How to Update Factory Parameters


This document describes how to update the default factory parameter configuration for ESP-AT. The factory parameter configuration includes some Wi-Fi configurations, UART configurations, and module configurations.

Factory Parameter Configuration

The default factory parameters are configured in the source file customized_partitions/raw_data/factory_param/factory_param_data.csv, as shown below:


Current Configuration

Related AT Commands

Wi-Fi Configuration

  • max_tx_power (Wi-Fi maximum transmission power for ESP32-C6, see ESP32-C6 Transmit Power for the setting range)

  • country_code (country code)

  • start_channel (starting Wi-Fi channel)

  • channel_num (total number of Wi-Fi channels)

All AT commands requiring Wi-Fi functionality

UART Configuration

  • uart_port (UART port used for sending AT commands and receiving AT responses)

  • uart_baudrate (UART baud rate)

  • uart_tx_pin (UART TX pin)

  • uart_rx_pin (UART RX pin)

  • uart_cts_pin (UART CTS pin)

  • uart_rts_pin (UART RTS pin)

All AT commands requiring UART functionality

Module Name



Please modify the factory parameters configurations according to your own needs and generate mfg_nvs.bin file.

Generate mfg_nvs.bin

Please refer to Generate mfg_nvs.bin document to generate the mfg_nvs.bin file with the factory parameters configurations.

Download mfg_nvs.bin

Please refer to Download mfg_nvs.bin document.