
esp_tinyuf2 is an enhanced version of TinyUF2 for ESP chips with USB support. Which features:

  • support over-the-air (OTA) updates through the virtual USB drive

  • support dumping NVS key-value pairs to ini file in the virtual USB drive

  • support modify ini file and write back to NVS

UF2 is a file format developed by Microsoft for PXT, that is particularly suitable for flashing microcontrollers over MSC (Mass Storage Class). For a more friendly explanation, check out the blog post.

Support UF2 OTA/NVS in Your Project

  1. Add the component to your project using add_dependency command. add-dependency "esp_tinyuf2"
  2. Customer your partition table. Like other OTA solutions, you need to reserve at least two OTA app partitions. Please refer to Partition Tables and usb_uf2_ota example for details.

    # Partition Table Example
    # Name,   Type, SubType, Offset,  Size, Flags
    nvs,      data, nvs,     ,        0x4000,
    otadata,  data, ota,     ,        0x2000,
    phy_init, data, phy,     ,        0x1000,
    ota_0,    app,  ota_0,   ,        1500K,
    ota_1,    app,  ota_1,   ,        1500K,
  3. Using menuconfig to config the component’s behavior in (Top) Component config TinyUF2 Config

  • USB Virtual Disk size(MB): The size of the virtual U-disk shows in File Explorer, 8MB by default

  • Max APP size(MB): Maximum APP size, 4MB by default

  • Flash cache size(KB): Cache size used for writing Flash efficiently, 32KB by default

  • USB Device VID: Espressif VID (0x303A) by default

  • USB Device PID: Espressif test PID (0x8000) by default, refer esp-usb-pid to apply new.

  • USB Disk Name: The name of the virtual U-disk shows in File Explorer, ESP32Sx-UF2 by default

  • USB Device Manufacture: Espressif by default

  • Product Name: ESP TinyUF2 by default

  • Product ID: 12345678 by default

  • Product URL: A index file will be added to the U-disk, users can click to goto the webpage, by default

  • UF2 NVS ini file size: The ini file size prepares for NVS function

  1. Install tinyuf2 function like below, for more details, please refer example usb_uf2_nvs and usb_uf2_ota

    /* install UF2 OTA */
    tinyuf2_ota_config_t ota_config = DEFAULT_TINYUF2_OTA_CONFIG();
    ota_config.complete_cb = uf2_update_complete_cb;
    /* disable auto restart, if false manual restart later */
    ota_config.if_restart = false;
    /* install UF2 NVS */
    tinyuf2_nvs_config_t nvs_config = DEFAULT_TINYUF2_NVS_CONFIG();
    nvs_config.part_name = "nvs";
    nvs_config.namespace_name = "myuf2";
    nvs_config.modified_cb = uf2_nvs_modified_cb;
    esp_tinyuf2_install(&ota_config, &nvs_config);
  2. Run build flash for the initial download, later uf2-ota can be used to generate new uf2 app bin

  3. Drag and drop UF2 format file to the disk, to upgrade to new uf2 app bin

UF2 Disk

UF2 NVS Hidden

By enabling UF2_INI_NVS_VALUE_HIDDEN via menuconfig ((Top) → Component config → TinyUF2 Config → Enable UF2 ini file hide NVS value), the values in NVS will be encrypted and replaced with ****.


Enable UF2 USB Console

Through menuconfig (Top) Component config TinyUF2 Config Enable USB Console For log, the log will be output to the USB Serial port (Output to UART by default).

Build APP to UF2 format

The new command uf2-ota is added by this component, which can be used to build the APP to UF2 format. After the build is complete, the UF2 file (${PROJECT_NAME}.uf2) will be generated in the current project directory. uf2-ota

Convert Existing APP to UF2 Format

To convert your existing APP binary to UF2 format, simply use the on a .bin file, specifying the family id as ESP32S2, ESP32S3 or their magic number as follows. And you must specify the address of 0x00 with the -b switch, the tinyuf2 will use it as offset to write to the OTA partition.

  1. convert as follows

    using: your_firmware.bin -c -b 0x00 -f ESP32S3

    or: your_firmware.bin -c -b 0x00 -f 0xc47e5767


  • To use the UF2 OTA function continuously, the TinyUF2 function must be enabled in the updated APP.

Using UF2 in Bootloader

By embedding a specific APP bin with UF2 functionality into the Bootloader, the following features can be achieved: 1. Automatically enter UF2 download mode when the factory/test/ota partitions do not contain firmware. 2. Manually enter UF2 download mode by pulling the BOOT_UF2 pin low. 3. Manually enter UF2 download mode by calling esp_restart_from_tinyuf2() function in user app.




  1. By default, only nvs/phy_init/factory partitions are supported. To support test/ota/spiffs partitions, modify the partition table manually and recompile.

