Wi-Fi Expansion
ESP32-P4 does not support Wi-Fi functionality natively, but it is possible to use the same Wi-Fi API and features using Wi-Fi expansion.
ESP32-P4 esp_wifi_remote
The principle of Wi-Fi Expansion operation is to add another ESP32 series, Wi-Fi capable, target connected to the ESP32-P4 in a pre-defined way. Your project could then include the esp_wifi_remote component using:
idf.py add-dependency esp_wifi_remote
Please follow the instructions described in the esp_wifi_remote documentation.
To explore the Wi-Fi Expansion functionality on ESP32-P4, you can get started with this example: examples/protocols/mqtt/tcp/README.md and choose Wi-Fi connection in the project configuration menu.
ESP32-P4 esp-extconn
The principle of esp-extconn operation is to add another supported target series connected to the ESP32-P4 in a pre-defined way. Compared to the esp_wifi_remote approach, the target side can operate without flash, as the firmware is delivered by the hosted side. Your project could then include the esp-extconn component using:
idf.py add-dependency esp-extconn
Please follow the instructions described in the esp-extconn documentation.
To explore the esp-extconn functionality on ESP32-P4, you can get started with this example: examples/wifi/iperf/README.md and choose Wi-Fi connection in the project configuration menu.