idf_build_apps.vendors package


Partially copied from v2.5.2 since python 3.7 version got dropped at pydantic-settings 2.1.0 but the feature we need introduced in 2.2.0

For contributing history please refer to the original github page For the full license text refer to

Modifications: - use toml instead of tomli when python < 3.11 - stop using global variables - fix some warnings - recursively find TOML file.

class idf_build_apps.vendors.pydantic_sources.ConfigFileSourceMixin

Bases: ABC

class idf_build_apps.vendors.pydantic_sources.TomlConfigSettingsSource(settings_cls: Type[BaseSettings], toml_file: Optional[Path] = PosixPath('.'))

Bases: InitSettingsSource, ConfigFileSourceMixin

A source class that loads variables from a TOML file

class idf_build_apps.vendors.pydantic_sources.PyprojectTomlConfigSettingsSource(settings_cls: Type[BaseSettings], toml_file: Optional[Path] = None)

Bases: TomlConfigSettingsSource

A source class that loads variables from a pyproject.toml file.

Module contents