  2. Drag-and-drop upgrades default to the factory partition. Ensure the factory partition exists or modify the code manually.

  3. The default CONFIG_PARTITION_TABLE_OFFSET is set to 0x60000. If the firmware is too large, modify this value.

  4. The default nvs partition name is CONFIG_BOOTLOADER_UF2_NVS_PART_NAME (“nvs”), and the default NVS namespace is CONFIG_BOOTLOADER_UF2_NVS_NAMESPACE_NAME (“uf2_nvs”). Ensure the user firmware uses the same NVS partition name and namespace as the bootloader for proper functionality.

  5. A working indicator LED is supported by default. The default LED GPIO is CONFIG_BOOTLOADER_UF2_LED_INDICATOR_GPIO_NUM (2). Ensure this matches the hardware connection.

Flash Partition Reference:



  • The Bootloader UF2 bin must be flashed at an address aligned to a multiple of CONFIG_MMU_PAGE_SIZE; otherwise, it will not work.

Note: The CONFIG_MMU_PAGE_SIZE for ESP32-S2/ESP32-S3/ESP32-P4 defaults to 64KB (0x10000), so flashing must align to a 64KB (0x10000) boundary.

  • Configure CONFIG_PARTITION_TABLE_OFFSET to accommodate the combined size of bootloader.bin + bootloader_uf2.bin; otherwise, bootloader_uf2.bin cannot be flashed.

  • Enable the CONFIG_ENABLE_BOOTLOADER_UF2 macro.

  • Enable the CONFIG_SPI_FLASH_DANGEROUS_WRITE_ALLOWED macro: Since the position for bootloader_uf2.bin is not explicitly shown in the partition table, the checks must be disabled.

  • Flash the Bin files to the firmware according to the following addresses:

    1. CONFIG_BOOTLOADER_OFFSET_IN_FLASH(The starting addresses vary for different chips.) - bootloader.bin

    2. 0x10000 - bootloader_uf2.bin

    3. CONFIG_PARTITION_TABLE_OFFSET (0x6000) - partition-table.bin

    Add the following snippet to your project’s CMakeLists.txt to automatically generate a merged Bin file after compilation:

   TARGET app
   COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo "Flash merged bin merge_uf2.bin to address ${CONFIG_BOOTLOADER_OFFSET_IN_FLASH}"
   COMMAND ${ESPTOOLPY} --chip ${IDF_TARGET} merge_bin -o merge_uf2.bin ${CONFIG_BOOTLOADER_OFFSET_IN_FLASH} ${BUILD_DIR}/bootloader/bootloader.bin 0x10000 ${BUILD_DIR}/${PROJECT_BIN} ${CONFIG_PARTITION_TABLE_OFFSET} ${BUILD_DIR}/partition_table/partition-table.bin

API Reference

Header File


esp_err_t esp_tinyuf2_install(tinyuf2_ota_config_t *ota_config, tinyuf2_nvs_config_t *nvs_config)

Flashing app to specified partition through USB UF2 (Virtual USB Disk), and support operate NVS partition through USB UF2 CONFIG.ini file.


  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_ARG invalid parameter, please check partitions

  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE tinyuf2 already installed

  • ESP_OK Success

esp_err_t esp_tinyuf2_uninstall(void)

Uninstall tinyuf2, only reset USB to default state.


not release memory due to tinyusb not support teardown



  • ESP_ERR_INVALID_STATE tinyuf2 not installed

  • ESP_OK Success

tinyuf2_state_t esp_tinyuf2_current_state(void)

Get tinyuf2 current state.



void esp_restart_from_tinyuf2(void)

Restart system and set reset reason to UF2_RESET_REASON_VALUE.


struct tinyuf2_ota_config_t

tinyuf2 configurations

Public Members

esp_partition_subtype_t subtype

Partition subtype. if ESP_PARTITION_SUBTYPE_ANY will use the next_update_partition by default.

const char *label

Partition label. Set this value if looking for partition with a specific name. if subtype==ESP_PARTITION_SUBTYPE_ANY, label default to NULL.

bool if_restart

if restart system to new app partition after UF2 flashing done

update_complete_cb_t complete_cb

user callback called after uf2 update complete

struct tinyuf2_nvs_config_t

tinyuf2 nvs configurations

Public Members

const char *part_name

Partition name.

const char *namespace_name

Namespace name.

nvs_modified_cb_t modified_cb

user callback called after uf2 update complete



Type Definitions

typedef void (*update_complete_cb_t)(void)

user callback called after uf2 update complete

typedef void (*nvs_modified_cb_t)(void)

user callback called after nvs modified


enum tinyuf2_state_t

tinyuf2 current state



tinyuf2 driver not installed


tinyuf2 driver installed


USB mounted