Configure Your Project


Select an Espressif target (esp32, esp32s2, etc.) by going to View > Command Palette and entering ESP-IDF: Set Espressif Device Target command.

Go to View > Command Palette and enter ESP-IDF: Select OpenOCD Board Configuration to choose the openOCD configuration files for the extension openOCD server.


Please refer to Configuration of OpenOCD for Specific Target to select the appropriate OpenOCD configuration file based on your hardware.

Next, configure your project. Go to View > Command Palette and enter ESP-IDF: SDK Configuration Editor to adjust ESP-IDF project settings.


After making changes, click save and close the window.

Next, proceed to Build Your project.

C and C++ Code Navigation and Syntax Highlighting


C and C++ code navigation is automatically configured if you create the project as described in Configure Your Project. Those commands generate the {PROJECT_DIRECTORY_PATH}/.vscode/c_cpp_properties.json file.

For code navigation and C/C++ syntax highlighting, you can use Microsoft C/C++ extension, LLVM clangd extension, or any other preferred extension.

Usually C/C++ language extensions rely on a file called compile_commands.json, which is located in your project build directory. You can generate this file using the ESP-IDF: Run reconfigure task.

For LLVM clangd extension, only compile_commands.json is needed. For Microsoft C/C++ extension, a configuration file is located at {PROJECT_DIRECTORY_PATH}/.vscode/c_cpp_properties.json. This file can be generated by creating a project using ESP-IDF: New Project, ESP-IDF: Show Example Projects command, or by using the ESP-IDF: Add .vscode Configuration Folder command on an existing ESP-IDF projects.

The file structure is as follows:

    "configurations": [
            "name": "ESP-IDF",
            "compilerPath": "/path/to/toolchain-gcc",
            "compileCommands": "${workspaceFolder}/build/compile_commands.json",
            "includePath": [
            "browse": {
                "path": [

If compile_commands.json is not defined, Microsoft C/C++ extension will browse the provided ESP-IDF path to resolve code navigation.