Build Your Project


  1. Build your project: Go to View > Command Palette, enter ESP-IDF: Build your Project and choose the command to build the project.

  2. A new terminal will open with the build output. A notification bar will display the “Building project” message, followed by a “Building done” message when the process is complete.



    There is an idf.notificationMode configuration setting if you prefer not to see the output automatically. Please refer to ESP-IDF Settings to learn how to modify this configuration.

    You can adjust the behavior of the build task with idf.cmakeCompilerArgs for the Cmake configure step and idf.ninjaArgs for the Ninja step. For example, use idf.ninjaArgs: [-j N] where N is the number of jobs to run in parallel.

  3. After building the application, the size analysis task will run in a terminal, showing the binary size analysis results. You can enable or disable this task with idf.enableSizeTaskAfterBuildTask in the settings.json.


The ESP-IDF build output will provide hints to resolve errors, which can be viewed using the Hints Viewer.

Next, proceed to Flash onto the Device.