. For all kwargs, please refer to FindArguments
- Returns:
list of found apps
- Parameters:
verbose (int) – Verbosity level. By default set to WARNING. Specify -v for INFO, -vv for DEBUG
log_file (Union[str, NoneType]) – Path to the log file, if not specified logs will be printed to stderr
no_color (bool) – Disable colored output
manifest_files (Union[List[Union[pathlib.Path, str]], NoneType]) – Path to the manifest files which contains the build test rules of the apps
manifest_filepatterns (Union[List[str], NoneType]) – space-separated list of file patterns to search for the manifest files. The matched files will be loaded as the manifest files.
manifest_rootpath (str) – Root path to resolve the relative paths defined in the manifest files. By default set to the current directory. Support environment variables.
modified_components (Union[List[str], NoneType]) – semicolon-separated list of modified components. If set to “”, the value would be considered as None. If set to “;”, the value would be considered as an empty list.
modified_files (Union[List[str], NoneType]) – semicolon-separated list of modified files. If set to “”, the value would be considered as None. If set to “;”, the value would be considered as an empty list.
deactivate_dependency_driven_build_by_components (Union[List[str], NoneType]) – semicolon-separated list of components. dependency-driven build feature will be deactivated when any of these components are modified. Must be specified together with –modified-components. If set to “”, the value would be considered as None. If set to “;”, the value would be considered as an empty list.
deactivate_dependency_driven_build_by_filepatterns (Union[List[str], NoneType]) – semicolon-separated list of file patterns. dependency-driven build feature will be deactivated when any of matched files are modified. Must be specified together with –modified-files. If set to “”, the value would be considered as None. If set to “;”, the value would be considered as an empty list.
check_manifest_rules (bool) – Check if all folders defined in the manifest files exist. Fail if not
compare_manifest_sha_filepath (Union[str, NoneType]) – Path to the file containing the hash of the manifest rules. Compare the hash with the current manifest rules. All matched apps will be built if the corresponding manifest rule is modified
paths (List[str]) – Paths to the directories containing the apps. By default set to the current directory
target (str) – Filter the apps by target. By default set to “all”
build_system (Union[str, Type[]]) – Filter the apps by build system. By default set to “cmake”
recursive (bool) – Search for apps recursively under the specified paths
exclude (Union[List[str], NoneType]) – Ignore the specified directories while searching recursively
work_dir (Union[str, NoneType]) – Copy the app to this directory before building. By default set to the app directory. Can expand placeholders
build_dir (str) – Build directory for the app. By default set to “build”. When set to relative path, it will be treated as relative to the app directory. Can expand placeholders
build_log_filename (Union[str, NoneType]) – Log filename under the build directory instead of stdout. Can expand placeholders
size_json_filename (Union[str, NoneType]) – size output file under the build directory when specified. Can expand placeholders
config_rules (Union[List[str], NoneType]) – Defines the rules of building the project with pre-set sdkconfig files. Supports FILENAME[=NAME] or FILEPATTERN format. FILENAME is the filename of the sdkconfig file, relative to the app directory. Optional NAME is the name of the configuration. if not specified, the filename is used as the name. FILEPATTERN is the filename of the sdkconfig file with a single wildcard character (*). The NAME is the value matched by the wildcard
override_sdkconfig_items (Union[str, NoneType]) – A comma-separated list of key=value pairs to override the sdkconfig items
override_sdkconfig_files (Union[str, NoneType]) – A comma-separated list of sdkconfig files to override the sdkconfig items. When set to relative path, it will be treated as relative to the current directory
sdkconfig_defaults (Union[str, NoneType]) – A semicolon-separated list of sdkconfig files passed to -DSDKCONFIG_DEFAULTS. SDKCONFIG_DEFAULTS environment variable is used when not specified
check_warnings (bool) – Check for warnings in the build output. Fail if any warnings are found
default_build_targets (Union[List[str], NoneType]) – space-separated list of the default enabled build targets for the apps. When not specified, the default value is the targets listed by –list-targets
enable_preview_targets (bool) – When enabled, the default build targets will be set to all apps, including the preview targets. As the targets defined in –list-targets –preview
include_skipped_apps (bool) – Include the skipped apps in the output, together with the enabled ones
include_disabled_apps (bool) – Include the disabled apps in the output, together with the enabled ones
include_all_apps (bool) – Include skipped, and disabled apps in the output, together with the enabled ones
output (Union[str, NoneType]) – Record the found apps to the specified file instead of stdout
output_format (str) – Output format of the found apps. In “raw” format, each line is a json string serialized from the app model. In “json” format, the output is a json list of the serialized app models
- idf_build_apps.json_to_app(json_str: str, extra_classes: Optional[List[Type[App]]] = None) App
Deserialize json string to App object
You can pass extra_cls to support custom App class. A custom App class must be a subclass of App, and have a different value of build_system. For example, a custom CMake app
class CustomApp(CMakeApp): build_system: Literal['custom_cmake'] = 'custom_cmake'
Then you can pass the
class to theextra_cls
argumentjson_str = CustomApp('.', 'esp32').to_json() json_to_app(json_str, extra_classes=[CustomApp])
- Parameters:
json_str – json string
extra_classes – extra App class
- Returns:
App object
- idf_build_apps.setup_logging(verbose: int = 0, log_file: Optional[str] = None, colored: bool = True) None
Setup logging stream handler
- Parameters:
verbose – 0 - WARNING, 1 - INFO, 2 - DEBUG
log_file – log file path
colored – colored output or not
- Returns: